EHSDP0120.9 Crane Operation Pre-Lift Checklist

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This checklist must be reviewed by both the crane operator and the Kidde contractor coordinator prior to
performing a crane lift. All questions must be considered. Any items that are determined, and agreed to be “not
applicable” must be initialed by both the crane operator and the Kidde contractor coordinator.

Crane Operation Pre-Lift Review Criteria Yes No N/A

Is the crane operator qualified? Has a copy of the operators’ license been provided?   
Is there documentation to verify that the annual crane inspection is current?   
Has a lift plan been developed? Is the crane configured in accordance with the lift plan?   
Has the crane been inspected and its condition is acceptable?   
Has the rigging equipment been inspected, secured and is in an acceptable condition?   
Is the supporting surface stable? Has the use of crane mats been considered?   
Are proper crane mats (if required) placed under outrigger floats and at a 90º angle to the
  
outrigger cylinders? Are crawler cranes on proper crane mats (if required)?
Are outriggers (if applicable) fully extended with tires off of the ground?   
Is the crane within 1º of level? Has the level of the crane been checked with a 4 foot
carpenters level or other acceptable method? NOTE: The “Target Level” in the crane cab can be   
used for initial leveling but should not be considered reliable for “critical lifts”.
Is the exact load weight known?   
Is the location of the center of gravity of the load known and the crane hook positioned directly
  
above it?
Was the load radius measured exactly? For heavy lifts, has the potential increasing load
radius due to deflections in the boom, tire, and/or carrier been considered?
  

Was the boom length and boom angle determined exactly?   

Are wind conditions acceptable? NOTE: If wind speeds are more than 30 mph the lift should
not be made; if wind speeds are more than 20 mph consider postponing the lift.
  

Is the rope reeving balanced to prevent boom twist?   

Is the rigging capacity acceptable?   
Is the weight of the rigging known?   
Has the clearance between the boom and the load been considered and is it sufficient?   
Has the clearance between the boom tip and block been considered and is it sufficient?   
Has the qualified crane signalperson been assigned and method of communication between
  
the crane operator and signalperson been established?
Is a person assigned to control the load with the use of a tag line?   
Is the area clear of obstacles (Including power lines, pipelines, and unnecessary personnel)?   
Has a pre-lift meeting between the crane operator, signalperson, contractor crew supervisor,
Kidde contractor coordinator, and other affected persons been conducted?
  

____________________ _______________________ _________________

Crane Operator Signature Kidde Contractor Coordinator Date

EHSDP0120.9 Rev: 0

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