10.2 BI Y2 LP TS25 (Unit 5 LP 1-25)
10.2 BI Y2 LP TS25 (Unit 5 LP 1-25)
10.2 BI Y2 LP TS25 (Unit 5 LP 1-25)
1. Pupils look at the picture in the Student’s Book. Elicit who they can see. Pre-
_____ / _____ pupils were able to
teach busy.
2. Play the recording. Pupils follow the song in their Student’s Books.(CD2 23) achieve the learning objectives with
3. Play the recording. Pupils choose the stickers and compare in pairs. guidance and given reinforcement
4. Play the recording again, pausing after each verse for pupils to repeat. exercise (s).
5. When pupils have learnt the song, practise it with the whole class. Use the
karaoke version of the song for pupils to sing in groups. (21st CA) _____ / _____ pupils were not able to
6. Play the recording again. Pupils listen, read and point to the day of the week.
achieve the learning objectives and
7. In pairs, they point to the pictures and say the days of the week. Elicit from
given remedial exercise (s).
the students what the children are doing that day, e.g. On Saturday they
8. Pupils do workbook page 60. (CBA) TODAY’S LESSON:
Need improvement
Pupils sing the song from SB Activity 1 again.
HOTS Application 21st CA Rhyming / Singing
Remedial: Reinforcement: Enrichment:
Pupils practise target language with
Worksheet for reinforcement. Worksheet for enrichment.
The next lesson plan:
The next lesson plan will continue with new topics.
This lesson plan will be repeated in future learning.
The next lesson plan will be improved on ___________________________________________________________
Post-lesson:- Excellent
Pupils discuss answer of their worksheet. (21st CA) Need improvement
1. Conjunction slide starts with sample sentences with each conjunction. Pupils
are explained about the usage.
2. Pupils are called out at random to fill in the blanks of the given sentences on
board. (HOTS)
3. Pupils play the conjunction puzzle in their groups and write down the given enrichment exercise (s).
sentences they have formed. (21st CA)
_____ / _____ pupils were able to
4. Pupils complete the conjunction worksheet. (CBA)
achieve the learning objectives with
Post-lesson:- guidance and given reinforcement
exercise (s).
Pupils check their answer in groups.
3. Repeat the video and encourage pupils to remember the step. _____ / _____ pupils were not able to
4. Teacher show how to make the origami step by step. achieve the learning objectives and given
remedial exercise (s).
5. Pupils try to make their origami individually. (CBA)