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1 Class Activities

Capaian Pembelajaran Profil Pelajar Pancasila

Elemen Menyimak–Berbicara
1. Beriman, bertakwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, dan
Pada akhir Fase D, peserta didik menggunakan bahasa
berakhlak mulia.
Inggris untuk berinteraksi dan saling bertukar ide, pengalaman,
2. Bergotong royong.
minat, pendapat dan pandangan dengan guru, teman sebaya
dan orang lain dalam berbagai macam konteks familiar yang 3. Mandiri.
formal dan informal. Dengan pengulangan dan penggantian 4. Bernalar kritis.
kosakata, peserta didik memahami ide utama dan detil yang 5. Kreatif.
relevan dari diskusi atau presentasi mengenai berbagai 6. Berkebinekaan global.
macam topik yang telah familiar dan dalam konteks kehidupan
di sekolah dan di rumah. Mereka terlibat dalam diskusi,
misalnya memberikan pendapat, membuat perbandingan
dan menyampaikan preferensi. Mereka menjelaskan dan Learning Objectives
memperjelas jawaban mereka menggunakan struktur kalimat
dan kata kerja sederhana. After learning this chapter, students are expected to be able to:
Elemen Membaca–Memirsa 1. learn how to make schedules;
Pada akhir fase D, peserta didik membaca dan merespon teks 2. learn the expressions related to ask about times and days;
familiar dan tidak familiar yang mengandung struktur yang telah 3. learn vocabularies related to online class;
dipelajari dan kosakata yang familiar secara mandiri. Mereka 4. learn way to make an effective online class;
mencari dan mengevaluasi ide utama dan informasi spesifik 5. describe about studying habits; and
dalam berbagai jenis teks. 6.html 6. make sentences using adverb of frequencies.
Teks ini dapat berbentuk cetak atau digital, termasuk
diantaranya teks visual, multimodal atau interaktif. Mereka
mengidentifikasi tujuan teks dan mulai melakukan inferensi
untuk memahami informasi tersirat dalam sebuah teks. Concept Map
Elemen Menulis–Mempresentasikan
Pada akhir Fase D, peserta didik mengomunikasikan ide dan
pengalaman mereka melalui paragraf sederhana dan terstruktur, Class Schedule
menunjukkan perkembangan dalam penggunaan kosakata
spesifik dan struktur kalimat sederhana. Menggunakan contoh,
mereka membuat perencanaan, menulis, dan menyajikan Class Activities Online Class Learning
teks informasi, imajinasi dan persuasi dengan menggunakan
kalimat sederhana dan majemuk untuk menyusun argumen dan Studying Habit
menjelaskan atau mempertahankan suatu pendapat.

School activities are any program for the benefit of students,
sponsored and supervised by school officials, including as the
followings classroom work (class activities), library activities,
physical education classes, official assemblies and other similar
gatherings, school athletic contests, band concerts, school plays
and other theatrical productions, and in-school lunch. Talking about
extracurricular activity, it provides a channel for reinforcing the
lessons learned in the classroom, offering students the opportunity
to apply academic skills in a real-world context, and are thus
considered part of a well-rounded education. Here we are going to Picture of flag ceremony at school.
learn them together. Are you ready? Let’s begin right now!

Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

Material Summary
A. Class Schedule

Look at the following picture.

Picture of class schedule.

What kind of picture is it? Yes, it is a schedule. We use schedule as a time management. It
means that by applying a schedule, we will be able to manage our lessons and tasks well. Schedule
is important in our lives. Without schedule, our lives will be in disarray. There are three important
elements in school schedule as follows.

1. Days
There are seven days in a week. They are as follows.
a. Sunday.
b. Monday.
c. Tuesday.
d. Wednesday.
e. Thursday.
f. Friday.
g. Saturday.
Students usually have a day off on Saturday and Sunday.

2. Time
There are things we must understand in learning about time. They are as follows.
a. Half past
Half means thirty minutes. So, if the clock shows 06.30, we must say "A half
past six".

Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

b. To
To means less. It is used for 31st–59th minute. So, the formula will be (minute-30) to (hour
+ 1). So, if you find 07.40 clock, you will say (40-30) to (7+1) = ten to eight
c. Past
Past means more. It is used for 01st to 29th. So, the formula will be minute + past +
hour. So, if you find 07.11, you will say eleven past seven.
d. Quarter
Quarter means fifteen minutes. Quarter past is for 15th minute and quarter to is used
for 45th minute. The rules are similar to "to" and "past" in clock.

3. Lesson
Lesson is the thing we learn in the class. Here are the examples of lesson in school as
a. Math.
b. Indonesian language.
c. English.

4. Preposition of Time
We use preposition of time to tell the exact time. There are three kinds of preposition of
time as follows.
a. At
We use "at" to show a specific time.
Example :
At a half past seven.
b. In
We use in to show times in the form of months, years, centuries, and other long periods.
Example :
In this year, In February.
c. On
We use on to show times related to dates and days.
Example :
On April 21st, On Monday.

Task 1
Listen to the following dialog and then make a schedule based on the text. Write in the
table below.
Fahri's Schedule
Number Time Lesson

Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

Task 2
Listen to your teacher and then draw the clock.

1. 4.

2. 5.


Task 3
Listen and repeat after your teacher. Then, draw clocks mentioned in the text. Draw in the
boxes below.
1. 12.45 = Quarter to twelve 6. 08.25 = Twenty five past eight
2. 11.30 = Half past eleven 7. 02.50 = Ten to three
3. 11.45 = Quarter to eleven 8. 03.56 = Four to four
4. 05.20 = Twenty past five 9. 10.25 = Twenty five past ten
5. 03.35 = Twenty five to four 10. 05.59 = One to six

Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

Task 4
Listen and repeat after your teacher.

Time Schedule of 7th Grade Lessons

Civic Education
Civic Education
Student Counselor Development
Natural Science
Natural Science
Social Science
Social Science
Literation & Numeration
Art and Culture
Art and Culture
Student Counselor Development
Physical Education
Physical Education

Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

Spiritual Development
Counseling Guidance
Counseling Guidance
Natural Science
Natural Science
The school holiday (Fifth Day School program)

Task 5
Listen to your teacher to complete this schedule.

Ihsan’s Weekly Schedule

Monday Tuesday Wednesday

Thursday Friday Saturday

Task 1
Make a dialog for each class schedule. Look at the example below.
A : What time is it?
B : It is nine o’clock.
A : What will we learn at nine o’clock?
B : We will learn history.

Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

(Indonesian language)


(Music Art)


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Task 2
Practice the following dialog with the correct intonation and pronunciation.

Good morning,
Budi. What
happened? You
seem a little bit
Good morning,

What time will

you have a

I have Mathematics
today. But, I forgot
to bring my
Mathematics book.

Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

You can borrow
mine. My
Mathematics class
is still at a half
past one.
I will have
Mathematics at the
first and second
lesson hour.

That’s okay.

Really? Thank you,

Tomo. You’re realy
my best friend.

Task 3
What kind of attitude quality had by Tomo? What must we do to cultivate that attitude?
Write your answer in the blanks below.


Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

Task 4
State T for true statements and F for false statements based on the dialog in Task 2.
Number Statements T/F
1. The conversation happens in the school.
2. Tomo and Budi are best friends.
3. Budi forgot to bring his physics notebook.
4. Tomo's math schedule is in the afternoon.
5. Tomo is a kind student.

Task 5
Ask your five friends their favorite subjects. Write the result in the table below.
Number Name of Friend His/Her Favorite Subjects Reason






Task 1
Read the following text carefully.
My Thursday's Schedule

Picture of a girl.

Hello, my name is Sonia Putri Cantika. I am fourteen years old. I go to school at SMPN 4
Surakarta. This time, I will tell you my today’s schedule. Today is Thursday. So, this is my Thursday’s

Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

My Thrusday lesson starts with Mathematics. Mrs. Wili will teach us Mathematics. He
will teach us from half past seven until nine o’clock. Then, Mr. Manto will teach us Javanese
language. He will teach us from nine o’clock until a quarter to ten. Then, we will have a first
break. The first break will be held for thirty minutes. So, we must go to the class at a quarter
past ten.
Mr. Haris will teach us Social Science. He will teach us from a quarter past ten until a quarter
to twelve. Then, we continue to the next lesson, which is Music Art. Mr. Tejo will teach us from
a quarter to twelve half past twelve. Then, we will have a second break until one o’clock. For
moslem people, they can pray Dzuhur during the second break. Then, we will continue our
lesson, which is Indonesian Civic until a quarter to two. Mr. Sardi will teach us Indonesian Civic.
Then, we go home.

Task 2
Answer the following dialogs based on the text above.


What is the first lesson

do you study?


How long do you

have a break?

Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap


When can they pray



When do you
go home?


Who teaches Math?

Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

Task 3
Make a schedule based on the text about Sonia's schedule. Write in the table below.
Sonia's (Thursday) Schedule
Number Times Lesson

Task 1
Make a text based on the following schedule.
Amir’s Schedule on Tuesday
Number Lesson Times
1. Indonesian Civic Education 07.00–08.00
2. Indonesian Language 08.00–09.00
First Break 09.00–09.30
3. Chemistry 09.30–10.00
4. Physics 10.00–11.00
5. Indonesian Language 11.00–12.00
Second break 12.00–12.30
6. Religion 12.30–13.00
7. Music 13.00–13.30

Make a text in the box below.

Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

Task 2
Cross (X) the correct preposition of time.
1. We always go to grandfather’s house … winter.
a. in
b. on
c. at
2. We will meet here … three o’clock.
a. in
b. on
c. at
3. I often sleepless … the night.
a. in
b. on
c. at
4. Mother will come home … Saturday.
a. in c. at
b. on
5. We will have a great festival … the next year.
a. in c. at
b. on

Task 3
Do the following crossword.


Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

Down: Across:
1. 5.
08.40 08.03
2. 6.
09.30 11.00
3. 7.
10.54 06.12
4. 8.
04.50 13.54

Individual Task

Draw the long and short hand of the clock below based on the following time.
Statement :
1. 07.00
2. 08.15
3. 09.30
4. 06.45
5. 10.15

1. 4.

2. 5.


Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

Group Task
Do the following task in groups.
Complete the dialog with your own real condition. Then ask to every members of your group
these questions. Write down on your worksheet in a form of table. You may add any other more
questions related to time of thier activities.
You : What time do you usually wake up in the morning?
Someone : ….............................................................................................................................
You : What time do you usually take a bath?
Someone : ….............................................................................................................................
You : What time do you usually leave for school?
Someone : ….............................................................................................................................
You : ….............................................................................................................................
Someone : ….............................................................................................................................

B. Online Class Learning

In this part of the chapter, we will learn about online class. We have often done online
classes. We usually use ZOOM and Google Meet during online class. ZOOM and Google Meet
are applications related to conference. By using both applications, we can do conference-like
online classes. ZOOM and Google Meet have their own feature. Here are features had by ZOOM
and Google Meet.
1. Features in Google Meet
Here are features had by Google Meet.
a. Create video meeting.
b. Invite up to 100 participants.
c. Conference up to 60 minutes.
d. International dial-in numbers.
e. Meeting recording.
f. Live streaming.
g. Administrator controls.
2. Features in ZOOM
Here are some features on ZOOM.
a. Meetings.
b. Rooms and workspaces. .
c. Phone system.
d. Video webinars.
e. Marketplace.
f. Emoji reaction
g. Hide nonvideo participants.

Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

Both ZOOM and Meet can be used for real time meeting, we must rely heavily on our
internet signal. So, there must be difficulties for some students that have weak signals. So,
the students often ask a help. One of the common asking help expression is "Can you" or
"Could you". Those two things are essentially the same. However, could you is considered
more polite that could you. Look at the examples below.
a. Could you turn on the mic?
b. Can you her me clearly?

Task 1
Listen to the dialog and then answer the questions based on the dialog.
1. Where is the location of the meeting above?
Answer: ...................................................................................................................................
2. Who are participants of the meeting above?
Answer: ...................................................................................................................................
3. Who is the first name called by the teacher?
Answer: ...................................................................................................................................
4. What must students do if they are present?
Answer: ...................................................................................................................................
5. What happened to Rita?
Answer: ...................................................................................................................................

Task 2
Listen to your teacher twice then write down the instructions in the table below.
1st instruction: 2nd instruction:

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Task 3
Make a dialog of asking help based on the situations read by your teacher.







Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap





Task 1
Practice the following dialog.
Hi, Irham. Indeed.
It’s such a long
time we don’t see
each other.

Hi, Andi. Long time no


Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

I wonder where
this pandemic will Yeah, me too. I
be over. can’t stand online
classes anymore.

Same. There must

be at least one Yes, it is. Signal
problem found in problem, teachers
every online class. who can’t hear us,
and many more.

I think so. However,

we must always
be patient. At least
that’s what our
teachers always say
I think our after the lesson.
friends have
the same
problems as us.

Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

You are right. But,
what can we do?
We only have to
wait until it’s over.
I am worried if
this online class
affects my skill in
school lessons.

Task 2
Answer the following questions.
What kind of problem posed in the dialog above. What can we do as a students to face that
problem? Give your opinion in the blanks below.

Task 3
State T for true statements and F for false statements based on the dialog in Task 1.
Number Statements T/F
1. Andi and Irham are siblings.
2. Andi and Irham have the same problem.
3. Andi doesn’t like studying online.
4. There are many problems during online class.
5. We must be patient in facing pandemics.

Task 4
Interview your parents. Here are the lists of interview you must ask.
1. What is the problem you have during your children online class?
2. What can parents do to improve their children’s knowledge during online class?
3. Does online class have bad or good effects to the children? What are those effects?
4. What can school do to increase the quality of online class?

Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

Now, write the result of your interview in the table below.
Name of the participant : ………………….
Number Answers

Task 1
Read the following text and comprehend it.

Tips on How to Do Online Class

Picture of an online class.

As we know, online class offers us flexibility. We can wear what we want and do many things
during online class. However, that flexibility will decrease our motivation in doing online class since
the rules in online class is looser than offline class.
So, what can we do to increase our motivation during online class? Let’s look at the following
1. Make a Comfortable Space
Comfort is the key to online classes. When you don’t feel comfortable with your space
during online class, you will end up doing other things that are not related to online classes.

2. Minimize Distractions
You can’t join an online class when you are in a crowded space. It will give you unnecessary
distractions. Minimizing distractions is important since it affects your concentration. There are
things you can do to minimize distractions, like having a quiet and spacious place and setting
our phone to no voice.

Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

Task 2
Make an infographic based on the information above. Make it on a piece of paper.

Task 3
Complete the following conversations by making a request use "can" or "could".


I will go to the
department store

2. Here is the salt.


Yes, I am
turning on my
microphone, now.


Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

4. ....

I am going to
the food stalls.

5. ....

Sure. Here is the pen.

Don’t lose it.

Task 4
Make two tips on how to stay motivated during online classes. Elaborate your tips in four
sentences. Write in the box below.
First paragraph:

Second paragraph:

Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

Task 1
Make a list of things you will prepare to face online class. Write in the table below.
Number Your Preparation

Task 2
Pretend that you are a mother or father. One day, you must go away for two days. List
five request expressions your children must do when you are away. Use "can" or "could"
expression. Write in the blanks below.
1. ……………………………………………………………..............................................................
2. ……………………………………………………………..............................................................
3. ……………………………………………………………..............................................................
4. ……………………………………………………………..............................................................

Task 3
Compare between ZOOM and Google Meet. Spot the similarities and differences between
them. Write those similarities and differences in the table below.
Similarities Differences

Individual Task

Reread the text on page 22, about Tips on How to Do Online Class carefully, then answer
the questions number 1 to 5.
1. What does the writer often use to have the online class?
2. What is ZOOM and Google Meet?
3. What is the function of both application (ZOOM and Google Meet)?
4. Mention some of the ZOOM’S and Google Meet's features?
5. What are the difficulties in ZOOM or Google Meet, if used for real time meeting?

Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

Group Task

Do the following task in groups.

Make a group of four people. Then, make a simulation of online-learning. Employ the expression
of request and vocabularies related to online learning. Record all of the simulation in one of the
member’s smartphone. Then submit the video of that simulation to your teacher.

C. Studying Habit

In this part of this chapter, we will learn about descriptive text and adverb of frequency.

1. Descriptive Text
Studying habit can be described through descriptive text. Here is the example of descriptive
text that talks about studying habit.

My Studying Habits

Picture of a young girl studying.

Hello, my name is Lauren. Now, I will tell you about my studying habits. I hope that you
can get an inspiration on how to build a studying habit effectively.

Identification about space

First, all I need is a comfortable space. I can’t study without a comfortable space. So,
I set my room according to my comfort. I clean my room every day. Dusty room can make
me sneezing because I am allegic to dust. Besides that, I use music when I am studying.
I like classical music. It calms me. So, I buy a high end speaker. It maximizes my music
experience and enhance my concentration.

Identification about studying method

I start my study from the lesson that I think is the easiest. So, I can get much time to
study the hardest lesson. Besides that, the thing I will do first is homework. Homework is a
demanding task. It demands my concentration and dedication. So, that is the thing I will do
first. I hope you can enjoy the description about my studying habit.

Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

2. Adverb of Frequency
Adverb of frequency indicates the frequency of a certain activity. Here are the types of
adverb of frequency.
a. Always = selalu
b. Usually = biasanya
c. Sometimes = kadang kadang
d. Often = sering
e. Seldom/rarely = jarang
f. Hardly = hampir tidak pernah
g. Never = tidak pernah
Look at the examples below.
a. I always go to school every weekdays.
b. I never go to London.

Task 1
Listen to the text and then fill in the blanks with the appropriate words.

Hello, friends. My name is Jennie. This is the thing I …(1) do to prepare my studying activities.
First, I …(2) my room. I must make sure that my room is comfortable enough for me to learn.
So, I put things I like, such as ...(3), a bottle of water and mp3 music. Those things help me feel
comfortable. Comfortable place leads to higher concentration.
Now, my studying space is set. What’s next? Oh, I almost forget about this. It is my studying
schedule. Making a studying …(4) is important because it can balance your studying method.
Studying schedule tracks the lessons that you must improve so you will be more focused on
those lessons. We must make a simple but clear studying schedule. Don’t make a studying
schedule that makes us….(5).
So, what do you think about my studying preparation. Is there anything you can take as a
lesson to create an effective studying habit?

Task 2
State T for true statements and F for false statements based on the text above.

Number Statements T/F

1. The text above describes the writer’s studying preparation.

2. The text uses simple past tense.

3. The writer emphasizes on the comfort space.

4. The writer doesn’t like distractions.

5. The writer likes to keep track about his studying progress.

Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

Task 3
Search the definition of each blanked words you've found in Task 1. Rewrite the words and
each word’s definition in the table below.
Number Blanked Words Definition

Task 4
Write the main idea of each paragraph in the text provided in Task 1. Write in the tabel

Paragraph 1:

Paragraph 2:

Paragraph 3:

Paragraph 4:

Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

Task 1
Practice the following dialog with your friend.

It’s not so good. I

am so sad, Nani.

Hello, Nina. How is

your Mathematics

Yes, I did. I
only studied

Well, did you forget

to learn it few days

I guess you are

right. I couldn’t
remember a single
thing I learned
during the test.
Don’t do that. That’s
cramming. Cramming
is bad for you.

Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

So, what must
I do?

I told you. Cramming

makes our mind
overload because we
don’t have times to
filter a knowledge we
get from learning.

Why don’t I become Really? Wow.

your study buddy? That’s nice. When
I can guide you to will we start
learn Mathematics. learning?

Okay, I’ll call you

again later.

The sooner, the


Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

Task 2
From the dialog above, write four benefits of having study buddy. Write in the blanks
provided below.
1. …………………………..................……………………………………………..............................
2. …………………………..................……………………………………………..............................
3. …………………………..................……………………………………………..............................
4. …………………………..................……………………………………………..............................

Task 3
Ask your three friends about three habits they usually do before and after studying. Write
the result of interview in the table provided below.

Number Name of Friends Three Habits Before and After Studying

1. 1.

2. 1.

3. 1.

Task 1
This time, we will learn about tips related to studying. So, read it carefully.

Tips on Learning English Effectively

We all know that English is the international language. English is spoken by most of the
people in the world. English becomes a language in international economy, business, technology,
and many more. However, many students still think that learning English is difficult. How can
we, as a student, learn English effectively? This list may be able to help you.

1. Don’t be Afraid of Grammar

Sometimes students are afraid to communicate in English because they haven’t mastered
grammar. Don’t you worry. Grammar is important, but it is not the most important in English
communication. The key of English communication is when both parties can understand
each other, whether you apply the correct grammar or not. So, don’t be afraid of grammar.
Keep communicating through English language while improving your grammar at the same

Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

2. Improve Your Studying Habits
Studying habits can be improved by following the steps below.
a. Organize your books. Separate your notebook, homework book, and other related books.
b. Study regularly.
c. Study in a place where you think is comfortable.
d. Prepare everything you need, including snack and entertainment.

3. Make English as Fun as Possible

Making English fun can be done in many things. You can invite your friends to have
English evening every weekends. You can try to sing a song without looking at the lyrics
sheet. Many things you can do to make English more fun.

Task 2
Answer the questions based on the text above.
1. What is the proof that English is the international language?
2. What do many students think about English?
3. What is the main reason why students are afraid to communicate in English?
4. Mention studying habits we can do to improve our English!
5. What kind of benefit students can take after reading the information above?

Task 3
Summarize the text in Task 1 into one paragraph. Don’t write in more than 10 sentences.
Write in the box provided below.

Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

Task 1
Read the following problems.

I always have a bad score

in Physics. I am never be
able to memorize Physics
formula. Can you tell me
how to do it?

Give your two solution about the problems above. Write in the table below.

First Solution

Secod Solution

Task 2
Arrange the following jumbled words.
1. I–mother–my–always–hear
Answer: ...................................................................................................................................

Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

2. makes–a–She–lunch–sometimes
Answer: ...................................................................................................................................
3. never–I–crying–see–him
Answer: ...................................................................................................................................
4. you–go–Do–beach–?–usually–this–to
Answer: ...................................................................................................................................
5. nowadays–I–meet–seldom–Harry
Answer: ...................................................................................................................................

Task 3
Translate each sentence in Task 2 into Indonesian language. Translate them below.

Number Sentence Indonesia Language





Task 4
Find the definition of the phrases below and use each phrase in a sentence.
1. Take an exam = …
2. Fail an exam = …
3. Cram = ….
4. Learn by heart = ….
5. Cheat = ….

Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

Individual Task

Read the text carefully, then answer the questions number 1 to 5.

5 Ways to Master the English Language

Mastering English is something very complicated. Becoming proficient requires an investment

of time using a few simple tips.Here it is 5 Ways to Master the English Language.

1. Reading and writing

By reading a good novel, the daily newspaper or reading magazines (preferably
reputable ones such as Time or National Geographic) regularly, we will digest new words
and language. In addition to reading, try doing some writing of your own; keep an online
blog, submit articles to journals and websites, this allows you to experiment with language
and improve your vocabulary and syntax.

2. Take Part in Conversation

By engaging in conversation with your study club or community, even with English
speakers, at least experts, at every opportunity, you’ll begin to recognise these rules, and
you’ll also be able to put your own learning into practise.

3. Play Word Games

One of the most fun ways to master the English language is to participate in word games.
Try completing the ones in the daily newspaper, or crossword book from the newsagents.
They can help improve language comprehension, critical thinking skills and overall vocabulary.
Another good word game is Scrabble. There are also websites where you can play against
people all around the world.

Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

4. Go To English School
Studying English is a absolute way to improve your English skills. Whether it’s participating
in a general course aimed at improving your overall English, or more targeted courses such
as those aimed at preparing your for academic.

5. Use References
Carrying a small dictionary or thesaurus with you at all times allows you to look up the
meaning of any word you’re unsure about. Additionally, you can also use many dictionaries
and thesauruses online, if you have access to the internet.
Taken from : www.academia21.com

1. What do we require to be proficient in English?
2. What do we get for our English by reading novel, newspaper, magazines and many more?
3. From what action do we begin to recognise English rules and also be able to put our own
learning English into practice?
4. What action shoud we take whic allow us to get experiment with language and improve our
vocabulary and syntax?
5. What action shoud we take which allow us to look up the meaning of any word we’re unsure

Group Task

Do the task in groups.

Make a group that consists of four people. Pick one lesson. Then make your own studying method
that you think can have a good result if it’s applied. Write your method in the form of Power Point
presentation. Then present it to the class.

Proyek Penguatan Profil Pelajar Pancasila

Do you often use the clock on the wall or waker beside your bed? Or sophistically, you can use
your cell phone. It is the important thing to manage your activities to make discipline.
What benefits do you get from being a disciplined person? Write your opinion in a paragraph of
ten sentences.
(Mandiri, Bernalar kritis, dan Bergotong royong)

Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

Minimum Competency Assessment (AKM)
Read the following dialog and answer the questions for numbers 1 and 2.

Nando is studying together with Rano. They are studying at Rano’s house.
Nando : Hey Rano, can you tell me the time?
Rano : Sure, Nando. It's a quarter past four.
Nando : I must go home now, before 5 o'clock.
Rano : What's the matter, Nando?
Nando : My family and I will visit my grandmother and we will go at 5 o'clock.

1. Pay attention to the following statements.

(1) Nando asked the time to Rano.
(2) Rano doesn’t know what time it is.
(3) That time is a quarter past four.
(4) The dialog takes place at school
The correct statements based on the dialog are shown by the numbers ....
a. 1), (2), (3)
b. (1) and (3)
c. (2) and (4)
d. (1), (2), (3), dan (4)

2. Choose the correct statements based on the dialog above by giving a tick mark (√).

Statements True False

1. Nando and Rano as at school.

2. Rano told the time to Nando.

3. That time is half past four

4. The dialog takes place at Rano’s house.

5. Rano will visit his grandmother.

Character Value Implementation

In this chapter, we have learned various patterns to express the time and day, the use of adverb
of frequency either in simply spoken or written utterances. We also study about the way to make
an effective online class and its vocabulary and to describe studying habits.Students are expected
to be able to keep independence and have the sense of responsibility in daily life.

Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

Daily Assessment

A. Put cross (x) on the letters a, b, c, or d in front of the correct answer.

The following school schedule is for questions number 1 to 3.

Hapus gambar ini!!

Source: https://bit.ly/3ActFNu
1. Each lesson is taught for … hour (s). 5. Sixteen to five = ….
a. 1 c. 3 a. 07.45
b. 2 d. 4 b. 05.14
2. Why does the writer write the schedule above? c. 04.44
a. To manage the lesson time. d. 16.05
b. To amuse the reader. 6. I am a vegetarian. I … eat meat.
c. To have something to do. a. always
d. To have a good mask. b. often
3. The day when they don’t study English study c. sometime
time is on …. d. never
a. Friday c. Wednesday 7. Marni is a diligent person. She … comes on
b. Thursday d. Monday time.
4. Look at the picture. a. always c. seldom
b. never d. hardly
11.20 8. I … goes to the swimming pool. I go there
Sari has the second break at … four times a week.
a. a half past eleven a. often
b. twenty past eleven b. rarely
c. twenty to eleven c. hardly
d. eleven d. never

Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

9. He is a serious person. I … see him smile, 10. I have a habit. I … take a longer route to go
except on few occasions. to school.
a. always c. rarely a. always c. rarely
b. usually d. sometimes b. usually d. sometimes

B. Put cross (x) on the letters a, b, c, or d inn front of the correct answer.

The following dialog if for questions number 3. Pay attention to the following statements.
1–5. (1) Bara, Ratna and Alya were in a meeting.
Ratna : Excuse me, what time is it? (2) Ratna asked Bara what the time was.
Bara : Sure. It is five o’clock p.m. What’s (3) Ratna permitted to leave their meeting
up? soon.
Ratna : I remember it’s time to take my (4) Ratna said thank and sorry to Bara and
mother to the doctor. Ayla.
Bara : Well, you may go now. The correct statements based on the dialog
Alya : Your mother have waited for you. are shown by the numbers ....
Ratna : OK, thanks. Sorry for leaving you a. (1), (2), and (3)
sooner b. (1) and (3)
1. Pay attention to the following statements. c. (2) and (4)
(1) Bara told Ratna what the time was. d. all options are true
(2) It was five o’clock p.m. at that time. 4. Pay attention to the following statements.
(3) It’s time for her to take her mom to the (1) Ratna asked Bara what the time was.
doctor. (2) Bara said that it was five o’clock.
(4) Alya asked her Mom to wait for Ratna (3) Ratna’s mom waited for Ratna to take
coming. her.
The correct statements based on the dialog (4) Alya said sorry to Ratna and leave.
are shown by the numbers .... The correct statements based on the dialog
a. (1), (2), and (3) c. (2) and (4) are shown by the numbers ....
b. (1) and (3) d. all options are a. (1), (2), and (3)
b. (1) and (3)
2. Pay attention to the following statements.
c. (2) and (4)
(1) Bara asks Ratna about the time for
d. all options are true
(2) Bara allowed Ratna to go. 5. Pay attention to the following statements.
(3) Ratna’s mom didn’t need to take to the (1) Ratna asked about her mother to Bara.
doctor. (2) Ratna said that it’s six o’clock.
(4) Ratna said thank and sorry to Bara and (3) Ratna let her mom go to the doctor
Ayla. alone.
(4) Alya didn’t allow Ratna to go.
The correct statements based on the dialog
The correct statements based on the dialog
are shown by the numbers ....
are shown by the numbers ....
a. (1), (2), and (3)
a. (1), (2), and (3)
b. (1) and (3)
b. (1) and (3)
c. (2) and (4) c. (2) and (4)
d. all options are true d. all options are true

Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

C. Match the underlined word with the correct synonym.

1. Mastering English is something very complicated. a. Chance

2. Becoming proficient needs continuous and consistent b. Difficult
practice. c. Take part
3. The continuous writings can improve your vocabulary and d. Expert
syntax. e. Become better
4. Doing conversation with your English study or speakers at every
opportunity improves your skill.
5. One of the fun ways to master the English is to participate in
word games.

D. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.

1. Today is Sunday. Tomorrow will be ....

2. Today is Friday. Yesterday was ....
3. Thursday is the day after ....
4. Monday is the day before ....
5. Tuesday is the day between .... and ....

E. Answer the following questions correctly.

The following dialog is for questions number 1 to 5.
Marni : Hi, Hisyam. Can you hear my voice?
Hisyam : Hello, Marni. Can you move to a new space? The noise at your background is too
loud. I hardly hear your voice.
Marni : Oh, okay.
(Marni moves to her parents’ bedroom)
Marni : How about now?
Hisyam : Okay, perfect.
Marni : Now, let’s start our ZOOM meeting. So, we will do our English project in three different
ways. First ….
Hisyam : (Interrupts) Wait, Nina hasn’t logged in.
Marni : She said to me that her house had a signal trouble. That’s why she hasn’t logged in
Hisyam : I see. Not every place has a strong signal.
Marni : You are right.

1. What are Marni and Hisyam doing?
2. Why did Hisyam ask Marni to move?

Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

3. What kind of problem had by Nina?
4. What kind of thing Marni and Hisyam will finish?
5. Why did Hisyam interrupt Marni?

Fill in the blanks to complete the sentence based on the time table below.
Time Monday Tuesday
07.15 – 08.00 Flag ceremony English
08.00 – 08.45 Physics English
08.45 – 09.30 Physics Economics
09.30 – 09.45 Break Break
09.45 – 10.30 Physical Education Social Science
10.30 – 11.15 Physical Education Social Science
11.15 – 12.00 Arts Religion
12.00 – 12.15 Break Break
12.15 – 13.00 Indonesian Art and Culture
13.00 – 13.45 Music Javanese

1. How many subject on Tuesday?
2. When do the follow English lesson?
3. How many subject on Monday?
4. When does the class begin?
5. When does the class finish?

Do the following task individually.
Make a vlog. Record your studying habit in a day. Give explanation of things you will do before
and after studying based on the thing you do in the video. So, you must make a dub of things
you do before and after learning. Then submit the video to your teacher.

Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

Mid Semester Test

A. Put cross (x) on the letters a, b, c, or d inn front of the correct answer!

1. Look at the picture. 5. Today is friday. Last day was ….

a. Saturday
b. Thursday
c. Sunday
d. Monday
6. arrives – early – Dina – to school – always
The good arrangement of the sentence
above is .....
I go to school at ….
a. Dina to school arrives always early.
a. seven o clock
b. Dina always arrives to school early
b. half past six
c. Dina to school early always arrives
c. half past eleven
d. Dina early to school always arrives
d. a quarter to seven
7. He ... (sering) helps her father repair the car
2. Half past ten o’clock = ....
in the garage.
a. 07.30
a. always
b. 08.30
b. never
c. 09.30 c. often
d. 10.30 d. sometimes
3. Today is Saturday. Next day is …. 8. I ... (biasanya) go to bed at 10.00 p.m.
a. Friday a. always
b. Sunday b. usually
c. Monday c. often
d. Thursday d. sometimes
4. Look at the picture. 9. studies – Reno – every time – English -
The correct arrangement is ....
a. Studies English Reno every time
b. Reno every time always studies English.
c. Reno always studies English every time.
d. Always Reno every time studies English.
A: What time is it? 10. Arjun always comes early.
B: I think it’s …. The word "always" in Indonesia means ....
a. eight to twenty six o’clock a. selain
b. eight past twenty six o’clock b. tidak pernah
c. twenty five past seven o'clock c. kadang-kadang
d. eight o’clock d. jarang

Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

The timetable below is for questions number 11–15.
Time Monday Tuesday
07.15 – 08.00 Flag ceremony English
08.00 – 08.45 Mathematics English
08.45 – 09.30 Mathematics Indonesian
09.30 – 09.45 Break Break
09.45 – 10.30 Physical education Natural Science
10.30 – 11.15 Physical education Natural Science
11.15 – 12.00 Arts Social Science
12.00 – 12.15 Break Break
12.15 – 13.00 Javanese Music
13.00 – 13.45 Religion Javanese
11. How many lessons are there on Tuesday? 13. How many lessons are there on Monday?
a. Eight subject. a. Eight c. Six
b. Seven subject. b. Seven d. Five
c. Six subject. 14. What time does the class begin?
d. Five subject. a. 07.00 c. 08.00
12. They have … lesson on Tuesday at 07.15. b. 06.00 d. 07.15
a. Javanese 15. What time does the class finish?
b. English a. 07.00 c. 13.00
c. Economic b. 08.00 d. 13.45
d. Physics

B. Put cross (x) on the letters a, b, c, or d in front of the correct answer.

The following dialog is for questions number The correct statements based on the dialog
1–5. are shown by the numbers ....
Rillo : Hi, Fadli. How are you? a. (1), (2), and (3)
b. (1) and (3)
Fadli : Hello, Rillo, I'm doing fine thanks.
c. (2) and (4)
Rillo : Fadli, please come join us to play d. all options are true
football in the school yard today at 4
2. Pay attention to the following statements.
(1) Fadli answered Rillo’s greeting that he’s
Fadli : Excuse me, What time did you say? not fine.
Rillo : At 4 p.m. (2) Rillo invited Fadli to join the football play.
Fadli : Oh, okay. But I have to clean my (3) They would play football at 4 a.m.
classroom first. (4) Fadli must clean his classroom first
Rillo : That's alright. We will wait for you. before playing football.
The correct statements based on the dialog
1. Pay attention to the following statements.
are shown by the numbers ....
(1) Rillo greeted to Fadli.
a. (1), (2), and (3)
(2) Fadli invited Rillo to join the football play. b. (1) and (3)
(3) They would play football at 4 p.m. c. (2) and (4)
(4) Fadli wanted to clean his bedroom first. d. all options are true

Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

3. Pay attention to the following statements.
If you're not signed in to your account on
(1) Rillo greeted to Fadli.
the desktop app, simply do the following:
(2) Rillo invited Fadli to join the football play.
(3) They would play football. a. Open the ZOOM desktop app. Select
(4) Fadli would'nt clean his classroom. the Join a meeting button.
The correct statements based on the dialog b. Enter your Meeting ID and desired
are shown by the numbers .... display name in the spaces provided.
a. (1), (2), and (3) c. Select any meeting options you want.
b. (1) and (3)
d. Select Join. When prompted, enter
c. (2) and (4)
the meeting passcode provided in
d. all options are true
your meeting invitation. Select Join
4. Pay attention to the following statements. meeting.
(1) Rillo greeted to Fadli.
(2) Rillo invited Fadli to play football play. (You can usually find the Meeting ID in the
(3) They would play football at 4 p.m. invitation sent to you by the host of your
(4) Fadli wanted to clean his classroom first. meeting. It is usually 11 digits long)
The correct statements based on the dialog If you are signed in to your ZOOM account
are shown by the numbers .... on the desktop app, complete the following
a. (1), (2), and (3) steps to join your meeting:
b. (1) and (3) Step 1: Open the Zoom desktop app.
c. (2) and (4)
Step 2: On the main screen and under
d. all options are true
Home, select Join.
5. Pay attention to the following statements.
Step 3: Enter your Meeting ID and update
(1) Rillo greeted to Fadli, Fadli was not fine.
your display name (if desired) in the
(2) Fadli could not join the football play
spaces provided. Tick the boxes next to
(3) Fadli must clean the classroom at 4 p.m.
any meeting options you want.
(4) Fadli refused Rillo’s invitation
Step 4: Select Join.
The correct statements based on the dialog
are shown by the numbers .... 2. Join a ZOOM Meeting in the Mobile App
a. (1), (2), and (3)
You can also join meetings via the Zoom
b. (1) and (3)
mobile app. The instructions for doing on
c. (2) and (4)
the Android and iOS versions are pretty
d. all options are true
similar to each other. And so following
The following text is for questions number the steps below should work for you
6 and 7. regardless of which operating system you
How to Join a ZOOM Meeting use.
1. Join a ZOOM Meeting in the Desktop And just like the desktop app, you can
App? join meetings whether you're signed into a
The most obvious way to join a ZOOM Zoom account or not. If you're not signed
meeting is via the videoconferencing in, then do the following:
service's desktop app. One thing to a. Open the Zoom mobile app.
remember is that you can join a ZOOM b. Select the Join a meeting button.
meeting on the desktop regardless of
c. Enter your Meeting ID.
whether or not you're signed in to your
ZOOM account. d. Select any meeting options you want.

Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

e. Then select the Join button. Siska : I join the scout activity.
f. When prompted enter your meeting's Nirma : Wow, It’s exciting.
passcode. Select OK. Siska : How do you go to school?
(The Meeting ID and passcode should be Nirma : I go to school by bike.
included in the meeting invitation you were
sent.) 8. Pay attention to the following statements.
Source: https://www.digitaltrends.com/social-media/ (1) Siska greeted to Nirma first.
how-to-join-a-zoom-meeting/ (2) N i r m a a s k e d t o S i s k a a b o u t
extracurricular that day.
6. Below are the steps to join ZOOM meeting.
(1) First, click zoom application. (3) Siska has an extra at 04.00 p.m.
(2) Then, click join meeting. (4) Nirma joins the scout activity.
(3) Enter ID meeting. The correct statements based on the dialog
(4) After that click ‘leave’. are shown by the numbers ....
The correct statements based on the text a. (1), (2), and (3)
are shown by the numbers .... b. (1) and (3)
a. (1), (2), and (3) c. (2) and (4)
b. (1) and (3) d. all options are true
c. (2) and (4)
9. Pay attention to the following statements.
d. all options are true
(1) Nirma greeted to Siska first.
7. Below are the steps how to use Zoom with
(2) Siska asked to Nirma about her activities.
(1) Open Play Store, type ‘Zoom Cloud (3) Nirma has an extra at 4 in the afternoon
Meeting’. at school.
(2) Upload/install application in your (4) Siska goes to school by bike.
cellphone. The correct statements based on the dialog
(3) After that, your Zoom application can are shown by the numbers ....
have been already used a. (1), (2), and (3)
(4) Make session at Zoom/log in ‘Meeting b. (1) and (3)
ID’ from your friend.. c. (2) and (4)
The correct statements based on the dialog d. all options are true
are shown by the numbers ....
10. Pay attention to the following statements.
a. (1), (2), and (3)
b. (1) and (3) (1) Nirma welcomed to Siska’s greeting.
c. (2) and (4) (2) N i r m a a s k e d t o S i s k a a b o u t
d. all options are true extracurricular that day.
(3) Nirma is the member of the scout.
The following dialog is for questions number (4) Siska admired to the Nirma’s activity on
8 to 10 scouting.

Siska : Good morning. The correct statements based on the dialog

are shown by the numbers ....
Nirma : G o o d m o r n i n g . D o y o u h a v e
extracurricular today? a. (1), (2), and (3)
Siska : Yes, I have an extra at 4 in the b. (1) and (3)
afternoon at school c. (2) and (4)
Nirma : What extra do you join? d. all options are true

Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

C. Match the following statements with the avaiable answer choices.

Read the text below. Pay attention to the underlined words. Then match with suitable meanings
in the table.
My name is Anto.I usually get up at five o’clock. But, at holiday. I sometimes get up at 10.00
o’clock I go to school at SMP Nusa Bangsa. I usually go to school at quarter past seven. I go to
school by bike. my school is not far from home. It is about 12 minutes. That’s why I go to school
in relaxing manner. The school time is over at a quarter past two. After that, I arrive at home and
I eat lunch. And then, I have a little bit rest. At quarter to four, I go to the field with some friends
to play football. I love it. I study at home from a half past seven until ten o’clock. I watch TV until
eleven o’clock. After that, I go to bed.

Number Words Meanings

1. Holiday a. The same as 15 minutes.
2. Relaxing b. An area of land in which you are playing or doing sport.
3. Quarter c. A meal that is eaten in the middle of the day.
4. Lunch d. Official day when you do not have to go to work or school.
5. Field e. Making you feel relaxed.

D. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.

1. I (biasanya) ... study in the bedroom.

2. Sony (jarang) ... washes her shoes.
3. Indonesia (selalu) ... celebrates its independence day on 17th August.
4. She (tidak pernah) ... gets up late in the morning
5. He (sering) ... helps his father in the garden.
6. My father (kadang-kadang) ... goes to work by bus.
7. Our family visit our grand parents in the village ... (sekali dalam seminggu)
8. The children play basket ball at school ... (setiap sore)
9. My uncle takes the pills ... (tiga kali sehari)
10. Father always warns the boy not to do that ... ( berulang kali)

E. Answer the following questions correctly.

1. What is the purpose of the text?

2. What is the content of the reminder?
3. Where is the school located?
4. What is the first schedule at 10.30 a.m.?
5. “Please plan to attend a mandatory Parents
Meeting” What is the similar meaning of the
word ‘mandatory’ in the text?

Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

2 School

Capaian Pembelajaran Profil Pelajar Pancasila

Elemen Menyimak–Berbicara 1. Beriman, bertakwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa,
Pada akhir Fase D, peserta didik menggunakan bahasa dan berakhlak mulia.
Inggris untuk berinteraksi dan saling bertukar ide, pengalaman,
2. Bergotong royong.
minat, pendapat dan pandangan dengan guru, teman sebaya
dan orang lain dalam berbagai macam konteks familiar yang 3. Mandiri.
formal dan informal. Dengan pengulangan dan penggantian 4. Bernalar kritis.
kosakata, peserta didik memahami ide utama dan detil yang 5. Kreatif.
relevan dari diskusi atau presentasi mengenai berbagai 6. Berkebinekaan global.
macam topik yang telah familiar dan dalam konteks kehidupan
di sekolah dan di rumah. Mereka terlibat dalam diskusi,
misalnya memberikan pendapat, membuat perbandingan
dan menyampaikan preferensi. Mereka menjelaskan dan
Learning Objectives
memperjelas jawaban mereka menggunakan struktur kalimat
dan kata kerja sederhana. After learning this chapter, students are expected to be able to:
Elemen Membaca–Memirsa 1. learn how to ask and tell the direction;
Pada akhir fase D, peserta didik membaca dan merespon teks 2. memorise vocabularies related to school buildings;
familiar dan tidak familiar yang mengandung struktur yang telah 3. mention activities related to extracurricular activities;
dipelajari dan kosakata yang familiar secara mandiri. Mereka 4. know the differences between like and dislike expressions;
mencari dan mengevaluasi ide utama dan informasi spesifik 5. mention rooms in the school and things inside each room;
dalam berbagai jenis teks. 6.html and
Teks ini dapat berbentuk cetak atau digital, termasuk 6. describe a school festival.
diantaranya teks visual, multimodal atau interaktif. Mereka
mengidentifikasi tujuan teks dan mulai melakukan inferensi
untuk memahami informasi tersirat dalam sebuah teks. Concept Map
Elemen Menulis–Mempresentasikan
Pada akhir Fase D, peserta didik mengomunikasikan ide dan
pengalaman mereka melalui paragraf sederhana dan terstruktur, Direction Inside the School
menunjukkan perkembangan dalam penggunaan kosakata
spesifik dan struktur kalimat sederhana. Menggunakan contoh,
School School Extracurricular
mereka membuat perencanaan, menulis, dan menyajikan
teks informasi, imajinasi dan persuasi dengan menggunakan
kalimat sederhana dan majemuk untuk menyusun argumen dan School Event
menjelaskan atau mempertahankan suatu pendapat.

A school is a place where we go to, in order to learn a lot of subjects
that people see as useful to society and to receive an education.
People should be able to choose what they want to learn about at
a young age. In another word, a school is a place where they are
educated. It usually refers to this place as school when we are talking
about the time that we spend there and the activities that we do there.
School education is closely-related to school buildings as its facility
and infrastructure. They are suitable for use as a classroom, including
a school facility such as a laboratory, library, any gymnasium or other
facility for physical education.Therefore, Here we are going to learn Picture of school building.
them together. Are your ready? Let’s begin right now.

Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

Material Summary
A. Direction Inside the School

Look at the following picture.

Picture of a school map.

That is the picture of a school map. School map shows the direction of each room in the
school. We use asking and giving direction expression when we want to know or tell the direction
of rooms in the school.

1. Asking Direction
Here are the expressions related to asking direction.
a. Can you tell me how to ….
b. How can I get to ….
c. Could you help me to ….
And many more.

Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

2. Giving Direction
Here are the expressions related to giving directions.
a. Go ahead and then turn left.
b. Go straight on. After you find a junction, turn right.
c. Just go through that roundabout.
And many more.
Look at the dialog below.

First, turn left from

this class. Then, go
Excuse me. How can I straight on until you
get to the toilet? find a library. The
toilet is in front of the
Thank you
very much.
You’re welcome.

3. There Ias and There Are

There is and There are are expressions we use to show the existence of things. Those
expressions tell us that the things intended are exist. However what is the main difference
between here is and there are? We use there is to show the existence of singular or uncountable
things and we use there are to show the existence of plural nouns.
Here are the formulas of there is and there are.

a. Positive : There is/are + noun

Example : There is a lamp above the table.

b. Negavtive : There isn’t/aren’t + noun

Example: There aren’t many people in this school.

c. Interrogative : Are/Is there + noun + ?

Example : Is there anybody home?

Task 1
Draw the map based on the sentences read by your teacher. The starting point of each
direction is the same, which is in the lobby. Draw in the box provided below.

Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap







Task 2
Listen the following text read by your teacher and then state T for true statements and F
for false statements based on the text.

Number Statements T/F

1. Ayu Wijaya is a student.

2. Ayu like her school.

3. There are twenty classrooms in the school.

4. The canteen is at the back side of the school.

5. Ayu Wijaya likes eating in the library.

Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

Task 3
Listen to the text read by your teacher twice. Then, write it down in the box provided below.

Task 4
Answer the questions based on the text in Task 3.
1. Where does the writer goes to school?
2. Where are the location of the toilets?
3. Where is the location of the headmaster’s room?
4. How many classas are there in the school?
5. What does the writer think about the school?

Task 1
Make a dialog based on the following pictures and practice the dialog. Look at the example.

Linda : Excuse me. Where can I find the toilet?
Restu : The toilet is behind the canteen.
Linda : Thank you very much.
Restu : You’re welcome.


Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap


Class 9B

(9B Class)



Teacher Laboratory Headmaster

Room Room



3. Library

Class 9B

(Chemistry Laboratory)


Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

Task 2
Practice the dialog below.

Excuse me.
Can you help me? What can I do for

Can you show me the Oh, that’s easy.

way to the headmaster’s Please memorize
room? this.

From this library, go to

the right side. Then, go
Okay. straight until you find
the toilet in the right
corner of the school.
The headmaster’s room
is across the toilet.
Thank you for
your help.
You are

Task 3
Make a map to go to the headmaster’s room based on the dialog above. Make it in the box
provided below. Explain the map in front of the class.

Make a map here

Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

Task 1
Read the following text carefully.
Hello. My name is Ihsan. I am fourteen years old and I go to school at SMP Indah Kusuma.
The school is large. It has two floors. It is located at Mango Street Number 45, Surakarta.
There are many rooms in the school. There are twenty seven classes. There are also other
rooms like chemistry labs, headmaster’s room, teacher’s room and many more. Each class has
air conditioner and LCD Projector. The school also makes sure that the students can get the
most comfortable experience during their time in school.
We also have some animals. The animals are put in the backyard. Those animals are
peacock, donkey, rabbit, and mouse deer. We use those animals for our biology lessons and to
increase our empathy towards other creatures.

Task 2
State T for true statements and F for false based on the text in Task 1.
Number Statements T/F
1. Ihsan tells us about his school.
2. Ihsan’s school has no sophisticated things.
3. Ihsan’s school is a responsible school.
4. Ihsan is not comfortable with his school.
5. Ihsan’s school has many animals.

Task 3
Look at the following picture.
Fill in the blank with the correct preposition of place. Then, read the text loudly.

Picture of a classroom
This is my library. My library is so large. There are many books in there. There is also a table
… the vase. The vase itself is … the pillar and table. There is a chair ... the table. There is also a
whiteboard … the wall. There is a … at the corner of the library. It is in front of the pillar. The lamps
are … the bookshelves. I love my library. I always go there at the first break. I like reading novels in
the library.

Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

Task 1
Look at the following school map.

Picture of a school map.

Now, fill in the blanks below by employing giving a direction expression. Your starting point is in
the guidance office.

Just go to the left.

Excuse me. After you find a
How can I get to junction, turn left
Room 109? and go straight on.
Room 109 is at the
corner of the room.

Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

Excuse me.
Where can I get to ....
room 203?

Excuse me.
Where can I get to ....
room 206?

Excuse me.
Where can I get to ....
room 204?

Task 2
Make a direction to the following places your starting point is your classroom.
1. Canteen

Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

2. Toilet

3. Computer Lab

Task 3
Look at the following picture.

Picture of a teacher’s room.

The picture above is a teacher’s room. Make five sentences by using "there is" and "there are".
Combine each sentence with preposition of place. Look at the following example.
There is an air conditioner on the wall.
Write in the blanks below:
1. …………………………………........................................................................………………….
2. …………………………………........................................................................………………….
3. …………………………………........................................................................………………….
4. …………………………………........................................................................………………….
5. …………………………………........................................................................………………….

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Task 4
Do the following crosswords.

Across: Down:
2. A place where students do ceremony. 1. A place where students borrow some
3. A place where students park their books.
vehicles. 4. A place where students do research.
7. A place where students take a pee. 5. A place where students study.
8. A place where teachers gather. 6. A place where students eat.

Individual Task

Look at the following map and answer the questions number 1 to 5 .

Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

1. Where is the bank located?
2. In what street are the school and government building located?
3. What kind of place is in front of the restaurant at Jl. Diponegoro?
4. Can you show me where the park is located?
5. I’m in front of the bank now. And I am going to the mall. Please, tell me the way to the mall?

Group Task
Do the following task in groups.
With your group in pairs, make questions about direction to go to his or her own house. After that,
write your questions and what he or she has explained as a text of dialog.

B. School Extracurricular

In this part of the chapter, we will learn about school extracurricular.

1. School Extracurricular
School extracurricular is school activities are done outside studying hours. Every
extracurricular activity usually has its own club.
Here are the examples of extracurricular activities.
a. Pencak Silat.
b. Scout.
c. Journalism.
and many more.

2. Like and Dislike + Verb Ing

Students join extracurricular clubs based on what they like. So, this time we will learn
about things we ;like and dislike. We will use the formula like/likes or don’t like/doesn’t like +
verb ing.
a. Like/likes + verb ing
We use like/likes + verb ing for something we like to do. We use like for subject "they,
we, I and you" while we use likes for subject "he, she and it".
Example :
1) He likes playing basketball.
2) They like fishing.

Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

b. Don’t/doesn’t like + verb ing.
We use don’t/doesn’t like + verb ing for something we don’t like. We use don’t like for
subject they, we, I and you and we use doesn’t like for subject he, she, and it.
Example :
1) He doesn’t like fishing.
2) I don’t like swimming.
Task 1
Listen to the text read by your teacher and then list five activities the writer must do in her
extracurricular club.

1. ………………………...............……………………………………..............................................

2. ………………………...............……………………………………..............................................

3. ………………………...............……………………………………..............................................

4. ………………………...............……………………………………..............................................

5. ………………………...............……………………………………..............................................

Task 2
State T for true statements and F for false statements based on the text.
Number Statements T/F
1. Rido is a student.
2. Rido likes English language.
3. Rido wants to join the English club.
4. The English club’s headquarter is next to the teacher’s room.
5. The English club doesn’t have any member.

Task 3
Listen to the extracurricular activities and write three verbs related to the extracurricular.
write them below.
1. The name of extracurricular activity: ....
Verbs related to that extracurricular activity:
a. …………………..........................................................................................................……
b. …………………..........................................................................................................……
c. …………………..........................................................................................................……
2. The name of extracurricular activity: ....
Verbs related to that extracurricular activity:
a. …………………..........................................................................................................……
b. …………………..........................................................................................................……
c. …………………..........................................................................................................……

Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

3. The name of extracurricular activity: ....
Verbs related to that extracurricular activity:
a. …………………..........................................................................................................……
b. …………………..........................................................................................................……
c. …………………..........................................................................................................……
4. The name of extracurricular activity: ....
Verbs related to that extracurricular activity:
a. …………………..........................................................................................................……
b. …………………..........................................................................................................……
c. …………………..........................................................................................................……
5. The name of extracurricular activity: ....
Verbs related to that extracurricular activity:
a. …………………..........................................................................................................……
b. …………………..........................................................................................................……
c. …………………..........................................................................................................……

Task 1
Practice the following dialog carefully.

What is it?

Rina, there is a
recruitment for
school safety patrol.
Would you like to

That sounds
interesting. Where
should we go?

It’s an extracurricular
activities for students
who are interested in
keeping our school

Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

Okay then. But, let
me ask you. What
are safety school
patrol job?
It's headquarter is
located in front of the
headmaster’s room.

Well, there are many Okay. Let’s go to

things. But I think the its headquarter
main job of school for further
safety patrol is to information.
keep the safety of
school environment.

Okay, let’s go.

Task 2
Ask your five friends about what kind of extracurricular they join and what kind of benefit
from joining that extracurricular activity. Write the result in the table below.

Number Name of Friends Result of Interview

1. Name of the extracurricular activity:

Benefit :

2. Name of the extracurricular activity:

Benefit :

3. Name of the extracurricular activity:

Benefit :

Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

4. Name of the extracurricular activity:
Benefit :

5. Name of the extracurricular activity:

Benefit :

Task 1
Read the following text carefully.
My After School Activities

Picture of extracurricular basketball.

Hello. My name is Joko and I am a student at SMP N Jaya Raya, Surakarta. I love basketball.
So, I join basketball club at school. My school basketball club offers a competitive environment
for its members. They don’t mess around with the training sessions. They hire the best basketball
coach because they want to be the best school basketball club in Indonesia.
We train three times a week. At the weekend, we play a simulation game. The training regime
is hard and tactical. We are taught on how to attack and defend like a pro. Our coach, Mr. Marino,
has decades experience in basketball. He is a stiff person. However, he never scolds any player
that makes a mistake during training session. His attention of detail is unmatched. He even directs
our food and nutrition. He wants to take the best from us. We respect to Coach Marino and we
will try our best to be the best school basketball team in Indonesia.

Task 2
Answer the questions based on the text in Task 1.
1. What kind of thing liked by Joko?
2. What is the characteristic of Joko’s basketball club?
3. How many times does Joko train in a week?
4. What does Joko do at the weekends?
5. What kind of person is coach Marino?

Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

Task 3
Look at the following information about Nina. Then, make a description text about Nina’s
extracurricular activity.
Name : Nina
Address : Jln Sukamaju Number 56, Jakarta
School : SMP N 4 Jakarta
Extracurricular : Pencak Silat
Times : Monday and Friday every 3.00 p.m. until 6.00 six p.m.
Members : Twenty people
Coach : Mr. Arifin
Coach’s characteristic: Serious, dedicated, and discipline.
Make a text in the box provided below.

Task 1
Tell us your favorite extracurricular activity, the reason why you like that extracurricular
activity and details about your extracurricular activity. Make it in two paragraphs. Write in
the box provided below. Then, collect it in front of the class.
My Favorite Extracurricular Activity
Paragraph 1

Paragraph 2

Task 2
Make a schedule of your after school activities. You can put activities that you do outside
the school. Write it in the table below.

Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

My After School Activity
Number Times My Afterschool Activities

Task 3
Read the following text.
My friends are Nina and Yani. They both are active girls. So, they want to join dance clubs.
But unline Yani, nani doesn’t like traditional dance. She likes contemporary dance. So,
she joins the contemporary dance club while Yani joins the traditional dance. They have
also different food favorites. Yani likes sweet foods. She hates spicy foods. So, she likes
candies, cakes, etc. Nani hates sweet foods. She thinks that sweet foods can damage her
teeth. However, she likes spicy foods, like meatball and seblak. They also have different
personalities. Nani is a cheerful person. She likes being around people. Nani is a reclusive
person. She likes being alone in her room.
Now, put a tick mark (√) for the things like by them.




Task 4
Write five extracurricular in your school. Then, write two purposes of each extracurricular
activity in the table below.
Number Name of Extracurricular Activities Purpose

Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

Individual Task

Read the dialog and answer the questions number 1–5.

Mrs.Malida : How are you today, Arief?
Arief : I’m fine, Mrs. Malida. Anything I can do for you?
Mrs. Malida : No, not at all. I just want to ask, have you taken any extracurricular activities yet?
Arief : Yes I’ve just joined the basketball club two days ago. I think their first training will
start tomorrow.
Mrs. Malida : So you only joined the basketball club? Why don’t you try to join other clubs?
Arief : Not really. I’m just into basketball.
Mrs. Malida : Alright, then. I just needed to know that. Thank you, Arief.
1. Who greeted Arief?
2. What did Mrs. Malida want to ask to Arief?
3. What club did Arief only join?
4. What did Mrs. Malida suggest to Arief about his extracurricular?
5. What is Mrs Malida and Arief based on this dialog?

Group Task
Do the following task in groups.
Ask to each other among your group about the clubs or extra activities they like and dislike.
Then write into the table below. You may add any other club haven’t mentioned yet below.

Number Student’s Name Activity Like Dislike Reason/Notes

1. Dancing

2. Playing music & singing

3. Boyscout

4. Robotic

5. Playing Basket ball

Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap




C. School Events

In this subchapter, we will learn about school event.

1. School Events
School event is held to celebrate school special events, such as school anniversary,
important days, and many more. School events hold many entertainments that can be enjoyed
by students.
School events are spread through announcement. Announcement is a text used to tell
important events. Announcement consists of three parts. They are as follows.
a. Recipient
People or parties that receive the announcement.
b. Opening
It states the purpose of announcement and event that will be held.
c. Content
It states the detail of mentioned events, like date, place, etc.
d. Closing
It consists of further information or contact person that can be called.
e. Sender
Party or person that sends the announcement.
Here is the example of the announcement.


To : All of 7th grade students

To commemorate Indonesian Independence Day, you are asked to come to the
school festival that will be held in :
Date : August 17, 2023
Place : School Hall
There will be many entertainments, like tug o’ war game, food stalls, bands, and
many more.
For further information, please contact Mr. Subagja in the teacher’s room.

Mr. Hadiatma

Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

2. Adjective
We use adjective to describes a noun. Look at the example below :
The boy is tired.
We can see that the word tired is an adjective. It describes the boy’s condition. Adjective
comes before noun. Adjective can also modify a pronoun, for example They are confused.
Confused modifies the pronoun "they".
Here are the examples of adjectives.
a. Large.
b. Beautiful.
c. Handsome.
d. Narrow.
And many more.

Task 1
Listen to the text read by your teacher and then rewrite the following elements.






Task 2
Answer the questions based on listening script in Task 1.

Number Statements T/F

1. The information is for all of students.

2. Teachers are not allowed to attend the party.

Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

3. The party is to celebrate the school anniversary.

4. The party will be held at school.

5. The party will be boring.

Task 3
Listen to the situation read by your teacher. Then, make an announcement based on
that situation based on the following elements. Use your creativity while making the

Task 1
Practice the following dialog with your friend.

No, I haven’t. What

is it, Clara?

Hi, Ihsan. Have you

heard about the

Amazing! I don’t
know that our
school is so into
Japanese culture.

Our school will

held a Japanese

Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

It’s all the result
of our school’s Really? I don’t
Japanese club. know that.

They have pushed

That club is so
this agenda since
dedicated in
last semester.
introducing Japanese
culture to us.

It will be held
tomorrow. And What is it?
one more thing.

There will be
Yes! I will wear my
a cosplay Attack On Titan
competition. Costume tomorrow.

Task 2
Once again, make an announcement based on the dialog above.

Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

Task 3
Answer the questions based on the dialog above.
1. What are Ihsan and Clara talking about?
2. Who has the biggest role for the festival?
3. What kind of thing excites Ihsan about the festival?
4. What is the mission had by Japanese Club in their school?
5. Who will come to the event?

Task 1
Read the following text carefully.
School Carnival
Rudi’s school will hold a school carnival. It is held to celebrate Indonesian Independence Day.
Rudi feels excited. He is chosen to do marching band. He plays a tambourine. He practices with
his friend every day. He likes carnival because it’s so festive.
The school carnival will be held outside the school. Besides marching band, Rudi’s school
will show students who wear traditional costumes from all of regions in Indonesia. They will walk
from school until the town square. Marching bands will perform their musical ensemble in the Town
square. Students will be back to school at 03.00 p.m.

Task 2
State T for true statements and F for false statements based on the text in Task 1.

Number Statements T/F

1. The school carnival is held to celebrate Indonesian Independence Day.
2. Rudi will play tambourine.
3. Rudi and his marching band fellows will play at the town square.
4. Rudi feels excited about the carnival.
5. People don’t care about the carnival.

Task 3
Do the following task.
Pretend that you’re the committee that manages the carnival stated in the text above. Write the
itinerary of the carnival. The itinerary consists of activities must be done in the carnival and the
time of each activity. Write in the table below.
Carnival’s Itinerary
Number Time Activity

Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

Task 1
Mention school events that have been held in your school. Mention the dates, places and
activities in those events. Make it in the table below.
Name of the Events Date and Place Activities

Then, develop the table into a text that tells the detail about that event. Make it in the task

Task 2
Write five adjectives that describes about your school. Write them in the blanks below.
1. …………………......................................................................................................................
2. …………………......................................................................................................................
3. …………………......................................................................................................................
4. …………………......................................................................................................................
5. …………………......................................................................................................................

Task 3

Writethe antonym of the following adjectives.

1. Beautiful >< …..
2 Narrow >< ….
3. Full >< ….
4. Tall >< ….
5. Enormous >< …

Task 4
Do the following instructions.
Take a picture of your classroom. Then, mention five (5) things in the classroom by using the
combination of there is/are and preposition of place. Write the sentences in the blanks provided
below the picture.

Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

Attach the picture here

1. ………………………................................................................................................................
2. ………………………................................................................................................................
3. ………………………................................................................................................................
4. ………………………................................................................................................................
5. ………………………................................................................................................................

Individual Task

The announcement text below is for questions number 1 to 5.

Scout Association of SMP Persada Jaya

To: All members
In order to celebrate our Independence Day, we are going to go camping at Pangrango
Mountain from 14 to 16 August 2023.
The contribution is Rp150.000,00. Those who wants to join the activity please contact Mr.
Registration will be opened starting from 5­August 2023.
For further information, please contact the committee.

Chair person

1. To whom are the school announcement addressed?
2. When will the camping start on?

Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

3. For what celebration was the camping held?
4. Whom should you meet to register for the program?
5. ‘Registration’ will be opened starting from 5 August 2023…”
What is the similar meaning of the underlined word?

Group Task
Do the following task in groups.
Work in group. Discuss with your group. You may consult with your teacher.
1. Ask your friends’ (members of your group) studying habits:
- How do they study
- In what time do they study?
- How many times or how often do they study?
- What tools or equipments do they need to study, etc
2. Make a note or the reason why you take the way of study
3. Make a list of their acivities.
4. Write their activites into five columns in a table
5. Submit it to your teacher.

Proyek Penguatan Profil Pelajar Pancasila

Do the following task.
1. Learn how to plan a school festival.
2. Learn how to make an announcement.
Duration: Two days

Tools and Equipments:

1. Paper
2. Pen
3. Big asturo paper
4. Big drawing paper
5. Coloring pens

Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

Steps :
1. Prepare the tools.
2. Invite your three friends.
3. Discuss one interesting festival you will hold in your school.
4. Discuss the theme of the event.
5. Make a map of food stalls or entertainment or competititon sites that you will place in your
6. Draw a map in the big asturo paper.
7. Write the announcement about that event on a piece of paper.
8. Draw a promotional poster in a big drawing paper.
9. Submit them all to your teacher.
(Beriman, bertakwa kepada Tuhan YME, berakhlak mulia, kreatif, berkebinekaan global)

Minimum Competency Assessment (AKM)

Read the following dialog and answer the questions for numbers 1 and 2.
Tika : I heard that you have stopped from having extracurricular. Why?
Nisa : My mother asks me to do that. She wants me to take subject course. She worries
about my future.
Tika : That’s okay. Your mother is correct. Education is the best experiences that ever take
in the world.
Nisa : Yes, she is right. I am in the last step of junior high school. I don’t want to disappoint
my parents, especially my mother.
Tika : Great thinking, Nisa.
Nisa : Thanks, Tika. You are the best friend of mine.
Tika : You're, welcome.

1. Pay attention to the following statements.

(1) Nisa have stopped from having extracurricular.
(2) Nisa’s mother didn’t worry about her extra
(3) Nisa’s mother wanted her to stop the subject course.
(4) Nisa still had long time in study at junior high school.
The correct statements based on the dialog are shown by numbers ....
a. (1), (2), (3)
b. (1) and (3)
c. (2) and (4)
d. all options are true
2. Choose the correct statements based on the dialog above by giving a tick mark (√).

Statements True False

1. Nisa have stopped from having extracurricular.

2. Nisa’s mother asked her to stop the extracurricular.

Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

3. Tika didn’t agree to Nisa’s mother

4. Nisa didn’t want to disappoint her parents,

5. Tika influenced Nisa not to obey her mother.

Character Value Implementation

In this chapter, we have learned various expressions in asking and giving direction, like and dislike
either in simply spoken or written utterances. We also study about the description of our school
buildings and its vocabularies and to describe everything related to extracurricular activities. In this
case, students are expected to be able to keep independence and have the sense of responsibility
in daily life.

Daily Assessment

A. Put cross (x) on the letters a, b, c, or d in front of the correct answer.

The following text is for questions number 1. What kind of lesson liked by Sinta?
1 to 5. a. English.
Shinta loves English language. b. Physics.
She always practices her English c. Biology.
every day. She wants to bring her
d. Indonesian language.
English skills to the next level. She
decides to join her school’s English 2. Why does Sinta want to join an English club?
club. Her English’s school club has a She wants to improve her English skills.
many interesting projects. The club b. She wants to have friends.
often sends it's members to numerous
c. She wants something different.
competitions, such as English debate,
English speech and many more. So, the d. She wants to go out from home.
thing Sinta will do is going to the club’s 3. What does the second paragraph tell us
headquarter. The club’s headquarter about?
is located in front of the chemistry lab. a. Nindya’s characteristic.
The head of English club is Nindya.
b. Nindya’s personal life.
She is a dedicated person. She wants
her members to give the best to the c. Nindya’s home.
club. It is a good environment for Sinta d. Nindya’s member.
to enhance her English skills. 4. What kind of characteristic had by Nindya?
Working with Nindya is a blessing a. Determined.
for Sinta. Nindya gives Sinta many tips
and tricks to improve her English skills. b. Lazy.
She even encourages Sinta to join an c. Ignorant.
English debate. d. Grumpy.

Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

5. "It is a good environment for Shinta to The following text is for questions number
enhance her English skills." 9 and 10.
The underlined word above refers to ….
a. Nindya’s dedication Marni’s school will hold a festival. The
festival is held to celebrate the school’s
b. English club
anniversary. There are four competitions
c. school to held in the festival. First, there will be an
d. her English skills English debate competition. The theme of
6. Look at the picture! debate is about global warming.
Toilet Second competition is a mathematic
competition. Third competition is a storytelling
competition. The last competition is drama
Library competition.
The English debate is held in the hall. The
second competition is held in the computer lab
Budi : ….
that has been modified for the competition.
Roni : It is in front of the toilet.
The third competition is held at the 9C class
a. Can you go to the toilet? because 9C class is the biggest classroom.
b. Can you show me where the library is? The last competition is held in the art room.
c. Where do you want? Though the festival is not what Marni
d. What is it? thinks, she still enjoys seeing each competition.
7. Look at the picture!
9. Why is class 9C chosen to be the place of
Class 7A Teacher Canteen storytelling competition?
Room a. Because 9C class is the biggest class.
b. Because 9C class is the cleanest class.
c. Because 9C class is the best class.
The teacher’s room is … 7A class and d. Because 9C class is the most beautiful
Canteen. class.
a. in front of c. between
10. "The second competition is held in the
b. behind d. above computer lab that has been modified for the
8. Salim : ...? competition."
Hindun : Just go straight on. When you find The underlined word above has the same
a yard, turn right and go straight meaning with ….
on. The lab is acroos 8b Class. a. altered
a. Where can I go to 8B class b. fixed
b. Can you show me how to go to the lab c. repaired
c. Is it a lab d. exchanged
d. What is the function of lab

B. Put cross (x) on the letters a, b, c, or d in front of the correct answer.

The following dialog is for qustions number 1 to 5.
The students of 7B are working in the school garden now. Angga, the prefect of the class, want
all his friends work together.
Angga : Well, dear boys. Will you bring your sickles with you here? Let’s cut the grass over
Bimo : Short or long?

Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

Angga : Cut them short, please. The correct statements based on the dialog
are shown by the numbers ....
And you, Bimo. Please, lead your
a. (1), (2), and (3)
group to put the grass into the hole.
b. (1) and (3)
Bimo : Okay, Angga. Come on friends.
c. (2) and (4)
Angga : Tika, will you sweep the yard in front d. all options are true
of the class with your friends, plant
The following dialog is for questions number
flowers and water them afterwards!
4 and 5.
Tika : We are ready, Bimo.
Edo and Rio are talking about the extracuricular
Angga : Arya, help Tika with hoe.
in the school.
Arya : Okay, I’ll do it. Come on! Bring your
Edo : Hi, Rio.
spade, too. Let’s work together.
Rio : Hello, Edo.
The students work in the school garden for an Edo : Do you join any student extracuriculer?
hour. They come into the class after finishing Rio : Yes, I do. I join the Futsal club.
their work. Edo : That’s great! Where do you usually play
1. Pay attention to the following statements. futsal?
(1) The students of 7B are working in the Rio : We play at the sport hall of our school.
school garden. Edo : In what time do you join the extracuriculer?
(2) Angga is the chief of the class. Rio : Come at 4.00 p.m. we can go together.
(3) Angga wanted all his friends work Edo : Thank you, Rio. I’ll come.
together. Rio : See you.
(4) Angga asked Bimo to sweep the yard 4. Pay attention to the following statements.
in front of the class (1) Rio greeted Edo first.
The correct statements based on the dialog (2) Rio joined the football club.
are shown by the numbers .... (3) Rio usually plays at the sport hall of his
a. (1), (2), and (3) town.
b. (1) and (3) (4) Edo doesnt want to join the futsal club.
c. (2) and (4)
The correct statements based on the dialog
d. all options are true
are shown by the numbers ....
2. Pay attention to the following statements. a. (1), (2), and (3)
(1) Bimo wanted Angga to cut the grass. b. (1) and (3)
(2) They cut the grass with sickles. c. (2) and (4)
(3) Angga cut the grass alone. d. all options are true
(4) Tika swept the yard in front of the class.
5. Pay attention to the following statements.
The correct statements based on the dialog (1) Edo would join the club at four o’clock.
are shown by the numbers ....
(2) They would play football at the sport
a. (1), (2), and (3)
b. (1) and (3)
(3) They joined the club at school.
c. (2) and (4)
(4) Rio invited Edo to come at five o’clock.
d. all options are true
3. Pay attention to the following statements. The correct statements based on the dialog
(1) Arya helped Tika to plant flowers. are shown by the numbers ....
(2) He helped Tika with hoe. a. (1), (2), and (3)
(3) They planted flowers and watered them. b. (1) and (3)
(4) The students worked in the garden for c. (2) and (4)
about an hour. d. all options are true

Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

C. Match the statements below with the correct subjects available in the box.

Mira is a student of SMP Bakti Bangsa. The following is her schedule.


No Time Subject

1 07.00 – 07.40 Math

2 07.40 – 08.20 Math
3 08.20 – 09.00 Geography
4 09.00 – 09.15 Break
5 09.15 – 09.55 English
6 09.55 – 10.35 English
7 10.35 – 11.50 Break
8 10.50 – 11.30 Indonesian
9 11.30 – 12.10 Music

1. The subject that Mira study before the first break. a. Math
2. The subject that has two lesson hours in the beginning. b. Music
c. Geography
3. The subject that Mira have at 10.50–11.30.
d. English
4. The last subject. e. Indonesian
5. The subject that studies for two lesson hours before the second

D. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.

The following text is for questions number 1 to 5.

My school has three laboratories. They are language laboratory, physics laboratory and
biology laboratory. They are at the corner of the school. We always practice over there. When
we have an English lesson, espescially for listening, we go to the language laboratory. When
we have a physics experiment, we have to do it in the physics laboratory. And when we want to
practice biology, we use a biology laboratory.

1. His/her school has ... laboratories.
2. The laboratories in his/her school are ... .
3. The laboratories are located at ... .
4. We can practice listening class at ... laboratory.
5. We can use the physics laboratory, when we have ... .

Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

E. Answer the following questions correctly.
The following dialog is for questions number 1 and 2.

Hana : Excuse me, Mister.

Mr. Waluyo : Yes, can I help you?
Hana : I am a new student. I am supposed to go to class 7D. But I don’t know how to go
there. Can you show me the way to class 7D?
Mr. Waluyo : From this teacher’s room, turn left. Then, go straight on until you find a junction.
Then, turn right. 7D class is in front of class 8G.
Hana : Then, what ust I do? Do I just give the notification paper to the teacher?
Mr. Waluyo : Yes, you do. Or would you like me to accompany you to your class?
Hana : That would be nice, sir. Thank you very much
Mr. Waluyo : You’re welcome. Now, follow me.

1. What did Mr Waluyo do to solve Hana’s problem?
2. What kind of characteristic had by Mr. Waluyo?

The following text is for questions number 3 to 5.

To : All students in SMP Harkat Sejahtera
This is an announcement from Korean club in SMP Harkat Sejahtera. Our club will hold a
Korean Festival. The festival will be held at :
Date : September 14th, 2023.
Place : School Hall.
Time : 09.00–Finish.
We will provide many entertainments and funny competitions for you. There also will be a music
band at the end of festival. I hope you can come and enjoy the festival.
For further information, contact Nina, our secretary.

The chairman of Korean Club

3. What is the purpose of the text above?
4. What kind of things provided in the festival?
5. What is the club’s hope to the students?

Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

Read the text first carefully, then answer the following questions number 1 to5.

My junior high school is a good one. It is very large. It has a good library. It is between the
teacher’s office and the laboratory. Mrs. Tara is the librarian. She is very diligent and helpful.
She always arranges the books well and tidily on the book shelves before the students visit it.
The students like to borrow books in the library, because it is easy.
It is a quarter past nine now. It is the first break for the school. There are some students
in the library. Some of them are reading books, magazines and newspaper and the others are
looking for books. Mrs. Tini is helping them find the books they are looking for. She always
serves the students well, so they like her.

1. What is the writer’s opinion about his school?
Answer: ...................................................................................................................................
2. What does the writer’s school look like?
Answer: ...................................................................................................................................
3. Where is the library located?
Answer: ...................................................................................................................................
4. How is Mrs Tara, the librarian?
Answer: ...................................................................................................................................
5. Why do the students like her? Tell the reason!
Answer: ...................................................................................................................................

Do the following task individually.
Make an extracurricular club based on the activity you like. Write your club’s vision and mission,
your club’s organization structure and general activity. Make it on a piece of paper. Then present
your work to the class.

Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

Final Semester Assessment

A. Put cross (x) on the letters a, b, c, or d in front of the correct answer.

The following text is for questions number 4. Adi goes home at ….

1 to 5. a.
Monday is Alif’s busiest day in a
week. He starts his school day with 13.30
mathematic. He learns mathematic c.
from a half past seven until nine 14.30
o’clock. The next lesson is Indonesian d.
language. Indonesian language is 15.30
divided into two sessions. The first 5. How long does Alif have the break?
session is at nine o’clock until a quarter a. Fourty five minutes.
to ten. Then, he has the first break at a b. Thirty minutes.
quarter to ten until a quarter past ten. c. Fifteen minutes.
Then, he continues the second session d. Ten minutes.
of Indonesian language from a quarter
past ten until eleven o’clock. 6. Your friend cannot hear you during the
online class.
After Indonesian language is
Javanese language. It is from eleven You will say …
o’clock until a quarter to twelve, a. Turn on the mic, please.
The next lesson is painting. It is b. Raise your hand, please.
from a quarter to twelve until a half c. Go away from the phone, please.
past twelve. Then, Alif has a second d. Close the zoom, please.
breakfast for a half an hour. There 7. The main thing to enhance our concentration
are still two hour lessons. Alif learns during studying is ….
English language in the last two hour a. comfort c. concentration
lessons. After that, he goes home.
b. snacks d. joy
1. What day is discussed in the text above? 8. Look at picture.
a. Monday.
b. Tuesday. Toilet
c. Saturday.
d. Friday.
2. What is Alif’s first lesson in that day?
a. Indonesian language.
b. English language. Class 9B
c. Mathematic.
d. Javanese language. Haris : Excuse me, Mister. How can
3. What is Alif’s last lesson? I go to the toilet?
a. Indonesian language. Mr. Haris : Oh, it’s easy. It’s … class
b. English language. 9B.
c. Mathematic. a. across c. on
d. Javanese language. b. next to d. up

Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

The following dialog is for questions number a. Asking direction.
9 to 12. b. Giving direction.
Mr. Wawan : Excuse me, Sir. I am c. Introduction.
Nanda’s father. She is d. Greeting.
in class 7C. I want to 13. There … seven members in the English club.
pick her up because a. are c. has
her grandmother has b. is d. had
j u s t p a s s e d a w a y.
The following text is for questions number
Would you mind to
14 and 15.
direct me to class 7C?
Mr. Wardi : Oh, please just go straight Announcement
on from this library. Then, To : All teachers at SMP Widya Karya
turn right after you find a All of teacher are invited to the
junction. Class 7C is next event held by Ministry of Education. The
to the chemistry lab. event is held to celebrate Education
Mr. Wawan : Thank you very much for d a y. T h e e v e n t w i l l b e h e l d a t :
the direction. Date : June 18th, 2023.
Mr. Wardi : You’re welcome. Place : Surakarta Town Square
Please wear formal attire. There will be
9. Where is the location of the dialog above? many enjoyable events. So, please make
a. School. sure you come.
b. Street. Mr. Wijaya Kusuma
c. Mr. Wawan's house. Headmaster of SMP Widya Karya
d. Mr. Wardi’s house.
10. Where is Mr. Wawan now? 14. What is the purpose of the text above?
a. In front of the library. a. To inform an important information
about a certain event.
b. In front of the teacher’s room.
b. To amuse the readers.
c. In front of the class 7C.
c. To retell the past experience.
d. In front of the headmaster’s room.
d. To promote something.
11. Where is the class 7C?
15. "So, please make sure you come."
a. Next to the chemistry lab.
b. Next to the language lab. The underlined word refers to ….
c. Next to class 7B. a. the teachers
d. Next to the teacher’s room. b. the headmaster
c. the students
12. "Would you mind to direct me to class 7C?"
d. the parents
What kind of expression is it?

B. Put cross (x) on the letters a, b, c, or d in front of the correct answer.

The following dialog is for questions number 1 to 5.
Magda :
Hey, Kezia Have you finished the assignment?
Kezia :
What? Is there any assignment to submit today?
Magda :
Yes, there is. We have to summarize Geography text book page 20.
Kezia :
Oh, that assignment. I think Mrs. Rika is absent today. She told Karin yesterday that
she will be absent for today’s lesson. Didn’t you hear it?
Magda : Really? Oh, I went home soon because I was dizzy yesterday.

Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

Kezia : But I think whether Mrs. Rika a. (1), (2), and (3)
come or not, we have to do this b. (1) and (3)
assignment. c. (2) and (4)
d. all options are true
Magda : Oh, I see. Thank you for telling
me, Magda. Well, let’s do the 4. Pay attention to the following statements.
assignment together, shall we? (1) Karin told kezia that Mrs Rika would be
Kezia : Okay, that’s a good idea absent that day.
(2) Magda thanked to Kezia for reminding
1. Pay attention to the following statements.
of the assignment.
(1) Magda asked to Kezia if she did
(3) Both Magda and Kezia agreed to keep
assigment or not.
doing the assignment.
(2) Kezia did her assigment completely.
(4) Their assignment is to summarize
(3) Their assignment is to summarize
geography text book.
geography text book.
(4) Magda felt dizzy because she didn’t do The correct statements based on the dialog
the assigment yet. are shown by the numbers ....
a. (1), (2), and (3)
The correct statements based on the dialog
b. (1) and (3)
are shown by the numbers ....
c. (2) and (4)
a. (1), (2), and (3)
d. all options are true
b. (1) and (3)
c. (2) and (4) 5. Pay attention to the following statements.
d. all options are true (1) Mrs. Rika told Magda that she would be
absent that day.
2. Pay attention to the following statements.
(2) Kezia went home soon, cos’ she felt
(1) Mrs. Rika told Magda that she would be
absent that day.
(3) There was no assignment to submit that
(2) Magda went home soon, cos’ she felt dizzy.
(3) There was no assignment to submit that
(4) They stop doing the assignment,
because Mrs. Rika will be absent.
(4) They keep doing the assignment,
whether Mrs. Rika will come or not. The correct statements based on the dialog
are shown by the numbers ....
The correct statements based on the dialog
a. (1), (2), and (3)
are shown by the numbers ....
b. (1) and (3)
a. (1), (2), and (3)
c. (2) and (4)
b. (1) and (3)
d. all options are true
c. (2) and (4)
The following dialog is for question number
d. all options are true
6 to 8.
3. Pay attention to the following statements.
Arvin : What are you going to do after
(1) Mrs. Rika told Karin that she would be
graduate for the high school?
absent that day.
(2) Magda agreed to keep doing the Rosa : I’m going to continue studying for a
assignment. university. How about you?
(3) Kezia also agreed to keep doing the Arvin : I’m going to find a job as soon as I
assignment. graduate.
(4) To summarize Biology text book page Rosa : Good luck.
20 is their assignment. Arvin : Thanks. Anyway, why are you
The correct statements based on the dialog planning to continue studying
are shown by the numbers .... instead of finding a job?

Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

Rosa : Because education is very important The following dialog is for questions number
thing to me. It can help me to open 9 and 10
more doors of opportunities. Rara : Hi Inka, How're you doing?
Arvin : Yes, that is right, but every person Inka : Yup, I'm doing well.
has different opinion towards this Rara : Why didn't you take part in online
matter, and I already stated mine. learning this morning?.
Rosa : Yeah, you’re right. Inka : My internet quota ran out suddenly.
6. Pay attention to the following statements. Rara : It means that you could not take the
(1) Arvin asked to Rosa about her future lesson at all?.
after high school graduation . Inka : I took a few lessons, and then the
(2) Rosa wanted to continue to a university internet died.
(3) Arvin wanted to find a job.
Rara : Yes, I saw you but suddenly
(4) Rosa didn’t agree to Arvin’s opinion.
disappeared from online.
The correct statements based on the dialog Inka : Online learning streams need a lot of
are shown by the numbers .... the internet quota.
a. (1), (2), and (3)
Rara : Right. I spend a lot of money on
b. (1) and (3)
internet quota.
c. (2) and (4)
d. all options are true 9. Pay attention to the following statements.
7. Pay attention to the following statements. (1) Rara said that Inka could follow online
(1) Arvin asked to Rosa about her future learning well.
after high school graduation. (2) Her internet quota was so enough to
(2) Rosa wanted to continue to find a job, use.
too. (3) Online learning streams doesn’t need
(3) Rosa said that education is very important. a lot of the internet quota.
(4) Rosa pressed Arvin to follow her opinion. (4) They just have a little bit expense for
The correct statements based on the dialog internet quota.
are shown by the numbers .... The correct statements based on the dialog
a. (1), (2), and (3) are shown by the numbers ....
b. (1) and (3) a. (1), (2), and (3)
c. (2) and (4) b. (1) and (3)
d. all options are true c. (2) and (4)
8. Pay attention to the following statements. d. all options are true
(1) Arvin asked to Rosa where she would 10. Pay attention to the following statements.
go after school. (1) Rara greeted to Inka.
(2) Rosa wanted to continue to study at (2) Inka’s condition was fine.
university. (3) Inka didn't take part in online learning
(3) Rosa said that education can not give that morning.
broader opportunity. (4) Her internet quota ran out suddenly.
(4) Rosa supported and encouraged Arvin.
The correct statements based on the dialog
The correct statements based on the dialog are shown by the numbers ....
are shown by the numbers ....
a. (1), (2), and (3)
a. (1), (2), and (3)
b. (1) and (3)
b. (1) and (3)
c. (2) and (4)
c. (2) and (4)
d. all options are true
d. all options are true
Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap
C. Match the following words with the correct meanings.

Number Words Meanings

1. Assignment a. Situation which makes it possible to do something.
2. Summarize b. Going somewhere that cannot be seen or found.
3. Graduate c. A work given to someone, as part of study or job.
4. Opportunity d. To complete school, college or university correctly.
5. Disappeared e. A short clear description of the main facts or ideas about

D. Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions.

1. Look at the picture.

The school is … the hospital.

2. Look at the picture.

The picture is ... the wall.

3. Look at the picture.

The kitten is ... the door.

Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

4. Look at the picture.

The car is ... the tree.

5. The school is ... (di seberang) the book store.
6. The car shop is ... (berhadapan) the bus station.
7. The grocery is … (di samping) the school.
8. The car shop is ... (di belakang) the barbershop
9. They are fishing … the river bank.
10. The bus station is ... (di dekat) the bookstore.

E. Answer the following questions correctly.

The following dialog is for questions number 1 to 5.

Bisma : On what day do you play futsal?
Arya : I usually play on Saturday. What about you?
Bisma : I never play on Saturday. I usually play on Sunday.
Arya : I see. Where do you play futsal?
Bisma : I often play at the SCUDETTO sport hall, and I sometimes play at EL CLASSICO sport
Arya : I always play at EL CLASSICO sport hall!
Bisma : Really? We should play together sometime.
Arya : Great idea!

1. Who plays futsal on Saturday?
2. Who plays futsal on Sunday?
3. Where does Bisma often play futsal?
4. Who plays futsal both at Bengawan and Manahan sport hall?
5. What should Bisma hope to Arya?

Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap

Anderson, L. W. et al. (Eds.). 2001. A Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching, and Assessing: a Revision
of Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. New York: Longman.
Arnold, J, & Murphey, T. (Eds.). 2013. Meaningful Action: Earl Stevick’s Influence on Language
Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Bandura, A. 1986. Social Foundations of Thought and Action: A Social Cognitive Theory. Englewood
Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Bradford, A. 2007. Motivational Orientations in Under-Researched FLL Contexts: Findings from
Indonesia. RELC Journal. 38(3): 302-323
Celce-Murcia, M., Dornyei, S. dan Thurrell, S. 1995. Communicative Competence: A Pedagogically
Motivated Model with Content Specifications. Issues in Applied Linguistics. 6(2): 5-35.
Cope, B., & Kalantzis, M. (Eds.). 2000. Multiliteracies: Literacy Learning and The Design of Social
Futures. London: Routledge.
Crystal, D. 2003. English as A Global Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Dyer, J., Gregerson, H., & Christensen, C. M. 2011. The Innovator’s DNA: Mastering The Five
Skills of Disruptive Innovators. Boston, Mass.: Harvard Business Review Press.
Gerot, L. dan P. Wignell. 1995. Making Sense of Functional Grammar. Sydney: Antepodean
Educational Enterprises.
Graddol, D. 2000. The Future of English. The British Council. http://www.ocolclo. gc.ca/docs/f/
Future_of_English.pdf, dibuka Selasa, 28 Desember 2010, jam 05.05.

Bahasa Inggris VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Genap


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