Visual Arts Lesson Plan

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Claudia Perez

Cecilia Rodriguez Gonzalez

LBS 405
Professor Ishii

Visual Arts Mini Lesson/Activity

Name of Activity Constellation Unit

Grade Level(s​) 3rd

Learning Objective Students will demonstrate their understanding of
Students will be able to… constellation patterns, using elements of art.
California Standards 1.0 ARTISTIC PERCEPTION

Processing, Analyzing, and Responding to Sensory

Information Through the Language and Skills Unique to
the Visual Arts

Students perceive and respond to works of art, objects in

nature, events, and the environment. They also use the
vocabulary of the visual arts to express their observations.

Analyze Art Elements and Principles of Design

1.5 Identify and describe elements of art in works

of art, emphasizing line, color, shape/form, texture,
space, and value.

Creating, Performing, and Participating in the Visual Arts

Students apply artistic processes and skills, using a variety

of media to communicate meaning and intent in original
works of art.

Skills, Processes, Materials, and Tools

2.1 Explore ideas for art in a personal sketchbook.

Materials/Resources Needed -Book “Once Upon a Starry Night”
-Image of “The Starry Night” by Vincent Van Gogh
-Black construction paper
-Small marshmallows
-Writing worksheet
-Key Terms worksheet
-Seven Elements of Art worksheet
-Video link:
Summary of How Activity Unfolds/ What is the teacher saying What are the students
Instructional Sequence and doing? saying and doing?
(Be specific! Explain what the
teacher is saying and doing and what Teacher will start by asking
you anticipate the students to say and students a day before the
do.) lesson to look at the sky at

-Teacher will show the -Students will watch and

elements of art video as a take notes on the video as
refresher for students. a reminder of what
Elements of Art are.

-Teacher will provide Seven

Elements of Art worksheet to
take notes.


-Lesson will start by asking

students: What did you see in -Students will participate
the sky at night? Do you in a brief class discussion
think other people on the using the keywords.
other side of the world saw
the same stars and
constellations we do? Why?

-Teacher will project the
book “Once Upon a Starry -Students will read the
Night”. Teacher will ask book taking turns
students to make predictions
based on the book.

View can van Gogh's Starry -Think-pair-share
Night and ask students to
describe what shapes or Students will be given a
patterns they see in the minute to reflect on
depiction of the depiction of similarities and
the sky. Then ask students to differences, then they will
identify similarities and turn to their partner and
differences to the share their opinions.
constellation images from
Teacher will ask students to -Students will use what
create a table chart with the they talk about with their
columns “art elements” and partners and what they
Adjective” and fill each of have been learning
the answers. throughout the unit to fill
out the chart.
Ex: the swirls look like it's
windy, the colors are sharp.

For the project teacher will -Student will write key

provide student with a terms in the worksheet.
worksheet in which they will
write down the terms
-Star: an object that shines
due to energy being released
from nuclear reaction
-Constellation: a group of
visible stars that form a
pattern when viewed from
-Northern Hemisphere:area
above the equator
-Southern Hemisphere: area
below the equator
-Axis: an imaginary line that
runs through the center of
-Rotate: to turn an axis
-Revolve: when an object
moves in circle around
another object

-Students will be divided into -students will use different
small groups and each group resources to make their
will be assign a constellation. research.
Throughout a period of 2
weeks . Library -computer lab.
-students will be given a
Checking for To check for students understanding, at the end of the
Understanding/Assessment activity:

How will you gauge students’ -The final assessment will be a drawing /model completed
understanding the lesson? by students that will show whether or not they understood
their constellation.
How will you check if students are -Students will write a brief summary of their constellation
meeting the learning objective? including:
-When is it visible : Spring, Summer, Fall or Winter.
These do not need to be formal -Greek Mythology for their constellation.
assessment but may be through -Students also need to include Elements of Art keywords
observation or through student work such as: Line, shape, form, texture, value, color and space
samples. (explaining how they created their visual art project).

Accommodations/Modifications: Accommodations for English Learner:

Emergent Bilinguals
How will you meet the needs of -Seat the student near the teacher.
students who are learning English? -Print clearly; do not use cursive writing.
Accommodations must go beyond -Print instructions clearly on the board as well as giving
‘translating’. instructions orally.

For below level students, the teacher should pick a

constellation that has an easily understood. The teacher can
cut down on the length of the summary, too.

For students with disabilities, visual aids, for example

Students with Disabilities
pictures from the book will be provided. Sentence starters
How will you meet the needs of
will be written on the board for assistance to help them
students with varying abilities?
begin their writing. Students will work together in groups
Consider students with mild to
to help each other and for peer support. Students will be
moderate and students with moderate
given extra time if needed to complete activity.
to severe disabilities.
The teacher can encourage the students above grade level
to create a multiple paragraph summary.

Directions​: With a small group, you will create a 10-15 mini-lesson/activity in one of the visual
and performing arts and present this to the class. You will complete this in the area you
completed in which you completed the module.

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