Ool:l, O1uarb TN : L Er!l !L J - J
Ool:l, O1uarb TN : L Er!l !L J - J
Ool:l, O1uarb TN : L Er!l !L J - J
L~er!L~~!l~~~J~~_J ~~~~~~~~~~~~~.!Facilities For Ice
Noted Journalist
Coming to Narberth
r~ " . --'fl Skating In Narberth
"JIltact on(fart4t:
DtU " ~ ~ool:l, ~o1uarb~tn ~ OUTDOOR RINK PROVIDED BY
~ ~Oinrtrrlt ~ltb ~
ITY CLUB MEETING. jliIultbrrb l!!:lDrl1tp·ol1t prarl! ago tlJrtt kinas /II.b, a AVENUES.
pilgrimage to tbe bumble place wlJere tbe j'iibine ~fJilb oprneb JI,is star rprs ~
~ \ 1 I:i -, \" : ~ r! 'I' r t II i... t (I II:, \ I' '1 r 1 ' I: I t-
\\'hat "ill 1'!'l't:liJlJ,\' ! II' \: Ill' II r tIll'
witb tbelr ligbts of dernitp to an erring mankinb! mlJe tfJree kings brougbt bach dlill r il'I' "'\,;11; /I:..: I i Ill, !
ill~ 111":,1 : II
IlItI:"t illt l·I'l· ... t :lf1';1 i I:"'. {.\ t'r
,~ to tfJe wbole worlb tf)e rebeeming message tbat our iJi,abiour was born! ThallI, ... tIl l!ll' :'<;'1'111'1'1'1 T,'lIlli ... \ .. ~<l'
'x:tr'Jll'rth i:-, lll'ill},! alr:1I1).:!',1 11.\' tllt' \rll-
.J '''lll''''y 111.
(JII thi:-; 1H'1':I:--ioll :":11"11':'111. :I'" \\1·11 of tbe worlb srnb tfJtir Ilttssengrrs to make a pilgrimage to tbe lanb wbrre furbom ff, t \'1' ;oil lllrt
t ]11" "'1':1"'1111
] ill:it .. ,
:111'] I; ~!l t .;1 1:1 r
H:-- tht· ('Ollllllllllit ," ('lid" \\ i:: I,I' 11'111- was born-tbnt frrebom wbicb rebeenteb al~ tbe peoples of suppression anb slaberp. ~
.\ II t hill ~ ... IlII\\ IWI'lh,,1 j .. t Ill' ~I'
nrt'd iI.," tIll' 1""':-;1'111'" llf Frl"!"ril')' \\'iJ· tI::be \tlorlb's messengers besire to bring back to tf)e peoples tf)e great message of ~:Iry ,'o],l \\1';11!l1'1".
li:ulI \Yih', Ollt' of .\lIlpril':\ ':-- Illll ... t IIllt".]
ui'w:"paIH'f ,·orrl'spflJldl'lIt~. \\ 1111 \\ ill
"farnce on ~artb: ~oob WiU tI::obJarb Jarn." ('{lllll' 011. 1111\\. :\1 r, H!i .. '. lIlil T"l1ll is
M ~,
.\:-islll'i:tlillll 11:1'" .I'lIlt' it . . p:lrt: Il'l\\' .~' ..
~i\'l' a tnlk Oil our ~atillll:l] 1':11':1:,1 ns
<!!)ur soul's beeprst tbougbts art witb tfJe earnest men \tll)o art expressing lip yH11 ~
th(' ~rt'att'~t IIt'\\S ('('lIt"1" ill tli,· \\ I,rlel.
:\Ir. \"il,' i..; ('lllfling Ill' fllllil \\·:I:"h· fJ~ our brart's longings. Th"
!'11111'1'" lJ! 1111'
"f 1 h,'
\ ..... '10'::1·
~ ~bis etbristmas srason is more significant tf)an manp otbers. •r prap tbat ~~
iug-ton t'xpn'~:,ly til gi\'t' t1l::-- t:ll), ill
lioll'~ ;":T'lllllol .. ;If lI:l\I'!"!'I}r,1 :lll.! ~dlltlt·
~arht'rth, alld iJi yip\\ lit' hj~ \\ i,ll' :Jlld
f'xtl'allrdil1ar~' t':'\l'eril'tlt'" :I:' :\ .1 11 ;11'11:1]- fJ~ tf)e worbs of €f)rist be fulfiUrb for rbrr: "f;leacr on eartb: ~oob ~ill ~o\tlarb .fflenl" ft ,l.!.tlllll'1'y :t \·'·!lllt· ... tilt' 10\\ l·r ,'dlll! ~ ~I,,-
M ;;1 ",,~~.
(A/Vv~£A;tJ ~tif7<b::/
ill~ P1I
fh,' 11:1\'1'1"1'111',1
Theft' is JlO I11:l1l ill .\lllt'ri(':1 \\hll
of 0111' 101';11 :trt i:..:t:..:.
know:, HllIJ't.' ahout what g,-Of'S 4111 111'-
As ~tafl'd ahov{', ~'Vt\:'ythilli! i~ ill
hind thl' J1l'W~ fW{'JlC':" ill \Ya:-<hill,~tllll
!".1':lllilll':'S ,It tht' "llnr!:-- for ilH\ jIT',!lt'r
thlln Frpcl,'rirk \Y. \\'il", HI' is "t 1'l't".
dr0l' in thl' tt'llll't'l'atlll'l.'. Tllt' '1\'IIIli:'"
.'lIt jll ,'h"rl:" of th .. l'hiJ"dl'll'hili 1'1Ib-
.\s~tll'iatif'll h:l'" l'llillplt'tt'd J1t·(·I' .... ~ITy
J\:iug" will he sung hr tlH' ~Il'thoclist "on!'; alld \,h·id pidul'l's the trul' :,tory ('horus of tIll' \\'OIlIt'II ' S ('Olllllltillit,'"
Choir on i:'lIur1"y ('\'pning, Dl'l'elll1>£'r "I' th .. tl'nihle {anlin .. that now holll:' ~'is:' Ava ~luih"lIallc1 is hOllle frolll Cluh ill tllt' I'r"shytl'rillll "hnr..]1 la,t .:.)0, :'\a1'lwr:h. I'a" \\:-l:' lll'}d ill tIll" 'y,
25th, at i,.!;i. The sol"ists will he :\Irs. in its grip so!llC :llI,IJOO,OOO of the Hus' l'ollt'g" ov,'r th,' :"lIas holidays. :\Jonda.v e\,PlliJig. :\1. C. .\. Hilildillg till ~loJl.dH,\· ~'\'f"';~1-:!,
:Hl\rry BrallIer, Mrs. Will. Taylor, :\Iiss ,ian 1'1'01'1 .. Ii\"iul!: in the provine", of TIll' Chorus \\as assi,t<'d 1>,\' }"'.\' Ih'l'I'lIillt'r U1tll, Tht, dinl'f'l' wa~ ~t'r\'l'll
Ruth Prescot t, :\1 rs. \" ('ruou I~lel'k, :\1 rs, th .. \'olga Hi\"t'r \·alll'y. ~Ir. alld ~[r,. \\'. ~r. Claflin han' tak('11 _oprallos frolll .\11 ~llillts' Epis"ol'al II." thl' I<ill~'~ ll1111,!,!lltl'f":-<' ~(Il'it·t.". :ul.l
,J, A. Foote, Mrs. Frnllk Ahbott, 1>-Jr. Tht' wonb Wl'rt' spoken hy ~Iiss Anua apartlll"lIts at I1il Dlldl ..y ,\VI~. ('hoir, and I>y L"roy A. Alt'jo" forluerly tht l 1'J'(wet'd ... \\ (11"" fill' thp lWlll'tit ( I f ~he
-E,l\"an1 ·Stnnll'~', Mr. .J. H. Heck, :\Ir. .T. Haiu('" of ~foon'8to\\'n. X .•T., au,l of ~t. I'l'Ier'~ ('hurdl, I'hilad,'ll'hin, "lIoli,ln~' HOII'''.'' II ,11111111('1' 111l11l" [l'r
Frank f'mith, :\rr. George HussI,1I I'hilad .. lphia, who has hut Intely reo ~Ii~" .Iall(' E. ('ohi .. iH workiug at now orguuil"t in a Cnllldl'll ('hllrrh, thl' floor ehil,lr,'n in l'hiJa",~lflhia.
Strauss, hnritoue soloist of ~t. .T aull's' tUTlwd to the. l"nitl'tI ::ltntes from the thl' I'o,t Oflke ,lurillg' t,h(' lrolitl:l~·S. Th,' ,ing,'r, I'esllt,".lt'tl spl"llliidly to Thl' Ilnnllal I,](,(·tillll (If olli,·,'r.. t",.k
. Episcopal Chur"h. Philurlelphia, will '·cry hca rt of the famiue region, Th" ~Ir. Da\'id Spratt's J"ud"l'ship, "sl"'- 1'1:1('1' .fllld the fllllowin:,!; IItHcl'r", \\t'I'('
sing the part of Herail. You arl! cor- pidllres were projeetl!d ou the bcreeu l'illlly ill shading thl' soft IlIlInh~"'s and ,'It'l'led:
from nctual photographs taken hy Miss .Illhn "'iIsnll allli Thnnla~ ~Inrtill "r(' COllln,llllol,'r. Ilany .-\. ~illlfl~oll; \" i.·"
dially invitl'd. ,IUIII1>,,1' song's. 'I'll(' hulunl'e uf parts
Haiut's in the course of hl'r recent hOll'1' frolll ('olgate !'niYerslty for the C"lI1nllll"I,'rs. \Yaltl'r ~r. Hurkhar,It,
llnt! ('ontrol of toue were pnrti"ularly
travels thrOltgh Russin fiS n relief work- holidlly', J[l'nry G. Rpurk,; PORt Finan.'(' Offii',>r,
I:ood, in Hpite of the fart that many
LUTHERAN SERVICES ('r nnd investigator for the American IlIl'mhl'Ts of th(' Chorn, \Yl'l'e ahsent. .John A.~I()\yrt'r, .Ir.; Post ,\11.illt 11I1t ,
Frieu,ls Service Conlluittel'. ~{iss Gert.rudl' D. Hoss, of l\l t. Holy- The Chorus wishes to express thanks \\'allt'r R. Wright; ";x"('lIlh't' CUll1ll1it.-
·Y. M. C. A. BUILDING, CHRISTMAS, At the outset of her talk ?o.liss Haiues okl' ('0 II ('ge. iH spending the Uhristlllas for the us,, of the l'resbytl'rilln Church tl'e, Wiuthrop B. lll'rby, L Willil~m
3 P. M. .-aicl that whilo it was tnll' that there holitlays Ilt hOHlt'. and for vestments find hymuals from Glosl', Holnnol K. III'\\'itt, IL T. ~l1Ietl
Wl're II numher of miuor eontrihuting ,\II Saints' Church. They are especially Il'y and Willinll1 H. WiH'.
soio. ")light of ~ights., \"nu 11(, "'lltl'r cnuses of the famine. the .. hief RUII (Continued·, 011 Page 4) gratl'flll to MrH. A. B. Hoss for her Tlrl' gnl'Rts uf thl' PMt 'Hr<' lI' fol,
)Iiss Gertrndl' Hptwt'.'r. TI'II1]11e funtlnml'ntnl ('nusl' wns the almost un· ,'arpfu! "e]"l'tion of qnuillt curol" and lowl':
_ ·Chuuh, Philn. preeNleuted 'lrought throughoout the 01,1 plain SOUgH of forlllPT eentnri ..:, fllld Bell.iillnin H, Llllllo\\',}~~q.,\V. R. D,
. TIle Story of the Fir>l1: Christmas. cutire Yolga Ynlley, puring a Illlriod OLASSIFIED ADVERTiSEMENTS for the arrangement of the detuilH of Hall, I'rr'8itl .. llt of Counl'iI, Willianl II.
Dr. :4. D. Dllugh('rty whl'u the normal rain full should hnve Ihl' eoncert. Crt'nJl1l'r, Esq., IIl1d thl' Borough Bur-
St'lection hy Qll1lrtet. .)~llrberth Siugers b('en lof iuc'hes, th,'re f"ll only 2.5 Two 'centl per word It C!ub accom- "Xo,," ll'! hn,nllnas rillg', a 'l'r nil the g'I'RS to tnkl' oflirl', ('uri B. l\1l'tzgl'T.
panies advertllement; otherwlle, live
~i·~,..rheStorv of the Fir"t Christmus Tree inches of ruin, antI this was ,luring earth ~Ir_ Lndlow' .. "".lnS:' was wo\'th~' of.
centl per word.
~.:,' Silfnt,Xight! Holy ::"light, the l'ritienl growing months of the Pro,'lnim th .. infant .Tl'sus' hirth. a large lludif'nl'l', hut 1101. nn_ in<li\"idnnl
... )liss GertrudI' Hpaetl'r graiu erop. Hprl'olId the gllld titlings of u Fluviour "11111<1 hll\'l' ,'njoy,',1 it any 1110rl' thun
Pianist , .... , .. )'Ii!<.~ };bhn R. H.iohoIm JOB PBINTING OFFIOE for sale, found, . di,l <'a"h I1Inll IH'>8I'nl.
.' 'The. puhlie if! ('or'linlly invitRd.. Owner has moved. Press, type, and Wit-h .ioy let every heurt aboun,L 'I'll<' n"1\1 1I11't'lin/( of the I'o't will ;,e
(Continued on Page 4)
nil necessary equipment. Reasonable. Our Lord iH horn! Grel'u garlands ill~I,1 on ~Inn,lny ,'vl'ning, .Jnllunry ::?3rd.
A splendid chance for Ilome High School bring. Th,' I'o:'t 1I1('l't~ th,' fourth :\IolI,lny of
boy to run in spare time Bta 'profit. \Ve'll erowu th .. a,>w,horn JIIfullt I'\"l'r,\' 1l10nth nll,1 a nllmh('r of pTOlll-
f~~,,:'" ,~,' CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS. MUllt be sold at once. Address J'B, care inl'nt RpNtkl'rs hu\'r 1)('('n lined up.
I::: ;..- ..:.....,..--:---------.....- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - King.
Our Town, or phone 1238,J. (101')
r,::·:. Fixed. Meeting'Dates. Sing we ~oeI, Xoel, ~OI'I."
:*:,,:IJorough Oo~dl· . Monthiy-S4lCOJ1d Monday COUllcUCha.tnber GlRL WANTED to help with house,
1,,·.:, :Narberth Bldg.. a.nd .Loa.n Ass'n Monthly-First ThU11lda.y OOllilci1 Cha.tnber
?i';;' <Amer1caD Legion Bldg. & L'n Ass'n Monthly-l'o:at Tuesday x,egion Building
work 1l10rJlingR. PhQ'lle Narberth CHRISTMAS SERVICE
346-J. (ll~Jl) OHANGE IN BOARD OF HEALTH at the
!'f+i.. "N~1:Ierth Ci~c' Msoclation Mi)Jithlf';"'Th11'dThUtllday (jounc:ll Ch4!mber BAPTIST CHURCH
,.r('·Narberth !'tre 'Comp~ . . Monthly'--Laat ~eilday. .. Fire House SUNDAY
it:'BcimeaJld·Schocif Asiloclation M(ln~y-silcond~UtB48.yWgliSchoOI OHILD'S OAX DESK for sale. In
Prc"idellt W. R D. Hull, of BorougII 10.15 A. M.
~:,:::!J&f~eith Ch0ralSo~etY , W eekly.;...1\IondaYE.veD11iglJY. M. C.A. cx<:ellent condition. Price reusonable. Christmas8keteh
Phone Narbcl'tb 636. (H,p) Council, ~us uppointed James W. Fol- "How the Little Ohurch Kept
,h,' ·Da~.,.
h·:_ ,,' '.... ~
Name,ot organlzationa.nd
. . . ..::-;. ::'~ '; . ',: .'
' ".: '
. .' . _. ' .. ; .'
Pla,ce. ' Hour. lin prt"llidcnt of othe N"arberth Bourd j •
7:45 P. M.·
Christ1JUU5" .
LiBERAL BEWAltpfordeScription or ·of He-nlth to succeed E. G. Griswold,
·;~';·P;~ii. ~ 21.;.~ •. Ai~~~~:M:e~i~Jig •.. ~ .•..:•... ;School Auditoril1m..; ••••• " S;OOP•.M. .·OUY, information. ,that. will lead. to who resigned to servo on Bocougll Christmas Cantata
..ShepheidS of B6th1ebem' ,
Decc 2S All1ntnLOhristlDa" DAnce •• ~ .ElmIiall •••• n . " ; s.OOP. M. .. i\PprehellSion of. pel'!lon:orpersons who CQundls•
(Dc;marellt} •
D.,;e;,;S1,,·:·;Fi~~· Qo,: 'New Year DaDc~.;;El.m·Hall. ·•••••• : •••••• ,•••• ,9.00 P.M.' r:emovoodahlia.'B~dglO:diolibulbs~rolll . lilt;, F.ollin is ex·commander of all THURSDAY :7.45 P. M.
J:~; ··1~~;:~:.H6mi;ii.ndiSc~ool¥eethig •• ;~;SIlhOlll AuditQ~iuin •• .J~.; • • 8;00 :P;M'.: . JlltNCI;.2~,;~arliroolt Park•. , Address local post
Clf tbilAm.ericali Legion,u!!d . <ihriiltntlls FQstival .
P,~e;:"21~,,:.:.qomni~~i~(llUb '¥eeiii,,~.;: .. ·M~ C.A; )iuUding••••• ; '•. 2.3PP;~.· r.. Box lisi· ·(ll~p) ie' well known toNargej.t~ people. <
. "A·.])OU'I
:.~ .
, .... ",'
" ... .. ·.'1·· ,'.
,Telephones. or course•••
n" "",I fllld T'111>1i,h,',1 ('n'n' s,,! nr,la,'
h." tIlt\ :\;lrllcrtlJ C'i\ iI' .\:-O"llt:i~l~inll. .
1268 HOWARD'S deliver -
place -
&Il1 ",:
r ll1Jcll'd
,hi' lir .. f
,\"I';I!' .....
10 tlit' 11 1'11-
\\ hl'tllt'l' Ih,'l'1\ i:-, :111.\' nth4'1' l·lJl'llIll1l\it~·
/If \'nrhl\rlh's SiZll "hit')1 h:\...; t'njll.vt'll
l'ollll':lraldl' t'lltl'rtaillllll'llt frolB it:.; 0\\11
c. P. COOK I
YII'e'\'rl'Si<lclll .. ,
10seph H. KllSh
:\lI~lI:-:t:l~ .T. Loo~
r'.t'Ilt", .d' tIll' ':tllll'rlli ('he,r:l!
III Iitl \\ It.\ {'(llli.! t Ii., l'('l1i,~ II :--I';I-it "f
;-;'uci,·:.\·, t:dl'll!. HUI II a,,;, \\'fllI
hu,,'I- iu " \\idt'r HI,I.] . .\t tht' ~tt','1
"i'·,',"rc,i>lcllt".". :llr'. C. P. Fowler ,
Tn''','''r,'r, ... ,::\li" :ll:lizil' .T. ~iJl1pson
. j I , I 'II r i '"' tlll:1 :-0 ... I': I .. ( I ~ I 11 :1 \ t' I 111111' I 111, I rt' Pit"r. ill ,\tlalltil' ('ity. :llld at :11(' I
Coke, $8.00, Chuted I
ill,,!,ilil.:": !·xl,n·:--,i'·1I 111:111 lilr'I'I~h \I,'lr"l"oIitatt llulI"'. iu l'hil,,01,<
f'\"'retary .. , . , . , , .... H"],,'rt .T. Edgar flit' (}I"'!'''
Nut Coal 14.25, " I
Dirp..t"r,. to ,en't' \I11til Hl2:l: 11:rs.
Jloloert F. \\'00,1, .1. (;arfield .-\thl'rholt,
II'n~tt·rl\.I'1 I'
11101"'\\' PI'
thi"i l'lIia, ;t" chorn} :';:J1;.!illg- lkli~!Jtt'd gl't':lt
I h rl1llf!",
Stove " . 14.25, "
I. ~\, ::\lilll'r. ('. I.a\\ r"ll"p \\'nrwick, '111'1' ,tf till'"'' \\ h., li-II'IlI"! ,"Jwlllllllillol ~IJ,·II :1 l'l'I'Ord td' :It'I'OJIl pLsh 11IVllt 1,.\' Pea " 11.00, "
A, E. \\'I,hl"rt, Philip ~\. Livillg5ton.
Dir"I't":',. to ,('1"'1' \I"til I!):!:!: J. J.
111 I!'" II ::.i'··· ii' 11:11111111111'" (':I II II I \ I' \..'01" r':lll.," of :1111:lt 1'111' art i .. t·· i,.. l I l l i ' I Egg " 14.00, " I
~ ; I ; ! ," I ! tI : tl ,~·111 : r r ( I ! II : lit, 1'1 tlt~ . . ·t'n ill;': th~ highl':-ot 11rni;;:t', The lll.l,-.t
Cnlon'y. "'"it"r .\. F"x. Ii. H, HiJ],'gas,
C. II, .\. ('h"ill. \\'. H, D. 1Iall, H"rry illliuPIII·I'''' 111:11
I ~I'\ :I~_" I,
I' \
l' >111'\.'
1'1111.11' ,\ L1\'j,\(;,.,Ttl,\.
I' \. 11:1 \;' g:llJ! III - :1,\' 111;11 t 1l11!ltlll'r ... hort :I l'l'ri(Hi lh(' ,";Iwit':y \\.dl\.1 111,i I
h:lt! IOCH'l i' ... :"':llitil':II1I'I' :1" til,> 1'1I]- 011;," l'fltr:III('i.' tlI t ' llill .. jl· Ill\I'I'''; (If II ..
Ill; 1!:11 i Il~' 1,11',,,1 III :111 l'l'~d It i/,:t! ;,'11 11\\ II t (l \\ II. 1)11 t l'a] It :11'" : 111' ;l! 'I t~a 11"1' I d' ! Nothing Completes the Yuletide Spirit Like
\1\11.11,: .1, :--1\11',.,1)\, \,11 1,1J III11y \\,·11 I ... I'Hlll'lllll" of 1 ri ('rit il'al IIH't rflp"lit:11I al1dil'lll'I'~, I Good Candy
Cashier. ,,1111 il. \:-- ttl 1:I~t Frill:l.\··~ 1'1.IIII't·r1. :ll,l\II(I.\}· I
~t .I'~
:dl:1 hl'r:i~;I1~ :lll'! !ll'W'" 11t'ltl 1"
1';\l'!'Y llffl'1I1i\I' ;111,lilttl'. ,·\t'll Iltllligh 1·,Jg"I'llICld \\0111.1 1,(' il1l'lllllplt,t" \\ irh,llit
Have you a I\tothel" Ha\'e you a Wife
r. tJ. Hil' ~h;';. ::II'), ill.~ 1. I'h flll',ll 11111 ... il':' I 1,1111\\ 1I',I!...:I'. II 1'111 illll "I' .11(, :t·"'ij~tillg ar.i:-,t:..: . Pl);-II- Have you a Sweetheart Han you a Child
Ul1f TtI\\"!' " ,II! "':!l' :l! till' tll'JlIl1 :Illt .. l 11:1 \'1' Ill'I'1l iI1I!II'I'''''''I',f ",\' till' .. i- t h,\' .lllhll ... t HIli' H:I:-.-t'~I'I', h:ll'pi'olt I'; 1f;1 rr~ i Is thel·e a Flapper in )'our Family
nt~\\ .. ":l:III'!. :1:,,1 :1' 111~' "!II]'" (If ]1. l:. \ ,'" ... it ,\' III' tlll' Jll'lI~1 :1111111 1'. 11 It·h \1. illik"t!'. ,'ill""i-t. :11,01 Hell (;ll,ik,>!l. i
Then Top Off Their Happiness
r:ll1g'I'c1 frtllll 1111' :Iiril· ... t llf IJIIIIIlll'r~ ,0 I'l']li .. t. fl]1' 1:1,-.t two Ilt'il1g Illt'lId't r ... ,,j'
Enl ~II'I' 1 :1"" "1'1'11f!ll 1,1:, "'.. 111:11 tt'f
: with a Real Xmas Present of Home-made Candr-
Ortn!I('r 1,1, 1~114. :11 lb,' I'tl ... ~ ()ni\", at ~Ll" 11.1I~t rl'''oll:lllt :I:I·l l'llll'lill\X. :llId ".\' tIlt' l'hil.ldl'~llhia :-'yIllI'II' Ur
1':11111111". :!.\'
I 100 Per Cent. Pure
';\ :1 r; II' r ~ 1,. I',' 11 11'" \ : \ :1 J I i :1 • 1111' I I!' ~ 11 I' 111'1 Ihl' l'I'I'I'i,... i(11l of :-dl:ldi':L: :111.\ l'lll}dl:l,<.:.J"; 4'h('~lr:l, Thp ill .. tr:llllt'f1lal
!'01,1("·tl,,ll'·;' I
(.f ~I:lt'l,il, l'<~I, ' \\ itlt \\ lljl'h thi' I hl,I'Il" !'.'l1dl'l'l·d t1l"111. I,y tlll'''I' g-iftt'd ]d:l.\\('r ... addl'd L:,1','·1·'.\- Special Xmas Boxes Sent Anywhere
II \\:1'" :t.. i r t It I' 111:t ...... ,d r:tlJ I, '" 1,1' t 11 I' III thl' l,e:'II!,\' (If i}H' IlrograI111lI i '. I' WE MAKE EVERYTHING WE SELL
"';II~I'I''' 1l:ld 111'1'11 i':J"'lhiolll'd illlo n ~J't':tt I!I l.lthl'l' 111:I'J 1!i1I ... il·al dirt·l·tio!l". Store Closed All Day Sunda~', December 25th
OUR TOWN will gladly print 11111111 \\ 11 il'lI 1 hi' 1'lll],!IlI'I'lt' J,b,\'I'11
•• , :.::1 fl, \':1 rll('llh 11:1:-0 :H'I'IIIIIJlli ... llt'tl 1I11taldl'
&11Y news it~m abont any subject
that is of interest to Narberth
folks. bet in Order to meet the
\\ lh JlI:It'fi:--,'d ... kill. flit' ",'/H·'''; IIf \"0: 1',,:-
l,it'lll·1 i Illl 1111\\ III
II:"I 110\\ ill ~rt':ll :-;Ill'gl':-O lIf 1't' .... "\(11 I 11~
\\ 11 i"'l,,'r: Il.~ llll'!"'\ it':-'
lhillgs IO\\:lrd t'II\\';ltill~ tlit' !"o('i:L1 :Ill,)
tht' work
lift' of thl' '·4J1IIJII1IIlity. Hql'
,d' Ih" ('1Ioral ~()('il·t.\' ~I:l"; I
WIlt 1Bettl1 g,Wttt 8'l1np
printing schedule, all "copy" ,"'1l1.1!. TIlt' 1'l~:"'111 t \\:1", of I·Olll";,', a 11 'It·
I",'lIli"l' ,,,1,,,, i tl t ha t it s(\l'l'lil" ""
-manuscripts-must reach the :11"(' t!('mlln",ll':lti n nf tlIt' :dlilit~· of tllp q
4'dll"ntinll:ll alld 1'11'\';ltill~ inHII(II1I'(' :Ip
editor by 6 P, M, Wednesday ea.ch l'll/I,llll·lll)'. l l r(lfl' "'llf t '!:II'I 11"1' I ' \ i,·".
I,,':dill,~ 10 all IIIind.". III ~'Ollllg' :Iud lIi,l,
week. Bill lli~ tirt'Jt's ... ',",lIk PI' t rnillil.L:,' till' f'llltllrl'11 111111 11111"~11'rl',1 :ilik,'. \11 11,11'
,·hnl'll" :lll,l 11 is l'Ollllll:lIld llt' }li'l ... il'HI
1 IHlr~(11I 1::-01"11
Ili a f':11I to f-lI(·'h 1l11l .. jf'
>:11 1I'I''''hip \\"1111101 111 ' \'1' r 1,;, \,' 11"1'11 ',' f \\i~lltl\lf:l :--lriJrill~ Ilf tlll' lill"!' (,1l1'11illll~
d :111 I ~1i ,. j"" t
SATURDAY, DEC. 24, 1921 j'1'1'1 i\'I' lIlIll""',"; hI' ]\:t d 11:1
:111.1 SI'Il ... illiliti('~ :111,1 :1"'iI,ir:ttillll"'. 111t\
i 111
1-: \I ~:n(; 1-::'\ I 'Y ] 'II U\ I,: ('.\ 1. L~
lI .. t
1 ill'
r Ii lilt' II
\\ <IIIit'll .d'
Thp pt'0P~I'
'\":,rh,'rlh 1I:I\'P
for llt,t:,,1'
Fir(I, :L-.ll ('ll11ral :--';p"it'ty 1I~1I ... 1' lit' at'('flI111'd :111 tlli:-: :.w wipty :l ],o .... t' ..... jllll \\ hil']1 :-,htlll1d
] 'td I't'. I ~.-I I "'111:11 ,.. 11:111' of f!II'thc'ir c'r' d i l. \\'l!hUlif 1,.:.'1'0\\ III hl('''si,,;.: \\ ith tlIt' year .... l'n·
f':Ii1'hflll nl,'[ :":1'111'1'1111:-0 (,n',lrt :11:,1 tht'ir ri('llillf! and 11f':I11tifying tlll' ,'xi:-,1t'll,'I'
4'/1111 rillllt jl II
\\tl~1111 11;1\'"
~ittl',l \ 11:1·1' .... t11t,)'("
fl(l ":Ut·h fP:lst 'if
"f th" \\ hol,' '·(llllllltlility. WE invite you to s~e our choice flo\'lering
Dr. O. J. Snyder, and foliage plants at our new greenhouses
Illtl~j(' a .. l'1Ir:1p'III"'.j 1111' :ludit'll l 'p 1:1:-,t
Fl'i,la." lIighL Honorary V1cePresident. on Montgomtry Avenue, at Meeting House Lane.
AND TONIGHT- They are selected varieties, grown purposely by us
to Hta.nd house condi tions 'and will bloom through-
i'Lrl .. tll::l" E\ t'. 1111 1I1:1ltt'l' \\ h:\~ thr Ill(,llt S\lrl'ri:-,iJlg,' ill its :-"·lIllt'. for \\'ho 1(\11 ('ring. ("l~t :-,oUlf'wllat in fX~·t':';:-' "r out the winter. \Ve also have Christmas wrealhs of
WIIlIl,l !Jot \\ill:u;.:l.\' a thllll"':11I11 d~,lJHr:.;. Thi-. 1I\llt'h Ill' TI!fllT b()lly, immortelle and magnolia for home and cem-
,\(·;I111 t 'r. j .. :d\\:i~'~ :1 tll\l1~ tit" 111'ant.\· :11I14lJl,!! U;-, slu'rifiec
.... '
To thp Editor of 0,,1' T,",It:
I t\'<'! thnt if ~'on a, l'"litor ,hould
,le!l.,.i(lratioll of' thC' frulJlt'. Jt
de,·;,'"d to rehuil.1 tllP apptlral!1s ~o that
<',nlling out, "The nl'xt st0l' L< Brond
~trl'et ~ttltiolt. Dolt't forget your par- ROBERTJ. -NASH
invill' our leading' ,'itizpns, Hn,l olhl'r' it w",,;d ],,, ('lit i!'e.]~· a'!Nlu:lt" for su·
erls, pleas.>." .10 rainy weather he Ftea.1'tor
would add \lmurellns to the IltlJlloJlition.
\', i,t,. to ('ontrihlltp it"lns of informa' Il\lI'hult ~t'l'vi('(\. Th", 01(1 T 11('alll~ ('lUll'
lt is reltll'mhl'retl hy mIUt." that during
ti"t< til ollr pal'l'r and IH.'· bare sOllie l'll~ill~ tl11 f'rUJllli \\'t re rt"plHt'(~d by
Brancb Offic. at Narberth Station Pbone Narberth 1710
the progrl'''s of the "ietory LOHn, he
(Of th ..il' tah'uts to the I'uhli(' g'aze. :"ar· iJ 1':1 \ ie.t· (lIlt'S b\ 0 a n,l a hal f ft'pt IOllg-t'r,
Wl'ltt throngh the tmin Ittle morning
I,'l'l'th .. oubl possihl~' hoast of h"t-tt'r a IIl'W fifth \\ h"t'] was inst~11t',1 to Meanber PhU.cSelphia R~al Eatale Board
with, "DOll 't forg('t YOllr pal't·pls, ntld
Il'Ipn att,] 1ll'tt,,1' WOIltPtt, hdt.t'r girls Htt,1
hl'ttcl' ho.,·'.
!"-t'e\'Pl.lt :,wa."ill~~,
wid"'r a.nd h.f''ilVLr
n!lIlJill~·hpHrd~ \\P1't· fldll"ll, lJtOt'l! 1'00111
dolt't forgl't to buy a \'il'lul'r B"u,l ~ " ....... "
l:h"l't' an' m~n.,· ,I\\"IIt'l's in ollr Ror· l'1'(l\'idr'd fol' (':lrJyitl1! ('qUipllll'J)t Hud Buinl'5 h:l<] 511'1't in the hlluk r00111
ough ",ho,l' inherent mo,lt',t.'· pl't'H'nts t} -t' l!ladl int' 1l1'aC't\11 :Ul I ~t rt"ngthen,'tI at j>,noli station Saturdn~' night in ol'dl'r DQ:-!'T WAIT until th .. suo\\' storms are here, Fill your bins \\'lIb the best
to take out the first train in the Dtorll- conI thnt enll be bought. alld
Ih"ltt g'l'atttin:::.Il' thi, hoon. i 11 ('\'("1'.\' pa rt ill SIH'1I n WH:-- us tl) REME~UJER
,\'h~' not hnH.. r do\\'n their halTiers Ill'P,'id., :1 11'\tl·\' l''1ua1 to JI('\'. The ing. He was found dent! hr lltemlH'rs of
of sdf-l'onsl'iollsness, 1\1 l'. ],;(litor, nttd 10,'ou:ohiJt> motor has h('i'lt t horonghly the train en'w, who hroke open the
make Our Town hlo,snlll like a cedar ol'll'hmdl'll so that- it is 'tpparel..tly "door. Deputy Cor,oner R. Junes .Pul ritok
S,.ruee BOO 2i ¥nrds in Pblln-
of \Yohh'rt an,l sprollt Ilk .. n hl'usst'lls ill 1,prt'I'(·t t'OIl,l itioll tleddetl that death was ,luI' to h"art delpbln and suburbs
Tit., irll'rl':tH' itl th(' llJlml,er of apart· trouh1<'. Ardmore 10' nt your service.
To e1lrourng't' a lI'O"t' of tltis natllre tltl'tlt housl" aad thl' tl'lllh nl'" townr,1 :Mr. Haines was e()I1duetnr OJ! the 0.29
and gni.le it safp)~' throllgh its :ncipi- ('otlgl'"tion itl nil' husiut'.'/i die/rid l;nt! 8Ji!l A.1\[. trnins from :"al'herth,
ent 8lngps, J wOlllt] snggt-sl tilllt rOil tI'akl' II hook a III I lal]']<'T tnll'k of pat- on which IlHlny N'arbcrth people travel.
call for Edwnrtl A. MII,elllllttp'S famolls ti,·tllal' valut- fo!' eertaitl pha,e" of fire He nlso bl'onght ont the lUi;) cach night. GEO. B.NEW"tON COAL CO.
J'et'eipt fo,l' hup,ltwlll'at ('al{('s, Iltinus the fig,Jjting. It IIJlpears that in hisspure time he lU1 SAN,SOM: STIlEET. ",
'~,,:/' buC"k. 1\0 l1oul)t ~r~. l\[usl'h:lIllP'~ nntural :\arlwl'tll has thl' oaly upl'arntus of sold Yiolil~~ nlld jcwelrY, cnrQ-ing 011
':.; re:tidng luil'l1 hn~ hePll tlu' r~a~on why' this kind hd\\'l't'tI BI'~'n Mawr lIn,l qnite n bllsinc!;s, largely 111ltonghis fol,
", ,this aUlilit'nhle n'{'t'ipt has not heetl Fort,y·J1I'~t ailll Ifn\'l'rfor,l A "enul', West, low employces.
n;:-,: , suhjl'etod to mort' ·pllblieit~·. I see 110 Philatle'j.hin. nnd Firc Chid' Noel awl Though, tilOUglrt u " grouch" by ,Chr'stmaaPo·.'al C.'d.:of 'all-ldbd., .1.0. largea••~rtItient
. 'oftiifl..Don't forgetu.~'W'beliitc:omea to -Xma. Gifts·, '"
,:, ,good :cxcnse ,\\'h~' lie ~h,Olllcl 'I\ot be ask-
e,d, , to)))11;1($I1n. 1i~t of the ,sixteen ill"
, the 111!ti\'{l lIlcmbcl'snrc to llC pongl'lltu" mnllY wh-o did not kllOW him, Mr.
,lat('t]" (III t;hc i11l.111'O\'CI11cnt, to their :lIitillcs Wns onc of the 1110ilt gCllin:l luen
-:M:AIN, 'L1NE," D'ROC., STORES· ,'. ",,~
nlld.'· tell ,thc' to\\'n'nt lMge
1l(i~: lie docs it,nt\ll\\·il~" Snch ::\ tll!ng
equIpment., '' "iii ,the sl'rdce;nnd llis(l~ath'""ill. be
All of ,this' \nltk,Nil'l'oulltleil b~'ll IllOul'nctl,hv. IUfinl~ fr\~llds. ' ' ': ':-,<,;Me'~b.rii:~fA~.riy" ..~c1 Navy 'A.lt»•• ion.,,' '
"n·,~ultl',tic,:\. $tep' fo.i,\'itrti' civic bl'tter~ ~let\l1tif111' ,rolitof "I'd 1'(1 iJ~tnilllgold
" , ".
" ... , ,. '.' .. ", , .. _., , ' .. ,. ,,",
f; .',
', '
,t, ',0,
e1l""~~.......!~~_ ....v,'-~~~W,p;j.:"""b:";(iJ4;,\"~':.l~~J." .. ::\.~~~,:z.'~"~'~1,.,:tW"r.!:,;:l:j.t.:,..;u.~...I; ~\l:r ...rf\ ~ 'i~~P ~
\',. ".;": .......
.;: .,:'.';.
Again we greet you and request your membership in our
Christmas Saving Club
which will bring happiness and carry good cheer to your many friends. You and your many friends should surely join, as the
plan is so simple, the pleasure so great.
The little payments that are required weekly come back to you in one big lump sum at Christmas time, when you really
need the money.
The first small payment makes you a full·fledged member.
Many plans are offered. Ask about them.
Club started December 20.
A. ~1. \\'eekd"ys a: ,.,. !-:,,'uing olc\'o, (i:",;" Til,i li. :\1. (i"rI'"tt til join 11'"
llOIlS and other ~(ln'il'(':' at regular ()f}"rfllriul1l ":"ill:": () II t ·:l\'I'Il·· .. TtJt1I":-O rJI'I~t':IIII.
11illlU'lllia t 1,1.,'
111t<r ,'Id rt'l,t
jiiil'd "1()l'I\ill~'. hll\\t,\t'r.
\\ill 110t l~t' ,~j . . tril'l1tt·11 HIlIll~l~ I i,,~·.
r 1"1: I,. frit'lid .. 11111 =1 'l"ll1' .. d: I .,' :1 fl t'r-
tlil' t!11Ila- J llll P. :\1. ".IIII:illr Elldf':I\'Ot" .\1""1' ' MAIN PROI>UCTION START! AS NBA.
11l111(lr lilt' dil'l·(-tillll lit' :\11'. :11141 :\11''',
A8 POSSIBLE TO 10.00 A. )I .. I!.OO, 1.00.
1 •.J5, 5.~1l. 7.45, 9.30 P. 11.
.. it'llal. til,,!,!") ",ill lit, :l ... llillt t,:trtd "l~r· I,lotlli. tlH' ~~til, :11101 i( ill ,tIlt, illtl'l'iHl . ~ .111 I 1'. ~r.--~t'llillr
hll\"(, a part.
1111 11' :ln' :11l:-' otht'r"i \\ till '\ollld like ~II
: Ofllee Hours: TUesday Tbursday,Satllr· See 41.play advertisement In lbl. Is.u•. rl'Sl'nt th(> 0101 Eng-li.,,-h ('\IStOI\1 of sing· Ask about our three payment plan in-
.·day,9.3QA. M. until 11.80 P. M. · Monday, Saob, Ro....rt J, l'hon., 80'.
Wednesday. Friday, 6 P. 111. unt l I 8 P. M Money tor I"lr.1 .nd Ilecond Mortll'''lI'e•. ing l'arnls hy lat,'n) Jig-ht. This prollliSl's cluding fixtures. Phone 1638 'or 395W
Pr, H.E'. UcDull'ee, 209 Havertord ATe. Shlll).on. dllnaea C. 2~1 ES8b a "e.
SlIndar, Chri,tll'as Day:
, ". Omell, 644-R. House, 327-J. Hours: 9 Pbone. 888. or H20 Ch~etnut· st. !lA.) ,\. ~r.-Snntla:v i3rhool. ('lITi,t- to Il(' Oil" of the most enjoyahle l1Ie-<'t-
.. /.. M>5.30 P. M. JjJve. by appointment.
REOBU TIOS. 1I1HS Carols Hnfl ~pe('ial Program. Pal'- ings of Ihe !-Pllson. Come alHI hrill;,
DRUGGI8Tl!l R~reatlon Room. No. 1 Forrest Ave
.' HOR:.rd's, Pbone, 1287. See display advertisement In tbls IsBue. t'nts an,1 fri,'n,ls in\ it(>,!. yonl' Christmns g'U('sts. The USU'l!
See dl.pla v advertisement In tbl. 'UUtlI. RIDINO ACAPE31Y. ,,,,,i:1I hOHr ",ill folio\\' thl:' I'lIlt'rtain-
!tlaln.Llne Drug Stores•. Pbone 1620. David Odel~ BelmoIlt Troek. Riding II'S" 11.00 A. ~r.-~cl'lnon, "Christ's
'See display advertisement In this 18sue.
.... EL(l:(JTRUJIAN8 •
l\:~g:~t:af2ll'f. Horses to bire. Teleohone
.. IlQQFlNo,ETO.
Chri!-tmas ~Insie hy t 1(J
Cotter'8 Meats ". ;'."
',;', :C....., lV. O. Phone.311ll-W. Gara"~cGtnle7 (jo. Phone, l218-W.
:'1'.., .:'.. See display arlvert!8emE.'nt In tbls ISBue. GA.) 1'. l\r.-gp\\'orth Lea g-u (>. Ll'a,ler, JUNIOR SECTION, WOMEN'S COM-
Piilfb~ VerI 226 10l1a ave.
See dl.play aitvertlilement In thl. I.su..
. Nar. Pbone, 850·W. Ar4, Phone. 118·J. .1111I.. 1'. JObD A. "lIon....ve. Phone, 611 • .1
Shop, U6 Haverford ave. Phone, 1lI1i.J
thl' pnstor. Singing' the Christmas A Quality For
· .. , FLOWERS. The IlIsl. IU('etiug' of the ,Juuior Rec-
('a ro1s frolll the Hytllnul.
·.\'vm..i1orrlli Corlle•• Phone, Norberth 1639-R
':' .$ee·dlsplny'ndvettlseJ1lent In this Issue.
Ar~Dd" Electric 8hoe aepalrlnJr. tion, \'"om!'.n's (',011I1111111 it)· Cluh, was
7,45 P. :\r.~Cnlltl\tu, "Coming' of People Who
See dlsplaYadv.ertlsement In tbls Issue hl'ltl on Thursllil.\" ('Yell·iug, Decl'Iullt'r
:;::. .. .' INSURANCE. GoOd Wear 8boe .Re,..I. Sbop,
Conolantlne, D,·G. 2M Roverford ave
the King-," (Dudley Buek) by the
L)th, nt th,' h01l1l' of ;\[jss :Mahl'l Kirk-
Want' The Best
·E·;' .~owm..., ea.m.ueIP. (LIte.) Phone, Narberth li06·W. . Choir, assist"d by ;\fr. Georg(' Hussdl
~~:,', .'. ·:.Ull'. Elm)Yood.av.... Pho.ns. UI-W.
pat rirk, Oil Essex u\·enu(>.Ahout thirty.
i,': "S'rOttel".' Bros•. (Fire, etc. I
." .';09' -Wood.lde ·ave. Pllone, UU-Jl. 'rhe ..bov'; dpp ..rtm.pnl sbould be ot tho
Rtmuss, baritone.
five girls w<'re presPllt at this, the Just Groceries and Provisions
~t;::C.mJlbeli; Frank D" .Automobile, 'Flrll, etc. ereate.t 118eto the community, tbe lI.t OOD. Christmas Week
if}: 0::.. '4 .StllartAye. Phon('.•. :1115· n. taln. tbe ume ot eVery prote.lonal maD, Ttlesd~n.", 7.30 P. )r.--Sulldny Srhool 1Il(>t'tiug he fore the X t'W Y"nr.
:L. . ' KiNDERGARTEN. trade.man. ·mllch..nle, shopkeeper. etc,. "b.
4088 4)r llan I.n an~ "ay .e~e bls fellow. Christmas Entprtainment. Parents nnd
The program was nppropriate to the
il?~ ',.illilS . Zentma"er'B l(ln,hrltarten.
'!'-'...... 'N,'W, Cor.. Essex and Windsor Aves. tnwn.man, ",nil "'bo. Is jlroJrteal~. snouEII seasoll, ~fr. JE'ffries ren,Hng the. ever-
,~:;,;:\.:.:.' . " . .. to .add name t"u.t"t 'ReJr.I.ter.· '. fril'nds spilcinlly in \'ited.
;"f' :: . .., UfflRs.·.. . . As·lt· I' dlmcult··tor···tb~s 'ollntributlnr "'el1nE'.~<1a.v, 2 P. l\f.-Cllristl1lils Pat>- heloved "Christmn.s Carol" of Charles
.tbel~ time ..and. elror" ·to the'. "roduotlono! Dickens, . whie.h eVt'r~" aile VN)" much
"'O!1ror.:"qbn.illEd.lt ave. :Pbons, IU5-R. "Ol!tT~wn'~ tojle~sOfl..I.I'· ..lthv·\tno", or ty and Ente~t!1il)melJt. fer' 13l'ginu(>rB
.'::', phll...··iL44ren;· I.lneiiln Blits. ..' .' . IntervIew:...11 'auelt,' tt ."ould 'Il. mo.t help" . d p. ··D . enjoyed•. The- girls then practic'ed the
'....._.;Fletcber W if I .. B;...nrfci.r4· ItoY.. 1ul 'It tbo••. not·· no"" ",ol1nd In.th•. · print..,. .an... rtlJfary epartl~ent::
.:. Phon., ·lTi·W ·Phll :1ld41'• • OrourJllds,' . II.t~ wOUI.d "lid ·!Ii...· "'.mc;l; of :·tb.Ir n&ui":'.. . '!'I t d 9 P 'f . W t h ' bt S Ohristliln& Cnrols wllic.h th.ey nr;'t6~ing
::,::-:; ":..:" ..• r.~~m:J!f~' :~.ic!i'. '.:. laddre••. ·pbon.:; numb.r•. 'an4 b~t.n
•.. '..., e.' ...... a ur n.y,. ~ •. ",.--- fa e Ill/t·
.1l HIIIQftII tor-,llatlnJr., .Thl.....11I oo.t·~· ttll' ' . Cinl . un;der' auspices of tl)e Epworth'
in t.he town' Ohl'istritasEve. Refresh-
el)ciliald·.ilohll. Narll.rtbpbone,' . t i l l '
,<',~IS~~:·Cb•• ot,,·Pbll... :Phon.,.B~riae•. lUI, ...... ; til ".nts.aob
:1"'..•1IUl.h.· . lI"a to..·
. ~·dll'tJ.onio:l·taue
'·.;:1 ••'
. ' ..... Le~glle. ·Fo·r. all ·our. ·frt"eu·tl-~..
.' ".. I n"e.: l·eBDb· ~'lto ~l'sh
ments were servetl,. And. the meeting
adjourned, GA£(Anteed.;1toOf•.··.
" :"':' . '.'.
. >,'
.. -';~'
THE KING'S DAUGHTERS' HOLI· .\1 r~. Frl'Jeri,' k :-;"h weitz.'I'. of Oran- 1I'1I,\' of relil'f lIork: that thl' Alllel'ican
The Lunch Room 01 DAY HOUSE 1.111',". \ . . 1" sl"'lIt th,' pll,1 III'"k \Iith ' I/"Ij('f Adlliini-Iralion IInd('J' the ,1iTl'e'
h,'I' ,:,:,1', .\11'- . . I"hll fl, BI'""k" lioll (If .\11'. 110"\',,1', and a gWIII' of
Narberth Schools \\'1' would likl' til la\\(1 tlib o}ll'0r- J':II~li~h J"'\tl'k. :llld tht' .\t111'ril'an
lIUlllY fri.'lId:-
:It ill,' ~':lr1It'rlh
:'01" .\1 ..... HI,·t.\· ~:tl,dt·r.. ()tl. \\ 1111 j- :t ",tn· I 1"1"11'J1d .. :11"" :l.:'11 ft'I'diJl~ hlllldn'ds tlf
.Jl'l1t :1; t;,'orgl' ."";"'hOld. I'a,. i~ "I"'lldillg- l!lqll-:IJld:o- 7111d rd:llIuing tl' (lxtt'lld thi:-; Optician
HOUR FACILITIES PRESENTED ('h"".1 Ii"., 1:,1 :<1 the .\1,,: l'''p"lil'"1 tIJ,' h,·\.(~lI.'" ... \\ith h, r pareI11 ... :\Ir. :lnd \\ork n'" 1':t .. t :1 .. flllld~ l'OlJ1d hI' r;li:--l'd An opportunity is af-
TO HOME AND SCHOOL ()I,,'r:l Illlll ... I', :'\11\\'111111'1" "-th. fIll' tht\ .\11"", Y:.I·tllr L. ~alldl·r"(jll. Ill' I·;,,~,t·x .\\"l'. ;t1ld tbl' ~l1"fl!;I'S fllr\\,:lrdl·d til J:Ils:-,ia. fOl"oed to Narberth people
ASSOCIATION. 111'11 I,ri t II f J i III II:I,\" J I 1'11:--(-'. 11"1, ,he :1.101,'.1, "\"'11 \lith alllhi- w(ll'k, to purchase their optical
\\'1' Ita\'" ~1.-1.1I(1 ill 11111" Trl.':I~III'Y TO .\Ii,' .\I:try 1-'1':<1"'<'- 11:1\'\\"1'01, d:llIgI,. T'Lilliol1s \\ ill dill ill Htl~~ia tJd~ wintl'f needs in their own home
TIll' I"HIlo\\ ing n'I"'!'t Ill' flit' illlll'h
11;11" t Illftl Ih,· H11·i~:11. (·(lIIl!,I,·;,· ~'t" I" I' ,,!, \1 1', :1", I .\11'-, II a 1'1>" II. II ",'" \I:, 1'01. lllllt"'~ '111:llIf:lil'~ tlf fOCll1
IIlIlC·1i l;lq.'::I'r town at a great saving of
rtHllll f:\l·j lit it':'" :11111 1l1:lIl;l~4'1I1\llIt ;1 t t !Ii' I II r II" :11'1' II tit III LIlt \\"i II 1"1' J Il.rt tilt' III 1:111l\\IHld :l\I'I11,", I,n . . )"I'!\1rl1(·.) 11111111' "lq'l'lil'''' t1)1' \-lIl~:1 \':111('.'" withill
rl':I,.}1 both time and money.
;\:lrllt'rth :--\I·hll\d~ \\:1"; pr,' o
"111,.,l :It tlll' "11111 tIl!:'; l:tt,·r. ~·l.lltl \'III~iJl;I';'! :"'-('lilill:lr.'". ,hI' 11"\ t 1II1Ill t h 'II" 1 \\ n. Expert work.
(i ~:! rl,t'I"'lll ~11l' 11::1,1" 1111 dir,·,'l :ql!.\:tl ftlr 1'111\11 ....
lk"j'lIllwr 111l·I·till:.!..
11 \\;1'" l'I"o\\d,',1 Hilt tlf ]:Ist \It·(·k':,
:"",,,1('11':.\' fill
.\1.... II:, I" I;'" 1-:. I., Ill:: I'.'·, tit' ~11I1I t 1,111 ()llr '1'11\\ II i ... \"'1",'. I-!~all to ~tatt' Harry E. Palmer
1·111 i 1". ht, hldl:--I' g-III·:--t ,It' t"d:k .. \\ j~hill:: to
1.. -111' 111"':111-"" pf I:ll·k lit' I"!HllIt. It will ('1 It til .-1;1·!l ,,\,il'L':'(\ :'ll(·I·t· .. ~. 'I'll,'.'"
,,\ .'\. .1.. \\ :1" ! tlt;ll :IIlY .'\;Irlq·rth OPTICIAN
"I 1',"j,1 j 11,\'r:1 it II :L" t lll'y ~;l, (. .\11'..... ll·lJJI H. Hrllltk..; (I\'I'r .\ll)II'~:I,\· :!I' I !I :1 hI' ('il ri·.:! 111:1 ... ;.: i,! .. "I' :111.," :11111111111
1'111\ j' of tilt' grl':dl'~1 inlt'lTst to I'Yl'ry
':1""1'\ I'
:--11:1)1' of
1I111 111'1"
tIlt' lli:...:.h
1"'11 I hI'
l'lll,i I...
\\ III. ,.1'1'; ;1" d 111 ;11"1 lit :t 11.\' 1I 111;llil.·r:tI- l1:ly~ :II" :\Ii ..... \;;""11 '<"'llh:lltl. H:tlid1 In Narberth i
H":J1t.\·. (;1' tl";':·'· ]:0"1' :llld HlI:-- 1111\\\'11
I l~: l·j Ii g III I' t III" 'I' 1111' II I Ii.. ill \\ 11,.,1<
111 i:-- 1,1:: II h ~I" lit 'l'lI i: I III It' r:ll i I 11 1, it II'"
1;'111 ,;tlJl r fIll' Li~ " , ' ] ' \ ' i " \ ' " ;11 th· 11111;':'
thl il" litl11' dal1g'll l l'!'
iJlg f'lll,l :I" ill t'llt"IIII'r .'"1':11'-. at l'1":Il·t
t ~
11 I ' :1
I'l,d'l':";"o!" .\'
Il,III'lii \·PIII"·.t.
jl'I' ill .. I"'l,'.!. :1" t 11"
th:l( hi' Jq. !lI'l':llill t "1
\\ :1" (;:llnj';IIj
((P .... ltl:.:-.'".
: II ,1'd::ll, It I" "':'1 \'i,"':--, t hl·!",·!,.'" :t 1,,'.\ \1"rllIl'l' 1'' ' '11 :'\:11'1,,"111. .\iI', :11101 .\11'-, 11:1 . . 11 Ill' thl' l,'n~ h"III',l fill" .. jg'II~; No.1 Forrest Ave.
'11~ a I:t J'.:...'I r :1 ;11' 'III: ~ 1 tJ 1""1I1:t ill 111\\ 71 :.,j (;llill i\:1 II "i 11 10,':11 I' ill Hll:"tllll. \\ IIl'l"I'
"'1\ \1'1 \\; TOI) \ Y
\rLI'11 1114' H(I;II,I 111' !li 1 ,·,·to!" .. :IIlI!Jpl"
fI:ll t·:ll,]1I\\llll'1I1 FilII.!. thl'il 111;111." :'\:lrllt'r1h fril'lld" \\ i;-.,h 1111'111 C. L. PARKE
i71'd fl1i~ .'"1':11"· ... II)"OI·t·dlll"t,. d \\ :\"" with :":< 1'1>1' I't h
V:t' h,·;tllil.\· !"!"':d "hal 11:t .. 1"'1'11
1':111 :--1JI'I·I' .......
tlH' di .. tilll·t 1IIld.·)"~tHlldi'lg- th:lt 1h,' lil'''''f
.. :!:d Ill'f'd·'· :II:1t \:\1"111 rtlJ i .. \"J.'" tlll- I Special Rates for Children,
tllll1l}..:,ll1 ""hpuld lw gi'I'1I til th,' bl'Ill'lli
111' rIll' :--,'hOld ,·hi;dJ""II. IJ!"il'('~ \\I'r,' \0
1" ",llll,];,hl',] \\'hidl IIll\lld I,,' lIilhill
:: ;"':: ;"i::: ,,1<::,'1' ';~,.,',lrl~I,~I~ 1< li,:,),i ',~'".I."~', 1, 1, I Noted Jorrrnalist Coming I":tfl'" lit' :!dllli~ .. ioll "ill
.. :\latillt'I'"
1'1'1'\ ail Iwt'OI", I; I', .\1. '1'11" adult 1'''1' ~ARBERTH GARAGE
rile H·ll,·h (If :Ill, 11:1\ in~ f!dl T"t':":-:l!"d
to th!' ((l('t! \"a~111''''' of tIlt· e1i"'}.t':-' ~1·1'\·"t1
~~IJ'~::lr:'I':::::;~"":::,\';I,",::(::~ 1;~:;::lI,\,,·;~oI." ,,1:: ! To Narberth "ill
he t"I'lIty'li\','
1111 tlJl' :tt'tl'rIl 1 Hill"
1'/'111.- 1'1'1' llt·r~oll.
Clf ~atllt'r111~·~
Raymond Weils. Proprietor
at 11111:-(' 11'in s. To tllllk,· ll1otH'.\" out also ft'(']
L. H:!" kill:-.
\\"t' 11\\"
1lIII l ·1J
to ~li ... 'S F:tllllit,
(\11'11, r \I·~·,\"
('1I11!ill1tI',J fl"lll1l I':l~l' 1) :llld Illdid:l.\"", ,,111'11 rh,' ft'" \\ ill lll' .-In GASOLINE, OIL, SUPPLIES
of thl' ltllll·h rtlll II I \\:1" :l tbOllg·h.l whi,·ll
Wll~ ]IHlli:o-h.'d fl·tlill 111" \'pry ~tar1. all!t, 11;:tllagl'lIl"llt ill l'll'lllllg 11\"1' (Jllf Ii,' I.l·d.~'·r· HlJl't'all :It \\":lshiJl~lnll,
\\ill JIL'
f.... ( '11 i I, I 1"'11
1111' J "
fur liftr"'1l
r f I)IJ ,·t ('('1\
Til halldlill~ ""ncll a hll"gt' 1111111\11')" I I' :o-l'lt'rJdi,1 C·IIII1·t·rt. :tllli l:t )\', 1), i .. (III!I.,J Ill' 11·;I.II'1' f t~I(' 1.I·dg",1' h:l"(' lat,'l~' \1't"1" I; I'. .'1. tlwlT \\ill III' !lnly lll1t' T .!ephone Narberth 1633
I III' il." til 1hillk b'r 1'IIIo1i"I.", 11'1'1l f(j~I(l\\ill~
\\ ilh 1ht' kt·PIl.· . . t llltl'r- --- - - - - - - , _. - - , - - - - - - -
!'-llInll lllllllllllt ... hll""('\t·'" thl' h:df"'t~'lt :1,lllli"'siOIl 111":1" - -,-It I "I'llt" 11t'l" lH'r:-. II.
TIli", jI:I:"t .... 1';( ... "11 11t'~~':111 IIl1r \\tlr\.,; ,~t h: .. ll':ldillg :11"1i,·11· ... 1I11 tlH' '·llJlt'l'r·
ft':ltllrt' j ... 'IlI:tl' :til ill·lIl. aIJd ,,'1111,' lilt' \\l'
TIll' rillk \\ ~;I 11(' l'~' :11,'~ of :111 :o-kal
l'1"in'" lix,'" :I~ IIP:lrl.,· :1:-- JllIs ... ihltl
or g·j'·:lIg· J:.!
lll·t"d.,· lIIothl'rs Hill! t·hi:.I1·(·J1 .. IUTI!' :.!~·lJ
dn.\" \:(l';lt1111:~ tfll' ~ol li/'I' 1111 J)i~:lrll~:llIll')lt :llld tl11' Fur Ell~t.
HIlt .\11". \\·i)\·':-; jlltlrl1:11istit' ""flt'ri-
1'1' .. :11 Ii lI',·Jtll'k ":1,,11 d:l\". :llld tlt,' il,t' HOWARD C. FRITSCH
ttl tht' :I"111a1 ('ll~t, n Iqdf ('I'lll }In,fit !""" l'l'l utr alld ilIad,' 1"';ld," th,' 1'\"1'11- (lir Justice of the Peace
:llId ('llI~I'd ~t'l'tl'lIl1l('r ::11\. \\',. "lit,·}"· 'E:'!, (." art' l,~- Jill ltW:IU" 1illlill'd 111 thp
111'1"". alltl allolhl'r It:df t'l'nt tlH'1"t'. dllr· ill;,:'. ElJtralll'!' til tht rInk \\ill lit"
('otlr~t~ failH·d durillg tIlt' :--.t·:I~lIlJ Lill. \\", h:ld l'nil"" :'1,11",.
hns tl'n\',,"'<1 till' H,· REAL ESTATE
illg 1111' Ill" :I tllllllth. :111.1 (,\"1'11 thr\JIJ~h tht' I'~llh ltOll"I' ull rhl' ,rollt·
throllghout tlil' ('OUI':-Ol' of th,' ~(·h(J1l1 :a ~:j('('I':--:-;flll ;0..11111111('" and l·!o..;.·d tIll' ~l';I \\/11111 (1""1' :llId js illlilllatel.\' Ht'qunint"
.~Olllt'r~" aVt'lIl1l' ... i,!" lIt' t!lC' ~r."'''lll'!';'',
Fire Insurance-Best Companies
~','ar, \\ ill 1I11c1o\lht,'dly '"I1,","t 10 II "Oil \\ith 1·lltJU;..dl IllOIH',", alllll,!""t, to ill- I'd with dip}oJll:tts. hi:,.:-h g-O\"t'I"lIJllI'Jlt Phone 1749W-215 Haverford Ave,
Th"s" ral .. - II ill :'I'!'!." to Ih" 1':11>1;,'
luir :-11111 tlf lIl(1t1'·~·. .-\lId. llirotl~,dl l·:trt'· '1:t11 ,h"'II';"
tl,,' h"u'" lIlId li~llt ill flli"::lls :llld Ilitiillll:tl all.) illtl'l"lI:ltillllal :It laq.,:'(l, fur t11" "1"1'11111:--: .\:--~llt'iiltillJ), in
tl::lt wtll'k i~ lIO\\" t'(\)lIpl ...ted. L'llllditiollS ail 11\"1']' Europe.
fill 1II'"1II1("IIII'llt, '·ar., ill 1111' Iltlrd,,!.'" al'l'anl(illg" th .. -kaling its !'al'ilitiL'~ aL . , . :':
.\11 ,\lIll'ri"au h~' birth, ~Ir. 'ViI.. "'liS
of -l1ppJi('l', and (l('onoJllh'al npl'ratHtTl 'Ye hll\'p rl'ntl'd lhe Ilou!'!! 1'''1' lh,' (·tllll"t~ \\"nllt~ tllP nll·Xar· rink tel hf'
of til" It,",·h nllllll fll,'iliti,'" a flll'th,,1' niul' lllol1th~ 1'1'(111I ;--\PptPl1lh,'r 1,)th til :-111lt II~' th(' f·hit·:q.!·f! I)nil~' x(~\\"~ to 1'(,l'th ,dTail'. 1'111' Ih,' .c.:,·nl'l':d pl"asllrl'
"1,,,1l 'IIrpllls will hI' )'t alil,,,d loy Ih.· ,llIltt· 1.-,lh :d :H1I,1I11 1"'1' 11l01llh, :---ollth ,\fri(·:l. \\l\l'rt' ht' "1'1'\"('11:1:--:1 W:lf
:11;,] rt'I'I"\':It ion "t' ~dl II!" litH l'itiz"I1;'- A FULL LINE OF'
1-::lI·h yt'ar \\"t· lill :o.oTlIC'thillg- !II 1\(· 'jl 1·"rn·-!IUIIIII'lIt in till' BII!,!" \\"al'. I.atl'r
"nd of th" ~'I'"r.
III ol'd,'I'. Ih,·I'''!'ol'''. thallI", ,'hildl"'11 thv 11(1\1:0-(' ill ~Otl.\ l'('pair, ht' ,,:t ... st:ll jlllll,/l :It HI·rliJl.
\\ Iltl lik,' i,'" <k:iI in:!,
Fllr 1111'lIlhl'r.. IIf t1l1' TI'IlIl:" .\:->.:(H·i:I-
~htluld rt\l,pi"t' t.hl· dirt,(·t 1H'tl('fit 1'1'0111 \\"l' pl"ai,:-I' IIUr HI 11\ 1'llI.\' Fat}jl'!" !'l'j' 1-'1'011' 1illll; I tI 1!i] 1- 011" til' t h,' l11t1s1 LOW PRICES
lio1l. :1 s;I{·I·i:tl I·llll, r:ltl' ],:1" 111'1'11 l:x('I1.
II!"i,'ill'~l' tlf ~t'ryillg thrOll.Jl jli'ritl(l~ ill tli(, world ':, hi~·
thl' "xpl'll,lilllf<' of lh"ir """"'~'. it 11'''' tIll' Ililll
('Ol/:t' 1.111 II ° \\'. :\11". BI;~~ ;;1'" \\"(' :-oaid
d(\('idl'd that all~' II, t prlll·I·.·ds frpIII fh(, till' \\ Ill"k :t~ lItl;idll." 11lllht'. !',z.\·_·l!,' \\:1:-- jlJ tlll' (:"1"111:111 l,:tJli!:d a~
Lt'flll"(". alld gi\'l' 11~ ,,;nl1ll' Ill' that ('old
i til,' t'lll'rl'''IIlIl1JII'lJt r"l'l't·~t·lIl:tli\·(~ of
of thp Inlll'h rOtll1l \\,'1'1' 10
UP n'11Il'!li',1 to th .. ,,]dldl"'ll III th" I tl1'd =,Ol'tlll'lifl'l'. thl' failltlils El,~li,h
\\'(':ltlH'r .'"1111 'I'l' hldill:.! 111' yUIll' .... ;,·PYf'.
0111' :"ar}H'l'th TI'nll,- ""Il';:ilion ;s all
111'W~l'\qll'l' lIud l!lag-a/jll" r't1bli~ht·r.
form IIf II .. olltrihutioll to th,' ,\tl<1<'li,' PALACE THEATRE. ARDMORE. PA.
.\11'. "'ik lIa' ill Eur"I'" thrnug-h(lllt
rt':ld," to do :1..: "h:IT"l' t1l pr(l\'id~ Ollf Plumbing, Gas Fitting
... \ ,.-\~~o(';atioll of th(' ~c·ho(ll. l'lilllllltillit.\" \\itil 11'\ .. k:l:ilJ:.!. :lIld \\l"fl~
Tht: H('('OUlit ~ H f(' 1Qll:IIl(·.'d fl:tt·h Prug-rHtll for {'hl'::--tll1:ll'- "·t·I'k, UI~l: th,' ~1'l'1t11'1' I'al't til' rh" \\"01'1.1 "'ar. \\Hit.iJl~ ftll" .\"(111.
and Heating
lIIollth ill thl' '·Otli,·.,.,· Th(, tir,1 .\[ollda~·. Ill',·, 21;, \\'illiaul :-;. lIarl ill ,·In:--,'· to thl' '·t·r.," :-lIl1l't't'S (If all til,· t.i~ l-\:t'pp yonI' ('YI' 'III thl' thl'l"Tlltll.J(lt('r, NARBERTH PA
1Il('lIth', I'l'port ,ho\\,,"1 Ihal Ih,' IUII"l1 lit'\\':-: that (';I lilt' out llf thnt ('Ollti)ll'lIt
• i J)ra w Eaglill" EI.,(,,..ril' (·oJlll·d\". 1'0 1k.'" , nlld Illl,k (Utl, !I"~ •• ((II' th(' :-o.ih·i'f Phone, Narberth 1602-.1
room "hr,hke (""('11." T'lle' ~i'('Olld ,. Hohin,oll ('I'U'o. Ltd" TIII'.'llay,l),'". 10":11""'11 1!11-1 alld I!II,~. 11" alt"ndl'd liJling", hut lhl' ,j~k~ltill~ TOllay"
lIIollth was aloollt tl", ,:1111". 1,l1t frlllll 27, '''illiam PUlI,·all, ill .. \\,11('1'1' ~I"1l
flit· Pt'HI'I' ('on f'l't'(l IH't' at Y('rsai})ps. ... iglls,
nil illdic-atiolls it i.- lll",sihle thllt II !lJ"(' ~.IPI1.·' Rnollk~' ('oIllP·d.," .• , ~lIo()ky's l.all·1' h,' rl'lul'Ill·d to th" I'nil"d :-;Iat"".
small 11m Ollll t of 'IIrl'hu' will ,0011 ,how
'l'lI'i n Troll hlp,; .. , '" "dnl's,!ay, T!('(', 2~,
('ollli'tnn('e Tnllllndg-l) in "",rallllllH 'to'
:lud fur :-OUll\{~ tinH' }lHst
th,' I'uhli,' ],('dg('r at Washington,
has f!'pn·:,putl'd
The lIlain ill,'enti\'e. how"\'l'r, i~ 10 Affair." ~ulI,hilll' ('ometl~', "A 1"'1'- It i.- douhtful if thl'l'l' lI)'t' a half On and after Dec. 27th my
~ee that th" ehil,l""n an' I'roperl~' noul" feet \'illiun." Thllr,du:". De,'. 2f1, ~f<l t1lll,,,n men in thl' l'nite<l :-;tatl'S who OUR PRooUCT!il ARI! GUARANTEED
ished in o~t!eT that the~' .tlu,l" S"'·l1l'·.~ kno\\' more thol'olll(hly the inlilllute, iu· Barber Shop will be open I ~~~~~.~ACTERIOLOGICAL
dr.. d Hlirris Cbuplain in "The \VoTlllln CONTROL
the utmost for thpir <'frnrt~ at "tu,l~" ill thl' Bnn,..," :-'1I11,hin" Comedy: ":\ s;,le hi,tory of OUI' OIl'U an,l thf' Ipad·
from 8 A. M. to 8 P. M.
It may surpri~e many of thost' gath· Perfl'et \'iIlian," Fritllly, n.,,·. :lO, A ill~ Europeau "onlltrip~ dnring the last
Pasleurlzed Milk DELIVERIES
eret! hpre thi~ e\'''lling to kilO\\' that Hc>g-inllid Hark"r l'rodndion, "Bnnty 1Ifl1'l'II yl'llrs, thuu Fredf'Tirk W, 'Vile, Br)'nelovl. Cerlilled WEST PBILA
- therp are fllmiliP5 within th" Borough
who,e ehildren hllve h",'n ~"1l1 to ,chool
Pull, thl' Strin~•. " With all 1111 stnr
('liSt. I.Jl'atril'l' ,Io~', Hllymolll! lIatton,
\lho will spl'ak iu ='urbprth on JIIU'
IIlIr~' Ill, IIn,l"r thl' i1u~pi,'es of the \Vo-
Geo. Wieland, Milk
(Pedrl.lle Soelel.v)
. •
without brellkfnst. HlIs",'lI :-;imp"on, ('III1l'n Landis, <'a,..,.on llIell'S Commllllit)' CIuh. Proprietor Speel.1 • CuerDlley " ,MERION
The luneh )'OOIll i, nominally in F.. rgllson, Edyth Chnpmun, ,>te, :-;lItlir· (Robe....•A Sharpie••' BALA-CYNW\"D
ehnrg" of the DonH,,,ti,, :-;,'iell('" tPllelH'r, dlly, Ik(·. 3], ElIl!enf' a 'Brien in "The
109 Forrest Ave. D.lrla) NARBERTH,
~fi.s OIs('n. H"r cla,.-l'~ aI''' .-0 ar·
rangp(1 that she ('lIll b., preSl'nt in the
LUM }){)or,"
J' FH~t and Furious."
.\I:-;t. ,John l'olHeuy: Miss Haines Tells of Cre.... Bullermllk ARDMORE
T.ble and WblpplqU WYNNEWOOD
lun"h room l'OntimlOu,ly from the time
the IIdYlIllep prepllrlltion of 'the fooels
Russian Famine Cream.
I'l'st ra i lied, unf'lIlOtionul mauuer,
Habit", who has spent Il larg-e
givpn hy 'the ot.h,'r Illl'l1l'bers of the 46th and ParrishSts. P' '