Z Bus Computation For Networks Having Mutually Coupled Elements Using Uncoupled Equivalents of Coupled Groups
Z Bus Computation For Networks Having Mutually Coupled Elements Using Uncoupled Equivalents of Coupled Groups
Z Bus Computation For Networks Having Mutually Coupled Elements Using Uncoupled Equivalents of Coupled Groups
Abstract—This paper presents a new algorithm for the for- obtained by long hand calculations and no general procedure
mation and modification of bus impedance matrix of networks is proposed in [7] to find such uncoupled equivalent.
having mutually coupled elements. The key idea in the proposed The aim of this paper is to show that the uncoupled
algorithm is obtaining the uncoupled equivalent circuit of a cou-
pled group. Using such equivalents, the bus impedance matrix equivalent for mutually coupled group of elements can be
is formed using the well-known and extremely simple ZBU S obtained by adopting [8] a relatively new algorithm for
building algorithm applicable for uncoupled networks. A new the formation of YBU S of circuits having mutually coupled
algorithm to obtain the elements of such uncoupled equivalent elements. We show here how the algorithm in [8] can be
circuits is proposed. This idea is extended for modifying the bus suitably modified for this purpose.
impedance matrix to account for changes in the network due
to addition/deletion/modification of a mutually coupled element. In several applications, the network keeps changing
The proposed methods are illustrated using examples. marginally from a base case configuration for which ZBU S is
Index Terms—Power system analysis; Bus impedance matrix; known and the ZBU S of these modified configuration would
mutual coupling; Fault analysis be needed. For such occasions, instead of reconstructing the
ZBU S from the beginning, techniques are shown in [9] for
I. I NTRODUCTION removal and changes in self impedance of a line belonging
Elements of the bus impedance matrix(ZBU S ) are used to a mutually coupled group. There is no such direct general
in many power system analysis situations. Algorithms for method available in the literature to account for changes in
computation of ZBU S for networks having no mutually both self and mutual value of a network element. In this paper
coupled elements are available since the 60’s. Among these we also propose a general approach to compute the effect
methods, the ZBU S bus building algorithm introduced by of the all types of network changes on the ZBU S including
Brown et al. [1] is widely known. Saxena et al. [2] proposed situations of the self and mutual impedances of an element
an implementation for this ZBU S algorithm by suitably changing simultaneously by extending the scheme proposed
choosing the sequence for the addition of elements. But these here for the formation of the ZBU S matrix.
methods are applicable only for networks that do not have any
mutually coupled elements. The ZBU S building algorithm for II. T HE P ROPOSED M ETHOD
networks with mutually coupled elements proposed in [3] The algorithm in [8] facilitates the computation of YBU S of
is widely known and is found in most of the text books networks with mutually coupled elements in a very simple
[4], [5]. In this method, mutually coupled elements are way. The algorithm requires only the primitive admittance
added one at a time. This scheme requires inversion of a matrix of the network. In any network having mutually
partial primitive impedance matrix at every step and also coupled elements, one can easily identify one or more groups
the algorithm is quite complex as compared to that in [1]. of mutually coupled elements among the many uncoupled
Another method discussed in [6] uses the matrix inversion elements. The primitive admittance matrix is computed by
lemma to include a mutually coupled group in one step. inverting the primitive impedance matrix of individual groups
However, this method requires a large number of matrix of coupled elements. The full matrix need not to be inverted
operations and sometimes requires the introduction of dummy simultaneously.
elements before introducing a group of elements (and their The proposed approach requires the determination of an
subsequent deletion). uncoupled equivalent of a coupled group of elements. We
An interesting approach has been suggested in [7] where first show how this can be done using the method in [8]. Let
it is shown by considering some small examples that the bus us consider a network with a group of m mutually coupled
impedance matrix of circuits with mutually coupled elements elements. Let the number of nodes associated with this group
can be obtained using the method in [1] if one could find be n. Consider an element yij at the primitive admittance
an uncoupled equivalent for a mutual coupled group. The matrix that corresponds to two network elements i and j. Let
uncoupled equivalents for the examples in [7] have been the ‘from’ and ‘to’ nodes of element i be p and q respectively.
c 2014 IEEE Similarly the ‘from’ and ‘to’ nodes of element j be r and
s respectively. The algorithm in [8] considers each non zero 1 2
element of the primitive admittance matrix (yij ) and updates 0.1 0.125
four elements of bus admittance matrix YBU S as follows
Y (p, r) = Y (p, r) + yij (1)
Y (p, s) = Y (p, s) − yij (2) 0.2 0.1
Y (q, s) = Y (q, s) + yij (3)
Y (q, r) = Y (q, r) − yij (4) 0.3
From the above algorithm it is evident that each yij
0.3 0.2
element is added and subtracted once from each row of YBU S
to which they contribute. So the sum of all elements in any
3 5 4
row or column of a YBU S is zero. This implies that the Fig. 1. Illustration of Proposed Scheme
diagonal element in any row is the negative of sum of all
the off diagonal elements.
Now consider another network having elements only with N ETWORK DATA
self admittance. Let the self admittance of the element in
such a network between say nodes a and b (where a 6= b) be Nodes Mutual z
Element Self z-value
From To With line no. Value
equal to −Y (a, b) found above. The YBU S matrix of such 1 1 2 0.1 2 -0.1
a network would be exactly equal to YBU S found by the 2 1 3 0.2 - -
above algorithm. Therefore this network made up of only 3 2 5 0.1 - -
uncoupled elements (as defined above) can be considered as 4 3 5 0.3 1 -0.1
5 2 4 0.125 - -
the uncoupled equivalent of the m mutually coupled group
6 4 5 0.3 7 0.1
of elements. 7 4 5 0.2 - -
Hence, finding the uncoupled equivalent of a mutually
coupled group of elements requires the determination of
the off-diagonal elements of the YBU S corresponding to c) if q < r then Y (q, r) = Y (q, r) − yij else
the mutually coupled group. In general power network data Y (r, q) = Y (r, q) − yij
consists of some sets of mutually coupled elements and d) if q < s then Y (q, s) = Y (q, s) + yij else
several uncoupled elements.These groups and elements can Y (s, q) = Y (s, q) + yij
be handled one by one or they can be handled in one go by
5) Using each of the non zero elements in the upper tri-
finding the uncoupled equivalent for the whole network. We
angular position of YBU S , obtain the impedance of the
choose the second option here. In order to build the ZBU S of
element in the uncoupled equivalent as the reciprocal
such network, either the upper or lower off-diagonal elements
of the negative of element in YBU S
of YBU S are sufficient. In this paper the upper triangular part
of a matrix is considered. As mentioned earlier, the proposed algorithm can also be
implemented without finding all the off diagonal elements of
III. A LGORITHM the YBU S of the network together as given above. One can
The proposed algorithm to find the off diagonal elements consider each group of mutually coupled elements separately,
of the symmetric YBU S is as follows find their contribution to YBU S using the expressions given
1) Find the off-diagonal elements of YBU S considering all in step 4 above and include each of the elements of the
the uncoupled elements equivalent found for forming the ZBU S . The advantage of the
2) Identify all the mutually coupled groups of elements proposed scheme above is that, if some of the new elements
and find their y-the primitive admittance matrix and of the uncoupled equivalents turn out to be in parallel with
for each of the groups repeat step 3 and 4 below some existing network elements, then their equivalent is
3) Considering each of the diagonal elements yii update automatically obtained and the total computations required
YBU S as follows. Let p and q be the ‘from’ and ‘to’ for finding the ZBU S reduces as the number of steps in the
nodes of the ith branch then ZBU S building process reduces.
if p < q then Y (p, q) = Y (p, q) − yii else Y (q, p) =
Y (q, p) − yii IV. I LLUSTRATION
4) Considering each of the non zero upper triangular The steps of the proposed technique are illustrated with a
elements yij , update YBU S as follows. Find the two small network shown in Fig. 1. The line data of the network is
indices i and j of the element yij and let p and q be given in Table I. In this example, node 2 is taken as reference.
the ‘from’ and ‘to’ nodes for branch i and r and s It is observed that the network has two mutually coupled
be the ‘from’ and ‘to’ nodes for branch j. Update the group of elements. Elements 1,2 and 4 form Group 1 and
elements of YBU S as follows elements 6 and 7 form Group 2. The primitive admittance
a) if p < r then Y (p, r) = Y (p, r) + yij else matrix corresponding to these groups are given below. Using
Y (r, p) = Y (r, p) + yij the upper triangular elements of these matrices (identified as
b) if p < s then Y (p, s) = Y (p, s) − yij else A to F in (5), G to F in (6) and the uncoupled elements 3
Y (s, p) = Y (s, p) − yij and 5.
Node 1 3 4 5
1 0.0111 0 0 0
Off diagonal elements of YBU S matrix 3 0 −0.1 0 0
From To ZBU S = (7)
4 0 0 0.125 0
1 2 −60A − 30D = −90 5 0 0 0 −0.1
1 3 −20B − 30D + 20E + 10F = −20
Now element b and then f are added to the partial network
3 5 −10C + 10F = 0
to get
2 3 30D − 20E = 10
2 5 20E − 10 = 10
Node 1 3 4 5
1 5 −20E − 10F = −30 1
0.0143 0.0286 0 0
4 5 −4G − 6I + 2H + 2H = −6 3 0.0286 0.1571 0 0
ZBU S = (8)
2 4 −8 4 0 0 0.0435 −0.0652
5 0 0 −0.0652 −0.1522
Add element c, to get the final ZBU S as
Node 1 3 4 5
1 0.0162 0.0325 0.0089 0.0208
Element From-node To-node Self Z-value
1 3 0.0325 0.1650 0.0178 0.0416
a 1 2 ZBU S = (9)
90 4 0.0089 0.0178 0.0842 0.0297
b 1 3 20 5 0.0208 0.0416 0.0297 0.0693
c 1 5 30
d 2 3 − 10
e 2 5 1
− 10 In any network, the changes could be one of the following
f 4 5 1 (i) Addition of an element, (ii) Deletion of an element (iii) Pa-
g 2 4 1 rameter changes of a line. A general method is proposed here
to modify the ZBU S matrix to account any of such changes.
The discussions here are limited to only changes involving
mutually coupled group as the methods for handling changes
in uncoupled elements are well known [4], [5].
The proposed scheme for modifying the ZBU S for any
type of change in a mutually coupled element is as follows.
Line No. 1 2 4
By following the algorithm in section 3, the upper triangular
1 60A 30D 20E
y1 = 2 30 20B 10F (5) elements of admittance matrix corresponding to the coupled
4 20 10 10C group of the changed group YN EW is computed. For the same
Line No. 6 7
group, from the original data of the existing configuration, the
4 −2H
uncoupled equivalent YOLD is obtained. Using the difference
y2 = (6) between the upper triangular elements of YN EW and YOLD ,
7 −2 6I
a set of uncoupled elements are obtained. This new set of
uncoupled elements are added to the ZBU S matrix of the
We obtain the upper triangular elements of YBU S matrix existing configuration to obtain the ZBU S of the modified
using the algorithm in section 3. This is given in Table II. The system.
identifiers A to I are used in (5) and (6) to clearly indicate To illustrate this procedure, the system used in section 4
how each of the elements in y contribute to various elements whose ZBU S is given (9) is used. Let the self impedance of
in YBU S in Table II. line 7 change to 0.1 and the mutual coupling between lines 6
and 7 is change to −0.1 instead of the values given in Table
Comparing Table I and Table II, we see that both of them
I. The new primitive admittance matrix of the coupled group
have 7 elements. In Table I we have two sets of coupled
of lines 6 and 7 is
groups, whereas the network corresponding to Table II all
elements are uncoupled. It may also be seen that the element
between nodes 2 and 5 in Table I is now modified because Line No. 6 7
6 5
of one of the new elements of the equivalent circuit gets y2new = (10)
7 5 15B
added to this value as can be seen in Table II. The impedance
data of the uncoupled equivalent is given in Table III where The computation of upper off diagonal elements of YBU S
impedance of the elements are obtained as the reciprocal of to obtain the uncoupled equivalent is done using the elements
elements y in Table II. of y2new and shown in Table IV.
Now Brown’s algorithm [1] is used for this line data in y2old is known and is given by (6) and the corresponding
Table III. Some intermediate results in the step by step ZBU S equivalent YBU S element can be seen as 6 (in element 4 − 5
building are given below considering node 2 as reference in Table II). Using ∆Y the difference between the elements
node. Starting with the reference node when we add elements of YBU S for group 2 after and before the change we set
a,d,g and e, the ZBU S of this partial network would be ∆Y = 30−4 = 24. Using Brown’s ZBU S building algorithm,
TABLE IV that of finding the ZBU S matrix of networks with no mutually
U PPER TRIANGULAR ELEMENTS OF YBU S coupled elements. The new method is also extended to
handle the problem of modifying the ZBU S for incorporating
Off diagonal elements of YBU S matrix network changes such as addition/deletion/parameter change
From To
of mutually coupled elements. The proposed schemes are
4 5 −5A − 15B − 5C − 5C = −30
illustrated with examples and their simplicity is highlighted.
The proposed schemes in addition to their simplicity also
1 have significant pedagogical value.
a line between nodes 4 and 5 with a self impedance of 24 is
added to the ZBU S in (9). Thus the ZBU S after considering
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