Correlation Between Student'S Vocabulary Mastery and Speaking Skill

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2, August 2019, Page 65-76


Taslim1, Andi Asrifan2, Yan Chen3, Nurdania NR4
STKIP Muhammadiyah Bone1, Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidenreng Rappang2,4,
University of New Mexico 3
Email : [email protected] , [email protected] (correspondence), [email protected],

[email protected]

E-ISSN : 2615-3092 P-ISSN : 2615-3084

Abstract. The objective of the research was at measuring correlation between student’s mastery vocabulary and
speaking skill of the eleventh grade at SMAN 6 Sidrap. Variables of the research were the student’s mastery
vocabulary as independent variable (x) and speaking skill as dependent variable (y). In this study, the researcher
used correlation design, where the researcher used this design to correlate two variables. The population of this
research was all of the eleventh grade (XI2) students of IPA class at SMAN 6 Sidrap and the number of the
subject was thirty-two students. In collecting the data, the researcher used some test was vocabulary test and
interview. In this research, the researcher used cluster sampling technique to chosen classes. The researcher
analyzed the data using Pearson Product Moment Correlation and Linear Regression with SPSS 21 program to
test the hypothesis. The result of calculation using SPSS 21 program found that the r value 0.532 was also higher
than rtable at 5% and 1% significant level or 0.349 < 0.532 > 0.449. It could be concluded that alternative
hypothesis (H1) stating that there is a significant positive correlation between student’s mastery vocabulary and
speaking skill of the eleventh grade at SMAN 6 Sidrap is accepted and null hypothesis (H 0) stating there is no a
significant positive correlation between student’s mastery vocabulary and speaking skill of eleventh grade at
SMAN 6 Sidrap is rejected. The result of calculation of contribution between student’s mastery vocabulary
(variable X) gave about 75.33% contribution to the speaking skill (variable Y) of the sample class and 25.66%
was influenced by other aspects. Based on the research findings, in is shown that there is a very significant
positive correlation between student’s mastery vocabulary and speaking skill of the eleventh grade at SMAN 6
Sidrap. It meant that the student who had lack of vocabulary.

Keywords: Correlation, Student’s Mastery Vocabulary, Speaking Skill

INTRODUCTION most people use English to communicate with

English is an international language used each other. Learning English is a great need for
almost all over the world. In this global era, all those who realize the importance of
English takes an important role as a language of international language for everyone's future. That
communication used in many sectors of life, such is why English is a compulsory subject in school
as trade, bilateral relations, politics, science, ranging from junior high school students to high
technology, and many others. In fact, people use school students
English to connect and share with each other. Most people in the world use oral
Therefore, everyone must understand and master communication to convey messages, feelings,
the English language to gain broader knowledge, etc. So, the four elements of this language skill
information and technology. are everyone's choice to communicate and issue
English for people in Indonesia is the their ideas by listening, speaking, reading and
first foreign language to be studied at school. writing. Speaking is one of the important
Everyone must learn and teach English, because language skills that must be mastered by students
English is an international language that is very and everyone. When someone tries to understand
important to learn and develop in Indonesia, so what someone is saying, everyone must master
Correlation Between Student’s Vocabulary Mastery – Taslim et all. 66

the vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation of opinions that involve acceptance or response to
words to make it clear and not misunderstood. someone.
Speaking is also a form of spoken language that Based on the explanation above, the
is used to communicate ideas and feelings. In researcher concluded that speaking is very
conclusion, speaking is a way to express opinions important in our life because speaking is crucial
or arguments about something and explain what part of the foreign language learning and
happened in this life. teaching. It can be use for the students to express
Speaking is communicating with other their idea orally in foreign language. Without
people, and by speaking, we can get information, speaking skill we will just keep silent special if
share knowledge with our ideas. Speaking is very we meet people from another country. So, we
important for us to exercise ability and should practice our speaking skill.
understand ideas and how to spell words well. Students' speaking skill is the ability
Therefore, speaking is an oral language that is most often complained by the teachers. Because,
used to communicate with each other, express they think speaking English was very difficult.
opinions, and share experiences. That's why Students find it difficult to speak compared to
everyone needs to know how to speak correctly other skills (listening, reading, and writing).
and correctly, because that can make it easy to Actually, it makes sense because the process of
communicate with people from other countries. speaking is done directly without much time to
As we know that many foreigners come to think about what words are used, this will be
Indonesia and that can help us communicate with worse if students feel nervous. Weak speaking
them if we know how to speak well. ability can be a time bomb that will explode at
According to Nunan (2003) stated that any time. This is where the important role of
speaking skill is productive skills that involve education, education must be able to equip
oral language by producing a system for someone to become a quality student in terms of
expressing verbal meanings. Speaking skill is the speaking skill. Then education must be able to
ability to say words or sentences to express and produce a generation that is reliable in
convey feelings, ideas, or ideas to someone. communicating using international languages.
Furthermore Jack C. Richards (2003) stated that Their speaking skill depends on how
speaking is an activity of defining the active much the vocabulary of the students. To increase
language of language users who demand real speaking skill students, students must have many
initiatives in the use of language to express vocabularies in English. Vocabulary is a
themselves verbally. collection of words or phrases that is usually
According to Luoma (2004) stated that arranged sequentially and translated. Vocabulary
speaking skill is an important part of the is a basic language, before mastering the four
curriculum in language teaching, and this makes abilities of listening, speaking, reading and
them an important object of assessment as well. writing we must learn English that is competent
Assessing speaking is challenging, however, such as vocabulary, structure (grammar) and
because there are so many factors that influence pronunciation. Vocabulary means a collection of
our impression of how well someone can speak a words used to communicate using language,
language, and because we expected test scores to groups, individuals, or working in the field of
be accurate, just and appropriate for our purpose. knowledge. For more about that, Vocabulary is
This is a tall order, and in different contexts one of the most important components of
teachers and testers have tried to achieve all this English. This is considered as the most important
through a range of different procedures. Speaking for students in learning English as a foreign
is an interactive process in expressing ideas or language. Because of their limited vocabulary,
they cannot communicate or express their ideas
67 JOURNAL OF ADVANCED ENGLISH STUDIES, Vol. 2, No.2, August 2019, Page 65-76

to reply to or answer the statements and questions used in making sentences or conversations in
of their interlocutors. English. Vocabulary was sometimes difficult to
Vocabulary mastery is the activity of understand because vocabulary is used in
mastering or the ability to understand and use everyday life. Therefore we must learn more
words contained in the language, both oral and about this vocabulary so that it is it not difficult
written. Mastery of vocabulary is very necessary to apply it in everyday life.
because the more vocabulary a person, the easier
it is to convey and receive information, and even
vocabulary can be used as a measure of one's 1. Vocabulary
intelligence. a. The role of vocabulary
According of Merriam-Webster The role of vocabulary is very important
Learner’s Dictionary (2002) illustrates that in improving skills in English. This would be a
vocabulary means the words that make up a cored component of language as well as a source
language. It also means all of the words known or basis when students speak English. Without
and used by person, a list or collection of words extensive vocabulary and strategies to obtain new
and phrases usually alphabetically arranged and vocabulary, students often achieve less than their
explained or define, a list or collection of terms potential. When students recognize many names
or codes available for use, a sum or stock of word whether the names of nouns, adjectives, adverbs,
employed by a language group, individual or pronouns, verbs, etc., that means they know or
work or in afield knowledge. Based on the know many words.
definitions above, it can be concluded that Vision Pavicic (2008) stated that
vocabulary is the total number of words in a vocabulary is part of a language or a set of words
particular language that a person knows or used. that everyone have. According to Richards,
Vocabulary mastery is one of linguistic (2002) vocabulary was the most obvious particle
features, which influences the communicative of language and is the first thing applied by
competence. Vocabulary is all of word used in linguists to distract them. Another definition of
English; we must be mastery the English Meriam-Webster (2002) stated that vocabularies
vocabulary for easy use in English, whether it is were wordsor phrases arranged according to rules
making sentences or conversations. in alphabetical order and identified in
Vocabulary there is several kinds, there dictionaries.
are productive and some are unproductive. Based on the description above, the
Vocabulary productive means vocabulary that we author defines vocabulary as a collection of
often use every day. While unproductive words, terms, and phrases that are compiled and
vocabulary, but is rarely used daily. It is said to explained to form language which means that
be productive because the vocabulary is always was used by someone in expressing ideas,
used in English. The characteristics of productive delivering speak and describing something or
vocabulary are vocabularies that we hear or hear people.
familiar. Vocabulary productive is also usually b. The Importance of Vocabulary
easy to understand the meaning. To use English Students used vocabulary in composing
well, we must learn and understand vocabulary sentences to express ideas, opinions, thoughts,
productively, of course because this is a widely feelings, etc. According to Alexander stated that
used vocabulary. In understanding a productive vocabulary is critical of grammar in
vocabulary would be easier because it is often communication, especially in the initial stages
used in everyday life. students would learn the basic words they need to
Vocabulary unproductive, why is get a language. And also, because the system is
unproductive because this vocabulary was rarely 'open', there was always something new to learn
Correlation Between Student’s Vocabulary Mastery – Taslim et all. 68

when students have 'completed' the final stage in Scott Thornburry (2002: 59) stated that they were
grammar. So, more advanced students are seventh level of vocabulary such as.
motivated to add their vocabulary stock, to
understand the meaning of meaning, to become Table 1. Level of Vocabulary
more proficient in their own choice of words and LEVEL WORDS
expressions. Alderson also stated that a person's Easy starts 200 Words
vocabulary was related to one's appearance in Level One Beginner 300 Words
any language test, in other words, that language Level Two Elementary 600 Words
skills are mostly a function of vocabulary size. Level Tree Pre- 1.200 Words
The researcher then concluded that Intermediate
students must be given a vocabulary that was Level Four Intermediate 1.700 Words
closely related to environmental relationships and Level Five Upper- 2.300 Words
students must learn early. So, they become more Intermediate
proficient in choosing and expressing words. Level Six Advance 3.000 Words
c. Vocabulary Mastery (Scott Thornburry, 2002)
Mastery is the ownership of
comprehensive knowledge or skills in the subject In the correlation between vocabulary
or certain activities carried out. Vocabulary and speaking, According to Norbert (2000: 142)
mastery is defend as the power to control, that vocabulary of 2000 words would be realistic
command, decide, and rule the vocabulary as an goal as found people regularly use about this
useful and fundamental tool for communication many different words in their daily conversation.
and acquiring knowledge. Of course, this would not enable a conversation
Vocabulary mastery is the competence or on every topic, and certainly not depth
knowledge of a collection of words that form a conversation on most topics. But it must be
language that can be used by everyone to continue to establish satisfying interactions with
communicate. Vocabulary mastery was one native speakers on topics that focus on daily
component for mastering English as a foreign activities and activities.
language from elementary to secondary and McCarthy (2004: 104) stated
advanced. In learning four language skills, conversation also contains a large amount of
vocabulary is one of basic component to be vocabulary whose function is mainly relational
mastered. It makes sense, given that four and interactional. Also Milton (2001: 74) stated
language skills require knowledge of words that the volume of vocabulary a learner knows is
because they would not be able to do all four experience the acquisition of other aspects of
skills without vocabulary. The bigger the students language and overall proficiency, and then a
master the vocabulary, the better they practice the much closer association might be expected.
language. By having more collections of Students with a vocabulary collection that is little
vocabulary in their minds, it can help them or less developed, cannot be proficient or fluent
communicate in English better and correctly. in using foreign languages. In fact, 2000 words
Teach vocabulary related to several seem to be the most frequently cited initial goal
language activities, if students must cover the for students. In addition, to enable basic
entire range of language skills. Then the conversations, the number of words is seen as
productive vocabulary is around 2000 basic providing a strong basis for moving to a further
words and receptive vocabulary that is very level of study.
necessary. However, teaching vocabulary to
students is not just a few words, but has a
significant influence on four language skills.
69 JOURNAL OF ADVANCED ENGLISH STUDIES, Vol. 2, No.2, August 2019, Page 65-76

2. Speaking Based on the description above, the

a. The Nature of Speaking writer defines speaking as meaningful utterances
When a student learns English, it cannot expressed to express ideas, deliver speeches,
be perfect without learning speaking skills. To make social contacts and describe things by
get the ability to speak, it's not as easy as learning people, and researchers conclude that speaking is
other skills in English. It takes a long time and a skill to produce language and share their ideas.
requires consistency to practice it. Speaking b. Micro and Macro Skills of Speaking
always deals with many things, this involves According to Brown (2000) stated that
what someone wants to say, choosing the right different between micro skills and macro skills of
words from our vocabulary, placing words in the speaking, the micro skills referred to production
proper grammar framework, communicating the the smaller chunks of language such as
feelings we have, and so on. Speaking is not only phonemes, morphemes, words, collocations, and
about making sounds, pressures, and intonations phrasal unit. The macro skills imply the speaker’s
but making every word or sentence that is issued focus on the larger elements, in example fluency,
by everyone has a specific meaning and purpose. discourses, function, style, cohesion, nonverbal
There are several definitions of speaking communication, and strategic options.
according to experts. According to Istianti 1) Micro skills of speaking (H. Douglas
(2013), speaking is an important skill among Brown, 2000: 268)
other language skills that students must learn in a) Produce chunks of language of different
learning English. This is the main criterion to lengths.
consider that student competence in English is b) Orally produces differences between English
very good or very lacking. pronounce and allophonic variants. Produce
And then, Nirmawati (2015) stated that English stress patterns, word in stress and
Speaking is a productive skill in language unstressed positions, rhythmic structure, and
learning that can involve communicative intonation contours.
performance, and other important elements, such c) Produce reduce forms of words and phrases.
as pronunciation, intonation, grammar, d) Sufficient number of lexical units (words) is
vocabulary, etc. They must be taught in language used to achieve the pragmatic goal.
learning to help students communicate well. e) Produce smooth speech at different levels.
To be able to speak in learning f) Monitor your own oral production and use
languages, we must have sufficient knowledge various strategic device-pauses, fillers, self-
about the sound, structure, vocabulary and corrections, backtracking-to enhance the
cultural systems of English. Students also have to clarity of the message.
think of the words or sentences they want to g) The use of grammatical words in the class
express. They must be able to articulate English (nouns, verbs, etc.), systems (for example,
sound well by changing the position of the lips, tense, agreement, pluralization), wording,
jaw, and tongue. In addition, students must be patterns, rules, and elliptical forms.
aware of appropriate functional expressions, h) Produce sounds in natural constituents in the
grammar, lexical and cultural features needed to right phrases, pause groups, breath groups,
express ideas, sensitivity to changes in the list or and sentences.
the style demanded by the person they are talking i) Expressing certain meanings in various
to and also the situation in which the grammatical forms.
conversation takes place. Finally, students must j) Use cohesive devices in spoken discourse.
have good skills to change the direction of their 2) Macro skills of Speaking
thinking based on the responses of those around
Correlation Between Student’s Vocabulary Mastery – Taslim et all. 70

a) Accomplish appropriately communicative behavior, to make apologies, or to entertain

functions according to situations, people with jokes and anecdotes.
participants, and goals. RESEARCH METHOD
b) Use appropriates registers, implicative,
Research design is a procedural plan that
pragmatic conventions, and other guides research to answer the researchers’
sociolinguistic features in face-to face questions in a valid, objective, accurate and
conversations. economical manner. According to Creswell
c) Convey links and connections between (2012) stated that research design were the
events and communicate such relations as specific procedures involved in the research
main idea, supporting idea, and new process: data collection, data analysis, and report
information, give information,
The method used in this study was
generalization, and exemplification Correlational design were procedures in
d) Use facial features, kinesics, body language, quantitative research in which investigators
and other nonverbal cues along with verbal measure the degree of association (or relation)
language to convey meanings. between two or more variables using the
e) Develop and use a battery of speaking statistical procedure of correlational analysis.
This degree of association, expressed as a
strategies, such as emphasizing key words,
number, indicates whether the two variables were
rephrasing, providing a context for related or whether one can predict another. To
interpretation the meaning of words, accomplish this, you study a single group of
appealing for help, and accurately assessing individuals rather than two or more groups as in
how well your interlocutor is understand an experiment. (Creswell, 2012)
you. In the writing process, field research was
c. The Aims of Speaking conducted. To get student’s mastery vocabulary
data and speaking skills, researchers shared
In our real life, we easily see that
written test question and conducted oral tests to
everybody move to do their activities, to get what students as samples. Then, after the data was
they want and need. Some of them go to office to complete, the data would be analyzed by the
work and finally get their salary; students go to product moment correlation formula.
school to study hard because they want to pass There were two kinds of variables; they
the examination, mother treat her child mercifully were namely independent variable and dependent
because she want his to grow up and become a variable. The independent variable is the variable
that the researcher expected to influence the
wise man. In short, everybody have some aims
other. The independent variable of this research
with it. was students’ Vocabulary Mastery. Dependent
It is also happen when someone speak to variable is variable that measured the influence of
others. He or she has aims. These aims relatively the independent variable. Dependent variable in
intend to get easy in communication because the this research was Speaking Skill.
easiest way of communication was by speaking. Variables were classified as continuous if
According to Richards (2002: 201) stated that they show gradational differences in the same
speaking is used for many different purpose. trait possessed by individuals, like height, weight,
When we use casual conversation our purposes and speed. These variables can be explained by
may be to make social contact with people, to adjective modifiers using very and more like very
establish rapport, to engage in the harmless high, very fast, very small, very large, or higher,
chitchat that occupies much of the time we spend bigger, faster. Variable sex or profession does not
with friends. When we engage in discussion with belong to continuous variables because we
someone, on the other hand, the purpose may be cannot say very male or very teacher. The
to seek or express opinions, to persuade someone variables were continuous interval variables
about something, or to clarify information. We because they occur when the measurements were
also use speaking skills to describe various continuous, but one was not certain whether they
things, such as to complain about people’s were on a linear scale, the only trustworthy
71 JOURNAL OF ADVANCED ENGLISH STUDIES, Vol. 2, No.2, August 2019, Page 65-76

information being the rank order of the Table 3 Sample (Cluster Sampling)
observations. No. Department Class Sample
The writer chose this design because 1. XI IPA2 32
correlation design was aimed to measure if the TOTAL 32
variables are correlated. This was related to the
objective of the study that was to measure the Instrument of the research was a survey,
correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery test, scale, rating, or tool designed to measure the
and speaking skill. According to Creswell (2012) variables, characteristics, or information of
stated that a population was a group of interest, often a behavioral or psychological
individuals who have the same characteristic. characteristic. Instrument of the research can be
Population was defined as all well-defined class helpful tools to the research of the study. In this
members, events, or objects. The population in study, the instrument is test. According to Ary
this study was students of class XI IPA at SMA (2009) stated that a test was set of stimuli
N 6 Sidrap. There are 3 classes, where XI IPA1, presented to an individual in order to elicit
XI IPA2, and XI IPA3. The total population was responses on the basis of which a numerical score
91 students. can be assigned. There are two kinds of test used
in this study; the first one is to measure the
Table 2. Population (Eleventh grade students of student’s mastery vocabulary, and the second was
language class at SMAN 6 Sidrap). to measure the speaking skill.
No. Department Class Number The test of vocabulary were two forms,
of the
there are multiple choices question and match
1. XI IPA1 30 question. The vocabulary test consisted of 22
2. IPA XI IPA2 32 items in form of multiple choices questions, the
3. XI IPA3 30 matching questions consisted of 13 items in the
Total Population 3 92 vocabulary test and the students answered the test
in 35 minutes. If the students could be choose the
According to John W. Creswell (2012) answer of 1 item correctly, they would get 1
stated that a simple was a subgroup of the target score, and if the students choose the answer of 1
population that the researcher plans to study for item incorrectly, they would get 0 scores.
generalizing about the target population. A The speaking skill test consisted of the
sample was a portion of a population. According instruction and statement the subjects addressed
to Ary (2009) stated that this type of probability in their speaking and the alternative topics to be
sampling was referred to as cluster sampling chosen. In this sense, the students were assigned
because the selected unit is not an individual but to choose one of the topics that are interested.
a group of individuals who are naturally together. They are asked to develop the topic in form of
The researcher used a cluster sampling spoken about 3-5 minutes. The student’s
technique to select classes, where one whole performances were second by two raters, the one
class would be sampled. Class XI IPA2 of English teacher and also the writer self, then
consisting of 32 students was chosen as the calculated to got the mean of the two raters
sample for this study, so that the total number of scores. The final score were related to the
samples is 31 students. following qualification based on KKM for
English subject at eleventh grade students of
SMAN 6 Sidrap.
Correlation Between Student’s Vocabulary Mastery – Taslim et all. 72

Table 4. Qualification scores for English subject. 55

Score Criteria Very Poor ≤40 0 0 0 0
81-100 Pass Total 32 100% 32 100
< 80 Fail %

The research used the simple describing Based on the table above, table 4.1 show
thing according suggest from the researcher. This that students’ score in the vocabulary test got
study used student’s data and procedures in very good, good, and fair classification, most of
collecting data in chronological order as follows. them were in average category, 2 (7%) students’
This study provides tests to students. It aims to were classified into very good, 27 (84%)
identify student's mastery vocabulary and students’ were classified into good, and 3 (9%)
speaking skills. This study used a vocabulary test students’ were classified into fair. But in the
consisting of 22 items in the form of multiple speaking test they got good, fair, and poor. Most
choice questions, consisting 13 items in form of of them were in category, 21 (66%) students’
match question and students answer the test in 35 were classified into good, 7 (22%) students’ were
minutes. classified into fair, and 4 (12 %) students’ were
The speaking skill test used the classified into poor.
description of topic, the instruction and statement 2. The mean score and standard deviation of
the subjects addressed in their speaking and the students
alternative topics to be chose. In this sense, the To found out whether or not there was no a
students are assigned to choose one of the topics significant correlation between mastery
that are interested. They are asked to develop the vocabulary and speaking skill of the test it was
topic in form of spoken about 3-5 minutes. shown in the following table 6:
Table 6. The Mean Score and Standard Deviation
This section the researcher was discussed No Variable Mean Standard
what about researcher was found in the field of Score Deviation
the research. The findings presented of the 1. Mastery 72.3 4.8
student’s achievement in Mastery Vocabulary Vocabulary
and Speaking Skill. 2. Speaking Skill 69.2 8.7
1. Scoring classification of student’s
The finding was obtained through the test
Table 6 above shows that the mean score
which conducted through two items, namely
Mastery Vocabulary of students was 72.3 and the
vocabulary-test and speaking-test.
mean score of Speaking Skill was 69.2, and then
Table 5. The Percentage Score of Vocabulary- the standard deviation of Mastery Vocabulary
test and Speaking-test was 4.8 while the standard deviation of Speaking
Skill was 8.7. The mean score and standard
Vocabulary- Speakin deviation of the students’ Mastery Vocabulary
Score test g-test were higher than the mean score and the standard
F (%) F (%) deviation of student’s Speaking Skill. This means
Very Good 86 – 2 7 0 0 mastery of student vocabulary and speaking skills
had a relationship that is related to the two
Good 71 – 27 84 21 66
85 variables.
Fair 56 – 3 9 7 22 3. Test of significance (F value)
70 The writer calculated the result of
Poor 41 – 0 0 4 12 vocabulary and speaking test of the sample class
73 JOURNAL OF ADVANCED ENGLISH STUDIES, Vol. 2, No.2, August 2019, Page 65-76

by using Regression (Linear) in inferential Table 8. The calculation of Pearson Product

statistics through SPSS 21 program for Windows Moment Correlation using SPSS 21
evaluation version to test the hypothesis. The Program
calculation results are shown in the following Correlations
Table 7. Testing Linear Regression
Vocabula Speaki
ANOVAa ry ng
Model Sum of df Mean F Sig. Vocabula Pearson 1 .532**
Squares Square ry Correlati
Regressi 670.415 1 670.41 11.87 .002 Sig. (2- .002
on 5 2 tailed)
1694.05 3 56.468 N 32 32
1 Residual Speaking Pearson .532 **
3 0
2364.46 3
Total on
9 1 Sig. (2- .002
a. Dependent Variable: Speaking tailed)
b. Predictors: (Constant), Vocabulary N 32 32
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level
Based on the result of Lenear test, the (2-tailed).
Fvalue was 11.872 and the significantvalue was
0.002. The variables were correlated linearly if The table 8 showed the result of
the significantvalue was lower than significant calculation using SPSS 16 Program. From the
level α = 0.05. Since significant value (0.002) was table of SPSS above, it meant that H1 was
lower than significant level α = 0.05, it could be accepted. It was found that the result of rvalue =
concluded that the variables were correlated 0.532 was higher than rtable = 0.349 at df 31 the
linear. significant level of 5% and 0.449 at df the
4. Testing Hypothesis significant level of 1% as explained in the table
The hypothesis stated previously was tested below:
using inferential analysis. In this case, the
researcher applied the Pearson Product Moment Table 9. The result of Pearson Product Moment
Correlation using the SPSS 21.0 program for the Correlation Test observed
evaluation version of Windows. The aimed was rtable
Variable rvalue Df/db
to determine whether or not there was a 5% 1%
X-Y 0.532 0.349 0.449 31
correlation between the results of students'
vocabulary mastery scores and speaking skills
It meant that vocabulary gave significant
that were statistically significant at a significant
contribution to the speaking skill of sample class.
level α = 0.05. The calculation results were
So, there was a significant positive correlation
shown in the following table:
between student’s mastery vocabulary and
speaking skill of the eleventh grade students at
SMAN 6 Sidrap. On the other hand, the students
with large vocabulary performed comparably
with the students with much smaller vocabulary
in speaking activities.
Correlation Between Student’s Vocabulary Mastery – Taslim et all. 74

The hypothesis testing was measure the whose lack of vocabulary, they got low score of
correlation of SPSS 21 program found that there speaking test. Moreover, after the data was
was high positive correlation between the two calculated using the Pearson Product Moment
variables. It proved by the value of r value was Correlation, it was found that the r value was 0.523
higher than the rtable at 5% and 1% significant and the rtable was 0.349 it meant that rvalue > rtable.
level or 0.349 < 0.532 > 0.449. To support the result of testing
It can be interpreted based on the result hypothesis, the writer also calculated the
of calculation that alternative hypothesis (H 1) hypothesis using SPSS 21 program. The result of
stating that there is a significant positive the analysis showed that the students whose
correlation between student’s mastery vocabulary much vocabulary performed speaking better than
and speaking skill of the eleventh grade at the student whose lack of vocabulary. It was
SMAN 6 Sidrap was accepted and the null proved by the value of rvalue = 0.523 higher than
hypothesis (H0) stating that there is no a rtable = 0.349 at df 31 at the significant level of
significant positive correlation between student’s 5% and 0.449 at df the significant level of 1%.
mastery vocabulary and speaking skill of the The findings of the study indicated that
eleventh grade at SMAN 6 Sidrap was rejected. It alternative hypothesis (H1) stating that there was
meant that students’ who’s much vocabulary a significant positive correlation between
performed speaking better than the student whose student’s mastery vocabulary and speaking skill
lack of vocabulary. of the eleventh grade students at SMAN 6 Sidrap
Based on the calculation above, it was was accepted and the null hypothesis (H0) stating
found that the rvalue was 0.532, and then the rtable that there was no a significant positive correlation
was calculated with table of the interpretation between student’s mastery vocabulary and
coefficient correlation r as follows: speaking skill of the eleventh grade students at
SMAN 6 Sidrap was rejected. It meant that the
Table 10. The Interpretation Coefficient students with large vocabulary performed
Correlation r comparably with the students with much smaller
Interval Coefficient Level of Correlation vocabulary in speaking activities. The r value was
0,000 – 0,200 Very Low 0.523, it was interpreted as strong correlation, so
0,200 – 0,400 Low there was a high positive correlation between the
0,400 – 0,600 Moderate students’ mastery vocabulary and speaking skill.
0,600 – 0,800 Substantial On the other hand, when the vocabulary
0,800 – 1,000 High
increased, the speaking skill increased at the
same time.
From the table of the interpretation
These findings were suitable with the
coefficient correlation above, it can be seen that
theories as stated in chapter II. First, according to
the rvalue (0.532) was at the level “moderate” of
Milton, the volume of vocabulary the students
correlation. So it meant that the correlation
know was to explore the acquisition of other
between student’s mastery vocabulary and
aspects of language and overall proficiency, and
speaking skill of the sample class was in
then closer associations may be expected.
moderate correlation.
Learners with small or poorly developed
The result of analysis showed that was
vocabularies could not be as proficient or as
significant positive correlation between student’s
fluent in performing through the foreign
mastery vocabulary and speaking skill of the
language. It could be assumed that the students’
eleventh grade at SMAN 6 Sidrap. It meant that
vocabulary stock gave much contribution in their
the students whose much vocabulary, they got
acquisition of other aspects of learning the
high score of speaking test and the students
language skills, as the result of calculating the
75 JOURNAL OF ADVANCED ENGLISH STUDIES, Vol. 2, No.2, August 2019, Page 65-76

score of vocabulary and speaking test, it showed was higher than the rtable at 5% and 1%
the mean vocabulary scores was 72.3 and the significant level or 0.349 < 0.523 > 0.449.
mean of speaking scores was 69.3. Vocabulary Second, based on the calculation of
played an important role in improving the four contribution between student’s vocabulary
skills in English especially for communication mastery and their speaking skill, it showed that
purposes. The students with large vocabulary the student’s mastery vocabulary (variable X)
performed comparably with the students with gave about 75.33% contribution to the speaking
much smaller vocabulary in speaking activities. (variable Y) of the sample class 25.66% was
They could arrange the words into sentences to influenced by other aspects.
make them meaningful and understandable.
Second, McCarthy stated that
conversation also contains a large amount of Ary, Donald. Lucy Cheser Jacob, Chris Sorensen,
and Asghar Razavieh. (2009)
vocabulary whose function was mainly relational
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and interactional. It meant that to make a 8th edition.
communication, vocabulary is needed than Brown H. Douglas. (2000). Teaching by
grammar for this purposes. Having a good Principles
conversation could make the satisfying Creswell, John W. (2012). Educational
interaction between the speaker and the listener. Research, 4th edition. University of
Conversation that contained a large amount of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Istianti, Nerfi. (2013). The Correlation between
vocabulary transferred more clearly about the
Students’ Motivation in Learning
point of the communication. Speaking and Their Speaking Ability: A
Related to this, Norbert (2000, p:142) Thesis,
stated that vocabulary of 2000 words would be Luoma, S. (2004). Assessing speaking. Ernst
realistic goal as found people regularly use about Klett Sprachen.
this many different words in their daily certainly McCarthy, Michael. (2004). Spoken Language
and Applied Linguistics.
not an in-depth conversation on most topics. But
Meriam-Webster, (2002). Webster’s New World
it should still allow satisfying interactions with College Dictionary, 4th ed, Clevend:
native speakers on topic focusing on every topic, Wiley Publishing Inc.
and activities. It meant that 2000 words Milton, James. (2001). Measuring the
represented as the size of minimum vocabulary Contribution of Vocabulary Knowledge
for having the daily conversation even did not to Proficiency in the Four Skills.
cover all the topics and not in depth conversation. Nirmawati, Lia Amelia. (2015). Improving
Students Speaking Skills through
CONCLUSIONS Speaking Board Games of Grade VIII of
SMP N 13 Yogyakarta in the Academic
Based on the research conducted at the years of 2013/2014: A Thesis.
eleventh grade students at SMAN 6 Sidrap, it can Nunan, D. (2003). Practical English Language
be concluded that there the students with large Teaching. Singapore: McGraw Hill.
vocabulary performed comparably with the Pavicic, Visnja. ed David Singleton. (2008)
students with much smaller vocabulary in Vocabulary Learning Strategies and
Foreign LanguageAcquisition, Dublin:
speaking activities. The result of data analysis
Trinity College.
showed that there was a significant positive Pavicic, Visnja. ed David Singleton, Vocabulary
correlation between student’s mastery vocabulary Learning
and their speaking skill it could be seen from the Richards, J. C. & Willy, A.R. (2003).
following facts. Methodology in Language Teaching.
First, the result of calculating using SPSS Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
21 Program found the calculated value of rvalue
Correlation Between Student’s Vocabulary Mastery – Taslim et all. 76

Richards, Jack. (2008). Teaching Listening and

Richards, Jack C. (2002). Curriculum
Development in Language Teaching,
United Kingdom: Cambridge University
Schmitt, Norbert. (2010). Research Vocabulary: a
vocabulary research manual, New York:
Palgrave Macmillan.
Schmitt, Norbert. (2000). Vocabulary in
Language Teaching, New York:
Cambridge University Press
Thornbury, Scott. ed Jeremy Harmer. (2005).
How to Teach Speaking, Edinburgh
Gate: Person Education Limited
Thornbury, Scott. ed Jeremy Harmer. (2002).
How to Teach Vocabulary
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