Evolution British English Student
Evolution British English Student
Evolution British English Student
Expemo code:
1 Key vocabulary
What do you think the underlined words and phrases mean? In pairs, match them to their correct
meaning below.
You’re going to watch an expert talk about how many of us have been taught wrongly about evolution.
First, discuss the questions below.
After watching the talk, answer the questions below according to the speaker.
1. What feature of your body does the speaker say is an indicator of evolution?
3. When did organisms evolve that contained more than one cell?
a. around two billion years b. around three billion years c. around four billion years
ago ago ago
5 Talking Point
1. Was there anything in the talk which particularly surprised you? If so, what?
2. Do you agree with what the speaker says about humans evolving from fish rather than monkeys?
Why or why not?
3. Do you think that you will think differently about evolution after watching this talk? Why or why