Samudra Manthan Vocabulary by Rani Madam
Samudra Manthan Vocabulary by Rani Madam
Samudra Manthan Vocabulary by Rani Madam
भरोसा PERFIDY (noun) faithlessness, deceitfulness ववश्वासघात
CONFIDENT (adj) bold, fearless, convinced आत्मववश्वासी
DIFFIDENT (adj) shy, hesitant, bashful, sheepish संकोची
BONAFIDE (adj) genuine, authentic, real, true वास्तववक
MALAFIDE (adj) illegal, false, phoney, specious दुभाावनापर्
ू ा
CONFIDANT (noun) an intimate and trustworthy friend ववश्वासपात्र
CONFIDE (verb) to share secrets with someone whom you गुप्त बात बताना
ELOQUENT (adj) who speaks/talks very fluently / clearly सुवक्ता
INTERLOCUTION talk between two or more people, conversation संवाद
ELOCUTION (noun) the art of effective public speaking वक्तृ त्व कला
MONOLOGUE(noun) a long speech by one person एकालाप
DIALOGUE (noun) a conversation between people in a book, play, लोगों के बीच
etc. वाताालाप
PROLOGUE (noun) a speech that introduces or is added in the प्रस्तावना
beginning of a play, poem, etc.
(to please
/soothe/ PLACABLE(adj) who can be pleased/satisfied नम्र / शांत
calm स्वभाव
IMPLACABLE (adj) who cannot be pleased. (angry, violent, फहंसक
शांत करना
COMPLACENT (adj self-satisfied आत्मसतं ुष्ट
PLACEBO (noun) a fake treatment/medication given to a person प्रयोफगक
to satisfy him/her psychologically औषफध
COMPLAISANT (adj) willing to please others or accept what they do मेहरबान/
or say without protest, obedient. फवनयपूणा
PATHY ( APATHY (noun) lack of emotions, indifference उदासीनता
feelings) भावना ANTIPATHY (noun) a feeling of dislike/hatred घृणा
NOVELTY (noun) newness नवीनता
NEOPHYTE (noun) beginner, newcomer नौफसफिया
NEONATAL (adj) related to newly born babies नवजात फशशु
INNOVATION (noun) to make/create something new नवाचार
RENOVATION (noun) to give new look to something नवीकरण
NOVITIATE (noun) apprenticeship, training period अनुभवहीन
LUC LUCID (adj) clear, limpid, transparent स्पष्ट
PELLUCID (adj) clear, articulate, explicit स्पष्ट
BELLICOSE (adj) quarrelsome, always ready to fight लड़ाकू
BELLIGERENT (adj) querulous, aggressive लड़ाकू
REBELLION (noun) revolt, mutiny फवद्रोह
ANTEBELLUM (adj) relating to time before war लड़ाई के पहले
POSTBELLUM (adj) relating to time after war लड़ाई के बाद
BELLIPOTENT (adj) powerful in war युद्ध में
PANDEMONIUM chaos, confusion, disorder उपद्रव / कोलाहल
PANTHEIST (noun) one who believes that god is सवाात्मवादी
present in all natural things
PANDEMIC (noun) a disease spread all over the महामारी
PANORAMA (noun) a view of an area in all directions फचत्रमाला
PANTHEON (noun) a temple dedicated to all gods सब देवताओ ं का मफं दर
PANDORA BOX a box that was the cause of all बरु ाइयों का भण्डार
(noun) evils/problems
बोलना (noun)
PREDICTION (noun) telling about the future forecast भफवष्यवाणी
CONTRADICTION an idea/statement which is फवरोधाभास
(noun) opposite to one another
INTERDICTION an official announcement to ban पाबंदी
(noun) something
DICTUM (noun) saying, a noteworthy statement कथन
accepted by all
BENISON (noun) blessing आशीवााद
MAL MALIGN (adj) harmful, bad, destructive दुष्ट
MALEVOLENT (adj) unkind, impolite, spiteful द्रोही
MALEFACTOR (noun) a corrupt and immoral person
an कुकमी
MALAFIDE (adj) fake, untrustworthy दुभाावनापूणा
MALNUTRITION poor diet, lack of proper nutrition कुपोषण
MALICE (noun) ill-will, hatred द्वेष, गुस्सा
CONGREGATION a group of people assembled for religious मंडली
(noun) worship
EGREGIOUS (adj) very noticeable in group especially for being अत्यंत बुरा
bad/incorrect, flagrant
SEGREGATE (verb) to divide into separate groups अलग करना
AGGREGATE (noun) a whole formed by combining several small जोड़ना
SURVIVE (verb) the ability to live जीफवत रहना
VITAL (adj) important to life, crucial, significant महत्वपूणा
VIVISECTION (noun) surgery conducted on living organisms चीरिाड़ संबंधी
MAG MAGNANIMOUS(adj) big-hearted, generous उदार
(huge, big,
MAGNILOQUENT (adj) one who speaks in a grand/bombastic बढा-चढा कर
style to impress people कहने वाला
बड़ा, भव्य
MAGNIPOTENT (adj) strong and powerful शफक्तशाली
MAGNIFY (verb) enlarge बढाना
प्रभावशाली व्यफक्त
MAGNIFICENT(adj) something which is very grand and शानदार
large in size.
AMBUL AMBULANT (adj) one who is able to walk and not चलने फिरने योग्य
(move, walk) confined to bed
चलना AMBULANCE (noun) a vehicle that is used to move patients रोगी वाहन
EUTOPIA / UTOPIA a place or state that exists only in राम राज्य
(noun) imagination where everything is
perfect, an ideal world without any
EUPEPSIA (noun) good digestion अच्छा पाचन
EUGENICS (noun) a science/practice to improve the
an सज
ु नन फवज्ञान
genetic quality of human population by
selective breeding
SAN SANE (adj) a person of good mental health, स्वस्थ, समझदार
(cleanliness/ sensible, wise
INSECTIVORE (noun) an animal or a plant that eats insects कीटभक्षी
DEVOUR (verb) to eat something quickly because your फनगल जाना
are hungry
SAVORY (adj) something very tasty to eat, palatable स्वाफदष्ट
DEM DEMOCRACY (noun) government elected by the people लोक-तंत्र
DEMOGRAPHY (noun) the study of human population जनसंख्या का
DEMOPHOBE (noun) one who has fear of crowd/people भीड़ का डर
DEMOPHILE (noun) one who loves to be in crowd, sociable भीड़ का प्रेमी
PANDEMIC (noun) a disease affecting people all over the सवाव्यापी महामारी
SOLACE (noun) to give comfort to a person who is तसल्ली
SOLO (adj) single, solitary अके ले
AMBI AMBIVERT (noun) a person having the qualities of both उभयमि
ु ी
(both, around) an extrovert and an introvert
दोनों AMBIDEXTEROUS one who uses both right and left hand दोनों हाथों से
(adj) with equal expertise
AMBIVALENT (adj) having mixed feelings, unsure, फमले जुले
undecided भाववाला
CLAUSTROPHOBIA fear of being confined to small places बन्द जगह मे घटु न
(noun) महसूस करना
KLEPTOMANIA (noun) a compulsive desire to steal चोरी करने की
NECROPHOBIA fear of dead body शवभीफत
ZOOPHOBIA (noun) fear of animals पशुभीफत
NYCTOPHOBIA (noun) fear of darkness अंधकार का डर
GERAPHOBIA (noun) fear of old age बुढापे का डर
CRACY BUREAUCRACY government run by officials अफधकारी तंत्र
(rule, (noun)
Government) DEMOCRACY (noun) government by the people लोक-तंत्र
MONARCHY (noun) government by a king/queen राज-तंत्र
ARISTOCRACY (noun) government by the nobles/lords कुलीनतंत्र
ANARCHY (noun) absence of government अराजकता
(believe, belief) religious group
फवश्वास CREDO (noun) a statement of belief धमा-फवश्वास
CREDENTIALS (noun) anything that provides the basis for प्रत्यय पत्र
belief, confidence
ACCREDIT (verb) authorise, certify, approve
an सच मानना
DISCREDIT (verb) disapprove someone/something बदनाम करना
because of lack of faith
CREDULOUS(adj) one who believes too readily without सीधा सादा,
proper evidence/proof and is easily फवश्वासशील
INCREDULOUS(adj) not willing or not able to believe अफवश्वासी
CREDIBLE(adj) able to be believed (convincing) फवश्वसनीय
peaceful) AMIABLE (adj) peaceful, cordial फमलनसार
AMOROUS (adj) relating to romantic love कामुक
ENAMORED (verb) affected by strong feeling of love or मोफहत
ALTER / ALI / ALTERATION (noun) change, modification, transformation
an पररवतान
ALTERNATION (noun) one after another अदला बदली
(other, change)
पररवतान ALTER EGO (noun) the other side of a person’s personality अपर स्वरूप /
which is not seen by others, a bosom अंतरंग फमत्र
(body) शरीर
CORPOREAL (adj) relating to the body शारीररक
INCORPOREAL (adj) having no physical existence. अशारीररक
CORPULENT (adj) fat body/obese मोटा / गोल मटोल
CORPSE (noun) dead body लाश
CULP (blame) CULPABLE (adj) guilt आपराफधक
CULPRIT (noun) person responsible for the crime दोषी
INCULPATE (verb) to accuse/blame दोष लगाना
के बीच करना
INTERDICT (verb) ban or prohibit फनषेध लगाना
INTERLUDE (noun) a period of time between two events अंतराल
INTERMITTENT (adj) not happening regularly रुक रुक कर
INTERLOCUTION talk between two or more people वाताालाप
INTERCEDE (verb) try to settle dispute between people मध्यस्थता करना
LIBER (to free) LIBERATION (noun) to free someone from slavery मुफक्त
मुक्त करना
LIBERAL (adj) progressive/free उदारवादी
NAT (birth) जन्म INNATE (adj) ability that you have when you are born जन्मजात
PRENATAL (adj) before birth जन्मपूवा
POSTNATAL (adj) denoting the period after childbirth जन्मोत्तर
NEONATAL (adj) connected with babies who have just नवजात फशशु
been born संबंधी
NATIVE (adj) indigenous मूल फनवासी
COGNATE (adj) kin ररश्तेदार
NATAL (adj) connected with a person’s place or जन्म संबंधी
time of birth
NOC/NOX NOXIOUS/ harmful हाफनकारक
(harm, injury) OBNOXIOUS (adj)
INNOCUOUS (adj) harmless हाफन न करने वाला
NOCENT / NOCUOUS an harmful हाफनकारक
INNOCENT (ad) pure/honest सीधा साधा व्यफक्त
PYRE / PYRO PYROMANIA (noun) an obsessive desire to set fire to दहनोन्माद
(heat/fire) things.
CACO (bad/evil) CACOLOGY (noun) bad choice of words or poor अशुघ्द उच्चारण
बुरा pronunciation
CACODERMA (noun) bad skin ख़राब त्वचा
CACODOROUS (adj) bad smell बदबूदार
CACOPHONY (noun) harsh sound कटु स्वर
CACONYM (noun) an erroneous name त्रुफटपूणा नाम
CRYPT (hidden) APOCRYPHAL (adj) widely known but probably not true मणगढंत
CRYPTIC (adj) of an obscure nature रहस्यमय
ENCRYPT (verb) convert ordinary language into code गोपनीय भाषा में
CRYPTARCHY (noun) secret government गुप्तचर व्यवस्था
CHRONO (time) CHRONIC (adj) that continues for a long time दीघाकालीन
CHRONICLE (noun) a written record of historical events वत्त
ृ ातं
describing them in the order in which
they happened
SYNCHRONIZED (adj) to make something happen or work at समकाफलक
the same time
SPECT (to look) SPECTATOR (noun) a person who is watching an event, दशाक
NOCTILUCOUS (adj) shinning at night रात में चमकने
EQUINOCTIAL (adj) time of equal days & nights फवषवु ीय
behaviour to get attention from others Ex:
1. The Taj mahal is of historical importance.
2. She put on a histrionic display of grief at her 5.
step son’s funeral. ALTERNATE (adj) एक के बाद एक:- one after another
3. The launch of Chandrayaan 2 was a historic ALTERNATIVE (adj/noun) तवकल्प:- choice, option
moment for the country.
1. He visits his uncle on alternate days.
MOMENTUM (noun) गति:- pace, speed
2. Between the two alternatives the first one is
alternative route.
1. The team has lost momentum in recent weeks.
she was a teenager. 1. The indigent man could not afford food and
2. Despite his disability, John has made many
prodigious talents. 2. The indigenous method costs less money.
3. The prodigal activities of the boy led him to 3. The kangaroo is indigenous to Australia.
difficulties. 12.
8. JUDICIARY(noun) न्यायपावलका:- related to justice
COMPLIMENT (verb/noun) प्रशंसा / प्रशंसा करना:- JUDICIOUS (adj) वििेकपर्
ू ण:- wise, prudent,
praise, appreciate sagacious
COMPLEMENT (verb/noun) समपूरक/ पूरक होना:- to
make someone or something more complete or 1. Since I have a small budget, I have to be
Ex: 18.
1. We have to prevent these continual PRINCIPLE (noun) वसद्ांि:- rule, doctrine, values
PRINCIPAL (noun/adj) प्रधानार्चायण:- main, major/
2. He had endured house arrest and continual Head of an institution.
harassment by the police.
3. The battery provided enough power for upto five
hours of continuous use. 1. The principal cause of his failure was his
15. carelessness.
PERSONAL (adj) वनजी:- Individual, private 2. The principal of the college was invited to the
PERSONNEL(Noun) कमणर्चारी संबंधी:- employee,
workforce, staff 3. He followed the principles of Gandhiji.
Ex: 19.
1. She is always concerned about her personal ASSENT (noun/verb) मज़
ं रू ी:- agree to something or
appearance. approve
2. Army personnel were deployed at the site. ASCENT (noun) र्चढाई:- the act of climbing or going
16. up
STATIONARY (adj) वस्िर:- not moving, static, ACCENT (noun) लहजा:- a particular way of
motionless pronouncing words
STATIONERY(Noun) लेखन सामग्री:- writing Ex:
(1) The manager assented to his proposal.
letter. 20.
22. 26.
CONSCIOUS (adj) जागरूक:- aware, attentive, TORTUOUS (adj) कपटपर्
ू ण/घमु ािदार:- twisted,
CONSCIENCE (noun) ज़मीर:- one’s internal sense TORTUROUS (adj) ददणनाक:- causing pain or
of right and wrong. suffering, torture
CONSCIENTIOUS (adj) किणव्यवनष्ठ:- ethical, Ex:
principled, honest
1. They walked through the tortuous streets of the
Ex: old city.
1. She is very conscious of her rights. 2. After three years of torturous imprisonment, he
2. Her conscience did not allow her to do the was finally set free.
than brilliant.
CLIMACTIC (adj) उत्तेजक/र्चरम:- related to climax,
highest or most exciting point of something
HUMANITY (noun) मानििा:-
of literature, language, philosophy, history. 2. The climactic scene between the father and the
29. 33.
EFFICIENT (adj) सक्षम:- capable, skillful LUXURIOUS (adj) आरामदेह:- lavish, comfortable
EFFECTIVE (adj) प्रभािकारी:- producing a desired and expensive
result/effect LUXURIANT (adj) प्रर्चुर:- abundant, plenty
Ex: Ex:
1. The new machine is more efficient than the old 1. The forests are luxuriant in green vegetation.
one. 2. He lives in a luxurious apartment.
2. The lecture delivered by the principal was very 34.
VENERABLE (adj) पूज्य:- honourable, respectful
VULNERABLE (adj) कमज़ोर:- weak, easily affected
VOCATION (noun) रोज़गार:- profession
or attacked, susceptible, prone, unguarded
VACATION (noun) छुट्टी:- holiday
Ex: 1. People with open heart are vulnerable to the
1. He is a carpenter by vocation. deepest wound.
2. The university will be closed for Christmas 2. The cathedral is a venerable building.
35. KNAVE (noun) धूिण:- a dishonest person
NAIVE (adj) अनुभिहीन:- innocent, inexperienced,
APPOSITE (adj) सटीक:- appropriate, suitable, gullible
OPPOSITE (adj) विलोम:- completely different, of a
1. The knave and his conspirators are plotting to
contrary kind rob the bank.
present discussion.
URBAN (adj) शहरी:- relating to or having the
rational 42.
SENSITIVE (adj) संिेदनशील:- emotional, COMPREHENSIVE (adj) विस्िि
ृ :- vast, detailed,
susceptible, easily affected elaborate
Ex: COMPREHENSIBLE (adj) समझने के योग्य:-
1. She was sensible enough to stop driving when understandable, clear, explicit
she was tired. Ex:
2. Curfew was imposed in sensitive areas. 1. She has a comprehensive knowledge of the
39. subject.
2. Her words were barely comprehensible.
ACCENTUATE (verb) जोर देना:- to emphasize or to
make something more noticeable. 43.
ATTENUATE (verb) कम करना:- reduce, decrease EGOIST (noun) स्िािी/घमंडी:- one who is arrogant,
Ex: selfish and self centered
1. She accentuated her beautiful eyes with EGOTIST (noun) अहंिादी:- one who believes in self
makeup. praise, braggart, show-off
45. 49.
DEFER (verb) टालना:- postpone, procrastinate, put ALLEVIATE (verb) कम करना:- reduce, mitigate,
off pacify, appease
DEFERENCE (noun) सम्मान:- respect, honour, ELEVATE (verb) ऊपर उिाना:- increase, escalate,
Ex: 1. We should alleviate the sufferings of others.
1. We wish to defer our decision until next week. 2. Good books elevate the mind.
2. The officials were treated with extreme 50.
SIGHT (noun) दृवष्ट:- the ability to see, view
SITE (noun) स्िल:- place/location
ACCESS (noun/verb) पहुुँर्च:- to get, obtain,
approach, enter CITE (verb) उल्लेख करना:- mention/quote
EXCESS (adj) अविररि:- plentiful, abundant Ex:
Ex: 1. It was a wonderful sight.
1. The only access to the building is through the 2. The construction site was far from the city.
side door. 3. He cited many examples to express the idea
2. The file can be accessed by the users. contained in the poem.
3. His eyes were blinded by excess of light. 51.
47. ACCESSORY (noun) अविररि:- addition, adjunct,
AFFECTATION (noun) वदखािा:- show off, flaunt, APPRAISE (verb) मूल्यांकन करना:- evaluate, assess,
pomp judge
54. such a voracious eater.
redundant 58.
COUNTERFEIT (adj) नकली:- false, fake DESERT (noun/verb) मरूस्िल:- sandy area,
abandon, leave
FORFEIT (verb) खो बैिना:- to lose something as a
penalty / fine DESSERT (noun) भोजन के बाद मीिा:- sweet dish
Ex: Ex:
1. Indigestion can be brought on by a surfeit of 1. He was deserted by his friends
rich food. 2. The heat in the desert was extreme.
2. The police seized counterfeit notes from the We had ice-cream and apple pie for dessert.
3. Because of his violent behaviour, he forfeited
EMACIATION (noun) क्षीर्िा:- decay, degeneration,
into a city or country from somewhere else
2. The church encouraged the emancipation of
the slaves.
1. The war caused the families to emigrate from
their homeland to a new country.
MORAL (adj) नैविक :- honest, ethical, principled
2. He immigrated to America for better job
opportunities. IMMORAL (adj) अनैविक:- corrupt, dishonest
56. AMORAL (adj) नीविहीन:- lacking a moral sense,
ADORE (verb) बहुि पसंद करना:- admire, appreciate unconcerned with the rightness or wrongness of
ADORN (verb) सजाना:- decorate
Ex: 1. The story gives us an important moral
Ex: lesson.
1. We adore him for his generosity. 2. It was immoral of her to tell lies.
English With Rani Ma'am 8 APP: UC LIVE
Homonyms / Words Often Confused
1. He was dozing in front of the television.
2. I always take my daily dose of medicine.
GATE (noun) दरिाजा :- doorway/entrance
GAIT (noun) र्चाल :- a particular way of walking
REIN (noun) लगाम :- a long, thin piece of leather to
Ex: control a horse.
1. The gate was blocked by them. REIGN (verb/noun) शासन :- rule
2. The women was fat and had a slow gait.
63. 1. The princess firmly held the rein in her hands.
PAIL (noun) बालटी :- a bucket
2. The king’s reign was marked by prosperity.
PALE (adj) फीका :- dull 68.
64. style
70. Ex:
FARE (noun) वकराया :- charge/payment 1. Drivers who exceed the speed limit are fined.
FAIR (noun) ईमानदार/मेला :- honest/a large event 2. He acceded to my proposal.
where people, businesses etc. show and sell their 75.
goods CANVAS (noun) टाट / पाल :- piece of strong cloth for
Ex: making bags, tents or used for painting a picture
1. The student needs some money for the bus CANVASS (verb) िोट माुँगना :- to solicit votes
2. They are fair and decent persons.
1. He was painting on a large canvas.
3. I visited the fair yesterday and got a great
number of books. 2. He has canvassed for the party.
71. 76.
SORE (adj/noun) पीड़ादायक /घाि :- painful/wound CANNON (noun) िोप :- a large gun mounted on
SOAR (verb) िेजी से बढ़ना :- to rise/increase
CANON (noun) वनयम काननू :- a general accepted
Ex: rule
1. He has a sore throat. Ex:
2. The temperature soared to 100℃. 1. Cannons are used as weapons in war.
72. 2. The priest referred to the canon of morality.
HOARD (noun/verb) इकठ्ठा करना :- collect/store 77. PRACTICE (noun) अभ्यास
HORDE (noun) भीड़ :- large group of people PRACTISE (verb) अभ्यास करना
Ex: Ex:
1. They have begun to hoard food supplies. 1. I practised a lot for my exams.
2. Hordes of people entered the hall. 2. I did a lot of practice for my exams.
73. 78.
COMPLACENT (adj) आत्मसंिुवष्ट :- self satisfied
Ex: Ex:
1. I am not complacent with low quality service. 1. She gave me some good advice.
2. She is always helpful and complaisant in 2. I advised him to have patience.
ABATE (verb) कम होना :- to make less strong
EXCEED (verb) बढ़ जाना :- more than particular
amount or number ABET (verb) उकसाना :- to encourage to do
something wrong
ACCEDE (verb) सहमि होना :- agree
ABUT (verb) आमने सामने /पास :- be next to/adjacent
Ex: 84.
1. We must abate noise pollution in HOMELY (adj) घरे लू / साधारर् / सुखकर:- pleasant
our city. HOMILY (noun) धमणगीि / प्रिर्चन:- sermon
2. The wife abetted her husband to commit the Ex:
1. He provided a very homely atmosphere.
The two buildings abut each other.
2. The priest gave a homily on kindness.
CONTAGIOUS (adj) संक्रामक :- infectious
HAIL (verb/noun) ओले / िारीफ करना:- small balls of
CONTIGUOUS (adj) सटा हुआ / पास:- close/near
ice / praise
Ex: HALE (adj) स्िस्ि:- strong and healthy
1. The new disease proved contagious. HELL (noun) नरक:- a place of the condemned.
2. The garden is contiguous to the field.
1. I woke up by the sound of hail.
GENTLE (adj) विनम्र:- calm, kind, moderate
2. The book was hailed as a masterpiece.
GENTEEL (adj) सभ्य / सज्जन:- aristocratic, elite, 3. She is hale and hearty in her nineties.
refined, stylish
4. Lucifer is the king of hell.
1. The weather is gentle.
HAIR (noun) बाल
to the beach.
LOSE (verb) खोना:- miss, misplace
LOOSE (adj) ढीला:- not firmly fixed
VENIAL (adj) क्षम्य:- pardonable, excusable
VENAL (adj) भ्रष्टार्चारी:- corrupt, immoral
1. I don’t want to lose the opportunity.
2. In summer, we wear loose clothes.
1. He was given minor punishment as his offence
was venial. 88.
2. They were accused of being involved in venal HUMAN (noun) मानि:- man
practices. HUMANE (adj) दयालु:- kind
Ex: Ex:
1. Humans are the most intelligent beings. 1. He had to face the wrath of his boss by
2. He received an award for his humane efforts. opposing him.
1. The book is based on the story of real people.
2. She was the pupil of Abdul Kalam.
1. The storm wrecked the house.
3. The pupil of the eye regulates the flow of light to
the retina. 2. They wreaked havoc on the enemy.
FORTHRIGHT (adj) वनष्कपट:- straightforward INTERMITTIENT (adj) रुक रुक कर :- irregular
INTERMINABLE (adj) लगािार :- constant,
FORTHWITH (adverb) िुरंि :- immediately
1. She was forthright in her opinions.
1. After three hours of intermittent rain, the game
2. The violations of the court must cease was abandoned.
2. The journey seemed interminable.
where people honour God with offerings
268. An abandoned child of unknown parents who is 284. The Mahabharata is a long poem based on a
found by somebody: noble theme
(a) foundling (b) siblings (c) urchin (d) orphan (a) story (b) narration
269. Parts of a country behind the coast or a river (c) epic (d) summary
bank: 285. A frog lives both on land as well as in water
(a) swamps (b) marshes (a) amphibian (b) aquatic
(c) hinterland (d) isthmuses (c) ambidextrous (d) animate
270. A written statement about someone’s character, 286. One who possesses many talents:
usually provided by an employer: (a) versatile (b) exceptional
(a) testimonial (b) memorandum (c) gifted (d) talented
(c) certificate (d) licence 287. A very accurate form of clock:
271. One who makes an official examination of (a) voltmeter (b) chronometer
accounts: (c) galvanometer (d) calorimeter
(a) auditor (b) accountant 288. A place where money is coined:
(c) clerk (d) official (a) lit (b) archive (c) press (d) mint
272. A list of passengers and luggage: 289. A series of lectures or lessons:
(a) waybill (b) wagon (c) wire puller (d) whist (a) course (b) syllabus
273. A person who makes love without serious (c) catalogue (d) panel
intention: 290. A false name adopted by an author for writing:
(a) consort (b) philanderer (c) romeo (d) goon (a) nickname (b) pseudonym
274. Avoiding wastage: (c) nomenclature (d) title
(a) economic (b) economical 291. That which has a double meaning:
(c) minimal (d) optimational (a) doubtless (b) uncertain
275. Sole right to make and sell some invention: (c) controversial (d) ambiguous
(a) franchise (b) authorize 292. Incapable of making errors:
(c) dealership (d) patent (a) infallible (b) incorrigible
276. The scientific study of living organisms: (c) impervious (d) inexplicable
(a) biochemistry (b) organic chemistry 293. Governed by a sense of duty:
(c) zoology (d) biology (a) conscious (b) sensible
277. One who lives for more than a hundred years: (c) intelligent (d) conscientious
(a) saint (b) mereologist 294. The depository where state records and
(c) demagogue (d) centenarian documents are preserved:
278. One who is indifferent to pleasure or pain: (a) museum (b) library
(a) stoic (b) anarchist (c) emporium (d) archive
(c) mystic (d) hysteric 295. That which is no longer fashionable or in use:
279. Person who files a suit (a) unused (b) ancient (c) obsolete (d) old
(a) suitor (b) plaintiff (c) accuser (d) charger 296. Murder of a king:
280. Take great pleasure (a) homicide (b) fratricide
(a) satisfied (b) uphold (c) overhaul (d) revel (c) regicide (d) parricide
281. The practise of having many wives 297. A place where birds are kept:
(a) calligraphy (b) polygamy (a) aviary (b) house (c) aquarium (d) apiary
(c) polyandry (d) bigamy 298. Expressions no longer in current use:
282. A person who abstains completely from (a) artistic (b) archaic
alcoholic drink (c) ancient (d) modern
(a) derelict (b) subjunctive 299. A talk between two persons:
(c) incriminatory (d) teetotaller (a) prologue (b) monologue
283. A strong dislike: (c) dialogue (d) speech
(a) entreaty (b) animosity 300. A person who can not be corrected:
(c) malice (d) reciprocity (a) illegible (b) impossible
(c) incorrigible (d) invulnerable
301. Enter a country as an enemy: (c) stupendous (d) appalling
(a) defeat (b) spy 319. One who criticizes popular beliefs which he
(c) invade (d) overcome thinks is mistaken or unwise:
302. Plants of a region: (a) philistine (b) iconoclast
(a) fauna (b) flora (c) nursery (d) forest (c) imposter (d) cannibal
303. A person who devotes his/her life for the 320. Detaining and confining someone:
welfare of other: (a) Interruption (b) interrogation
(a) martyr (b) altruist (c) interment (d) internment
(c) hermit (d) volunteer 321. An underhand device resorted to in order to
304. A person who attends to the diseases of the eye justify misconduct:
is an: (a) subterfuge (b) manoeuvre
(a) optician (b) oculist (c) stratagem (d) complicity
(c) optimist (d) obstetrician 322. Science of the races of mankind:
305. Written law of a legislative body: (a) genealogy (b) Epistemology
(a) statue (b) statute (c) stature (d) static (c) ethnology (d) sociology
306. A person who shows off his learning: 323. A person who loves wealth and spends as little
(a) researcher (b) pedant money as possible:
(c) educationist (d) exhibitor (a) curmudgeon (b) money-grabber
307. The study of worms and insects: (c) scrimp (d) miser
(a) paleontology (b) taxidermy 324. State of anxiety or dismay causing mental
(c) entomology (d) ornithology confusion:
308. One who lends money at a very high interest: (a) constriction (b) consternation
(a) banker (b) usurer (c) concentration (d) contraction
(c) imposter (d) former 325. A person who is fluent in two languages:
309. Incapable of being approached: (a) versatile (b) expert
(a) inaccessible (b) inadmissible (c) bilingual (d) knowledgeable
(c) irresistible (d) illegal 326. One who eats human flesh:
310. One who takes care of a building: (a) Maneater (b) cannibal (c) beast (d) savage
(a) janitor (b) manager 327. The quality of being politely firm and
(c) warden (d) beadle demanding:
311. One who looks at the bright side of things: (a) assertive (b) bossy (c) aggressive (d) lardy
(a) pessimist (b) pacifist 328. One who finds it easy to produce new and
(c) optimist (d) humanist original ideas and things:
312. A list of dishes: (a) hospitable (b) bright
(a) cuisine (b) dessert (c) buffet (d) menu (c) impulsive (d) creative
313. One who believes in fate: 329. Done with good judgement
(a) believer (b) fatalist (c) agnostic (d) sceptic (a) enviable (b) judicial
314. Smugy self-satisfied: (c) eminent (d) judicious
(a) responsive (b) complacent 330. Impossible to decipher ,make out or read:
(c) jovial (d) witty (a) illegible (b) ambiguous
315. A person who makes a scientific study of birds: (c) eligible (d) intelligible
(a) Ornithologist (b) orthodontist 331. Careful not to harm or inconvenience others:
(c) anesthetist (d) astrophysicist (a) obstinate (b) rash
316. Having to do with artistic beauty: (c) humble (d) considerate
(a) aesthetic (b) excellence 332. The place where public, government or
(c) artful (d) creative historical records are kept:
317. A person who lives by himself: (a) coffer (b) pantry
(a) bachelor (b) recluse (c) spinster (d) priest (c) archives (d) scullery
318. Impossible to describe
(a) miraculous (b) ineffable
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333. Theft of another person’s writings or ideas and (a) entrepreneur (b) amateur
passing them off as one’s own: (c) libertine (d) novice
(a) plagiarism (b) burglary 350. Wild and noisy disorder
(c) piracy (d) pilferage (a) revolution (b) pandemonium
334. The study of insects: (c) stir (d) agitation
(a) anthropology (b) zoology 351. A person who is solely motivated by money or
(c) etymology (d) entomology personal gain:
335. List of issues to be discussed at a meeting: (a) charlatan (b) mercenary
(a) schedule (b) agenda (c) merchant (d) money-lender
(c) time-table (d) plan 352. Something that is beyond the power of nature:
336. Speed of an object in one direction: (a) supernatural (b) magical
(a) pace (b) tempo (c) extraordinary (d) unnatural
(c) velodrome (d) velocity 353. Description of a disagreeable thing by an
337. A word or practice that has gone out of use: agreeable name:
(a) absolute (b) outdated (a) eulogy (b) epithet
(c) old-fashioned (d) obsolete (c) epigram (d) euphemism
338. Favouritism granted in politics or business to 354. Walk in a proud and confident way:
relatives: (a) lope (b) swagger
(a) nepotism (b) hedonism (c) sprint (d) canter
(c) redtapism (d) monotheism 355. The part of a stage in front of the curtain;
339. A person who collects coins: (a) podium (b) proscenium
(a) numismatist (b) philatelist (c) amphitheatre (d) arena
(c) coin collector (d) ornithologist 356. A policy that segregates people on the basis of
340. A supplement to a will: race:
(a) adjunct (b) effusion (c) codicil (d) furlough (a) chauvinism (b) theism
341. Estimation of a thing’s worth: (c) apartheid (d) partisan
(a) goodness (b) appraisal (c) beliefs (d) pay 357. Something which lasts forever:
342. To free completely from blame: (a) Eternal (b) youthful
(a) clear (b) exonerate (c) release (d) let go (c) mortal (d) infallible
343. A person who works for an employer for a fixed 358. The schedule of travel:
period of time in order to learn the particular skill (a) itinerary (b) time-table
needed in their job: (c) travelbook (d) guidebook
(a) worker (b) employee 359. Poem in short stanzas narrating a popular story:
(c) apprentice (d) laborer (a) ballet (b) epic
344. Soldiers who fight on horseback: (c) ballad (d) sonnet
(a) infantry (b) artillery 360. Design made by putting together coloured
(c) cavalry (d) armoured pieces of glass or stones:
345. One who speaks for other: (a) tracery (b) mosaic
(a) spokesman (b) leader (c) relief (d) oleograph
(c) supporter (d) naming 361. A shopkeeper who sells fresh and green
346. A man who doesn’t know how to read or write: vegetables:
(a) uneducated (b) illiterate (a) shopkeeper (b) vendor
(c) ignorant (d) oblivious (c) greengrocer (d) butcher
347. Rebellion against lawful authority: 362. That which can be easily consumed by fire:
(a) mutiny (b) coup (a) inexhaustible (b) incombustible
(c) revolution (d) dissidence (c) invincible (d) inflammable
348. To run away with a lover 363. A place of shelter for ships:
(a) deceive (b) cheat (c) escape (d) elope (a) port (b) harbour
349. One who does something not professionally but (c) barrack (d) helipad
for pleasure:
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364. An expert in the scientific study of birds: 380. O. Henry is the pen name used by William
(a) astrologer (b) keeper Sydney Porter:
(c) zoologist (d) ornithologist (a) synonym (b) antonym
365. One who believes that events are decided by (c) acronym (d) pseudonym
fate: 381. A person who collects postage stamps:
(a) numerologist (b) fatalist (a) philologist (b) phonologist
(c) egoist (d) atheist (c) philatelist (d) phrenologist
366. Like an ape or a monkey: 382. A person who has had one or more limbs cut
(a) Arboreal (b) feline off:
(c) Avian (d) simian (a) amputee (b) truncation
367. Having a common centre: (c) dissemination (d) curtailment
(a) concentric (b) circular 383. A building for housing curios:
(c) eccentric (d) chronic (a) asylum (b) museum
368. A place where foodgrains are stored: (c) auditorium (d) sanatorium
(a) granary (b) museum 384. A person who knows or can speak many
(c) aviary (d) grocery languages:
369. A place where dead bodies are buried : (a) bibliophile (b) bigot
(a) museum (b) cemetery (c) polyglot (d) misologist
(c) crematory (d) park 385. Incapable of being corrected:
370. Medicine given to counteract poison: (a) insolent (b) incongruous
a) antibiotic (b) antiseptic (c) incorrigible (d) insensitive
(c) antidote (d) antifungal 386. A place where dead bodies are kept for medical
371. One who hates marriage: examination
(a) misanthrope (b) misogamist (a) crematorium (b) mortuary
(c) misogynist (d) polygamist (c) hospital (d) cemetery
372. Thawing snow: 387. A child who stays away from school without
(a) sludge (b) slush (c) slosh (d) slash leave:
373. One who specializes in the mathematics of (a) truant (b) rebel
insurance (c) bully (d) deserter
(a) A statistician (b) an actuary 388. That which cannot be believed
(c) an agent (d) an insurant (a) infallible (b) incredible
374. Violation of the sanctity of the church: (c) inaudible (d) ineffable
(a) infringement (b) irreverence 389. Very delicate and beautiful:
(c) sacrilege (d) transgression (a) exquisite (b) requisite
375. Of one mind or opinion: (c) exemplary (d) resplendent
(a) voluntary (b) referendum 390. Witty, ready replies :
(c) homogenous (d) unanimous (a) repartees (b) rhetorics
376. Notice of death, especially in a newspaper: (c) puns (d) refrains
(a) condolence (b) obituary 391. A solution for all:
(c) obesity (d) funeral (a) panacea (b) treatment
377. Persons working together in the same institute: (c) cure (d) well-being
(a) colleagues (b) staff 392. A book containing various branches of
(c) contemporary (d) brethren knowledge arranged in alphabetical order:
378. One who does not believe in god: (a) encyclopaedia (b) dictionary
(a) polytheist (b) atheist (c) thesaurus (d) atlas
(c) theist (d) monotheist 393. A person who believes in the total abolition of
379. There was a peaceful settlement of the matter war:
between the two parties: (a) bellicose (b) pacifist
(a) friendship (b) solidarity (c) flautist (d) fatalist
(c) compromise (d) understanding
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394. A military or political group that rules a country (a) illegible (b) illiterate
after taking power by force (c) irrevocable (d) illegal
(a) junta (b) burglary 409. He is a person who always looks at the dark side
(c) piracy (d) pilferage of things:
395. A constantly changing pattern or sequence of (a) optimist (b) pacifist
elements (c) pessimist (d) opportunist
(a) anthropology (b) gyroscope 410. A speech delivered for the first time:
(c) etymology (d) kaleidoscope (a) impromptu speech (b) maiden speech
396. A published false statement that is damaging to (c) primary speech (d) harangue
a person's reputation; a written defamation 411. A gigantic statue:
(a) schedule (b) libel (c) time-table (d) plan (a) colossus (b) agree
397. A dummy used to display clothes in a shop (c) kirk (d) decline
window 412. A disorderly crowd of people:
(a) pace (b) tempo (a) spectators (b) pedestrians
(c) velodrome (d) mannequin (c) lunatics (d) mob
398. A public speech or published text in praise of 413. Specify as part of an agreement:
someone or something (a) charge (b) agree (c) stipulate (d) decline
(a) coffer (b) pantry (c) panegyric (d) scullery 414. A hall or building equipped for physical exercise:
399. A raised place on which offerings to God are (a) gymnastics (b) court
made: (c) play-station (d) gymnasium
(a) mound (b) chapel (c) altar (d) archive 415. Changing in shape, appearance etc:
400. Undue favour shown by a person in power to his (a) rotation (b) alteration
friends and relatives: (c) motion (d) transformation
(a) criticism (b) despotism 416. A book or paper written in hand:
(c) nepotism (d) witticism (a) edition (b) thesis
401. An area controlled by a foreign ruler: (c) manuscript (d) scripture
(a) province (b) state 417. A speech delivered by a prophet or saint from a
(c) colony (d) dominion pulpit:
402. A person who lives for pleasure: (a) lecture (b) debate
(a) hedonist (b) materialist (c) dialogue (d) sermon
(c) atheist (d) philanthropist 418. A person who offers services without any
403. Loss of memory: return:
(a) dementia (b) oblivion (a) activist (b) contractor
(c) nostalgia (d) amnesia (c) seer (d) volunteer
404. A drawing of the outline of an object; filled in 419. One who is bad in spelling
with some uniform color (a) compositor (b) stoker
(a) banker (b) silhouette (c) cacographist (d) shipwright
(c) imposter (d) former 420. A person or animal having both male and
405. A substitute, especially a person deputizing for female sex organs or other sexual characteristics
another in a specific role or office (a) hermaphrodite (b) derivative
(a) surrogate (b) inadmissible (c) inferential (d) suggestive
(c) irresistible (d) illegal 421. A person who manages the financial affairs of a
406. A brief evocative description, account, or college or school
episode (a) bursar (b) philanthropy
(a)vignette (b) warden (c) benevolence (d) turnstile
(c) beadle (d) short 422. An extremely happy, peaceful, or picturesque
407. One who knows everything: period or situation
(a) omniscient (b) omnipresent (a) idyll (b) sinecure
(c) omnipotent (d) ominous (c) perquisite (d) prerogatives
408. That which cannot be read easily:
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423. Spoil (something which is valued or respected) (a) blonde (b) philogynist
(a) Flora (b) museum (c) brunette (d) dotard
(c) zoo (d) desecrate 440. There was a big applause when he delivered his
424. Not easily pleased by anything: speech for the first time:
(a) medieval (b) precarious (a) introductory speech (b) maiden speech
(c) fastidious (d) maiden (c) concluding speech (d) initial speech
425. To die without having made a will: 441. Large number of insects, birds etc. Moving
(a) intestate (b) insolvent about:
(c) intaglio (d) inveterate (a) crowd (b) group (c) pack (d) swarm
426. One who enjoys inflicting pain on himself 442. A person who readily believes others
(a) egoist (b) sadist (a) sensible (b) credulous
(c) masochist (d) nihilist (c) sensitive (d) credible
427. Murder of a brother: 443. Dry weather with no rainfall:
(a) regicide (b) homicide (a) summer (b) desert
(c) fratricide (d) patricide (c) drought (d) general
428. More like a woman than a man in manners and 444. Unrelated to the subject;
habits: (a) irrelevant (b) superficial
(a) womanish (b) delicate (c) specific (d) general
(c) unmanly (d) effeminate 445. A state of near-unconsciousness or insensibility
429. Handwriting which is difficult or impossible to (a) transgression (b) translation
read: (c) stupor (d) transmigration
(a) illegible (b) illogical 446. Something which is not in harmony
(c) unintelligible (d) eligible (a) smooth (b) quiet
430. To play the part of, and function as some other (c) cacophonous (d) noisy
person: 447. A list of books:
(a) impersonate (b) act (c) imitate (d) pretend (a) anthology (b) glossary
431. Liable to be easily broken: (c) catalogue (d) index
(a) weak (b) brittle (c) thin (d) hard 448. Man with womanly habits and manners
432. One who is out to destroy the Government: (a) bovine (b) suave (c) effeminate (d) gay
(a) anarchist (b) villain 449. Something unusual or strange, having peculiar
(c) criminal (d) enemy notions:
433. One who loves all mankind: (a) dramatic (b) reasonable
(a) philologist (b) philosopher (c) whimsical (d) aggressive
(c) philanthropist (d) philatelist 450. A study of word and the way words develop:
434. A person who cannot make a mistake: (a) Etymology (b) phonology
(a) inexplicable (b) inevitable (c) phraseology (d) phonography
(c) indispensable (d) infallible 451. A hotel providing overnight lodging for travelers
435. One who eats human flesh: (a) inn (b) coup
(a) carnivore (b) herbivore (c) revolution (d) dissidence
(c) glutton (d) cannibal 452. Soldier who fight on horseback :
436. An office with a salary but no work: (a) infantry (b) artillery
(a) honorary (b) sinecure (c) cavalry (d) armored
(c) insolvent (d) sinuous 453. One who speaks for other:
437. The study or collection of coins: (a) spokesman (b) leader
(a) nymphomania (b) numismatics (c) supporter (d) naming
(c) numerology (d) numeric 454. A short moral story (often with animal
438. One who hates women; characters)
(a) misogynist (b) misanthrope (a) uneducated (b) fable
(c) feminist (d) effeminate (c) ignorant (d) oblivious
439. A woman with dark brown hair:
14 | P a g e
455. A person who thinks only about himself 'and 470. To be biased against:
not about others 'needs: (a) partial (b) objective
(a) egocentric (b) egomaniacal (c) prejudiced (d) predestined
(c) egoistic (d) egotistic 471. Motion of Head, Hands etc, As a mode of
456. Something that cannot be explained: expression indicating attitude.
(a) inexplicable (b) unthinkable (a) gesture (b) grin
(c) impregnable (d) mysterious (c) gestation (d) grimace
457. A written declaration made on oath in the 472. Bitter and violent attack in words:
presence of a magistrate: (a) diaspora (b) criticism
(a) document (b) affidavit (c) diadem (d) diatribe
(c) dossier (d) voucher 473. Treatment by means of exercise and massage:
458. A raised place on which offering to a God are (a) chemotherapy (b) hydrotherapy
made: (c) physiotherapy (d) psychotherapy
(a) mound (b) rostrum (c) church (d) altar 474. The abandonment of one’s country or cause:
459. One who journeys from place to place: (a) defection (b) disloyalty
(a) quack (b) cannibal (c) desertion (d) migration
(c) itinerant (d) courier 475. A place where birds are kept:
460. A government by officials: (a) aquarium (b) den
(a) oligarchy (b) aristocracy (c) aviary (d) sanctuary
(c) plutocracy (d) bureaucracy 476. A method which never fails
461. One who walks in sleep: (a) unflinching (b) irreparable
(a) somniloquist (b) egoist (c) irremediable (d) infallible
(c) somnambulist (d) altruist 477. Something which cannot be believed:
462. Commencement of adjacent word with same (a) inevitable (b) ineffable
letter: (c) incredible (d) ineluctable
(a) pun (b) alliteration 478. Body of a human being or animal embalmed for
(c) transferred epithet (d) oxymoron burial:
463. A specialist who tests eyesight: (a) corpse (b) mummy
(a) optician (b) ophthalmologist (c) morgue (d) mortuary
(c) ichthyologist (d) neurologist 479. Of very bad morals, characterised by
464. A wall built to prevent the sea or a river from debasement or degeneration:
flooding an area: (a) desultory (b) dilapidated
(a) dam (b) mound (c) depraved (d) dilatory
(c) dyke (d) embankment 480. The production of raw silk:
465. Ability to go on inspite of difficulties: (a) pisciculture (b) horticulture
(a) delirious (b) desirous (c) sericulture (d) urine culture
(c) perseverance (d) pervasive 481. Politicians are notorious for doing undue favour
466. A number of ships, vehicles etc. Travelling to their relatives:
together under escort; (a) dualism (b) polarity
(a) retinue (b) feel (c) pluralism (d) nepotism
(c) posse (d) convoy 482. A person who readily believes others:
467. An instrument for measuring wind pressure: (a) sensitive (b) sensible
(a) manometer (b) micrometer (c) credible (d) credulous
(c) temperature (d) anemometer 483. Meaningless language with an exaggerated style
468.To destroy completely intended to impress:
(a) annihilate (b) rehabilitate (a) verbalization (b) rhetoric
(c) incapacitate (d) dislocate (c) oratory (d) public-speaking
469. To die in water or any other liquid because one
is unable to breathe:
(a) sink (b) drown (c) flounder (d) founder
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484. The political leader has an evil reputation. He is (a) trot (b) canter (c) plod (d) saunter
not trusted: 499. One who copies from other writers:
(a) is magnanimous (b) is dubious (a) copy-writer (b) copyright
(c) is notorious (d) is malicious (c) plagiarist (d) epicure
485. The conference takes place once in three years: 500. Excessive similarity or resemblance with
(a) treennial (b) thriennial anything or anyone:
(c) tetraennial (d) triennial (a) affinity (b) ambiguity
486. An apartment building in which each apartment (c) affirmation (d) affliction
is owned separately by the people living in it, but 501. To scold or rebuke somebody
also containing shared areas: (a) chicanery (b) chide (c) caress (d) carnage
(a) condominium (b) multiplex 502. A round or cylindrical container used for storing
(c) duplex (d) caravan things such as food, chemicals or rolls of film:
487. A group of three powerful people: (a) tankard (b) canister (c) vessel (d) casket
(a) trio (b) tritium 503. A place of permanent residence:
(c) trivet (d) triumvirate (a) abode (b) dormitory
488. Operation of the body after death: (c) domicile (d) apartment
(a) post-mortem (b) obituary 504. That cannot be altered or withdrawn:
(c) homage (d) mortuary (a) irrevocable (b) irretrievable
489. The Bedouin Arabs are people of no fixed abode (c) irrefutable (d) irresistible
(a) vagabonds (b) travellers 505. Money paid to employees on retirement:
(c) barbarians (d) nomads (a) gratuity (b) gift (c) pension (d) arrears
490. The secretary’s proposal was adopted with the 506. A place where clothes are kept:
full agreement of all the members: (a) closet (b) drawer
(a) equivocally (b) vehemently (c) wardrobe (d) cupboard
(c) ambitiously (d) unanimously 507. An instrument for measuring the force of the
491. That which makes it difficult to recognize the wind:
presence or real nature of something: (a) manometer (b) micrometer
(a) infallible (b) image (c) telescope (d) anemometer
(c) camouflage (d) transparent 508. To given one’s authority to another:
492. Code of diplomatic etiquette and precedence (a) authorization (b) powerful
(a) protocol (b) hierarchy (c) attorney (d) delegate
(c) formality (d) statesmanship 509. A herd or flock of animals being driven in a body
493. Travel regularly between two or more places 1. Crowd 2. Cluster 3. Throng 4. Drove
(a) dexterous (b) shuttle 510. A group of three novels or plays, each complete
(c) gifted (d) exception in itself
494. Twist and turn with quick writhing movements 1. Triplet 2. Triumvir 3. Trivet 4. Trilogy
(a) recluse (b) hedonist 511. A self-governing country or region
(c) wriggle (d) maniac 1. Anarchy 2. Autonomy
495. A person who rides horses in races as an 3. Democracy 4. Monarchy
occupation: 512. A place where coins, medals or tokens are made
(a) equestrian (b) horseman 1. Casting 2. Mill 3. Mint 4. Workshop
(c) horse-racer (d) maniac 513. A person who is trained to travel in a spacecraft
496. A widely accepted rule of conduct or general 1. Anchor 2. Choreographer
truth briefly expressed: 3. Astronaut 4. Chauffeur
(a) maxim (b) tenet 514. One who does not take any alcoholic drink
(c) syllogism (d) doctrine 1. Teetotaller 2. Astrologer
497. A secret message written in code: 3. Perfectionist 4. Vegetarian
(a) anagram (b) telegram 515. A large building with an extensive floor area,
(c) phonogram (d) cryptogram typically for housing aircraft
498. Walk in a slow relaxed way: 1. Barn 2. Airport 3. Shed 4. Hangar
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516. A person who listens to someone’s private 1. Heaven 2. Utopia 3. Dreamland 4. Paradise
conversation without them knowing 532. A dynamic campaign for political, social or
1. Eavesdropper 2. Infiltrator religious change
3. Secret agent 4. Spy 1. Mutiny 2. Conflict 3. Crusade 4. War
517. A large bedroom for a number of people in a 533. An arrangement of flowers that is usually given
school or institution. as a present.
1. Hostel 2. Creche 3. Assembly 4. Dormitory 1. Basket 2. Bracket 3. Bouquet 4. Boutique
518. A group of people, typically with vehicles or 534. One who does not believe in the existence of
animals, travelling together. God.
1. Caravan 2. Troop 3. Circus 4. Gang 1. Atheist 2. Cynic 3. Anarchist 4. Egotist
519. A place in a large institution, for the care of 535. One who supervises in an examination hall
those who are ill 1. Inspector 2. Manager
1. Hostel 2. Infirmary 3. Hangar 4. Dormitory 3. Invigilator 4. Verifier
520. A group of stars 536. A person preoccupied with an unrealistically
1. Congregation 2. Astronomy optimistic approach to life
3. Planets 4. Constellation 1. Practical 2. Pragmatic
521. Having no boundaries or limits 3. Rational 4. Quixotic
1. Enormous 2. Tremendous 537. A group of people, typically with vehicles or
3. Infinite 4. Colossal animals travelling together
522. One who studies the occult meanings of 1. Cargo 2. Caravan 3. Battery 4. Cache
numbers and their supposed influence on human 538. A person appointed by two parties to solve a
life dispute
1. Astronomer 2. Astrologer 1. Anarchist 2. Auditor 3. Atheist 4. Arbitrator
3. Numerologist 4. Prophet 539. The state of being subject to death
523. A sentimental longing for a period in the past 1. Deadly 2. Immortality
1. Memory 2. Emotion 3. Craving 4. Nostalgia 3. Mortality 4. Morbidity
524. A large cage, building, or enclosure to keep birds 540. A musical composition made up of a series of
1. Aviary 2. Aquarium 3. Arena 4. Zoo songs or short pieces
525. Soft, inner part of a nut or fruit-stone 1. Medley 2. Orchestra 3. Lyric 4. Band
1. Bean 2. Pulp 3. Caramel 4. Kernel 541. A secret or disguised way of writing
526. A news article that reports the recent death of a 1. Emblem 2. Cypher 3. Symbol 4. Puzzle
person 542. A person who entertains people by doing
1. Review 2. Editorial difficult feats
3. Mortuary 4. Obituary 1. Acrobat 2. Cosmonaut
527. Something that is to your advantage but 3. Astronaut 4. Performer comedian
happened by chance 543. An incongruous or chaotic mixture
1. Occidental 2. Purposeful 1. Harmony 2. Discord 3. Cacophony 4. Melody
3. Deliberate 4. Fortuitous 544. A family of young birds
528. To throw an event into confusion or disorder 1. Kids 2. Brood 3. Offspring 4. Litter
1. Disrupt 2. Detonate 3. Erupt 4. Explode 545. A short rest or sleep taken after lunch
529. A person who thinks that bad things are more 1. Leisure 2. Slumber 3. Siesta 4. Doze
likely to happen or who emphasises the bad part of a 546. A corporation made up of a number of different
situation companies that operate in diversified fields
1. Complainer 2. Misanthropist 1. Conglomerate 2. Correlation
3. Optimist 4. Pessimist 3. Agreement 4. Association
530. The act or habit of talking in one's sleep 547. An examination of a dead body to determine
1. Somniloquy 2. Soliloquy the cause of death
3. Monologue 4. Prologue 1. Analysis 2. Homicide
531. An imaginary ideal society free of poverty and 3. Post-mortem 4. Suicide
17 | P a g e
548. A person who presents a radio/television 564. Feeling annoyed at the sight of unfair
programme treatement
1. Comedian 2. Choreographer (1) indifferent (2) indisposed
3. Anchor 4. Actor (3) Indignant (4) Indigent
549. A person employed to drive a private or hired 565. Artistic, musical or dramatic interpretation.
car (1) Rendition (2) Report
1. Pilot 2. Chauffeur 3. Captain 4. Escort (3) Imitation (4) Reparation
550. The art of effective or persuasive speaking or 566. Showing a dislike of anything Improper.
writing (1) Strict (2) Crude (3) Prim (4) Rude
1. Rhetoric 2. Archaic 567. A planned route or journey
3. Poetry 4. Bombastic (1) Iterate (2) itinerary (3) Itinerant (4) isolate
551. One who is in charge of museum 568. Speech of great importance and gravity
A) Supervisor B) Caretaker (1) maiden (2) momentous
C) Warden D) Curator (3) monumental (4) momentary
552. A style full of words 569. Act of injuring another’s reputation by
A) Pedantic B) Verbose any slanderous communication.
C) Rhetorical D) Abundant (1) Defamation (2) Orchestration
553. Imposed a restriction on (3) Aberration (4) Misrepresentation
A) Constrained B) Strained 570. A story in which animals or objects speak and
C) Abstained D) Contained give wholesome moral lesson.
554. An organism which lives in or on another (1) Legend (2) Fable
organism (3) Parable (4) Allegory
A) Parasite B) Host 571. To free someone from all blames
C) Puerile D) Sororicide (1) Consolidate (2) Fling
555. The first model of a new device (3) Forbid (4) Exonerate
A) Prototype B) Sculpture 572. A person who deliberately sets fire to a building
C) Sample D) Photograph (1) Arsonist (2) Extortionist
556. A relationship between people or organisations (3) Hijacker (4) Assassin
that depend on each other equally 573. One who makes an official examination of
A) Symbiosis B) Beam accounts
C) Erudition D) Adduction (1) Auditor (2) Registrar
557. A small house with all rooms on one floor (3) Creditor (4) Chartered Accountant
A) Bungalow B) Cottage C) Flat D) Igloo 574. The burial of a corpse
558. A short poem or speech addressed to the (1) Internment (2) Interment
spectators after the conclusion of drama (3) Interrogate (4) Interpose
A) Ode B) Epilogue C) Hymn D) Ballad 575. One who is too careless to plan for the future.
559. Something that is difficult to believe (1) imprudent (2) impractical
A) Fictitious B) Imaginary (3) impotent (4) improvident
C) Paradigm D) Incredible 576. To die without making a will.
560. A fixed orbit in space in relation to earth (1) Inure (2) Inane
A) Geo-stationary B) Geo-centric (3) Intestate (4) Indigent
C) Geo-synchronous D) Polar 577. Make pale by excluding light.
561. A vivacious and lively experience is said to be (1) Foliate (2) Percolate
(1) scintillating (2) soothing (3) Procreate (4) Etiolate
(3) scenic (4) synthetic 578. The branch of medical science which deals with
562. To secure a boat by attaching it to an anchor the problems of the old
(1) moor (2) moot (3) morose (4) moose (1) oncology (2) obstetrics
563. Unwelcome aspect of a situation (3) paediatrics (4) geriatrics
(1) flippant (2) flip side
(3) flip-flop (4) flintlock
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579. A child secretly changed for another in infancy 594. A person with a long experience of any
(1) nipper (2) changeling occupation.
(3) tiddler (4) tyke (1) veteran (2) genius
580. Put side by side (3) seasoned (4) ambidextrous
(1) Juxtapose (2) Impose 595. Stealthily done.
(3) Propose (4) Depose (1) devious (2) nefarious
581. Too willing to obey other people (3) surreptitious (4) villainous
(1) sublimate (2) subjugate 596. Something no longer in use.
(3) subaltern (4) subservient (1) desolate (2) absolute
582. A person who is very selective, disgusted easily, (3) obsolete (4) primitive
and is hard to please. 597. Severely abusive writing in journals.
(1) fastidious (2) ambiguous (1) imaginary (2) speculative
(3) selector (4) misanthrope (3) scurrilous (4) sarcastic
583. Rub or wipe out 598. Call upon God or any other power (like law) etc.
(1) efface (2) plunder for help or protection.
(3) terminate (4) remove (1) invocation (2) involution
584. A statement in which you say the same thing (3) inundation (4) revocation
twice in different words 599. To cut something into two pieces.
(1) temerity (2) tarragon (1) severe (2) sever (3) sewer (4) sow
(3) tautology (4) repetition 600. Flat metal or Porcelain plate fixed on a wall as
585. A person who has had one or more limbs an ornament or memorial.
removed (1) tabloid (2) poster
(1) amputee (2) handicap (3) board (4) plaque
(3) limber (4) fatalist 601. A person who is always dissatisfied
586. A cinema show held in the afternoon. (a) heresy (b) malcontent
(1) Entertainment (2) Play (c) felon (d) surrogate
(3) Premiere (4) Matinee 602. A speech delivered without previous
587. A handsome man preparation
(1) Adonis (2) Tycoon (a) Soliloquy (b) Extempore
(3) Debonair (4) Cavalier (c) Rhetoric (d) Expression
588. Intentional damage to arrest production 603. One who has narrow and prejudiced religious
(1) Nemesis (2) Sangfroid views
(3) Sabotage (4) Modus operandi (a) religious (b) fanatic
589. Introductory part or lines to a discourse or play (c) bigot (d) god-fearing
(1) Prologue (2) Blurb 604. Loss of memory
(3) Monologue (4) Epilogue (a) Ambrosia (b) Amnesia
590. Art of working with metals. (c) Insomnia (d) Forgetting
(1) Meteorite (2) Metaphysics 605. To struggle helplessly
(3) Metallurgy (4) Metalloid (a) Flounder (b) Founder
591. A person who helps another to commit a crime. (c) Fumble (d) Finger
(1) Colleague (2) Accomplice 606. To confirm with the help of evidence
(3) Assistant (4) Supporter (a) corroborate (b) implicate
592. An act of misappropriation of money (c) designate (d) extricate
(1) Embezzlement (2) Misconduct 607. The time between midnight and noon
(3) Debasement (4) Corruption (a) Afternoon (b) Antipodes
593. An emolument over and above fixed income or (c) Ante – meridian (d) Antenatal
salary 608. One who is a dabbler in arts,science or
(a) Honorarium (b) Sinecure literature:
(c) Perquisite (d) Prerogative (a) Dilettante (b) Aesthete
(c) Maestro (d) Connoisseur
19 | P a g e
609. To look at someone in an angry or threatening 625. One who helps a person in need
way (a) veteran (b) collaborator
(a) Glower (b) Gnaw (c) samaritan (d) mercenary
(c) Gnash (d) Grind 626. An established principle of practical wisdom
610. A post with little work but high salary (a) Marxism (b) Maxim
(a) Director (b) Trustee (c) Neologism (d) Platonism
(c) Sinecure (d) Ombudsman 627. A general pardon of offenders
611. Avoiding wastage (a) parley (b) amnesty
(a) economic (b) economical (c) parole (d) acquittal
(c) minimal (d) optimum 628. The art of preserving skin of animals, birds and
612. Science of the races of mankind fish
(a) Genealogy (b) Etiology (a) taxonomy (b) philology
(c) Ethnology (d) Sociology (c) taxidermy (d) seismology
613. Impossible to describe 629. Very dramatic
(a) Miraculous (b) Ineffable (a) hypocritic (b) hirsute
(c) Stupendous (d) Appalling (c) hoary (d) histrionic
614. An emolument over and above fixed income or 630. The art of making fireworks
salary (a) chromatics (b) pyrotechnics
(a) Honorarium (b) Sinecure (c) numismatics (d) cosmetics
(c) Perquisite (d) Prerogative 631. A short journey for pleasure
615. Failing to discharge one’s duty (a) tour (b) wanderlust
(a) Debacle (b) Dereliction (c) itinerary (d) jaunt
(c) Determination (d) Deterrent 632. A title or a term of respect
616. A long journey especially by sea (a) token (b) honorary
(a) flight (b) voyage (c) honorific (d) whip
(c) odyssey (d) safari 633. Bitter and violent attack in words
617. Person who is rough and ill mannered (a) vindictive (b) diadem
(a) cajole (b) boorish (c) diaspora (d) diatribe
(c) sycophant (d) debonair 634. One who lives alone and avoids others
618. An unconventional style of living (a) recluse (b) saint
(a) matinee (b) abysmal (c) alien (d) hermit
(c) bohemian (d) dilettante 635. Stealthily done
619. One who is brilliant performer of music on stage (a) notorious (b) nefarious
(a) vibrant (b) virtuoso (c) surreptitious (d) villainous
(c) verbatim (d) verso 636. A person who opposes war or use of military
620. A verse letter force
(a) epistle (b) testament (a) fascist (b) pacifist
(c) erudite (d) epitaph (c) narcissist (d) fatalist
621. Shaking movement of the ground 637. Physical features of an area
(a) Shiver (b) Vibrate (a) Geography (b) sociology
(c) Tremor (d) Oscillate (c) contour (d) topography
622. A hater of knowledge and learning 638. Scientific study of fungi
(a) Bibliophile (b) Philologist (a) mycology (b) botany
(c) Misogynist. (d) Misologist (c) Entomology (d) Odontology
623. A place where fruit trees are grown 639. A place where everything is perfect
(a) orchard (b) farm (a) heaven (b) platoon
(c) plantation (d) garden (c) cosmos (d) utopia
624. A fictitious name used by an author 640. A person who is pure and clean
(a) pseudonym (b) homonym (a) immaculate (b) neat
(c) alibi (d) anonymous (c) clean (d) irrevocable
20 | P a g e
641. An underhand device resorted to inorder to 657. Excessive concern about one’s health
justify misconduct [A] welfare [B] hypochondriac
(a) Subterfuge (b) Stratagem [C] anxiety [D] critical
(c) Complicity (d) Manoeuvre 658. An unclaimed letter
642. A person who is always dissatisfied [A] dead letter [B] dispensary
(a) heresy (b) felon [C] gullible [D] ignorant
(c) malcontent (d) surrogate 659. The art practised by statesmen and
643. A funeral bell. ambassadors
(a) knell (b) replica [A] brittle [B] diplomacy
(c) windfall (d) call [C] bigot [D] aviary
644. A woman with dark brown hair 660. Make joyful or gladden
(a) Blonde (b) Brunette [A] exhilarate. [B] illegal
(c) Termagant (d) Coiffure [C] pomp [D] celebrate
645. The period between two reigns 661. Unintelligible speech
(a) Interval (b) Interdict [A] gibbous [B] gibberish
(c) Interregnum (d) Intercept [C] wordy [D] eloquent
646. Words uttered impiously about God 662. Always inclined to criticize or finding fault
(a) amoral (b) philosophy [A] critical [B] illicit
(c) logic (d) blasphemy [C] gainsay [D] gratis
647. People who belong to the same country. 663. (A door) that is partly open
(a) patriots (b) comrades [A] ajar [B] unclear
(c) compatriots (d) natives [C] crack [D] gluttonous
648. Master of ceremonies. 664. Open to objection
(a) ceremonist (b) compere [A] objectionable [B] obsolete
(c) organizer (d) manager [C] verbose [D] sickly
649. Irresistible craving for alcoholic drinks 665. Be loud in speech
(1) pyromania (2) dipsomania [A] dulcet [B] vivacious
(3) megalomania (4) kleptomania [C] revival [D] clamorous
650. To free someone from all blames 666. A person who is competent to pass critical
(1) consolidate (2) fling judgement upon anything
(3) forbid (4) exonerate [A] critic [B] medicine
651. The burial of a corpse [C] connoisseur [D] c
(1) internment (2) interment 667. A word no longer in use
(3) interrogate (4) interpose [A] obsolete [B] extinct
652. Anything agreeable to taste [C] nasty [D] spring
[A] palatable [B] pompous 668. Being in effect though not in name
[C] wavering [D] degrade [A] virtual [B] captious
653. With courteous regard [C] grocer [D] gawky
[A] awe [B] gambol 669. Occurring once in two years
[C] deference [D] virtual [A] biennial [B] gainsay
654. A word that reads the same backward as [C] fatal [D] delible
forward 670. An expression having double meaning
[A] homonym [B] phrase [A] unclear [B] ambiguous
[C] palindrome [D] alliteration [C] showy [D] extol
655. A flotilla means 671. To advise earnestly
[A] fleet of small vessels/ ships [B] talks in sleep [A] extol [B] reel
[C] murder of oneself [D] act of sacrilege [C] diplomat [D] exhort
656. Displaying wealth for attracting attention 672. A healthy site for invalids
[A] ostentatious [B] nasty [A] clinic [B] misogynist
[C] fussy [D] vocal [C] sanatorium [D] false
21 | P a g e
673. A style too full of words 3. Encouragingly 4. Unfeelingly
[A] dismay [B] rural 688. A seven-sided figure
[C] seize [D] verbose 1. Octagon 2. Pentagon
674. Strictly devoted to ceremony,ritual or etiquette 3. Heptagon 4. Hexagon
[A] ceremonious [B] vocal 689. A close-fitting cover for the blade of a knife or
[C] bumpkin [D] cryptic sword
675. Existing naturally or by heredity 1. Case 2. Carrier
[A] inexpedient [B] near 3. Sheath 4. Shield
[C] inborn [D] outer 690. Withdraw from a forward position in battle
676. A child too developed for his age 1. Resort 2. Relocate
[A] cynic [B] prodigy 3. Restore 4. Retreat
[C] derogatory [D] anarchism 691. Relating to the present time
677. Encircling and blockading with a view to capture 1. Preceding 2. Ancient
[A] rustic [B] spring 3. Corollary 4. Contemporary
[C] vault [D] siege 692. Eat or drink food quickly and in large amounts
678. A word which agrees with another in 1. Sip 2. Gulp 3. Choke 4. Chew
pronunciation and perhaps also in spelling but is 693. A person who formally requests something,
different in connotation especially a job
[A] inimitable [B] honorary 1. Contestant 2. Nominee
[C] homonym [D] palindrome 3. Applicant 4. Trainee
679. Something very easy or not needing effort 694. Continuing for a long time
[A] lacquer [B] laconic 1. Infinite 2. Prolonged
[C] marten [D] facile 3. Profound 4. Project
680. Speed greater than that of sound 695. Fond of company
1. Cacophonic 2. Subsonic 1. Gracious 2. Gregarious
3. Harmonic 4. Supersonic 3. Amiable 4. Cheerful
681. A large bundle bound for storage or 696. A new project or business activity involving
transportation some risk
1. Brood 2. Bevy 3. Bouquet 4. Bale 1. Venture 2. Experiment
682. Someone who studies elections and voting 3. Taboo 4. Entrepreneur
statistics 697. The branch of physics concerned with the
1. Mathematician 2. Analyst properties of sound
3. Psephologist 4. Psychologist 1. Mechanics 2. Optics
683. Doing something awkwardly or in a clumsy 3. Acoustics 4. Photonics
manner 698. Instrument that measures the altitude of the
1. Hastening 2. Fumbling land surface
3. Faltering 4. Stumbling 1. Barometer 2. Thermometer
684. In exactly the same words as were used 3. Altimeter 4. Chronometer
originally 699. A place or scene of activity, debate, or conflict
1. Repetition 2. Verbatim 1. Floor 2. Site
3. Duplication 4. Recurrence 3. Arena 4. Stadium
685. Based on chance rather than on reason or a plan 700. One who pretends to be what he is not
1. Extraordinary 2. Ordinary 1. Stoic 2. Hypocrite
3. Unique 4. Arbitrary 3. Fanatic 4. Optimist
686. The branch of science concerned with the study 701. Relating to soldiers or war
of Earth and its composition 1. Martial 2. Political
1. Zoology 2. Metrology 3. Marital 4. Official
3. Geology 4. Biology 702. A period of two weeks
687. In an enthusiastic way 1. Century 2. Month
1. Heartily 2. Earnestly 3. Decade 4. Fortnight
22 | P a g e
703. To come to an end 718. One who is easily deceived
1. Initiate 2. Inspire 1. gullible 2. Flexible
3. Expire 4. Exhale 3. incredible 4. convertible
704. A strong interest in something or someone 719. A person who presents and acts as a link in a
1. Apathy 2. Empathy radio or news programme
3. Fixation 4. Attachment 1. programmer 2. Actor
705. A person who presents a radio/television 3. disc jockey 4. anchor
programme 720. A patient with imaginary symptoms and
1. Star 2. Idol diseases
3. Speaker 4. Anchor 1. melancholic 2. cardiac
706. The study of ancient civilisations and cultures by 3. hypochondriac 4. alcoholic
examining their sites 721. An act of breaking or failing to observe a law
1. Arachnology 2. Etymology 1. breach 2. brooch
3. Archaeology 4. Entomology 3. braid 4. brusque
707. The arrangement of events or dates in the order 722. A child whose parents are dead
of their occurrence. 1. beggar 2. handicapped
1. Chronology 2. Chronic 3. abandoned 4. orphan
3. Calendar 4. Routine 723. So small or unimportant as to be not worth
708. A place of ideal perfection especially in laws, considering
government, and social conditions 1. invincible 2. feasible
1. Aden 2. Heaven 3. plausible 4. negligible
3. Utopia 4. Paradise 724. An imaginary, perfect state or place
709. Certain to happen 1. dystopia 2. arcadia
1. Avoidable 2. Ineffective 3. utopia 4. nostalgia
3. Inevitable 4. Unexpected 725. Animals that live in water
710. A quick, sudden movement 1. terrestrial 2. aerial
1. Speck 2. Flick 3. aquatic 4. arboreal
3. Dust 4. Fleck 726. A person who composes the sequence of steps
711. A busy, main road for public use and moves for a dance performance
1. Thoroughfare 2. Promenade 1. choreographer 2. director
3. Highway 4. Avenue 3. cartographer 4. calligrapher
712. One who investigates and solves crimes 727. The scientific study of the universe and planets
1. Lawyer 2. Journalist 1. gemology 2. physiology
3. Criminal 4. Detective 3. astrology 4. astronomy
713. Causing a strong dislike 728. A government run by the wealthy people
1. Revealing 2. Redundant 1. oligarchy 2. monarchy
3. Repulsive 4. Hateful 3. plutocracy 4. aristocracy
714. A place where Buddhist monks live 729. That which is incapable of being read or
1. temple 2. stupa understood
3. monastery 4. pagoda 1. Indelible 2. Illegible
715. Doctor who deals with bone problems 3. Illegal 4. Intelligible
1. chiropodist 2. orthodontist 730. A person who arranges and sells cut flowers
3. orthopaedist 4. dermatologist 1. Anthropologist 2. Horticulturist
716. A person authorised to examine and verify 3. Florist 4. Botanist
accounts 731. Killing of one’s mother
1. auditor 2. commentator 1. matricide 2. patricide
3. distributor 4. anchor 3. infanticide 4. regicide
717. A place where coins are manufactured 732. Something which cannot be taken by force
1. Mine 2. Mint 1. Irresistible 2. Impregnable
3. Warehouse 4. Factory 3. Imperative 4. Impromptu
23 | P a g e
733. Not active or growing 1. Etymology 2. Anthology
1. dormant 2. duplicate 3. Neurology 4. Pathology
3. inanimate 4. invisible 749. Central character in a story or play
734. One who has the power to do anything 1. Protagonist 2. Contender
1. multifaceted 2. omnipresent 3. Adversary 4. Emulator
3. omnipotent 4. multilingual 750. A long wooden seat with a back for people to sit
735. One who cannot be reformed or changed on in a church
1. invincible 2. infallible 1. Altar 2. Pew 3. Aisle 4. Pulpit
3. incorrigible 4. indelible 751. A decision on which one cannot go back
736. A person who pretends to have morals and 1. Irrevocable 2. Improbable
beliefs that he or she doesn’t believe in 3. Incorrigible 4. Incredible
1. hypocrite 2. communal 752. An entertainer who performs difficult physical
3. versatile 4. radical feats
737. A professional who works with patients who 1. Artisan 2. Artist
have heart problems 3. Archer 4. Acrobat
1. urologist 2. pediatrician 753. To free from restraint
3. orthopedic 4. cardiologist 1. Subjugate 2. Escalate
738. A place where a dead person's body is burnt. 3. Emancipate 4. Validate
1. basement 2. graveyard 754. Strong dislike between two persons
3. crematorium 4. dungeon 1. Tolerance 2. Antipathy
739. Someone who runs away from justice 3. Adoration 4. Rivalry
1. stowaway 2. fugitive 755. Something which is considered to be very
3. thief 4. cheat important
740. An institution for the care of people who are 1. Supplementary 2. Meagre
mentally ill 3. Cardinal 4. Scanty
1. Asylum 2. Infirmary 756. The sovereign head of a state
3. Sanatorium 4. Dormitory 1. Monolith 2. Monotone
741. A person who helps others in need 3. Monochrome 4. Monarch
1. contributor 2. samaritan 757. Substance used for killing troublesome small
3. patron 4. donor animals like insects, mice etc.
742. One who eats human flesh 1. Infanticide 2. Homicide
1. cannibal 2. tribal 3. Fungicide 4. Pesticide
3. ethnic 4. humane 758. A mass of snow, ice and rocks falling rapidly
743. A hunting weapon which comes back, used by down a mountainside.
Australian Aborigines 1. Glacier 2. Avalanche
1. cutlass 2. slingshot 3. Blizzard 4. Typhoon
3. harpoon 4. boomerang 759. A person who is neither well experienced nor
744. Only on the surface of something professional
1. Superficial 2. Superseding 1. Amateur 2. Proficient
3. Superlative 4. Supercilious 3. Veteran 4. Expert
745. No longer in use 760. A set of rooms specially in a hotel for the use of
1. Obsolete 2. Original one person or his family
3. Obscure 4. Oriental 1. Flat 2. Suite
746. Made of artificial substance or material 3. Apartment 4. Abode
1. Offensive 2. Authentic 761. Too great to be expressed or described in words
3. Synthetic 4. Expensive 1. Infallible 2. Ineffable
747. One who possesses several talents 3. Indispensable 4. Indelible
1. Versatile 2. Virtuous 762. A period of thousand years
3. Verbose 4. Virtual 1. Millennium 2. Century
748. Study of diseases 3. Decade 4. Centenary
24 | P a g e
763. A cruel and oppressive ruler (a) sumptuous (b) peculiar
1. Aristocrat 2. Democrat (c) curious (d) malicious
3. Traitor 4. Tyrant 778. Something causing shock or dismay
764. The original natives of a country (a) frivolous (b) appalling
1. Tribal 2. Savages (c) mischievous (d) remarkable
3. Cannibals 4. Aborigines 779. The act of compelling or forcing authority on
765. Soil deposited by flowing water others
1. Loam 2. Clay (a) aspersion (b) volition
3. Humus 4. Alluvium (c) coercion (d) Scion
766. One who accompanies somebody to protect 780. Diverse in character or event
him (a) homogenous (b) assiduous
1. Escort 2. Companion (c) heterogeneous (d) horrendous
3. Guide 4. Defender 781. A large, deep pot used both in the oven and as a
767. A person, animal or plant much below the usual serving vessel
height (a) sausepan (b) casserole
(a) wizard (b) dwarf (c) skillet (d) cauldron
(c) creature (d) witch 782. Touching along the side or boundary
768. A cylindrical container bulging out in the (a) inconspicuous (b) unpretentious
middle, traditionally made of wooden staves for (c) harmonious (d) contiguous
keeping oil, beer etc 783. Safe to drink
(a) bin (b) bushel (a) Edible (b) Feasible
(c) barrel (d) bale (c) Delectable (d) Potable
769. A large, deep metal pot used for cooking over 784. A statement which cannot be contradicted
open fire (a) Irresistible (b) Irrational
(a) barrel (b) kettle (c) Irreparable (d) Irrefutable
(c) skillet (d) cauldron 785. Constitutional right to cast vote
770. Flowers or leaves woven together in a circle for (a) duty (b) franking
placing on a coffin or a grave (c) franchise (d) licensed
(a) garland (b) wreath 786. A place for the collection of dried plants
(c) bunch (d) bouquet (a) aquarium (b) museum
771. To give up the throne (c) herbarium (d) flora
(a) bequeath (b) usurp 787. Excessive bureaucratic fuss
(c) consign (d) abdicate (a) footnotes (b) officious
772. To increase the speed (c) fastidious (d) redtape
(a) Activate (b) Accelerate 788. A person who held a job or office before the
(c) Assimilate (d) Exhilarate current holder
773. A place where plants are grown for sale (a) Successor (b) Ancient
(a) Yard (b) Garden (c) Predecessor (d) descendant
(c) Aviary (d) Nursery 789. Extreme mental or physical suffering
774. To brighten up with lights (a) rapture (b) acute
(a) Infuriate (b) Illuminate (c) agony (d) ecstasy
(c) Elucidate (d) Illustrate 790. An exact or a very close copy (of something)
775. The height of an object or point in relation to (a) forgery (b) replica
sea level or ground level (c) artificial (d) substitute
(a) rectitude (b) longitude 791. A place where games are played for money
(c) latitude (d) altitude (a) church (b) casino
776. Seeming reasonable (c) gymnasium (d) university
(a) plausible (b) permeable 792. Travelling under a name other than one’s own
(c) versatile (d) volatile (a) incredible (b) incognito
777. Splendid and expensive looking (c) impromptu (d) Invisible
25 | P a g e
793. To cross streets on foot carelessly (c) Whimsical (d) Balanced
(a) catwalk (b) jaywalk 808. A person working on a trial period
(c) stroll (d) Wander (a) Probationer (b) Petitioner
794. A rabbit’s dwelling (c) Practitioner (d) Professional
(a) lair (b) burrow 809. The state of growing to maturity
(c) sty (d) den (a) Apartheid (b) Innocence
795. A group of singers in a Church (c) Adolescence (d) Immigrant
(a) choir (b) band 810. A young child just beginning to walk
(c) host (d) troop (a) Joey (b) Kid
796. A strong and fast moving stream of water (c) Toddler (d) Cub
(a) rivulet (b) creek 811. A hollow space in a wall for a statue or ornament
(c) torrent (d) trickle (a) Slot (b) Niche
797. A group of ships sailing together (c) Nook (d) Cornice
(a) Navy (b) Fleet 812. Policy of racial discrimination
(c) Vessels (d) Cruisers (a) Inequality (b) Supremacy
798. Come in the way of (c) Segregation (d) Apartheid
(a) Indulge (b) Facilitate 813. Advocating an aggressive or warlike policy,
(c) Hamper (d) Deprive especially in foreign affairs.
799. To laugh at something in a cruel way (a) Eminent (b) Belligerent
(a) Deprive (b) Decide (c) Hawkish (d) Quaint
(c) Deride (d) Defy 814. A job, especially one that is temporary or that
800. A small compartment in an aircraft for the pilot has an uncertain future.
(a) Chassis (b) Cockpit (a) Brute (b) Incompetent
(c) Canopy (d) Fuselage (c) Cretin (d) Gig
801. A plantation of grapes 815. Officially take possession or control of
(a) Nursery (b) Vineyard (something), especially for military purposes.
(c) Orchard (d) Grove (a) Commandeer (b) Prerequisite
802. Something like an opening, particularly one in (c) Cognate (d) Epilogue
the body such as a nostril 816. Tolerate or allow (something, typically dissent
(a) Orifice (b) Obtuse or opposition).
(c) Obscure (d) Oblique (a) Bear (b) Brook
803. Things which are of the same kind and of the (c) Topographic (d) Reflexive
same dimensions 817. Relating to or occurring in the intestines.
(a) Homosexual (b) Homonymous (a) Truant (b) Servant
(c) Homogenous (d) Homophony (c) Enteric (d) Fag
804. A situation requiring a choice between equally 818. Nearer the front, especially in the front of the
undesirable alternatives or confusions body, or nearer to the head or forepart.
(a) Instability (b) Complication (a) Whimsical (b) Stray
(c) Sophistication (d) Dilemma (c) Untidy (d) Anterior
805. Condition of sleep during certain parts of the 819. Make (a difficult subject) clearer and easier to
year understand.
(a) Somnambulism (b) Dehydration (a) Husk (b) Demystify
(c) Constipation (d) Hibernation (c) Rile (d) Pasture
806. Painless death given to patients to relieve 820. Proud haughtiness of manner.
suffering (a) Emancipate (b) Liberate
(a) Euthanasia (b) Euphoria (c) Hauteur (d) Dislodge
(c) Euphorbia (d) Euphemism 821. A person who takes part in a dialogue or
807. Unable to think clearly because of a mental conversation.
illness (a) Subdue (b) Upbraid
(a) Deranged (b) Eccentric (c) Ingratiate (d) Interlocutor
26 | P a g e
822. Extravagantly bright or showy, typically so as to 837. The art of preaching or writing sermons.
be tasteless. (a) Homiletic (b) Hone
(a) Gaudy (b) Nag (c) Holster (d) Hubris
(c) Raid (d) Forage 838. A short-lived, serene episode of pastoral or
823. A person who is not sure about God's existence romantic charm.
(a) Aesthetics (b) Agnostic (a) Iconoclast (b) Ephemeral
(c) Aeon (d) Amateur (c) Impunity (d) Idyll
824. Spoken or done without preparation 839. A nominal leader with no real power.
(a) Extempore (b) Ambidextrous (a) Filibuster (b) Figurehead
(c) Bequeath (d) Presage (c) Flak (d) Fervor
825. One who is bad in spellings 840. The common people, commoner.
(a) Calligrapher (b) Demagogue (a) Plebeian (b) Platitude
(c) Somniferous (d) Cacographer (c) Plaque (d) Prim
826. Expressing feelings or opinions in a very loud or 841. Act of mercy killing.
forceful way (a) Asphyxiation (b) Suicide
(a) Volatile (b) Vociferous (c) Immolation (d) Euthanasia
(c) Wreath (d) Yearn 842. Stick with a thick end used in a mortar for
827. Very determined to do something pounding.
(a) Tenacious (b) Versatile (a) Thistle (b) Stifle
(c) illicit (d) Savour (c) Sceptre (d) Pestle
828. The branch of science concerned with the 843. Usage of an incorrect word in place of the one
origin, structure and composition of rocks which is similar in pronunciation.
(a) Prodigy (b) Petrology (a) Error (b) Malapropism
(c) Pedagogy (d) Protozoology (c) Blooper (d) Euphemism
829. Honor or fame given for some achievement 844. To take atonement for one’s sins.
(a) Granary (b) Honk (a) Expiate (b) Renounce
(c) Epilogue (d) Laurel (c) Remonstrate (d) Refute
830. The nursery where babies and young children 845. A particular method of working.
are cared for during the working day (a) Methodology (b) Knack
(a) Creak (b) Cortege (c) Working method (d) Modus operandi
(c) Creche (d) Convent 846. Harsh criticism or censure.
831. A division into two opposite groups (a) Opprobrium (b) Officious
(a) Gap (b) Fissure (c) Perfunctory (d) Approbation
(c) Microtomy (d) Dichotomy 847. A small valley
832. Lasting for a very short time (a) Silt (b) Dell
(a) Ambiguous (b) Ephemeral (c) Bay (d) Pasture
(b) Caucus (d) Grove 848. A person without a home, job or property.
833. Not willing to tell people about things (a) Derelict (b) Hoary
(a) Reticent (b) Crescent (c) Coy (d) Prattle
(c) nascent (d) lucent 849. Excessive publicity.
834. Examples that represent or express something (a) Advertisement (b) Hype
very well (c) Maraud (d) Uproar
(a) Illustration (b) Eternal 850. To take someone somewhere suddenly and
(c) Epitome (d) Explanation quickly.
835. The killing of a large group of people (a) Rush (b) Whisk
(a) Genocide (b) Fratricide (c) Fly (d) Sever
(c) Filicide (d) Sororicide 851. Seat on elephant’s back
836. Sentimental in an exaggerated or false way. (a) Howdah (b) Saddle
(a) Maniac (b) Mawkish (c) Couch (d) Hurtle
(c) Maverick (d) Meretricious
27 | P a g e
852. A person who hates new things. 867. A person who is not conversant with a
(a) Misnomer (b) Misoneist particular activity or skill.
(c) Misanthrope (d) Misogynist (a) Bier (b) Muggle
853. Customs and habits of a particular group. (c) Cabby (d) Deism
(a) Mores (b) Rituals 868. Animal that can live both on land and in water
(c) Customs (d) Tradition 1. mammal 2. vertebrate
854. Loop of rope. 3. arboreal 4. amphibian
(a) Repine (b) Rankle 869. To walk aimlessly
(c) Noose (d) Knot 1. Slither 2. Crawl 3. Sprint 4. Amble
855. A branch of medical science that deals with 870. The study of earthquakes
nose and its disease. 1. Seismology 2. Geography
(a) Phrenology (b) Rhinology 3. Topography 4. Geology
(c) Osteoarthritis (d) Pulmonology 871. Walk or move at a slow, relaxed pace
856. Platform on which criminals are executed. 1. Prance 2. Strut 3. Romp 4. Amble
(a) Revelry (b) Scaffold 872. One who supervises students in an examination
(c) Dais (d) Podium hall
857. Someone who is excessively concerned with his 1. Teacher 2. Inspector
or her own health. 3. Invigilator 4. Examinee
(a) Tempo (b) Vandal 873. A glass container to keep fish
(c) Valetudinarian (d) Turnstile 1. Beaker 2. Vase 3. Aquarium 4. Atrium
858. To involve deeply in an argument, conflict or 874. A sound that cannot be heard
difficult situation. 1. Indelible 2. Inaudible 3. Inedible 4. Audible
(a) Embroil (b) Clique 875. Indifferent to pleasure and pain
(c) Requiem (d) Repository 1. Cynic 2. Stoic 3. Lusty 4. Prudent
859. A strong believer. 876. Formally put an end to a system, practice, or
(a) Apostle (b) Aborigines institution
(c) Volte-face (d) Emissary 1. Destroy 2. Abolish 3. Stop 4. Kill
860. A person who receives a legacy. 877. Showing great attention to detail and correct
(a) Ruckus (b) Legatee behaviour
(c) doyen (d) Priggish 1. Punctilious 2. Zealous
861. Indefinitely many; a lot of. 3. Punctual 4. Disciplined
(a) Umpteen (b) Spur 878. A fictional being from another world
(c) Paltry (d) Pauperdom 1. Alien 2. Stranger
862. Green with grass or other rich vegetation. 3. Native 4. Foreigner
(a) Gulp (b) Malaise 879. In exactly the same words as the original
(c) Percolate (d) Verdant 1. Duplicate 2. Copy
863. Directly opposed or contrasted; mutually 3. Imitation 4. Verbatim
incompatible. 880. The examination or observation of one's own
(a) Antithetical (b) Annul mental and emotional processes
(c) Dire (d) Omnibus 1. Assessment 2. Valuation
864. To complain bitterly 3. Inspection 4. Introspection
(a) Tread (b) Rail 881. A medical condition in which somebody partly
(c) Suffrage (d) Gale or completely loses their memory
865. A collection of books accepted as holy scripture. 1. Alopecia 2. Amnesia
(a) Canon (b) Clad 3. Asphyxia 4. Anaemia
(c) Stump (d) Stratum 882. Study of insects
866. Someone who acts as an assistant. 1. Entomology 2. Geology
(a) Rampart (b) Aide 3. Biology 4. Ecology
(c) Tarry (d) Noob
28 | P a g e
883. Drawings or writing scribbled on walls in public 899. Able to be happy, successful, etc. again after
places something difficult or bad has happened
1. Sketches 2. Posters 1. Resistant 2. Reluctant
3. Graffiti 4. Hoardings 3. Remnant 4. Resilient
884. Something that is strong and lasts a long time 900. Easily hurt emotionally
without breaking or becoming weaker. 1. Senseless 2. Sensible
1. Durable 2. Harsh 3. Incensed 4. Sensitive
3. Pliable 4. Secure 901. A group of people
885. Sharpness and accuracy of judgment 1. Flock 2. Crowd 3. Brood 4. Herd
1. Knowledge 2. Estimation 902. A room or large cupboard for storing food
3. Acumen 4. Experience 1. Almirah 2. Larder
886. A tank for fish or water plants 3. Wardrobe 4. Bakery
1. Aviary 2. Reservoir 903. A spear used for hunting large fish
3. Aquarium 4. Museum 1. Dagger 2. Lance 3. Harpoon 4. Sword
887. An image of a God used for worship 904. Lacking interest or excitement
1. Icon 2. Temple 3. Model 4. Idol 1. Mundane 2. Miserly 3. Despot 4. Hostile
888. Drawings or writing on a wall in a public place 905. Place where objects of importance are exhibited
1. Portrait 2. Collage 3. Caricature 4. Graffiti 1. Museum 2. Exhibition
889. One who can read and write 3. Treasury 4. Fair
1. Eligible 2. Illiterate 906. A person who works in a shop that sells cut
3. Literate 4. Illegible flowers and plants
890. One who knows everything 1. Dealer 2. Florist
1. Naïve 2. Omniscient 3. Hawker 4. Vendor
3. Invincible 4. Experienced 907. A four-footed animal
891. A seat for a passenger on a bicycle or motorbike 1. Biped 2. Reptile
1. Bridle 2. Cushion 3. Pillion 4. Girdle 3. Mammal 4. Quadruped
892. Unfairly take something belonging to another 908. A piece of a living tissue or plant that is
for one’s use transplanted surgically
1. Misconstrue 2. Misinterpret 1. Gratis 2. Gourmet 3. Gracious 4. Graft
3. Misapprehend 4. Misappropriate 909. Feeling or showing extreme tiredness
893. A problem that is so difficult that it cannot be 1. Vitalised 2. Nervous
answered 3. Weary 4. Drowsy
1. Terrible 2. Insoluble 910. A person in love with himself
3. Impossible 4. Solvable 1. Narcissist 2. Lunatic 3. Stoic 4. Polyglot
894. A fixed sum paid annually 911. Giving the worrying impression that something
1. Bonus 2. Honorarium bad is going to happen
3. Annuity 4. Alimony 1. Desolate 2. Suspicious
895. A person who travels on foot. 3. Ominous 4. Bleak
1. Pedestrian 2. Rover 3. Dweller 4. Flyer 912. Plants of a particular region
896. Unable to express feelings clearly 1. Flora 2. Flinch 3. Fauna 4. Flotsam
1. Eloquent 2. Affluent 913. A shortened version of a larger work
3. Verbose 4. Inarticulate 1. Summary 2. Précis
897. A style of cooking food, characteristic of a 3. Shorts 4. Abridgement
particular country or region 914. The man supervising the exam had a huge
1. Antique 2. Creche 3. Cuisine 4. Menu moustache.
898. An animal with a spinal cord 1. Examiner 2. Curator
1. Amphibian 2. Vertebrate 3. Controller 4. Invigilator
3. Mammal 4. Invertebrate 915. Adjust or make right; correct, amend
1. Recruit 2. Recreate
3. Recourse 4. Rectify
29 | P a g e
916. Having or showing an excessively high opinion 3. Nostalgia 4. Paranoia
of one's appearance, abilities, or worth 931. The act of killing one’s mother
1. Superior 2. Vain 1. Regicide 2. Homicide
3. Otiose 4. Domineering 3. Uxoricide 4. Matricide
917. The date when both, day and night are of 932. Today my dad will teach me how to make a
approximately equal length small shelter for my dog.
1. Equilibrium 2. Equine 1. kennel 2. Canal 3. Burrow 4. shed
3. Equator 4. Equinox 933. Existing in a land from the earliest times or from
918. One who has the ability to do many different before the arrival of colonists
things 1. Native 2. Ancient
1. Versatile 2. Adaptable 3. Aboriginal 4. Original
3. Expert 4. Specialist 934. An eccentric manner of living
919. A speech made without preparation 1. Bohemian 2. Numismatist
1. Extempore 2. Rhetoric 3. Gourmet 4. Misanthrope
3. Deliberation 4. Spontaneous 935. The property left to someone by a will
920. One who mediates in a deal or complex 1. Ledger 2. Legacy 3. Legend 4. Lexical
situation 936. A small island
1. Equaliser 2. Solicitor 1. Islet 2. Lagoon 3. Closet 4. Isthmus
3. Pacifier 4. Negotiator 937. A group of stars having a particular shape
921. A loud appeal or demand 1. Constellation 2. Planet
1. Protest 2. Entourage 3. Orbit 4. Galaxy
3. Clamour 4. Gambit 938. A huge building with a spacious area to house
922. The study of languages aircrafts.
1. Philology 2. Anthropology 1. Airport 2. Hanger 3. Hangar 4. House
3. Lexicography 4. Philosophy 939. Allowance given to a wife from her husband on
923. Sharp and direct separation
1. Acerbic 2. Zoonic 3. Anodyne 4. Acidic 1. Allegory 2. Alimony
924. After my father passed away, I used to look at a 3. Affidavit 4. Advocacy
series of stars, trying to find the unknown. 940. Formal forgiveness of a person’s sins
1. Galaxy 2. Constellation 1. Ablutions 2. Absolution
3. Caravan 4. Horde 3. Absolutism 4. Forgiveness
925. One who does something not professionally but 941. Holding on to something or keeping an opinion
for pleasure with determination
1. Professional 2. Mature 1. Gracious 2. Tenacious
3. Immature 4. Amateur 3. Obnoxious 4. Loquacious
926. A person having significant experience in an 942. A perfectionist
occupation 1. Meticulous 2. Omniscient
1. Agnostic 2. Fastidious 3. Optimist 4. Ambidextrous
3. Veteran 4. Novice 943. Fail to notice; ignore; condone (an offence etc.)
927. The act of washing oneself 1. Overlong 2. Overlie
1. Ablutions 2. Solutions 3. Overly 4. Overlook
3. Steaming 4. Bathing 944. A room where dead bodies are kept until burial
928. A very expensive and elaborately built tomb 1. Sanatorium 2. Museum
1. Mausoleum 2. Cemetery 3. Mortuary 4. Safari
3. Mosque 4. Masterpiece 945. The action of damaging the good reputation of
929. A place where coins and medals are made. someone
1. Office 2. Mint 3. Mine 4. Barn 1. Delegate 2. Degeneration
930. An excessively intense desire for returning to 3. Defamation 4. Defection
past or lost conditions
1. Affection 2. Glitterati
30 | P a g e
946. An exaggerated statement not to be taken 1. Fatalist 2. Convict 3. Fugitive 4. Lunatic
seriously or literally 961. Words that begin with the same letter, syllable
1. Hypertext 2. Hyperbole or sound
3. Hypocrisy 4. Hippocrates 1. Metaphor 2. Pun
947. Cancel or do away with (a law or agreement) 3. Hyperbole 4. Alliteration
1. Abrogate 2. Cancellation 962. Sita seems not to be affected by the pleasures
3. Ultimation 4. Prorogation and pains of life.
948. To keep postponing doing a task later because 1. strict 2. Active
you’re lazy 3. stoic 4. passive
1. Procrastinate 2. Multi-task 963. Having a feeling of guilt
3. Leave 4. Diligent 1. Refulgence 2. Restitution
949. A battle or anything involving or causing much 3. Remorse 4. Repugnance
bloodshed 964. A person who criticises traditional beliefs and
1. Autocracy 2. Sanguinary customs
3. Ineffable 4. Redtapism 1. Heretic 2. Absconder
950. Something which is worth believing 3. Apostle 4. Iconoclast
1. Spurious 2. Expedient 965. A poll taken of voters leaving the voting place
3. Credible 4. Impending that is usually used for predicting the winners.
951. Strong hostility 1. Consensus 2. Results
1. Animalistic 2. Anonymity 3. Census 4. Exit poll
3. Comity 4. Animosity 966. A formal statement testifying to someone's
952.Murder of an infant character and qualifications
1. Foeticide 2. Feticide 1. Document 2. Affidavit
3. Sacrifice 4. Infanticide 3. Testimonial 4. Manuscript
953. One who loves humanity or believes in universal 967. Something that is very small/little
brotherhood 1. Few 2. Tiny 3. Thin 4. Slender
1. Humane 2. Magnanimous 968. Making of a false document with a false
3. Philanthropist 4. Misanthropist signature
954. My uncle is someone who loves good food and 1. Ruse 2. Forgery
knows a lot about it. 3. Insincerity 4. Deception
1. Connoisseur 2. Gourmet 969. A list or collection of books or informative
3. Chauffeur 4. Culinary graphics
955. One who can speak two languages 1. Bale 2. Hamlet
1. Multilingual 2. Bilingual 3. Gallery 4. Catalogue
3. Trilingual 4. Monolingual 970. A person who draws or produces maps
956. to give up completely or agree to forgo, (a) Choreographer (b) Calligrapher
especially in favour of another (c) Cartographer (d) Chauffeur
1. Waive 2. Forfeit 3. Surrender 4. Cosign 971. The act of thinking now about something in the
957. Something that is capable of being past.
accomplished (a) Retrospection (b) Introspection
1. Feasible 2. Untenable (c) Inspection (d) Circumspection
3. Irrevocable 4. Eligible 972. The nest of a squirrel, typically in the form of a
958. The scientific study of plants and their structure mass of twigs in a tree
1. Plantation 2. Environment (a) Hole (b) Burrow (c) Lair (d) Drey
3. Biology 4. Botany 973. A sentimental longing for a time in the past
959. While I was travelling in Europe, I met a man (a) sepia (b) myopia
who drew maps. (c) nostalgia (d) dystopia
1. Cartographer 2. Geographer 974. A large cage, building or enclosure to keep birds
3. Arbitrator 4. Anthropologist (a) Zoo (b) Apiary
960. One who runs away from law (c) Aquarium (d) Aviary
31 | P a g e
975. Leather straps put around a horse’s head to (a) alias (b) imposter
control it (c) namesake (d) ancestor
(a) bridle (b) bridal 991. Study of environment
(c) saddle (d) stirrup (a) ecology (b) radiology
976. people existing or living at the same time (c) cosmology (d) pathology
(a) community (b) population 992. A person who is unduly anxious about his/her
(c) contemporaries (d) inhabitants health
977. A person who shows people their seats (a) valetudinarian (b) antiquarian
(a) usher (b) guard (c) disciplinarian (d) egalitarian
(c) watchman (d) cameraman 993. A person who is trained for travelling into space
978. A statement open to more than one (a) scientist (b) physicist
interpretation (c) astronaut (d) pilot
(a) ambiguous (b) axiom 994. The dates when days and nights are of equal
(c) apparent (d) absurd length
979. A speech expressing one’s thoughts aloud to (a) equinox (b) stellar
oneself (c) eclipse (d) solstice
(a) sacrilege (b) soliloquy 995. Harsh or discordant sound
(c) harangue (d) hyperbole (a) monotony (b) harmony
980. People who work together at the same place (c) cacophony (d) symphony
(a) rivals (b) colleagues 996. Arrangement of events according to the dates of
(c) agents (d) friends occurrence
981. To give one’s authority to another (a) analogy (b) theology
(a) shirk (b) supervise (c) chronology (d) trilogy
(c) usurp (d) delegate 997. A person of evil reputation
982. One who rides horses in races (a) icon (b) famous
(a) jockey (b) sprinter (c) notorious (d) renowned
(c) athlete (d) porter 998. A person who believes everything easily
983. Introductory section of a literary work (a) creditor (b) plausible
(a) dialogue (b) monologue (c) credulous (d) reliable
(c) prologue (d) epilogue 999. A deceased holy person’s remains or belongings
984. A fictitious name used by an author kept for reverence
(a) alibi (b) namesake (a) memento (b) relic
(c) homonym (d) pseudonym (c) trophy (d) souvenir
985. One who studies God and religion 1000. To go around an area to keep a watch
(a) theologian (b) atheist (a) explore (b) patrol
(c) theist (d) theorist (c) campaign (d) cruise
986. Someone taken a prisoner to fulfil demands 1001. Holding an office without receiving a pay
(a) dealer (b) hostage (a) honorary (b) charity
(c) guest (d) host (c) freelance (d) startup
987. Be more successful than someone 1002. A nature reserve for birds or animals.
(a) win (b) beat (a) asylum (b) sanctuary
(c) succeed (d) outdo (c) oasis (d) retreat
988. Something done because one wants to, not by 1003. A particular form of a language which is
force peculiar to a specific region
(a) subjected (b) threatened (a) lingo (b) slang
(c) coerced (d) voluntary (c) dialect (d) jargon
989. One who changes sides 1004. Government run by a small group of people
(a) amateur (b) invader (a) aristocracy (b) oligarchy
(c) novice (d) turncoat (c) plutocracy (d) monarchy
990. A person with the same name as Another
32 | P a g e
1005. A factual written account of important or 1019. A slowly moving mass or river of ice
historical events in the order of their occurrence. (a) typhoon (b) glacier
(a) register (b) journal (c) blizzard (d) avalanche
(c) chronology (d) chronicle 1020. The organic component of soil, formed by the
1006. A young person trending to commit crime, decomposition of leaves and other plant material
particularly minor crime. (a) silt (b) humus
(a) delinquent (b) convict (c) clay (d) alluvium
(c) criminal (d) derelict 1021. A ruler with complete power over a country
1007. Downfall that satisfies natural justice (a) Democrat (b) Aristocrat
(a) nemesis (b) catharsis (c) Traitor (d) Dictator
(c) paradox (d) Climax 1022. The state of being married to one person at a
1008. Irresistible impulse time
(a) kleptomania (b) plunder (a)Polygamy (b)Bigamy
(c) sabotage (d) Megalomania (c)Monogamy (d)Homogamy
1009. To separate husk from the grain 1023. A word or law no longer in use
(a) willow (b) winnow (a)Venerable (b)Vintage
(c) whip (d) Whisk (c)Obsolete (d)Absolute
1010. A person who eats the flesh of other human 1024. A partner in crime
beings (a)Accomplice (b)Amateur
(a)savage (b)tribal (c)Agent (d)Alibi
(c)cannibal (d)aborigine 1025. A group of lions
1011. Place where two or more rivers meet (a)Herd (b)Pride (c)Pack (d)Colony
(a)strait (b)confluence 1026. A group of stars that make a pattern
(c)delta (d)estuary (a)Planet (b)Constellation
1012. The date on which an event took place in a (c)Horizon (d)Comet
previous year 1027. One who does not care for art or literature.
(a) decade (b) anniversary (a)Plagiarist (b)Pessimist
(c) millennium (d) century (c)Philistine (d)Philatelist
1013. A set of rooms forming one residence in a 1028. A government by the nobles
building (a)Oligarchy (b)Aristocracy
(a) bungalow (b) suite (c)Democracy (d)Monarchy
(c) apartment (d) villa 1029. An imaginary ideal society
1014. Two lengths of rope, wood or metal with cross (a)Ultimate (b)Utopia
pieces used for climbing up and down walls (c)Flawless (d)Model
(a) stairs (b) railing 1030. A very large impressive residence
(c) ladder (d) steps (a)Mansion (b)Igloo
1015. A person who is absolutely necessary for (c)Cabin (d)Cottage
someone or something 1031. A place where gambling games are played
(a) indelible (b) ineffable (a)Stadium (b)Gymnasium
(c) infallible (d) indispensable (c)Casino (d)Arena
1016. Medical doctors who specialise in diagnosing 1032. A doctor who treats skin disease
diseases using X-rays, CT scans and ultrasound (a)Ophthalmologist (b)Orthodontist
(a) pathologist (b) cardiologist (c)Cardiologist (d)Dermatologist
(c) radiologist (d) dermatologist 1033. A close-fitting cover for a sword
1017. Something of little value or importance (a)Quiver (b)Shank
(a) trivial (b) cardinal (c)Sheath (d)Dagger
(c) scanty (d) Fundamental 1034. The science concerned with the properties of
1018. Persons who robs ships sound
(a) robbers (b) bandits (a) Acrobatics (b) Acoustics
(c) dacoits (d) pirates (c) Geology (d) Pedagog
33 | P a g e
1035. Profane talk 1051. Combine to form a whole
(a) Blasphemy (b) Alchemy (a) Scatter (b) Integrate
(c) Origami (d) Polygamy (c) Disjoin (d) Create
1036. An extreme fear of darkness 1052. Very careful and precise
(a) Acrophobia (b) Hydrophobia (a) Tremulous (b) Tumultuous
(c) Nyctophobia (d) Hemophobia (c) Garrulous (d) Meticulous
1037. A state governed by old people 1053. A natural skill at doing something
(a) Autocracy (b) Bureaucracy (a) Snack (b) Knack
(c) Gerontocracy (d) Democracy (c) Quack (d) Stack
1038. A group of cattle 1054. A collection of drawings, documents, etc. that
(a) Pride (b) Herd represent a person’s, especially an artist’s, work
(c) Flock (d) Litter (a) Portfolio (b) Profile
1039. Obsessive desire to lose weight by refusing to (c) Sketch (d) Dossier
eat 1055. Tending to associate with others of one's kind
(a) Anorexia (b) Dyslexia (a) Genial (b) Gregarious
(c) Asphyxia (d) Pyrexia (c) Harmonious (d) Congruous
1040. Not supporting any side in an argument 1056. A person who is blamed for something that
(a) Impartial (b) Involved someone else has done
(c) Natural (d) Biased (a) Enemy (b) Competitor
1041. Act of giving up the throne (c) Scapegoat (d) Opponent
(a) Abdication (b) Admiration 1057. One who tells future from the stars
(c) Adulation (d) Addiction (a) Miser (b) Personification
1042. A group of people travelling together, (c) Philanthropist (d) Astrologer
especially in a desert 1058. Movement of people or animals from one area
(a) Pilgrimage (b) Parade to another
(c) Caravan (d) Procession (a) Diversification (b) Migration
1043. A fast moving stream of water (c) Acclimatisation (d) Population
(a) Fissure (b) Volcano 1059. One who studies the elections and voting
(c) Quake (d) Torrent trends
1044. A detailed list of things in a place (a) Sociologist (b) Psephologist
(a) Glossary (b) Inventory (c) Reviewer (d) Researcher
(c) Itinerary (d) Directory 1060. Relating to the healing of diseases
1045. A glass container in which fish can be kept (a) Inoculation (b) Immunity
(a) Aquatic (b) Aqua (c) Preventive (d) Therapeutic
(c) Fishery (d) Aquarium 1061. A group of people who have come together in
1046. Something that is genuine a religious building for worship and prayer
(a) Majestic (b) Authentic (a) Congregation (b) Crowd
(c) Unreal (d) Academic (c) Throng (d) Multitude
1047. That which is no longer useful 1062. A situation in which many people leave a place
(a) Abundant (b) Reluctant at the same time
(c) Dominant (d) Redundant (a) Exodus (b) Mitigation
1048. Using right and left hand equally well (c) Navigation (d) Immigration
(a) Unskilled (b) Ambidextrous 1063. An unforeseen happening which creates some
(c) Left-handed (d) Inexpert damage
1049. Having no moral principles (a) Mystery (b) Menace
(a) Ethical (b) Unaware (c) Magical (d) Mishap
(c) Unscrupulous (d) Mischievous 1064. One whom it is impossible to defeat
1050. Steal or misappropriate money (a) Dissatisfied (b) Cowardly
(a) Embezzle (b) Raid (c) Invincible (d) Inimitable
(c) Manipulate (d) Overcharge
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1065. Soon passing out or of a short duration 1080. A person weak and disabled by illness
(a) Frostbite (b) Evanescent (a) Activist (b) Invalid
(c) Extempore (d) Fluke (c) Athlete (d) Petitioner
1066. Someone who freely gives money and help to 1081. Happening every two years
people who need it (a) Centennial (b) Biennial
(a) Philologist (b) Philanthropist (c) Biannual (d) Triennial
(c) Impressionist (d) Receptionist 1082. A part of the city especially the slum area
1067. An imagined society where everything is (a) Ghetto (b) Metropolis
perfect and everyone is happy (c) Suburb (d) Colony
(a) Responsible (b) Hypocrite 1083. Making one feel very sad
(c) Utopia (d) Evangelist (a) Heart-to-heart (b) Heart-searching
1068. Incapable of making mistakes (c) Heart-stopping (d) Heart-wrenching
(a) Ineligible (b) Negligible 1084. A remedy for all diseases
(c) Inevitable (d) Infallible (a) Tablet (b) Syrup
1069. One who examines accounts officially (c) Panacea (d) Nectar
(a) Auditor (b) Collector 1085. The life history of a person written by himself.
(c) Aviator (d) Radiator (a) Travelogue (b) Essay
1070. Repetition of an initial sound in two or more (c) Biography (d) Autobiography
words of a line 1086. Something that is expressed in a confusing way
(a) Assonance (b) Rhythm (a) Eccentric (b) Inaudible
(c) Alliteration (d) Rhyme (c) Gullible (d) Incoherent
1071. A period of one thousand years 1087. Covered with a material or substance in order
(a) Millennium (b) Centenary to stop heat, sound etc. from entering or escaping.
(c) Century (d) Decade (a) Hydrated (b) Insulated
1072. A garden with fruit trees (c) Assimilated (d) Calibrated
(a) Vineyard (b) Orchard 1088.A large natural or artificial lake used as a source
(c) Grove (d) Nursery of water supply
1073. Flesh-eating animal (a) Reservoir (b) Pool (c) Creek (d) Pond
(a) Insectivore (b) Carnivore 1089. Close fitting cover for a sword or knife
(c) Omnivore (d) Herbivore (a) Shield (b) Screen
1074. A ruler with total power over a country, (c) Sheath (d) Guard
typically one who has obtained control by force 1090.Government by a king or a queen
(a) Democrat (b) Protector (a) Monarchy (b) Oligarchy
(c) Traitor (d) Dictator (c) Aristocracy (d) Plutocracy
1075. A type of magic in which spirits, especially evil 1091. A vertical passageway into a mine
ones, are used to make things happen (a) Canal (b) Lobby
(a) Chemistry (b) Mimicry (c) Shaft (d) Aisle
(c) Sorcery (d) Alchemy 1092. A solution or remedy for all
1076. A deep fissure in the earth's surface difficulties or diseases
(a) Volcano (b) Chasm (a) Medicine (b) Treatment
(c) Earthquake (d) Tremor (c) Panacea (d) Therapy
1077. Something that is extremely unpleasant 1093. A place where wild animals live
(a) Horrendous (b) Heightened (a) Lair (b) Hutch
(c) Humane (d) Humorous (c) Kennel (d) Cage
1078. Satisfied, with no desire to change or improve 1094. Small room where dishes are washed
(a) Beneficent (b) Innocent (a) Ante-room (b) Pantry
(c) Complacent (d) Adolescent (c) Larder (d) Scullery
1079. To make perfect or complete 1095.Person or thing that is the centre of attention
(a) Complement (b) Attainment (a) Organiser (b) Politician
(c) Impediment (d) Deportment (c) Cynosure (d) Leader
35 | P a g e
1096.A person who speaks always in praise of 1110. One who gives shape to stone
himself 1. Curator 2. Sculptor
(a)Nationalist (b) Egotist 3. Apostate 4. Auditor
(c)Conventionalist (d) Evangelist 1111. To become a strong person in spite of many
1097. A song or music in praise of God difficulties.
(a) Elegy (b) Ode 1. Anxious 2. Triggered
(c) Hymn (d) Epic 3. Safe 4. Resilient
1098. A person living in the same age with another 1112. So delicate or precise as to be difficult to
(a) Confidant (b) Partner analyse or describe
(c) Collaborator (d) Contemporary 1. Suitable 2. Subtle
1099.A person who studies the structure of the earth 3. Complex 4. Brittle
(a) Geologist (b) Geographer 1113. Spouse of a reigning monarch
(c) Gemologist (d) Gynaecologist A. Companion B. Accomplice
1100. You are requested to send a list of goods sent, C. Intern D. Consort
with their prices along with the parcel so that the 1114. A thing that motivates or encourages someone
payment can be done immediately. to do something
A. Agenda B. Invoice A. Incentive B. Invention
C. Catalogue D. Inventory C. Instrument D. Inheritance
1101. Prevent from being carried out 1115. Use of fingers and hands to communicate
A. Intentional B. Deliberate ideas by deaf and dumb people
C. Circumvent D. Clarity A. braille B. Code
1102. Pretence of having a virtuous character C. dactylology D. dermatology
A. Hypocrisy B. Imposter 1116. One who believes all people are motivated by
C. Spy D. Covert selfish needs
1103. A narration in which animals speak and act like A. Fanatic B. Lunatic
human being C. Cynic D. Ascetic
A. Didactic B. Elegy 1117. To bring memories or images to the conscious
C. Fable D. Parable mind
1104. That which makes it difficult to recognize the A. depict B. induce
presence of something C. repress D. evoke
A. Pretence B. Camouflage 1118. A party emblem of royalty
C. Cover D. Mask A. Plagiarism B. Regalia
1105. Showing astute powers of judgement; clever C. Monarchy D. Philogyny
and judicious 1119. A disorder that involve difficulty in reading,
1. Shriek 2. Sage interpreting words
3. Shrewd 4. Shrike 1. Delusion 2. Dyslexia
1106. Evoking a keen sense of sadness or regret 3. Dysgraphia 4. Disability
1. Pungent 2. Poignant 1120. Not quite coinciding with a central position
3. Impactful 4. Unaffecting 1. Off-centre 2. Off-beat
1107. Taking heed or care; being conscious 3. Off-chance 4. Off-break
1. Mindful 2. Mindless 1121. Changing frequently
3. Mindset 4. Mind-read 1. Certain 2. Flak
1108. The quality of being honest and having strong 3. Fickle 4. Contiguous
moral principles 1122. Using (an idea, term, or name) frequently in
1. Staid 2. Integrity casual talk
3. Uptight 4. Ridicule 1. Banding 2. Bounding
1109. Treat with a vaccine, usually by injection to 3. Bandying 4. Bamboozling
promote immunity against a disease 1123. A person who is unsure about God’s existence
1. Innuendo 2. Inoculate 1. Agnostic 2. Theist
3. Inspire 4. Innovate 3. Atheist 4. Theologist
36 | P a g e
1124. Mark with spots or smears of colour 3. Benedictory 4. Adulterous
1. Mottle 2. Motto 1139. A dummy used to display clothes in a shop
3. Bright 4. Colourful window
1125. Extreme physical or mental sufferings 1. Mannequin 2. Supermodel
1. Destitute 2. Nemesis 3. Statue 4. Model
3. Pain 4. Agony 1140. Subject (someone) to a continuous flow of
1126. A group of things that have been hidden in questions, criticisms or information
some place 1. Revolt 2. Bombard
1. Treasure 2. Cache 3. Irritate 4. Shout
3. Clothes 4. Jewels 1141. A vehicle used to carry a dead body
1127. Causing or affected by anxiety or stress 1. Hearse 2. Coffin
1. Fraught 2. Devoid 3. Tomb 4. Grave
3. Scant 4. Divested 1142. Something that cannot be handled easily
1128. Fill up again 1. Untidy 2. Unwieldy
1. Regret 2. Repine 3. Untimely 4. Unfit
3. Replenish 4. Reprehend 1143. The practice of persuading someone to do
1129. Any organisation’s involvement with or something by using force or threats
influence in the community; especially in the context 1. Roughness 2. Cruelty
of social welfare 3. Coercion 4. Compulsion
1. Outride 2. Outright 1144. Written law passed by a law-making body
3. Outrigger 4. Outreach 1. Statute 2. Rule
1130. A community which is smaller than village 3. Summit 4. Ordeal
1. Gang 2. Hamlet 1145. Relating to a festival
3. Group 4. Organisation 1. Felicitation 2. Fervid
1131. concerning or consisting of money 3. Frenzy 4. Festal
1. Pecuniary 2. Peculate 1146. A strongbox or small chest for holding
3. Pasture 4. Peculiarly valuables
1132. Government by military class 1. Coffer 2. Caffeine
1. Autocracy 2. Theocracy 3. Coterie 4. Coffin
3. Stratocracy 4. Plutocracy 1147. Connected with the sense of touch
1133. Full of people 1. Auditory 2. Olfactory
1. Populous 2. Popular 3. Visual 4. Tactile
3. Prominent 4. Porous 1148. Make a machine active or operative
1134. The dark shape and outline of something 1. Enthuse 2. Activate
visible against a bright background 3. Energise 4. Initiate
1. Mirage 2. Silhouette 1149. The sound made by frogs
3. Image 4. Shadow 1. Trumpet 2. Moo
1135. A volume containing several books previously 3. Croak 4. Roar
published separately 1150. A house of shelter for a dog
1. Thesaurus 2. Dictionary 1. Barns 2. Kennel
3. Novel 4. Omnibus 3. Den 4. Hangar
1136. Break or fall apart into small fragments in the 1151. A diagram showing the path of planets
process of deterioration 1. Horoscope 2. Zodiac
1. Collapse 2. Slump 3. Planetarium 4. Platitude
3. Sag 4. Crumble 1152. Something that is necessary or crucial
1137. Lacking the ability to move 1. Pedantic 2. Trivial
1. Inert 2. Lazy 3. Indispensable 4. Auxiliary
3. Idle 4. Lax 1153. Beginning to exist: recently formed or
1138. Giving orders in a manner that permits no developed
refusal 1. Herald 2. Blasphemy
1. Infidelity 2. Dictatorial 3. Knave 4. Nascent
37 | P a g e
1154. A woman with brown hair (c) Gallant (d) Daredevil
1. Blunt 2. Brunette 1169. Forsaken or neglected child who has no home
3. Blonde 4. Bumble and spends most of his/her time on the streets
1155. To enter unlawfully upon the land of another (a) Waif (b) Fugitive
1. Trespass 2. Delinquent (c) Vulnerable (d) Miscreant
3. Transgression 4. Culprit 1170. To move or travel back and forth frequently
1156. Experiences that are very unpleasant or (a) Shuttle (b) Rupture
difficult (c) Foster (d) Grapple
1. Pitfall 2. Ordeal 1171. Something belonging to or surviving from an
3. Strident 4. Knack earlier period
1157. A place of refugee (a) Relic (b) Dinosaur
1. Home 2. Asylum (c) Ruin (d) Vestige
3. Shelter 4. Hospice 1172. Outer protective layer of a tree.
1158. An exact copy of handwriting, printing (a) Shrub (b) Rind
1. Platitude 2. Maiden (c) Bark (d) Peel
3. Potable 4. Facsimile 1173. The king’s coronation ceremony was a grand
1159. Departure from common rule affair, with all the nobles and dignitaries dressed in
1. Anomaly 2. Quixotic their finest insignia of royalty.
3. Pragmatic 4. Stupor (a) ornaments (b) regalia
1160. A living organism that steals nourishment from (c) regals (d) spectres
other living beings 1174. Henny Penny is a story that is passed down
1. Vector 2. Parasite from generation to generation through spoken word.
3. Insect 4. Co – Dependent (a) folktale (b) fable
1161. A ground where the last funeral rites are (c) epic (d) parable
performed 1175. An imperfection; a blemish, a crack
1. Tomb 2. Crematorium (a) Flaunt (b) Fleck
3. Barracks 4. Mortuary (c) Flaw (d) Flea
1162. A unit to measure light 1176. Kidney beans were boiled quickly when Nisha
1. Lumen 2. Watt added a substance that speeds up a chemical
3. Horse-power 4. Ampere reaction without being consumed by the reaction
1163. The science of foretelling events by mapping itself.
stars (a) reactant (b) catalyst
1. Astrophysics 2. Astronomy (c) enzyme (d) solute
3. Astrology 4. Astrobiology 1177. Collection of written or spoken texts
1164. Famous or well-known for a negative reason (a) Data bank (b) Dictionary
1. Unpopular 2. Reputable (c) Corpus (d) Circa
3. Formidable 4. Notorious 1178. Working or operating quickly and effectively in
1165. Huge fire for celebration an organised way
(a) Bonfire (b) Festivity (a) Effusive (b) Extensive
(c) Firepower (d) Firefight (c) Excellent (d) Efficient
1166. A group of people travelling together in a van 1179. The capacity for being useful for some
(a) Brood (b) Gypsies purpose.
(c) Caravan (d) Constellation (a) Gain (b) Aid
1167. A detailed description of a series of real or (c) Desirability (d) Utility
fictional events taking place over a long period of 1180. Detailed list of goods dispatched with quantity
time and price to the purchaser.
(a) Witness (b) Journal (a) Ledger (b) Receipt
(c) Case study (d) Saga (c) Invoice (d) Sales
1168. A person who enjoys doing dangerous things, 1181. To criticise someone severely
in a way that other people may think is stupid. (a) Rate (b) Chastise
(a) Cavalier (b) Lunatic (c) Scoff (d) Remonstrate
38 | P a g e
1182. Minimum people needed for a meeting A. lyric B. ode
(a) Forum (b) Quorum C. elegy D. sonnet
(c) Addendum (d) Decorum 1192. Lasting for a very short period of time
1183. Something of monstrous size or power A. Permanent B. Ceaseless
(a) Heavyweight (b) Bulk C. Pungent D. Ephemeral
(c) Amazon (d) Behemoth 1193. Merry, convivial, hearty and good humoured
1184. A person who does not eat any animal product A. Jowl B. Joyous
(a) Vegetarian (b) Vegan C. Jovial D. Jubilee
(c) Non-vegetarian (d) Veggie 1194. To sweep over something so as to surround it
1185. A disease prevalent in a community or a completely
specific region at a specific time, affecting a large A. engulf B. imbibe
area. C. drown D. plunge
(a) Eradicate (b) Epidemic 1195. Using high-sounding words but with little
(c) Pandemic (d) Endemic meaning
1186. To have a strong emotional effect on. A. Bombastic B. Eloquent
(a) To overwhelm (b) To yield C. Clever D. Reserved
(c) To smother (d) To forfeit 1196. A disease causing a person to fall unconscious
1187. Very attractive and easy to feel love for involuntarily
(a) Adorable (b) Flamboyant A. insomnia B. senility
(c) Laudable (d) Mysterious C. epilepsy D. dementia
1188. A structure in the garden where climbing 1197. Pertaining to an individual from birth
plants can grow and people can walk under A. congenital B. habitual
(a) Pergola (b) Tomb C. chronic D. anomaly
(c) Outhouse (d) Treehouse 1198. Which can be rooted out
1189. To restrain or compel a person to do something A. eradicable B. internment
by force. C. animism D. incorrigible
(a) Consensus (b) Coerce 1199. Happening repeatedly
(c) Casualty (d) Convoy A. Recurrent B. Rapport
1190. An entrance hall in a building used by the C. Regression D. Recuperate
public, especially a hotel or theatre 1200. Ms. Scarlet was indifferent to pain and
A. gallery B. aisle pleasure, she never complained.
C. foyer D. portico A. Hypocrite B. Versatile
1191. A poem that expresses lament for the dead C. Amateur D. Stoic
1. D 11. C 21.A 31.B 41.B 51.B 61.D 71.D
39 | P a g e
81.C 114.A 147.C 180.A 213.C 246.a 279.b 312.d
41 | P a g e
610.C 643.A 676.B 709.C 742.A 775.D 808.A 841.D
42 | P a g e
874. 2 907. 4 940. 2 973. c 1006. a 1039. a 1072. b 1105. 3
43 | P a g e
1138. 2 1171.(a)
1140. 2 1173.(b)
1141. 1 1174.(a)
1143. 3 1176.(b)
1145. 4 1178.(d)
1146. 1 1179.(d)
1148. 2 1181.(b)
1149. 3 1182.(b)
1150. 2 1183.(d)
1151. 2 1184.(b)
1152. 3 1185.(b)
1153. 4 1186.(a)
1154. 2 1187.(a)
1155. 1 1188.(a)
1156. 2 1189.(b)
1157. 2 1190. C
1158. 4 1191. C
1159. 1 1192. D
1160. 2 1193. C
1161. 2 1194. A
1162. 1 1195. A
1163. 3 1196. C
1164. 4 1197. A
1165.(a) 1198. A
1167.(d) 1200. D
44 | P a g e