ARTS w4 q3 (AutoRecovered)
ARTS w4 q3 (AutoRecovered)
ARTS w4 q3 (AutoRecovered)
department of Education
their group is expected to read and present the artist life and works through a song, _
utilization and a poem, and a poster
combination They will present their output. PL ; ________ %
of art elements B. Analysis
and principles Ask the following guide questions:
3. Uses artworks 1. Describe the artist.
to derive the 2. What are his famous artworks?
traditions/histo 3. How does these works of art promote culture and traditions of a country?
ry C. Abstraction
Maintain After the group presentation, the teacher will give a brief discussion. And ask
Classroom someone to summarize the lesson.
cleanliness D. Application (Jigsaw Puzzle)
and The representatives of each groups will again choose their next activity.
orderliness There are 4 different artworks that are cut out as a jigsaw puzzle. The group who
has chosen the artwork must assemble the puzzle to find out what kind of work they
had. After they finished the puzzle, they will name the artist and the title of the
artwork. They will also need to express what they feel about the artwork.
E. Evaluation
F. Assignment
Search about Romanticim
Tuesday 1. Identifies Artist of A. Activity
(Feb. 20, different artist Neoclassical Review/Motivation [ ] objective/s carried or
2024) of neoclassical Arts Recall previous lesson: the meaning of Neoclassic period and its
arts . characteristics. [ ] objective/s not carried
2. Explains the Activity State the reason; ___________
use or function Group activity __________________________
of artworks by Students will be grouped in 4 groups. _
evaluating Each group will be given a picture of an artist and a reference paper; each __________________________
their group is expected to read and present the artist life and works through a song, _
E. Evaluation
F. Assignment
Create an essay about the Romanticism
Thursday 1. Identifies Characteristic A. Activity
(Feb 22, 2024) distinct of Romantic Review/Motivation [ ] objective/s carried or
characteristics Arts Pass the message
of arts during [ ] objective/s not carried
E. Evaluation
F. Assignment
Create an essay about the Romanticism