55-66 Maria Fatima Jaina, Sukmawati, Suharti Siradjuddin

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Education, Language, and Culture (EDULEC)

e-ISSN : 2809-3135
p-ISSN : 2809-6088
Volume.2, Issue.1, April 2022: 55-66
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56314/edulec.v2i1.32

Improving Students’ Speaking Skill by Using Scripted

Role Play at Class XI MIPA-2 Students of SMA Negeri 12
Maria Fatima Jaina1, Sukmawati2, Suharti Siradjuddin3
1Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris,University of Megarezky, Makassar, Indonesia
Email: [email protected]
2Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris,University of Megarezky, Makassar, Indonesia

Email: [email protected]
3Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris,University of Megarezky, Makassar, Indonesia

Email: [email protected]

Received, 21 April 2022; Accepted, 22 April 2022; Published, 23 April 2022

Speaking English fluently, precisely and structured is a skill that is highly
expected from students. However, in reality there are still many students who
find difficulties to apply it simultaneously in English. So, it takes practice every
day to hone students' speaking skills. For this reason, the writer wants to improve
students' English skills using an appropriate learning method, namely Scripted
Role Play.
This research was conducted in two cycles. It consists of: planning, action,
observation and reflection. Each cycle consists of four meetings, three meetings
for presenting the material and the fourth meeting was speaking test. The data
of this research were obtained using quantitative data (oral tests) as the main
data and qualitative data (field notes and documentation) as supporting data.
The results of research showed that students experienced improvement in
speaking English. This is evidenced by the average score obtained by students
in thefirst cycle test to the second cycle test. In the first cycle test the average
score of students was 69.44 where there are 16 (44.44%) students who passed
the minimum completeness criteria, and the average of the second cycle was
80.13 where there were 31 students (86.11) students who passed the minimum
completeness criteria. This shows that through the Scripted Role Play teaching
method the students have improved in speaking English.

Keywords: Scripted, Role Play, Language Skills, Classroom Action Research

Lisensi Creative Commons Atribusi 4.0 Internasional.

Speaking is one of the language skills that must be mastered by students.
Through speaking students can communicate and share their ideas about
something in teaching learning process (Sasabone et al, 2021). There are four
skills in English achievement namely listening, speaking, reading and writing.
From these four skills, speaking considered to the most difficult skill to build in the

Publisher By : CV. Eureka Murakabi Abadi | Jl. Mappala Blok A4/3 Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia
| Email : [email protected]
The article is published with Open Access at : https://jurnal-eureka.com/index.php/edulecj

classroom. Rachman (2017) pointed out that most of students get difficulties to
speak even though the students know much and also can write the
vocabularies correctly. In learning speaking activities, most of students just keep
silence when they have chance to practice in front of the class.
Based on the researcher’sobservation at class XI MIPA-2 at SMA Negeri 12
Makassar, researcher found some problems in teaching-learning process. The
students were lack in speaking English. This was caused by some factors. The
first factors came from teacher, which is the English teacher used traditional
method (teacher-centered learning) in teaching speaking. Teacher less
creativity to create an interesting method in teaching speaking.
The second factors came from the students themselves, which the students
were afraid to speak because they were afraid to make mistake in speaking.
Because of the fear of making mistakes in speaking English, the students just
keep silent when they have the opportunity to practice in front of the class.
Their confidences are very low.
This is the challenge for teacher to make the students feel confident to speak in
English. The teacher had to get the interest method to improve the students’
speaking skill. In order to overcome this situation, there was an effective way
that can progress students speaking skill. Teachers can choose one of the
language teaching activities that are suitable for the students. One of them is
by using role play activity as a technique in teaching and learning process.
Based on the problems that has been mentioned above, the reseacher used
role play to overcome those problems. Cook (2001) highlighted that role play is
one of the methods that enable students to improve a range of real life spoken
language in the classroom.It will really helpful for the students because the
students will practice their English based on the situation that they may
encounter in the society (Citraningtyas & Purnawan, 2016)
Role play is one of the teaching techniques in Communicative Language
Teaching method. Role play devided into two types. Byrne (1986), as cited in
Samira (2018) stated that there are two types of role play, namely scripted and
unscripted role plays. Scripted role play is a role play which provided with script
text. The students will present a dialogue/conversation by using script text.
While unscripted role play is a role play without any script. The students present
a dialogue/conversation by producing their own words based on the given
situation that provided by the teacher.
As there are two kinds of role play, the researcher focus in using scripted role
play in this research to improve students speaking skill. This research had been
conducted in class XI MIPA-2 at SMA Negeri 12 Makassar in academic year
There are some researches related to this research that had been
conducted by other researchers. Iman (2014). Scripted Role Play-Based
Teaching to Improve Speaking Skill. He conducted the research at the Eleventh
Grade Students of SMAN 14 Palembang. From the research findings, it could be
concluded that scripted role play could significantly improve the students’
speaking skill achievement in English teaching and learning environment.
Adnyani, Seken, Nitiasih (2014). The Effect of Scripted Role Play and Foreign
Language Anxiety on the Eleventh Grade Students’ Speaking competency.
They conducted the research at SMAN 8 Denpasar in academic year
2013/2014.The result of their research indicated that (a) there is a significant
effect in speaking competency between the students who were taught by
using scripted role play technique and those taught by the conventional
technique,(b)there is a significant difference in speaking competency between
Publisher By : CV. Eureka Murakabi Abadi | Jl. Mappala Blok A4/3 Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia
| Email : [email protected]
The article is published with Open Access at : https://jurnal-eureka.com/index.php/edulecj

the students with high foreign language anxiety who were taught by using
scripted role play technique and those who were taught by the conventional
Adawiyah (2013). Improving Students' Speaking Ability through Scripted Role
Play. She conducted the research at class VIII students of SMPN 3 Ngaglik in the
academic year of 2012/2013. The result of the research showed that the
implementation of the scripted role-play technique improves the students’
speaking ability, especially their fluency, self-confidence and motivation by
providing them a lot of speaking activities. It was also found that using the
language more often can improve their fluency.
The result of the researches above showed that the using of role play
technique can improve students’ speaking skill. Therefore, the researcher
focused on the use of scripted role play to improve students speaking skill
especially in their accuracy and fluently in different data, area, and learning

This chapter presented the research design, research subject, the setting
and time of the research, instrument of the research, procedures of the
research, technique of the data collection, and technique of data analysis as
A. Research Design
This research had been conducted by using Classroom Action Research
(CAR) method. It is a part of various kinds of action research out of some other
themes like participatory research, critical action research, and action research
(Phillips & Carr, 2010).
Furthermore, Koshy (2005) stated that an important characteristic of action
research is that it proposes opportunities for collaborative work. In addition, Mills
(2003) said that action research is any systematic inquiry conducted by teacher
researchers, principals, school counselors, or other stakeholders in the teaching
and learning environment to gather information about how their particular
schools operate, how they teach, and how well their students learn.
B. Research Subject
The subject of this research was the students of class XI MIPA 2 of SMA
Negeri 12 Makassar in the academic year 2020/2021. The class consists of 36
students including 22 females and 14 males. Based on the researcher’ pre-
observation, the students of class XI MIPA-2were lack in speaking English.
C. Setting and Time of the Research
This research had been conducted on April to May 2020/2021 at class XI
MIPA 2 of SMA Negeri 12 Makassar which is located in Jl. Moha Lasuloro
number.57. This place is located in Antang area. SMAN 12 Makassar has big
and many buildings which consist of twenty threes classes, teacher’s office,
head master’s office, an administration room, a language laboratory, a
counseling room, science laboratory, computer room, library, school health
unit, school activity unit, multimedia room, mosque, canteen, toilet and parking
While the school also has a big yard that is usually used for flag ceremony.
Then In every class there are some instruments which are used for studying
process, such as: chairs, tables, white board, felt-tip, markers, eraser and the
others attributes of class such as: president’s photo, hero’s photo, flower, a
dispenser, a fan, a small flag, rules set, etc.

Publisher By : CV. Eureka Murakabi Abadi | Jl. Mappala Blok A4/3 Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia
| Email : [email protected]
The article is published with Open Access at : https://jurnal-eureka.com/index.php/edulecj

D. Instrument of the Research
The instruments of data research that used by the researcher as follows:
1. Speaking Test
Test was used to collect the primary data of this research. It used to measure
the students’ speaking improvements.
2. Field Note
Field note was used to noting all the process of teaching-learning in every
meeting (from the beginning till the end of the research)
3. Documentation
Documentation was used to collect the secondary data of this research. It
obtained from any photos or videos of teaching learning activity and the
students’ tasks.
E. Procedure of the Research
In this research, the researcher was used Classroom Action Research (CAR)
that designed by which consists of four phases within one cycle. Those are
planning, action, observation and reflection. The procedures of the research
are performed by implementing two cycles with four meetings in each cycle.
F. Technique of the Data Collection
The researcher collected the data by using primary and supporting data
technique. The primary data took from the test in test, and the supporting data
took from field note and documentation. Speaking test used to collect the
primary data about the students’ speaking achievement. It was used to know
the students’ achievement in speaking before and after learning process by
using scripted role play. On the other hand, field note and documentation
were needed to get the supporting data. Field note was a technique for
collecting data about researcher and students’ activities in teaching learning
process. The scoring system was adapted from the English teacher’s book
SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Class XI (2017)
G.) Technique of the Data Analysis
In this part, the researcher hand analyzed the students’ score in speaking.
Moreover the researcher used the KKM that had been made by school which
was 75, as the measurement to see the students’ speaking ability.
To calculated the total score of students’ speaking ability in every test:
Score =
To calculated the average or mean of students’ speaking ability score in every
test, here is the formula:

= Mean Score
= Sum of individual score
N = Total number of individuals
(Sudjono, 2014)
To calculated the percentage of the students’ development in speaking ability:

= Percentage of students’ improvement

= Students’ frequency those passed the minimum score
= Total number of students (Sudjono, 2014)

Publisher By : CV. Eureka Murakabi Abadi | Jl. Mappala Blok A4/3 Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia
| Email : [email protected]
The article is published with Open Access at : https://jurnal-eureka.com/index.php/edulecj

The implementation of scripted role play to improve the students’ speaking
skill was conducted in two cycles. Each cycle consisted of four meetings, three
meetings for teaching materials and one meeting for test session to measure
the students’ speaking improvement. This research was conducted on April to
May 2021.
The First Cycle
a. Planning
After identify the students’ problem in speaking, the researcher prepared
the lesson plan, form of field note, material for teaching, etc.
b. Action and observation
In this session researcher did the action in four meetings, three meetings for
apply scripted role play and one meeting for speaking test. The researcher
also observed by using field note form.
First Meeting (April, 28th 2021) at 08.00-09.30 a.m
In this session the researcher started by explained the material of Offers and
Suggestions in general based on students’ English Book. The researcher greeted
the students in whatsApp group, checked their attended and readiness to
study in virtual class. Then, the researcher sent the materials of Offers and
Suggestions in whatsapp group. Researcher explained some kinds of
expressions that commonly used in making offers and suggestions by voice
note whatsapp.
Beside explained topic about offers and suggestions, the researcher also
taught students about role play, especially scripted role play. After taught the
material and introduced scripted role play, the researcher showed the students
about the example of scripted role play that had been provided in their English
textbook. The researcher directed the students to open their English textbook
page 3 and 4.
There were two dialogues about Offer and Suggestion, the researcher
commanded the students to work in pair and practice one of the dialogues by
filmed their video call and sent it into whatsapp group.
Before end the meeting, the researcher gave feedback to the students that
related to their mispronounced and fluency in played the script. Lastly, the
researcher informed the students about the material of next meeting.
The second meeting (April 30th 2021) at 10.00-11.30 a.m
The second meeting of first cycle had done virtually in whatsapp group. The
topic of dialog was about Offering Food. Researcher greeted the students,
checked their attendance and readiness to study in whatsapp group. Then, the
researcher sent the script of role play to the students in whatsapp.
The researcher commanded the students to work in pair and think about
the script together for ten minutes. In that time, researcher also asked the
students to improvise the script because at the previously meeting, the students
fully read the dialog without any improvisation added.
After ten minutes, the researcher asked the students to practice the dialog and
filmed their practice in video. Each pair had directed to send their video in
whatsApp group, so then researcher and the other pairs could give some
correction about each pair’s performance.
Based on the students’ performance, the researcher found that the students
were enthusiastic in played the script even most of them still mispronounced
some words. Some students tried to improvise the script like added some
introduction first and changed the subject. Other students still fully read the

Publisher By : CV. Eureka Murakabi Abadi | Jl. Mappala Blok A4/3 Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia
| Email : [email protected]
The article is published with Open Access at : https://jurnal-eureka.com/index.php/edulecj

script in practiced, it could be seen when the students’ eyes looked at the
script rather than looked at their partner.
Before end the meeting, I gave feedback related to the students’
mispronounced and fluency in played the script. Researcher also gave some
corrections to some pairs those record their offline video, which the pairs
practiced the script facing their phone screen like a virtual practice. After gave
feedback related to some error of the students’ performance, the researcher
ended the meeting with some information about the material for the next
The third meeting (May, 3rd 2021) at 08.00-09.30 a.m
The third meeting had done by the researcher used whatsapp video call
and whatsapp group with the topic Giving Suggestion. The students would be
played as a doctor and patient. The researcher started the meeting by greeted
the students in whatsapp group, checked their attendance and readiness to
study. Then, the students were asked by the researcher to work in pair. After
that the researcher sent the script of role play to the students and directed
them to think about the script with partner for ten minutes.
Each student discussed together with partner to improvise the script. After
ten minutes, researcher asked the students whether they had ready or not to
practice. Some pairs replied, researcher decided to call one by one the ready
pairs to practice the script. Some pairs did a good performance which they
were animated their roles respectively.
Before end the meeting, the researcher gave feedback related to the
students’ performance in played the script. Lastly, the researcher informed the
students that they would be tested at next meeting.
The Fourth Meeting (Speaking Test), May 6th 2021
The speaking test of first cycle had done by the researcher. The goal of test
was to measure the students’ speaking improvement after applied the scripted
role play for three meetings. The students had directed by the researcher to
work in pair, improvised and practice the roles respectively paid attention to
the elements of speaking that had been previously taught by the researcher.
The researcher asked the pairs to filmed their practice and upload their video in
a goggle form link that had been sent by the researcher in whatsapp group.
Later, the researcher analyzed and scored their performance.
The percentage score of students’ test result of cycle 1 showed that there were
16 students (44, 44%) those passed the KKM. Whereas, there were 20 students
(55, 55 %) those got under KKM.
c. Reflecting
Based on the result of the cycle 1, the researcher concluded that the
students’ speaking was improved. The improvement was considered not
significant because most of the students did not pass the KKM (75). The
researcher found that some students become more confident and braver to
speak because they had prepared themselves before they practiced the
However, most of the students still could not enjoy the English classroom
because they felt that they were not able to pronounce some words correctly.
Sometimes the students also found the difficulties to understand the instruction
from the researcher because the class was done virtually.
As the result in the first cycle, the researcher found that the students
speaking ability by using scripted role play had not satisfied yet and the
researcher decided to continue the research into cycle 2.

Publisher By : CV. Eureka Murakabi Abadi | Jl. Mappala Blok A4/3 Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia
| Email : [email protected]
The article is published with Open Access at : https://jurnal-eureka.com/index.php/edulecj

The second cycle
The result of first cycle showed the students’ speaking improvement not
successful yet, by looked the students those passed the KKM. The researcher
done the second cycle same with cycle one that consist of planning, action,
observation, and reflection. But, in the second cycle the researcher had
identified the weaknesses of action in the first cycle so that the researcher
could revised them. The material of second cycle was Opinions and Though.
The researcher provided some script of role play that related to the main topic.
The researcher explained the steps as follows
a. Planning
After identify the weaknesses of action in first cycle, the researcher
prepared the lesson plan, form of field note, material for teaching, etc.
b. Action and observation
In this session researcher did the action in four meetings, three meetings for
apply scripted role play and one meeting for speaking test. Beside taught the
materials, the researcher also observed by using field note form.
First meeting cycle 2 (May, 17th 2021) at 08.00-09.30 a.m
The first meeting of second cycle had done virtually in whatsapp and zoom
applications. The topic of the meeting was Giving Opinion and the material
was a script of role play that had been provided in the students’ English
textbook page 29.
The researcher greeted the students in whatsapp group, checked their
attendance and readiness to study. Then, the researcher sent them a video
that related to topic. After that, the researcher divided the students into pairs
based on their level of abilities. Each pair would be consisted of one higher
ability student and another lower ability student.
The students were directed by the researcher to think and improvise the
script. The researcher allowed the students to determine their respective roles
for 10 minutes. After ten minutes, the researcher invited the students to join the
virtual meeting in zoom application to practice the script.
Before continue to next presented pair, the researcher gave some corrections
to the presenting pair related to their mispronounced and other errors in played
the script. It would be same with next pair till the last presenting pair.
While some students asked the researcher that they would be practiced
later because their partner still not active yet, and the researcher said that they
would be practice through video call whatsapp in the afternoon.
2. Second meeting of cycle 2 (May, 19th 2021) at 10.00-11.30 a.m
The second meeting of cycle two had done by using whatsapp and zoom
application. Whatsapp group was used to send the script of role play and zoom
meeting was used to practice the script. The topic of meeting was about
Online Learning and face to face learning. The researcher started the virtual
class by greeted the students in whatsapp group, checked their attendance
and readiness to study.
After ten minutes, researcher invited the students to continue learning in
zoom application. Researcher asked each pair to practice their script virtually,
in which only the presenting pair those active their microphone, the other pairs
had directed to mute the microphone. Researcher commanded the students
to pay attention to the presenting pair. The presenting pair had directed to
send their script to the researcher. It would be same with the pairs those chose
to improvise the given script.
Some pairs made a new script that similar with the given script, but most of
pairs improvised the given script like change the subject, opinions and closing.
Publisher By : CV. Eureka Murakabi Abadi | Jl. Mappala Blok A4/3 Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia
| Email : [email protected]
The article is published with Open Access at : https://jurnal-eureka.com/index.php/edulecj

Before closed the meeting, the researcher gave general feedback for the
students in whatsapp group. The feedback was related to their performance.
3. Third Meeting cycle 2 (May, 21st 2021) at 08.00-09.30a.m
The third meeting had done virtually used whatsapp and zoom applications.
The topic was about Argument Between Two Friends. The researcher greeted
the students in whatsapp group, checked their attendance and readiness to
study. After that, the researcher sent the script of role play. The topic was about
Arguing BetweenTwo Friends. The researcher commanded the students to work
in pair as the beforehand meeting, and allowed them to deeply think about
the script for ten minutes. The pairs were directed to make a similar script or
improvised the given script. After ten minutes, the researcher invited the ready
pairs to practice in zoom meeting. It is proved in the quotation of field note
below. Only the presenting pair those active their microphone and the other
pairs as the hearers were commanded by the researcher to mute their
microphone. Some students those have already presented could left the
meeting to decrease their internet quota wasted. Some pairs asked the
researcher that they would presentation later because their partner still not
From the pairs’ performances, the researcher found that most of students
could practice the script without any significant errors. Some pairs were tried to
make another new script also practice well. There were three pairs those
practiced later because of some problems happened. The researcher gave
some general feedback about the students’ performance in whatsapp group
before end the meeting. The researcher also informed the students that they
would be tested next meeting.
The Fourth Meeting (Speaking Test of Cycle 2)
The four meeting had done by the researcher. It was the speaking test of cycle
2. The researcher started the meeting by greeted the students in whatsapp
group, checked their attended
and readiness to study. The researcher directed the students to work in pair
that had been divided by the researcher as the previous meeting. They were
given 10 minutes to deeply think about the script together in pair, discussed
how they would improvise the script.
After ten minutes, the researcher asked the students to practice the roles
respectively by looked the elements of speaking skill that they had been
learned before. Each pairs were directed to filmed out their practiced and
upload it in the goggle form link that had already sent by the researcher in
whatsapp group. Lastly, the researcher analyzed their videos and scored the
students’ speaking improvement.
The percentage score of students’ test result of cycle 2 showed that there were
31 students (86, 11%) those passed the KKM (passing grade =75). Meanwhile,
there were 5(13,88) students those got under KKM.

Meeting Students Who Got Score (≥ 75) Percentage

Cycle 1 16 44.4 %
Cycle 2 31 86,11%
c. Reflecting
Based on the result of the test in cycle 2, the researcher felt satisfied with the
students’ speaking improvement. It could be seen in the improvement of cycle

Publisher By : CV. Eureka Murakabi Abadi | Jl. Mappala Blok A4/3 Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia
| Email : [email protected]
The article is published with Open Access at : https://jurnal-eureka.com/index.php/edulecj

1 to cycle 2 speaking test score. They were more active in teaching learning
process better than the action of cycle 1.
The researcher concluded that, the use of scripted role play could increase the
speaking skill of students. Their pronunciation and fluency improved highly. The
students also more motivated to play the role and discuss with their friends.
The result of the students’ test as follows:
Table 4.1 The Result of the Students’ Improvements.

Mean N
Cycle 1 69.44 36
Cycle 2 80.13 36

Based on the table above, it was shown that the improvement of students
speaking skill was 69.44 in cycle 1and in the test of cycle 2, the mean score of
students was 80.13
The result of the students who got score (≥ 75) in speaking skill before using
scripted role play and after using scripted role play in the following table 4.2.
The implementation of scripted roleplay at class XI MIPA 2 students of SMA
Negeri 12 Makassar showed that the students’ speaking skill significantly
improved. It can be seen by their score that increased step by step.
The result showed the increasing of students’ score from cycle 1 to cycle 2. In
cycle 1 test, there were 16 students (44,4%) those got point ≥75, whereas in the
cycle 2 test, there were 31 students (86,11%) those got point ≥75. In mean that
the improvement was 41,71%.
Beside the primary data, the secondary data indicated thatthe
implementation of scripted role playwas successfully improved the students’
speaking skill. It also supported by several factors such teamwork, self-
confidence and interesting material. These factors were affected the students’
motivation and interest to play an active role in learning process.
Teamwork made students more focus to sharing ideas between each other
and responsible to play their respective roles. This point was related to the
desire and the sense of responsibility of each member to give the best. It means
that the higher ability students and the lower ability students well mixed. Both of
the members of pair had given limited time to discuss before they practiced. It
helped them sharing their ideas to improvise or to make a new similar script of
the given script.
Besides that, teamwork also encouraged students’ confidence to speak
because they were prepared well. The next point was interesting materials. In
applied role play, the researcher combined the material from students’ English
textbook and authentic materials. The researcher used the material from
students’ English textbook in the first meeting of each cycle to establish the
students’ knowledge about the general topic and expressions that they would
be learned. While, at the second meeting until the meeting of each cycle, the
researcher used authentic materials. The authentic materials related to the
topics written in the syllabus.
From these findings above, the discussion was written as the following. The
use of scripted role play can stimulate the students’ motivation to study. It was
supported by the theory of Hale as cited in Bradfor (2017) who stated
thatScripted dialogues are useful for controlling content, grammatical
structures and vocabulary.

Publisher By : CV. Eureka Murakabi Abadi | Jl. Mappala Blok A4/3 Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia
| Email : [email protected]
The article is published with Open Access at : https://jurnal-eureka.com/index.php/edulecj

In addition, this was line by Iman (2014) in his research showed that scripted
role play can improve students’ speaking skill in which it made the students
braver and more interested in involving themselvesbecause the students well-
mixed in the role play activity. Scripted role play is able to improve the students
speaking ability because in scripted role play the students well prepared
themselves before they act out the script or the scenario.
As the statement above, it can be concluded that the scripted role play
was an alternative way to help the students in speaking English. It was
recommended the students to be more creative and active to express their
ideas. Students also had to think and play their imagination to think about topic
given and play the role with their partner.
Finally, the implementation of scripted role play provided positive effects to
the students’ speaking skill. The students were be able to speak fluently and
confidently after they had been taught by using scripted role play. Moreover,
the steps in conducting scripted role play facilitated them to have chances to
prepare themselves before practice and to encourage their motivation to
speak English comfortably. Therefore, scripted role play required the students to
be more active and confident in every meeting.
As the result, the researcher concluded that the students’ speaking ability of
class XI MIPA 2 students of SMA Negeri 12 Makassar could improve by using
scripted role play.

Overall, the researcher found many problems during conducting this research,
which made the speaking skills of class XI MIPA 2 students of SMA Negeri 12
Makassar were low. These problems were caused by many factors such as;
firstly, the students were not confident to speak English. Secondly, the students’
still less in pronunciation. Thirdly, the teacher’s teaching method was teacher-
centered learning and it was influenced the students’ motivation to study
English, especially speaking. Based on these cases, the researcher intended to
improve the students’ speaking ability by using scripted role play at class XI
MIPA 2 of SMA Negeri 12 Makassar. After implemented the scripted role play,
the researcher found that students’ speaking skill was improved. The categories
of the students’ improvement are the students became fluently and confidently
in speaking English, the students’ pronunciation increased, the students
become braver in acted the roles because they had prepared themselves
before practice the script and the students could animate the roles
After conducting the research, some suggestions would be directed toward the
students, English teacher and other researchers to do the other research.

Adawiyah, R. (2013). Improving Students' Speaking Ability Through Scripted Role
Play At SMPN 3 Ngaglik Grade Viii In The Academic Year Of 2012/2013.
S1 Thesis
Adnyani, N. S., Seken, I. W., & Nitiasih, P. K. (2014). The Effect of Scripted Role
Play and Foreign Language Anxiety on the Eleventh Grade Students'
Speaking Competency at SMAN 8 Denpasar in the Academic Year
2013/2014. Journal Ilmiah Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Ganesha. vol.

Publisher By : CV. Eureka Murakabi Abadi | Jl. Mappala Blok A4/3 Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia
| Email : [email protected]
The article is published with Open Access at : https://jurnal-eureka.com/index.php/edulecj

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Publisher By : CV. Eureka Murakabi Abadi | Jl. Mappala Blok A4/3 Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia
| Email : [email protected]
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Publisher By : CV. Eureka Murakabi Abadi | Jl. Mappala Blok A4/3 Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia
| Email : [email protected]
The article is published with Open Access at : https://jurnal-eureka.com/index.php/edulecj


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