Sankhacuda and taken away his shining jewel, is a river named Sabarmati. In India, all the big
Lord Krishna gave it to His elder brother with places of pilgrimage are situated on nice rivers
great satisfaction as the gopis watched. like the Ganges, Yamuna, Sarasvati, Narmada,
— Çrémad-Bhägavatam (Bhägavata Puräëa) » Canto 10: The Summum Godavari and Kaveri. Ambikavana was situated
Bonum » Chapter 34 » Verses 1–32 » Translations by Disciples of His Divine on the bank of the Sarasvati, and Nanda Maha-
Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. raja and all the other cowherd men went there.
They very devotedly began to worship the de-
Observing Shiva-rätri ity of Lord Shiva and Ambika. It is the general
His Divine Grace practice that wherever there is a temple of Lord
A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada Shiva, there must be another temple, of Ambika
(or Durga), because Ambika is the wife of Lord
Sometimes the Vaishnavas also observe this cer- Shiva and is the most exalted of chaste women.
emony because they accept Lord Shiva as the fore- She doesn’t live outside the association of her hus-
most Vaishnava. But the function of Shiva-rätri band. After reaching Ambikavana, the cowherd
is not observed very regularly by the bhaktas, or men of Vrindavan first bathed themselves in the
devotees of Krishna. Under the circumstances, river Sarasvati. If one goes to any place of pilgrim-
Çrémad-Bhägavatam states that Nanda Maharaja age, his first duty is to take a bath and sometimes
and the other cowherd men "once upon a time to shave his head. That is the first business.
desired." This means that they were not regularly After taking a bath, they worshiped the deities
observing the Shiva-rätri function but that once and then distributed charity in the holy places.
upon a time they wanted to go to Ambikavana — Excerpt from the book Kåñëa, The Supreme Personality of Godhead by His
out of curiosity. Ambikavana is somewhere in Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
Gujarat Province, and it is said to be situated on
the river Sarasvati. Yet we do not find any Saras- The Supreme Devotee
vati River in Gujarat Province, although there His Divine Grace
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nityaà bhägavata-sevayä Issue no 221, Page—5
A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada "Those whose minds are distorted by material
desires surrender unto demigods and follow the
Without taking shelter of the lotus feet of the particular rules and regulations of worship accord-
Personality of Godhead, one cannot attain relief ing to their own natures." One enamored with
from the clutches of maya, the repetition of birth, material benefits is called håta jïäna ("one who
old age, disease and death. Just like the Pracetas has lost his intelligence"). In this connection it is
received the shelter of the Supreme Personality of to be noted that sometimes in revealed scriptures
Godhead by the grace of Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva is Lord Shiva is described as being nondifferent
the supreme devotee of Lord Vishnu, the Supreme from the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The
Personality of Godhead. Vaiñëavänäà yathä çam- point is that Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu are so
bhuù: the most exalted Vaishnava is Lord Shiva, intimately connected that there is no difference in
and those who are actually devotees of Lord Shiva opinion. The actual fact is, ekale éçvara kåñëa, ära
follow Lord Shiva's advice and take shelter at the saba bhåtya: "The only supreme master is Krishna,
lotus feet of Lord Vishnu. The so-called devotees of and all others are His devotees or servants." [Cc.
Lord Shiva, who are simply after material prosper- Ädi 5.142]
ity, are in a way deceived by Lord Shiva. He does This is the real fact, and there is no difference of
not actually deceive them, because Lord Shiva has opinion between Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu in
no business deceiving people, but because the so- this connection. Nowhere in revealed scripture
called devotees of Lord Shiva want to be deceived, does Lord Shiva claim to be equal to Lord Vishnu.
Lord Shiva, who is very easily pleased, allows them This is simply the creation of the so-called devo-
all kinds of material benedictions. These benedic- tees of Lord Shiva, who claim that Lord Shiva and
tions might ironically result in the destruction of Lord Vishnu are one. This is strictly forbidden in
the so-called devotees. For instance, Ravaëa took the Vaisnava-tantra: yas tu näräyaëaà devam [Cc.
all material benediction from Lord Shiva, but the Madhya 18.116]. Lord Vishnu, Lord Shiva and
result was that he was ultimately destroyed with Lord Brahma are intimately connected as master
his family, kingdom and everything else because he and servants. Çiva-viriïci-nutam [SB 11.5.33].
misused Lord Shiva's benediction. Because of his Vishnu is honored and offered obeisances by Lord
material power, he became very proud and puffed Shiva and Lord Brahma. To consider that they are
up so that he dared kidnap the wife of Lord Rama- all equal is a great offense. They are all equal in the
candra. In this way he was ruined. To get material sense that Lord Vishnu is the Supreme Personality
benedictions from Lord Shiva is not difficult, but of Godhead and all others are His eternal servants.
actually these are not benedictions. The Pracetäs
received benediction from Lord Shiva, and as a — Çrémad-Bhägavatam (Bhägavata Puräëa) » Canto 4: The creation of the
result they attained the shelter of the lotus feet of fourth order » Chapter 30 » Verses 38 » His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta
Lord Vishnu. This is real benediction. The gopis Swami Prabhupada.
also worshiped Lord Shiva in Vrindavan, and the
lord is still staying there as Gopishvara. The gopis,
however, prayed that Lord Shiva bless them by Are The Words “Devotional service”
giving them Lord Krishna as their husband. There Applicable Only To The Supreme Lord?
is no harm in worshiping the demigods, provided Srila Bhaktisiddhnata Saraswati Thakura
that one's aim is to return home, back to Godhead.
Generally people go to the demigods for materi- Lord Vishnu is no one’s order supplier but
al benefit, as indicated in Bhagavad-gétä (7.20): is the master of all order suppliers. Since Lord
Vishnu is worshipable for everyone, the words
kämais tais tair håta-jïänäù “devotional service” can apply only to Him.
prapadyante 'nya-devatäù The words “devotional service” cannot apply
taà taà niyamam ästhäya to the demigods, even though the demigod
prakåtyä niyatäù svayä worshipers falsely attribute those words to their
practices. When we worship the demigods, we
want religiosity, economic development, sense
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Issue no 221, Page — 6 nityaà bhägavata-sevayä
harir eva sadärädhyaù sarva deveçvareçvaraù "Bhakti, or devotional service, means engaging
itare brahma rudrädyä nävajneyäù kadäcana all our senses in the service of the Lord, the Su-
yas tu näräyaëaà devaà brahma-rudrädi-daivataiù preme Personality of Godhead, the master of all
samatvenaiva vékñeta sa päñaëòé bhaved dhruvam the senses. When the spirit soul renders service
unto the Supreme, there are two side effects. One
"Lord Hari alone is the supreme worshipable is freedom from all material designations, and the
object. He is the controller of all controllers. other is that one’s senses are purified simply by
Demigods like Brahma and Shiva are subor- being employed in the service of the Lord."
dinate to Him. Yet they should never be dis-
respected. A person who considers demigods Lord Gauranga states in Caitanya-caritämåta:
like Brahma and Shiva to be on an equal level