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AN-5020 LVDS Reduces EMI
AN-5020 Fairchild Semiconductor
Application Note
July 2002
Revised July 2002

LVDS Reduces EMI

As the complexity and speed of electronic products
increase, the amount of Electromagnetic Interference
(EMI) emissions also grow dramatically. Increasing data
rates and tougher Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)
standards make electromagnetic radiation a heightened
concern. This, coupled with the proliferation of portable and
wireless products, increases the chance of interference
between systems, making EMI emissions more of a prob-
lem. This application note discusses alternatives and fea-
tures offered by Low Voltage Differential Signaling (LVDS)
to reduce EMI emissions.

What Causes EMI?

EMI radiation is fundamentally caused by any charge mov- FIGURE 1. Signal Level Comparisons of Common Data
ing in an electrical field or change in an electrical field. Typ- Transmission Standards
ically any electrical transitions with sharp edges -- such as Digital signals can change logic states much faster when
clock, data, address and control signals -- produce electro- the signal transitions do not have as far to go to change
magnetic radiation. In digital systems, periodic clock sig- states. A reduced voltage swing with a small constant cur-
nals are the major cause of EMI. Control and timing rent results in lower power in the transmission medium and
signals, address and data buses, interconnect cables and at the load. Reduced signal transitions that are relatively
connectors also contribute to EMI emissions. faster than other interface technologies, such as RS-422,
Two main modes of electromagnetic radiation are: not only reduce EMI but push up the frequency of operation
Differential mode, caused by local current loops spectrum. (Note: The FCC continues to raise the upper fre-
between printed circuit board (PCB) interconnect traces quency limit for EMI compliance.)
and the ground plane(s)
Common mode, caused by the coupling of ground and Differential Signaling Cancels EMI
power plane noise into traces, input/output buses, and In single-ended signaling topologies such as CMOS/TTL,
cable lines. PECL and RS-232, almost all the electrical field lines are
Problems caused by EMI have increased with the prolifera- free to radiate outward from the single conductor. Other
tion of mobile electronic systems, wireless communication objects can intercept these fields, but some can travel as
systems and computer networks. To address problems Transverse Electromagnetic Mode (TEM) waves, which
associated with EMI radiation, designers can use several may escape the system and cause EMI. With balanced dif-
approaches, which may involve: ferential devices signal lines, the fields around the two
1. Developing alternative technologies, which radiate less electrical paths oppose each other, and the concentric
EMI interference. magnetic fields tend to react with one another and cancel
each other (Figure 2). The electrical coupling of the two
2. Design more effective techniques with existing
conductors allows cancellation of most of the low fre-
quency fields. These coupled electric fields are tied up
and cannot escape to propagate as TEM waves beyond
LVDS Features Reduce EMI the immediate vicinity of the conductors. Only the stray
EMI is generated by current changes in a conductor and fringing fields are allowed to escape, resulting in much less
increases with the rate and the amplitude of that change. field energy available to propagate as TEM waves.
Low Voltage Differential Signaling (LVDS) features a low
swing differential constant current source configuration and
due to this small signal change, relatively little EMI is radi-
ated from the conductor. Refer to Figure 1 which illustrates
relative comparisons of signal levels for some common
data transmission standards.

2002 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation AN500496

Differential Signaling Cancels EMI (Continued)

FIGURE 2. Fields interact and cancel out in differential topologies

When the differential transmission lines are closely cou-
pled, the induced signal is common-mode noise that
appears as a common-mode voltage at the receiver input.
The differential receiver responds only to the difference
between the plus and the minus inputs, so when the noise
appears commonly to both inputs, the input differential sig-
nal amplitude is undisturbed. This common-mode noise
rejection also applies to noise sources such as power sup-
ply variations, substrate noise, and ground bounce.

Controlling EMI FIGURE 4. EMI Control with Barriers

By examining the fundamentals of interference control, a
When dealing with an EM source such as outputs of ICs, it
conceptual understanding of EMI control can be gained. As
would appear that very little can be done to control EMI or
shown in Figure 3, the EMI control problem consists of
crosstalk. With the rise time of the output, the currents gov-
three elements, a source, a sensitive circuit or system and
erned by the capability of the drivers, and the loads on the
the intervening space structure or energy mechanism.
lines, there are several approaches that can address this --
such as series resistors on the outputs of single-ended sys-
Controlling the coupling mechanisms involves techniques
such as controlling the impedance, self-inductance and
self-shielding of the circuit via controlling component posi-
tions and the length and position of the conductors and
planes of the PC board. The sensitive circuit or system is
often beyond our control, since we have created a design
with little emphasis on the first two elements discussed,
and the only option is to provide EM shielding in the sys-
FIGURE 3. The Basic Elements of the Interference tem. A complete EMI barrier is a closed surface that pre-
Control Problem vents both space waves and guided waves (conducted
Controlling EMI includes reducing the source and the sen- interference) from passing through it. The barrier usually
sitivity of the circuit. As illustrated in Figure 4, these consists of a metal shield, such as the equipment case, fil-
approaches are typically achieved by placing an electro- ters or other devices to limit the interference current. This
magnetic barrier around the source of EMI, the sensitive solution tends to increase the costs of the systems.
circuit or both. 2
AN-5020 LVDS Reduces EMI
Summary and Conclusions
Differential signal paths reduce the harmful effects of these
fields to further minimize radiation problems. Balanced dif-
ferential lines have equal but opposite currents, called odd-
mode signals. When the fields created by these odd-mode
signals are closely coupled, they tend to tie each other up
and thus cannot escape to cause harm. Therefore, it is
important to maintain a balanced and closely coupled dif-
ferential transmission path to reduce the emission of elec-
tromagnetic interference. Differential signals also have the
advantage of tolerating interference from outside sources
such as inductive radiation from electric motors or crosstalk
from neighboring transmission lines.
To solve the problem of twisted-pair cables or flex circuit
carrying high-speed data through the panel hinge without
creating EMI problems, system designers chose to use
LVDS technology because it has better EMI performance
than all other interface technologies.

Fairchild does not assume any responsibility for use of any circuitry described, no circuit patent licenses are implied and
Fairchild reserves the right at any time without notice to change said circuitry and specifications.

1. Life support devices or systems are devices or systems 2. A critical component in any component of a life support
which, (a) are intended for surgical implant into the device or system whose failure to perform can be rea-
body, or (b) support or sustain life, and (c) whose failure sonably expected to cause the failure of the life support
to perform when properly used in accordance with device or system, or to affect its safety or effectiveness.
instructions for use provided in the labeling, can be rea-
sonably expected to result in a significant injury to the

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