Naveen 2018
Naveen 2018
Naveen 2018
To cite this article: J. Naveen, M. Jawaid, E. S. Zainudin, Mohamed T. H. Sultan & R. Yahaya
(2018): Evaluation of ballistic performance of hybrid Kevlar /Cocos�nucifera sheath reinforced
epoxy composites, The Journal of The Textile Institute, DOI: 10.1080/00405000.2018.1548801
Article views: 8
ing. Energy absorption and ballistic limit of the laminated composites were evaluated using a single sheath; hybrid composites;
stage gas gun ballistic setup with 8 mm hemispherical stainless steel projectile. The obtained results ballistic limit;
revealed that hybrid composites and CS/epoxy composite panels exhibited higher energy absorption energy absorption
(30%) and ballistic limit (13%) compared to KevlarV fabric/epoxy composites. It is due to CS’s chemical
composition, architecture, and unique shock wave dissipation mechanism. Hence, this new eco-friendly
material will efficiently replace KevlarV fabric in the ballistic composites.
fibers are widely used as a reinforcement in the polymer armors with an eco-friendly light weight material, together
matrix for ballistic applications such as bullet proof helmets, with an improved kinetic energy absorption and dissipation
vest, and other armor systems. Personal body armor could have become an interesting approach to enhance the body
be classified into soft armor and hard armor. Soft body armors ballistic performance (Benzait & Trabzon, 2018).
armor contains multiple layers of fabrics up to 50 layers Fibers which possess higher ballistic resistance and lower
(Hani, Roslan, Mariatti, & Maziah, 2012). On the other density are the most promising alternative to KevlarV fabric
hand, hard body armors are generally made up of three lay- (Zhou, Hou, Gong, & Yang, 2017). Recently, Brazilian
ered structures. The top harder ceramic layer stops the pro- researchers explored the possibility of utilizing eco-friendly
jectile while the mid layer (lighter and flexible KevlarV
projectile and ceramic fragments. The third ductile metallic ballistic composites. They have concluded that natural fibers
layer acts as a final barrier to stop the projectile which pen- can act as a potential reinforcement in the ballistic compo-
etrates into the ceramic and composite layers (de Oliveira sites (Cruz, Lima, Edio, Neves, & Louro, 2015; Luz, Lima,
Braga et al., 2017; Rohen et al., 2015; Yilmazcoban & Louro, & Monteiro, 2015; Monteiro et al., 2015; Monteiro,
Doner, 2016). Candido, et al., 2016; Monteiro, Milanezi, et al., 2016;
Ballistic impact produces shock waves which may cause Nascimento, Louro, Monteiro, Gomes, Lima, et al., 2017;
severe trauma injuries to the soldiers. Aramid fiber-based Nascimento, Louro, Monteiro, Gomes, Marçal, et al., 2017).
protection system, what defense industries are using now Jambari, Yahya, Abdullah, and Jawaid (2017) investigated
provides acceptable range of protection to the soldiers. the energy absorption and ballistic limit of hybrid kenaf/
However, disposal of KevlarV releases enormous amount of KevlarV fabric reinforced polymer composites with different
energy absorption and ballistic limit of the laminated com- performance of laminated composites. Naturally woven CS
posites. Yahaya, Sapuan, Jawaid, Leman, and Zainudin was chosen for hybridization because of its unique natur-
(2016c) investigated the effect of adding more kenaf layers ally woven architecture, low cellulose content (21%),
with the KevlarV fabric, instead of replacing KevlarV fabric.
allowable mechanical properties, low cost, and availability.
The additional kenaf layers improved the energy absorption Low cellulose content declines the hydrophilic nature of
and ballistic limit of the hybrid composites. Risby et al. the natural fiber and forms a rough and hard surface
(2008) studied the ballistic performance of twaron/coconut which is suitable to absorb impact energy (Yahaya, Sapuan,
shell powder reinforced epoxy composites, and they Jawaid, Leman, & Zainudin, 2016b). The reader may have
reported that the laminates with outer tawron layers and a question that how a relatively weak CS could compete
inner coconut shell powder layers exhibited higher ballis- with a high performance KevlarV fabric in the ballistic
tic limit and energy absorption. Radif, Aidy, and Abdan composites. This research has proven that the ballistic per-
(2011) investigated the ballistic behavior of hybrid formance of the CS/epoxy composite not only depends on
KevlarV/ramie fiber reinforced polyester composites for
This research has focused on evaluating the effect of data sheet. The matrix used in this study was D.E.R.331
hybridizing naturally woven novel Cocos nucifera sheath liquid epoxy resin with joint amine type (905-3S) curing
(CS) with KevlarV fabric/epoxy composites on the ballistic agent. The density of the epoxy matrix is 1.08 g/cm3.
Table 1. Chemical composition, physical, and mechanical properties of core fiber and outer fiber of the CS and Kevlar 29 fabric.
Properties Core fiber Outer fiber Kevlar
Chemical composition Cellulose 22.25 21.99 –
Hemicellulose (%) 42.01 43.44
Lignin (%) 33.32 31.98
Extractive (%) 2.05 2.42
Others (%) 0.37 0.17
Physical and mechanical properties Fiber diameter (lm) 2111.6 308.08 12.00
Fabric thickness (mm) 1.01–2.33 0.33
Tensile strength (MPa) 169.64 69.67 3000
Tensile modulus (GPa) 5.7 3.3 60
% of Elongation 15.5 21.32 3.30
Table 2. Laminates symbol and their corresponding weight fraction and stacking sequence.
Number Fiber weight fraction
of layers (Wt. %)
Symbol K CS K CS Areal density kg/m2 Layering sequence
9S1 9 0 27.2 0 7.25
12S1 12 0 32 0 7.81
Fabrication of composites then the epoxy resin was poured into the mold. Hand roller
was used to remove the air bubbles which may present inside
Laminated composites were fabricated with a simple hand
the laminae. Then, the mold was closed and kept inside the
lay-up method followed by hot pressing. Laminates were
hot press at 105 C for 1 hour. The pressure applied over the
made with 9 and 12 layers of KevlarV and CSs with five dif-
mold was 275 bars, and it squeezed out the excess resin
ferent stacking sequences (S1–S5). Table 2 shows the stacking
which is present inside the mold. Eventually, in order to pre-
sequence of the laminates with 9 and 12 layers with respect
vent the warpage failure, the composites were kept inside a
to the projectile direction. A stainless steel mold of dimen-
cold press for 15 min at a constant pressure of 275 bars.
sions 10 cm 10 cm was used. The mold was first cleaned
and applied with a releasing agent (Silicone spray) to prevent
the adhesion of laminated composites with stainless steel Characterization
mold after curing, and it improves the surface finish of the
Ballistic testing using single stage gas gun
composites. Epoxy resin and the curing agent were mixed for
15 min with 2:1 ratio. For each laminates the woven mats The sample size for ballistic testing was 10 cm 10 cm with
were kept inside the mold according to the layering sequence, different thickness depending upon the number of layers.
Figure 2(a) shows the ballistic experimental setup using single different frames. Whenever a projectile of mass “m” hits the
stage gas gun. Figure 2(b) shows the pressure control system target with a velocity “v” it possess kinetic energy. The kin-
with air compressor. Compressed helium gas acts as a work- etic energy of the projectile before and after impact can be
ing fluid which is used to propel the projectile. The com- termed as “impact energy” and “residual energy.”
pressed air pressure was maintained at 0.6 MPa, while the The impact energy and residual energy can be calculated
helium gas pressure was kept constant at 8 MPa. The cham- as follows
ber is made up of high-strength steel, and it gives maximum 1
protection while performing ballistic testing as shown in Impact energy ¼ mvi 2 (1)
Figure 2(c). Hemispherical stainless steel projectiles were used
in this ballistic experiment as shown in Figure 2(d). The
diameter and length of the projectiles are 8 mm and 13 mm, 1
Residual energy ¼ mvr 2 (2)
respectively. The projectile weighs around 5 g. While pushing 2
the trigger the air pressure has opened the helium gas valve. The ballistic performance of the body armor material can be
Immediately, the projectile which is kept inside the gas tunnel evaluated by using energy absorption (Eabs) and ballistic
barrel hits the sample at a velocity of around 300–320 m/s. limit (V50) (Yahaya, Sapuan, Jawaid, Leman, & Zainudin,
“NAC’s Hot Shot 512sc” high speed camera with 2016d). These can be calculated by using the following rela-
advanced CMOS sensor captures images at frame rates in tion
excess of 200,000 frames per second. Hot shot software sys- qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
tem was used to measure the impact velocity and residual Ballisti limit ¼ Vi2 Vr2 (3)
velocity. The penetration process is shown in Figure 3 at
Failure analysis
mv2i mv2r
Eabs ¼ (4) A simple nondestructive visual inspection technique was
used to evaluate the failed ballistic samples. The main
where “Vi” is the impact velocity; “Vr” is the residual vel- objective of this analysis is to identify the failure mechanism
ocity; “m” is the mass of the projectile. and the energy dissipation profile.
composites (9S1).
Similar trend was found while comparing the energy
absorption of the laminated composites with 12 layers. The
energy absorption of 12S1 laminated composite is lower
Figure 6. Ballistic limit of the laminated composites.
while the hybrid 12S2 laminates exhibited 3.2% higher
energy absorption than 12S1 laminates. 12S3 and 12S4
hybrid laminates showed 11.2% and 18.6% higher energy
Results and discussion
absorption than KevlarV fabric reinforced epoxy composites
Ballistic performance of five different layering patterns (12S1). Among the laminated composites (with 12 layers),
with 9 and 12 layers of KevlarV and CS reinforced epoxy
CS reinforced epoxy composites (12S5 laminates) exhibited
20% higher energy absorption than KevlarV/epoxy compo-
composites were evaluated in terms of energy absorption,
ballistic limit, and specific energy absorption. The assump- sites (12S1 laminate).
tions made while performing the ballistic impact test were While increasing the no of layers, laminated composites
(i) the velocity at the starting point and at the impact point can absorb more energy (Yahaya et al., 2016d). It can be
remains same, and (ii) the loss of projectile energy is pro- validated with the following results. Energy absorption of
12S1 (12 KevlarV layers) laminate is 11.3% higher than the
portional to the energy absorption of the samples.
9S1 (9 KevlarV layers) laminated composites. Similarly 12S5
Table 3 compares the impact velocity (Vi), residual vel-
ocity (Vr), impact energy, and residual energy of different (12 CS layers) laminated composites exhibited 2.53% higher
laminates. Impact velocity is the velocity at which the pro- energy absorption than 9S5 laminates. Hybrid composites
jectile hits the specimen with a predefined pressure and the 12S2, 12S3, and 12S4 have shown 7.5%, 1.7%, and 3%
corresponding kinetic energy is termed as impact energy. higher energy absorption than 9S2, 9S3, and 9S4 laminated
Residual velocity is defined as the velocity at which the composites, respectively.
Table 5. ANOVA test results of ballistic limit. Effect of stacking sequence on the ballistic limit of
Source DF SS MS F-value P-value laminated composites
Between group (BG) 9 6730.4 747.82 61.79 0.000
Within group (WG) 40 484.1 12.10 Ballistic limit or limit velocity is defined as the velocity
DOF, degrees of freedom; SS, sum of Square; MS, mean square. beyond which the particular material cannot withstand the
impact of the projectiles or it leads to complete penetration
of the material.
Figure 6 compares the limit velocity of all the 10 lami-
nates. Among the 9 layered laminates, 9S5 (CS) laminates
exhibited higher ballistic limit. Compared to 9S1 laminates,
hybrid composites 9S2, 9S3, and 9S4 have shown 3.1%,
11.01%, and 12.9% higher ballistic limit, respectively. The
limit velocity of 9S5 laminated composite was 13.86% higher
than 9S1 laminates.
Similar trend was found in the 12 layered laminates.
Among the 12 layered laminates, 12S5 laminates exhibited
maximum limit velocity while 12S1 laminate possess minimum
Figure 7. Normal probability plot of ballistic limit.
limit velocity. The limit velocity of hybrid 12S2 laminates was
1.24% higher than 12S1 laminates due to the replacement of 3
KevlarV layers with CS. The limit velocity of hybrid 12S3 and
12S4 laminates was 5.6% and 8.8% higher than KevlarV fabric
Energy absorption of the composite is the most import-
ant factor in the armor system since it protects the wearer reinforced epoxy composites (12S1) due to the replacement of
6 and 9 KevlarV layers with CSs. Further, CS-based composites
from blunt trauma (Jambari et al., 2017). All the natural
(12S5) possess 9.6% higher ballistic limit compared to KevlarV
fibers contain cellulose which is the main reason for its
hydrophilic nature. Each anhydro-D-glucose element of cel- fabric based composites (12S1).
lulose contains three alcohol hydroxyls. These hydroxyls More number of layers enhance the ballistic limit of the
form hydrogen bonding in between the cellulose macromo- laminated composites (Yahaya et al., 2016d). The ballistic
lecules and with the hydroxyl groups which is present in the limit of 12S1 laminates was 5.3% higher than 9S1 laminates
air (Bledzki, Reihmane, & Gassan, 1996). Low cellulose con- while 12S5 laminated composites exhibited 1.4% higher bal-
tent of the CS produce a rough fiber surface and it forms a listic limit than 9S5 laminates. Hybrid composites 12S3
hydrogen bond with the adjacent cellulose and hydrophobic exhibited slightly higher ballistic limit compared to 9S3 lam-
polymer matrix rather than the atmospheric air molecules, inates. 12S2 and 12S4 laminates have shown 3.3%, 1.5%
whereas higher lignin content significantly improves the higher ballistic limit compared to 9S2 and 9S4 laminated
bonding of distinct cells of hard natural fiber. This nature composites, respectively.
of the CS is an important factor for better energy absorption The fabric design plays a vital role in the ballistic resist-
than KevlarV/epoxy composites.
ance of the composites (Zhang, Sun, Chen, Zhang, & Pan,
Hence, in this research we have newly identified that nat- 2014). Deflection can be reduced if the weaving nature of
urally woven novel CS and hybrid KevlarV/CS reinforced
the fabric is too tight. Loose weaving nature of the fabric
epoxy composites possess higher energy absorption than allows more penetration rate (Cavallaro 2011). Naturally
KevlarV/epoxy composites.
woven randomly interlaced dense architecture of the CS
Statistical analysis of the results was performed with one could resist the projectile efficiently. Dense natural weaving
way ANOVA (analysis of variance) using Minitab 2018 soft- style of the CS produces a strong mechanical interlocking
ware. Table 4 shows the ANOVA test results of energy with the adjacent lamina and matrix which makes the struc-
absorption (Eabs) of the laminated composites. The variance ture more rigid and improves the limit velocity.
of “Eabs” has been decomposed into two categories such as Table 5 shows the ANOVA test results of ballistic limit
between the groups (BG) and within the groups (WG). F- (V50) of the laminated composites. The variance of V50 has
value is the ratio between the mean square (BG) to the been decomposed into two categories such as between the
mean square (WG). The P-value of the F-test is less than groups (BG) and within the groups (WG). F-value is the
0.05 which rejects the null hypothesis. Hence, it has been ratio between the mean square (BG) to the mean square
concluded that there is a statistically significant difference (WG). The P-value of the F-test is less than 0.05 which
between the mean energy absorption of the laminated com- rejects the null hypothesis. Hence, it has been concluded
posites with 95% confidence level. Figure 5 shows the nor- that there is a statistically significant difference between
mal probability plot of energy absorption. The data points the mean ballistic limit of the laminated composites with
in the normal probability plots are almost nearer to the nor- 95% confidence level. Normal probability plot of ballistic
malization line. It was observed a minimal deviation from limit is shown in Figure 7. The data points in the normal
the normalization line. In general, the data points follow a probability plot are almost nearer to the normalization line
relatively straight line for energy absorption which confirms which confirms the goodness of fit of the model in
the goodness of fit of the model in the ANOVA. the ANOVA.
Figure 8. Effect of hybridization on the energy absorption (a) with respect to CS laminates and (b) with respect to KevlarV fabric laminates.
Figure 9. Effect of hybridization on the ballistic limit (a) with respect to CS laminates and (b) with respect to KevlarV fabric laminates.
absorption (S5 > S4 > S3 > S2). Figure 8(b) compares the
effect of hybridizing CS on the energy absorption of
Kevlar/epoxy composites. Replacing KevlarV fabric with CS
Figure 11. Specific energy absorption of the laminated composites. has been investigated as shown in Figure 9. Figure 9(a) compares
the ballistic limit of hybrid and CS reinforced epoxy composites
(S5). From the analysis, it was observed that replacement of CS
Effect of hybridization on the ballistic performance of
with KevlarV fabric declined the ballistic limit. Figure 9(b) com-
laminated composites
pares the ballistic limit of hybrid and KevlarV fabric reinforced
Figure 8 presents the effect of hybridizing Kevlar and CS epoxy composites (S1). It has been found that hybrid composites
exhibited higher ballistic limit than KevlarV fabric reinforced
on the energy absorption behavior of the laminated com-
posites. Figure 8(a) compares the effect of hybridizing epoxy composites (S1). Jambari et al. (2017) reported that
hybridizing KevlarV with kenaf fabric declined the energy
Kevlar on the energy absorption of CS/epoxy composites.
The energy absorption of CS/epoxy composites was higher absorption and ballistic limit. But this research has proven that
Figure 12. Energy dissipation profile. (a) Radial dissipation (pure KevlarV), (b) radial and diagonal dissipation (hybrid), (c) and (d) Diagonal dissipation (CS).
hybridizing KevlarV with CSs enhanced ballistic performance KevlarV with CS rapidly dissipates the kinetic energy of the
Due to slight variation in thickness and density difference of fabric reinforced epoxy composites on the ballistic perform-
individual constituents of the laminated composites the ance was evaluated. This research has proven that CS can
efficiently replace the KevlarV fabric in the epoxy compo-
energy absorption was normalized with respect to areal
density. The specific energy absorption E(specific) has been sites for body armor applications.
calculated by using the following relation
Energy absorption Higher energy absorption of the hybrid and CS rein-
EðspecificÞ ¼ J=kg=m2 (6) forced epoxy composite is attributed to lower cellulose
Areal density
and higher lignin content of the CS which can absorb
Figure 11 shows the specific energy absorption of 9 and and dissipate the kinetic energy of the projectile rapidly
12 layered laminates. Among the nine layered laminates the away from the impact zone.
specific energy absorption was lower for KevlarV fabric rein-
Higher ballistic limit is attributed to the randomly interlaced
forced epoxy composites (9S1), whereas the hybrid and CS dense weaving nature of the CS which enhances the mechanical
based laminates exhibited slightly higher specific energy interlocking with adjacent layers and epoxy composites.
absorption. Similar trend was observed in the 12 layered Increase in areal density enhances the ballistic perform-
laminates. Among the 12 layered laminates 12S5 possess ance of the laminated composites.
higher specific energy absorption than hybrid and pure Hybrid and CS/epoxy composites exhibited higher spe-
KevlarV fabric reinforced epoxy composites.
laminates exhibited shear failure while the bottom layer has laminates showed the energy dissipation in the radial direc-
shown tensile mode of failure. KevlarV and hybrid panels