Tutorial 1 Concept of Stress
Tutorial 1 Concept of Stress
Tutorial 1 Concept of Stress
l. Each of the four vertical links has an 8 x 36 mm uniform rectangular cross section
and each of the four pins has a 16-mm diameter. Determine the maximum value of
the average normal stress in the links connecting (a) points Band D, (b)points C
and E.
2. The frame shown consists of four wooden members, ABC, DEF, BE and CF.
Knowing that each member has a 2 x 4-in. rectangular cross-section and that each
pin has a l /2-in. diameter, determine the maximum value of the average normal
stress (a) in member BE, (b) in member CF. ·
(Ans. (a)-281 psi (b) 107.1 psi)
3. Two hydraulic cylinders are used lo control the position of the robotic ann ABC.
Knowing that the control rods attached at A and D each have a 20-mm diameter
and happen to be parallel in the position shown, detemiine the average normal
stress in (a) member AE, (b) member DO.
(Ans. (a) 12.73 MPa, (b) -4.77 MPa)
15 0m m
150mm 200mm
4. Determine the diameter of the largest circular hole that can be punched into a sheet
of polystyrene 6 mm thick, knowing that the force exerted by the punch is 45 kN
and that a 55 MPa average shearing stress is required to cause the material to fail.
(Ans. 43.4 mm)
5. A load P is applied to a s teel rod supported as shown by an aluminum plate into
which a 0.6-in. diameter hole has been drilled. Knowing that the shearing stress
must not exceed 18 ksi in the steel rod and 10 ksi in the aluminum plate, determine
the largest load P that may be applied to the rod.
(Ans. 12.57 kips)
8. For the assembly and loading of Prob.I, determine (a) the average shearing stress
in the pin at C, (b) the average bearing stress at C in link CE, (c) the average
bearing stress at C in member ABC, knowing that this member has a 10 x 50 mm
uniform rectangular cross section.
(Ans. (a) 31.l MPa, (b) 46.8 MPa, (c) 78.1 MPa)