TP300 Ag4s

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Assessment Guidelines for Students

Module name Teaching Practice 3
Module code TP300
NQF level 6
Credits 30
Mode of delivery Distance Learning

Module Outcomes
On successful completion of this module, students will be able to:

1. Complete lesson plans using clear outcomes according to the CAPS document.
2. Include a variety of lesson with appropriate teaching and learning activities.
3. Design and effectively use assessment task rubrics to ascertain the degree of
learning taking place both during and after a lesson.
4. Research topics / core content before presenting a lesson.
5. Plan and present quality lessons clearly showing an integrated approach to
teaching and where information and communication technology was used and
how it was used.
6. Teach a language lesson by designing their lessons around a chosen life skills
7. Use effective discipline strategies to manage a class.
8. Develop and demonstrate good questioning techniques.
9. Design appropriate learning resources to add value to their lesson presentation.
10. Reflect on the positives and negatives of their lesson presentations.
11. Demonstrate the appropriate use of resources to enhance teaching.
12. Cultivate a practical understanding of teaching and learning in a diverse range
of South African schooling arenas.
13. Nurture a commitment to the ideals of the teaching profession.
14. Present themselves in a professional manner choosing a professional dress
15. Develop desirable professional attitudes, interests and ideas related to the
teaching profession.
16. Draw on experience of working with colleagues in the school environment and
practice collegiality.
17. Read and interpret academic journal articles.

STADIO School of Education / TP300-22-AG4S / Assessment Guidelines

Final Summative
Year Mark Final Mark

SYM 100% + FIS 0% 100% = FIN


The assessments contributing to the year mark (SYM) are indicated below.

Formal SYM Assessments – 100% of Overall Mark

Please note that ALL the assessments listed below will contribute to your final mark.
Type Weighting Compulsory (Timed-based
Final School-based Assessment 30% Y Not applicable 100
STADIO (MAP) Assessment 20% Y Not applicable 100
Electronic Portfolio of Evidence
(e-PoE) of which 10 % counts for 50% Y Not applicable 100
class participation (see below)

Passing TP200 is a pre-requisite for registering for TP300. In other words, you may
not register and proceed with TP300 if you have not met the pre-requisite for the

This module is assessed based on a cumulative year-long continuous assessment

process. Marks will be calculated according to the ratio specified in the table above.
The pass mark for his module is 50%. All assessments must be submitted.

You may not register for the following year of Teaching Practice if you have not
completed the required time in school and passed the module with 50%.


Type Criteria to Qualify

Final School Assessment: This section of the final school report assesses the
professional disposition of the student in relation to
Section A: 30 marks punctuality, dress code, responsibility, commitment,
relationships with learners, mentor(s) and staff,
participation in teaching and non-teaching activities.

STADIO School of Education / TP300-22-AG4S / Assessment Guidelines

Type Criteria to Qualify
Final School Assessment: This section of the final school report assesses the
student's competence in lesson planning and presentation
Section B: 70 marks with focus on integration of the curriculum, design of
lesson planning and presentation appropriate to age
group and subject, questioning skills, use of various
teaching strategies, design and use of resources,
establishing rapport with learners, classroom

Kindly encourage your school mentor to make a copy of

the final assessment for record purposes.
STADIO Assessment (MAP) Students will have one (1) formal lesson assessed and
moderated by a STADIO-appointed assessor. Students
may teach Mathematics lesson or Life Skills lesson from
the Beginning Knowledge or Personal and Social Well-
being content area only. The lesson will be planned on the
STADIO lesson plan (PRAC301a or PRAC301b) and will be
assessed by using the PRAC302 and PRAC303 documents.

The generic lesson plan (PRAC301a) and the mathematics

lesson plan (PRAC301b) templates can be found in your
Assessment Guide and on the TP300 module page. You
will also find the PRAC302 (lesson assessment descriptor)
and PRAC303 (lesson assessment form) in the
Assessment Guide and on the TP300 module page.
Electronic Portfolio of Evidence The online quiz assesses content from Units 2 and 3. The
(e-PoE): Part 1 quiz has a time limit of 60 minutes. Use the PowerPoints
Assignment 1: for Unit 2 and Unit 3 available on the TP300 module page
Online Quizzes to prepare for this test. Additionally, the prescribed
readings will be included in this online quiz.
Assignment 2: Plan a Language lesson for a Grade 3 class and include
Designing an Integrated integration of a Life Skills topic from a prescribed list. This
Language Lesson list is available in the assessment guide. A lesson plan
template will be available on the TP300 module page.
Please research your selected topic to ensure you teach
new content. Please take photos or print pictures of your
resources and attach these to your lesson. Ensure all
resources are clear (not blurred or pixelated) for the
purpose of assessing them. This lesson plan and
resources must be saved and uploaded to the TP300
module page as a PDF document. The rubric and
descriptor are on pages 12 to 16 of the assessment guide
and will be used to assess your lesson plan.
Assignment 3: Students are required to create a rubric for the
Rubric Design abovementioned Language lesson (Assignment 2) based
on the selected Life Skills topic.

This rubric will be used by students to assess learners'

understanding of the content taught.

STADIO School of Education / TP300-22-AG4S / Assessment Guidelines

Type Criteria to Qualify
Assignment 4: Reflective This assignment focuses on each student's reflections of
Collage and Presentation their experiences in a special education (LSEN) school.
(Class participation activity)
Each student is required to:

 Make a collage reflecting their experiences in a

special education school.
 Video record themselves presenting their collage
(3 to 5 minutes).
 Upload the recorded video to YouTube to an
assignment portal on the TP300 module page. The
video link is to be emailed; the date will be made
available on the TP300 module page.
Assignment 5: Students must choose any Maths content area and create
Mathematics ICT Game / design an interactive game appropriate for Grade 3,
Presentation Term 1 or 2 using PowerPoint.
(Class participation activity)
 Students must clearly indicate which content area it
is for, that is:
– Numbers, Operations and Relationships.
– Patterns, Functions and Algebra.
– Space and Shape (Geometry).
– Measurement; and
– Data Handling.
 They must indicate in which phase of this lesson this
interactive game will be used.
 The presentation of the game needs to be 8 minutes
in length.
 PowerPoint slides must contain animations and
 The PowerPoint presentation needs to be interactive
(not a PowerPoint presentation used to teach) for
learners to play a game and to create interaction
between teacher and learners.
 Students need to conduct the presentation as they
would do in the classroom by creating a simulated
classroom environment.
 All references must be listed correctly according to
the STADIO School of Education's referencing guide.

Students are also required to complete the development

section of the lesson plan available in the assessment
guide. In the development phase of the lesson plan,
students need to include the content they have taught in
order for learners to play the game they have created
using ICT.

STADIO School of Education / TP300-22-AG4S / Assessment Guidelines

Type Criteria to Qualify
Electronic Portfolio of Evidence Evidence of school-based teaching practice such as
(e-PoE): Part 2 student's teaching philosophy, daily planner, non-
teaching duties, lesson plans and resource material for
formal and informal lessons (six (6) formal lessons
assessments by the mentor teacher and minimum of
ten (10) informal lessons and resources), reflections on
lessons taught and their overall teaching experience.

Students must ensure they meet all the requirements for

the submission of their e-PoE outlined in their Assessment
Guide. PRAC307, the e-PoE assessment rubric, will be
used by the STADIO assessor to mark the e-PoE.

PRAC307 is available in the Assessment Guide and on the

TP300 module page.


To pass this module, you need to submit your e-PoE, the MAP Assessment, the
STADIO Assessment as well as the Final School-based Assessment and achieve at
least 50% for the year mark.

You may not register for the following year of Teaching Practice if you have not
completed the required time in school and passed the module with 50%.

STADIO School of Education / TP300-22-AG4S / Assessment Guidelines

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