The Correlation Between Students' English Grammar Mastery and Vocabulary On The Students' English Speaking Skill at Tenth Grade of SMKN 2 Pandeglang

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Name: Meisyita Qothrunnada

Class: 5A
NIM: 2223190064
Subject: Quantitative Research




Every place they learning the language during periods in their life in order to gain
knowledge because they know that language is not only as a mean of communication among
human but also as a tool of know ledge transfer for them Speaking English in a by designed
place is demanded for student since the mastery of English speaking Skill is a priority for
many second language or foreign language learners , as confirmed by Richards ( 2008 : 2 ) .
In accordance to Lauder ( 2008 : 16 ) it had stated that set the Skill as the goal and placed the
four English language Skill in order of priority from reading, listening, speaking and writing
to be provided in Indonesia government, school levels as stated on ministerial decrees of
2013. To make the speaking practice successful through the perfect time allotment and
paper materials and especially to solve the problems during teaching and learning process and
in social relations, Grammar could provide understandable sentences and make accuracy in
using the language. The concept of grammar and vocabulary also would suit to students of
vocation senior high school level the concept are related to the syllabus. They learned
grammar in phrase, clauses and types of sentences which contain more difficulties, those
materials are focused in the senior high levels. The tenth grade students in specific, learn
more portion of grammar according to the syllabus. And they also had the speaking materials
and the study had also proper to test their speaking skill. Therefore, Based on the explanation
about researcher the possibility to correlate the students English grammar mastery,
vocabulary, and English speaking skill.


The Notion of Teaching English Speaking

Part of communication Shiamaa Abd EL Fattah Torky (2006: 13) says Speaking is
one of the four languages of Skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking). Chat with
friends and make phone calls with friends can be an example of language usage, formal
activities such as meeting older people and talking with lecturers. It is worth exploring,
therefore, the special feature of the spoken language used as a conversation builder block,
through communication, can express ideas, facts, hopes, and even emotions to make others
understand our purpose from what student have been talking about. For example, when a
man wants to share ideas about today`s news, surely he needs such communication tools.

English Speech Skills Component

To use the language the skills in speaking concerns in the Sub-Skill aspects of the
English component are pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary. The five components that
influence the improvement of English language skills are explained among others.
Vocabulary, Pronunciation, Grammar, Fluency, Understanding. Successful speech
management creates a sense of modesty essential to harmonious social relationships.

Mastery of English Grammar

Lock sees that the first language and especially as a communication system and
grammar analysis to discover how it is organized to enable speakers and writers to create and
exchange meaning. In learning English, acquisition of grammar means achieving the skills of
the selected material or English rules. Many answers emphasize grammar, as a practical tool
for effective language usage. Therefore, as AL-Mekhlafi and Nagaratnam (2011: 83) It is
suggested, it is necessary to make the detailed difficulties faced by teachers and students in
certain contexts, take appropriate steps to overcome them, and adjust the method particular to
fit the teaching environment and grammatical learning.

Researchers examined and found a high school syllabus involving in delivering

materials related to their syllabus based on a national curriculum to help school students.
There are some basic grammatical materials given at the vocational school level because of
the student transition from the vocational school level. Here the selected material is derived
from the syllabus of SMKN 2 Pandeglang: Preposition, Pronouns, Phrasal verbs, Level of
comparison, Tenses, Passive Voice, adjective clauses, conditional clauses, and speeches
reported Tenses of essential learning as basic guidelines for conquering sentence variations
and it is actually easy to remember the sentence form by remembering the type of time and its
aspects. That means reflecting the idea of grammar as a functional tool for communication -
it describes how to communicate in a particular language.
Now this should be explained about all tenses considering only the type of time and
aspect of the tenses. It can be explained that after observing three kinds of time, it must know
the aspects that can be seen from the first row of the tenses table.

The vocabulary

Vocabulary is the key to understanding and understanding, and most new language
learning consists of learning new words. Learn English but they cannot produce or use words
of speech or writing. First-grade students are able to master vocabulary in listening to words,
uttering words, spelling words and practicing in expressing their meaning. This term is a
teenager beginning to use the language and make it more widely directly in simple

Thornbury (2002: 27) states that vocabulary is very useful for anyone who learns a
foreign language. In this case the vocabulary is an important one that should not be ignored
in language and learning and it is very communication with others in oral or written form.
Especially in vocabulary learning because most students tend to be more open to the
understanding that vocabulary development is an important aspect of teaching. Adapted by
Lado (1979: 121-122) found that in studying vocabulary students often find some indicators
of difficulty, factors affecting vocabulary such as pronunciation, spelling, length and
complexity of meaning and range.

So, to learn the vocabulary, it`s time researchers explain there are some indicators of
difficulty vocabulary. The importance of vocabulary is a major aspect of learning English
especially for novice students. However, vocabulary teaching is not always very responsive
to such problems, and teachers have not yet fully recognized the remarkable communicative
advantage in developing vast vocabulary. That`s because people need vocabulary in
expressing their ideas, both in mother tongue and in foreign languages.

Edge (1993) states that knowing many words in a foreign language is very important.
Without vocabulary mastery, learning a language is very difficult and communication in a
second language cannot occur in a meaningful way. This means that understanding a bad
vocabulary is essential when it comes to saying something to everyone, when it comes to
what it has done about something in communication. According to Boitn and Marks (1994:
106) argue that the role of teachers is to help, advise, motivate, encourage, and inspire
learners when learning new words.
Similarly, in learning the vocabulary the teacher needs to present the vocabulary in a
way that will be easier for the student to memorize and store new words in the mind of the



This research chose by correlation method because it has a quantitative approach.

Based on Gaur (2009: 31) Quantitative research involves collecting quantitative data based
on precise measurements using structured, reliable, and validated data collection instruments
or through archival data sources. This study has a non-experimental research that does not
manipulate situations, circumstances or study participants. And to conduct the research the
research used correlational design of the ex post facto designs Setiyadi (2006) Which means
that the researcher only administered the tests to know the correlation between mastering of
English grammar and vocabulary that must be processed by the students is in line with the
development of their English speaking skills as the students .So, there was no treatment of
any kind to subjects. The researcher gave the test about grammar mastery, vocabulary and
speaking skill. After that, the data gained from the test was analyzed to see whether mastering
grammar and vocabulary related to the skill of speaking or not. The researcher used
quantitative method to analyze the result of research. This method was used to find the
correlation between students’ grammar mastery and vocabulary on students’ speaking skill.

For reasons of choosing systematic research ex post facto design is the data has
occurred or real cannot be manipulated in the event and then this research allows
investigation of variables that can be in a non-experimental manner. Mastery of English
grammar and vocabulary may affect English proficiency. This correlation produces
information that benefits the true nature of phenomena, if found positively through
correlation calculations, will make it easy to master speaking English. Correlation calculation
is design to prove Correlation between variables Mastery of English grammar and
Vocabulary on English speaking Skill

The population in this research is the tenth grade students in Vocational high school 2
Pandeglang. The sample of the study was taken from the tenth graders as sample. The
sampling technique that researchers do the researchers have proportional random sampling to
get only 50 students as participants in this study. Conceptual of Variable Instrument Data
Collection Techniques based on interviews to sample and multiple choice test is to convey
meaning and utilize English which involves speaker in order to reach the goal for the listener
by using correct pronunciation, proper fluency, sufficient vocabulary, proper grammar, and
covers the overall understanding.


The instruments in this study have been validated and all are reliable This is the time
to calculate the score results for statistical calculations of the SPSS 16 software version.
1. Hypothesis 1 between the mastery of English grammar and English speaking skills
For the correlation between the grammar test and the students` English
speaking skills, there are student results that are categorized very strongly in quality.
As a result, the average score should be pretty good. And always used or
implemented when they are learning then their grammatical value is above the
average score Based on the value representing in low-grade intervals.
Students from low score ranges should remember the grammatical items they
have learned and add new items if that is possible. Grammar is a pretty good factor
among other factors in speech skills. Quoted by Winarsih, Dwi (2013: 104) The key
sees that language first and foremost as a communication system and grammar
analysis to discover how it is organized to enable speakers and writers to create and
exchange means. This means that Grammar is a pretty good factor among other
factors in speaking skills.
When our conversations are understandable and also, grammar has mostly
formal use when it know the grammatical application in every sentence element in
the mastery of grammar and speaking skills. The statement is that there is a
significant correlation between grammar mastery students and their English
proficiency. It can be concluded that grammar mastery is one of the factors that
must be determined when students have to learn English skills based on this Saaristo
expert, Pekka (2015: 292) seems that grammar also serves as a protection against
unwanted changes. This means reflecting the idea of grammar as a functional tool
for communication that describes how speakers communicate in a particular
Based on the above exposures and the researcher`s statement that grammar
mastery is one of the factors that must be determined when students have to learn
English skills, and is a reinforcement of theory that has been disclosed previously.
The grammar is a functional tool for communication that describes how speakers
communicate in English learning activities.
2. Hypothesis 2 between vocabulary and English speaking skill
The results of vocabulary tests illustrate students` understanding at a
sufficient level. From the above statement, the researcher assumes that vocabulary is
a very important language element. Thus, It seems in the research It can be
concluded that students are quite capable to obey the vocabulary used. And there is a
hypothesis between vocabulary and English skills that the researcher by looking at
Pearson correlation of double correlation and regression calculation, has correlation
with score 0,793. Thus, the statement is that there is a significant correlation between
the vocabulary of students and their English proficiency. It can be concluded that
the vocabulary of learning is one of the factors that must be determined when
students must learn English skills combined with the meaning of vocabulary and
English skills show a significant correlation with the results of statements that
corroborate the theory. Based on Thornbury (2002) theorists stated that the
vocabulary is very useful for anyone who learns a foreign language. In this case the
vocabulary is an important one that should not be ignored in language and learning.
the research statement is that learning vocabulary is one of the most reliable factors
when students have to learn, is to reinforce the already-revealed theory. because
people need the vocabulary to express their ideas, both in the mother tongue and in
the foreign language in speaking skills.
3. Hypothesis 3 is a combination of grammar or X1 and vocabulary or X2 variables to
be correlated with English speaking skill or Y variables.
Many students who have more than enough speaking skills. This model
shows that the grammatical clause has a key function in managing the conversation
coherence in this vocabulary and that this function can not be separated from other
methods of managing coherence in Language Therefore, hypothesis 3 is a
combination of grammatical variables or X1 and vocabulary or X2 be correlated
with English skills or variable Y r notes that the score is 0. 910.
When the mastery of English grammar and vocabulary is unified. The last
statement is "there is a significant correlation between the mastery of English
grammar, vocabulary and English language skills. When English grammar can be
handled and vocabulary improves, no doubt English proficiency will increase, due to
the combination of strong factor variables ultimately resulting in a good average
score in the evaluation scores after study. Each variable incorporating one another`s
grammar mastery, vocabulary and English skills showed significant correlations with
the results of the theory of statement reinforcement.
Nadiyah (2016: 107) found that the correlation between the mastery of
students` English grammar, conversational competence and their English
proficiency, if English grammar can be handled and vocabulary increases. No doubt
the English skills will increase. It means Strengthening the previous research theory
really keeps connecting a ntara gramma students r mastery, vocabulary, and
students` English speaking skills. For answers to the correlations between grammar
and English skills, vocabulary and English proficiency, and mastery of grammar
along with spoken vocabulary has been proven. As long as there is a correlation,
students can learn better English grammar, vocabulary about speaking skills. Which
means English grammar, the vocabulary of speaking skills is better studied together.

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