To be a teacher is a great thing, but its not a job for everyone. Its one that critical
thinking is mandatory, biases has to be put aside and you have to become open to everyone.
Teachers will come across many different kids with different circumstances that they must figure
out how to handle sometimes within seconds of the issue being introduced. Its a job that has
new challenges every day, that always keeps you on your toes and learning. It takes a certain
I believe every student has a yearning to learn something. It might not be something
academic but they all have something that will interest them, from reading, to playing sports, to
how things move. With every kid interests being so different from another childs interest creates
a diverse class. How a child does in school is dependent on their early years. It is based on the
childs early microsystem. A microsystem is the activities and relationships with significant
others that the child does. If a child grows up in a home that has both parents who are active with
them playing, counting, telling them colors starting at a young age that child will be further
advanced come time for school in comparison to say a family of a single mom who is always
working and never is able to spend much time with that child not teaching him/her the things the
first child learned. As a teacher of kids with such diversity it is their responsibility to find those
kids who may be more behind than the others and work with them to help them catch up or at
maintain grade level. They need to estimate the students academic level early in the year so they
have the greatest opportunity to help that child succeed. As a teacher you play an important role
in every childs life, no matter what background they have. In the younger grades it is especially
true that the teachers job is to help with the socialization of that child. The teacher shows them
how to interact with one another, to fix problems, and to be productive citizens in society.
I think learning for many kids comes from actively doing it. It could mean doing a
worksheet, learning kinesthetically or using tools to motivate a tactile learner to teach the
kinds of learners. As a teacher I want to be involved in so I can watch and see who understands
the concept and who needs more help. I would like to be able to do some group work so I can
help students more directly in an effort to keep kids from falling behind. Groups also give me a
chance to modify assignments enabling students to fill in missing gaps from things they
I will group students that I think will provide the greatest benefit to a variety of learners. I
will provide different types of assessments on topics before moving on to check for
understanding. I will work with those who are missing the concept and help them obtain to a
better understanding.
Teachers Expectations
The expectations that are set in a classroom guide the class in to being a productive well-
mannered class, or a class that struggles with behavior. Expectations need to be explained by the
teacher in the very beginning of the year. Not only does this help maintain a behaved class but
this will benefit students in how they learn. When a class is on task, teachers spend less time
correcting behavior and more time teaching. They also are able to spend time with those who
might be struggling while the rest of the class is still doing work. Self-regulation is when
someone can control their own behavior and keep on task. This is an important skill to teach and
expect from early in the year. This will enable kids to keep on task even when they dont want.
Another helpful expectation is they students have good attitudes. An attitude is how someone
choses to react to a situation; this could be positive or negative. Expecting the students to have
good attitudes about things will help keep them from feeling defeated and not trying to learn or
do their work.
Establishing goals for students to meet through they year are also important. They tell
the student that you are watching and expecting to see growth. It also challenges the student want
to do better. Often times kids want to meet goals, they want the reward weather physical or not
of doing the did something good. This also teaches them to work for what they want, and that
sometimes its a little hard. As kids achieve goals set for them they build self-esteem. When I
child builds their self-esteem they become more and more confident in what they do. They also
become to enjoy school and learning because they can see they are doing good at it.
The connection you make in education to a student ecology is what will really help the
student understand the course content. If it has no connection to their world, why would they
want to learn about it? When teaching a subject you need motivation for teaching it and why the
students should learn it. Saying cause its important isnt going to help them understand why
they need to know what you are teaching. The younger the student the smaller their ecology
might be, compared to an older student who knows and understands more. To understand your
students ecology means you have to understand the demographic of the kids in the area you are
teaching and the get to know them individually. Once you can relate to them they will begin to
trust you and want to learn. The more they see how things relate to them, the more interested
theyll be in the coursework. School isnt always fun so you have to make it fun and relatable.
Maybe your teaching a class full of kids who love Pokmon do a math lesson with them or have
them practice writing by telling you about Pokmon. If you have a lot of minorities in you class
you could learn about their culture, and integrate it into the classroom. The socio-economic
levels in your class would also change how you teach. Lower class which refers to the economic
situation of the family, these kids could struggle on being able to do homework or having
supplies. Conversely, students from the upper class would expect their kids to have homework
help them with it or get them someone to help them. They generally are much more capable to
Every family has an impact on a childs learning whether negative or positive. A family
who places high importance on education is likely to work hard at having their child succeed. No
situation is the same, you might have a low class family who puts high importance on it because
they know the struggle of making it without a good education, and then their might be an upper
class family who doesnt really care for education and lets their child do whatever whenever. Of
course we know that in the majority of cases upper class families generally do better at school it
all depends. The culture the family has is also a factor if a culture has women depending on men
they might not push their girls to do very well in school compared to a culture that wants girls to
succeed in life on their own. The community overall is a significant factor, they have to show
interests in the schools and put money towards the schools. A community that wants to see
children go to school and do well is more likely to have more kids going and doing well. It takes
a village to raise a child, and that means a community needs to come together and help support
As a teacher its must to have respect for other cultures, you will have the chances of
coming across many different cultures. Being able to use multicultural education is a key to
success in teaching. Even if you arent bilingual you can still show respect to the culture and help
the student who may be struggling with having to cultures. As a teacher, when I use everyday
examples for something I will try to vary them to fit different ethnicities rather than just ones that
I know will fit for white students. I want all the students to be able to make a connection to
something instead of just one race having the personal connection. I will get to know each
student personally and in talking to them see what I kind find out about their home life and
backgrounds. I will meet their parents and see if their parents let me know anything that might be
important to know later on about their life. When assigning work, I will try to make sure it is as
fair as possible and not favoring one race in the content that they should know.
Cultural pluralism is everyone appreciating and showing respect for other cultures. Its
when a society can have multiple languages, religions and ideas. Cultural assimilation is when
the minority culture group is forced to adapt to the majority culture. It is expected that the
minority will learn the dominant language and immerse themselves in the culture. The
difference between the two is cultural pluralism helps and gives support to the minorities. It
helps them learn the language and ways of the dominant cultural. Cultural assimilation forces the
minority to figure things out they dont give much support. Everything is in the dominant
language, where a pluralism culture would have documents in multiple languages. A pluralism
culture would also have bilingual classes and things set up in schools to help those students,
whereas assimilation culture just throws them in and hopes they learn.
To handle cultural pluralism, I will have discussions with my class about different
cultures, religions and what they might look like. We will talk about how all cultures no matter
how different they may be a a wonderful unique thing that should be respected and appreciated.
With culture assimilation, I will try to support that student and their family as much as
possible. I will work with the student more on-on-one to help them stay caught up. I will be
patient with the student and family if issues arise or they are have a hard time adapting.
As a teacher being able to make adjustments to the curriculum plan is crucial. There are
many reasons a teacher might have to adjust their plan. Perhaps the students arent catching on to
it as quickly as planned, or possible they learned it much quicker than planned. As a teacher I
will be doing check for understanding often so I can see how students are doing on the material.
If they arent learning it as well I will push back the date of when we are supposed to finish the
topic so I can give them more time to learn it. I will also adjust how I teach the lesson an
incorporate something new. Trying different ways to help make the connection with my students.
Giving regular assessments helps the teacher be able to identify what students are
struggling in and who is needing extra assistance. This can help prevent students from getting
behind and having gaps in their learning. This is also a good way to assess your teaching and if
your methods of teaching are working. If the majority of the class is struggling on the assessment
thats a good sign that you need to change something. When there is only a few not getting good
scores on the assessment it helps you to be able to find the students to work with one-on-one to
help them.
At the beginning of the year it is important to do an assessment to see where the learning
levels of your students are. If a student joins midyear and assessment should also be given so you
know where that student is at compared to your class, to see if they need caught up, or if they are
at the same spot, or possible ahead. I will continue to do assessments throughout the year to