ranaà vraja. The last word in spiritual duties is the performance of Lord Krishna's pure pastimes.
to surrender to the Supreme Lord, and that duty
takes precedence over all secondary injunctions. — Çrémad-Bhägavatam (Bhägavata Puräëa) » Canto 10: The Summum
Moreover, in this age Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu Bonum » Chapter 61 » Verse: 26 »The Supreme Personality of Godhead
has kindly presented a sublime process that will » Puport the disciples of By His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Svami Pra-
attract all sincere people to come to the point bhupada
of surrendering to the Lord. By following Lord
Chaitanya's blissful process of chanting, danc- The Fate of Rukmi
ing, feasting and discussing spiritual philosophy, Srila Jiva Goswami
anyone can easily go back home, back to God-
head, for an eternal life of bliss and knowledge. Vraja’s King Nanda eagerly said: “What
Still, someone may argue that the members of name was given to the son?” The two messen-
the Krishna consciousness movement should gers said: “Aniruddha.” Vraja’s King Nanda
not practice in the Western countries those thought: “King Vasudeva was very wise. His
great knowledge open like a blooming flower,
ceremonies or activities that displease people in Sri Krishna is called by the name Vasudeva,
general. We respond that even in the Western and Balarama is called by the name Sankarsha-
countries, when people are properly informed na. Now Krishna’s son and grandson bear the
of the activities of the Krishna consciousness names Pradyumna and Aniruddha. These four
movement, they generally appreciate this great persons all have the glory and power possessed
spiritual institution. Those who are especially by the four manifestations of the Supreme
envious of God will not appreciate any type of Lord Vishnu that bear these same four names.”
religious movement, and since such persons are Then Vraja’s King Nanda openly said: “What are
themselves little better than animals, they cannot the bodily features of Aniruddha?”
impede the great Krishna consciousness move- The two messengers said: “He is like His father.”
ment, just as the envious Rukmi could not impede Vraja’s King Nanda smiled and said: “All of Çré