Visual Arts Lesson Plan
Visual Arts Lesson Plan
Visual Arts Lesson Plan
Rev. 1/2024
Early Childhood Education
Learning Experience Template
One/Two Assessed Instructional Identify Evidence: (What will you collect or record as data Academic Language:
Objective(s): to demonstrate students have met your objective(s) and - Abstract
- The student will be able to use skill?) - Subject
their imagination to identify I will record if the students are able to identify an image - Color
pictures in abstract art. from an abstract picture. I will keep this record and assess - Portrait
- The students will be able to if it changes throughout the school year. This will assess - Details
identify what materials they used the students creativity skills. Procedural steps:
in their art and why. - Invite students to come to the teacher table for a small
Program Monitoring: (How will you aggregate or compile group art activity during center activities.
One Assessed Developmental your evidence into a class or group view?) - Greet students and explain activity
Skill: I will assess if 75% percent of the class is able to see a - “Hi guys! Go ahead and choose a paint color”
- Fine Motor Skills subject from an abstract picture. If less than that percentage - Explain to the students that they are going to make a blob
- Creativity are successful, I will revisit this activity in different activities. of paint on their paper and then fold it in half.
- Complete first part of activity
Safety Considerations: Differentiation: - Lay pictures to dry on drying rack then switch centers
- Making sure all materials are - Providing different material for students that struggle with - Complete activity with following groups
being used in their desired their fine motor skills (Bigger pencils, pencil grips, bigger NEXT DAY!
manner. paint brushes, bigger crayons, etc) - Remind students of the activity they completed the day
- Making sure all classroom rules - Proving aid to students who may not be able to use prior
are being followed. physical manipulates. - Have the students look at their pictures and see what
- Making sure no materials end up - Small group instruction images they see from their blob art
on the floor or in other areas. - “Is there anything else you see from your blob? It could be
- Making sure no materials hinder Authentic Materials: a person, animal, monster, or object!
a child’s allergies. - Paper - Explain to the students that they are going to take their
- Paint abstract art and create a new picture from it.
- Pencils - Introduce all of the art materials that the students have
- Markers access to in order to create the new picture.
- Crayons - Have students complete their new pictures with plenty of
- Tape time.
- Glue - Transition to a circle time setting
Scissors - Have students take turns explaining their new pictures but
- Stickers give the students the opportunity to say “no thank you” and
- Pens explain their picture to you individually.
- Access each child’s creativity
Adult Roles: The adults role for this activity is to aid the - Ask students if they see different objects from their peer’s
students for the first half of the activity but to be a facilitator blobs
for the second half. The teacher will be readily available for - Document for each child
any aid or questions from the students. If there is an aid in - Transition to next activity
the classroom, they will assist the students that need it.
Rev. 1/2024
Early Childhood Education
Learning Experience Template
Reflection: (What have you learned about your students? How will this inform future instruction?)
Hopefully, this lesson plan will help me assess the creativity levels of the students within the specific group. This activity would probably work best if it was done in
the beginning of the school year. Therefore, it could be done multiple times throughout the year to assess if the student’s developmental skills have changed. Also,
I could alter the activity the second time it is completed if I feel like something needs to be changed or if it didn’t run smoothly.
Rev. 1/2024