Previous Year 6th Sem Question

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of Printed Pages :5 Serm-Vi-UG-Com-CC-XII

(Auditing & CG)

Time -3 hours

Ful! Marks- 80
Answer all parts as per instructions.
Figures in the right hand margin indicate marks.

1. Answer all questions and fill in the blanks by choosing the
correct answer from the given alternatives. [1 x 12

(a) Auditing is luxury for form of business organi


() sole proprietorship. (i) partnership

(ii) company (iv) cooperative

(b) An auditor is like a dog.

() watch dog (ii) pet dog

(ii) wild dog (iv) none of these

(c) Periodical Audit is carried o at the of the year.

() starting (üi) end

(ii) middle (iv) none of these


(d) Management Audit is by nature.

() compulsory () voluntary
(i) both (iv) none of these
(e) Cost Auditor submits
reports to lhe
(i) Managing Director (ü)
(ii) General Manager
(ii) Cost Accountant (iv) Board of Directors
() Social audit means method of
level of
measuring a company's

() legal
responsibility (i) human responsibility
(ii) social responsibility (iv) govt.responsibility
(g) GAAS stands for

() Generally AcceptedAccounting Principles

(ii) Generally Accepted Auditing Standards
(ii) Generally Accepted Accounting Systems
(iv) None of the above

(h) of the Company's Act, 2013 requires every

auditor to comply with the Auditing siandards.

(i) Section 143(9) (ii) Section 142(9)

(ii) Section 192(3) (iv) Section 132(9)


) Corporate Governance is a approach.

(i) down to top (ü) top-down

(iü) left to right (iv) right to left
() When was SEB0 constituted ?

() April 1992 (ii) April 1998

(ii) July 2000 (iv) July 2002

(k) was known as 'Big bull' of the trading floor in
the year, 1992.

() Harshad Mehta (üi) Dinesh Dalmia

(i) Sanjay Agarwal (iv) Ketan Parikh

() Ethics are consistent over the period and it remains
for allthe human beings.
() different (i) constant in some cases

(i) same (iv) none of these

sentences each.
2. Expand the followingterms within two to three
(any eight) 2 x8

(a) Auditing
(b) Annual Audit
(c) Qualified Report


(d) Statutory Cost Audit

(e) Corporate Governance
(), Business Scandals
(g) Cadbury Committee

(h) Business Ethics

(). CSR
) Triple bottom line

3. Answer any eight of the following questions within 75 words

each. 3 x8

(at Differentiate between Continuous and Interim Audit.

b Differentiate between Audit plan and Audit programme.

(e What are the contents of audit working paper ?

(dDifferentiate between Auditor's report and Auditor's cer


(e Write various objectives of tax Audit.

() Name the different types of ManagementAudit Report.
(g) What are the principles of Corporate Governance ?
(h Which modelof CG is folilowed in India ?

() Differentiate between CG and CSR.
) Explain the conceptof CSR as philarnthropy


Answer all questions within 500 words 6ach.

corsidered before tes o01
4. Mention the steps reguired to be
encernent of audit.

Internal Audt.
Mention the advan1tages and disad vantaes of
5.Adentify the liabilities of statutory auditor as per
Act, 2013.

Explain the meaning of socialaudit ? DiscUss its
Governance briefty. [7
6, Discuss the theories of Corporate

Explain professionalethics for professiornal accoutants.

7. Explain different forms of CSR.

How CSR Reporting, Sustainability Reporting are interre

lated ?

No. of Printed Pages :7

Time-3 hours
Full Marks - 80
Answer all parts as per instructions.
Figures in the right hand margin indicate marks.

1. Answer all questions and fill in the blanks by
Correct answer from the given choosing the
alternatives. [1 x 12
(a) Amatrix that consists of only
one column is known as -
(i) coBumn matrix
(ii) row matrix
(ii) diagonal matrix (iv) singular matrix
(b) The Cramer's rule can be
applied only if
(i) D= 0 (ii) D> 0
(ii) D <0 (iv) D0
(c) The number of elements present in athird
minant is order deter
() 3
(ii) 6
(i) 9
(iv) 12


(a) A
square matrix in which every non-diagonal element is
and every diagonal element is 1 is called a
(). unit matrix (ii) scalar
(üi) diagonal (iv) triangular
(e) y=x+ 2x-3 is an function.
() explicit (i) implicit
(ii) linear (iv) one to one
(f) The derivative of -5x=
) -10
() +10
(i) -10xX (iv) +10x
(g) What is the interest of5,500 for 5
yearsat 11% p.a. ?
()3075 (ii) 3000
(ii) 3085 (iv) 3705
(h) In case of Annuity, Ais the symbol for
() Amount of each instalment

(ii) Time period

(ii) Total amount
(iv) Amount of Annuity


().The person who receives the annuity is caled

() Annuitant (ü) Annuity holder
(i) Annuity person (iv) None of these

() Linear programming deals with problems involving only

i) 4 (i) triple
(ii) double {iv) single
(k) CPM stands for -
() Centrally Programmed Module
(Ü) Central Path Model
(iü) Critical Path Method
(iv) Centrai Path Method
() The product of a matrix with its inverse is a

() Diagonai (i) Unit

(ii) Scalar (iv) Column

2. Write notes on any eight of the followingwithin two to
sentences each. (2 x8

a} inverse of a matrix


(b Calculus
(C) Function
(d) Sarrus diagram
(e Differentiation
(t) Differential coefficient

(g) Optimisation
b Maxima

Compound Interest
Gr Network diagram

3. Answer any eightof the following questions. [3 x 8

(a) Find the minors of |A|= 2 3


then A² =?

(o) IfA-1-1) show that A +3A +4]=0.

(d) What is many-one-into function? Showthrough example.


(e) Differentiate(x-2x with respect to x.

() Determine the integral of x° +5x-6x-8 with respect

to x.

(g) What annual rate compounded continuously is equiva

lent toan effective rate of 5%?

(h) Find the PV of an annuity of ? 500 payable at the end of

each year over 5 years at 10% p.a. at C.l.
(Note:(1.1)° =0.6209)
() Write various types ofLPP problems.

(iWrite anote on PERT.


Answer al questions.
Solve by matrix method : [7

2x - 3y =1
x+ 5y = 7


2 7 65
Evaluate3 8 75
5 9 86

5.Find the derivative of
X-b (4
1+ 1
(b) 1.X1


Determine the Integral of :


4x +3x -5x?
6. The difference between the Ci and Sl
on a certain suin at
12% p.a. in 5 years is 162. Find the
(Al of 1.12= 0.0492, Ai of 0.2460
=1.762). [7

Discuss various types of Annuities with examples.

7. Solve the following LPP by graphic method:

Minirnise Z= 3x, +2x,

subject to Xx,S1

and x, X, 20



The folowing table gives theinformation relating tothe vari-

Qus activities concerning a project :
Time estimated
Name of Pre-requisite
the Activity Activity in days

A None 2

B A 3

A 4

B&C 6

None 2

Drawup a network diagram.

(Fundamental of Corporate Tax Planning)
Answer all parts as per instructions.
Figures in the right hand margin indicate marks.

1. Answer all questions and fil in the blanks by choosing the

correct option from the given alternatives. [1 x12

(a) The return of years income is filed in the rele

vant AY.


() financial year (ii) previous year

(ii) accounting year (iv) assessment year

(b) Tax evasion is a/an methodol saving tax

which makes a person liable to penalties.
(0) legal (i) ilegal

(ii) permissible (iv) direct

(C) Tax avoidance is an art of dodging the tax authorities with
out breaking the
() law (i) illegal
(ii) both (iv) none of these

(d) The tax coliected from companies is called

(() Crporate tax (i) Income tax

(ii) Indirect tax (iv) None of these

(e) Speculation loss is coming under section of

the income Tax Act.

(i) 71 (i) 72

(iü) 73 (iv) None of these

(f) Set off loss from one source against the Income from
another source within the same head of Income is called

(i) Intra head set off (ii) Carry forward

(i) Aggregation (iv) Inter head set off

(9) Carry forward of loss under the head capital galia
under section
() 74 (i) 73
(i) 75 (iv) 76
(h) MAT stands for -

(i) Mininmum Aiternate Tax

() Minimum Accounting Tax
(ii) Maximum Alternate Tax
(iv) Maximum Marginal Tax
(i) Unatbsorbed depreciation can be adjusted
previous years.
(ü) Last PY
() Any
(i) AY (iv) PY
(i) Depreciation is allowed only or
(i) current () fixed

(ii) fictitious. (iv) none of these

(k) PAN stands for -

(0) Permanent Account Number
(i) Personal Account Number
(iü) Persons Account Number

(iv) None of these


(0) Filing cf return comes under section

(i) 139 (ü) 142
(ii) 192 (iv) None of these

2. Answer any eightof the following questions within two to three
sentences each. [2 x 8
(aB Define AY.
(b What is Tax Evasion ?
(c) Explain Incidence of Tax.

(d) What is corporate tax ?

(e What is unabsorbed depreciation ?
f) What is set off of losses ?
(9) Explain Basis of charge.
(bY What is STCG ?

(0),What is the meaning of 'New asset ?

i What is double taxation ?


3. Answer any eight of the following questions within 75 words

each. {3x 8

(ay Explain Tax Planning.

) Explain Tax avoidance.
(c} What is PY ?
(a) What is residential status

(e) Explain speculation losses.

() What is Investment Allowance ?
(g) What is charge of depreciation ?
(h Explain belated return.
What is Capital Gain ?
(i) Explain TAN.


Answer all questions within 500 words each.

4.What is Tax Management ? Compare it in relation to tax pla

nning. [7

Explain the procedure for calculation of Residentialstatus of

a company.

5/Explain the provisions of ITAct, 1961regarding carry forward

and set off of losses. [7

What is unabsorbed depreciation ? How it is treated in In
Come Tax?
1Explain the provisions of tax impiications of transfer of assets
of scientific research.

Define Capital Gain. Discuss the procedure of computation

of CGas presented by IT Act, 1961.
7. What are the different offences which make an assessee
liable to prosecution ? 7

Write notes on:

a Double TaxationRelief [4
(b) Retum Filing


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