button rifled barr.els, these rifle~ a~e totally ne~'a~·~;cJrn~e:«>~Y'0k.iM$iy .• 9'Mn t~;cis fin: rifle, with features thaT few pro-
pletely safe, engineered for a lifetime of top p~rfo~m9r:!C\P;/Jt. ..... '. 'ducho:n,Ail/n~3cari' duplicate, at a smaller cost than that of
. ",:,,- .). .). :;.;
The fine grained walnut stock incorporate~~otif(,lrrypo/6;'
i.: ,/. / j .. ' . ~",-
c~*t~rtirig:~,~s~~pl~~~~ilitary rifle.
features of design to assure good bedding, mi~i,,~I/ .V <':::, Mti,s.~'et7er r.ifl~\~'~'ieifully guaranteed for a year by Firearms
easy sighting, and complete comfort. The slop'in . " \,' 1~,t~'l'j:ift!o6at~9frplfration.
'./,yY , :' .\;', ;' // ;/ /. wi\
Musketeer I rifles have the same stock design~* . ~-r.·lh"PiJt:'d'r'e~)/n~he'cke;E{d'without sling swivels. They have a wing
safety, and a single stage trigger. The recei~!!1ls . ri ;e , ,. .t'(lpp.-ed fqr/rec'eiver ~sight$ and conventional scope mounts, This
is a sturdy and completely dependable/~ntir1'!t~~l~"b'V~i1~b~~Jiri··t,\e lc{me/,cilib,ers \as the Musketeer II with the same full
year new guarantee. . j ',' /1
"" " " . " •. " " / \ ' / ' / / . , ' . : ,1
Also availabl~ in
•• . /~;l
Package #1, with open " ackage ~/3j I"h;the( Package} #4'r~lthout F.1. LUMINAR rifle scopes
rear and hooded front LUMINAR sca~ j;1fyo(jr\ sights, bqtwithbld~ks and are light weight, optically
sight, or Package #2, choic~, witho"u'nt ~£:\ mounts, ~or th~ml~~pe of perfect scopes with cali-
without sights, drilled an ~ear sight, total c c1uel,,:?' your chol~,e. W.'lt~fit most brated click adjustments
tapped for the installati Ing s~ope, block 'i,,"tl0UI1~S! popular 1 \gopes. for elevation and windage
of accessories of your
and rifle. '- .... .".1
\, ~l Musketeer 11\ •. ~i .$137,30
\4 and nitrogen filled tubes.
choice ., -i \'
. Musketeer." II with 2t3~4~\ Musketeer I 'Y .,\!120,66 Detachable Sako type split
scope " . , .. ",. $17t4:~~'\' . ····X,.
Musketeer II ' .... $128.30 with 4x scope .. , ,$17,?>~.q>} Subtract $1 ~.1:"'Y~lJ~,~ny ring scope mounts, adjust-
witH 6x scope .. ".$l ,O.8q: .of the.~usk~t~ewtpac~- able. for windage, return
with 2'h -1 Ox Varrpbl~ age prices fo~equN'dtent readily. to., zero. Polished
Musketeer I .. , .. $111.66 scope .. " .. ,." $2667&6 Musketeer I models. blue, steel.
~ ~"'f-} WASHINGTON' 22, D, C,
Sensational Money-Saving Offer to all
You can now receive the world's 5 most famous gun books at a
price never before possible! These five master volumes, carefully
selected from the extensive list of the world's largest publisher
of gun books will give you a basic arms library without peer.
By ordering the Stackpole Gun Library you will receive (1) Small
Arms of the World by W. H. B. Smith, (if sold individually, $15.00)
(2) Gunsmithing by Roy F. Dunlap, (If sold individually, $10.00)
(3) The Pistol Shooter's Book by Col. Charles Askins, (If sold in-
dividually, $8.50) (4) The American Shotgunner by Francis E.
Sell, (If sold individually, $6.95) and (5) Principles and Practice of
Loading Ammunition by Lt. Col. Earl Naramore, (if sold indi-
vidually, $12.50). This $52.95 group can be yours for only $45.00!
In addition, if you send a prepaid order you will receive, without
charge, the current bonus book of the Stackpole Gun Library-a
distinctive firearms volume (a guaranteed $5.00 value) designed to THE PISTOL SHOOTER'S BOOK by Colonel Charles Askins.
complement your basic library-together, a $57.95 value for $45.00! A man who has won virtually every worthwhile pistol shooting
championship in the United States gives the intricate details
I of his methods and valuable experiences that will help' you to
SMALL ARMS OF THE WORLD by W. H. B. Smith and Joseph become an expert. There isn't much about revolver and plstoi
E. Smith. Here is a book that covers the globe, with special shooting that is omitted in this book. An easy-to-read standard
emphasis on weapons of Russia and the United States. Aided by reference . . . authoritative all the way. $8.50
nearly 1800 illustrations, this 723-page encyclopedia shows in de- THE AMERICAN SHOTGUNNER by Francis E. SeU. A new but
tail how to identify, strip, assemble, load, and oper,ate the mll1- extremely valuable addition to any gun library. Present-day shot-
tary small arms of the world. Calibers, ammunition, safety, guns and loads are shown in proper perspective, with eight full
history and many other details of immense value are included in chapters devoted to the economic advantages and importance of
this "one volume reference library." With it, you are capable of loading your own ammunition. The rich and rewarding experi-
becoming a mllltary small arms expert. Weighs in at 4~!z pounds! ences of a lifetime devoted to the fine art of shotgunning are
$15.00 written here to help you improve your shooting and loads .
and it will. $6.95
ceives the full treatment In this comprehensive volume. For the Lt. Col. Earl Naramore. The dean of all handloaders has produced
first time; gunmakers have a working guide that contains com- a monumental text based on principles he personally developed
plete and omclal."speclficatlon drawings on cartridges and cham- over a lifetime. as a recognized authority on ammunition. An
bers, with head space data and barrel threadlngs Included. Select- Indlspensible single-volume how-to book that covers the entire
ing stock blanks, metal engraving, and blueing are only a few field of ballistics problems as related to cartridge reloading. It is
of the many subjects covered In detail. 740 pages, 36 chapters, without a doubt the finest handloadlng informa.tlon available to-
200 illustrations. $10.00 day. 915 pages, 240 illustrations. $12.50
oo~[Ri~ r>
10.000 POUNDS
OO~OO~ r>
oo~[Ri~ '0
Arthur S. Arkush
Ass't to the Publisher
E. B. Mann ...•....•. Editor
R. A. Steindler Managing Editor NEW GUNS FOR THE ARMy Joseph Goodyear 16
Kent Bellah Handloading hunting •••
Roslyn Wallis ...•...... Editorial Ass't SAFARI GAME AT HOME Frank C. Hibben 20
shooting . • .
Sydney Barker Art Director
CHAMPIONS AT 13 .. James T. Smith 22
Lew Merrell. Ass't Art Director A RIFLEMAN REMEMBERS Chappel and Tedmon 30
western . . .
Lee Salberg Advertising Director
guns to buy . . .
CLASSIC GUNS OF EUROPE Louis William Steinwedel 28
Sanford Herzog .. Production Manager THE MEDALIST BY BROWNING R. A. Steindler 33
Jim Dee
Dee Woolem, George Virgines
Bill Toney. Frank J. Schira
Junior Hunters
Fast Draw
EDITORIAL OFFICES: E. B. Mann, R. A. Steindler, 8150 N. Central Park, Skokie, III., ORchard 5-5602.
Kent 8ellah, St. Jo, Texas.
:REPRESENTATIVES: NEW YORK, Eugene L Pollock, 210 East 53rd St., New York 22, N. Y., PLaza
THE COVER 3-1780. WESTERN, Michael R. Simon, 8640 West Third St., Los Angeles 48, Calif., CRestview 4-2939.
Owned by Bob Richards of Elk Grove, MIDWEST ADV. OFFICES, 8150 N. Central Park Ave., Skokie, III., ORchard 5-6967.
III., the 12 gauge Winchester Model 50s
pictured, serial numbers 68719 and
68873, combine silver-inlaid game scenes
with scroll engraving and oak leaf stock-
and-forearm carving. Picture taken with
a Rolleiflex on Ektachrome at 1/100, F5.6
by R. O. Prochaska of Palatine, Illinois.
We proudly include these guns and this
picture in our motto, "Finest In The Fire-
arms Field." They rate it!
See it at your dealer's or write Mayville Engineering, much in demand. And thus, the revised and
Mayville, Wisconsin. Happy Shootin'. enlarged edition of Smith's book is a most
welcome one indeed. A considerable amount
of new material has been added, much of
':wit "'the e~citin'g}.ew
* Firepower at your fingertip could be the most important
thing in the world. "Easy does it" with a Mel Johnson semi-
automatic "Spitfire" in hand. Chambered for the new high-
velocity MMJ 5.7 mm cartridge, the Mel Johnson "Spitfire" puts
game-getting power in a handy, out-of-the-way package •••
ready for instant use.
Perhap!t you'll never need to face the challenge of survival.
Perhaps you'll never need collision insurance .•. but you carry
it just the same. It makes sense to have ready the things that
could well be vital in ,time of need. The Mel Johnson 5.7 mm
"Spitfire" gives you the ideal in a survival subrille. Just 4.8
pounds light, this rille has the power to bring down animals
for sustenance, or a 'marauding wolf yet with the accuracy
required to bag a bird in the bush with 40-grain 3000 foot-
second load.
The Mel Johnson "Spitfire" is one piece of equipment you "Mel"' Johnson. of World War II firearms and ammc>
can't afford to be without. It can rid you of nasty varmints, bring fame, designed advanced techniques into this new..
you a wholesome supper, drive off an aggressive alligator, take est automatic weapon and ammunition. A.S.M.E., et
care of that gigantic shark on your deep sea troll, cut down Harvard Law graduate. Marine Col. Johnson authored
coyotes. Dependable performance and sure-fire functioning articles and hooks on gunnery and military tactics,
including "The Liability of Makers and Sellers of
back up the high-velocity MMJ 5.7 mm center-fire cartridge,•.• Firearms:'
and it is yours new for just $130; or $73 for your own .30Ml
Carbine custom conversion if supplied us. Order yours today,
Also available with handsome wood stock; specify which.
HEAPLY MADE dies may be out of The usual method of de-leading is to fill
C alignment, have a weak decapping
stem, abnormal or sloppy dimensions, a
a bore with metallic mercury and let it stand
over-night, or partly fill it, and rock it back
rough internal finish, or rough expander. and forth for a what seems like a long time.
Good dies give long, trouble-free service, if It's rather expensive to buy enough to fill a
used with good die lube. Don't use "that bore. A pound of mercury can be poured
greasy kid stuff," or anything else except into a one ounce bottle. The capsule method
good die lube, unless it's lanolin. Dry ex- is economical, and more convenient. It does
pander plugs may stretch a case shoulder to a good job. If your gun requires frequent
goof head·space, or even pull a case apart. attention, you can load enough rounds at
Dipping case necks in Motor Mica, a dry one time to last a long time. Be sure to
white powder, eliminates this trouble. color code or otherwise identify the ammuni-
RCBS makes a dandy $1.20 case neck tion. Red nail polish on bullets and cases
brush, with any caliber extra brush at 20c. will do. Keep them in a labeled box.
They recommend rolling it on a lubed pad If you own a Hensley & Gibbs hollow
to lube case necks, to lube the expander. point mould it's worth more money than when
Some Powder Packers & Primer Poppers, it was new. Some casters called it Black
including this one, don't want necks lubed Friday when H & G discontinued all H.P.
any more than necessary. You can wipe moulds and those smaller than 4-hole. James
them dry, or use my idea. Gibbs told me nearly all dedicated hand-
No special skills needed to throw
Wrap tape around a fired case for identifi-
cation. Lube it heavier than usual with the
brush, then use this case to lube the ex-
gunners went to 4-cavity or larger jobs
sooner or later. He was right. But if a guy
wants a one-holer, he wants it, period.
pander as necessary for easy expanding. H & G moulds-and better ones have never
consistently accurate charges. Pow- It helps use the desirable minimum amount been made-are so precision cut that multi-
der pours into measuring chamber to of lube. Don't feed the case into the shell cavity jobs drop castings as uniform as a
prevent clogging. Adjust quick and holder, but insert it in the die by hand. As single cavity, and much faster.
easy from. one charge to another. the case isn't sized, the expander doesn't The H.P. pin is adjustable for depth.
Powder level visible at all times. scrape off most of the lube. Cases pick up If set too deep for plain base bullets, gas
Easily mounted on press or bench: so little lube that I don't bother to wipe pressure may blow through the base. The
NEW Small Measuring Cylinder avail- the inside of the necks dry. Recommended H.P. is deep enough if it extends into the
able for Bench Rest and Pistol die lubricants are made by RCBS, C-H, bearing surface. The steel pin handle gets
Hollywood, Pacific, Anderol, Lyman, Lake· hotter than Ii blister. Drill a short wood
Shooters. Specify Regular or Small
Measuring Cylinder. Com-
plete with stand Plate •••
$19 95
ville Arms, and probably others. Ordinary
oils and greases are not satisfactory, and dry
sizing will ruin your dies and cases.
dowel for a press·on fit, or wrap a piece of
cloth around the handle. You can insert the
pin in the blocks faster, without watching
You can make good rifle and revolver de- what you are doing, if you taper the entrance
leading loads. Put 30.0 grains of. mercury hole.
(quicksilver) in small medicine capsules, Casting is very fast if you use two moulds
obtainable in drug stores. Drop a mercury- in the large sizes. You fill one, let it cool
loaded capsule in with the powder, using while you fill another, then empty the first
2 DIE the specified charges. For a .38 or .357 use
1.5 grains Bullseye. For larger bores use
one. With everything going smooth you can
cast at the rate of some 1,200 bullets per
RIFLE SETS 2.5 grains Bullseye. For a .222 use 2.5
grains Unique. For the larger (military
hour with two 4-holers, or larger.
Bill Mowery, Jacksboro, Texas, who
size) cartridges use 4.0 grains Unique. Seat builds fine custom guns, both cartridge and
standard type bullets normally. In revolvers cap & ball, tells me he casts small objects
use service type (semi-wadcutter or round of pure tin, using a plain paper form. I
Precision machined. Standard 'l'a"· nose) bullets, not wadcutters. tried it, and it works. Tin melts at only 450
14 thread for all popular reloading Fire two of these rounds outdoors, witn degrees F, while lead melts at 621. Tin is
presses. Hand polished for long wear. the wind so toxic fumes won't blow back easily worked, and stays bright. You'll find
No decorative chrome plating to crack in your face. As mercury weakens brass, numerous uses for this tip.
or peel. No interchangeable inserts
which neck size only. Over 500
calibers available .
$13 50
deform and di·scard these shells. Let the
gun stand a couple of hours, or overnight.
Strips of flexible rubber magnets are
handy around the bench and home. They
Run a patch in the bore outdoors, or over are easily cut or broken to any length. They
Prices slightly higher in Canada.
a wastebasket to catch the residue, and can be drilled, can be quickly attached to
Buy from your gun dealer and be surel clean in the usual manner, starting with a a shelf edge or any place you want to keep
brush. Mercury doesn't harm the bore, but Allen wrenches and other small tools. If
it stains silver and gold. It forms an amalgam not available locally, the Magna-Flex rubber
write for FREE CATALOG!
with lead, making it soft and easy to swab magnet strips are made by The Crest Co.,
out. The loads are not recommended in auto Newark, N. J.
loading guns. Otherwise, the loads are per- Illinois Long Range Copper Plated shot
fectly safe. (Continued On page 58)
Dept. E-4, P.O. Box 729, Oroville, Calif. 10 GUNS APRIL 1963
Un ...a.checl
.,.i.h NEW
prac.ice aln...o
Who writes "Trail & Target," and why of criminal.
doesn't he sign his very informative column? I enjoy your magazine very much. Let's
I just came across an old June 1955 issue have more items on gun laws.
in which Bob Stack tells about his favorite Walter J. Lonergan
gun. It said that the next issue would give Avondale, Arizona
15 fEET 20 FEET 25 FEET Jack Webb's favorite gun, but I don't have
.250 in. group .531 in. group .719 in. group In response to a flood of requests, we are
that issue. Can you tell me what gun that having reprints made of the article, "Fire-
50 Cartridge Cases • • $1.50 was? arms Control In The United States." We will
50 Bullets • • • • • • $1.50 James Williamson supply them on request, up to six free, or
Dallas, Texas $2.00 per hundred.-Editor.
Try TARGET-38's Before You Buy We doubt that the light-ray ·gun would
Test for yourself this great new shooting often menace the individual soldier; rather,
achievement. Send SOc in coin for a sample it might protect him from aerial and "artil- Hunters Identified
of S bullets and 5 cases. We will rush your .,.lery" attack. . . . The writer of "Trail & Members of the local Gun Club, as well as
sample of Target.38's by return mail. Address Target" prefers anonimity and we have prom- other friends, were pleased to hear that your
requests to: Target-38, Speer Products Co., magazine had a picture of a local father-son,
ised to keep his secret. . . • Jack Webb's
P. O. Box 244, lewiston, Idaho. team of hunters, but were disappointed to
favorite gun: the then new Smith & IVesson
9 mm double action automatic. His has his see that they were not identified in the
famous badge No. 714 inlaid in gold on the article, "Canada for Bison."
frame. . . . And, finally, look for a story Their names: J. S. "Sandy" Sanders and
WORLD LEADER IN PRODUCTS FOR HANDLOADING soon about Bob Stack (Mr. "Untouchable"), son, C. P. "Pitt" Sanders-Massillon's Chev-
his guns and gun prowess.-Editor. rolet Dealers. These two men have hunted
12 GUNS APRIL 1963
just about anywhere you could mention in speeches from your station have carried a
North America, and their Trophy Room is a long way. They usually do when someone
sight to be long remembered. It includes a speaks against the right to bear arms in
"Grand Slam" in sheep, a fairly rare feat. this country.
Another son, C. L. "Coke" Sanders, is also "I am not going to attempt to tell you rlWlllE@
associated in the business and also hunts. that you are wrong in your opinion, but just
Ann Richardson
Massillon, Ohio
look deep into the words w:hich I have put
together for a contest I am entering:
I UN£:
Our country won its independence
with the blood and lives of our fore-
A Vote Against Magnums fathers who had the "Right to bear
I have been a gun enthusiast for 15 years arms" and when the revolution began
but the trend toward unneeded magnums they were able to grab their guns from
has about disgusted me. the mantles and corners to help secure
Have you ever hunted in Missouri? Well, the freedom we enjoy so much today.
try it some time. The magnum calibers just To take away this right would be to
aren't needed for 25 to 75 yd. shots! There take away part of the freedom that so
just isn't enough open land flat enough to many thousands of good Americans died
justify owning one. to preserve.
The publicity over the magnums results "I hope you will give your comments a
in some stupid purchases by the uninformed little deep thought."
or unthinking. A buddy of mine finally visit- Charles B. McCarty
ed a local gun range with me, after much Jacksonville, Fla.
coaxing, and after an afternoon of punching Mershon Sure G'rip Shell Packs
holes in targets, he caught the gun bug; he They Took His Gun Unique pat. pend. "0" ring segment design
was going to buy a rifle! You in the States are not alone in having holds variety of calibers securely, releases
them easily. Protects shells from loss, danl-
He decided to read some of the literature legislative troubles about guns. I was recently age. Specially formulated of durable, light-
on arms and ammo before he bought and fined and my gun (a .22 caliber Ruger Single ~~~it'i~'ane~~':'~h~:'llr"o~r~~~~\~ ~2~Ope~~
Six) was confiscated because I was trans- Fits any belt up to 1 %" wide. Red, brown,
after three months of eye strain, all he black. Only $3.00.
could talk about was magnums! He was porting it without a permit. The gun was
magnum happy, and he had never even unloaded, and was being carried in a suit-
fired one. case. I was stopped by police making a
He now owns a magnum, and he doesn't routine check, and they saw a spare holster
like it. Too loud, too light, too much recoil, on the back seat of the car. They asked
too expensive to shoot. He can't hit a gallon where the gun was, took it out of the suit-
can at 100 yards because he closes his eyes case, and issued me a summons. I was fined, ."White Line" Recoil Pads
Unique design offers gradual resistance to
when he yanks the trigger! and they kept my gun. There is some hope recoil, instead of "mushy" cushioning or
that I will get it back eventually, but there abrupt °bottoming." There is a model for
Oh well, maybe I can find him a good every purpose, whether rifle or shotgun.
used .32-20 somewhere before deer season is a good chance that it will be destroyed. For quality. long life and unexcelled shoot-
ing comfort, insist on "White Line" Recoil
opens! Don't let gun laws of this type be passed Pads. Deluxe (shown) $3.75.
K. C. Everett in your country; they are a damned sight Deluxe Slip-On·
harder to change than they. are to prevent, if
St. Louis, Mo.
proper action is taken in time. RECOIL PAD
Easily slips on to any shotgun
I am the owner of three rifles, the finest of or rifle. "Progressive Action"
Address Wanted which is a new .308 Norma Magnum Parker absorbs shock. Will give years
of service. Only $ 2. 00.
Thank you for publishing my letter in Hale with a Weaver K4 scope on a 22" barrel.
your February 1963 issue; I still feel the Thanks for a fine magazine; it's tops! SURE GRIP
same way about your magazine. Incidentally, Don Pearson HANDGUN CASES
my son, mentioned in that letter, is now a Saskatoon, Sask. 3, 4 & 5 gun models
Compact, light,
Lt. Colonel, USAF, in SAC Headquarters. these beau tlful
Re the letter in the above issue by Mr. Detroit Fast Guns Please Note sturdy cases have
rack for 3. 4 or 5
T. E. Newman of Atlanta, Georgia, about my I happened to come into possession of a guns, space for ac-
cessories and spot-
article "How Fussy Need You Be?" (GUNS, copy of GUNS for August, 1961, and found ting scope. Avail.
Nov. 1962): I should like to have Mr. New- with or without
it most interesting. Coming from a small back door. Exterior
man's street address in Atlanta for two town in Ohio, I am interested in guns and is finished in choice
of 8 attractive col-
reasons. First, all cases used in assembling in how citizens can keep their guns without ors and materials. Fully lined
the data for that article were fire-formed in to match. 3 gun model without back door
legislative interference. Your story about • $27.50. Adjustable handgun tray extra.
the same rifle and neck-sized only. I should Cole Younger, telling how armed citizens NEW "SURE·GRIP"
like to correspond with him about this, to brought about the downfall of the James WALNUT TARGET
learn more from him of methods he evidently Gang, is a strong argument for an armed GRIPS
has used in assembling data in which we citizenry. Designed especially for the
target shooter, these :tine
are both interested. I am educational chairman of a patriotic ilnported walnut grips
feature finger & thumb
Lt. Col. Bryce Poe, USA Ret. organization and we are much interested in grooves. Gives you better
articles of this kind. Keep up the good work! End view Side view control, higher scores. Ex-
105 East 70th Street Terrace pertly checkered with hand rubbed oil fin-
Kansas City 13, Missouri I know of no fast draw organization in ish. A vail. in reg. or large sizes for popular
Colts, S & Wand S & W Magnum models.
this section of the country. If you know of
We no longer have Mr. Newman's letter, Only $15.50 pro ,
hope he will see this and write to Colonel
any fast draw club in the Detroit area, please "10 Point" Grips
let me know. . Fits all modern Colts and S & W
Poe.-Editor. Revolvers and pistols. Easily
Charles E. Love installed. Improves shooting accu- ".
Southgate, Michigan racy. Prevents gun from slipping.
Can be cut or shaped to fit your
New York, Please Note hand. Only $5.75. .
See flour Jl.fer,hon Dealer or write for FREE literature
I am enclosing a letter to Mr. Sheppard
of New York, written in response to the 8?81 BORE-LITES
"Sick Thoughts" l~tter in "Crossfire,:' (Feb. with curved Lucite Heads &
PPd Batteries. Smartly finished in
'63) • chrom"e wired-black & green-black pat-
- ; terns.
"Dear Mr. Sheppard: • ..' DEALERS WHOLESALE: 25 for $17.00 ppd.
100 for $62.00 ppd.
"As you will notice from the city from '. • WESTCHESTER TRADING
which this letter is written, your little G·2478 Arthur Avenue, Bronx 58, N. Y.
I $29~J~Y I
Model 1917 Enfield
is the lowest price rifle in the most desired
30/06 30/06 Springfield caliber! Known supplies are very
limited-more are not likely to be available!
AUTO. Top gun authority Major General Julian S. Hatcher in
Hatcher's Notebook says of the U. S. Model 1917 Rifle-"basically
a typical Mauser, it was improved in seve..al respects, and has a bolt and receiver
U. S. M-l GARAND RIFLE of high grade Nickel s~eel that gave it a superbly st..ong action." General Hatcher
Finest lot we've seen! Limited quanti:tY.! Famous World War II ~~~~-:~ ::r:;~;~~:y.~;s~pri~~fie~~eb~;::~S)~ave shown the Model 1917 barrels will Order No. C20-T33 J
automatic rifle in popular 30/06 caliber. 8-shot. 24" barrel.
4~" over~ll. Adjustable sight. Exactly as issued with original click type rifl~~:~i~i'ita:i:~:~afis::~3,~.°'P~::~r9ght ~d~':.s~b~e5i;::02~~~; ~:~~Iy:r~~, sb~:~~ ~~~~~ .
~~~';;5~~~~a~~::ab~~:.ro~O;d~~io~o• •• ~~i~~~ .~1:~ .I.b~ .. $19.95 sight. Foolproof safety. Turned down bolt. American Walnut Stock and hand guard
with sling swivels. All milled pa..ts, perfect shooting condition!
~:~A~~rf~"ct"~~K~il~E~~in~ONc~~~~~~ii~I.1.~p.e~~a.l~~ ~~I.e~~~d. ~~~ .~e.r~ $89.95 C20-T33. M1917 Rifle made by Eddystone •••• $29.88. C20-T34. Made by Remington or Winchester •••• $34.95
C20-T1296. M1917 Rifle made by Eddystone mounted with a Tasco 3/4" 4 power scope •••••••••••••••• $39.95
6.5 ITALIAN C20-TI297. M1917 Rifle made by Remington or Winchester mounted with a Tasco 3/4" 4 power scope •••• $44.95
C20-T1292. M1917 Rifle made by Eddystone side mounted with the big 1" Tasco 4 or 6 power scope •••• $59.88
CARBINE C20-T1293. M1917 Rifle made by Rem. or Win. side mounted with the big 1" Tasco 4 or 6 powe $64.88
C20-T669. Leather lace-on cheekpiece & sling •. $3.95 E20-TI000. 30/06 Metal jacketed ammo. 120 rds .. $7 .20
Only 36" ove ..all, weighs only 51/2-lbs. Shows
only slight use. lightly oiled, test fired and head spaced, ready for
shooting. Tu ..ned down bolt, thumb safety, 6-shot, clip fed. Rear open
~~~-!;.1r::~ 1:::~i:lI;n:rr:::.fi.r~~~•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• $12.88
~~~:~~~·asc~r~~::at':~t.h•• ~r.a~~ •• ~~~ • ~~ • ~.U~~i~~ • ~~•• ~~0~~~4.H. $19.95
E20-T75t. 6.5 mm Italian military ammo with free G·shot clip, 108 rds. 57.50
VARIABLE POWER SCOPE • • • 21/2X to 8X. TASCO quality and features same ~;~.~~;;~ C~~i~~;'~d $94.95 Mfr's List. State 30/30 or .35 cal • • • • • • • • • $69.88
P~~~~c.U!~•• ~:~.~a~: ~~~:~~
MARLIN 336C WITH 4X SCOPE-Mounted • • • Ready to shoot! Famed Tasco fine
.t.o. $29.88 quality 1" diameter 4X Scope with hard coated magnesium fluoride lenses, click stops
fo.. wlOdage and elevation adjustments. Tip-off mounts fo.. quick, simple scope removal. Scope is nitrogen filled
21/2~ or 4X SCOPES CROSSHAIR or POST and CROSSHAIR RETICULE. All the to prevent fogging. Leather lens caps included. Scope has crosshair.
quality and features of B20-T693 described plus Fixed Reticule-always accurately
s:~~:w~~~f~e~~~:p~~~ic;ri~:.r~~i~~I.e: • • • .. $19.88 :1:e~~~re~3~~o_~~7~~O:t~teM~oU/~~S~rR~3C50~t~~'.
~~.R.R.V.I~.~ .S:.R.~~,. ~~I~.E.L.S:.~~,:,~~r.e.~~ ~.1~~:~~ $94.88
MARLIN 336C WITH 21hX to 8X SCOPE. Mounted • • • Ready to Shoot! Tasco fine quality variable power scope
changes power from 21/2 all the way up to 8 instantly. Nitrogen filled, magnesium fluoride coated lenses, cross·
hail'" retiCUle, leather lens caps. Tip-off mounts. State caliber choice.
SALE! New Matador 10 Gauge Magnum ~~~-:alr~9a1t$~::.~~Ne~s~:~e~y2~~~3S0C/~~E~r~~5U~~~~ .~~~~I.L.•P.A.~,. ~~~~~.I~~. ~:~~.P: .~~. ~~~~: $104.88
SAVE $60 NOW! But Hu ....y-they won't last! B ..and new famed SPECIAL
Firearms Inte .. national MATADOR 10-gauge (31/2" shell) Magnum
Shotgun. Deep cut price.due to slight change in forthcoming model. WAR SURPLUS PURCHASEI ENFIELD SPORTER
Made for F-I by Aya of Spain. Perfect fo .. ducks and geese to 100 yds.• fo..
fox and varmint. Shoots either 27/8" or 31/2" Magnum shells. 32" full choked
.303 British Caliber
barrels. Engraved ~eceive.. , double safety unde ..locks. Checkered F ..ench Walnut
stock and beavertail forea .. m. 49" overall. 9 1/2 Ibs.
C20-T72. Certified $189.50 Mfr's List ••••••••••••••••••••••••
E20-73. 10 Ga. 31/2" Magnum Shells, specify BB, #2 or #4, $7.20 for 25.
Amazing low p .. ice due to huge special
SAVE over 540. B ..and new Wincheste.. Model 50 purchase from British Air Ministry! The finest
FEATHERWEIGHT Automatic Shotgun. First quality, factory lot of Enfield No.1. Mark III Rifles we've seen • • •
packed. Latest Model. 12 gauge, 30" barrel. full choke, 3·shot. possibly the last of this quality that may be available for a
Easy, fast takedown. Select Walnut stock. Weighs long, long time! Buy with complete assurance your gun will be mechani· Order No.
C20.TI3:;!y .~7:~ .I~~.: .~~1:~': .o~~~a.. ~ •••••••••. $98.77 J)lusa~I;fa~Jif;:~aQe cally pel-feet • • • with clean sharp rifling • • • with smooth, oiled fine-grained Walnut
stock with little appreciable wearing of wood. Sporterized stock has good clean lines,
balances well-permits fast handling. Rear sight adjustab'le for windage and elevation,
BRAND NEW! U.S. Ml .30 CALIBER CARBINE blade front sight. Turned-down bolt handle, solid brass butt-plate. 10-shot removable
clip, sling swivels. 441/2" overall. 303 British Caliber.
The Rifle $19.88
C20-T1253. Rifle • • • • • • • • • • . . . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Every G.I. ENFIELD RIFLE with FLEETWOOD 4X SCOPE, 3/4" diameter. Mounted-Ready for Shooting!
Wants! Buy Now!
C20-T992 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
The only U. S. Military small arms made with :~~lyE~:rR~::-o~i:~~hL~::'e~A::~y~::gs~~~:~ ~1~~~~~:~e!d'C~~_~~~r;~t~~,.~:O.s~~~i.r.~e.t:c.u.. ~ :. : :. ~~~~~e.d: $44.88
the lines and weight of a modern sporter. E20·T1339. .303 Dr. Military Ammo. per 100 rds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . • . . . . . • • . • . $7.50
Weighs only 51/2 lbs. 18" bar..el, 36" overall.
Gas operated. 15 shot semi-automatic. Receiver sight ad·
~~~~~~~~, f~~r:;O/:Od~P~c:,d~g~.YdS. New Condition! Superbly S7888 BROWNING M1922 .32 Cal. AUTOMATIC PISTOL
C20-T859·Z • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • . • • . World famous "Police Model" of the original "M1910·Pocket Mod~
C20-T1341. Brand New M-l Carbine, Fully Nickel Plated .•••••••••••• $119.95 el" which was made by the famous "Fabrique Nationale" in Bel.
gium under the personal supervision of John M. Browning himself. This genuine
F20-T52. I5-shot Magazine, 3 for $1.00; . . . E20·Tl192 . .30 cal. Military Belgian made B ..owning offe ..s a grip type safety plus the usual thumb·operated
Ammo. $8.75 per 100 rds.; . • • E20-T55. Hunting Ammo $5.00 per aD rds.; . • • safety, also an automatic safety fun.ctions when the magazine is removed. Only 7"
Minimnm order $5.00. overall with a 4112" barrel. Weighs Just 25 ounces and ca ..ries 9 .32ACP cartridges in
INC~~~:So.v~r • 38':nu~no~rCO:~idl:e~::t"hs,;~eC:.~as~Wf,h~a~~;~~~e~trap!
its magazine. Blued finish, lanyard swivel and checkered grips. Blade f ..ont and fixed
~~~~T::~~.Si~~:y Good Condition (NRA)
E20·T1410. Excellent Condition (NRA) .••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• $29.95
E20-1411 . . 32ACP 71 gr. M. C. Cartridges,. 100 rds • . • • • • . . . • . . . . • . • . • . . $8.00
EARPHONE for Private Listening! Famed VISCOUNT Quality!
_ 8 Transistors-3 Diodes • Powerful Telescopic Antenna ... - MAIL TODAY! IMMEDIATE DELIVERYI --a
3 Bands Conceals in Case • Console Sound 31/2" Dynamic Speaker
Tu~lt~:te~-'Y'l~~~~ff·~a~~i~r L~:~~" for- N~~~~iS+~"nin~id:-~~~: KLEIN'S-Dept. 386
8 Transistors OUT 78th Year of Quality
arate Tone Control _ "Long Range" or "Local" Power
)Switch • Plays Perfectly Anywhere! As
Adve ..tised in LIFE. Guaranteed by Good
227 W. Washington St.
Double action only
Housekeeping Magazine! oz. 6 shot. 101/2" over- Chicago 6, l1Iinois
Receives all standard AM b ..oadcasts plus
Shortwave 6-18 Megacycles and Marine
all. Hinged frame, break~
open action. fixed sights, ..
hard rubber grips. Good condition
o CASH CUSTOMERS: Send check or money order in full.
Add only $1.50 per any size order for postage and
Band 1.6-4.5 Mc. Operates on 4 stand- outside. Perfect mechanically. handling unless otherwise specified. Handgun orders, and
ard flashlight batteries. Weighs only 2
Ibs., 10 oz. Showpiece black and chrome E20-T97. Only • . . • . • . $12.98 orders with ammo, are shipped express, charges collect_
(Illinois customers only-add .4 % Sales Ta.)
cabinet measures only 43/4"x81/2"x17/s". Add $3.00 for special selection if desired.
FP90-T9740 $3995 •38 S&W WEBLEY
o C.O.D. Customers-Enclose 10 0/0 C.O.D. Deposit•
Free o ~:;r::n~ISr~:~re~~E~~~~ ;r~;~I:i1f'b~T~~~:eSd a~oo~g~n
Thousands Sold at $88.00 Per Pair
Now Klein's Cuts the Price $10.0p More!
Famed E
ice Revolvers at I
o ~:~pe~~E~~Jr ~~:e~?~eEn~S~a~oe ~~dna~ar~~se~~ ~:~~iEe~:
ployer and names and addresses of 2 or more firms With whom
than .y4 o .. iginal you have (or have had) credit accounts. Also your age, occupa·
NEW! FINEST 9 TRANSISTOR WALKIE·TALKIE Favo... te of all the com- tion, number of dependents, date present job began and present
bat forces of the British salary. Info.. mation will be kept confidential.
Perfect for Hnnters, Fishermen, Farmers, Campers, Police
Work. Contractors, Surveyors, TV Repairmen! Commonwealth during
A nyone Can Use . . . No License Required . . . FCC Approved! World War II. Strong rugged de- RUSH ITEM NOS. _
sign, double action. Goshot, auto
Small enough to hold • • • I ight enough for your pocket • • • ejection, Parkerized finish. Very
yet ranges up to 4 miles! 9-transistors in each unit for clear
performance for the serious minded outdoorsman and outdoor
worker! • • • Do not confuse with "gimmicked-up" items hav_
Good Condition-mechanically pe ..fect.
::~~~9~ :~~. ~~l: ..S~.~. ~:'. $18.95
ENCLOSED Is $; 0 Check 0 Money Order
ing battery wea... ng radios and other gadgets. Easily operated
with push-to-talk switch, volume control, telescoping Chromed Add $3.00 for Special Selection, if desired. NAME ---,
antenna. 7 penlight batteries included • • • cheaply and eas-
ily replaced anywhere. Plays to 1500 hours intermittently. • HANDGUN PURCHASERS: Please
Rugged grey metal housing with baked-on crinkle finish. 2112" send signed statement stating that you ADDRESS _
x 11/2" X 61/2". Weighs 21/4 Ibs. Genuine leather case, straps, are 21 0" over, not an al ien. have not
~lau"dC:::: :hl;::~ ~~~~;:t~ed:riit~g I::~:e:nl~~se
Walkie-Talkie . . • . . . . • • . .
$4488 been convicted of a crime, not under
~i~:~t:I~~t,s;:J ;e~~iittii: yo:u~r~i~ya~;
state requires. _ _ _ 100"10 MONEY BACK GUARANTEEI
Save More! 2 Walkie-Talkies, both for only ••••.. $78.88
GUNS APRIL 1963 15
Recoilless rifle M 67, designed for use against tanks
and armored vehicles weighs 35 Ibs., can be fired from
the shoulder, and requires only two men in field use.
This has been called the age of the ICBM, or the age of the
Polaris submarine, depending on which service is asked. From either
viewpoint, it might be termed the age of by-pass weapons rather than
combat weapons-an age of long-range nuclear weapons
that carry destruction to the heartland of the enemy, con·
temptuously ignoring armies and navies en route. No
one apparently has told this to the U.S. Army, or at least they have not
convinced our military planners-for this service has put together
a weapons system that isn't concerned with by-passing but with
fighting, a system built around the first and ultimate
weapon, the G.!. What the Army is primarily concerned
about, of course, is the so-called "limited war," th~...
kind in which U.S. forces will probably be eng ~,WA'lt_
many times and in many places far ina the
foreseeable future. Because these wars are limite!, they
are n9 less important; they are con icts we
Undergoing tests at
Grounds, the "Per,
•IS sown
h • t,~r-ec
prror n 10
more like a bottle of champagne in a milk Longest range gun, the 175 mm on fully self-propelled M 107
box than a deadly weapon, is a G.I.-operated carrier. Vehicle can also mount 8" howitzer or 155 mm gun.
guided missile, the total weight of which is
just 37 lbs. A French development which will
soon join NATO, E TAC fires a solid-pro-
pellant projectile, the course of which is con-
trolled by an operator maneuvering a swivel-
stick from a control box. Commands are given
through fine wires played out from the missile
as it travels to the target. The name ENTAC
is a contraction of Engin Teleguided Anti-
Char, the French identifying description.
The G.I.'s first really effective' defense
against low-flying aircraft is the new "Red-
eye," a 22-lb., man-carried missile controlled
by an infra-red guidance system. Currently
in the development stage, the Redeye uti-
lizes a bazooka-type (Continued on page 48)
GUNS • APRIL 1963 19
spots there are javelina, mountain Modern conservation methods, strict end to reduced bags-after all, a
lions, and bobcats. Every year the law enforcement, and a better under- hunter can't be expected to shoot less
number of hunters increases while the standing of the science of ecology can than one deer during a season. Our
supply of native game, even with mod- do something to alleviate this otherwise hunting pressure and the number of
ern conservation methods, remains the pessimistic future. Some areas are try- hunters is rapidly increasing and un-
same or grows less. New Mexico and ing to combat this trend with reduced doubtedly in the future, with more
the other Southwestern states have only bag limits, but obviously there i~ an leisure and a greater interest in guns,
so much deer terrain, so much area this trend will skyrocket. With more
where elk can thrive and survive, or hunters and less game for them to
so many mountain ranges where moun- hunt, what are" we going to do?
tain sheep flourish. There is little The state of New Mexico decided
that modern hunters or conservation- that the answer was in the intro uc-
ists can do about increasing these tion of certain animals which might
areas or the game populations within live in terrain which is otherwise un-
them. occupied by any native species. The
Actually, the trend is in the other American Southwest, for example, has
direction. Super highways, these great -millions of acres of arid and semi-arid
dual-laned affairs that are now cutting valleys and rocky mountain ranges
swaths of destruction across our land- with insufficient water or rain to form
scape, are taking millions of acres a habitat for deer or for domestic ani-
that once were occupied by antelope mals. Some of this arid land has a
or deer. The encroachments of civili- very scattered deer population or a
zation in the form of recreational few javelina but hunting-wise, it is
areas, forest service roads, dam proj- non-productive. Here the number of
ects, and other aspects of modern civ- animals is so small that hunters will
ilization are steadily reducing the Author's New Mexican barbary had a not bother to hunt there. There is sub-
areas in which wild game can live. better head than most African rams. marginal (Continued on page 40)
GUNS APRIL 1963 21
at 'going on'
OMPETITIVE SMALL bore shooters, beware! Two holds four National Women's two-man-team rifle records.
C Sub Junior sharpshooting kids, who would rather shoot
than eat, are after your trophies. Ted and Viola Couch
Both parents are NRA certified marksmanship instructors,
and the shooting Couch family has won well over 600
were the youngest National Junior Rifle Association mem- shooting trophies, not counting the inumerable game tro-
bers to earn the coveted Distinguished classification. Ted, phies they have gathered over the years.
now 13, achieved this honor at the ripe old age of 11. Young Ted, who quite often beats his father in all four
Viola, now 12, aj::complished the feat when she was 10 positions, had his first rifle made for him at age one.
years old. He began shooting at four and a half, and when five,
Shooting sort of runs in the Couch family. Their par- he was firing in the kneeling, prone, sitting, and off-hand
ents, Marine Captain and Mrs. W. M. ("Dutch") Couch, positions. He became an NRA Junior Sharpshooter at
have won hundreds of awards and trophies all over the seven, copping the 3rd place award in the Junior All-Gun
United States. Dutch excels with the small bore rifle and Club Championship. At eight he won the Junior Rifle
pistol, and shot on the U.S.M.C. trap team, while Mildred Championship of the Junior Club at 29 Palms, California.
Couch held the title of Woman Skeet Champion of New He won his Club Championship in that shoot, and has
Mexico for five years. Dutch began his competitive shoot- won every Club championship shoot he has entered since
ing career under the tutelage of Calvin Duke in 1947. then.
Duke was one of the Corps' hottest pistol shooters. With Ted's gun collection would make most any man envious.
daughter Viola, Mrs. Couch established and presently III his eight years of shooting, (C ontinued on page 52)
Partial List of Awards Won by Ted Couch Partial Lisf of Awards Won by Viola Couch
Lifetime NRA Master (Adult) NRA Expert (Adult)
1962 National Sub-Junior Champion
Illinois Sectional Junior Champion 1962 Illinois Women's Champion
Junior Champion, Libertyville Annual Midwest Sectional Girl's Champion
Gallery, iron sights, 388x400 Midwest Girl's Champion, Class B
Member Illinois All-State Team; team (200x200)
score 784x800; four-position score High gun, Illinois State Girls Team
197 kneeling, 190 standing, 197 prone, Girl's Sectional Junior Champion
200 sitting (with 10 additional lOs) Illinois Junior Sitting Champion
High scorer on Sub-Junior team that
(iron sights, 199x200)
won Sectional Junior Championship
1961 Midwest Regionol Junior Champion Team member, high gun prone, 2nd
Chicagoland Sub-Junior Champion Sub-Junior Postal Matches
Open Prone Champion, Class B 1961 Sandy Agater Girl's Champion
Milwaukee Sentinel Champion (200-17Xs) High scoring girl, Chicagoland
Ohio Sub-Junior Sectional Champion Junior League
Ted Viola
HE FIRST-TIME pheasant hunter, like the guy in love with his first
T dame, is likely to believe some most unlikely tales-about the wisdom
of the one, and the virtues of the other. Both boys are on Cloud me and
should be warned. I've some solid advice for the bird hunter; the guy
in love will have to look for other guidance.
Reams have been written about the wary wisdom of Chinese ringneck
pheasants, about their more-than-human ability to reason themselves out
of trouble. Don't you believe it! Pheasants run, when possible; hide,
when the opportunity offers. In final extremity, they come busting out
with a nerve-shaking cackling clatter and start making air knots. A barn-
yard hen will do the same, within the limits of her ability-and do it
without the lesson of having been spanked in the tail by a load or two of
No.6 shot. The ringneck is not stupid, but neither is he the iron-nerved
genius he's been painted. Approach him in some unorthodox manner, and Cigar box with pebbles or marbles
those "iron" nerves shatter, genius panics, and-there's your target. will, when rattled, flush birds.
26 GUNS APRIL 1963
The ringneck cock seems arrogant as he struts along in plain view; but is
he arrogant? Heck, no! He just got caught out in the open and is trying to
bluff his way to cover. Crowded, he runs. Reaching cover, he skulks. Out
of sight, he hides. Is that genius ? Well, it depends somewhat on what you
do. If you're stupid, you can make him look like a whiz kid-and that's
where most of the tales come from.
Having reached hiding, that cock has used up most of his genius, but
he's still jumpy. If you walk straight at him, he'll fly, probably before
you're within gun range. If you know exactly where he's hiding and know
you can sprint within range before he can take off, that's the thing to do.
Otherwise fox him. Angle away, curving around and gradually back to his
cover from another direction. Many times, this will confuse him and you
can flush him again within easy gun range. With two hunters working,
circle in opposite directions, then close in, and one or the other is likely
to get the shot. Well prepared pheasant with all the
This doesn't always work, of course, especially where the cover is exten- trimmings is enjoyed after hunting.
sive. Once he's truly out of sight, you can only guess, basing your guesses
on experience, how far he will run and skulk, and in which direction. Too,
if he finds cover exactly to his liking, and has time to get over his initial
panic, he may hold fast even if you pass' him by a narrow margin. Dense
spots of cover should be stamped out thoroughly.
The behavior of the protected hens has a distinct bearing on how the
hunter can route the legal cocks into flight within shotgun range. Hens are
shorter legged, less speedy on foot, and tire more quickly than the cocks.
Once they get into cover that permits alternate running and skulking, they
invariably fall behind the speedier cocks and are, from 60 to 90 per cent of
the time, the first to be crowded into flight.
The knowing hunter can use that information to his benefit. When, trail-
ing pheasants in cover, the hens begin to get up, he presses forward a bit
more watchfully. The cocks may be anywhere from 10 to 30 yards, some-
times more, ahead of those hens. The flushing hens are the tip-off that
cocks are nearby.
Pheasants are essentially lazy. And, in spite of (Continued on page 46)
In the morning, corn fields often hold many birds who flock there to
feed. Young hunter covered the fields well, got his limit of birds.
GUNS APRIL 1963 27
ECENTLY, a friend came to me with an elegant old tic. 'Over there,' they still make 'em 'like they useter.'''
R Parker double shotgun-fine engraving, select check-
ered stock, superb balance, all the earmarks of a fine piece
In Europe, style-except in feminine fashions-changes
at a conservative pace, and something as stable as a well
of handcrafted work from the days when a dollar was a designed gun is not about to be tampered with merely
dollar. Not a collector, and not impressed with the idea of because of the passage of one or two generations.
low power black powder loads, my friend regretfully ex- The post-Civil War Parker-type hammer shotgun my
pressed a willingness to trade off his "white elephant." I friend wanted was easy to find. The Spanish firm of
suggested that, if he were so fond of the old-style twin-ham- "Eusebio Arizaga" (still rather unknown in the U.S.)
mer double, why didn't he buy a new smokeless powder gun offers a variety of some twenty-one different shotguns
of the same classic design. ranging in price from economy models at about $16.00
"Ho!" he replied with a skeptically raised eyebrow. up to beautiful custom doubles of the English "Purdy"
"That kind of gun went out with the high button shoes and design at $370. In between these are two models of the old
the buggy whip!" hammer double that look as if they were right out of the
"Sure," I answered. "But only on this side of the Atlan- pages of a Parker, Colt, or Remington catalogue of 1870
rnexp"nsiYe" h.m~r
as, trad& gUM fo,"
ll.S. as" deeoratorl and
or so. The first was a modestly priced gun at $34.50, with
cylinder right, choke left barrels and a choice of barrel
length up to 36 inches. (Longer barrels are popular in
Europe, with about 30 inches being the English standard.)
The gun also boasted the familiar top lever release and .. :K,_I~MffN$ldl~(btih.t
triple Greener lock. ~~"""~W<$ i_l:'-"'~ lk<IfiR ~~
"",,,«o:l.,..l:.~~~l~""~'" 40
If a buyer wished to invest an extra $3.00, he could ~ ••1 ~v>'. ~"l~~.
«lli,~ '."x,~., 4»~ W
".< <{~
.~~.ii<t.>l. 4<1»« "'lI. .."I<_.... ~
get the deluxe model, with lockplates engraved with sport- _4»•• <><1~ ",<>'''Ai'it_~M_
!"y... , ' ,
ing scenes, selected checkered walnut stock, choice of stock <»HyM~.0.<3~~~j)M(ml .. Hf'\<>
as told to
ALLYN H. TEDMON Rifleman Chappel checks loads for .17 A&M.
Another fantastic LUGER go-around ta cap our 10th ANNIVERSARY issue! In time to treat you NRA Cal.9MM
Conventioneers ta the greatest selection of precious LUGERS ever assembled in one place at one time
at outrageously low pricesl Last month brought the greatest response in the history of gundom. New
arrivals should make this month the greatest ever. Mail your order today and be assured of YOURS-
beat the mad Convention stampede. Unbelievable but true-a simultaneous Ye Old Hunter coup-from
three sources-two from western Europe and one from Asia. You no longer need be "held-up" $60, $70 ONLY
or $80 by some greedy "hold-out" ••• own "THE WORLD'S GREATEST PISTOL" in NRA GOOD condition
at only $39.95 .•. for VERY GOOD Grades add only a measly $10.00. Bargain 9MM Luger issue ammuni-
tion only $4.00 per 100 rds. "World's Greatest Pistol"-to expensive to ever manufacture again!
~p tJ'(I'l'l1
.". U ~olltJ'(tor'
""" '" 0' ~ttJ'mO"
1;J ... JJ •
S39 95!
Guaranteed NRA Good Condition!
IJ of famous LIMITED NUMBERS OF ULTRA RARE COLLECTOR ITEMS INCLUDING REICHS· ]~xtra :r\ew German Mfg, Luger }\{ags....ONLY $5.95 each
n h . __
Only $90.00 Holsters w /Extra Magazine PockeL.. ONLY $4.95 each
Superb NEW .22 L.R.
French pro~
duction l\oI.A.B. The ultimate
.22 Caltber The famous At.A.B. Le- handguns at
Automatic pistol. Latest, Chasseur .22 Caliber Tar~ ONE-HA Anothr SELECT supply of
modern design combined with get Pistol at a price that the devastating Colt Model
tested dependability makes
this the most attractive dol-
permits EVERYONE to take
up tal'l't'ct shootin~. Target
f~~~~~I~~r~~gfv~r~l~~m~ NOWI Famed Smith
& Wesson 1917 .45
1917 .45 ACP Hevolver.
Not baltic-worn surplus
pletely refinished and
lar for dollar pocket pistol
on the market today. Light-
weight. fast - handling and
accurate. strictly factory
new. complete with cleaning
sights. Factory NEW with
official French registration
certificate. Limited sLpply
$39 951
converted exclusively
by the famous London
firm of Cogswell & Har-
rJson. 8 1/2" barrel with
racy ramp. and check-
ACP Revolvers
Good or better condition
only $24.95. Very good
condition only $5.00 ad-
}:~\~::r~od~~~ itti~~~tb~agtt
cally no wear. All good
0' better only S24.95 - a
few absolutely excellent
f~rar~~ ~~~:~~ar:~~l~lua~g~
of the tar~et model so or_
der yours soonest today!
ered Walnut grips. Com·
nlf'tplv radnry rf'hlllf'rl clips only IOc each!!!! glliae~~~~oOh~I~~ino~rii~Yib~: •
Cal. 4=_@ Cal. Cal. 7.62
.455 .. .455 .3B NagaRt GlISENTI
Back again at the lowest
The ultimate Web-
ley & Scott Revolv-
The handgun bar-
~~innulg~, ~iidn~t~::
Actual, original
Russian army re·
volvers seized in
ciose combat from
Cal. 10.35MM
ft~~:1eM~~nt~sep~n~:.O:o~l:~ er-the biggest bore
for the least cash
uullt, time-tested,
Enfield Commando Revolvers t~set~~Dl~~f~~t~g.l'~al;:t\~~~ Once aJtain the rare Italian
Gllsenti Revolver at the
at a token price. The Re- ever. The Tommy's World at less than the price of a German Wehrmacht. Now
most low price lover. The
volver that tamed the North-
west-the revolver that made
the most desperate desper-
ado cringe with fear. Imag ine$29
NRA Very good condition and
'Var II favorJte sidearm-so
potent it was almost barred
by the Geneva Convention.
Dependability at its best and
plenty of ammo In stock. In
14951 _
BB gun-or even pop·gun.
Carried in World War II by
the illustrious battle-worn
Commandos. So dependable
it fires double aett9n only.
$14 951
ONLY available fro m YE OLD
~P~~:r~eo\~e Jti~s\,;;.a:e~al~
strictly good condition. Oply
$3.00 more for special sel~ct.
I revolver that could have
been the ContinE.·I~tal fast·
draw champ, received just
in time for U.S. competi~
tion. Note the sieek Jtrip
only $2~.95. As usual the best _ NRA Very Good or better Chambered for the popnlar, - Plenty of 7.62 Nagant ammo _
for the least from Y. O. H.! condition at only $14.95 standard .38 S&W cartrJdge. in stock at only $7.50 per lOO! and aft hammer position.
' , ,
Minimum order (except Soft Point) 100 rounds. All prices below (except Soft
• • • Point) per 100 rounds. Shipped RR. Express. Shipping Charges Collect.
7.62 NATO (M.C.) (.308 Win.) Non-Cor ....$12.00 20MM Lahti A.P. (10 rds.) ..... .__......__...__..._$9.95
7.62 Tokarev (Pistol) (M.C.). ..._$5.00 7.62x39 Russian Short (20 rds.) .. . $ 4.95 SOFT POINT CA~TRIDGES
7.62 Nagant Revolver (M.C.) $7.50 7.62MM Russian (M.C.) . . ..__ .. $ 6.00 6.5 Italian Soft Pomt (20 rds.) . $3.45
7.63 Mauser (Pistol) (M.C.)....... $5.00 7.65MM (.30) Mauser (M.C.) $ 6.00 6.5 Swedish Soft Point (40 rds.) .. $5.90
7.65 Mannlicher Pistol (M.C.) __ $4.00 .30-06 U.S. M2 Ball (Non-Cor) $ 6.00 7MM Mauser Soft Point (20 rds.) . . .$3.45
9MM Luger (Parabellum) M.C.)
9MM Steyr Pistol (M.C.) _....
.__ _$4.00
......_ 54.00
.30-06 Blanks --..
.30-40 Krag (M.C,) .. .,.
---r ---..-------..
-----.$ 4.00
. .$ 5.00
7.35 Italian Soft Point (20 rds.) . ._.
7.5 Swiss Soft Point (20 rds.) . .. . .$4.45
.455 Webley . ._ $7.50 .303 British Military (M.C.) . $ 7.50 7.62 Russian Soft Point (45 rds.) ._. ..$6.65
RIFLE CARTRIDGES .303 British Blanks . __ __ ..$ 4.00 7.65 Mauser Soft Point (20 rds.) _. _$3.45
6.5 Dutch (M .C . ) (with one free clip) $600
8MM German Mauser Issue .__..__
ll'X56 R Mannlicher . : .. ..
$ 4.00
._$ 4.00
.30-40 Krag soft point (20 rds.)
.303 British Soft Poi~t (20 rds.) __
6.5 Mannlicher (M.C) $6.00 .42 Colt Berdan RI'fle (M.C.)' $10.00 8MM Mauser. Soft Pomt (40 rds.) __ . .$5.90
7MM Mauser (M.C.). _ _ $6.00 M I h (20 d ) .$445
7.35 Italian In Clips (M.C.) $5.00 llMM Mannlicher (M.C.) $5.00 8x50R ann IC er r s. .----- ------...... •
(Those few with asterisk (.) above are partially shootabltt but fully componentable.)
charges collect) from Alexandria. Va. or Sacramento. California. WESTERNERS! Save transportation costs-order direct from Ye Old Western
Hunter. Service that now spans a continent! (In the heart of the Golden State.) California residents Include 4% State Sales Tax on
Sacramento shipments. Send check or Money Order. DO NOT SEND CASH. So Try no COD's. Regret we are unable to accept any "All
Heart" Sale order less than $5.00. "Money's Worth or Money Back" guarantee when goods are returned prepaid within two days after
recepit. Ye Old Hunter will not answer ascriminoneous letters. Send them elsewhere. Sales limited to continental United States!
Special sale prices, above. are good for month of publication only! World's Greatest Gun House - World's Greatest Shooters' Barqains!
' II Especifd Honour of OU1- First and Only
10th Anniversaru!
REGISTERED DEALERS. \Vrite on your official
business letterhead for new sensational discount
lists. Visit HUNTER~ LODGE or YE OLD WEST.
ERN HUNTER durmg weekdays for ~reatest
Dealer barg-ains EVER. Also many choice upad·
vertlsed items! America's Biggest Gun House!
What American shooter can ever forget the tremendous offerings of the last All this in ONE decade-a decade that belongs to the shooter. Starting at
ten years! Fine firearms investments, worth FAR more today than when pur- "ground zero" INTERARMCo has become, in ten years, the world's largest dis-
chased, plus years of shooting pleasure at a fantastically low initial investment. tributor of big bor~ weapons and ammo. An era which has broadened the base 01
Recall for the moment the famed Remington Rolling Blocks of '53, the rare firearms ownership and carried in its wake a tremendous surge of shooting inter-
Winchester Model 73 Muskets of '54, the low numbered Springfields of '55, the est-an era that has encouraged and stimulated the production of the multitude
small ring Costa Rican Mausers of '56, the Italian Terni Carbines of '57, the of goods and servi~s that attend firearm possession and proper use. All this
Royal Enfields of '58, the Swedish Mauser Mountain Carbines of '59, the fabulous in spite of every imaginable type of competition at home and abroad-all this iii
Argentine Mausers of '60, the great "Year of the M98 Mauser", '61, and the spite of abortive attempts of "big" business to legislate or "petition" military
Shamrock Enfields and U.S. Springfields of '62. The above are just a FEW of
Ye Old Hunter Military surplus rifle bargain "hits" of thl! last decade-not to surplus from a free market.
mention the seemingly never-ending selection of prime pistols-capped now with For the future INTERARMCo promises even greater shooter and collector pur-
the never-to-be-duplicated Luger extravaganza. All this PLUS millions upon mil- chase opportunities. Contracts already in hand and ships already on the water
lions of rounds of top grade military and hunting ammo for the most economical assure a continual stream of "AMERICA'S GREATEST SHOOTERS BARGAINS"_
shooting America's big bore blasters have ever known. In addition, edged w~ap Let us take this opportunity to express our profound appreciation for your con-
ons galore, accessories and r~lated firearm equipment too numerous to mention. tinued patronage and support. "Making a Nation of Riflemen a Reality".
¥ CAL. .30-06 =~:::~;S",r="
High numbers Cal. 8MM
IN STOCK! All In very itOod or better con. ONLY WHAT A FIND! The ultimate, ultimate,
ditlon! The g-rcatest of them all, the ultimate Mauser 98 Carbine at an un-
precedented low price. The strongest, yet
for hi~h ~~~~~~~~1,~;;:a~fr~naPetl~e~~u~:: ~~k~sihl}~li~R~~61e-d
jobs advertised by others: these are NOT the left·overs rotting in
steaming South American junltles. but orig"lnal Sorinltflelds in the finest condl·
C ~TOCK 842_~5! New web sling'S SOc• .30-06 ammo 86.00 per 100!
$29 95!
1~~ ~~~le~.8~r~~1r~r,frxmf:~vr~c~:i~~tca~;fY
S5.00 additional. New Leather SlinllS Sl.9S-used .50. Genume
M 1917 Bayonets only Sl.75. Order yours today. If you pre-fer
Rf'mineton or ,Vlnchester manufacture. a limited number $3 more.
. ,_
the well
ling protectedbrass
regimental Irish disc.
version right
Used as down
Korea and still in Empire use-BUT NOT THESE-NOT THE
late to
as the
IRISH SHAl.-lROCK MODEL! White the OTHERS have fou ht their
way to g-Iory throug-h mire and mUd. THESE have been carefully s~red for
$1495 '
The incredible No. 1 MK III Enfleld
-pride of the British army-now in
1950 in
Cal. 7MM
the glory which is YOURS today. All in good or much better condition MOST ONLY
v~r:Y J,.rood. .or much better only 83.00 more. You'll never find THIS superb model in THIS con.
dltlon agato at THIS price, so throw your other rifles away TODAY and bask in the g'low of a
certified (certificate included) SHAMROCK Enfield. Bayonets WITH scabbards only $1.75 w/rUle!
ered leftovers as available previously. Perhaps you~, last ~hance to own a one! NOW at this reduced price, it is the rifle steal of all
~enU!lle Royal Enfield "the finest rifle in the world. All 10 good or better time Without exception. An in VERY GOOD or better cond!-
iOtg~i~~le~grdaer~~WwYt.~~Tfl~OTO~ ~e~~fl~~s?~frr~~ever~~~~s~abg~~~~e~~~ }l1~~~00'}'e7~~~~~e%ifj~~~L~~~~n7ri~ETJEs~~~n~nl~n~6~01>°Oe;dfbtJ°~~a
soft point only $3.45 per 20 rounds. NEW Bayonets With Scabbards $1.95!
The final solution to all your shootinv
desires. A HEAL professional conversion
of the liJ!ht-weight No. 1 MY In per- Still another Ye Old Ronter spec- NOWONI.W'
~~~er~ ~l Ltg~dO~orlr~~a~g~sth<;tR"g:sel~ll&
~~J~~OfaI~~~ ~:~:~:U~~~~ic~ftf~sf~fH~o~r:tE
......a real eye-stopper at any RUn show. Completely refinished and M40 MODEL. and at a price so LOW , j
type bl:-ck rf~~~~~Wt\~~ T~~~1mcfff~fant~:i~;olr~:e~a~~~~e~~ot~r~~~~
that even Niklta may order one! All ~od or much better (some very
R'OOd. select specimens only $5.00 more) and complete With detachable
best dollar for dollar buy ANYWHERE. Insist only on a Cogswell & Harrison ma~aZine and two ori~lnal take down tools. The lowest-priced hl~h
conversion-the marvel of our age! Why pay more! Place your order now! Quality semi-auto ever! A prize Western purchase ready for yoUI' order.
.' .
. .
YEO LD \1.1. ~ 5TERN HU· ~_T ~. ~." 115 i'N" STREET : • _ SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA
blues" were at' best ineffective, and smith can save the gun owner a lot of
some of them damaged gun metal. future grief by replacing worn or dam-
Others were complete frauds. aged parts, or at least call them to the
There is no really "easy" way to owner's attention."
reblue a gun and give it an attractive After removing major scratches and
and durable finish. Of the several rust with a file and steel wool on the
methods that can do the job, chemical gun's exterior, Doman cleans the bore
solutions-applied either hot or cold- and the inside of the receiver with a
are the most popular ones with gun- nitro solution. The gun parts then go to
smiths. Here is a fairly standard "hot a power wheel, where the most tedious
blue" process as modified by George part of the process begins.
Doman, a journeyman gunsmith oper- "Every bit of old blue or enamel,
ating the Olympic Gun Shop near Oak and every speck of rust must come off,
Harbor, on Washington's Whidbey Is- or it'll show up sooner or later under
land. the new job," Doman explains. "I use
"About 85 per cent of the work in paste grits, No. 120, 240, 400 or 500
turning out a fine blue job is in prep- size on sheep's wool buffing wheels.
aration of the metal," Doman says. Grit size used depends on the metal
"Checking for deep gouges and nicks, composition, and the type of finish the
heavy scratches, possible metal frac- gun originally had."
Quality of bluing job depends on tures. Every screw, hinge and spring After the bright metal surfaces are
care metal gets before bluing. All in a gun should be separated and exam-. smooth enough to satisfy his critical
rust, old bluing must be removed. ined. This is the time when the gun- eye, Doman hooks a bent wire holder
36 GUNS APRil 1963
to each major gun part. Trigger as- with minerals, and even minute quan- solder such as that joining double bar-
semblies and other smaller pieces are tities of them can mar a good finish. rel shotguns, and 'some odd-ball makes
placed in a wire mesh basket. All the Distilled water is best." of foreign guns. To neutralize this a'c-
components of one gun are placed in Depending on the bluing salts used, tion, Doman adds six ounces of potas-
the first of five tanks used in the bluing eight to ten pounds of the salts per sium cyanide crystals to four gallons
process. gallon of distilled water are thoroughly of bluing solution when processing
These tanks are made of black sheet stirred into tank three. Water temper- soldered guns. The cyanide fumes are
iron, a material impervious to bluing ature is carefully maintained at 285- lethal, and a gas mask can be worn if
chemicals. Each measures 40"x6"x6" 290 degrees Fahrenheit. Gun parts are the shop is not well ventilated.
and holds four gallons of liquid without immersed for a few minutes or an Tank number four is a cold running
slopping over. Heat to each tank is hour or more, depending on how the water rinse for the newly-blued metal.
supplied by a string of gas burners, color is "taking." Doman inspects the After three or four minutes of "fix-
individually controlled. This first tank' parts closely plunging them back into ing," the parts are placed into the final
contains boiling water in which six the steaming solution or lifting them tank, a vat of pore-filling oil for five
ounces of Vite cleaner·per.gallon has to tank four for rinsing, depending on minutes, then they are hung up by their
been dissolved. Boiling the gun parts how the bluing takes. wire holders to drip dry.
for 15 to 20 minutes removes finger- "I could compound my own blu- Doman wipes the pore oil off with a
prints, oil traces, and bits of dirt ing salts, maybe even save a few soft cloth, then dresses the metal with
and metal filings that were left from cents from the gun supply house price, light gun oil before reassembling the
the buffing operation. but my mixture might vary just a little firearms. The processing tanks are
From the cleaning vat gun compon- bit from batch to batch. The manufact- cleaned with steel wool to get the dried
ents are lifted into tank number two. urers have standardized the bluing chemicals and metal particles out of
This contains boiling distilled water, salts to the point where I get identical them-before the next batch of guns
and removes all traces of the cleaner. results every time." can be blued.
Fixed sight mounts and screw holes Commonest ingredients in these pre- "Anyone can do a fair job with this
are given a brief scrubbing with a soft pared salts are potassium nitrate, so- process, given the equipment and
bristled brush, as extra precaution dium nitrate, sodium hydroxide, am- time," says Doman. "It does require
against any lingering foreign matter. monium nitrate, and minor amounts careful attention to details. You must
"It's important that the metal go into of other chemicals. The exact formula be certain that all the old blue and
tank three for bluing absolutely clean," varies between supply companies. Most rust is buffed off that, the processing
says Doman. "Island water is loaded bluing salts will attack and dissolve tanks are kept (Continued on Page 39)
Receiver, only short time in bluing Large pieces are suspended on wire Wire basket is used for component
bath, gets first inspection to see hangers in tank. Exact temperature parts of each gun to avoid mix-up.
how the gun metal "takes" color. control is vital to perfect bluing. assure good bluing (;)f small parts.
GUNS APRIL 1963 31
Because this is true, I propose that, as a
memorial to my Dad, every trap shooter,
every skeet shooter, and every trap or skeet
club, from the month of publication of this
column forward, begin at once individual
and club programs to bring the values of
shooting to American youngsters. We must
face the fact that if many youngsters in
or near those urban areas mentioned in
the book are to receive any exposure to
shooting, it for the most part must be at
the gun clubs that are located in or near
all those metropolitan areas.
All of us who shoot skeet and trap have
received many hours of pleasure from the
games. Let us not make it a one-way street.
P ULL'S Florida bureau is no more. In
past years, my Dad energetically fol-
and me, and my first trip to the Grand
American was taken because of his urging,
Let us now share the pleasure and values
we have from trap and skeet with a new
lowed the Florida chain of Winter trap- after I had returned from the Skeet Na- generation.
shoots, and forwarded all the information tionals in Dallas in 1951. He told me then What are the values we receive from
he could get his hands on to me. The result that our business could stand the few more shooting, and what values do we have to
was special coverage of Winter trapshooting days absence, and that I would be the offer by opening our skills and our clubs
activities for readers of this column. Two better for the experience. He was right. to community boys and girls? Read them
major operations, and complications from The reader may now understand why I again, above-not from my own biased view-
them, wrote "30" to the life of this man, feel the words from the book about and by point, but from a book published by a de-
gr.eat in my eyes, and a great friend of the' educators provide a fitting eulogy for a
partment of the National Education Associ-
subjects that make Pull! wise, good, and great man, to those who
It was not my intention in the beginning knew him best.
Now, I propose a memorial to Clarence
It will be obvious to the reader that
to make this column on trap and skeet sub-
"Pal" Miller. Incidentally, few people in there is much more that can be done by
jects a memorial or eulogy to my late
his home town of Princeton, Indiana, knew shooters everywhere for upcoming genera-
father, but a passage I read in the book
that Dad's name was Clarence. To them, he tions. Shooters can see that less fortunate
"Outdoor Education for American Youth,"
was "Pal" Miller, and I am proud of it. youngsters do have the quiet pleasure of a
by the American Association for Health,
Physical Education and Recreation, prompts Here is where trap and skeet shooters tramp through woods and fields while hunt-
everywhere, to whom and for whom this ing. This can be done individually, or as a
me to do just that. On page 67 of "Outdoor
Education for American Youth," these words column is written every month, come in. club project.
are found: In today's urban society, far too few boys Shooters may also support and give
"About the richest heritage a man could and girls, and parents, have the opportun- real help to the school people in expanding
their own Outdoor Education Project, that
leave to this world would be an educated ities that produced the values Dad gave, and
family-educated not only in the sense of that are listed as desirable by an associa- offers all the values described here, and
achieving a high standard of living, but also tion of the nations leading educators. I quote more. The project is ably headed by Dr.
in the sense of enriched recreation. As Julian Smith, Director, Outdoor Education
Project, College of Education, Michigan
teachers, we have been taught that one of ... ;;-;. ~,
the cardinal principles of education is the
worthy use of leisure time. If we sincerely
'.', State University, East Lansing, Michigan.
(The address given is that of Dr. Smith.
believe this, it should justify including hunt- The Outdoor Education Project is an activ-
ing as a sport on the same level as baseball, ity of the American Association for Health,
football, basketball, or any other activity Physical Education, and Recreation, 1201
that is given a portion of time in any high- 16th Street, Washington 6, D. c., Dr. Carl
again from "Outdoor Education for Ameri- A. Troester, Jr., Executive Secretary.)
school curriculum.
can Youth," on page 5, in the chapter on In short, if you as a skeet or trapshooter
Objectives of such a hunting-shooting the setting and need for outdoor education:
clinic or program in secondary education would ask, not what shooting might do for
"As we have already noted, Americans you, but ask instead what you might do
might include the following: are fast becoming a race of city dwellers,
1. To develop reliability and independ- for shooting, and for millions of boys and
but there is another relentless trend in our girls, you might begin either individually
ence. society which of itself literally makes cities.
2. To develop self-discipline and sports- or collectively some of the memorial proj-
To grasp its import, we have only to look at
manship. ects suggested here.
the new housing developments around almost
3. To teach proper and safe method of any urban center. I further propose that if there are those
handling firearms. "Bureau of the Census experts predict individuals or clubs who will begin any sort
4. To develop an appreciation of the that by 1975, our present population of 167 of support for the values of shooting in any
out-of-doors. millions (in 1957) will have risen to at least of the possible methods that can be used,
5. To develop an understanding of the 221 millions - an increase of over 7,000 and will notify me (Dick Miller) at 805
state game laws and the reasons for en- more people living in this country each day! Cleermont Drive, S. E., Huntsville, Alabama,
forcement." . . . If we look squarely into those seven I will list them in a memorial block in the
My Dad accomplished all of these ob- thousand new faces a day, we can discern body of subsequent Pull! columns.
jectives, set out in a book for educators, among them the many who live to an older To close this column, I use the last para-
written by a distinguished group of learned age, the voting majority who have never graph of Outdoor Education for American
men and women. made firsthand acquaintance with the land Youth:"
One of the earliest memories I have is that and resources upon which their very exist- "The process will not only help in the
of trailing along behind him, with my brother ence depends, the floating populations of conservation of natural resources; it will
and sister, on rabbit hunts. Other memories people who lack real roots anywhere, the also serve to prevent human erosion. Such
include just long walks in the country. imperative need for constructive use of education is not only essential to the 'grow-
Then came the teaching of baseball, basket- leisure time to rebalance perspective." ing-up' process, it is also a balm to the
ball, football, and track to my brother and Other passages in this chapter and tensions of adulthood and adds a glow to
me. Dad was a most worthy adversary in throughout the whole book make it clea~ the later years. These things, envisioned
tennis to all three of his children, and that for many boys and girls and their for the future, will give youth a stake in the
neither my brother nor I ever beat him play- parents, there are simply no close or easily land which will be reflected in the kind
ing golf. reached lands where they can share the ex- of citizenship that is the essence of ~
He made skeet shooters of my brother periences that our family shared. democracy." . ~
from HAYES
From one of the country's foremost hunters and shooters comes an exciting array of
amazing new gun slings that make all others old-fashioned and obsolete. Here is a
modern-day miracle combining streamlined beauty, rugged strength, undreamed-of lightness,
and exclusive features never before av.ailable. There's the HAYESLING-whose arm-loop
is instantly accessible from the "carry" position-and the snapshooting HAYESTY SLING
which also boasts the "instant loose, instant tight" feature. Then, there's the elegant-but
low-priced-APACHE, and the 2Y2-0UnCe on-or-off-in-ten-seconds GUNTOTER. And only Hayes
provides a truly practical carry sling for the rifle or shotgun that isn't equipped with sling·
fastening devices; the astounding, quick.on.or-off GUNSLINGER! Als~, there's the handy
HUNTERS' BELT, and the remarkable HUNTERS' ROPE·HOLSTER (with rope). Every Hayes item
is hand made from first-quality, heavily oiled top-grain cowhide. Prices range from $2 to $5.
Manufacturing Co.
925 Cunningham St.
Corpus Christi, Texas
GUNS APRIL 1963 3!)
(Continued from page 21)
hunting land just as there is sub-marginal the contrary, they have added not only
ranch land. romance but bulk to the big game picture
Additional shells $.75 each
1 shell
In certain parts of the world, notably in
the arid areas of Africa and Asia, exist ani·
mals that can survive in this kind of coun-
try. But there are difficulties. One of these
is that in large areas of Africa and Southern
in the Southwest. New Mexico now has
three herds of Barbary sheep, and hunting
seasons on the other herds will soon. be
Encouraged by this start, New Mexico
You're always \\on guard" against robbers, mashers Asia it never freezes. The animals there are game biologists began to cast around for
and other criminals when you carry this innocent- not adapted to withstanding low tempera- other animals which might fit into the
looking fountain pen type TEAR GAS Device. Used for
police and civilian defense. Causes no permanent injury. tures. In the American Southwest, freezing picture of the future. With advice from
Spring-steel clip. Not a firearm. temperatures occur every winter. An animal experts in the National Zoo at Washington,
Registered Colt Distributors - Suppliers for
which can't stand a frost obviously would the Fish and Wildlife Service, the Depart.
Official Pol ice Equipment
Thi$ p,.oduct is not intended for sale in states or not make it. Many of the desert gazelles, ment of Agriculture, and after consulting
localities which ha.ve laws forbidding their sale.
if opportunity offers, will eat grass. But with various government agencies that con-
PUBLIC SPORT SHOPS Est. 1918 we did not want to introduce any grass trol land-such as the Forest Service and
DEPT. G 11 S. 16th ST., PHILA. 2, PA. eaters which might compete with our ante- the Bureau of Land Management-we have
lopes or with domestic animals such as found three animals which seem to fulfill
cattle or sheep. all of the qualifications necessary for intro-
After several years of study we experi- duction. These are the ibex, the oryx, and
Name.. .u ••• n . • •
hecoming more and more apparent with every mattered! • 8MMP:~l~S~~ MiIHa·ry·cart:· ........ ·· 15.00.
• .35 ::~I~n~~on .Soft' Point" . .. . • .. .. 8.00 •
newscast.) American shooters paid little attention to : 762 .....:':.;~~oM·II·;ia'y·itifia·· .. · .... ·· 17.50:
One such typical weapon, a 28 gauge per- the double, although, hr-fore the turn of the • CartndQes. per 100............
.25·20 Repeating Rifte Cartridge.
8 GO •
cussion shotgun, is built by the Arizaga century, Colt's did manufacture an excellent • 30.40p~rra~0~iank C~uiricige.·········· 10'.00:
• Per 100 ••••.•••••••••••••••
firm, and is a very solidly made and attrac- .45-70 double which was put to good use on • 32-40 50ft Po;nt, 12 50 •
tive little piece, especially considering that North American game. But this was the only • 270 :'~~clh~~t~r' So;t' Poi"nt: •••• •• . •••• 17:50 :
double rifle of any importance produced in : 30.4:~r~~~ii';e·r·TIP:··············· 17.50.
it sells for all of $8.00! Arizaga's export • Per 100 ...•...•••••••••.•••••
manager told me that the guns were sold the U.S., and its life span after its intro- 32 R~r;:ni'J~n .S.o.f~ ~~~~t: .. .. . . .. .. ... 12.00:
principally to South American mercantile duction in 1886 was quite brief. For Ameri- ~:~?~:~~\'"~r:1:: ~:i.t~~.~'b~t::tP:r:~~
: 1.00 •
agents in lots' of 500, and eventually found can game, such rifles are not needed-and : Bore Scopes .50 Cal. Govt. Surplus: Ppd. 7St :
their way to the Jivaros and other customers fine new British double rifles cost a lot of • Send 10c covering Postage, Printing of.
through traders who reportedly make good money. A new Cogswell & Harrison custom • new low-price list of ammo and reloading •
profits on them. The operation bears a strik- hammerless double will hit your wallet to : supplies available. :
ing semblance to that of the colorful guns- the tune of $2100, and the other prestige
for-fur trade that flourished in our own English makes command similar, or larger,
frontier wilderness of two centuries ago. prices.
Arizaga's manager was more intrigued,
however, that some of his customers were
American black powder fans, since a number
of his and similar weapons have been turn-
ing up in the U.S.A.
Another Spanish firm still making "clas-
sics" offers a full stocked percussion rifle that
roughly classifies as a Kentucky rifle, al- CUSTOM BUILT RIFLES
though it is somewhat baroque and lacks the Our well equipped shop, staffed by skilled craftsmen, will
true classic grace of the real McCoy. Nev- expertly repair and refinish all kinds of domestic and imported firearms.
ertheless, it is soundly made and will pro- WE RESTOCK Shotguns and Rifles from plain to the very finest to the customer's
vide a pleasant afternoon's diversion. specifications and measurements. Fine Checkering from $15.00.
In the days of Gunga Din, when India was RIFLE REBARRELING for all Standard Cartridges and Many.Wildcats.
British, the English hunter of elephant and
Royal Bengal tiger prized what is probably CONVERTING Suitable 30/06 Rifles to .308 Norma Magnum $20.00.
the finest gun for such game that the world ENGRAVING by unexcelled German masters.
has ever seen-the remarkable English DISTRIBUTORS of All Leading Brands of Scopes, Mounts, Sights, Accessories,
double rifle. Classic in silhouette, the earlier Reloading Tools and Components.
specimens are hammer guns with a pair
of heavy rifled barrels in calibers ranging
upward from .303 to .577 and even .600 Nitro
The casual observer might ask why the
mighty double didn't disappear with the ad-
vent of repeating actions. The reason why the
double didn't die then (and hasn't yet) but JAEGER Q.D. SLING JAEGER MODEL 50 JAEGER QUICK DETACHABLE
instead was improved with nitro safe barrels SWIVELS $3.35 PER SET ADJUSTABLE TRIGGER $14.00 TELESCOPE MOUNT $30.00
and a more modern hammerless action, is
that neither man nor any of his products is
perfect, and the English gunmakers recog-
GUNS APRIL 1963 41
Surprisingly, used doubles (or "pre-
Guns ~
owned" guns as the exclusive British mak-
ers refer to them) that have made their way
MAGAZINE to these shores often command but tiny
fractions of their original costs. An Ameri-
THE BEST IN FIREARMS BOOKS can catalogue lists $245 for a genuine Rigby
in mint condition, nitro-proved in popular
.303 calibre, $325 for anqther near-perfed
Order for yourself, , , gifts for your friends! Rigby double .303 nitro-proved hammerless
with quick detachable claw-mounted scope,
$U5 for a hammer black powder .577 Tim-
ings double in very good condition, and a
WORLD by W. H. B. Smith. by Col. Charles Askins. well preserved Riley double hammer .500
Revised and enlarged by Joseph The complete picture on shot- lion gun for an attractive $85.00. And re-
E. Smith. The most authori- guns ... design. manUfacture.
tative reference ever published shooting form. ammunition... sults from recent London auctions list the
on military small arms. Spe- all in one neat package. Not a
cial emphasis on U.S. and dry chronology of these Items, following: a .303 nitro-proved hammerless
U.S.S.R. weapons. 711 pages, but a highly readable story of
more than 1700 illustrations Purdy double in excellent shape at .$140, and
covering identification. cali- ~~~l~~~ni::g~Jl~g~ 3~~t~a:e~: a Cogswell & Harrison hammerless double
bers, ammunition. stripping, more than 100 illustrations. A
assembly. safety and history. Hmust" volume :for the shotgun at $84.00.
$15.00 enthusiast.
$8.50 The un-popularity of the double on this
side of the Atlantic accounts for bargains
THE PISTOL SHOOTER'S CIVIL WAR GUNS by William like the one I encountered at a gun show
BOOK by Col. Charles Askins. B. Edwards.
A noted expert shares his A firearms bonanza for collec-
a few months ago-a beautiful hammer
wealth of gun handling "sav- tors, students, historians. Here double in mint condition with grand and
vy" with you. A book that is the definitive work on Amer-
will definitely aid you In be- ica's first great arms race. The gleaming .450 twin bores, complete with-sling
coming a better shot. perhaps author spent 5 years in re- and elegant yet conservative English en-
even a champion. Authorita- search, digging through every
tive description of methods, pertinent source from personal graving of a stalking Royal Bengal tiger
techniques, handguns of aU reminiscence to official record,
types. Knowledgeable shooters producing a work unequaled in on the lockplates, offered at $75.00! How-
will need this book. For the its field. In a clear. unacadem-
beginner and expert alike. ic style, narrative or documen- ever, with the British fondness for the double
$8.50 tary as needed, he unfolds in
450 pages the true "life story" as strong as it is, it is not unfair to ask
of every significant firearm.
North and South, Including why the rock-bottom prices on the banks
1963 GUN DIGEST edited by foreign weapons. of the Thames itself? The reason is that
John T. Amber. the number of British hunters journeying
World's finest gun authorities,
have again created a sparkling PISTOLS-A MODERN ENCY- to the African veldt or the Canadian wilds
collection of articles, facts. fig- CLOPEDIA by Henry M. Steb- is not so great as to appreciably dent the
ures, illustrations and tables
on every facet of guns and bins with A. J. E. Shay and
shooting. The only complete, O. R. Hammond. supply of doubles that have been building up
unique and up-to-the-minute Contains eight chapters on the for some three quarters of a century. Add to
gun book. Fully priced and choice of pistols . . . the cur-
Illustrated Catalog section of rently American made models. this the exceedingly stringent British fire-
all domestic and Imported the most useful or challeng-
guns and accessories. Includes ing old-timers and the most anns regulations that require a pennit even
~rfi~ag:"r~~~gg~ he~';,1~~~d worthy Imports; plus six chap- for the purchase of a box of .22's plus a
t~c ~~ '::i.u~A!~.nil~'i:'~~~ bone-crushing "purchase tax" which makes
ters in all covel'ing every
pistol Interest. all but the most affiuent Britishers think
$12.50 twice before purchasing a new pr.emium gun,
ited by John T. Amber. and you have the answer.
An encyclopedia for rifle. pistol VOLVER by Wm. B. Edwards. The British are quite given to gun auc-
and shotgun reloaders! 260
A definitive study of the man tions, and these sales frequently turn up
l~~b:rri~f::!b:¥~~~r:~:r-:~fd and the revolver. contains a
authorities. Includes: complete wealth of new data painstak- some nice rifle buys for Americans. Con-
catalog section of tools and ingly researched from private
components, self-computing files. Over 200 photographs, veniently enough, some of the auction rooms
bullet energy chart, die and drawings and designs. The
publish advance lists with full (and quite
shell holder chart, cartridge
dimension tables-pIns tips, ~~~t c;::6fl;~~d~oluife"a.r~~Cs"Jg honest) descriptions of the offerings, and
Dotes and shortcuts from ex- large pages.
perts on choosing and using $10.00 provide forms for mail bids. Some of the
handloadlng tools.
$2.95 better known arms auction houses include:
HATCHER'S NOTEBOOK by Wallis & Wallis, 210 High Street, Lewes;
Julian S. Hatcher, Mal. Gen.
THE BOOK OF PISTOLS AND U.S.A., Ret. Weller & Ruffy, 141 Bromsgrove Street,
REVOLVERS by W.H.B. Smith. New revised edition of a great Birmingham 5; Knight, Frank, & Rutley,
Revised and enlarged by Kent classic. Contains definite and
Bellah. A brand new 1962 edi- authoritative answers to thou- 20 Hanover Square, London W.1. These
tion of this comprehensive sands of questions that puzzle
handgun refernce book for the weapons enthusiasts •.. much catalogues are well worth the shilling (14
identification and mechanics of it has never before appeared cents) or two they cost, and are fascinat-
of the world's handguns. 774
pages. hundreds of illustra- :~toP::::;s an~I':..m~~~It:~~lt~~ ing reading for the gun nut. Eventually,
tions. comes apparent on every page.
A standard reference work by everything under the sun turns up in them,
one of the world's outstanding
authorities. including many American pieces of' intense
interest to the antique collector, up to and
including Pattersons, Collier revolving flint-
locks, good London Colts, dueling pistols,
MAGAZINE, 8150 N. Central Park Ave., Skokie, III. etc. Generally, the British collector main-
' In full payment for the books I have ehookod below. I understand you will pay postago. I tains a pretty keen interest in American
$15.00 -
$ 8.50 -
$ 3.95 -
Circle the baoks of your choice•.
$28.00 for a Mariette Belgian percussion
four-shot pepperbox; a good Manhattan
Navy .36 revolver at $32.20; a .44 Reming-
ton rolling block saddle carbine at $16.80;
S _
II a Smith & Wesson Model Number One Sec-
. ond Issue brass frame .22 at $11.20.
Perhaps a word here on getting your prize
CITY I ZONE STATE back into the U. S. is in order. Usually Amer-
ican Express or ordinary international Parcel
assorted red tape of the country of origin and allow you to pot at tomato cans all day THE ORIGINAL PLASTIC STOCK INLAYS
fortunately have little application to foreign with the economy of an ordinary .22. are my business and I rna...
the flnest. Brilliant colon.
purchasers, or so has been my experience. Although Drillings have never ridden the
beautiful desl~s. hand cut
by precision mach inery.. 8eJMI
for latest list.
Mention of your Federal Firearms License crest of any waves of popularity in the C. D. CAHOON • DEPT. 2, BOXfORD, MAss.
number will generally carry you through
most any situation.
The classic-conscious but economy-minded
shot gunner does not need to depend so
heavily on the used gun market. Quite a
number of European makers, particularly EVERY DA~h.
Spanish and Italian, are concentrating on
producing fine quality doubles at prices * Nashville,
which put a handmade weapon in the hands
WE GET LETTERS * Runnemede,
New J.,rsey
of just about anyone who wants it. Arizaga
Salt Lake City,
will custom make a Greener-type boxlock Utah
double for $40 (plus $7.75 U. S. duty), or a
Purdy-type sidelock double ejector gun for
$68 (plus $13.60 duty). Both include shoot- AND MORE LETTERS • • •
er's choice of engraving and stock, barrel
length, etc. Also to be considered in this (.
"in·reach" group of realistically priced
classics is the recently introduced Japanese - - -.....~
* Palatka,
made Fuji boxlock double selling in the
under $200 class.
One of the most exclusive and yet most
practical guns ever devised is the combina- I have used a couple of thousartd of your We have been using different make primers and
tion rifle-shotgun called the Drilling. Most primers and I have NEVER had a misfire yet. find yours to be far SUPERIOR and MORE IN
are amazingly light, highly maneuverable - John D. Darden, Palatka, Florida. DEMAND than any others. _ James W. Richards,
weapons of fine feel and balance. I like your MAG·NUM pistol primers' for my .44 Runnemede, New Jersey.
Technically, the Drilling is a three-barrel Magnum. They do MUCH BETTER than any regu- I have had a good deal of success with Y'lur
gun with either a pair of shotgun tubes over lar primer.-Willis L. Hobart, Nashville, Oregon. products and to the time of this writing J
a rifle barrel, or vice versa. However, four- I have used over S,OOO CCI Primers and I'll HAVE NOT had a misfire yet. _ Ronald L.
say one thing for them - iust keep making them Kellmer, Spokane 4, Washington.
and even five·barrel specimens do turn up. -THEY ARE TERRIFIC-not one bad one in the I have been using CCI Primers for two years
Since most are custom built pieces, the bunch. I also use them in all of my custom with not a misfire. THEY ARE O. K. IN MY
finicky shooter can have whatever suits his handloads for my customers and ALL ARE O. K. BOOK. - Forrest D. Smith, Ashland, New
fancy, as long as it suits his pocketbook as - John R. Pease, Salt Lake City, Utah. Hampshire.
Prices for Drillings, considering their
Write Dept.. G-4 for Free Brochure
utility, fine craftsmanship, and longevity are
not exceedingly high-at least, not in com-
parison to English double guns and double PRIMERS . . . that's their choice
rifles. A new gun may run $450 to $700 or LARGEST PRIMER SELECTION FOR RELOADERS
more, but excellent bargains can be found in MAGNUM PRIMERS FOR HIGH PERFORMANCE LOADS
used specimens between $100 and $200. Con- RED-JET BULLETS FOR INDOOR SHOOTING FUN
sidering what you would have to layout for Cascade Cartridge, Inc., Lewiston r Idaho
GUNS APRIL 1963 43
U. S., they were once manufactured here hunt, and I'll wager the first American
NOW AVAILABLE! by the "Three Barrel Gun Company" located maker to offer a moderately priced "combin-
in Moundsville, West Virginia, which is re- ation gun" would reap a Rothschild-sized
BOUND VOLUMES puted to have turned out some rather nice
pieces around 1900. Today, the closest we
The classics of the fine houses of Europe
of GUNS Magazine come to producing such a gun is the Savage are expensive, yes; but they are pretty
Model 24, which mounts a .22 barrel over permanent fixtures in a world which now
a .410 shotgun. A deluxe model with .22 changes with the passage of hours. Their
Magnum rimfire over a 20 gauge is now performance is legendary, and their timeless
available; and these are dandy little guns beauty is inspiring. They are not merely
in their low-caliber class. Give every hunter symbols of prosperity - they are symbols
the loan of a Drilling in practical hunting of genuine judgement, good taste, ~
calibers to take out with him for a single 'and superb workmanship. ~
K. 1. Wells, JUt.
States District Attorney Horace Speed sent
his written commendation, saying, "No bet-
symbolic of his life, shades the quiet sur-
roundings. The single clue to his strength
ter stroke for law and order in the territory
was ever struck than in wiping out the
vicious Martins." The myth that capture
was impossible in this trackless section was
and character can be read in this simple
epitaph: "An Honest Man Is the Noblest
Work of God."
The people who placed that epitaph on
J ..JJanJmaJe WlMlern Boolo exploded in the gunsmoke at Wooster the grave of Wiley Green Haines ~
Mound. knew him well. ~
Tall - True Western Boot.
16" Stove Pipe Tops, Walking (Continued from page 27)
Heel, Leather Lined,
Narrow Toe. their speed afoot, they lack endurance. hunter follows is roughly shaped like a
#801 - BLACK They're sprinters, not distance runners. Thus, giant fish-hook up to this point. The natural
#802- BROWN $2550 .. when bobbing and duckine through cover thing for those birds to have done is to have
#803 -TAN
they tire quite rapidly and soon elect to hide. run and skulked through that cover. Then,
WRITE FOR In my younger days, I ran down a good when you appear at its far end, the point
FREE CATALOG many crippled cocks. I would run like where they had planned to take to the air,
NEW STYLES blazes for 100 yards and maybe not have they're confused; their tendency now is to
gained so much as an inch. But within the squat and hide. Confused, they seldom re-
$5.00 deposit on C.O.D.
orders. You pay postal
next 50 to 100 yards I'd overhaul them, verse themselves and try to run in the
charges. We pay postage
on prepaid orders. Our
either to within finishing-off range or to the opposite direction. This time they'll fly.
~~ta:rannheoeot;~°n'"d:~::~l~nd point where I could hand-catch them. If you're working cover adjacent to a
unworn within ten days.
Of late years, I've quit such chases. If I body of water, or a posted field, or any
Auolin Bool CO. see the falling bird reaching for the ground other obstacle to an attempted "surround"
P.O. Box 9305-G EI Paso 84, Texas with his legs, I try to smack him with another of the birds, don't crowd your game toward
load just as he lands. It's a lot quicker, and a that escape area. Cut them off from it and
lot easier on aging legs! force them to ~merge at a point, and in a
PROFESSIONAL Here are some devices I've used countless direction, where a hunter can nail them
when they finally take to the air.
times with excellent results. Variations of
them can give you much greater returns on The way to do this, with several hunters
your ringneck hunts. operating is not to work this cover abreast.
CHOOSE From a slanting line, with the front hunt-
If you see a cock or two, or even unescort-
ed hens, dive into an isolated island of weed-
or brush-patch, don't dive headlong into that
er moving so as to cut the birds away from
the escape route and force them into the
cover in straightaway pursuit of them. Circle paths of his hunting companions. If he does
JOHN BIANCHI. his job well, the birds will sli p off his line
it by walking past within 25 to 35 yards of
COMPLETE ALL NEW its edge, so that any flushes along your edge of march, then meet up with one of his
are under your gun. Two hunters working partners, become confused, and flush.
together can flank that cover from both sides. Once the hunting season is underway,
509 HACIENDA DR., MONROVIA, CALIF. When you get to the far end of that pheasants very rapidly locate safe areas
cover, pinch in toward it. The course each where they're free of hunting pressure. I've
Dies available for all popular gauges• • • • •
100 or more yards.
Selecting suitable ammunition for pheas-
ants is a constantly recurring variable. Early
ing the birds is to be even slightly delayed
at the end of the hunting day, the best bet
is to hang them by the feet, in aerated
PACIFIC GUN SIGHT CO. in the season, when most of the cocks taken shade. The feathers then ease away from the
Box 4495 Dept. 6-4 are young ones, Number 7:1h or 8 shot, in body and allow more rapid escape of resid-
LINCOLN, NEBRASKA ordinary trap loads in 12-gauge, and Number ual heat. In no case should the birds be laid
7:1hs in 20-gauge game loads, are fine. The on any surface that isn't a fast and aerating
/1 young birds' feathers haven't yet hardened conductor of heat. To do so is to invite early
J)eatt Free
Just Off
The Press
and are easily pierced. Too, the young birds
don't have the toughness of physical fiber
they'll own in another month or so.
vehicle carries the missile warhead as well again the emphasis has been on lightness arms design. Each ready to fire and government
and speed. The basic multi-purpose vehicle, proof-tested. These historic guns are specially
as survey and laying equipment. The third priced to appeal to every shooter, collector, and
carrier is assigned the fire-control equip- the M1l3, is aluminum-armored, air-drop- black powder shooter!
ment and the power station, and the fourth pable and amphibious, and highly adapt- Lightweight Percussion Shotgun
vehicle acts as the communications center. able to various combat chores, including
All units are air-transportable and designed the transportation for the previously men- • Handsomely blued 32" barrel.
for all-weather, all-climate operation. The tioned Pershing missile system. Now in complete with ramrod.
• Finely hand-checkered stock with patchbox.
34-foot missile can be set up to fire within production is the M1l6, a general-purpose, • Approximate weight, 31/2 lbs.
ONLY $17.50 2 for $29.50
20 minutes. fully tracked amphibious vehicle capable of Hand sculptured Walnut finished stock
Tank development appears to have un- 37 mph over land and just under four mph ONLY $27.50 2 for $49.50
dergone the least change-at least as far on the water. Double Barrel Percussion Shotgun
Among the newest vehicle is the LARC
(Lighter, Amphibious, Resupply, Cargo),
• 32" barrels, complete with ramrod.
Don't Knock: Teach! an all-aluminum, highly mobile replace- • Walnut-finish stock with hand-checkered
grip. inlaid patchbox. Sling swivels.
ment for the famous DUKW land and ONLY $37.50 2 for $69.50
One of the brightest potentials for
water vehicle. With a five-ton cargo capac- Full Satisfaction Guaranteed
the future of shooting is implicit in
ity, the LARC was designed to answer the
the joint announcement by National
Shooting Sports Foundation and the
requirements of fast ship-to-shore supply. CENTURY ARMS, INC. Dept. G
officials of the University of Indiana
Little revolutionary change has been 54 LAKE ST. • ST. ALBANS, VERMONT
made in Army aviation, due no doubt to
that a course titled "Leadership De- the restrictions imposed on development SHOOTING GLASSES
velopment In The Shooting Sports" in an area pre-empted by the sister service. Used by marksmen and
has been inaugurated at Indiana, the ~ hunters to get clear
Helicopters still play a key role, and the ~ sharp vision on target_
nation's 10th largest university, start- Army has given these a stinger with the FREE literature on
ing with the 1962-63 school year. Shooting, Vision and
installation of machine guns and rockets. information on Pre-
Three hours of academic cred1t will Helicopters equipped in this manner are scription shooting glas-
be given for successful completion of ses. Write direct to-
proving their worth in Viet-Nam skirmishes. Mitchell Shooting Glasses
the course. Male and female students If the United States is again called upon Box 5806. Waynesville, Mo.
majoring in physical education, health to fight the kind of warfare it was called
and safety. police administration. and upon to fight in Korea, and most agree that
general secondary-school teachers in this is more likely than an all-out nuclear
other disciplines. will be eligible to war, the U. S. Army appears ready and
enroll. able; certainly more so than it has ~
Part of the cost of this course will ever been in its history. ~
be paid by National Shooting Sports
Foundation. (See insignia of GUNS
Magazine's membership in NSSF on
page 5.) The Foundation is working in
cooperation with officials of other
universities to incorporate similar
programs all over the nation. The end
result: teachers in our secondary
schools prepared for, and interested
in the promotion of. courses in those
schools to teach gun safety and shoot-
ing skills to the teen-agers who will
backbone the shooting sports of to-
This is a movement worthy of your
support. Back proposals for courses in
shooting instruction in the schools in
your community. Write your university
alma mater; urge her to ask the Na-
tional Shooting Sports Foundation
(Box 355. Hartford. Connecticut) for
help in setting up another teacher-
training program. Put your effort
where your heart is-behind shooting
This bullet with 15 grains of 2400 comes one gun, I'd still pick the Model 1895 Win· PISTOL GRIPS •
close to the ideal velocity for extreme ac· chester in the always reliable .30-40 caliber. Genuine Mother of Pearl, - :
Ivory and Stag Grips . . •
curacy. The bolt action, we felt, would stand It was a wonderful performer What Free Catalogue I
else can you say about a gun
a bit more fodder than the 99 Model and I
after all the years? 1 BOB FREILICH CO. 396 Broome St.,
liked the little gun very much. Thirty-seven
grains of No. 15:1h powder in the Model 99
behind the 100 grain bullets, and 39 grains
behind the same bullet in the bolt action
suited me well. And 10 grains of Unique
behind the 87 grain pill was a sweet little
Greatest offer in 18 years of Gun Digest history! To make
new friends for the world's most complete encyclopedia of
load for grouse and jacks, not forgetting reloading equipment, we're offering-for a limited time
prairie poodles. The .250 shot well with only!-This latest edition Lyman Handbook of Cast Bullets,
any decent load. r~~r lJi~~;"H'Z:~r~~~:~;~it8E~T~r Copy of tho
About 1935, Winchester brought out their The Lyman Handbook contains 208 pages, many in full color
-tells you everything you need to know about making your
.220 Swift, and that 4000 feet per second was own cast bullets. Think of it-this $2.00 Book.ABSOLUTELY
just too much for me to resist. I bought FREE with the big 260 page HANDLOADER'S DIGEST con-
taining the most complete listing of reloading tools ever
one of the first Swifts that reached Pueblo. produced. Edited by famous gun authority John T. Amber.
I shot prairie dogs, jacks, coyotes, and deer Read what Gun Authority ELMER
with that little atomic 48 grain bullet. I
soon liked it better than my unbeatable .250
KEITH writes in UGUNS & AMMO":
"HANDLOADER'S DIGEST-This should have b.een
on deer. I killed 20 deer with 21 shots dur- named the handloader's encyclopedia for that is what it
really is. This is the most complete listing of reloading tools-
ing the time I owned it, and then the Game made in this country, ever produced. It fully covers every
and Fish Commission decided that the Swift type of hand and bench reloading tool, plus bullet swaging
and procurement of materials, and components. It also lists
is inadequate for deer in Colorado. all available tools for bullet casting and sizing, all tools for
priming and all die makers and their products. All types of
Though I found the Swift simply wonder- powder measures and powder scales are listed.
ful on -deer, it was infernally sensitive about It also covers the entire shotshell reloading field with tools,
what you fed it. And it was a poor wind· scales, powder measures, gauges, etc. About all procurable
powders are listed and their uses and rates of burning fully
bucker. For some reason, this .22-250 Var· covered. Tables of ballistics as well as loading tables show
minter with the same bullets is not nearly all maximum loads.
.l.' ·
.Loads, rifle, pislol or shotshells• for some time. A mature shooter and avid Sportsmen's Club meet in August of 1%1.
Full lenglh re,Sizes and swages bul. hunter, the boy has hunted with such famous I was fortunate to win over the other shoot-
leis wilh ease. big game hunters as the Schmidt brothers ers in the Four Position-Iron Sight 50 yard
, • Lalhe bed cast iron frame not
aluminum or aluminum alloys. of New Mexico. match with a 380x400," exclaims Ted.
• Complele with primer arm, insert Shortly after he turned 10, Ted won his Both, Ted and Viola, are active members
and shell holder of your choice. of the Great Lakes Junior Rifle Club. As
first outdoor Adult registered match with a
"" • New Primer catcher $1.37 score of 396x400, and a year later, shooting team members and as individuals they have
$ ,~ Shp. wgt. 23 Ibs. in the California State Championship Adult taken on and beaten some of the nation's
HERTER'S FAMOUS RELOADING DIES Outdoor matches, he topped his previous best shooters.
STANDARD CONVEN. score with a 397x400. More than 150 trophies With either Captain or Mrs. Couch, Ted
TIONAl TYPE MARK 1 RE· and awards won by Ted now adorn the and Viola have travelled over much of the
lOADING DIES Couch household. Included in his collection United States to participate in competitions.
Famous throughout t h •
world, Herter dies are of gold and silver are the 1961 Junior Mid- Ted has won as many as seven trophies and
equal or better than any West Regional, the Chicagoland Sub Junior awards in one match, while Viola has collect-
reloading dies at any price. Rifle Tournament Championship 1961, the ed as many as six at one time.
2 pc. set Finest precision machined. Class "B" Milwaukee Sentinel Sports Rifle
hardened. polished. ALL Favoring the prone position, the 5'3" petite
Shp. wgt. 2 Ibs. ,POPULAR CALIBERS.
Championships 1961, and the 1961 Sub Jun- brunette is quite often a threat to her older
ior Sectional Championships in Ohio. In a brother. Viola is a member of the 1962 Illi-
Send lor lemou.lree[fj Send 2S~ for g i a n t t ! recent registered adult shoot, Ted bested nois All State Girls Team and will compete
hoollet: How to R.· "";::.:. 500 page ~
load by George ~ catalog. Dept. all hands with a perfect prone and sitting at Camp Perry with the team. Presently, Mrs.
leonar.d Herter. _:=::: 3L2 score, a 99xl00 kneeling, and a 92xl00 Couch and Viola also plan to enter several
IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ALL PRICES FO' WASECA. MINH. standing. In the Chicagoland League, he matches as Mother-Daughter team-provid-
HERTER'S INC. SINCE 1893 WASECA. MINN. fired a perfect score in the sitting and prone ing Mrs. Couch can boost her scores above
the level of her daughter's scores who, every
to shoot for the United States in the Olym-
pics. Viola, on the other hand, wants to
top her brother's scores. She did accomplish
this in the 1961 Chicagoland Junior League
see if we can find the cause for this unusual
spread in the 180 grain loads. Other caliber
ammo was put through the paces and with
results very similar to those obtained ~
@ II 3109 W. Armitage Ave.
CEITER Chicago 47, Illinois
from the .270 ammunition. ~
long habit, we look at the brass when it ,.
comes out of the rifle. Our first four shots
-and the rifle barrel was clean and dry-
produced set-back of cases against the bolt
face. However, another 36 rounds did not
Beautifully made, hand plaited, genuine leather
show this. This was noted in two test rifles, ridin~ crop, with 18 Inch dagger hidden inside.
PractIcal collector's item: attractive for den or
a Finnbear and a custom Griffin and Howe. patio. $5.00 PP.
Swapping guns back and forth, and know·
reached easily ~vith the thumb. The schnabel
fore-end is elegant and gives the gun an im-
mediate identity-there is no mistaking the
model or the maker.
The stock finish and the bluing is ex-
FOR 1963
cellent, and the entire appearance of the
gun is most pleasing. The barrel is espe-
cially heavy for target shooting, and the
ventilated rib gives a completely glare-free
target picture. The front sight is of the
removable blade type, the rear sight, sta-
• •
and it would be interesting to see what
Priced at $1.50, GB LIN-SPEED is available
these lots of ammo would do in a machine from all better SPORTING GOODS DEALERS
rest. I am willing to bet that such a test GEO. BROTHERS Great Barrington, Mass.
Gun Model Lamp, with shade, retails for
SPECIAL VALUES $37.95; Two-Gun Model priced at $49.50
LENSATIC COMPASS complete. Wall Plaque is $19.75. From the
line of Century Arms Inc., Dept. G-4, 54
$150 ..
value' '.
Lake St., St. Albans, Vermont.
Measures $10.95
distance Value
you walk
of '63 line of Hampden Specialty Products
Corp., Dept. G-4, Easthampton, Mass. Con-
structed from a rugged I" aluminum frame,
it features strong, weather-resistant webbing.
Folds. flat and compactly to meet mailing
regulations. Ideal for sportsmen who travel
long distances. When open, it unfolds into
29- by 22-inch wide piece; webbing is 4 x 7. NEW PEN-TYPE TEAR GAS DEVICE .38
[,LlET FIRING Special caliber offers dependable protection
against robbers and mashers. Protective de-
vice puts you permanently "on guard"
LUGER AUTOMATIC against all kinds of criminals. Also used for
• OVER 15 MOVING PARTS police and civilian defense purposes. No
• FULLY AUTOMATIC lasting injury. Not a firearm. Features
Automatic full size model of
a Luger Automatic pistol
- contains over 15 moving
spring-steel clip. Priced $6.95 express collect
parts. Loads 8 complete
rounds which snap into the with one shell from: Public Sport Shops,
hard butt sirnulatihR' a Ln-
Dept. G-4, II S. 16th St., Philadelphia 2, Pa.
~e:ii:i~fi~e8a~W~~~ S~:~:dofe~I:~~y.H~fg~~~:
pact styrene with amazing attention to detail.
Comes to you with working Rarts disassembled with
~~~~tn:a~:ar~~a~;n~~3er ~~~.~: FSr~~: $1.98 plus 27c
Lynbrook. N. Y.-'-_..:...._--.......
STEEN GUN GLOV is a cover that pro- SPOTLIGHT SCREW DRIVER. Illuminates "LLAMA" GUN CASE sports soft, yet
tects trigger and breech against bad weather hard-to-see places; uses four interchange- strong exterior. Supple, durable, waterproof,
conditions. Designed for both shotguns and able drivers. Two regular shape screw driv- scratch-, and abrasion-resistant. Buckskin
rifles in duck and goose hunting. Made of ers, two sizes of Phillips drivers, all of colored, black leather tip. Case features
natural Argo pile·lined leatherette (prevents polished, tempered steel. Overall length of molded black rubber sight protector, black
rust) over precision-built spring steel frame. unit is 10lh"; chromeplated steel handle trim, and molded handle. Heavily padded
Snaps on securely, slips off quickly and holds two standard "c" batteries measures and lined with deep pile lining. Full length
easily. Ideal for beginners in avoiding ac- 7" long. Thumb-controlled switch assures brass zipper with locking ring and web zip--
cidental discharges. Lightweight, Gun Glov instant action. Available in wipe-clean, per guard. Fits rifles with low mount hunt-
won't mar gun. Retails for $6.75 from Steen's heavy plastic case. Priced at $2.00, post- ing scopes, lengths 40- to 52 inches. Lists at
Gun Glov, Dept. G-4, 523 Grant St., Belle paid from Power Sales Co., Dept. G-4, P. O. $15.00. From the line of Kolpin Bros. Co.
Fourche, S. D. Box 461, Ardmore, Pa. Inc., Dept. G·4, Berlin,. Wis.
A precision optical boresighting instrument.
An unexcelled tool for hunters .. necessary
for both amateur and professional gunsmiths. People
owning several guns find it ideal to use one scope on .
several firearms. Zeroing a scope or any type of iron
sight takes but a minute. Be "on target" with little or
no expenditure of ammo .... The SIGHT·A-L1NE,
including one spud of your choice, Vinyl Carrying Case
and a One Year Guarantee is priced Daniel Boone was a lean, wiry man carry an extra ball or twa in his
at just $39.95. Order today! weighing about 155 pounds. standing mouth, for faster reloading. Fire;
ALLEY SUPPLY CO. 5 feet 10 inches in his moccasins. So blow through the barrel: pour in
P. O. Box 458, Sonora, California
says Col. George Chinn. Director of powder: lay on the patch: spit the
the Kentucky Historical Society. ball onto the patch; drive it home. Or.
~ 208 catalog'Reference~ documents. His height, Chinn says. without the patch and. although loose.
page can be computed from his rifle. the saliva would hold it in position
book with more than 1600
~ Frontier gunsmiths tailored the long enough for the second shot.
items photo·illustrated, de·
scribed and priced. Ameri· • Pennsylvania-Kentucky long rifles so Boone's flintlock. named "Tick-
. can, European Firearms and
Edged Weapons - all for .. that, with the butt on the ground, the Licker," has the words "BOoNS bEST
sale. Send $1 .- refunded
with first purchase. ~"'- muzzle reached exactly to the owner's FREN" carved on its walnut stock.
- ~W lips. Add the average human measure-
ment from lips to top of head, and you
along with various other ornamenta-
tion. The rifle was in Boone's arms
have Boone's height. when he was found dead. age 86,
The "land to lip" length for a rifle beneath a great tree. as though wait-
was not entirely an arbitrary meas- ing for game. For him. the best heaven
urement. Many a frontiersman. facing any man could imagine would be the
action on game or enemies. would Indians' Happy Hunting Ground.
Dept. N • 1038 Alton Rd. • Miami Beach, Fla.
New Models - Easier Installation -
Guaranteed Quality
(Continued from page 10)
made a real hit when introduced, is cor-
rectly named. Is premium grade shot worth
MODELS AVAILABLE FOR the higher price? For close range quail I
SPRINGFIELD, MAUSER & US ENFIELD don't think so. Where it really pays off is
SPORTER-Single Adjustment $ 8.95 at long range. Try 10 patterns each with
SPORTSMAN-FullY Adjustable $10.95 copper plated shot and ordinary chilled shot
SPORTMASTER-Fully Adjustable with your heavy loads in your own gun at
with Thumb Slide Safety $15.95 60 yards. You'll quickly see the advantage
Japanese 6.5 & 7.7 $15.00 in more uniform and thicker patterns. Actual
with Thumb Slide Safety $20.00
figures for percentages are not worth much
Targetmaster for Springfield, Mauser & DEALER unless they are for your gun and your loads.
Winchester Model 70 available after There is considerable variation in different
June. The Finest in Target and Varmint INQUIRIEf;
INVITED loadings and guns. Unlike most rifled tube
shooters, a good many shotgunners seem to
TIMSTON CORPORATION neglect testing their own loads very much.
I don't know why. It's just as necessary, or
change in your wads or loading technique
to improve your shells.
Great Western
Choice of
Barrel length
4%". 5!12", 7V2"
Testing ammo surely beats wasting time
staring at corny programs and worse com-
mercials on the family Idiot Lantern (TV),
FAST DRAW MODEL $7995 if you are unfortunate enough to have such
Large Cal. Revolver Kits. Choice of 8 , a monkey on your back.
Calibers: .357 Mag., .45 ACP Cal., I
.44-40 Cal., .44 Mag., .22 cal., .38 RCUS -makes many case forming dies not
Spec., .44 Spec... 45 Long Colt. listed in their free catalog. Write them at
GREAT WESTERN GUN KITS Box 729G, Oroville, Calif., state the case
All kits now polished & blued. Finish it yourself you want to use, and the caliber to form.
and save $$$. Easy to assemble. All machine oper-
ations are completed-only assembly of small parts remains. They will advise you about the proper dies
Brass back strap & trigger guard. and the operations involved, if what you
SEND 50c FOR 1963 PHOTO CATALOG. BIG NEW LINE OF want can be made.
Brass forming makes it possible to load
GREAT WESTERN ARMS SALES CO., Dept. G, 12438 Ventura Blvd., No. Hollywood, Calif. ammo when factory cases are not available,
John T. Amber. Now is a good time to They are 6-groove with smooth, hard-swedged
"BUTTON RIFLING", a patented process that ~'r:.):Ufi~t:~ ~;Ey~:"o {{fin~6;o~arE~~tel~~I. 338 g~J:e~
bring your library up-to-date with some of assures unexcelled accuracy. Your satisfaction Springfield, FN or '98 Mauser-no others-
test-fire, $40.00. FN Deluxe-ACE Barreled.
guaranteed. the white), Cal. 338 or ~64 Win., 5114.00;
the fine books published by The Stackpole 400 Actions, $89.00.
Co. I highly recommend the works origin- Threaded for '98 Mauser, FN Mauser, HVA,
*We furnish ACE barrel for other calibers, starns caliber.
ally written by Walter H. B. Smith, the ~to~ 19;!rE~At~?~\•. h~;}S~~~~X~At~:tB~~~~1~9A~tio~~~'a~
Jap 6.5 & 7.7. the white), $75.00; llsinA' Series 400 FN action, $80.00.
walking encyclopedia on firearms. Walter
Chambered for all standard calibers Including NOW! ACE BARRELS threaded & chambered for SAKO
knew more about small arms than any man the popular Win. 338 & 264. They must, of L-46 and L-597 Actions. Same price $24.00 each. Also
SAKO L-46-ACE Barreled Actions in 222 Rem., 222
course, be fitted by a competent gunsmith, head-
I've known. His untimely death in 1959 was spaced and test-fired before using. Flaig's
Magnum or 218 Bee Caliber at $80.00. And SAKO L-597
Ace Assemblies, in caliber 22.250, 220, 243, 244, 250.
a blow to all of us. offers fitting servIces.' 257 or 308 Win., $80.00 . . • . • • • • . • . • • . . • . • • . .
Walter's classics that have been recently ALSO AVAI LABLE: Eddystone-Enfield Ace Barreled actions Specify weight, caliber, twist when ordering
in all calibers (except 264 and 338)t...~50.00. Polish and
blue this unit. $10.00 additional. ,l!;(Jdystone-Enfield ae- ACE BARRELS.
revised by well qualified writers include
"Small Arms of the World," 7th edition, the JOBBER, DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED'
most complete work ever written on military
small arms of the world. The "Book of
Pistols and Revolvers," 5th edition, that I've
revised twice, is an outstanding reference,
and handguns.
Specify model &
For most rifles, shotguns Pat residents add 40/0 sales tax.
TRIGGER _$10.95
WALNUT and BRASS SPECIALTIES FITZ- Los Angeles 49, Calif. ©1962-Fltz
4835 Dearborn, Mission, Kansas
Address; _
SHAKESPEARE REELS Pieces 5x to TripOd •.•• 89.95 53.95
]795 Dual Drag SpIn Cast 29.95 16.25
small pistol primers. Groups with the Smith 1799 Dual D SpIn Cast 24.95 13.50 Swift's Zoom
W /Trlpod·60
20% to 50x
..••.••••... 110.00 66.00
1777 Push Bu st 19.95 10.75 7.50
& Wesson .38 Master, a fine test
gun, were nearly identical. ~
i~~:a1'~ 'U.;
1836 Automatic Fly
Wound Spools
(~~~r::L::::::::: U:~
82.50 16.25
150 Hunter
;::::::::: li:H
Press Com-
110 Norseman Spin Cast.........•.......•. 29.95 13.50 ~D~~8S'upiDO~'Strok~::::::::f~:~ 9.60
.ADD POSTAGE TO ALL ITEMS ~=~ 550p~~Je~:r:r~I:~e:-:!.~~~~:::::::::~~:~ 12.50
Place, Chicago 32, III.
able; bores poor. Rifles: Cal. 6 5. Type
and prices.
38 Arisaka. or 7.7 e 99. Each
$10.95_ Carbines: cal. ~5 only. Each ..-- SPECIAL --,
1~~:8g; tnf~r t$':fo.8b. a~de $~8 :~~ Once-fired .38 Special cases: in factory boxes.
gun for vpd,.
$14.00 per M; bulk $12.50 per M. l.o.b. Laredo,
Box 7475, Seattle 33, Washington
Box 35 • 200 South Strand St.
Alexandria 2, Virginia LAREDO, TEXAS
Brand new M1 Carbines direct from the manufacturer to you. We guarantee your
satisfaction. All guns and accessories are of the finest quality that we can pro-
duce, all are carefully assembled and test fired to give you the best Carbine
on the market. Fifteen accurate shots as fast as you can pull the trigger.
Barrel and receiver assemblies are manufactured to original govern-
ment specifications, of the finest high strength alloy steels avail-
able. These guns will give many long years of dependable serv-
ice. Weight, unloaded-51I2 pounds. Magazine capacity's-
5, 15, 30 shot. Length-35.5 inches. Muzzle velocity-
1900 FPS. Semi-automatic gas operated caliber 30
Ml. Stocks-kiln dried walnut. Front sight-blade
type, protected by ears. Rear sight-peep
sight, adjustable for windage and elevation.
ACCESSORIES and PARTS-all parts new and inter-
changeable with original G.!. issue. Complete parts
list on request. Armory kit-jointed cleaning rod,
bore cleaner, oil patches, spare clips (3), pull thru
cleaner, piston nut wrench-3.98 _ Compensator
-2.98 _ Flash hider-2.98 _ Piston nut wrench
-.75 _ Bayonet and scabbord-5.95 _ 2-15
shot clips and clip case-.95 _ 30 shot c1ip-
2.98 _ 15 shot c1ip-.50 _ 5 shot clip-
1.75 • Heavy reinforced gun case-2.00
_ Sling and oiler-l.85 _ 30 caliber
military ammo-3.00 per 50 _ Factory
loaded half jacket-3.50 per 50 _
"The Baker'. Dozen Plan" New IlIuslrated Reference Book for hard-la-find
Send SOc for year around bargain mailings !lun ports which we can supply by relurn mail. will MAKE your
RAY RILING ARMS BOOKS CO. The FIREARMS HANDBOOK is $4.00 poslpaid. Arms Library. See page 44.
Depl.G. 6844 GorslenSI..Philadllphia 19, Pa SHEllEY BRAVERMAN, ATHENS 12, NEW YORK
. $3:~h! Improved Minute Man Gun
Blue instantly preserves and
renews steels and Iron sur-
~18a~:o~t~11v=c~~~tte:Jc:, ~~~l=nth~s::ki~hre\he\svet~~e faces-Not a paint or lacquer
An All Weather Bullet Lubrieant ~t:~' a~~~T:bl~'iorll~~~;e~e~( diameter. Cutters and sepa- co'::s c:e':~1:1. w,~e~~K:
es••ry ttClulPmenL
For cast rifle and handgun bullets
SOLID or HOLLOW Stick - SO- each
QUARANTaI!D-Tested and
proven over 40 years by tbl
repeat sale. to satl.fied q
users. SaND
Fits All Type Lubricators and Sizers
prices of Mossberg guns and accessories.
Alton Road, Miami Beach, Fla. New, big THE
HQuick-Draw" Holsters
catalog, 216 pages, with individual illustra-
tions, descriptions, and prices of antique
guns, swords, knives, powder horns and
pendleton and Canadian Pat.
Complete job as shown
for Most guns $25
flasks, and other ancient weapons and orna- Anti-recoil Gun Barrel
• CUSTOM MADE ments. Price $1.00. The de-kicker de luxe that is precision
machined into your rifle barrel, avoiding
unsightly hang-ons. Controlled escape for
• THE BEST NAVY ARMS, Dept. G, 689 Bergen Blvd., highest kinetic braking, minimum blast ef-
Ridgefield, N. J. Free catalog of arms and a fect and practically nOJ·ump. All but pre-
SINCE 1897 wide line of associated merchandise. vents jet thrust (secon ary recoil). Guar-
anteed workmanship. Folder. Dealer dis-
NORMA PRECISION, Dept. G, South Lan- counts.
S. D. MYRES SADDLE CO. sing, N. Y. New booklet, "Gunbug's Guide," PENDLETON GUNSHOP ~~~~p~n..i~to~;"c\~:.
P. O. BOX 9776 contains essential handloading data. Send
25c to cover mailing costs.
~ .
IAN S~ DINGWALL, Custom Gunsmith
Hudson Bay Co.
Licensed fitter for Canadian customers
Vancouver, B. C.
GUNS and AMMUNITION HERTER'S .•••....•............••..•..•. 52 PUBLIC SPORT SHOPS 40
CASCADE CARTRIDGE, INC••.•••••••••.•• 43 PACIFIC GUN SIGHT CO.....•..•....... 48
HOMER POWLEy· .....•............•...• 64 STOCKS and GRIPS
CENTURY ARMS INC. • 49 E. C. BISHOP & SON, INC. .45, 50, 51
CHICAGO GUN CENTER .•••••••••••.••• ~53 R.C.B.S. GUN & DIE SHOP 10
REDDING-HUNTER, INC. .........•.....•. 55 C. D. CAHOON 43
STAR MACHINE WORKS 64 CONTOUR GRIP CO•.................... 65
R. F. WELLS, INC. ..............•.••..... 46 FITZ GRIPS .......••..••.•.••.••....... 59
WICHITA PRECISION TOOL CO•........•. 4 BOB FRIELICH .......••.••..•.••..•.... 51
COLADONATO BROS _.••..•.•.. 44 SPORTS, INC. ...................•......45
DON HUME LEATHERGOODS ........•..•. 61
HORNADY MFG. CO. . .•....•••••.•.•••. 14 ARVO OJALA PRODUCTIONS ......•..... 62
APPLEBY MFG. CO.................•.... 56
L. L. BEAN ..................•......... 48
PAUL JAEGER .............•....•...•••. 41 TANDY LEATHER CO 62
KRONE INTERNATIONALE .............••. 61
FLAIG'S ..........................•.... 59
NOR"1A.PRECISION ................•..•• 8 W •.R. WEAVER CO .45 JUSTRITE MFG. CO.....................• 9
POTOMAC ARMS ..........•..••..••.•.• 62 BECKELHYMER'S ..........•.•.••.••.•... 62 NATIONAL RIFLE ASSOCiATION 50
PUBLIC SPORTS SHOPS 41 GEO. BROTHERS ...........••.•••.••.... 55 PARKER DISTRIBUTORS .......•.•....•.•. 61
SPEER PRODUCTS CO. . ...•.•••...•••••• 12 CRAFT INDUSTRIES .......•••••.••..•... 65 PUBLIC SPORT SHOPS ..........•.•..... 56
STURM, RUGER AND CO., INC••.....•.••• 11 DARE ENTERPRISES ...•...•.••..•....... 44 RAY RILING 64
TIMSTON CORP••..•••••.•....•....•.••. 58 JET-AER CORP. . ........•.•..•...•...... 51 SHOTGUN NEWS .•...•....•...•....... 40
MERSHON COMPANY ........••......... 13 STACKPOLE COMPANY ....•.•..•....... 3
with our
I'ecruircdl, .222 Reming·ton, .:J08 \Vinches-
lel', ,351 Magnum l& .38 Spec.l, .44 Spe-
NOW WINNING SHOOT AFTER SHOOT cial, 45/70, Morc coming-ANY of above
CalibcI'cR. Only $8.95!
-and no wonder-
with cut rifled, super accurate
barrels and fast ignition
under hammer action.
GilLE- 911LEI
ALL STJ~EL-Fits mmed bases on
OlfIlPPOltv, c;.4. 'J
tire, Instruction Book Saves much tIme and
moncy Since you start with correct bullet
mold s<ze. patehm" matenal. powder loads
Machined from Ordnance Steel (not cheap castings)-
U8es standard % x 18 thread; Oct. model 1~1(l" across,
round model 1 ~~". Made speCIally for use with our fine
muzzle loading barrel but adaptable to any. (Add $2.00
to barrel price for threading at factory for this plug,)
Price for round or octagon (state which) Only $5.95,
t J iA."N®G[3[s0
not the S<lme, 1l1.lny bell1A"
~\~CII~~~nC~~~d~ lfll~d. o~rUl fa~t~;~S afl ~\i;~~
To Choose From
Also available left hand if desired.
LOADING PISTOL NOW IN .36 Caliber (1 turn in 40") or
.45 caliber (1 turn, in 56"). 8 g-roove rifling.
Has the "bang" and feel of the handsome & smooth inSide and out. 15/16"' ~H'I'()hS
cal'iy duelers, Ultra strong desig'n
cxtra heavy black poWder loads. In
This Week ~~~~. 19~;, .l~fg· ci\~~e~~~~I·$lo~.\f5$~~~:5$~~~~ ~~~P~h-~:
either .36 or ,45 calibel'-'with extras . . . Order any H&A modcl now dil'cct
fl'om this ad and well f;,pnd you 4;>/70 callber-l turn In 22". 8 groove, 32" long
chcclwl'ed Tenite gTips , . . Only $26,50. (Add $15.50 plus 9!5c. • .•
$=3,00 for checkel'ed Walnut ~"(Tips.) *Send pistol FREE-extra, valuable muzzle
pel'mits from states I'C(IUiring, loading premiums.
$2.00 per barrel for threading for our
~ '" ~t~\'2g!~~1ntr~~1j ;~~t1~)\,~~,1 2t-p,e J1~~lO~~ilR~~iIi~~i.Pt~~~~. <;~~n~t Ro~ ~~cfel' (~oJicft~~I~td)AdJn1~)~1~t breech plug and nipple advertised above.
inte1'csting infol'mntion on Hopkins & Allen rifles. pi!;lols ancl shotguns frec-just send
self-addl'cssed, stamped, long cnvelopc.
r turn in 56"- super accurate . . , 32" long $10.95 plus
95c, (AbOve barrel, only full 48" bench rest mod(d , , ,
~~~~.T. INTERCHANGEABLE PERCUSSION HAMMER including- conversion of Winchester and Marlins in ,357
SENT WITH EACH BARREL. Magnum rifles • • • $9.50 plus 85c post.
NAL PARTS. EXTRA HEAVY .~2 barrel blanks, full 1-1/16" dia .• 12
• .45 CAL., 8-GROOVE. (1 Turn in 56"), BLUED, WITH g"l'oove barrel SUItable for center or rim fire actions
SIGHT DOVETAILS, NIPPLE, ETC. :1.7" Ion!!, I turn 14" • • • Only $8.95 plus 90c post. .
'~;~~5 i~06~'illti~nA~~t~~~}le V~aJ~::s.!t~~l:r-t~:~~~~'li~I~K/':3
and 50/70 "tl'ap door" Spring-fields, complete with plug,
\ang, & nipple. Simply dl'OP out old barrel and receiver-
install our new barrel and chang'e hammers-gun is ready
to shoot. Ori~inal U. S. Springfield percussion hammer in- Enfields are fine actions BUT do cock on closing
Over $71,000. 00 PA 10'
('Iuded ' . . It replaces your cartridge hammer without fit- stroke and have 'an extremely slow "muddy" firing
;~~~'s ~~~~e~~~o~~l~~~~ ff:l~e~)rg~sI~aJ1~1~"1gaar~:~~ogri~ pin fall. You can bring your rifle up-to-date-equal
/111' .z9 6 ;c.
fun within ever'yone's reach. Dealers will find it profitable to and often better than today's modern production
to replacc worn out bal'rels and receivers on Springfields in for unw3nt~d gun parts. Want both smal1 and larl2:e lots
Lheir inventOl'Y. _Pl'ice complete llnd ready to tlsc-$26.50 -·for just $5.95 and 2 minutes time. ~(~ :?55I');1l~;ng~~~~~).au~s.u~~~'fgli,~ii~ri~SO~~deo:.~:r;~'Cif~t,(~~
plus 85c pp, (Bullet mold-,45 cal. for above-only $2.25)
do as man~ do, ship-oIT for offer. Check airmailed day
~grt~~I~%e,d~~~~S1~~~Q t:~\I~~~~P~~~~ ~~c~~~Cbo}rf~~~e:~ I'cc£:!ived; it not OK, shipment Jleturned prepaid immedi-
t3NAP UP YOUR If! WIl1C~esler, Rem lllg'Lon , Springfield, 1....l auser ami others.
Sll1lply Illserl in your bolt. Heg-ular safety wOl'ks as usual.
NOl'mally a $15 to $18 convel'sion, OUR UNIT. READY
ately" AL~O WANT junked rifles. pistols & shotguns fOr
lll'ea~",lng Into remaining usablp. parts. We pay from $1.00
to $.),00 ca. for thesc, dcpending on make and what'~
TO INSTALL IN YOUR BOLT IN 2 MINUTES AT THE UN· lcf~, Do not ship EXIH'ess. Send parcel post UI~ to 70:=7
@(;)~OO@IPO~tblV BELIEVABLY LOW PRICE OF S5.45 PPD, h'clg'ht over 70it.Postag-e included hi check.
(Fol' 1914 or 1!J 17 Eddy::;topc, Hemington 01' \Vinchc!;WI'
Model" only-state Which-not for BI'IUsh SMLE)