Cry More!
Uddhava And Nanda Maharaja
Sri Srimad Gaur Govinda Swami Uddhava was thinking, “The love possessed by
Nanda Maharaja cannot be compared in unlim-
On his way from Mathura, Uddhava was ited universes. How can I tell Nanda Maharaja,
thinking of Nanda Maharaja. He had marked ‘Don’t cry?’ If I say this then all of the çästras will
how many times Krishna was shedding tears and come and shut my mouth. The çästras say that
speaking about His beloved father and mother. crying for Krishna is the ultimate goal of life.” Ud-
Uddhava came to give them consolation. Uddha- dhava is the embodiment of çästra. He is thinking
va thought, “If someone is crying due to having
shelter of everything and everyone, sarva-svarüpa. haraja is crying for Krishna. Uddhava knows that
Uddhava told Nanda: one cries because of delusion, moha. “Oh, my son
has gone away.” Everyone in this world cries due
dåñöaà çrutaà bhüta-bhavad-bhaviñyat to delusion. Delusion comes because of ignorance.
sthäsnuç cariñëur mahad alpakaà ca If someone gets tattva-jïäna then their delusion is
vinäcyutäd vastu taräà na väcyaà dispelled. When ignorance is dispelled, delusion is
sa eva sarvaà paramätma-bhütaù gone, and then you will never cry again. Uddhava
tried to present the sunlight of çästra-jïäna before
Nothing can be said to exist independent of Nanda Maharaja. Uddhava is a jïäna-sädhaka,
Lord Achyuta — nothing heard or seen, nothing jïäné-bhakta. He is the embodiment of çästra. He
in the past, present or future, nothing moving or knew very well that with the help of jïänäloka, the
unmoving, great or small. He indeed is everything, enlightenment of jïäna, one can see the real truth.
for He is the Supreme Soul. Nanda’s Blindness But there are some things that are only visible in
By saying all of these things Uddhava painted the darkness. Only when the sun sets and darkness
a nice picture of kåñëa-tattva and held it before comes are the innumerable stars visible. If some-
Nanda Maharaja. one has made a lifelong vow to only look at the
However, Uddhava doesn’t know that Nanda polestar with unblinking eyes, then the sunshine
Maharaja is blind. What sort of blind man is he? will be a great obstruction. It will be detrimental
Kåñëa-premändha, blind in kåñëa-prema. Every- for upholding his vow. This is not an easy thing
one in this material world is blind for material to understand. This message is revealed in every
enjoyment, bhogändha. But Nanda Maharaja is page of Çrémad-Bhägavatam.
kåñëa-premändha. So although Uddhava painted “Krishna is my son.” Goparaj, Nanda Mahara-
a nice picture of kåñëa-tattva and held it before ja, is always looking with unblinking eyes in the
Nanda Maharaja, because Nanda Maharaja is blind northern direction to the polestar in the form of
he could not see it. Here in this world we see all kåñëa-rüpé dhruva-nakñatra — the polestar in the
objects by the help of sunshine. We cannot see in form of Krishna. So for him çästra-jïäna, the en-
deep darkness. Çästra and jïäna are like sunshine. lightenment of çästra, çästra-sürya, the sunlight of
In that sunshine everything is clear. All truth is çästra, is an obstruction. Uddhava is a çästra-sädha-
revealed. At that time bhrama, the tendency to ka, a strict follower of the rules and regulations of
commit mistakes, and pramäda, the tendency to be çästra, whatever he says before Nanda Maharaja
illusioned, are dispelled like darkness. Nanda Ma- about çästra-jïäna and kåñëa-tattva is very, very
difficult for Nanda Maharaja to understand. For
is the symptom of Narayan in Krishna, in my have been burning in has become more and more
Gopal? You are a boy, Uddhava. You are a boy. ablaze. You are a boy, you are a boy. Therefore you
You have no intelligence at all. In your intelli- cannot extinguish this fire. Are you trying to ex-
gence you are also a boy. Therefore I excuse you. tinguish this fire by pouring ghee into it? Uddhava
I have never seen such symptoms in Krishna. It you are a boy. Therefore I excuse you.”
is a fact that by the unlimited mercy of Narayan Saying this Nanda Maharaja’s voice became
we have gotten a son like Krishna. I know very choked up and tears rolled down from his eyes
well that Krishna is our son. This is the very, like torrential rain.
very deep-rooted feeling in my heart, Uddhava.
Uddhava, how can you say it is not true? Impenetrable Love
“You listen, Uddhava. There is another thing.
Suppose your words are true and Krishna is When Krishna showed the universal form to
not an ordinary person, that He is Bhagavan. If Arjuna, Arjuna’s sakhya-rasa became slackened.
you say that Krishna is Bhagavan, and that He Therefore Arjuna begged excuse, tat-kñamasva,
is not an ordinary person, how can such words “You are so great!” When Devaki and Vasudev saw
soothe our hearts? By hearing your kåñëa-tat- that the four-handed form of Vishnu, appearing as
tva the blazing fire of separation from Krishna their son, had become two-handed, they offered
that is burning my afflicted heart has increased prayers. Their vätsalya-rasa became slackened.
thousands and thousands of times. Uddhava, After the killing of Kamsa, when Krishna and
you cannot extinguish it. Rather you only Balaram went to offer obeisances to Vasudev and
make it more ablaze. We only thought that we Devaki, they became afraid to accept obeisances
had lost a son, but then hearing from you that from Krishna. Even after meeting their son after
Krishna is müla-bhagavän, then I understand such a long separation, still they couldn’t have such
we have not lost an ordinary son, we have lost vätsalya-préti. Rather, they were afraid of accepting
Bhagavan! I thought I had lost a piece of cop- obeisances, pranamas, from Krishna. Uddhava
per. Now hearing from you I realize I have lost had thought, “If I speak kåñëa-tattva into the heart
a piece of diamond! Uddhava, by hearing from of Nanda Maharaja then he will become weak like
you, the blazing, acute fire of separation that we Vasudev and Devaki.” But Uddhava saw that he