Wiss Pinking Shears Form PS1 Accessory Instruction Manual

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For Fun, Fashion and Economy

Pinking shears are among the greatest time and

labor saving sewing devices ever invented. Once
you own a pair you will wonder how you ever got
along without them. They free you from the dull un-
inspiring side of dressmaking - finishing seams by
means of tedious overcasting or binding. They will
also serve you in a multitude of other ways in all
your sewing proiects.
What are pinking shears? They are shears which
cut a neat regular zig-zag edge that is ravel-resistant
and give an attractive finish to all kinds of fabrics
and materials such as fe lt, plastic, oilcloth and paper,
iust to name a few .
J. Wiss & Sons Company has perfected Pinking
Shears so that they will cut all fabrics from the heavi-
est to the sheerest, and several thicknesses at a time,
cleanly and smoothly. They give seams a neat pro-
fessional finish and should be used in all case s ex-
cept when the fabric is extremely "ravelly". Some
dressmakers cut directly from the pattern with their
Wiss Pinking Shears.
You'll have a lot of fun, too, using your pinking
shears for their decorative effect as well as for their
practical application. On the following pages are
illustrated some Wiss Pinker Fashions- attractive
gift ideas, amusing appliques, uses for your pinking
shears in the home and a few sh.ort cuts to household

Patterns keyed on subsequent pages are available through

J. WISS & SONS CO. See page 11 for order form.
! I ' I
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T large pinking teeth

CB-9-9" Black Handles,

nickel plated blades

! ~ ·~
I~ I

T Standard pinking teeth

CB-7-?v,'' Black Handles,

nickel plated blades
CC-7 -7Y2'' Chrome plated

CB-5-5Y2' Black Handles,

nickel plated blades
CC-5-5 Y2" Chrome plated

For industrial and professional use, ask for Model

AA-1 OW' Pinking Shears.
Ask to see the new Wiss Skalloping Shears.
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w;th w;, p;nk ;n

~;ets, - ~
a: ~~astecs, shelv;n~ ~r --. ~~
labe lsI' gay table9 mats
efo,e bak;n
shears f
p last;c
Shears you wn make.

'nt< cu't.
cook;e and ; a'ns -
g. (Be sure
a terward s. )
p e dough
to dean you'

At home ... with

WISS Pinking Shears
When making slip covers, pink seams
for ravel resistance. (They should be
fitted inside out as illustrated.)

:~:~ your lamp

3oftull blesk;,,
for one ~r taffeta
finish. ttroctive

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To make a handsome
jewelled evening bag in

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bright felt is fun and
easy with Wiss Pinking

metic bag - just stitch it

around, and pink the
edges .

When you make shoul -

der pads at home, pink
them all around like the
professionals do.

Notions and Novelties ... wit

P1nk the end~
ho~r r1bbons
them to barr
bobby pms .

For dusting, any soft

material stitched firmly
together with a piece of
pinked gingham to hold
your hand.

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Party favors, paper
napkins and silver foil
candle ho lder ore otfroc-
--. <" tive ly made with pink-
ing shears.
Have a case on your
dancing slippers! Make
one of pinked felt. A
wonderful gift for the

Make a snap-on hanger

cover w ith pinked felt
or chintz, extending it
an inch of both ends.

th WISS Pinking Shears

of sister's
s Fasten
rettes o r
A good polishing cloth
con be mode out of old
blankets with Wiss
Pinking Shears.

Some of the reasons for the
Superiority of WISS Pinking Shears

They ore hot drop-forged of high quality cutlery

steel. Hot drop-forging gives steel qualities which
cannot be dup licated by any other t reatment. The
teeth ore formed and fitted by on exclusive Wiss
process which assures perfect adjustment and easy
The uniform hardness of the teeth in the opposing
blades of Wiss Pinking Shears assures that neither
blade will wear into the other and cause cutting
failure .
The special curve of the blades provides a wid e r
angle at each point of cut, to accomplish the positive
cutting for which Wiss Pinking Shears ore famous.
The bolt is scientifica lly constructed, fitted with
watchmaker precision and equipped with a spring
washer to odd to their flexibility in cutting heavy a s
well as extremely sheer fabrics .
Wiss Pinking Shears ore fully guaranteed against
defects in workmanship or mate rial. TheWiss reputa-
tion for over a hundred years of unsurpassed quality
manufacturing stands behind this guarantee. Look
for the Wiss brand for your assurance of quality .
For sharpening Wiss Pinking Shears return
to J . Wiss & Sons Company, Newark 7, New Jersey .
It is suggested that a check or money order in th e
amount of $1.65 be enclosed, for which your shears
will be comp le tely reconditioned and returned to
you. Be sure to include your ret urn address.

WISS Appliques
Decorate your sk~rt,
. sweater, ap ron ' tote bag,. den, The
m or nurse ry with th ese gay colorful applique s. y
::: easy and fun to make with Wiss Pinking Shears.

Pa tt e rn # 11 3 includ es all appliques illustrate d above.

(This patte rn .IS .me Iu de d in the Wi ss Felt Packet.)

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~~~ I
Pattern #130 includes all appliques illuStrated above.
Save as You Go ... with
WISS Pinking Shears
For a fre sh ironi':"g board
cov er , ju s t pink u n-
ble ach ed mu slin or o ld
sh eet to size.

Cut o ut the p icture s of

l d C hri s tma s c ords
~ ith pinkin g s h e ars,
mo un t th em o n colorful
f o lde rs f o r next y ear·

Sa lvage wor n sheets by

~~i~i ~Ge~h~;n f~r~~h~~~
ha ndk erchi efs, With W•ss
Pinking She ars.


A dashing felt lounging ~- '>
jacket, p1nked through- ,....
out-It ' s a breeze to ~ · .:: J
make and inexpensive, ...,. /

('!l~-1.~l .

~~:! §!. ; (l .

Flowers are always in

fashion. Th ese are hand -
some ones made of felt,
Felt lounging slippers
c \ I
with pinking shears.
with a touch of whimsy.
Ea sy to make with Wiss
Pinking Shears.

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(7 Yo;- WISS P
\S;;~~D Golf club mils to protect
the woods, a bag for
tees. A " tee caddy" for
your belt. All pinked.
' '"-" it'i'

An easy to make corry-
all bag with contrasting
monogram - hand somely
f inished with Wiss Pink -
E ing Shears.
Make a pinked felt ska t-
ing cap to hold your
curls ... a cardigan with
a pinked posy border,

'I '~
F For funK- and~~~ s~~h
Spark up a swea ter or make o~pliques.
mer, scene
dress with pinked fe lt
collar and cuffs trimmed
with contrasting braid.
Q 1
Wiss Pinker Belt - con-
toured to flatter your

waist. Initial it, or at-
tach a tiny change purse.

. 1\
A b,;ght pla•t;, ga,den
apron w1th conven1ent
pockets for your W1ss ..

garden tools Matching ~
foam rubb e r kneel1ng
pad. H ~

Y~ 'l-;?::!:A!J,
t:r . ~
A folding felt jewelry
case with separate com-
partment!. for earrings,
necklaces, pins - pinked
all around
Pinker Fashions v~:--· /

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pinked felt or plastic.

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A pinked capelet of
lightest weight felt for
bedroom wear. Trim
with ribbon and felt cor-

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. . . .:. ~~
_ .·
casual outdoor wear,
pinked sandals with
cork soles. Trim them as ' ~-'/
you will. -/
Wiss Pattern Order Form
For. all patterns send to:
J. Wiss & Sons Company, Dept. F, Newark 7, New Jersey
Please send me th e f o ll ow ing patterns:
D A) Pattern No . 124 ... 25¢ 0 H) Pattern No. 128 . .. 25¢
0 B) Pattern No. 100 ... 10¢ D I) Pa ttern No. 108 ... 25¢
0 C) Pattern No. 96., .10¢ 0 J) Pattern No. 101., .15¢
0 D) Pattern No. 126 .. . 25¢ 0 K) Pattern No. 101 . . 15¢
0 E) Pattern No. 118 . . 25 ¢ 0 l ) Pa ttern No. 121 ... 25 ¢
0 F) Pattern No. 97 ... 10¢ 0 M) Pa ttern No. 115 . .. 25¢
0 G) Pattern No. 103 .. 15¢ 0 N) Pattern No. 122 . . 25¢
0 Wiss Applique Pattern No. 1 14 .... .. 25¢
0 Wiss Applique Pattern No. 1 13. . ... 10¢
D Wiss App lique Pattern No. 130. .25¢
0 Wiss Felt Packet hold s six pieces 6" x 9"
fe lt, e nve lop e of jewels, professio nal nee -
dle and pattern No. 113 . .$ 1.00
0 Il lustrated list of 40 pattern s . . . 25¢

Store Order Form

Plea se se nd me the fol lowing items:
D Model CB-5 (B lack Hand les) at $4 .95
0 Mode l CC-5 (Ch rom e Plated) at $5.50
0 Model CB-7 (B lack Hand le s) a t $6.95
0 Model CC-7 (C hrome Plated) at $7.95
0 Model C8-9 (B la ck Handle s) at $7 .95
0 Model CC -9 (Ch ro me Plated) at $8.95

Name _______________________________________

Address _____________________________________

City _____________________________ Zone _ __


CHARGE 0 CHECK 0 C. 0. D. 0
Prices plus state and local taxes where nec essary.

PSl - 250M - 9 / 57 P R l NTED lN U .S . A

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