DLL English q1 Week 6

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GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: ALEXANDRA H. DE VEGA Learning Area: ENGLISH

DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates: SEPTEMBER 26-30, 2022 Quarter: FIRST

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

10:40-11:30-M. Ponce 10:40-11:30-M. Ponce 10:40-11:30-M. Ponce 10:40-11:30-M. Ponce 10:40-11:30-M. Ponce
1:00-1:50-A. Bonifacio 1:00-1:50-A. Bonifacio 1:00-1:50-A. Bonifacio 1:00-1:50-A. Bonifacio 1:00-1:50-A. Bonifacio
1:50-2:40- J.P. Rizal 1:50-2:40- J.P. Rizal 1:50-2:40- J.P. Rizal 1:50-2:40- J.P. Rizal 1:50-2:40- J.P. Rizal
I. OBJECTIVES Objectives must be meet over the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet the objectives, necessary procedures must be
followed and if needed, additional lessons, exercises and remedial activities may be done for developing content knowledge and competencies.
These are using Formative Assessment strategies. Valuing objectives support the learning of content and competencies and enable children to
find significance and joy in learning the lessons. Weekly objectives shall be derived from the curriculum guides.
A. Content Standards: The learner listens critically; communicates feelings and ideas orally and in writing with a high level of proficiency; and reads various
text types of materials to serve learning needs in meeting a wide range of life’s purposes.

B. Performance Standards: The learner listens critically; communicates feelings and ideas orally and in writing with a high level of proficiency; and reads various
text types of materials to serve learning needs in meeting a wide range of life’s purposes.
C. Most Essential Learning Interpret the meaning suggested in Interpret the meaning Interpret the meaning Interpret the meaning
Competencies/Objectives: visual media through a focus on suggested in visual media suggested in visual media suggested in visual media
Write the LC Code for each visual elements, for through a focus on visual through a focus on visual through a focus on visual
example, line, symbols, colour, elements, for elements, for elements, for
gaze, framing and social distance example, line, symbols, colour, example, line, symbols, colour, example, line, symbols,
EN5VC-IIIf-3.8 gaze, framing and social gaze, framing and social colour, gaze, framing and
distance distance social distance
EN5VC-IIIf-3.8 EN5VC-IIIf-3.8 EN5VC-IIIf-3.8
Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject matter that the teacher aims to teach. In the CG, the content can be tackled in a week or two.
example, line, symbols, example, line, symbols, example, line, symbols,
II. CONTENT Picture Analysis colour, gaze, framing and colour, gaze, framing and colour, gaze, framing QUIZ DAY
social distance social distance and social distance
III. LEARNING Lists the materials to be used in different days. Varied sources of materials sustain children’s interest in the lesson and in learning. Ensure that
RESOURCES there is a mix of concrete and manipulative materials as well as paper-based materials. Hands-on learning promotes concept development.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages N/a
2. Learner’s Materials
Activity Sheets Week 6 Activity Sheets Week 6 Activity Sheets Week 6 Activity Sheets Week 6
3. Textbook Pages Joy in English Joy in English Joy in English Joy in English
4. Additional Materials N/A N/A N/A N/A
from Learning
Resource (LR) portal
PPT, Powepoint, Chalk, PPT, Powepoint, Chalk, PPT, Powepoint, Chalk, PPT, Powepoint, Chalk,
B. Other Learning Resources PPT, Powepoint, Chalk, Laptop
Laptop Laptop Laptop Laptop

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These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that students will learn well. Always be guided by demonstration of
IV. PROCEDURES learning by the students which you can infer from formative assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically by providing students with multiple ways to
learn new things, practice their learning, question their learning processes, and draw conclusions about what they learned in relation to their life experiences and
previous knowledge. Indicate the time allotment for each step.
A. Reviewing Previous The teacher will have a 5-item The teacher will have a 5-item Identify what is being asked The teacher will ask
Lesson or Presenting the spelling drill. Afterwards the spelling drill. Afterwards the in each item. Write the her students about
New Lesson teacher will review the lesson they teacher will review the lesson letters of your answers in the lesson yesterday.
had tackled last week. they had yesterday you notebook.
1. What are the visual
1. elements 1. law elements used in this
2. software 2. test
3. gender 3. follow
4. content 4. minute a. distance and weight c.
5. perception 5. phoenix line, space and framing
b. height and weight d.
colors and framing
2. What is the meaning
portrayed by the picture?
a. turn off your cellphone c.
keep quiet
b. do not make noise d.
cellphone is allowed
3. What value is suggested
by this image?
a. achievement c. risk-
b. grace d. health
4. What visual elements are
used in this image?
a. color and distance c.
framing and distance
b. distance and shape d.
space, symbol and line
5. What visual elements are
used in this picture?
a. framing and color c.
color, space and framing
b. color and space d. space,
framing and line

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B. Establishing a Purpose for Visual elements are any Identify the type of lines Choose the letters of the Paint Me a Picture
the Lesson characteristics that we can see incorporated in the images below. correct answers. Write your What does the
including line, shape, direction, Choose your answers from the box. answers in your notebook. picture convey?
size, texture, color, and value. Write your answers in your 1. It is the presentation of Interpret the
Visual media as a source of notebook. visual elements in an meaning in the
data or information in the form image, especially the visual media based
of visual representation may placement of the subject in on your own
include abstractions, analogues, relation to other objects. It understanding.
rough illustrations, or digital can make an image more
reproductions of objects. It aesthetically pleasing and
requires the interpretation of keep the viewer's focus on
the data. It helps readers clarify the object/s.
and comprehend information a. line b. space c. framing
because they can develop their d. distance
own perception of the content 2. It refers to the gap
and avoid misinterpretation. between a viewer's
conscious reality and the
fictional reality presented in 1. The subdued colors
a work of art. suggest that the biker
a. distance b. line c. reached the peak of his
framing d. space destination…
3. It is a set of points a. sunrise
extending in both b. sunset
directions. It is used to
create shapes, forms and
textures. It can vary in
direction, length, and
width. It maybe horizontal,
vertical, diagonal, straight
or curved. It can also be
thick or thin.
a. space b. distance c. color
d. line
4. It means to stare,
suggest looking fixedly at 2. This infographic is
something, to look steadily an update on…
and intently at something, a. the cause of COVID
especially at that which 19
excites admiration, b. the spread of COVID
curiosity, or interest: To 19
stare with eyes wide open,
as from surprise, wonder,
alarm, stupidity, or

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a. distance b. gaze c. color
d. line
5. It instantly makes people
think of traits or message
that they want associated
with company, group
product or service. Through
them, people find it easier
to recognize, identify, or
recall images than texts. It
can be remembered and
identified with greater ease
than a thousand words
describing a company.
a. space b. color c. symbol
d. line

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3. The image shows
that the player is

a. amateur
b. expert

4. A gentle reminder to
the public about...
a. proper handwashing
b. social distancing

5. This event is the

video presentation of
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a. birthday
b. wedding

C. Presenting Directions: Look at the picture Visual elements are any GAZE You know how to read
Examples/Instances of below. Complete the following characteristics that we can see Gaze means to stare, a book. But do you
the Lesson table by describing and including line, shape, direction, size, suggests looking fixedly at know how to “read” an
analyzing the picture in terms of texture, color and value. Visual media something. To gaze is to image or picture? Say
age and gender, race and as a source of data or information in look steadily and intently at something about the
nationality, and attitude and the form of visual representation something, especially at picture. Do you
may include abstractions, analogues,
behavior that which excites understand its
rough illustrations or digital
admiration, curiosity, or meaning?
reproductions of objects. It requires
the interpretation of the data. It interest: to gaze at a
helps readers clarify and scenery, at a scientific
comprehend information because experiment. To stare is to
they are able to develop their own gaze with eyes wide open,
perception of the content and avoid as from surprise, wonder,
misinterpretation. alarm, stupidity, or
impertinence: to stare
unbelievingly or rudely.
Look at the picture. What
can you say about it? The
cat is staring of something,
maybe a rat that he wants
to catch. This picture is an Directions: Answer the
questions based on
ex-ample of gaze.
your own
interpretation. Write
your answers on a
separate sheet of
1. Who are the subjects
of the image?
2. Where do you think
is the setting?
3. Where does each
FRAMING person gaze?
In visual arts and 4. What captures your
particularly attention first?
cinematography, framing 5. What is the central
deals with the proper message of the image?
placement of the subject

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together with other images.
This is a feature of visual
elements to highlight the
subject inside a particular
Look at the example of
framing below.

The frame is focused on

the person in this picture.
It is the subject of the
artwork not the fence.

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D. Discussing New Concepts Look at the picture below. Then DISTANCE
and Practicing New Skills answer the following questions. Using the image below, answer Aesthetic distance is the
#1 the questions that follow in distance between the realities
your notebook. in a work of art. The aesthetic
distance does not only refer to
1. What are the colors used in literal pictures but it can be
identified in other visual media
and even in literary works
where distance is visualized in
the form of texts.

Directions: Answer the

questions based on the image
that you have seen. Write your the image or picture?
answer on a separate sheet of 2. What does the picture
paper. symbolize?
1. What is the picture all about? 3. Framing was used in the
2. What can you say about the picture. What do you think is
characters in the picture? the subject being emphasized
in the visual?
3. How old do you think are
4. What is the positive space in
they? the image?
4. What can you say about their 5. What values are shown by the
attitude towards their work? image?
5. Where can you usually see
this scene? urban or rural?

These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that students will learn well. Always be guided by demonstration of
IV. PROCEDURES learning by the students which you can infer from formative assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically by providing students with multiple ways to
learn new things, practice their learning, question their learning processes, and draw conclusions about what they learned in relation to their life experiences
and previous knowledge. Indicate the time allotment for each step.
E. Discussing New Concepts Picture analysis is the Visual elements are any _____1. What visual element used in this COVID-19 update in the
and Practicing New Skills extraction of meaningful characteristic that we can see image? Philippines. Interpret the data and
#2 including line, shape,
information from images by a. line b. space c. distance d. framing answer the questions carefully.
direction, size, texture, color
means of processing and value. Learning Task 5: Choose the letter of the Write your answer on a separate
techniques. Analysis of Most Common Visual picture in the columns that correspond to sheet of paper.
characters can be done in Elements the suggested meaning of visual media
terms of age and gender, race LINE below. Write your answers in you
and nationality and attitude A line is a set of points notebook.
and behavior. Setting can be extending in both directions. It ______2. Which image symbolizes the
analyzed in terms of urban is used to create shapes, forms
beauty of nature?
and textures. Lines can vary in
and rural and affluent or a. b. c. d.
direction, length, and width.

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poor. They maybe horizontal, ________3. In this image, what type of
vertical, diagonal, straight or line is used ?
Before you can analyze curved. They can also be thick a. vertical line c. horizontal line
or thin.
characters and setting, let us b. zigzag line d. diagonal line
first learn the meaning of ________4. What meaning is suggested by
print, non-print, and digital A line divides a space. This the rainbow colors of this image?
materials. There are different space is the area covered by a. fun and happiness c. angry
materials or resources where the entire artwork. Space can b. purity d. calm
we can get information. be positive or negative. ________5. What visual element is
These are print, non-print, Understanding positive and portrayed in this picture?
and digital materials. negative space plays an
a. shape c. distance
• Print materials refer to any important role in the
composite of artwork. Positive b. line d. symbols
publication, document, or
space is the area of interest or
record including, but not
the subject of the artwork. 1. What gender has the most
limited to, the following:
newspapers, magazines, number of deaths?
SYMBOL 2. What age range has the highest
books, photographs, A symbol instantly makes
drawings, maps, almanac, death rate?
people think of traits or
dictionary, atlas, message that they want to 3. What age range has the least
encyclopedia, yearbook, associate with a company, death rate?
magazine, etc. group, product or service. 4. What is the source of this
• Non-print materials refer to Through them, people find it update?
formats with special easier to recognize, identify, or 5. What is the source of the basic
characteristics whose recall images than texts. The data update?
symbol represents the picture.
information content can only
It can be remembered and
be accessed through the use identified with greater ease
of machines / digital than a thousand words
equipment such as e-book, e- describing a company.
journals, electronic images,
audio-visual materials, tape
recording, etc.
• Digital Materials refer to
electronic records and other
content (MS Office files,
PDFs, image, audio, or video
files, etc.) that were originally
created and/or stored in a
digital environment (such as
web servers, desktop
computers, digital cameras,
digital video recorders, etc.)
Basically, characters and
setting can be analyzed in

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print, non-print, and digital
materials. Characters used
in print, non-print, and
digital materials can be
Characters used in print,
non-print, and digital
materials can be analyzed in
terms of:
o age and gender
o race and nationality
o attitude and behavior
On the other hand, setting
used in print, non-print, and
digital materials can be
analyzed in terms of:
o urban or rural
o affluent or poor

A color is very powerful.

Looking at the colors can make
us feel happy, calm excited.
Every color has a psychological
effect that a logo designer or
photographer can use to his or
her advantage. Color can
create varied emotions. It is
important to choose colors that
best represent the character or
identity of a company,
organization or service.

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F. Developing Mastery Analyze the pictures by Learning Task 5: Choose the letter Let’s Remember This
(Leads to Formative answering the following of the picture in the columns that V___________ M __________ is
Assessment 3) questions. Write A or B that correspond to the suggested very important because you can
best describes the image. meaning of visual media below. convey your message in an
Write your answers in you
engaging way. It allows you to
see and hear the information,
making it easier to retain.
What are the three types of
visual media?
________1. This image suggests 1. I __ __ G __ S
value of distancing. 1. What colors are used in the
image or picture? ➢ It is the most common type
________2. This image
symbolizes the value of __________________________________ of visual media being used by
obedience. __________________________________ online marketers today.
________3. Value of creativeness _ 2. __ I __ __ O __
is being emphasized in this 2. What does the picture ➢ These are very engaging
picture. symbolize?
________4. This picture suggests __________________________________
__________________________________ 3. I N __ __ G __ A __ __ I C __
the value of faithfulness. ➢ Visually attractive and
________5. Value of discipline is
3. Framing was used in the present researched facts in
suggested in this image.
picture. What do you think is the ways that are very simple to
subject being emphasized in it? understand.
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4. What values are suggested by
the image?
A. Finding Practical Copy the puzzle below in your Study the images carefully.
notebook. Then, analyze and identify Directions: Complete the following
Applications of Concepts
the visual elements used in the image table by describing and analyzing
and Skills in Daily Living the picture in terms of age and
gender, race and nationality, and
attitude and behavior.

1. What is the picture all about?

2. What can you say about the
character in the picture?
3. How old do you think is the
4. What can you say about the
person’s attitude towards work?
5. Where can you usually see
this scene? Urban or rural?

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Look at the image. What
do you think its suggested
values or feelings?

These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that students will learn well. Always be guided by demonstration of learning
V. PROCEDURES by the students which you can infer from formative assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically by providing students with multiple ways to learn new
things, practice their learning, question their learning processes, and draw conclusions about what they learned in relation to their life experiences and previous
knowledge. Indicate the time allotment for each step.
B. Making Generalizations Picture analysis is the What have you leaned in our new lesson What have you leaned in our new lesson What have you leaned in our new
and Abstractions about extraction of meaningful for today? for today? lesson for today?
the Lesson information from images
by means of processing
techniques. Analysis of
characters can be done in
terms of age and gender,
race and nationality and
attitude and behavior.
Setting can be analyzed in
terms of urban and rural
and affluent or poor.

C. Evaluating Learning Let the learner watch the video Copy the word puzzle below in Analyze the image and answer the
clip “The Ripple.” Complete the questions below. Write your answers in
your notebook. Then, locate the
following table by describing your notebook.
and analyzing the video in tools on how to get the variations
terms of the criteria in the of lines in the puzzle. Encircle the
columns. correct answers.

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1. What is the caption of the visual?
1. 2. What is the first thing that captures
your interest?
3. What is the gender of the person in
What are the colors used in the image or
the picture?
2. What does the picture symbolize? 4. What do you think is the work of
3. If you look at the color black, what the person?
images do you see? 5. What message does the picture
4. What color is the positive space in the want to convey?
5. What values are suggested by the image?

D. Additional Activities for

Application or


Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your student’s progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done
VII. REFLECTION to help the students learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them
relevant questions.

A. No. of learners who earned 80% in

the evaluation

B. No. of learners who require

additional activities for

C. Did the remedial lessons work?

No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson

D. No. of learners who continue to

require remediation

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E. Which of my teaching strategies
work well? Why did these work?

F. What difficulties did I encounter

which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?

G. What innovations or localized

materials did I used/discover
which I wish to share with other

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted:


Teacher I Master Teacher I Principal III

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