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Çré Utthäna Ekädaçé Issue no: 246 12th November 2024

The Highest Duty

Lord Balarama Slays Rukmi The Fate of Rukmi
Srila Shukadeva Goswami Srila Jiva Goswami

The Highest Duty The Divine Forms and Pastimes of Lord

His Divine Grace Balarama and Lord Nityananda
A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura
Issue no 246, Page — 2 nityaà bhägavata-sevayä
Lord Balarama Slays Rukmi and Charu, the tenth. None of these sons of Lord
Srila Shukadeva Goswami Hari was less than his father. The ten sons of Saty-
abhama were Bhanu, Subhanu, Svarbhanu, Pra-
Shukadeva Gosvami said: Each of Lord Krish- bhanu, Bhanuman, Candrabhanu, Brihadbhanu,
na’s wives gave birth to ten sons, who were not Atibhanu (the eighth), Shribhanu and Pratibha-
less than their father, having all His personal nu. Samba, Sumitra, Purujit, Shatajit, Sahasrajit,
opulence. Because each of these princesses saw Vijaya, Chitraketu, Vasuman, Dravida and Kratu
that Lord Achyuta never left her palace, each were the sons of Jambavati. These ten, headed by
thought herself the Lord’s favorite. These women Samba, were their father’s favorites. The sons of
did not understand the full truth about Him. The Nagnajiti were Vira, Candra, Ashvasena, Citragu,
Supreme Lord’s wives were fully enchanted by His Vegavan, Vrsha, Ama, Shanku, Vasu and the op-
lovely, lotuslike face, His long arms and large eyes, ulent Kunti. Shruta, Kavi, Vrsha, Vira, Subahu,
His loving glances imbued with laughter, and Bhadra, Shanti, Darsha and Purnamasa were sons
His charming talks with them. But with all their of Kalindi. Her youngest son was Somaka.
charms these ladies could not conquer the mind Madra’s sons were Praghosha, Gatravan, Sim-
of the all-powerful Lord. The arched eyebrows ha, Bala, Prabala, Urdhaga, Mahashakti, Saha,
of these sixteen thousand queens enchantingly Oja and Aparajita. Mitravinda’s sons were Vrka,
expressed those ladies’ secret intentions through Harsha, Anila, Grdhra, Vardhana, Unnada, Ma-
coyly smiling sidelong glances. Thus their eye- hamsa, Pavana, Vahni and Kshudhi. Sangramajit,
brows boldly sent forth conjugal messages. Yet Brhatsena, Shura, Praharana, Arijit, Jaya and
even with these arrows of Cupid, and with other Subhadra were the sons of Bhadra, together with
means as well, they could not agitate Lord Krish- Vama, Ayur and Satyaka. Dptiman, Tamratapta
na’s senses. and others were the sons of Lord Krishna and
Thus these women obtained as their husband Rohini. Lord Krishna’s son Pradyumna fathered
the master of the goddess of fortune, although the greatly powerful Aniruddha in the womb of
even great demigods like Brahma do not know
how to approach Him. With ever-increasing Rukmavati, the daughter of Rukmi. O King, this
pleasure, they felt loving attraction for Him, took place while they were living in the city of
exchanged smiling glances with Him, eagerly Bhojakata. My dear King, the sons and grandsons
anticipated associating with Him in ever-fresh inti- of Lord Krishna’s children numbered in the tens
macy and enjoyed in many other ways. Although of millions. Sixteen thousand mothers gave rise
the Supreme Lord’s queens each had hundreds to this dynasty.
of maidservants, they chose to personally serve King Parikshit said: How could Rukmi give
the Lord by approaching Him humbly, offering his daughter to his enemy’s son? After all, Rukmi
Him a seat, worshiping Him with excellent para- had been defeated by Lord Krishna in battle and
phernalia, bathing and massaging His feet, giving was waiting for an opportunity to kill Him. Please
Him pan to chew, fanning Him, anointing Him explain this to me, O learned onehow these two
with fragrant sandalwood paste, adorning Him inimical parties became united through marriage.
with flower garlands, dressing His hair, arranging Mystic yogis can perfectly see that which has
His bed, bathing Him and presenting Him with not yet happened, as well as things in the past or
various gifts. present, beyond the senses, remote or blocked by
Among Lord Krishna’s wives, each of whom had physical obstacles.
ten sons, I previously mentioned eight principal Sri Shukadeva Gosvami said: At her sva-
queens. I shall now recite for you the names of yamvara ceremony, Rukmavati herself chose
those eight queens’ sons, headed by Pradyumna. Pradyumna, who was the re-embodiment of
The first son of Queen Rukmini was Pradyumna, Cupid. Then, although He fought alone on a
and also born of her were Charudeshna, Sudeshna single chariot, Pradyumna defeated the assembled
and the powerful Charudeha, along with Sucharu, kings in battle and took her away. Though Ruk-
Charugupta, Bhadracharu, Charucandra, Vicharu mi always remembered his enmity toward Lord

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nityaà bhägavata-sevayä Issue no 246, Page—3
Krishna, who had insulted him, in order to please teeth, tried to run away, but the furious Lord quick-
his sister he sanctioned his daughter’s marriage to ly seized him on his tenth step and knocked out
his nephew. O King, Bali, the son of Kritavarma, all his teeth. Tormented by Lord Balarama’s club,
married Rukmini’s young daughter, large-eyed the other kings fled in fear, their arms, thighs and
Charumati. heads broken and their bodies drenched in blood.
Rukmi gave his granddaughter Rocana to his When His brother-in-law Rukmi was slain, Lord
daughter’s son, Aniruddha, despite Rukmi’s relent- Krishna neither applauded nor protested, O King,
less feud with Lord Hari. Although Rukmi consid- for He feared jeopardizing His affectionate ties with
ered this marriage irreligious, he wanted to please either Rukmini or Balarama. Then the descendants
his sister, bound as he was by the ropes of affection. of Dasharha, headed by Lord Balarama, seated
On the joyous occasion of that marriage, O King, Aniruddha and His bride on a fine chariot and
Queen Rukmini, Lord Balarama, Lord Krishna and set off from Bhojakata for Dvaraka. Having taken
several of the Lord’s sons, headed by Samba and shelter of Lord Madhusudana, they had fulfilled
Pradyumna, went to the city of Bhojakata. After all their purposes.
the wedding, a group of arrogant kings headed — Çrémad-Bhägavatam (Bhägavata Puräëa) » Canto 10: The Summum
by the King of Kalinga told Rukmi, “You should Bonum » Chapter 61 » Verses 1-40 »The Supreme Personality of Godhead
defeat Balarama at dice. He’s not expert at dice, » By His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Svami Prabhupada.
O King, but still He’s quite addicted to it.” Thus
advised, Rukmi challenged Balarama and began The Highest Duty
a gambling match with Him. In that match Lord His Divine Grace
Balarama first accepted a wager of one hundred A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
coins, then one thousand, then ten thousand. Ruk-
mi won this first round, and the King of Kalinga Srila Shridhara Svami explains that according
laughed loudly at Lord Balarama, showing all his to worldly standards one should not give one's
teeth. Lord Balarama could not tolerate this. Next beloved granddaughter to the grandson of one's
Rukmi accepted a bet of one hundred thousand bitter enemy. Thus we find the following injunc-
coins, which Lord Balarama won. But Rukmi tried tion: dviñad-annaà na bhoktavyaà dviñantaà naiva
to cheat, declaring “I’m the winner!” Shaking with bhojayet. "One should not eat an enemy's food or
anger like the ocean on the full-moon day, hand- feed an enemy." There is also the following pro-
some Lord Balarama, His naturally reddish eyes hibition: asvargyaà loka-vidviñöaà dharmam apy
even redder in His fury, accepted a wager of one äcaren na tu. "One should not execute religious
hundred million gold coins. Lord Balarama fairly injunctions if they will obstruct one's journey to
won this wager also, but Rukmi again resorted heaven, or if they are odious to human society."
to cheating and declared, “I have won! Let these It should be pointed out here that Lord Krishna
witnesses here say what they saw.” is not really the enemy of anyone. As the Lord
Just then a voice from the sky declared, “Balara- states in the Bhagavad-gétä (5.29), suhådaà sar-
ma has fairly won this wager. Rukmi is surely va-bhütänäm jïätvä mäà çäntim åcchati: "One
lying.” Urged on by the wicked kings, Rukmi achieves peace by understanding that I am the
ignored the divine voice. In fact destiny itself was well-wishing friend of every living being." Al-
urging Rukmi on, and thus he ridiculed Lord though Lord Krishna is everyone's friend, Rukmi
Balarama as follows. [Rukmi said:] You cowherds could not appreciate this fact and considered Lord
who wander about the forests know nothing about Krishna his enemy. Still, out of affection for his
dice. Playing with dice and sporting with arrows sister, he gave his granddaughter to Aniruddha.
are only for kings, not for the likes of You. Thus Finally, we should note that, contrary to the
insulted by Rukmi and ridiculed by the kings, Lord prohibition quoted above, one may not give up
Balarama was provoked to anger. In the midst of the basic principles of spiritual life merely be-
the auspicious wedding assembly, He raised His cause such principles are unpopular with people
club and struck Rukmi dead. The King of Kalinga, in general. As Lord Krishna states in the Gétä
who had laughed at Lord Balarama and shown his (18.66), sarva-dharmän parityajya mäm ekaà ça-

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Issue no 246, Page — 4 nityaà bhägavata-sevayä
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ranaà vraja. The last word in spiritual duties is the performance of Lord Krishna's pure pastimes.
to surrender to the Supreme Lord, and that duty
takes precedence over all secondary injunctions. — Çrémad-Bhägavatam (Bhägavata Puräëa) » Canto 10: The Summum
Moreover, in this age Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu Bonum » Chapter 61 » Verse: 26 »The Supreme Personality of Godhead
has kindly presented a sublime process that will » Puport the disciples of By His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Svami Pra-
attract all sincere people to come to the point bhupada
of surrendering to the Lord. By following Lord
Chaitanya's blissful process of chanting, danc- The Fate of Rukmi
ing, feasting and discussing spiritual philosophy, Srila Jiva Goswami
anyone can easily go back home, back to God-
head, for an eternal life of bliss and knowledge. Vraja’s King Nanda eagerly said: “What
Still, someone may argue that the members of name was given to the son?” The two messen-
the Krishna consciousness movement should gers said: “Aniruddha.” Vraja’s King Nanda
not practice in the Western countries those thought: “King Vasudeva was very wise. His
great knowledge open like a blooming flower,
ceremonies or activities that displease people in Sri Krishna is called by the name Vasudeva,
general. We respond that even in the Western and Balarama is called by the name Sankarsha-
countries, when people are properly informed na. Now Krishna’s son and grandson bear the
of the activities of the Krishna consciousness names Pradyumna and Aniruddha. These four
movement, they generally appreciate this great persons all have the glory and power possessed
spiritual institution. Those who are especially by the four manifestations of the Supreme
envious of God will not appreciate any type of Lord Vishnu that bear these same four names.”
religious movement, and since such persons are Then Vraja’s King Nanda openly said: “What are
themselves little better than animals, they cannot the bodily features of Aniruddha?”
impede the great Krishna consciousness move- The two messengers said: “He is like His father.”
ment, just as the envious Rukmi could not impede Vraja’s King Nanda smiled and said: “All of Çré

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nityaà bhägavata-sevayä Issue no 246, Page—5
Krishna’s qualities must have taken birth in that Rukmi and the king of Kalinga, who were both
boy.” Then Vraja’s King Nanda again thought in his yearning for a quarrel with Balarama, and when
heart: “O heart, why are you so eager to see your a voice from Svargaloka confirmed that Balarama
great-grandson Aniruddha? Do you now see even was indeed the winner of the gambling-match,
your son Krishna, what to speak of your grandson then Sri Balarama showed His strength and killed
and great-grandson?” Madhukantha said: O King Rukmi.” As the members of his assembly laughed
Nanda, in this way at various times you heard news and laughed, Vraja’s King Nanda said: “What did
brought by various messengers.” my Krishna graceful like a little calf do then?” The
In this way two messengers said to You: “Rukmi- two messengers said: “He showed neither affection
ni's brother Rukmi has offered his son’s daughter to nor displeasure to either Rukmi's sister, Rukmini,
become the bride of Pradyumna’s son Aniruddha.” or to Rukmis killer, Balarama. He simply remained
Vraja’s King Nanda said: “that marriage will create silent.”
an auspicious situation. Now Rukmi will in his
heart become favorable to Sri Krishna.” The two — Çré Gopäla-Campü of Srila Jiva Gosvami » Translation by Kushakratha Dasa
messengers said: “Rukmi did not become favorable
to Sri Krishna. It was Rukmini who made the aus-
picious arrangement for that marriage.” The Divine Forms and Pastimes of
Vraja’s King Nanda said: “So be it. Somehow or Lord Balarama and Lord Nityananda
other it will bring auspiciousness.” The two mes-
sengers said: “It did indeed bring auspiciousness to “The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krish-
the family.” Vraja’s King Nanda said: “Now Rukmi na, is the fountainhead of all incarnations. Lord
is favorable to Krishna?” The two messengers said: Balarama is His second body. They are both one
“Rukmi may be a member of the family, but he is and the same identity. They differ only in form.
not favorable to Krishna. He may attain an auspi- He is the first bodily expansion of Krishna, and He
cious situation, but only after his death.” assists in Lord Krishna’s transcendental pastimes.
Unsure what to make of these words, Vraja’s King Lord Balarama is the original Sankarshana. He
Nanda said: “When you said the words ‘only after assumes five other forms to serve Lord Krishna.
his death’, did you mean that Rukmi met with some He Himself helps in the pastimes of Lord Krishna,
calamity?” The two messengers said: “A calamity and He does the work of creation in four other
did indeed fall upon him. How can a person break forms. He executes the orders of Lord Krishna
into pieces what destiny has arranged for him?” in the work of creation, and in the form of Lord
Vraja’s King Nanda said: “Rukmi is a member of Shesha He serves Krishna in various ways. In all
Sri Krishna’s family. That relationship cannot be
broken. Also, Sri Balarama thinks well of Rukmi. !! Sri Sri Nitai Gaurchandra Jayati !!
Balarama is his supporter. What was the cause of
Rukmi’s death?” The two messengers laughed and Nityaà Bhägavata-sevayä E-magazine
said: “The cause was the flames of Sri Balarama’s is a part of
great powers.” Vraja’s King Nanda said: “How did
it happen?” The two messengers said: “Sri Balara- In Service of Srimad Bhagavatam™
ma was enraged by Rukmi's carefully concealed
hostility.” Quotations from the books, letters, and lectures of
Vraja’s King Nanda said: “Please tell us what hap- His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
pened.” The two messengers said: “Aniruddha’s
acceptance of the hand of Rukmi's granddaughter ©Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International.
in marriage eventually crushed into death both the
life-breath of Rukmi and the teeth of the king of ©All the paintings are copyrights of their respective
Kalinga. When, in the midst of gambling-match, artists.
Sri Balarama was mocked and laughed at by

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Issue no 246, Page — 6 nityaà bhägavata-sevayä
the forms He tastes the transcendental bliss of is Lord Nityananda Prabhu. Who, therefore, can
serving Krishna. That same Balarama is Lord know the pastimes of Lord Nityananda? Thus
Nityananda, the companion of Lord Gaurasun- Lord Nityananda has unlimited incarnations.
dara. There is one marginal potency, known as In transcendental emotion He calls Himself a
the jéva. Maha-Sankarshana is the shelter of all servant of Lord Chaitanya. Sometimes He serves
jivas. Sankarshana is the original shelter of the Lord Chaitanya as His guru, sometimes as His
puruña, from whom this world is created and in friend and sometimes as His servant, just as Lord
whom it is dissolved. That Sankarshana, who Balarama played with Lord Krishna in these three
is transcendental pure goodness, is a partial ex- different modes in Vraja. He considers Himself a
pansion of Nityananda Balarama. Sri Balarama servant and knows Krishna to be His master. Thus
is the counterform of Lord Govinda. Balarama’s He regards Himself as a fragment of His plenary
own expansion is called Maha-Sankarshana, and portion. Lord Chaitanya is the same Lord Krish-
His fragment, the puruña, is counted as a kalä, or na, and Lord Nityananda is Lord Balarama. Lord
a part of a plenary portion. Garbhodashyi and Nityananda fulfills all of Lord Chaitanya’s desires.”
Kshirodashayi are both called purushas. They are In some editions the word lakñaëa appears as
plenary portions of Karanodashayi Vishnu, the lakñmaëa, which then means: “This is demon-
first puruña, who is the abode of all the universes. strated in His incarnation as Lakshmana.” As
That puruña [Kshirodakashayi Vishnu] is the per- explained in the Caitanya-caritämåta (Ädi 5.149-
former of creation, maintenance and destruction. 154): “Lord Nityananda Svarupa formerly ap-
He manifests Himself in many incarnations, for peared as Lakshmana and served Lord Ramacan-
He is the maintainer of the world. dra as His younger brother. The activities of Lord
That fragment of the Mahä-puruña who appears Rama were full of suffering, but Lakshmana, of His
for the purpose of creation, maintenance and own accord, tolerated that suffering. As a younger
annihilation is called an incarnation. In the ages brother He could not stop Lord Rama from His
and millenniums of Manu, He appears as differ- resolution, and so He remained silent, although
ent incarnations to establish the principles of real unhappy in His mind. When Lord Krishna ap-
religion and vanquish the principles of irreligion. peared, He [Balarama] became His elder brother
He then descends to maintain the material world. to serve Him to His heart’s content and make
His unlimited opulences cannot be counted. That Him enjoy all sorts of happiness. Sri Rama and
Lord Vishnu is but a part of a part of a plenary Sri Lakshmana, who are plenary portions of Lord
portion of Lord Nityananda, who is the source Krishna and Lord Balarama, entered into Them at
of all incarnations. That same Lord Vishnu, in the time of Krishna’s and Balarama’s appearance.
the form of Lord Shesha, holds the planets upon Krishna and Balarama present Themselves as el-
His heads, although He does not know where der or younger brother, but in the scriptures They
they are, for He cannot feel their existence upon are described as the original Supreme Personality
His heads. That Ananta Shesha is the devotee of Godhead and His expansion.”
incarnation of Godhead. He knows nothing but
service to Lord Krishna. With His thousands of —Çré Caitanya-bhägavata by Çréla Våndävana däsa Öhäkura »The vyä-
mouths He sings the glories of Lord Krishna, but sa-avatära of Caitanya-lélä »With English Translation of the Gauòéya-bhäñya
although He always sings in that way, He does not Commentary and Chapter Summaries of His Divine Grace Oà Viñëupäda
find an end to the qualities of the Lord. He serves Paramahaàsa Parivräjakäcärya »Çré Çrémad Bhaktisiddhänta Sarasvaté
Lord Krishna, assuming all the following forms: Gosvämé Mahäräja »Translated by Bhumipati Däsa.
umbrella, slippers, bedding, pillow, garments,
resting chair, residence, sacred thread and throne.
He is thus called Lord Shesha, for He has attained
the ultimate end of servitude to Krishna. He
takes many forms for the service of Krishna, and
thus He serves the Lord. That person of whom
Lord Ananta is a kalä, or part of a plenary part,

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