Edt 317 Visual Arts Lesson Plan

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Early Childhood Education

Learning Experience Template

Name: Alley Cooney Lesson Title: Let’s Explore Visual Art With Marbles!
Date: March 3 2024 Grade Level:Preschool Circle one: ECE PKSN
Standard(s)/Guideline(s): Approaches to Learning 1.c.5: Carries out tasks, activates, or experiences from beginning to end.

Standard(s)/Guideline(s): Physical Development and Wellness 1.b.6: Preforms tasks requiring precise movements by coordinating the use of hands, fingers,
and wrists to manipulate objects and tools.

Pre-assessment of current knowledge: To assess the student’s prior knowledge on their ability to carry out tasks, I will provide them with a task and
observe how well they follow or don’t follow the task given. I will also observe how they use their hands and fingers when preforming these tasks and
how they move.

Instructional Objectives (1-2) Assessment of Student Learning Learning Experience

One/Two Assessed Instructional Identify Evidence: (What will you collect or record as data Academic Language:
Objective(s): The student will be to demonstrate students have met your objective(s) and skill -Marbles
able to... To demonstrate students have met my objectives and skills -tray
as evidence, I will collect their artwork at the end. I will also -colors
By the end of this lesson students take photos of the students as they are doing the activity and -rolling
will be able to use unfamiliar creating their artwork. Another way I will collect evidence is
objects to create a picture. by writing anecdotal notes while I observe the students to
see if they have met the goals. Procedural steps:
By the end of this lesson students First, I will invite the students to the carpet area to join me for
will be able to create their own a read aloud. This read aloud will involve a book about the
unique piece of art. Program Monitoring: (How will you aggregate or compile different kinds of colors that they will be using in the activity.
your evidence into a class or group view?) Next, I will encourage the students to go and engage in free
One Assessed Developmental I will compile my evidence into a class view through taking play. Then, I will invite the students over into groups of 3 and
Skill: their artwork I collected and hanging it around the introduce them to the activity that they will be doing for art. I
By the end of this lesson students classroom for all to see. I will also make a checklist that will will provide each student with a tray and a piece of white
will be able to grow their fine motor help me see if the class was able to complete what was paper inside. I will then have 4 different colored paints in
skills and understand what it being asked of them. If a number of students were small cups with marbles next to them. I will instruct the
means to follow through with struggling with the same thing I will change the way I do it students to dip a marble in one of the paints and place it in
carrying out a task. next time so it’s easier to understand. their tray with the paper. Then I will instruct them to pick up
the tray and move it around, so the marble rolls around their
Safety Considerations: Differentiation: paper. I will then ask them to make sure that they keep the
Use washable and non-toxic To differentiate this activity for students who may need it, I marble on the paper so that the paint doesn’t get on the table.
paint could have them finger paint instead or I could have them I will encourage them to continue to do this with different
use paintbrushes. I could even have them use q-tips to colors until they are happy with the art they have created.
keep with the idea of creating art with unfamiliar objects. Finally, once they are done, I will take their work out of the
tray and place it on the drying rack. I will then call the next
group of students over and repeat these steps until each
student has made their art creating with paint and marbles.
Rev. 1/2024
Early Childhood Education
Learning Experience Template

Authentic Materials: (Describe authentic real-life, hands-on

-white printer paper

Adult Roles: Sit with the students at the table and

observe them. Be available if they need help with the
task in any way.

Resources & References:

Reflection: (What have you learned about your students? How will this inform future

Rev. 1/2024

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