Edt 317 Visual Arts Lesson Plan

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Early Childhood Education

Learning Experience Template

Name: Chloe Miller Lesson Title: Visual arts lesson

Date: 2/28/2024 Grade Level: Preschool Circle one: ECE PKSN
Creative Development: 1.a.3. Uses self-selected materials and activities to express ideas and feelings

Language and Literacy: 1.a.4. Shows understanding of simple requests and statements referring to people, objects, ideas, and feelings

Pre-assessment of current knowledge: Students have been introduced to the concept of emotions and what they can sometimes look like, through a
variety of pictures and books.

Instructional Objectives (1-2) Assessment of Student Learning Learning Experience

One/Two Assessed Instructional Identify Evidence: (What will you collect or record as data Academic Language:
Objective(s): The student will be to demonstrate students have met your objective(s) and - Emotions
able to... skill?) - Sad
- Happy
1. The student will be able to - I will observe the amount of colors they used. - Excited
address which emotions - I will make note of what supplies they use. - Angry
were used in their art. - And I will listen to conversations they have with their - Nervous
classmates while they are creating their art. - Express
2. The student will be able to Procedural steps:
use colors that express Program Monitoring: (How will you aggregate or compile 1. The teacher will read the Book Rainbow of Emotions:
how they feel. your evidence into a class or group view?) Making Friends with Your Emotions By Elena Ulyeva
2. During the read aloud the teacher will stop at each
One Assessed Developmental - Students will present their work to the class. emotion/color and asl students what they think it
Skill: - They will describe what is happening in the art they means
created. 3. After the read aloud, students will be instructed to
- Students are able to name - They will tell us what emotion they felt. create a piece of artwork based off of the colors and
at least three emotions - They will describe why they used certain colors emotions they learned about in the book. They can
and describe them. create their own chameleon if they would like, or
choose a different animal/object
Safety Considerations: Differentiation: 4. Paper with chameleon outlines will be provided
- Note allergies - Students with accommodations will be given simpler 5. Students will use colored markers
- Make sure students have directions. 6. As they color as students about their color choice
enough space - Students will also have the option to present their and why they chose the colors they did
- Make sure appropriate art. 7. After the completion of the artwork, students will
materials are available - Students will get to reference the book when they present their artwork to the class (or a teacher) and
need to. share the emotions and colors that were used.

Rev. 1/2024
Early Childhood Education
Learning Experience Template

Authentic Materials: (Describe authentic real-life, hands-on

- Markers
- White paper/cardstock
- Read aloud book

Adult Roles:
- Make sure students have enough supplies
- Ask open ended questions as they are working on
their art
- Make sure students are being safe with the provided

Resources & References:

Early learning and development standards. Ohio Department of Education. (n.d.). https://education.ohio.gov/Topics/Early-Learning/Early-Learning-

Ulyeva, E. (2022). Rainbow of emotions: Making friends with your emotions. Clever Publishing.

Reflection: (What have you learned about your students? How will this inform future instruction?)

Through this lesson, I will learn more about how my students perceive emotions. I will also learn how they use emotional words to describe how they or someone
else feels. I hope students gain new skills from this, for example, sharing with others how they are feeling so that we can better understand them. This will inform
future instruction because students will know that different colors can portray different emotions. This will transfer over when they read new books or see colorful
artwork, they will be able to describe the emotion that is being told.

Rev. 1/2024

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