CSL Testing Method

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Lymon C.

Reese & Associates

LCR&A Consulting Services Crosshole Sonic Logging (CSL)
The Crosshole Sonic Logging (CSL) was originally developed by the French National
Construction Industry Research Center (CEBTP) during the late 1960s. The method is now widely
used to check the integrity of bored piles or drilled shafts.
In order to perform the CSL test, access
tubes must be pre-installed prior to the
placement of concrete. The access tubes are
normally PVC pipes attached to the rebar cage
extending to the full depth of the drilled shaft
and installed at equal spaces around the
diameter of the cage. The CSL test is based on
the length of time for an ultrasonic wave to be
propagated between any two of the selected
tubes. The velocity of the propagated wave
depends on the material through which the wave
is transmitted. The standard velocity is
Fig. 1 Diagram of Crosshole Sonic Logging
observed if sound concrete exists between the
two tubes and the velocity is changed if a void
or defective concrete exists between the two
tubes that were selected. By performing tests using pairs of tubes the quality of concrete between
the tubes can be surveyed around the entire shaft from top to bottom.
As shown in Fig. 1, the transmitter probe is lowered into one of the tubes while the receiver
probe is lowered by the same distance in the second tube. Both probes are simultaneously lowered
into the bottom of the tubes at the beginning of each test. The tubes are completely filled with water
to act as an acoustic-coupling agent between the probe and the tube wall. The transmitter probe
sends out an acoustic pulse at 10 times per second. As the testing begins, the two probes are raised
in unison by use of a calibrated winch, which measures the depth of the probes within the tubes. The
signals from the receiver probe and which are processed while the probes are being raised. The
resulting sonic profiles of the transmission characteristics, as a function of depth, are then displayed
in the computer screen. The data on the profiles that are
developed are stored in computer memory and a backup
The resulting profiles should show consistent
transmission time and signal amplitude with depth. If a
material with a much lower modulus than normal
concrete is placed between the straight lines of the
probes, the acoustic signal will be diffracted and
transmission time will be greater resulting in a
distortion in the plot shown in the computer screen.
The transmission time increases with increases in length
of the acoustic path or with lower wave speed of
material between the tubes, resulting in a decrease in
amplitude of the signal reaching the receiver. An
Fig. 2 Crosshole Sonic Logging CS 97
abnormal signal is called generically as a transmission

anomaly, and reflects a defect in the concrete of the

drilled shaft.
The propagation velocity of a sonic wave
through concrete depends on the Youngs modulus
and the density of concrete; thus, the velocity is a
measure of the quality of concrete in a drilled shaft.
A suggested rating for the quality of concrete based
on the velocity of a compression wave (which may
be termed P-wave) is provided in Table 1 (Malhotra,
1976). The rating scale shown in Table 1 is based on
ultrasonic pulse tests that were used to measure the
velocity of P-waves through concrete. The velocity
of the propagation of waves in a rod, assuming the
wavelength is greater than the diameter of the rod,
differs from the velocity of propagation of waves in
a continuous medium of an identical material. The
reduction is approximately ten percent for a
Poissons ratio of 0.25 (Harrell and Stokoe, 1984).
Therefore, velocities reduced by 10% are also listed
in the second column of Table 1 so that they can be
compared with wave velocities determined by the
CSL-test method.

Fig. 3 CSL Testing performed in the field

The typical CSL-test equipment includes the
following items:
Portable computer with a signal amplifier.
Probes: one transmitter probe and one receiver probe.
Winch: used to measure the depth of the probes.
Signal cables: used to carry signal from the probes.
Table 1 Suggested Compression wave velocity rating for concrete from ultrasonic test
(from Malhotra, 1976, Harrell and Stokoe, 1984)
Compression wave velocity,
(by Malhotra)

Compression wave velocity in a rod,

(by Harrell and Stokoe)

General conditions

> 4570

> 4120


3660 ~ 4570

3300 ~ 4120


3050 ~ 3660

2750 ~ 3300


2130 ~ 3050

1920 ~ 2750

P oor

< 2130

< 1920

Very Poor

(1 m/sec = 3.28 ft/sec)

Samples of time history of wave transmission through concrete are shown in Fig. 5.
The propagation velocity of compressive wave in a normal drilled shaft generated during the
CSL test is shown in Fig. 6.

Fig. 5 Wave propagation records

Fig. 6 Compressive wave velocity in a normal drilled shaft

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