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Name of Learner: Yassi Jade T.

Date of Birth: September 20, 2017 Age: 6 years old
Grade/Year Level: Grade 1
Number of Siblings: 0
Birth Order: None
Parents: Daniella T. Mero and Jayson B. Mero
Mother: Daniella T. Mero
Age: 28 years old Occupation: Housewife Educational Attainment: 1st sem. 1st year
Father: Jayson T. Mero Occupation: Driver Educational Attainment: High School Graduate

Learner’s Physical Aspect:

1. Mother’s Health during pregnancy with the learner: Her mother is High Blood during pregnancy.
2. Ailments or health problems of the learner as a child: None
3. Age of the learner when he started to walk/talk: Yassi is 11 months when walking and 8 months when
4. Food preferences of the learner as a child and at present? Sweet and juices.
5. Who took care of him/her as a child? Mother and Father.
Learner’s Social Aspect:

1. Describe your child’s sociability (friendly, outgoing or shy, loner). The learner is shy type of person
2. Who were the learner’s playmates? The learner playmates are her neighbors.
3. As a child the, was he/she allowed to play outside? As a child, yes she is allowed.
4. Is he/she allowed to go out with friends? Yes
5. Do you have rules for him/her to follow regarding going out? Yes, sometimes there are rules.
6. What are these rules? Keep her toys after playing and go home when already evening.

1. What are your expectations of your child? Don’t be so easily to cry.

2. How do you provide a nurturing environment for your child? Always clean and comfortable.
3. Does your child go to you when she/he feels down or has a problem? What do you do to meet his/ her
emotional needs? Sometimes because her mother is angry at her.
4. What do you do when he/she is not successful in something? Her mother talked to her that not all you
want in life can get.
How do you discipline your child?

1. Do you have rules in the house? What are they? Don’t be so messy.
2. How do you impose the rules? She will read before and after playing.
3. What are the consequences of breaking the rules? She cannot go outside
Learner’s Cognitive Aspect:

1. What are the child’s interests? Playing with her friends.

2. What is he/she good at school? She is good in reading and ESP subject.
3. In what subject/s does he/she have difficulty? She has difficulties in Filipino subject.
4. How do you do monitor his/her performance in school? How do you motivate him/her? Her mother
talked her teacher about performance in school and also she is monitoring her child;
5. Do you have rules at home to help him develop good study habits? Read and always listen to her teacher.
6. What are these rules? How are they implemented? Always listen to her mother and always follow.

The Learner’s Development Profile

Name of the Learner: Yassi Jade T. Mero
School: San Roque Elementary School
Date of Home Visit: November 05, 2023
Date of Birth: September 20, 2017 Age: 6 years old
Grade/Year Level: Grade 1

Family Profile
Number of Siblings: 0
Birth Order: None
Parent: Daniella T. Mero and Jayson B. Mero
Mother: Daniella T. Mero
Age: 28 years old
Occupation: Housewife Educational Attainment: 1st sem, 1st year college
Father: Jayson B. Mero
Occupation: Educational Attainment: High School Graduate

Physical Development
 As far as her parent responses, she is healthy and active in what is doing. She is very active in doing her task.

Social Development

 The learner is well-behaved and shy person, she only interact with some close friends and classmates. She
always asked her teacher about things that she didn’t know. As what I observed she is introvert sometimes and I
can say that she is very friendly but shy sometimes.

Emotional-Moral Development:
 The learner cries easily especially when her mother angry at her. Her mother always talked to her about the
reason why she is angry at her and because of that she will understand it. The learner is not telling her problem
to her mother and keep silent.

Cognitive Development:
 Based on what I observed and response of her mother she is good in coping the lessons especially in Filipino
subject yet she excels in reading and ESP subject.

 In my findings about the learner is a shy person. I learn that, when parents raised with good discipline and
focused on their child, it can help them learn not to do mistake to avoid circumstances that will affect them. Also
her academic is good but struggling in Filipino subject.


 Therefore, I concluded that having a decent foundation and raising of their child is necessary in order to have
outstanding qualities of development.

 I would definitely advice the parents to assist their daughter to become not shy in other people to overcome her
shyness. I would also recommend to make their child open her problems in a way that she can talked well
without fear.
1. Answer: During my home visitation, I saw that the parenting style was authoritative, since her mother felt her
warmth of love. And if she makes a mistake, her mother would teach a lesson and explain why she did it. She teaches
her daughter about the consequences of their actions. Every time she fails at something, her mother listens to her
reasons accept it.
2. Answer: Well according to response of the parents, I think the factor that contributes in development of the
learner, is the parenting style that leads her to become active and friendly but with limitations in time. It makes their
child being social developed with other people despite of being shyness. I think it needs to have an open
communication without anger and proper conversation to avoid fears especially when their child not telling them
about what happened.
3. Answer: Definitely yes. As we all know, our parents are first teacher, and if they correctly taught us, we will
be able to deal with the challenges we would meet in the future. And if we are not properly taught at home and
educated at school, we will unable to understand the essence of things.
4. Answer: As a future teacher, I should develop a positive relationship between teachers and the parents.
Teachers can work with the community to assist learners’ growth and learning since they are then means by which
learners come to understand the importance of education. The teacher might ask the parents of children for
suggestions regarding their growth and learning in the learners’ records since they are the one who actually understand
their learning. I believe that community provides awareness and opportunities to learners and parents what is best for
them that contributes in development and learning of the learners.

1. Answer: When I was young, my parents weren’t so strict; they let me play outside and make friends with
anyone. I have an authoritative parenting style. I have my privilege to go out and hang out with my friends but of
course with limitations. Before the sunset we should go back to our home. I experienced having a caring, kind and
lovable parents. They are very supportive of me and do everything they can to support our needs. They never forced
and pressure me in studies. They let me learn with my own and as a result, I become an honor students because of my
perseverance and work harder. Our situation motivates me to become successful and give strength to face challenges
in life. I always follow their rules and advices in my studying and here, I am now a 4 th year college.

2. Answer: As a future teacher, I think that establishing home-school collaborations is a vital process in
enhancing the learners’ achievement. I can work well with the parents by having a meeting wherein we will discuss
some matters about the needs of the learners. By those, I can help them to know whether their child needs guidance or
something. Parents and the school must work together to assist the child growth and development by sharing
information, experiences, and support that will promote the child’s health development. To establish the good
relationship with the parents, the most important is the communication.
H- elping a child and give
O- pportunities
M- akes a child better person by giving
E- ducation
C- ompose
O- f people
M- akes a learner to have a
M- emorable experience and shows
U- nity and helping each other
N- eighbors that have
I- ntegrity and
T- each and support the
Y- ouths

S- upport L- earners will be motivated

C- hildren and I- n achieving their goals and the challenges will
H- elp and N- ot be a hindrance for them to acquire the
O- ffers an K- knowledge and skills imparted by their teachers and parents
O- pportunities for all the
L- earners


In this visual expression, the home, school, and community have a great influence on the learner’s development and
achievement. Parents help their child at home that connected in school and of course good manners. They often teach
their children together and embracing each other that helps in their development. In school, teachers can guide the
learners on their academic performance and also their emotional and mental health. The community is also one of the
factors that influence the growth and development of a child. The community can mold the learners in guiding them in
a good way in addressing and accept regardless the differences of people around them.

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