Visual Arts Lesson Plan
Visual Arts Lesson Plan
Visual Arts Lesson Plan
-Teacher will project the
book “Once Upon a Starry -Students will read the
Night”. Teacher will ask book taking turns
students to make predictions
based on the book.
View can van Gogh's Starry -Think-pair-share
Night and ask students to
describe what shapes or Students will be given a
patterns they see in the minute to reflect on
depiction of the depiction of similarities and
the sky. Then ask students to differences, then they will
identify similarities and turn to their partner and
differences to the share their opinions.
constellation images from
Teacher will ask students to -Students will use what
create a table chart with the they talk about with their
columns “art elements” and partners and what they
Adjective” and fill each of have been learning
the answers. throughout the unit to fill
out the chart.
Ex: the swirls look like it's
windy, the colors are sharp.
-Students will be divided into -students will use different
small groups and each group resources to make their
will be assign a constellation. research.
Throughout a period of 2
weeks . Library -computer lab.
-students will be given a
Checking for To check for students understanding, at the end of the
Understanding/Assessment activity:
How will you gauge students’ -The final assessment will be a drawing /model completed
understanding the lesson? by students that will show whether or not they understood
their constellation.
How will you check if students are -Students will write a brief summary of their constellation
meeting the learning objective? including:
-When is it visible : Spring, Summer, Fall or Winter.
These do not need to be formal -Greek Mythology for their constellation.
assessment but may be through -Students also need to include Elements of Art keywords
observation or through student work such as: Line, shape, form, texture, value, color and space
samples. (explaining how they created their visual art project).
Directions: With a small group, you will create a 10-15 mini-lesson/activity in one of the visual
and performing arts and present this to the class. You will complete this in the area you
completed in which you completed the module.