ME 201 Assignment R1

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Assignment #1

ME 201 Solid Mechanics

Note: complete the questions in Section A and then try completing problems given in Section B.

Section A

1. Two solid cylindrical rods AB and BC are welded together at B and loaded as shown in
Fig.1. If 𝑑1 = 30 mm and 𝑑2 = 50 mm, find the average normal stress at the midsection of
(a) rod AB, (b) rod BC.

Fig. 1

2. When force P reached 1600 lb (pound), the wooden specimen shown in Fig. 2 failed in shear
along the surface indicated by the dashed line. Determine the average shearing stress in pound
per square inch (PSI) along that surface at the time of failure.

Fig. 2

3. Link AB, of width 𝑏 = 20 mm and thickness 𝑡 = 5 𝑚𝑚, is used to support the end of a
horizontal beam. Knowing that the average normal stress in the link is -20 MPa and that the
average shearing stress in each of the two pins is 12 MPa, determine (a) the diameter 𝑑 of the
pins, (b) the average bearing stress in the link.
Assignment #1
ME 201 Solid Mechanics
Fig. 3
4. Two wooden members of uniform rectangular cross section are joined by the simple glued
scarf splice as shown in Fig. 4. Knowing that P = 11 kN, determine the normal and shearing
stresses in the glued splice.

Fig. 4

5. Three 3/4 -in. diameter steel bolts are to be used to attach the steel plate shown to a wooden
beam. Knowing that the plate will support a load P = 24 kips and that the ultimate shearing
stress for the steel used is 52 ksi, determine the factor of safety for this design.

Fig. 5

6. Consider the wooden blocks shown in Fig. 4. Imagine, a curious student, Mr. X of our class
got four sets of wooden blocks with interface of glue-joint oriented along 𝜃 = 0𝑜 , 30𝑜 , 45𝑜
and 60𝑜 with respect to the longitudinal axis of blocks. After gluing two parts of all the sets
of blocks, he applied identical load of P = 11 kN on two ends of joined blocks. Let’s do the
a) Determine normal and shear forces acting on both the surfaces of glue for all sets of
b) Determine normal and shear stresses acting on both the surfaces of glue for all sets of
Assignment #1
ME 201 Solid Mechanics
c) Determine traction vectors, acting on both the surfaces of glue for all sets of blocks,
with respect to coordinate systems having axis being parallel and perpendicular to the
plane of glue.
d) Represents state of the stress in the form of a matrix for all sets of blocks. Thus, you
should get four matrices [𝑀1], [𝑀2], [𝑀3] and [𝑀4].
e) Determine eigen values (𝜆1 , 𝜆2 𝜆3 ) and corresponding eigen vectors of all the
matrices obtained in (d).
f) Compare the eigen values and eigen vectors of all the matrices and write down your
g) Normalize eigen vectors obtained in (e) to get unit vectors {𝑛1 , 𝑛2 , 𝑛3 } along eigen
directions for all matrices. Form a matrix [Q], by filling its columns by three
normalized eigen vectors (i.e., [𝑄] = [{𝑛1 }𝑇 ; {𝑛2 }𝑇 ; {𝑛3 }𝑇 ]. Thus, obtain four [𝑄]
matrices, [𝑄1], [𝑄2], [𝑄3] and [𝑄4] corresponding to four matrices [𝑀1], [𝑀2], [𝑀3]
and [𝑀4].
h) Check if matrices [𝑄] obtained in (f) satisfies the following conditions:

det[𝑄] = 1; [𝑄][𝑄]𝑇 = [𝐼]

i) Apply following operations:

[𝑆1] = [𝑄1][𝑀1][𝑄1]𝑇

[𝑆2] = [𝑄2][𝑀2][𝑄2]𝑇

[𝑆3] = [𝑄3][𝑀3][𝑄3]𝑇

[𝑆4] = [𝑄4][𝑀4][𝑄4]𝑇

j) Carefully observe all the steps from (d) to (i), compare results and summarize what
you have learned from this exercise.
7. Consider that you are provided with a wooden bar of square cross-section (𝑎 × 𝑎). You
are forced to cut it along an inclined plane somewhere at middle and allowed to join by
an epoxy glue which can sustain a stress of 𝜏𝑜 in shear and 𝜎𝑜 in tension. If you are free
to choose orientation of plane (𝜃) to cut the bar, what value of 𝜃 would you choose if the
glued bar is expected to sustain a uniaxial loading of force 𝑃.
8. For the given state of stress, determine the normal and shearing stresses exerted on the
oblique face of the shaded triangular element shown below:
Assignment #1
ME 201 Solid Mechanics
9. For the given state of stress, determine the normal and shearing stresses after the element
shown has been rotated through (a) 25o clockwise, (b) 10o counterclockwise.

10. For the following state of stresses, determine (a) the principal planes, (b) the principal
stresses, (c) the orientation of the planes of maximum in-plane shearing stress, (d) the
maximum in-plane shearing stress, and (e) the corresponding normal stress:

Section B

Q1) A steel bar of 40 mm x 40 mm square cross section is subjected to an axial compressive load
of 200 kN. If the length of the bar is 2 m and E= 200 GPa, Calculate the contraction of the bar.

Q2) Two threaded bolts A and B of same material and length are subjected to identical tensile
load. If the elastic energy stored in bolt A is 4 times that of the bolt B and the mean diameter of
bolt A is 12 mm, the mean diameter of bolt B in mm is?

Q3) A metallic rod of 500 mm length and 50 mm diameter, when subjected to a tensile force of
100 kN at the ends, experiences an increase in its length by 0.5 mm and a reduction in its
diameter by 0.015 mm. The Poisson's ratio of the rod material is?

Q4) The figure below shows a steel rod of 25 mm2 cross sectional area. It is loaded at four
points. K, L, M and N. Assume Esteel = 200 GPa. Calculate the total change in length of the rod due
to loading.
Assignment #1
ME 201 Solid Mechanics

Fig. Q4

Q5) A bar having a cross-sectional area of 700 mm2 is subjected to axial loads at the positions
indicated. Calculate the value of stress in the segment QR.

Fig. Q5

Q6) A horizontal bar with a constant cross-section is subjected to loading as shown in the figure.
The Young's moduli for the sections AB and BC are 3E and E, respectively. For the deflection at
C to be zero, the ratio P/F is ?

Fig. Q6
Q7) A 200 x 100 x 50 mm steel block is subjected to a hydrostatic pressure of 15 MPa. The
Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio of the material are 200 GPa and 0.3 respectively. The
change in the volume of the block in mm3 is?

Q8) The state of stress at a point is given by 𝜎𝑥 = − 6 MPa, 𝜎𝑦 = 4 MPa, and 𝜏𝑥𝑦 = −8 MPa.
The maximum tensile stress (in MPa) at the point is?

Q9) The state of stress at a point are, 𝜎𝑥 = 100 MPa and 𝜎𝑦 = −20 MPa.The radius of Mohr's
stress circle representing this state of stress is?

Q10) The state of stress at a point on an element is shown in figure (a). The same state of stress
is shown in another coordinate system in figure (b). find 𝜏𝑥𝑥 , 𝜏𝑦𝑦 , 𝜏𝑥𝑦 .
Assignment #1
ME 201 Solid Mechanics

Fig. Q10

Q11) At a point in a stressed body the state of stress on two planes 45° apart is as shown below.
Determine the two principal stresses in MPa.

Fig. Q11

Q12) The homogenous state of stress for a metal part undergoing plastic deformation is

10 5 0
𝑇 = [ 5 20 0 ],
0 0 − 10

where the stress component values are in MPa. Calculate principal stresses and max shear stress.

Q13) A machine frame shown in the figure below is subjected to a horizontal force of 600 N
parallel to z-direction. Calculate the normal and shear stresses in MPa at point P. Also calculate
the maximum principal stress in MPa and the orientation of the corresponding principal plane in

Fig. Q13
Assignment #1
ME 201 Solid Mechanics
Q14) For the component loaded with a force F as shown in the figure, the axial stress at the
corner point P is?

Fig. Q14

Q15) circular metallic rod of length 250 mm is placed between two rigid immovable walls as
shown in the figure. The rod is perfect contact with the wall on the left side and there is a gap of
0.2 mm between the rod and the wall on the right side. If the temperature of the rod is increased
by 200°C, the axial stress developed in the rod is?
Young's modulus of the material of the rod is 200 GPa and the coefficient of thermal expansion
is 10-5 per°C.

Fig. Q15

Q16) A solid steel cube constrained on all six faces is heated so that the temperature rises
uniformly by Δ𝑇. If the thermal coefficient of the material is 𝛼, Young's modulus is E and the
Poisson's ratio is 𝜇, the thermal stress developed in the cube due to heating is?

Q17) 200 mm long, stress free rod at room temperature is held between two immovable rigid
walls. The temperature of the rod is uniformly raised by 250°C. If the Young's modulus and
coefficient of thermal expansion are 200 GPa and 1 x 10-51°C, respectively, the magnitude of
the longitudinal stress (in MPa) developed in the rod is?

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