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There are many laws and theorems such as Kirchhoff’s law, Ohm’s law, Thevenin Theorem that help us
solve many complex electrical circuit problems.

Thevenin’s theorem states that it is possible to simplify any linear circuit, irrespective of how complex it
is, to an equivalent circuit with a single voltage source and a series resistance.

The advantage of performing the Thevenin conversion to the simpler circuit is that it makes load
voltage and load current easier to solve than in the original network.
The Maximum Power Transfer Theorem states that the maximum amount of power will be
dissipated by a load resistance when that load resistance is equal to Thevenin(V TH) resistance of
the network supplying the power. If the load resistance is lower or higher than the
Thevenin/Norton resistance of the source network, its dissipated power will be less than the

Equipment And Components Used

 2 Digital Multimeter
 220Ω, 330Ω, 470Ω, 560Ω, 680Ω, 1KΩ, 2.2KΩ, 3.3KΩ, 4.7KΩ resistor
 Breadboard with power supply
 DC Regulated Power Supply 0-30V/2A

1)Thevenin Theorem

Iab=1.42 mA

VTH=openckt voltage

Norten current(IN)=short ckt current ISH

Calculation of RTH

Observation Table

VTH(V)th VTH(V)pr IN(MA)th IN(MA)pr VTH/IN(th VTH/IN(pr RTH(th) RTH(pr)

5.87 5.9 7.12 7.04 824Ω 838Ω 824Ω 839Ω

2)Testing of Thevenins Theorem

-Measure Vab=4.63v

-Calculate current Ia=Vab/RL=1.40mA

3)Maximum power transfer theorem(not maximum efficiency)

Observation Table

SN RL(Ω) Vab(Ω)Th Vab(Ω)Pr Pab(mw)Th Pab(mw)Pr

220 1.23 1.24 6.87 6.87 6.98
330 1.67 1.67 8.45 8.45 8.45
470 2.13 2.14 9.65 9.65 9.74
560 2.37 2.40 10.3 10.3 10.2
680 2.65 2.66 10.32 10.32 10.4
820 2.92 2.95 10.39 10.39 10.61
1k 3.21 3.21 10.3 10.3 10.36
2.2k 4.27 4.27 8.28 8.28 8.48
3.3k 4.69 4.75 6.66 6.66 6.69
4.7k 4.99 5.07 5.29 5.29 5.46

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