BBEV MTS 2022 Vocab Update PDF by Team Qmaths
BBEV MTS 2022 Vocab Update PDF by Team Qmaths
BBEV MTS 2022 Vocab Update PDF by Team Qmaths
SSC MTS 2022 Vocab Update
(JUNE - 2023)
Blackbook of English Vocabulary : MTS 2022 Update
OWS Questions asked in SSC MTS 2022
SN Phrases One Word
1 The young of a frog Tadpole
2 Tending to associate with others of one's kind Gregarious
3 A group of people who have no permanent abode but wander Nomad
from place to place
4 That can be carried or moved easily Portable
5 The art of cutting gems Lapidary
6 The sound made by frogs Crock
7 A house of shelter for a dog Kennel
8 That can be seen through Transparent
9 A diagram showing the path of planets Zodiac
10 One who makes an active effort to promote human welfare Philanthropist
11 Something that is necessary or crucial Indispensable
12 A sound that cannot be heard Inaudible
13 Person who are unfairly blamed for something that others have Scapegoat
14 Bearing no name Anomaly
15 Extreme physical or mental sufferings Agony
16 Beginning to exist; recently formed or developed Nascent
17 A feeling of excitement or happiness Exhilaration
18 Difficult to interpret or understand Enigmatic
19 A person who leaves his native country to settle in another Emigrant
20 Abundant garbage kept at one place Heap of garbage
21 A person who easily believes without demanding proof Credulous
22 Fear of heights Acrophobia
23 A person appointed by two parties to solve a problem Arbitrator
24 The editor of a dictionary Lexicographer
25 A woman with brown hair Brunette
26 The act of destroying or damaging something Sabotage
27 Experiences that are very unpleasant or difficult Ordeal
28 To enter unlawfully upon the land of another Trespass
29 A residence for nuns Convent
30 One who has lost one’s parents Orphan
31 A local meeting of party members to select candidates, elect Caucus
convention delegates, etc.
32 The flowers of a particular region Flora
33 A work that would give me income Occupation
34 Scientific tests or techniques used in connection with the Forensics
detection or crime
35 Impossible to deny or disapprove Incontrovertible
36 A portable case foe holding papers, drawing etc. Portfolio
37 A person who is both open shy Ambivert
38 Disease that spreads over a whole country or the whole world Pandemic
39 A place of refugee Asylum
40 A residence for monks or priests Monastery
41 One hard to please (very selective in his habits) Fastidious
42 One appointed to act in place of another Deputy
43 Able to do many different things Versatile
44 The sound of owls Hoot
45 Right to vote in an election Suffrage
46 In exactly the same words as were used originally Verbatim
47 Open to more than one interpretation, not having one obvious Ambiguous
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Blackbook of English Vocabulary : MTS 2022 Update
48 A person who believes in the equality of all people Egalitarian
49 Someone who knows a lot about the arts, food, drink, or some Connoisseur
other subject
50 A person who does not believe in God Atheist
51 One who hates war, loves peace Pacifist
52 An exact copy of handwriting, printing Facsimile
53 The sound of elephants Trumpet
54 Departure from common rule Anomaly
55 Government by two rulers or authorities Diarchy
56 A case in which the blade of a sword is kept Sheath
57 A government run by a single person Autocracy
58 A living organism that steals nourishment from other living Parasite
59 The medieval forerunner of chemistry Alchemy
60 A long wandering or voyage usually marked by many changes Odyssey
of fortune
61 To renounce a throne Abdicate
62 A place where fruit trees are grown Orchard
63 One who is 100 years old or older Centenarian
64 A large, tall cupboard in which clothes may be hung or stored Wardrobe
65 A ground where the last funeral rites are performed Crematorium
66 Liable to catch fire easily Inflammable
67 A unit to measure light Lumen
68 Destruction of a fetus Feticide
69 To forbid something, especially by law Proscribe
70 Impossible to change or reverse Irrevocable
71 A circular house made of blocks of hard snow Igloo
72 A man who is womanish in his habits Effeminate
73 The action or offence of speaking sacrilegiously about God or Blasphemy
sacred things; profane talk
74 The science of foretelling events by mapping stars Astrology
75 A place for wrestling Arena
76 An inscription on or at a tomb or a grave Epitaph
77 A person holding conversational belief especially in matter of Orthodox
78 Quiet and peaceful Tranquil
79 Information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used Propaganda
to promote a political cause or point of view
80 A container for housing honeybees Hive
81 A person who has money especially invested in business Capitalist
82 Ethically good behaviour one has Virtue
83 A calculated move to gain an advantage Gambit
84 One who hates or discriminates against women Misogynist
85 A violent wind that has circular movement Hurricane
86 A think that is kept as a reminder of a person, place, or event Souvenir
87 Famous or well-known for a negative reason Notorious
88 A person who likes humankind and human society Philanthropist
89 Opposing or taking arms against a government or ruler Rebel
90 The art of careful public speaking, using clear pronunciation Elocution
91 License granted to an individual or group to market a Franchise
company’s goods or services in a particular territory
92 The sleeping rooms in a college or public institution Dormitory
93 A sacred place Sanctum
94 A place for housing aeroplanes Hangar
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Blackbook of English Vocabulary : MTS 2022 Update
95 To reveal a secret Divulge
96 A person who likes or admires women Philogynist
97 Fit to drink Potable
98 A state pf agitation especially over a trivial matter Fuss
99 Sets of principles concerned with the nature and appreciation Aesthetics
of beauty
100 One who gives shape to stone Sculptor
101 People who belong to the same country Natives
102 A group of ants Colony
103 A person, who travels in spacecraft Astronaut
104 A small structure with one or more open sides that is used to Kiosk
vend merchandise
105 Partial or total loss of memory Amnesia
106 A place where snakes are kept Serpentarium
107 Killing of one person by another Homicide
108 Having a sharply strong taste or smell Pungent
109 A building where animals are butchered Abattoir
110 A historical account or biography written from personal Memoir
111 The branch of physics concerned with the properties of sound Acoustics
112 Disappointed and annoyed about something Disgruntled
113 To move about from place to place aimlessly Meander
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Blackbook of English Vocabulary : MTS 2022 Update
25 Bell the cat To do a dangerous task
26 Loaves and fishes Material gain
27 To pull the trigger To commit a course of action
28 On the job Working at a particular job
29 The life and soul of the Person who brings lots of energy to the party
30 Pedal to the metal To go full speed, especially while driving a vehicle
31 High horse An attitude of moral superiority
32 To throw up the sponge to surrender or give up the contest
33 Dead ringer Has such strong resemblance to
34 In the long run In the end
35 The black sheep The least reputable member of group
36 Draw a blank To fail to get an answer or result
37 To see the light Suddenly realize or understand something
38 From rags to riches From extreme poverty to wealth
39 Go down like a lead To be received badly by an audience
40 Got up on the wrong side Just in a bad mood today
of the bed
41 Out of the woods Free from difficulties and dangers
42 Far and wide Present everywhere
43 Hit the nail on the head Find exactly the right answer
44 It takes two to tango For an argument both parties are equally responsible
45 To kill two birds with one To achieve two things with a single effort
46 A piece of cake A task that can be accomplished very easily
47 Know the ropes To understand the details
48 To scratch one's head To think hard in a puzzled way
49 Dead men's shoes Job that one takes over from somebody who has left
unexpectedly or died
50 The lion's share The largest portion
51 To stretch one's legs To go for a walk after you have been sitting for a long
52 Drastic times call for When you are extremely desperate you need to
drastic measures take drastic actions
53 To sing a different tune To change the way one talks about something
54 With a pinch of salt Doubt the truth or valve of something
55 To work against the clock To work fast
56 On account of Because of
57 Gut Feeling A personal intuition you get, especially when feel
something may not be right
58 Being a backseat driver Giving her unnecessary advice
59 To fly into a rage To get very angry
60 To button one's lips To keep silence
61 Between a rock and a hard Struck between two very bad options
62 To bear the brunt of To endure the impact of something
63 Hard/tough nut to crack A difficult, person, problem or situation
64 To mind one's P's and Q's To be polite and careful in one's behaviour and speech
65 At all costs Whatever is needed to achieve something
66 Rolling in cash Have a large quantity of money
67 Bark up the wrong tree To waste one's energy or effort by pursuing the wrong
68 Queer somebody's pitch Upset someone's plans
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Blackbook of English Vocabulary : MTS 2022 Update
69 Get the ball rolling Set an activity in motion
70 To go a long way To become successful in life
71 Pros and cons Arguments for and against something
72 A small world Meeting someone not expected to be at a certain place
73 In ones and twos In small numbers
74 Food for thought Something to think about
75 In the heart of the moment At time when you cannot think carefully
76 A blessing in disguise A misfortune that unexpectedly turns into good
77 Fairly and squarely Honestly
78 Crossed the Rubicon Made an irreversible change, that will greatly impact
his life
79 Ethnic Cleansing Killing of a certain ethnic or religious group on a
massive scale
80 Bite the bullet Decide to do something that is difficult
81 A wolf in sheep's clothing A dangerous person pretending harmless
82 In fits and starts Irregularly
83 In the nick of time Only just in time
84 Got this game in the leg Won this game certainly
85 Fixed in one's ways To establish one's rule
86 Cold fish A person lacking in sympathy
87 Go bananas To become excited or angry
88 A storm in a tea cup Great outrage or excitement about a trivial matter
89 To pull your weight To do your full share of work
90 Scraping the bottom of the Selecting from the last or worst of the resources left
91 Greek to her Not understood by her
92 Give and take Compromise, cooperation between people
93 To strain every nerve To make a great effort
94 Be at a crossroads To make a very important decision
95 To pick holes in someone's To find fault with someone
96 Add fuel to the fire To make an argument or bad situation worse
97 As easy as pie Very easy
98 jumping in with both feet coming to conclusion too quickly
99 All and sundry Everyone without distinction
100 Rust bucket A vehicle that is old or almost broken
101 Hit the hay To go to bed
102 A baker's dozen Thirteen
103 To get under one's skin To anger or irritate
104 A dime a dozen Anything that is common and easy to get
105 A taste of his own When you are mistreated the same way you mistreat
medicine others
106 A broth of a boy A lively, energetic young person
107 To eat crow To admit that one is wrong
108 A drop in a bucket Insignificant compared
109 Break a leg Good luck
110 A bad egg A bad person
111 For better or (for) worse To accept whatever results; good or bad
112 Long in the tooth To be old, often too old to do something
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Blackbook of English Vocabulary : MTS 2022 Update
Synonyms Questions asked in SSC 42 Nihilistic - Cynical
MTS 2022 43 Virtuoso - Maestro
SN Word - Synonym
44 Decapitate - Behead
1 Radical - Fanatical
45 Fall Guy - Scapegoat
2 Challenge - Question
46 Argument - Explanation
3 Expound - Expatiate
47 Debased - Corrupted
4 Heartless - Cruel
48 Self-Esteem - Pride
5 Ulterior - Eventual
49 Consecutive - Successive
6 Ability - Skill
50 Arrogance - Dominance
7 Explicit - Specific
51 Attack - Assault
8 Lying - Misleading
52 Aptitude - Talent
9 Valiance - Gallantry
53 Relocation - Migration
10 Convinced - Accepting
54 Easiness - Gullibility
11 Wage - Emolument
55 Gust - Blow
12 Panic - Fright
56 Fabulously - Fantastically
13 Gauge - Measure
57 Tale - Story
14 Equivocal - Ambiguous
58 Subtle - Exquisite
15 Spikes - Increases
59 Calm - Frenzy
16 Confirm - Corroborate
60 Consensus - Agreement
17 Advantage - Boon
61 Versions - Variations
18 Travesty - Mockery
62 Backstab - Betray
19 Top - Zenith
63 Villainous - Nefarious
20 Withdraw - Retreat
64 Serious - Severe
21 Jaded - Fatigued
65 Alleviate - Diminish
22 Kidding - Joking
66 Hindered - Discouraged
23 Distraction - Confusion
67 Venial - Pardonable
24 Impede - Thwart
68 Proof - Evidence
25 Valet - Butler
69 Complex - Convoluted
26 Paradise - Bliss
70 Upsetting - Perturbing
27 Calamity - Debacle
71 Trust - Believe
28 Deadly - Fatal
72 Autonomous - Independent
29 Abide - Dwell
73 Contrite - Remorseful
30 Judge - Decide
74 Appropriate - Competent
31 Console - Solace
75 Damaged - Marred
32 Backfire - Collapse
76 Opposite - Antagonistic
33 Unfamiliar - Strange
77 Enervate - Devitalize
34 Voluminous - Commodious
78 Wraith - Spirit
35 Fetish - Desire
79 Excited - Eager
36 Description - Definition
80 Happy - Blissful
37 Toddler - Newborn
81 Contradict - Contravene
38 Legend - Tradition
82 Firmly - Stiffly
39 Inquisitive - Curious
83 Wealthy - Affluent
40 Victorious - Champion
84 Prejudice - Intolerance
41 Feat - Accomplishment
85 Golden - Shining
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Blackbook of English Vocabulary : MTS 2022 Update
86 Dehydrated - Drained 11 Cherished - Despised
87 Welter - Turmoil 12 Misunderstand - Comprehend
88 Locks - Shuts 13 Disregard - Curiosity
89 Confused - Puzzled 14 Abolish - Formalize
90 Glorify - Celebrate 15 Suspicious - Definitive
91 Continue - Maintain 16 Reluctant - Inclined
92 Liberty - Freedom 17 Behemoth - Midget
93 Deceive - Betray 18 Absence - Surfeit
94 Empathy - Affinity 19 Affinity - Dislike
95 Accolade - Praise 20 Faded - Painted
96 Converge - Coincide 21 Abstract - Concrete
97 Remarkable - Noticeable 22 Analogous - Dissimilar
98 Subterranean - Underground 23 Infertility - Fecund
99 Curiosity - Great Interest or 24 Mad - Sound
Concern 25 Disappointed - Encouraged
100 Capricious - Arbitrary
26 Persuade - Deter
101 Small - Slight
27 Rare - Familiar
102 Pardon - Condemn
28 Reverence - Scorn
103 Irritated - Annoyed
29 Jolly - Morose
104 Useless - Worthless
30 Discourage - Persuade
105 Struggling - Hustling
31 Malign - Praise
106 Gala - Carnival
32 Apprentice - Veteran
107 Assail - Attack
33 Quotidian - Sporadic
108 Disdain - Contempt
34 Sluggishly - Promptly
109 Habitant - Denizen
35 Rigid - Flexible
110 Support - Bolster
36 Undermine - Enhance
111 Enthuse - Fondle
37 Impossible - Applicable
112 Scared - Feeling Afraid
38 Awful - Wonderful
113 Perceptions - Approaches
39 Crucial - Trivial
114 Advocate - Support
40 Adjusts - Disorganise
41 Anomaly - Regularity
Antonyms Questions asked in SSC 42 Adhere - Condemn
MTS 2022 43 Vendetta - Harmony
SN Word - Antonym 44 Unsullied - Impeccable
1 Viscous - Watery 45 Humble - Assertive
2 Careless - Vigilant 46 Doze - Wake
3 Positive - Depreciative 47 Unbiased - Prejudiced
4 Curtailed - Lengthened 48 Amazingly - Obviously
5 Disorder - Regulate 49 Surrender - Withstand
6 Abridge - Elongate 50 Lordly - Ignoble
7 Subtracted - Adjunct 51 Accountable - Irresponsible
8 Warned - Imperilled 52 Precious - Detested
9 Unleashed - Confined 53 Wicked - Admirable
10 Proceed - Withdraw 54 Beauty - Blemish
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Blackbook of English Vocabulary : MTS 2022 Update
55 Lethargy - Attention 99 Key - Negligible
56 Poor - Opulent 100 Complicate - Enlighten
57 Abort - Commence 101 Vital - Superfluous
58 Precarious - Stable 102 Topple - Steady
59 Harness - Misapply 103 Insanity - Wisdom
60 Suspicion - Conviction 104 Misdemeanour - Obedience
61 Culpable - Innocent 105 Subjugate - Liberate
62 Mysterious - Evident 106 Nearest - Remote
63 Damp - Drought 107 Incompetence - Efficient
64 Absorb - Dismiss 108 Insecurity - Firmness
65 Discreet - Open 109 Satisfactory - Inadequate
66 Productive - Futile 110 Collapsed - Mended
67 Accomplishment - Fiasco 111 Curious - Uninterested
68 Administer - Forego
69 Gloomy - Buoyant
70 Tangle - Simple
71 Maladroit - Skilful
72 Continue - Halt
73 Active - Abeyant
74 Hyped - Reduced
75 Tryst - Separation
76 Desert - Populate
77 Crude - Ripe
78 Luminous - Gloomy
79 Harmony - Discord
80 Abundant - Meagre
81 Arguments - Agreements
82 Plain - Fancy
83 Frank - Evasive
84 Irreverent - Respectful
85 Bright - Dusky
86 Mound - Valley
87 Evidence - Concealment
88 Sufficient - Optimal
89 Similar - Unlike
90 Rash - Considerate
91 Imperious - Meek
92 Obsession - Dislike
93 Reservation - Openness
94 Youthful - Ripened
95 Frequent - Seldom
96 Glamour - Dullness
97 Lifeless - Vibrant
98 Impertinent - Polite
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Blackbook of English Vocabulary : MTS 2022 Update
Spelling Questions 45 Tissue 93 Mastery
asked in SSC MTS 2022 46 Famous 94 Loudly
47 Orange 95 Conscious
SN Correct Spelling 48 Leader 96 Process
1 Safety 49 Flowing 97 Consensus
2 Tight 50 Cemetery 98 Domineering
3 Locker 51 Priority 99 Licence
4 Rift 52 Customer 100 Necessary
5 Stock 53 Satisfaction 101 Indispensable
6 Artiest 54 Wider 102 Occasion
7 Banker 55 Glove 103 Sully
8 Robber 56 Hide 104 Depravity
9 Teacher 57 Fold 105 Morality
10 Barely 58 Pernicious 106 Arsenal
11 Boldly 59 Pariah 107 Plus
12 Lastly 60 Peripheral 108 Dearest
13 Happily 61 Reached 109 Worry
14 Declivity 62 Connivance 110 Mocking
15 Decorous 63 Superseded 111 Altruistic
16 Cosmopolitan 64 Celebrating 112 Unsavoury
17 Copious 65 Rhythm 113 Ethical
18 Completely 66 Receipt 114 Unconventional
19 Rely 67 Rhythm 115 Knowledge
20 Accessory 68 Size 116 Lightning
21 Observe 69 Flower 117 Occasion
22 Club 70 Recommend 118 Millennium
23 Bulb 71 Perfidious 119 Seventy-Two
24 Thunder 72 Circulation 120 Indispensable
25 Service 73 Adulation 121 Discrepancy
26 Industries 74 Anonymous 122 Tyranny
27 Rely 75 Illustrate 123 Pastime
28 Processes 76 Justice 124 Intensity
29 Describe 77 Blast 125 Definition
30 Melting 78 Caste 126 Enigma
31 Advance 79 Toast 127 Experience
32 Start 80 Possible 128 Equivocate
33 Monitor 81 Energetic 129 Effigy
34 Slope 82 Helpful 130 Rescind
35 Constant 83 Journey 131 Greater
36 Chemical 84 Moment 132 Rocking
37 Epiphany 85 Shook 133 Frame
38 Grip 86 Brand 134 Decrease
39 Tightened 87 Calendar 135 Ubiquitous
40 Fraction 88 Splatter 136 Simultaneous
41 Drape 89 Assassination 137 Enormous
42 Newest 90 Argument 138 Indolent
43 Vibe 91 Latter 139 Courteous
44 Surround 92 Critical 140 Modern
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Blackbook of English Vocabulary : MTS 2022 Update
141 Plagiarism 189 Thankful 237 Sober
142 Horror 190 Supposed 238 Major
143 Showing 191 Loss 239 Gravity
144 Consume 192 Loser 240 Pattern
145 Motive 193 Local 241 Palatial
146 Purpose 194 Loose 242 Scurvy
147 Wasted 195 Government 243 Panache
148 Count 196 Budget 244 Oblique
149 Slim 197 Pleasure 245 Paucity
150 Interest 198 Slogan 246 Phlegmatic
151 Stilettos 199 Heaven 247 Philistine
152 Bewilders 200 Brinjal 248 Philanthropy
153 Unforeseen 201 Wondered 249 Trust
154 Vicious 202 Continue 250 Shopping
155 Adverse 203 Position 251 Forcing
156 Anarchy 204 Source 252 Wave
157 Annul 205 Serious 253 Contribute
158 Adulterate 206 Insight 254 Eminent
159 Presence 207 Supply 255 Supersede
160 Gauge 208 Optical 256 Develop
161 Camouflage 209 Cares 257 Quarantine
162 Comparison 210 Frowned 258 Potential
163 Molest 211 Shocker 259 Grease
164 Reflect 212 Tram 260 Mimic
165 Called 213 Booking 261 Surge
166 Temporary 214 Rubbing 262 Referred
167 Maintain 215 Contradictory 263 Recommend
168 Boring 216 Disgusting 264 Separate
169 Stupid 217 Enclosed 265 Publicly
170 Gang 218 Sizeable 266 Offence
171 Shout 219 Common 267 Inoculate
172 Salute 220 Frying 268 Memento
173 Belief 221 Hazard 269 Equipment
174 Crops 222 Addition 270 Cemetery
175 Busy 223 Minuscule 271 Station
176 Plane 224 Apparent 272 Magic
177 Sponge 225 Pledge 273 Context
178 Condition 226 Acquire 274 Charity
179 Recently 227 Calendar
180 Brush 228 Unshielded
181 Structure 229 Activity
182 Havoc 230 Inactivity
183 Shrugged 231 Protection
184 Shoulders 232 Apposite
185 Indispensable 233 Grave
186 Liaison 234 Staring
187 Privilege 235 Leaf
188 Occurred 236 Blame
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