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e-ISSN: 2723-1623

p-ISSN: 2723-1615
Journal of Education, Linguistics, Literature and Language Teaching


Astri Mingdelin Kota

Timor University, Kefamenanu, East Nusa Tenggara,Indonesia

Corresponding author’s email: [email protected]

This study was aimed to examine the effectiveness of of english conversation in improving students'
speaking skill This study focuses on whether English conversation effective in speaking skill and how
is the effectiveness of the English conversation in improving students’ speaking skill. The research
was designed in a pre-experimental pre-test and post- test research, where the research only applied
the English conversation to the experimental group that consisted of 18 students. The sample of the
study was taken by using cluster random sampling technique. It was taken randomly of 77 eleventh
grade of SMA Kristen Petra Kefamenanu. The instrument that the researcher used was speaking test.
The research result shows that The gaining data of pre-test and post-test was taken by requiring the
students to make and practice a conversation in front of the class based on the material that was learnt
before. Later, the pre-test and post-test data was analyzed by using descriptive statistics and Paired
Sample t-test to test the hypothesis. Having collected and calculated the data by using descriptive
statistics, the present researcher found out that descriptive statistic result showed the mean score of the
pre-test was 38.22 while the mean of the post-test was 88.33. The result of hypothesis testing by using
Paired-Sample t-test was = .000. It was lower than .05 so it means that the null hypothesis (Ho) was
rejected and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted. In other word, the English conversation
was significantly effective in speaking skill.
Keywords: Effectiveness, English conversation, Improving, Speaking skill

Speaking is one of the ways to communicate thoughts, feelings, experiences, and
knowledge to others. People who lack the ability to communicate orally will struggle in school
and in society, which is why the primary goal of language acquisition is to improve speaking
skills. According to Syaifullah (2019) speaking is a productive skill since it produces ideas,
messages, and suggestion and people need to practice it. To increase the skill in communicating
in English, people must practice in the classroom through conversation. It will affect how well
a person speak.
Speaking is the most crucial component of learning a second or foreign language. The
ability of students or learners to interact orally and carry on a conversation in that language can
be used to assess success. This means that speaking is crucial to their lives since it allows them
to communicate with others and allows them to learn about their thoughts and opinions.It
indicates that mastery of the language is demonstrated by speaking. therefore speaking is one
thing that really contributes in every way, when building the communication with other people.
Since English has become an international language, it has become an important topic
to learn around the world, particularly in Indonesia, where students must be able to understand
e-ISSN: 2723-1623
p-ISSN: 2723-1615
Journal of Education, Linguistics, Literature and Language Teaching
English. Furthermore, English proficiency is vital for job advancement, therefore students must
grasp how to utilize English in formal and casual situations, which can boost students'
confidence in the face of global competition. Torky, (2014) defines speeaking as a two- X
way process including a true communication of opinions, information or emotions. This top-
down view regards the spoken text as the collaboration between two or more people persons in
the shared time and the shared context. Therefore Speaking is a way to express idea, feeling,
and emotion. But In Fact English speaking is assumed as difficult subject for many students.
Those difficulties can be come a problem in speaking with other people.
There are some important problems faced by students in speaking. Students often
struggle with vocabulary, lack confidence, and speaking skills due to their lack of confidence
and experience in front of the class. They also fear making mistakes, as others may judge their
performance.They can laugh at them or insult them. To be on safe side, they prefer to keep
quiet or speak as little as possible. In order to help students’ activity in speaking, the researcher
chooses an effective technique to make learning English easier, more pleasant, and more
enjoyable. To make speaking easier, the technique like conversation is supposed as one of the
effective technique to improve speaking skill , and will be interested to be investigated whether
it is effective in speaking skill and how is its effectiveness to improve students’ speaking skill.
English conversations are one exercise that might help beginners to improve their fundamental
English skills. It is made up of six to twelve sentences exchanged between two people. Flaherty,
This activity allows the pupil to speak more freely. A free communicative interaction
is another name for it. The purpose of learning language is to be able to communicate whether
in oral or written form. This natural way of communication can be applied in speaking class by
doing question and answer. Larkey, (2014) The term of question and answer will not focuses
on the difficulty level of material in communication but, it is focused on comprehending the
material of communication.
Therefore, based on the statement above, the researcher was interested in investigating the
teaching of speaking at SMA Kristen Petra under the title “ The Effectiveness of English
conversation in improving Students speaking skill’’.
Previous research has investigated the effectiveness of English conversation in improving
students' speaking skills. Nurfadilla, (2021) conducted a study on the effectiveness of English
movies in improving students' speaking skills at twelfth-grade students of MAN Palopo. The
study applied pre-experimental research to determine if English movies were effective in
improving students' speaking skills. The results showed that the mean score in the pre-test was
lower than the mean score in the post-test, with a p-value of 0.02 and a p-value of 0.05. Rahayu,
(2016) conducted a study on the effectiveness of using video-recorded speaking tasks on tenth-
grade students at SMA Negeri 1 Kota Tangerang Selatan. The results showed no significant
difference between the two classes, but the experimental class scored significantly higher than
the controlled class at a significance level of 0.000 and 3.897 at a significance level of 5%.
These findings suggest that using video-recorded speaking tasks can be effective in improving
speaking skills among tenth-grade students at SMA Negeri 1 Kota Tangerang Selatan.


The methotd used is a pre-experimental with one-group pretest-posttest design. Creswell,

(2019), Pre-experimental design is a design that covers only one group or class that is given
pre and post-test. The researcher wants to measure the effectiveness of English conversation in
improving the students’Speaking skill. The researcher used pre-experiment method by pre-test

e-ISSN: 2723-1623
p-ISSN: 2723-1615
Journal of Education, Linguistics, Literature and Language Teaching
and post-test design. The population of this research was the eleventh grade students of SMA
Kristen Petra Kefamenanuin the the school year of 2022/2023. The total number of the
population were 71 students. The researcher used random sampling for it. The researcher chose
the students of eleventh grade become sample. They were 18 students (one class). When
analyzing the data, researchers used steps such as define students' pre-test and post-test results
by using rubric scores for speaking skills. In analyzing the data, the researcher used scoring
guide proposed by Harris, (2014) which provides rating scale for five criteria of the elements
of speaking skill. The criteria are pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and
comprehension as follows assement of speaking, tabulating students’ score. Calculating the
mean of the students’ score, the mean score of the students’ scores on speaking test bot h one
pre-test and post-test were calculated by using SPSS25 version.


This section presents statistically calculated and tabulated data on students' pre-test
and post-test results, grouping them, and calculating the mean performance and standard
deviation. The table displays the scoring of students' speaking skills in five aspects:
pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, fluency, and comprehension. The researcher presents
and tabulates the mean score of the speaking skill in the pre-test using SPSS 25. The table also
shows the pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, fluency, and comprehension scores on the
pre-test. The researcher also calculates the mean score of students' speaking skills after
treatment with English conversation. The post-test mean score was calculated using SPSS 25.
The descriptive statistics table presents the students' mean scores in the post-test,
with the highest score being 100 and the lowest being 52. The mean score in the post-test
was 87.33, with standard deviations of 12,815. The study found a significant difference in
teaching speaking before and after English conversation treatment. The total mean score
and standard deviation of the pre-test and post-test were compared, showing a standard
deviation of 7,28863 and 12,81543. The study's normal distribution test was needed to
determine if the data was in normal distribution.
The descriptive statistics table presents the mean scores of students in the pre-test
and post-test, with the highest score being 100 and the lowest being 52. The mean score in
the post-test was 87.33, with a standard deviation of 12,815. The study found a significant
difference in teaching speaking before and after English conversation treatment. The total
mean score and standard deviation were also presented, comparing the results. A normal
distribution test was conducted to determine if the data was normal.

The study concluded that the data was normal, and the hypothesis test was conducted
using a Paired Sample t-test. If the significance level was higher than 0.05, the alternative
hypothesis (Ha) was accepted, and the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected.
The Hypothesis Test using paired-sample T-Test revealed that using English
conversation effectively in teaching speaking to eleventh grade students at SMA Kristen
Petra Kefamenanu in 2022/2023. The study found that using short conversation techniques
improved speaking mastery, increased class participation, and increased confidence in
speaking English. The results showed that the English conversation was significantly
effective in improving speaking skills, with a mean score of 38.22 and a standard deviation
of 1.71. The study highlights the importance of natural communication in language learning,
as it helps students comprehend and comprehend material in speaking classes.


e-ISSN: 2723-1623
p-ISSN: 2723-1615
Journal of Education, Linguistics, Literature and Language Teaching
In the school year 2022/2023, English conversation was found to be effective in teaching
speaking to eleventh grade students at SMA Kristen Petra Kefamenanu. The study's results
showed that students became more involved in class, gained confidence in communicating with
their classmates in English, and the class environment warmed up. The research used a one-
group pre-test and post-test design to gather quantitative data. The mean score of the pre-test
was 38.22, with a standard deviation of 7.28, while the post-test had a mean score of 87.33,
with a standard deviation of 12.81. The paired sample t-test result showed that English
conversation was significantly effective in improving speaking skills in eleventh grade
English teachers should select appropriate media or techniques to develop students' ability,
motivation, and interest in learning vocabulary. They should also create a good classroom
atmosphere to make the teaching learning process interesting, easy, and enjoyable. Students
should study hard and increase their motivations to develop their speaking skills, and practice
speaking as much as possible, both in class and out of the classroom. The goal of learning a
language is to be able to communicate, whether orally or in writing.


David P. Harris. (2014). Rating Scales. Academia.Edu, 26–34.

Flaherty, J. (2022). Coaching Conversations. In Coaching.
Larkey, L. K. (2014). Toward a Theory of Communicative Interactions in Culturally Diverse
Workgroups. The Academy of Management Review, 21(2).
Nurfadilla. (2021). the Effectiveness Ofenglish Movie in Improving Stu Dents ’ Speaking Skill
At the Twelfth-Grade Students of Man Palopo. 1–116.
Rahayu, R. (2016). The Effectiveness of Using Video-Recorded Speaking Task on Students’ Speaking
Skill. Revista Brasileira de Ergonomia, 3(2).
Syaifullah. (2019). Students’ Speaking Ability for Everyday Communication. 4th International
Conference on Education, 249–252.
Torky, shiamaa abd E. F. (2014). The Effectiveness of a Task- Based Instruction program in
Developing the English Language Speaking Skills of Secondary Stage Students A thesis
Supervised by. Ain Shams University Women’s College Curricula and Methods of
Teaching Departement, 1–254. https://doi.org/10.1200/JCO.2005.05.4296
W.Creswell, J. (2019). Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods
Approaches. In Awkward Dominion.


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