Wiss Pinking Shears Form PS1 Accessory Instruction Manual
Wiss Pinking Shears Form PS1 Accessory Instruction Manual
Wiss Pinking Shears Form PS1 Accessory Instruction Manual
T large pinking teeth
! ~ ·~
I~ I
T Standard pinking teeth
w;th w;, p;nk ;n
~;ets, - ~
a: ~~astecs, shelv;n~ ~r --. ~~
labe lsI' gay table9 mats
efo,e bak;n
shears f
p last;c
Shears you wn make.
'nt< cu't.
cook;e and ; a'ns -
g. (Be sure
a terward s. )
p e dough
to dean you'
~ ~~
~ ··~
3 ,.;;.?\
To make a handsome
jewelled evening bag in
P1nk the end~
ho~r r1bbons
them to barr
bobby pms .
~~ . ~"'~- ~
r s' J.-_ .,._,
;;, ~ --....
\\:~/~~~ ~lf!f
of sister's
s Fasten
rettes o r
A good polishing cloth
con be mode out of old
blankets with Wiss
Pinking Shears.
Some of the reasons for the
Superiority of WISS Pinking Shears
WISS Appliques
Decorate your sk~rt,
. sweater, ap ron ' tote bag,. den, The
m or nurse ry with th ese gay colorful applique s. y
::: easy and fun to make with Wiss Pinking Shears.
~~~ ·.8
~~~ I
Pattern #130 includes all appliques illuStrated above.
Save as You Go ... with
WISS Pinking Shears
For a fre sh ironi':"g board
cov er , ju s t pink u n-
ble ach ed mu slin or o ld
sh eet to size.
A dashing felt lounging ~- '>
jacket, p1nked through- ,....
out-It ' s a breeze to ~ · .:: J
make and inexpensive, ...,. /
('!l~-1.~l .
~~:! §!. ; (l .
trl ', · t.;~
(7 Yo;- WISS P
\S;;~~D Golf club mils to protect
the woods, a bag for
tees. A " tee caddy" for
your belt. All pinked.
' '"-" it'i'
An easy to make corry-
all bag with contrasting
monogram - hand somely
f inished with Wiss Pink -
E ing Shears.
Make a pinked felt ska t-
ing cap to hold your
curls ... a cardigan with
a pinked posy border,
'I '~
F For funK- and~~~ s~~h
Spark up a swea ter or make o~pliques.
mer, scene
dress with pinked fe lt
collar and cuffs trimmed
with contrasting braid.
Q 1
Wiss Pinker Belt - con-
toured to flatter your
waist. Initial it, or at-
tach a tiny change purse.
. 1\
A b,;ght pla•t;, ga,den
apron w1th conven1ent
pockets for your W1ss ..
garden tools Matching ~
foam rubb e r kneel1ng
pad. H ~
Y~ 'l-;?::!:A!J,
t:r . ~
A folding felt jewelry
case with separate com-
partment!. for earrings,
necklaces, pins - pinked
all around
Pinker Fashions v~:--· /
·- =v.; ' ',
;~ ~ ~·,~ h;!~'·~=~·;·'-~
"- ' ,,, . - ?
! 9 J -··
pinked felt or plastic.
~ _ L
A pinked capelet of
lightest weight felt for
bedroom wear. Trim
with ribbon and felt cor-
~ //
. . . .:. ~~
_ .·
casual outdoor wear,
pinked sandals with
cork soles. Trim them as ' ~-'/
you will. -/
Wiss Pattern Order Form
For. all patterns send to:
J. Wiss & Sons Company, Dept. F, Newark 7, New Jersey
Please send me th e f o ll ow ing patterns:
D A) Pattern No . 124 ... 25¢ 0 H) Pattern No. 128 . .. 25¢
0 B) Pattern No. 100 ... 10¢ D I) Pa ttern No. 108 ... 25¢
0 C) Pattern No. 96., .10¢ 0 J) Pattern No. 101., .15¢
0 D) Pattern No. 126 .. . 25¢ 0 K) Pattern No. 101 . . 15¢
0 E) Pattern No. 118 . . 25 ¢ 0 l ) Pa ttern No. 121 ... 25 ¢
0 F) Pattern No. 97 ... 10¢ 0 M) Pa ttern No. 115 . .. 25¢
0 G) Pattern No. 103 .. 15¢ 0 N) Pattern No. 122 . . 25¢
0 Wiss Applique Pattern No. 1 14 .... .. 25¢
0 Wiss Applique Pattern No. 1 13. . ... 10¢
D Wiss App lique Pattern No. 130. .25¢
0 Wiss Felt Packet hold s six pieces 6" x 9"
fe lt, e nve lop e of jewels, professio nal nee -
dle and pattern No. 113 . .$ 1.00
0 Il lustrated list of 40 pattern s . . . 25¢
Name _______________________________________
Address _____________________________________
CHARGE 0 CHECK 0 C. 0. D. 0
Prices plus state and local taxes where nec essary.
PSl - 250M - 9 / 57 P R l NTED lN U .S . A