(Sem. - Iii) 2019 Pattern

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Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No.

PA-1782 [Total No. of Pages : 2

S.Y. B.Com.
(2019 Pattern) (CBCS) (Semester - III)
Time : 2½ Hours] [Max. Marks : 50
Instructions to the candidates :
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q1) A) Fill in the Blanks (Any 5) : [5]

i) Facial expression is the example of _________ communication.
a) Oral
b) Written
c) Non- verbal
ii) In business letter, _________ is written after the letter is closed.
a) Heading
b) Post Script
c) Subject
iii) _________ is act of taking conscious control over the amount of
time spent on specific activities.
a) Etiquettes
b) Time Management
c) Problem solving
iv) The word communication is derived from the Latin term ‘communis’
which means __________.
a) Common
b) Community
c) Message

v) Full form of CV is _________.
a) Complex Vitae
b) Curriculum Vitae
c) Circular Vitae
vi) _________ is written when someone needs a job.
a) Complaint letter
b) Collection Letter
c) Job Application Letter
B) Match the following : [5]
i) State of Health a) Physical Appearance of Business
ii) Grapevine b) Educational Information
iii) Resume c) Physical Barriers
iv) Oral Presentation d) Informal Communication
v) Size, Margin and paper e) Short talk

Q2) Write Short Notes (Any 2) : [10]

a) Formal Communication.
b) Importance of Business Letter.
c) Problem solving skills.
d) Elements of Biodata.

Q3) a) Define Communication. Explain importance of communication. [8]

b) Explain the Essential Qualities of Good Business Letter. [7]

Q4) a) Explain various types of Interviews. [8]

b) Draft an Application letter for the post of Finance Manager to Samsung
India Ltd, Delhi in response to an Advertisement in ‘The Times of India’.


[5952]-301 2
Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No. :

PA-1783 [Total No. of Pages : 7

S.Y. B.Com.
(2019 Pattern) (CBCS) (Semester - III)

Time : 2½ Hours] [Max. Marks : 70

Instructions to the candidates :
1) Question No.1 compulsory.
2) Solve any 2 questions from remaining Q. No. 2, 3, & 4.
3) Figures to the right side indicate full marks.

Q1) A) Fill in the blanks (Any five) : [5]

i) __________ is the part of Revenue from Operation.

(a. Salary, b. Sales, c. Goodwill)

ii) Company Final Account is prepared as per Section _________ of

Companies Act.

(a. 129, b. 149, c. 159)

iii) ________ is not to be included when computing of cost Property,

Plant and Equipment.

(a. Delivery and installation charges, b. Site preparation costs,

c. Bad debts)

iv) Consolidated Financial Statements are prepared as per Accounting

Standard __________.

(a. AS-10, b. AS-21, c. AS-14)

v) Under profit prior to incorporation, gross profit is allocated based

on the basis of __________.

(a. Time Ratio, b. Sales Ratio, c. Pre-incorporation)

vi) Loss prior to incorporation should be debited to __________.
(a. Goodwill, b. Capital Reserve, c. Revenue Reserve)
vii) Intrinsic value of share Rs. 140, yield value of share Rs. 130, Fair
value of share is __________.
(a. Rs. 135, b. Rs. 145, c. Rs. 130)
B) True or False (any five) : [5]
i) Joint Stock Company means voluntary association of a persons
created by the law.
ii) Final Account is the group of Income Statement and Balance Sheet.
iii) As - 14 deals with plant, property and equipment.
iv) As - 21 deals with Accounting for Amalgamation.
v) Under Profit Prior to Incorporation, Directors fees should be
charged to the post incorporation period.
vi) Net assets method of valuation of shares is useful in case of going
vii) Intrinsic value method is also called as assets backing method.
C) Match the following : [5]
i) Copyright a) Finance Cost
ii) Debenture Interest b) Intrinsic value Method
iii) Net Assets Method c) Earning Capacity Method
iv) Yield Basis Method d) Time Basis
v) Rent & Taxes e) Fixed-Intangible Assets
D) Write short notes (any three) : [15]
i) Accounting Standard-5
ii) Need of Valuation of Shares
iii) Pre-incorporation and Post incorporation
iv) Company Final Accounts
v) Factors affecting on valuation of shares
[5952]-302 2
Q2) Gauri Company Ltd., was registered with an Authorised capital of
Rs. 20,00,000/divided into 20,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 100 each. The Trial
Balance of the Company as on 31st Marcn 2022 was as follows : [20]

Trial Balance
As on 31st March 2022
Particulars Debit (Rs.) Particulars Credit (Rs.)
Motor car 3,70,000 Sales 10,50,000
Sundry Debtors 96,000 Profit & Loss 2,32,000
A/c (1.04.2021)
Salaries 1,50,000 Sundry Creditors 1,68,000
Bank Interest 4,000 Debentures 1,50,000
Travelling Expenses 40,000 Share Capital 10,00,000
Machinery 8,00,000 (10,000 shares of
Rs. 100 each)
Building 5,00,000
Discount allowed 15,000
Wages 80,000
Opening stock 70,000
Purchases 3,00,000
Carriage outward 20,000
Cash in hand 10,000
Printing & stationery 20,000
Repairs 15,000
Directors Fees 25,000
Audit Fees 5,000
General Expenses 80,000
26,00,000 26,00,000

[5952]-302 3
Additional Information :
1. Stock on 31st March is Rs. 60,000/-
2. Provide Rs. 4,300/- for R.D.D. on Debtors.
3. Depreciate Machinery by 10% and Building by 5%.
4. Outstanding wages Rs. 10,000/-
5. Directors declared final dividend at 5% on paid up capital.
You are required to prepare Balance Sheet and Statement of Profit &
Loss for the year ended 31st March 2022 as per Companies Act 2013
Revised Schedule VI.

Q3) Sairaj Ltd., Shirdi was Incorporated on 1st May 2021 to take over the running
business from 1st January 2021. The following is the Profit and Loss Account
for the year ended 31st December, 2021. [20]
Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st December, 2021.
Particulars Amt. Particulars Amt.
To Rent and Taxes 12,000 By Gross Profit B/D 1,55,000
To Discount on Sales 3,500 By Interest on Investment 2,500
To Insurance 3,000
To Discount on Issue of shares 3,000
To Electricity Charges 2,400
To Commission 6,000
To Staff salaries 36,000
To Carriage outward 3,000
To Sundry Expenses 7,500
To Preliminary Expenses 4,300
To Sales Promotion Expenses 4,000
To Bank Interest 1,500
To Bad Debts 2,000
To Dis. on Issue of Debentures 6,300
To Telegram Charges 3,000
To Net Profit
C/D 60,000
1,57,500 1,57,500

[5952]-302 4
The following details are also made available,

a) The total turnover for the year ended 31st December, 2021 was as follows :

Cash Sales Rs. 1,29,000

Credit Sales Rs. 3,71,000

Of which Rs. 2,00,000 were for the period upto 30th April, 2021.

b) Interest on Investment is related to the Pre Incorporation Period.

c) Sales Promotion Expenses were directly proportionate to the turnover

of the company. Ascertain the profits earned prior to and post
incorporation period.

Q4) A) Following is the Balance Sheet of Rose Ltd., Mumbai as on 31st March
2022. [14]

Liabilities Amt. Assets Amt.

Share Capital Freehold Premises 1,00,000

2,000 Equity Shares of Machinery 1,40,000

Rs. 100 each fully paid 2,00,000 Furniture 28,000

Reserve & Surplus Stock in trade 40,000

Reserve Fund 1,00,000 Book Debts 88,000

Profit & Loss A/c 32,000 Bank balance 52,000

Creditors 90,000 Preliminery Expenses 4,000

Bills Payable 30,000

4,52,000 4,52,000

[5952]-302 5
Additional Information :

a) Assets are valued as under.

Goodwill - 88,000

Freehold premises - 2,60,000

Machinery - 1,44,000

Furniture - 48,000

Stock in trade - 50,000

Debtors - 78,000

b) The profits of the company amounted to,

Year Profit (Rs)

2018-19 - 90,000

2019-20 - 98,000

2020-21 - 1,00,00

c) It is the practice of the company to transfer 25% of profit to reserve


d) The fair yield in respect of equity shares of similar type of companies is

ascertained at 10%.

Find out the value of each Equity Shares as per

i) Intrinsic Value Method

ii) Yield Value Method

iii) Fair Value Method

[5952]-302 6
B) On March 01, 2021, X Ltd. purchased land of Rs. 10,00,000/- for a
factory site. Company demolished an old building on the property and
sold the salvaged material for 20,000/- Company incurred additional cost
and realized salvaged proceeds during the March 2022 as follows :

Legal fees for purchase contract and recording ownership

Rs. 50,000/-

Title guarantee insurance Rs. 20,000/-

Cost for demolition of building Rs. 1,00,000/-

Compute the balance to be shown in the land account on 31st March,

2022 in the Balance sheet. [6]


[5952]-302 7
Total No. of Questions : 6] SEAT No. :

PA-1784 [Total No. of Pages : 4

S. Y. B.Com.
(2019 Pattern) (Semester - III) (CBCS)
Time : 2½ Hours] [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions to the candidates:
1) Q.1 and Q.6 are compulsory.
2) Solve any - 3 questions from the remaining questions 2 to 5.
3) Draw neat diagrams whenever necessary.

Q1) A) Fill in the blanks (any - 5) [5]

i) The term of micro and macro were first used by _______
(J.M. Keynes, Adam Smith, J.S. Mill, Ragnar Frisch)

ii) Per capita Income is called as the ________ of the people of a

country in a particular year.
(National Income, Personal Income, Average Income, Disposable

iii) ‘Every Supply Creates its own demand’ this famous statement is
given by ________
(J.M. Keynes, J.S. Mill, J.B. Say, J.B. Clark)

iv) A government investment in the public sector is called _________

(Autonomous investment, NET investment, Induced investment,
Gross investment)

v) ___________ is known as the father of modern macro economics.

(Adam Smith, Dr. Marshall, J.M. Keynes, J.B. Say)

vi) ________ is the ratio between induced investment and an initial
change in consumption expenditure.
(Investment multiplier, Acceleration principal, marginal efficiency of
capital, consumption function)

B) Match the following : [5]

Group ‘A’ Group ‘B’
1) Macro Economic objectives a) J.B. Say
2) Transfer payments b) J.M. keynes
3) Investment multiplier c) S/Y
4) Classical economist d) unemployment allowance
5) Marginal propensity to consume e) C/Y
f) Price stability

Q2) Explain the scope and significance of macro economics. [15]

Q3) What is national income? Explain the various difficulties to measuring national
income. [15]

Q4) Explain in detail Keynesian theory of employment. [15]

Q5) Define marginal efficiency of capital. Explain the factors affecting to MEC.[15]

Q6) Write a short notes on (Any - 3) [15]

a) Principles of acceleration.
b) Objectives of Macro - Economic policies.
c) Circular flow of Income.
d) Say’s Law of Demand.
e) Types of Investment.


[5952]-303 2
Total No. of Questions : 6]

S. Y. B.Com.
ì¶mdgm{¶H$ AW©emó (g‘J«)
(2019 Pattern) (Semester - III) (CBCS)
(_amR>r ê$nm§Va)
doi : 2½ Vmg] [EHy$U JwU : 70
gyMZm : 1) àíZ H§«$. 1 Am{U àíZ H§«$. 6 gmoS>{dUo A{Zdm¶© Amho.
2) àíZ H«§$. 2 Vo àíZ 5 n¡H$s H$moUVohr VrZ àíZ gmoS>dm.
3) Amdí¶H$ VoWo gw~H$ AmH¥$˶m H$mT>m.
4) g§X^m©gmR>r ‘yi B§J«Or àíZn{ÌH$m nhmdr.

àíZ 1) A) [aH$må¶m OmJm ^am. (H$mo U ˶mhr 5) [5]

i) ‘Micro’ d ‘Macro’ ¶m eãXmMm dmna gd©àW‘ ............. ¶m§Zr Ho$bm Amho.
(Oo.E‘.Ho$Ýg, A°S>‘pñ‘W, Oo.Eg. {‘b, a°½Za {’«$e)

ii) XaS>moB© CËnÝZmbm XoemVrb bmoH$m§Zr EH$m Am{W©H$ dfm©V {‘i{dbobo ..............
Agohr åhUVmV.
(amï´>r¶ CËnÝZ, d¡¶{³VH$ CËnÝZ, gamgar CËnÝZ, 춶e³¶ CËnÝZ,)

iii) à˶oH$ nyadR>m Amnbr ñdV:Mr ‘mJUr {Z‘m©U H$aVmo ho à{gÕ {dYmZ ...........
¶m§Zr Ho$bobo Amho.
(Oo.E‘.Ho$Ýg, Oo.Eg.{‘b, Oo.~r.go, Oo.~r.³bmH©$)

iv) gaH$maZo gmd©O{ZH$ joÌmV Ho$boë¶m Jw§VdUyH$sg ............... Ago åhUVmV.

(ñdm¶Îm Jw§VdUyH$, {Zìdi Jw§VdUyH$, àoarV Jw§VdUyH$, ñWwb Jw§VdUyH$)

v) .................... ¶m§Zm AmYw{ZH$ g‘J« AW©emómMo OZH$ Ago åhUVmV.

(A°S>‘ pñ‘W, S>m°. ‘me©b, Oo.E‘. Ho$Ýg, Oo.~r.go)

3 P.T.O.
vi) àoarV JwV§ dUyH$ Am{U àma§{^H$ Cn^moJ IMm©Vrb ~Xb ¶m§À¶m JwUmoÎmambm ............
Ago åhUVmV.
(Jw§VdUyH$ JwUH$, àdoJ VËd, ^m§S>dbmMr gr‘m§V bm^j‘Vm, Cn^moJ ’$bZ)

~) ¶mo½¶ OmoS>çm bmdm : [5]

"A' JQ> "~' JQ>
1) g‘J« Am{W©H$ C{Ôï>¶o A) Oo. ~r. go
2) hñVm§V[aV CËnÞ ~) Oo. E‘. Ho$Ýg
3) J§wVdUyH$ JyUH$ H$) S/Y
4) gZmVZ AW©Vk S>) ~oamoOJmar ^Îmm
5) gr‘m§V Cn^moJ àd¥Îmr B>) C/Y
S>) qH$‘V pñWaVm

àíZ 2) g‘J«bjr AW©emómMr ì¶már Am{U ‘hËd ñnï> H$am. [15]

àíZ 3) amï´>r¶ CËnÞ åhUOo H$m¶? amï´>r¶ CËnÞ ‘mnZmVrb AS>MUr ñnï> H$am. [15]

àíZ 4) Ho$Ýg ¶m§Mm amoOJma {df¶H$ {gÕm§V g{dñVa ñnï> H$am. [15]

àíZ 5) ì¶m»¶m X¶m - ^m§S>dbmMr gr‘m§V bm^j‘Vm ^m§S>dbmÀ¶m gr‘m§V bm^j‘Voda n[aUm‘ H$aUmao
KQ>H$ ñnï> H$am. [15]

àíZ 6) {Q>nm {bhm (H$moU˶mhr VrZ) [15]

A) àdoJVËd.
~) g‘J« Am{W©H$ C{Ôï>¶o.
H$) CËnÞmMm MH«$mH$ma àdmh.
S>) "go' ¶m§Mm ~mOma {df¶H$ {Z¶‘.
B) Jw§VdUyH$sMo àH$ma.

[5952]-303 4
Total No. of Questions : 6] SEAT No. :
PA-1785 [Total No. of Pages : 4
S.Y. B. Com.
(2019 CBCS Pattern) (Semester - III)

Time : 2½ Hours] [Max. Marks : 70

Instructions to the candidates:
1) Question No.1 and question No.6 are compulsory.
2) Answer any three questions from Q.2 to Q.5.
3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q1) a) Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate alternative (any five) [5]
i) Board of Directors form a part of _____ Level of management.
(Middle Level Management, Top Level Management, Bottom Level
Management, All Levels of Management)
ii) Principle by which a subordinate receives orders and is accountable
to only one superior is known as _______.
(Division of Work, Unity of Command, Unity of Direction,Discipline)
iii) ______ is NOT related to function of direction.
(Historical Analog Method, Follow up, Supervision, Recruitment)
iv) _____ is the first step in the process of Recruitment
(Application pool, Identifying Recruitment Sources, Recruitment
Planning, Contacting Sources)
v) Supervision means _______.
(Planning for the future, Starting a business, Fulfilment of legal
formalities, Monitoring the work of the subordinates)
vi) ______ is known as the father of Scientific Management.
(Henry Fayol, Luther Gulick, F.W. Taylor, Elton Mayo)
vii) Leadership is NOT _______
(Influencing others, Goal oriented, Bossism, Dynamic)

b) Match the following: [5]
Column A Column B
i) Delphi Technique a) Corrective Measures
ii) Feedback b) Planning
iii) Programed Decision making c) Video Conferencing
iv) Social Justice d) Principle of Equity
v) Cotinuous Process e) Game Theory

Q2) Define the term Management. Explain the levels of Management with their
functions. [15]

Q3) Describe the steps involved in the process of decision making and types of
decisions. [15]

Q4) Define Recruitment. Explain the various internal and external sources of
recruitment. [15]

Q5) Explain the concept of Team work. Describe the principles of inter-personnel
communication and behaviour. [15]

Q6) Write a short note (any three). [15]

a) Group Dynamics
b) Process of Organizing
c) Limitations of Planning
d) Contribution of Henry Fayol in development of management thoughts
e) Need of Forecasting


[5952]-304 2
Total No. of Questions : 6]

S.Y. B. Com.
(2019 CBCS Pattern) (Semester - III)
(‘amR>r ê$nm§Va)
doi : 2½ Vmg] [ EHy$U JwU : 70
gyMZm …- 1) àíZ H«$‘m§H$ 1 Am{U àíZ H«$‘m§H$ 6 A{Zdm¶© AmhoV.
2) à. 2 Vo à. 5 ‘Yrb H$moU˶mhr VrZ àíZm§Mr CÎmao Úm.
3) COdrH$S>o {Xbobr g§»¶m nyU© JwU Xe©dVmV.

à. 1) A) [aH$må¶m OmJm ^am. (^am H$moU˶mhr 5) [5]

i) g§MmbH$ ‘§S>i .............. ñVamÀ¶m ì¶dñWmnZmMm EH$ ^mJ Amho.
(‘ܶ‘ ñVar¶ ì¶dñWmnZ, CƒñVar¶ ì¶dñWmnZ, Vi nmVir ì¶dñWmnZ, gd© ì¶dñWmnZ
ii) ............. VÎdÛmao H${Zð>m§Zm AmXoe àmá hmoVmV Am{U Ho$di EH$mM d[að>mH$S>o CÎmaXm¶r
(H$m‘mMr {d^mJUr, AmXoe EoH$Vm, {ZX}eZ EoH$Vm, {eñV)
iii) ............... {ZX}eZ H$m¶m©er {ZJ{S>V Zmhr.
(Eo{Vhm{gH$ AZwê$n nÕV, nmR>nwamdm, n¶©dojU, ^aVr)
iv) .................. hm ^aVr à{H«$¶oVrb n{hbm Q>ßnm Amho.
(AO© g§M, ^aVr ómoV AmoiIUo, ^aVr {Z¶moOZ, ómoV g§nH©$)
v) n¶©dojU åhUOo ...............
(^{dî¶mgmR>rMo {Z¶moOZ, ì¶dgm¶mMr gwédmV, H$m¶Xoera nyV©Vm, gh¶moJtÀ¶m H$m‘mda
XoIaoI R>odUo)
vi) ................. ¶m§Zm d¡km{ZH$ ì¶dñWmnZmMo OZH$ åhUyZ g§~moYbo OmVo.
(hoZ«r ’o$¶m°b, bwWa Jw{bH$, E’$.S>ãë¶y. Q>oba, EëQ>Z ‘o¶mo)
vii) ................ åhUOo ZoV¥Ëd Zmhr.
(à^md nmS>ʶmMr à{H«$¶m, ܶo¶mer {ZJS>rV amhUo, hþHw$‘V JmOdUo, J{VerbVm)

[5952]-304 3
~) ¶mo½¶ OmoS²>¶m Owidm
aH$mZm A aH$mZm ~
i) S>oë’$s V§Ì A) gwYmaUmË‘H$ Cnm¶
ii) A{^àm¶ ~) {Z¶moOZ
iii) H$m¶©H«$‘~Õ {ZU©¶ KoUo H$) pìh{S>Amo H$m°Ý’$apÝg¨J
iv) gm‘m{OH$ ݶm¶ S>) g‘mZVoMo VËd
v) gmV˶nyU© à{H«$¶m B) Jo‘ WoAar

à. 2) ì¶dñWmnZmMr ì¶m»¶m Úm. Am{U ì¶dñWmnZmMo ñVa ˶m§À¶m H$m¶m©gh ñnï> H$am. [15]

à. 3) {ZU©¶ KoʶmÀ¶m à{H«$¶oVrb nm¶è¶m Am{U {ZU©¶mMo àH$ma ñnï> H$am. [15]

à. 4) H$‘©Mmar ^aVrMr ì¶m»¶m Úm. H$‘©Mmar ^aVrMo A§VJ©V d ~{hJ©V ómoV ñnï> H$am. [15]

à. 5) g‘yh H$m¶© hr g§H$ënZm ñnï> H$am. Am§Va-H$‘©Mmar g§àofU Am{U dV©ZmÀ¶m VËdo ñnï> H$am. [15]

à. 6) WmoS>³¶mV {Q>nm {bhm. (H$moU˶mhr VrZ) [15]

A) g‘yh àoaUm
~) g§KQ>Z à{H«$¶m
H$) {Z¶moOZmÀ¶m ‘¶m©Xm
S>) ì¶dñWmnZ {dMmam§À¶m {dH$mgm‘ܶo hoZ«r ’o$¶m°b ¶m§Mo ¶moJXmZ
B) nwdm©Zw‘mZmMr Amdí¶H$Vm


[5952]-304 4
Total No. of Questions : 6] SEAT No. :
PA-1786 [Total No. of Pages : 4
S.Y. B.Com.
(2019 Pattern) (CBCS) (Semester - III)

Time : 2½ Hours] [Max. Marks : 70

Instructions to the candidates:
1) Questions No.1 and questions No. 6 are compulsory.
2) Answer any 3 questions from the remaining questions No.2, 3, 4 and 5.
3) Figure to the right indicates full marks.

Q1) A) Fill in the blanks (Attempt Any 5): [5]

i) As per the Company Act 2013, _______ can start its business
after incorporation.

(Public Company, Private Company, Partnership Firm)

ii) Equity shareholders are _______ of the company.

(Creditors, Debtors, Owners)

iii) _______ is the first stages in the formation of public company.

(Incorporation, Promotion, Commencement of Business)

iv) Document issued to appeal to public for raising of the capital is

called _______.

(Prospectus, Advertisement, Circular)

v) Any action outside the scope of the object clause of Memorandum

of Association is called ___________.

(Ultra Vires, Indoor Management, Corporate Veil)

vi) Share issued to the existing employees of the company are called

(Bonus shares, Employee stock option scheme, Sweat Equity shares)

B) Match the following: [5]
Group A Group B
i) Civil Liability a) Assumed notice
ii) Buy back of shares b) Minimum seven members
iii) Doctrine of constructive c) Misstatement in Prospectus
iv) Debenture Holders d) Purchase of own shares
v) Public Company e) Creditors

Q2) Explain background and features of Company Act 2013. [15]

Q3) Discuss in details the stages of incorporation of a private company. [15]

Q4) What is misstatement in a prospectus. Explain liabilities of misstatement in

prospectus. [15]

Q5) Discuss in details about equity share capital and preference share capital.[15]

Q6) Write short notes (Any Three) : [15]

a) Charitable Company.
b) Share Certificate.
c) Alteration of Registered office clause.
d) Legal Status of Promoter.
e) Bonus Shares.


[5952]-305 2
Total No. of Questions : 6]

PA-1786 [5952]-305
S.Y. B.Com.
(2019 Pattern) (CBCS) (Semester - III)
(‘amR>r ê$nm§Va)
doi : 2½ Vmg] [ EHy$U JwU : 70
gyMZm …- 1) àíZ H«$. 1 Am{U àíZ H« . 6 A{Zdm¶© AmhoV.
2) àíZ H«$‘m§H$ 2, 3, 4 Am{U 5 ¶mn¡H$s H$moUVohr 3 àíZ gmoS>dm.
3) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.

à. 1) A) [aH$må¶m OmJm ^am. (H$moU˶mhr nmM) [5]

i) H§$nZr H$m¶Xm, 2013 AZwgma Zm|XUr Pmë¶mZ§Va ................. Amnbm ì¶dgm¶ gwê$
H$ê$ eH$Vo.

(gmd©O{ZH$ H§$nZr, ImOJr H§$nZr, ^mJrXmar g§ñWm)

ii) gm‘mݶ ^mJYmaH$ ho H§$nZrMo ............... AmhoV.

(YZH$mo, F$UH$mo, ‘mbH$)

iii) .............. hr gmd©O{ZH$ H§$nZrÀ¶m ñWmnZoVrb n{hbr AdñWm Amho.

(Zm|XUr, àdV©Z, ì¶dgm¶ àma§^)

iv) H§$nZrZo Amnbo ^mJ^m§S>db C^maʶmgmR>r gm‘mݶ OZVobm AmìhmZ H$aʶmgmR>r Om{ha
Ho$bobo XñVmEodO åhUOo ............... hmo¶.

(‘m{hVrnÌH$, Om{hamV, n[anÌH$)

v) H§$nZrÀ¶m KQ>ZmnÌH$mVrb CÔoe H$b‘mÀ¶m CÔoem§À¶m ~mhoarb H¥$˶mg ...............

Ago åhUVmV.

(A{YH$ma ~møH¥$˶, A§VJ©V ì¶dñWmnZ, H§$nZrdarb nS>Xm ~mOybm gmaUo)

vi) ApñVËdmV Agboë¶m H$‘©Mmè¶m§Zm {Xboë¶m ^mJm§Zm ................... Ago åhUVmV.

(~moZg ^mJ, H$‘©Mmar ^mJ {dH$ën ¶moOZm, ñdoQ> gm‘mݶ ^mJ)

[5952]-305 3
~) OmoS>çm Owidm :
JQ> "A' JQ> "~'
i) {XdmUr ñdê$nmMr O~m~Xmar A) gyMZoMr J¥hrVVm
ii) ^mJm§Mr nwZIaoXr ~) {H$‘mZ gmV g^mgX
iii) aMZmË‘H$ gyMZoMm {gÕm§V H$) ‘m{hVrnÌH$mVrb Ag˶ {dYmZ
iv) H$O© amoIoYmaH$ S>) ñdV:À¶mM ^mJm§Mr IaoXr
v) gmd©O{ZH$ H§$nZr B) YUH$mo

à. 2) ^maVr¶ H§$nZr H$m¶Xm, 2013 Mr nmíd©^y‘r Am{U d¡{eï²>¶o g{dñVa ñnï> H$am. [15]

à. 3) ImOJr H§$nZrÀ¶m ñWmnZoVrb AdñWm§Mr g{dñVa MMm© H$am. [15]

à. 4) ‘m{hVrnÌH$mVrb Ag˶ {dYmZ åhUOo H$m¶? ‘m{hVrnÌH$mVrb Ag˶ {dYmZm§~m~VÀ¶m O~m~Xmè¶m

g{dñVa ñnï> H$am. [15]

à. 5) H§$nZrMo gm‘mݶ ^mJ^m§S>db Am{U AJ¥h³H$ ^mJ-^m§S>db ¶mda g{dñVa MMm© H$am. [15]

à. 6) {Q>nm {bhm. (H$moU˶mhr VrZ) [15]

A) Y‘m©Xm¶ H§$nZr
~) ^mJ à‘mUnÌ
H$) Zm|X{dbobo H$m¶m©b¶ H$b‘mVrb Xþê$ñ˶m
S>) àdV©H$mMo H$m¶Xoera ñWmZ
B) ~moZg ^mJ


[5952]-305 4
Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No. :
PA-1787 [Total No. of Pages : 4
S.Y. B.Com.
(2019 CBCS Pattern) (Semester - III)

Time : 2½ Hours] [Max. Marks : 50

Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q1) A) Fill in the blank with the most appropriate alternative (Any 5): [5]

i) In case of partnership firm, the liability of partners is __________.

(Limited, Unlimited, None of these)

ii) The _______ is an internal factor affecting the business .

(Promoters, Customers, Suppliers)

iii) Business means _________.

(Commerce, Trade & Commerce, Industry & Commerce).

iv) A joint Stock Company is governed by ________.

(Company Act 2002, Company Act 2013, Company Act 1996)

v) Study of human population is called as ________ environment.

(Demographic, Political, Economic)

vi) The establishment of certain standards or specifications for a product

is called _____.

(Standardization, Gradation, Product Development)

B) Match the following: [5]
Column A Column B
i) Company Act a) 2013
ii) FEMA Act b) 2000
iii) MRTP Act c) 1969
iv) Consumer Protection Act d) 1986
v) Indian Partnership Act e) 1932

Q2) Write a short note (any two): [10]

a) Objectives of Business.

b) Legal Environment of Business.

c) One Person Company.

d) Process of Business Development.

Q3) a) Define the term Business. Explain in detail the characteristics of the
business. [8]

b) Explain qualities of entrepreneur. [7]

Q4) a) Explain the Cultural and Social constituents of business environment.[8]

b) Explain different stages of business promotion. [7]


[5952]-306 2
Total No. of Questions : 4]

PA-1787 [5952]-306
S.Y. B.Com.
(2019 CBCS Pattern) (Semester - III)
(‘amR>r ê$nm§Va)
doi : 2½ Vmg] [ EHy$U JwU : 50
gyMZm …- 1) gd© àíZ A{Zdm¶© AmhoV.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.

à. 1) A) [aH$må¶m OmJr ¶mo½¶ n¶m©¶ {bhm. (H$moU˶mhr nmM) [5]

i) ^mJrXmar‘ܶo ^mJrXmamMr O~m~Xmar .............. AgVo.

(‘¶m©{XV, A‘¶m©{XV, ¶mn¡H$s Zmhr)

ii) ............ hm ì¶dgm¶mda n[aUm‘ H$aUmam A§VJ©V KQ>H$ Amho.

(àdV©H$, J«mhH$, nwadR>mXma)

iii) ì¶dgm¶ åhUOo ........... hmo¶.

(dm{UÁ¶, ì¶mnma Am{U dm{UÁ¶, CÚmoJ Am{U dm{UÁ¶)

iv) g§¶wº$ ^m§S>dbr H§$nZrMo àemgZ ho ................ Zwgma Ho$bo OmVo.

(H§$nZr A{Y{Z¶‘ 2002, H§$nZr A{Y{Z¶‘ 2013, H§$nZr A{Y{Z¶‘ 1996 )

v) ‘mZdr bmoH$g§»¶oÀ¶m Aä¶mgmbm ............. n¶m©daU Ago åhQ>bo OmVo.

(bmoH$g§»¶memñÌr¶, amOH$s¶, Am{W©H$)

vi) CËnmXZmgmR>r H$mhr {d{eï> {ZH$f àñWm{nV H$aUo ¶mbm ............. Ago åhQ>bo OmVo.

(à‘mUrH$aU, loUrH$aU, CËnmXZ {dH$mg)

[5952]-306 3
~) ¶mo½¶ OmoS>çm Owidm : [5]

aH$mZm "A'> aH$mZm "~'

i) H§$nZr H$m¶Xm A) 2013

ii) ’o$‘m H$m¶Xm ~) 2000

iii) E‘AmaQ>rnr H$m¶Xm H$) 1969

iv) J«mhH$ g§ajU H$m¶Xm S>) 1986

v) ^maVr¶ ^mJrXmar H$m¶Xm B) 1932

à. 2) WmoS>³¶mV {Q>nm {bhm. (H$moU˶mhr XmoZ) [10]

A) ì¶dgm¶mMr C{Ôï>o

~) ì¶dgm¶mMo H$m¶Xoera dmVmdaU

H$) EH$ 춺$s H§$nZr

S>) ì¶dgm¶ {dH$mg à{H«$¶m

à. 3) A) ì¶dgm¶ ì¶m»¶m Úm. ì¶dgm¶mMr d¡{eï²>¶o ñnï> H$am. [8]

~) CÚmoOH$mMo JwU ñnï> H$am. [7]

à. 4) A) ì¶dgm¶mMo gm§ñH¥${VH$ d gm‘m{OH$ n¶m©daU ñnï> H$am. [8]

~) ì¶dgm¶mÀ¶m àMmamMo {d{dY Q>ßno ñnï> H$am. [7]


[5952]-306 4
Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No. :
PA-1788 [Total No. of Pages : 4
S.Y. B.Com.
Indian Banking System - I
(2019 CBCS Pattern) (Semester - III)

Time : 2½ Hours] [Max. Marks : 50

Instructions to the candidates:
1) All Questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3) See the English question paper for reference.

Q1) A) Fill in the blanks (Any 5): [5]

i) The structure of short and medium term loan in co-operative sector
is _________.
a) Two-tiered b) One-tiered
c) Three-tiererd d) Multi-tiered
ii) The Reserve Bank of India was established on _________.
a) 1 April 1935 b) 1 April 1951
c) 14 November 1935 d) 1 April 1912
iii) ______ has become the first private sector bank to sell Indian gold
a) Federal Bank b) Dhanlaxmi Bank
c) ICICI Bank d) Karur Vysya Bank
iv) ______ is the biggest public sector bank in India.
a) Punjab National Bank b) IDBI Bank
c) State Bank of India d) Corporation Bank
v) The rate at which the RBI lends money to commercial bank is
called ___________.
a) Repo Rate b) Bank Rate
c) Reverse Repo Rate d) Cash Reserve Ratio
vi) The bank which took the initiative in setting up the Regional Rural
Banks is called __________.
a) Lead Bank b) Sponsor Bank
c) Nationalized Bank d) Scheduled Bank

B) Match the following: [5]
A group B group
i) Scheduled Banks a) 19 July 1969
ii) Lead Bank Scheme b) Listed in the II schedule
iii) Nationalisation of Imperial Bank c) December 1969
iv) Bank of Banks d) Reserve Bank of India
v) Nationalisation of 14 e) 1955
Commercial Banks

Q2) Write short note (Any 2): [10]

a) Scheduled Banks.

b) Bank Rate.

c) Foreign Banks.

d) State Bank of India - Organization & Management.

Q3) a) Explain the role of Banking in Economic Development. [8]

b) State the General functions of Reserve Bank of India. [7]

Q4) a) Explain the challenges before private sectore banks in India. [8]

b) State the features of Public Sector Banks. [7]


[5952]-307 2
Total No. of Questions : 4]

S.Y. B.Com.
Indian Banking System - I
(2019 CBCS Pattern) (Semester - III)
(‘amR>r ê$nm§Va)
doi : 2½ Vmg] [ EHy$U JwU : 50
gyMZm …- 1) gd© àíZ Amdí¶H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
3) g§X^m©gmR>r ‘yi B§J«Or àíZn{ÌH$m nhmdr.

à. 1) A) [aH$må¶m OmJr ¶mo½¶ n¶m©¶ {bhm. (H$moU˶mhr nmM) [5]

i) Aën d ‘ܶ‘ ‘wXVr H$O©nwadR>¶mMr aMZm ghH$mar ~±H$m§À¶m g§X^m©V ............... Amho.
A) {ÛñVar¶ ~) EH$ñVar¶
H$) {ÌñVar¶ S>) ~hþemIr¶
ii) ^maVr¶ [aPìh© ~±Ho$Mr ñWmnZm ..................... amoOr Pmbr.
A) 1 E{àb 1935 ~) 1 E{àb 1951
H$) 14 Zmoìh|~a 1935 S>) 1 E{àb 1912
iii) ^maVm‘ܶo gmoݶmMr ZmUr {dH$Umar gdm©V n{hbr ImOJr ~±H$ ................. hmo¶.
A) ’o$S>ab ~±H$ ~) YZbú‘r ~±H$
H$) Am¶ gr Am¶ gr Am¶ ~±H$ S>) H$ê$a d¡í¶ ~±H$
iv) .............. hr ^maVmVrb gmd©O{ZH$ joÌmVrb gdm©V ‘moR>r ~±H$ Amho.
A) n§Om~ Z°eZb ~±H$ ~) Am¶ S>r ~r Am¶ ~±H$
H$) ñQ>oQ> ~±H$ Am°’$ B§{S>¶m S>) H$mnm} aoeZ ~±H$
v) Á¶m ì¶mOXamZo [aPìh© ~±H$ ì¶mnmar ~±H$m§Zm H$O©nwadR>m H$aVo ˶m Xambm .................
Ago åhUVmV.
A) aonmo aoQ> ~) ~±H$ Xa
H$) [aìhg© aonmo aoQ> S>) amoI amIrd {ZYr à‘mU
vi) àmXo{eH$ J«m‘rU ~±H$m§À¶m ñWmnZoV nwT>mH$a KoUmè¶m ~±Ho$bm ............ åhUVmV.
A) AJ«Ur ~±H$m ~) nwañH$Vu ~±H$m
H$) amï´>r¶rH¥$V ~±H$m S>) AZwgy{MV ~±H$m

[5952]-307 3
~) ¶mo½¶ OmoS>çm Owidm : [5]

"A' JQ> "~' JQ>

i) AZwgy{MV ~±H$m A) 19 Owb¡ 1969

ii) AJ«Ur ~±H$ ¶moOZm ~) Xÿgè¶m AZwgy{M‘ܶo gyMr~Õ

iii) Bånr[aAb ~±H$ amï´>r¶rH$aU H$) {S>g|~a 1969

iv) ~±H$m§Mr ~±H$ S>) [aPìh© ~±H$ Am°’$ B§{S>¶m

v) 14 ì¶mnmar ~±H$m§Mo amï´>r¶rH$aU B) 1955

à. 2) {Q>nm {bhm. (H$moU˶mhr XmoZ) [10]

A) AZwgy{MV ~±H$m

~) ~±H$ Xa

H$) {dXoer ~±H$m

S>) ñQ>oQ> ~±H$ Am°’$ B§{S>¶m-g§KQ>Z d ì¶dñWmnZ

à. 3) A) Am{W©H$ {dH$mgmVrb ~±H$ ì¶dgm¶mMr ^y{‘H$m ñnï> H$am. [8]

~) ^maVr¶ [aPìh© ~±Ho$Mr gd©gm‘mݶ H$m¶©o gm§Jm. [7]

à. 4) A) ^maVmVrb ImOJr ~±H$mg‘moarb AmìhmZo ñnï> H$am. [8]

~) gmd©O{ZH$ joÌmVrb ~±H$m§Mr d¡{eï>ço gm§Jm. [7]


[5952]-307 4
Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No. :
PA-1789 [Total No. of Pages : 4
S.Y. B.Com.
(2019 Pattern) (Semester - III)

Time : 2½ Hours] [Max. Marks : 50

Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q1) A) Fill in the blanks (any 5 out of 6): [5]

i) The Maharashtra Agricultural produce marketing (Regulation) Act,
was established in the year ______.
a) 1932
b) 1956
c) 1963
ii) Insurance law was Nationalised in the year ______.
a) 1956
b) 1951
c) 1953
iii) Digital signature is a ______ Technique.
a) Managerial
b) Mathematical
c) Historical
iv) The proof of Establishment is _______
a) Trade license
b) Business letter
c) Name plate
v) ______ and life insurance are the types of insurance
a) General insurance
b) Live insurance
c) Business insurance
vi) E-contract is related with ________
a) Engineering
b) Electronic
c) Election

B) Match the following: [5]
Group ‘A’ Group ‘B’
i) General Insurance a) Year 2000
ii) Information Technology Act b) 12 Hours
iii) Amazon to Myntra c) Year 2015
iv) Maximum overtime d) Retail Selling
v) Agriculture produce e) Business to Business method
f) Marine and Fire Insurance

Q2) Short notes (any 2 out of 4). [10]

a) Wages for overtime
b) Despatch of electronic records
c) Basic principles of general insurance
d) Retail sales of Agriculture produce

Q3) a) What is agriculture produce? State the methods of Marketing of Agriculture

Produce. [8]
b) What is fire insurance? State the various advantages of fire insurance.[7]

Q4) a) What is digital signature? How electronic records and digital signatures
are secured as per information technology Act, 2000. [8]
b) Explain the various welfare provision as per “The Maharashtra shops
and Establishments Act, 2017”. [7]


[5952]-308 2
Total No. of Questions : 4]

PA-1789 [5952]-308
S.Y. B.Com.
(2019 Pattern) (Semester - III)
(‘amR>r ê$nm§Va)
doi : 2½ Vmg] [ EHy$U JwU : 50
gyMZm …- 1) gd© àíZ Amdí¶H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ àíZm§Mo nwU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.

à. 1) A) [aH$må¶ OmJm ^am. (H$moUVohr nmM) [5]

i) ‘hmamï´> H¥$fr CËnÞ nUZ A{Y{Z¶‘ H$m¶Xm ................ gmbr g§‘V Pmbm.
A) 1932
~) 1956
H$) 1963
ii) {d‘m H$m¶X²¶mMo amï´>r¶H$aU ............... ‘ܶo H$aʶmV Ambo.
A) 1956
~) 1951
H$) 1953
iii) {S>OrQ>b ñdmjar ho EH$ .............. V§Ì Amho.
A) ì¶dñWmnH$s¶
~) J{UVr¶
H$) Eo{Vhm{gH$
iv) .............. hm ì¶dgm¶ AmñWmnZoMm nwamdm Amho.
A) ì¶mnma nadmZm
~) ì¶dgm¶ nÌ
H$) Zmd ’$bH$
v) .................... Am{U OrdZ {d‘m ho {då¶mMo àH$ma AmhoV.
A) gm‘mݶ {d‘m
~) Ord§V {d‘m
H$) ì¶dgm¶ {d‘m
[5952]-308 3
vi) B-H$ama hm .............. er g§~§YrV Amho.
A) A{^¶m§{ÌH$
~) Bbo³Q´>m°{ZH$
H$) {ZdS>UwH$

~) OmoS>¶m Owidm. [5]

JQ> "A' JQ> "~'
i) gm‘mݶ {d‘m A) df© 2000
ii) ‘m{hVr V§ÌkmZ H$m¶Xm ~) 12 Vmg
iii) A°‘Pm°Z Vo q‘Ìm H$) df© 2015
iv) H$‘mb OmXm H$m‘mMr doi S>) {H$aH$moi {dH«$s
v) H¥$fr CËnmXZ B) ì¶mnma Vo ì¶mnma nX²YVr
’$) gmJar {d‘m d AmJ {d‘m

à. 2) {Q>nm {bhm. (H$moUVohr XmoZ) [10]

A) H$m‘mMm OmXm doioMm ‘mo~Xbm
~) Bbo³Q´>m°{ZH$ XñVEodOmMr nmR>dUr nÕVr
H$) gm‘mݶ {då¶mMo ‘wb^wV VÎdo gm§Jm.
S>) H¥$fr CËnmXZmMr {H$aH$moi {dH«$s

à. 3) A) H¥$fr CËnmXZ åhUOo H$m¶? Vo gm§JwZ H¥$fr CËnmXZmMo {dnUZ nÕVr {deX H$am. [8]
~) AmJ {d‘m åhUOo H$m¶? AmJ {då¶mMo {d{dY ’$m¶Xo gm§Jm. [7]

à. 4) A) {S>OrQ>b ñdmjar åhUOo H$m¶? ‘m{hVr V§ÌkmZ H$m¶Xm, 2000 Zwgma ""Bbo³Q´>m°{ZH$ XñVEodO''
Am{U ""{S>OrQ>b ñdmjar'' H$em VèhoZo gwa{jV AmhoV Vo gm§Jm. [8]
~) ‘hmamï´> XþH$mZo d AmñWmnZm H$m¶Xm, 2017 Zwgma H$‘©Mmè¶mg§X^m©Vrb {d{dY H$ë¶mUH$mar
VaVwXr gm§Jm? [7]


[5952]-308 4
Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No. :
PA-1790 [Total No. of Pages : 4
S.Y. B.Com.
(2019 Pattern) (Special Paper - I) (Semester - III)

Time : 2½ Hours] [Max. Marks : 50

Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q1) A) Answer the following (any 5). [5]

i) Which of these is not an objective of rural development?
a) To improve wages for the rural population
b) To work on removing unemployment in rural areas
c) To improve wages for an urban population.
ii) Who, among the following, founded the ‘All India Depressed classes
Federation’ in 1920?
a) M.K.Gandhi
b) Jyotiba phule
c) Dr.Ambedkar Babasaheb
iii) The members of a co-operative society have
a) Unlimited liability
b) Limited liability
c) Joint and several liability
iv) Who selects the social audit committee under MNREGA?
a) Gram sabha
b) District Collector
c) Zila Panchayat
v) Which among the following is the first state in India to have the
Panchayat Raj system?
a) Madhya Pradesh
b) Rajasthan
c) Maharashtra
vi) Globalisation has improved the living structure of which at the
a) All the people
b) People living in developing countries
c) People living in developed countries

B) Match the following: [5]

Group A Group B

i) Co-operative societies act a) 1960

ii) Federal structure of co-operative b) France

iii) Champaran struggle c) MANREGA

iv) Largest work Gaurantee d) 1912

v) Panni foundation e) Mahatma Gandhi

f) Water conservation

g) India

Q2) Short notes (any 2). [10]

a) Individual approach of rural development
b) Philosophy of Pandit Dindayal Upadhyay
c) Limitations of Panchayat Raj
d) Working of Naam Foundation

Q3) a) State the significance of rural development. [8]

b) Explain the work of Vainkunthial Mehta in Rural development. [7]

Q4) a) State the important provisions of Panchayat Raj Act. [8]

b) State the impact of Globalization on rural development. [7]


[5952]-309 2
Total No. of Questions : 4]

PA-1790 [5952]-309
S.Y. B.Com.
(2019 Pattern) (Special Paper - I) (Semester - III)
(‘amR>r ê$nm§Va)
doi : 2½ Vmg] [ EHy$U JwU : 50
gyMZm …- 1) gd© àíZ Amdí¶H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ àíZm§Mo nwU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
3) g§X^m©gmR>r ‘wi B§J«Or àíZn{ÌH$m nhmdr.

à. 1) A) Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm. (H$moU˶mhr nmM) [5]

i) ¶mn¡H$s H$moUVo C{Ôï>²¶ J«m‘rU {dH$mgmMo Zmhr?
A) J«m‘rU bmoH$g§»¶ogmR>r doVZ gwYmaʶmgmR>r
~) J«m‘rU ^mJmVrb ~oamoOJmar Xÿa H$aʶmgmR>r H$m‘ H$aUo
H$) ehar bmoH$g§»¶ogmR>r doVZ gwYmaUo
ii) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUr 1920 ‘ܶo Am°b B§{S>¶m {S>àoñS> ³bmgog ’o$S>aoeZ Mr ñWmnZm Ho$br?
A) E‘. Ho$. Jm§Yr
~) Á¶mo{V~m ’w$bo
H$) S>m°. Am§~oS>H$a ~m~mgmho~
iii) ghH$mar g§ñWoÀ¶m g^mgXm§Mo ..................... AgVo.
A) A‘¶m©{XV Xm{¶Ëd
~) ‘¶m©{XV Xm{¶Ëd
H$) g§¶wº$ Am{U AZoH$ Xm{¶Ëdo
iv) MNREGA A§VJ©V gm‘m{OH$ boImn[ajU g{‘VrMr {ZdS> H$moU H$aVo?
A) J«m‘g^m
~) {Oëhm{YH$mar
H$) {Oëhm n§Mm¶V
v) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVo ^maVmVrb n{hbo amÁ¶ Amho Á¶m‘ܶo n§Mm¶V amO ì¶dñWm gwê$ Pmbr?
A) ‘ܶàXoe
~) amOñWmZ
H$) ‘hmamï´>
vi) OmJ{VH$sH$aUm‘wio Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUmÀ¶m amhUr‘mZmV gwYmaUm Pmbr Amho?
A) gd© bmoH$
~) {dH$gZerb Xoem§‘ܶo amhUmao bmoH$
H$) {dH${gV Xoem§‘ܶo amhUmao bmoH$
[5952]-309 3
~) OmoS>çm Owidm : [5]
A JQ> ~ JQ>
i) ghH$mar g§ñWm H$m¶Xm A) 1960
ii) ghH$mar g§KamÁ¶ aMZm ~) ’«$mÝg
iii) M§nmaʶ g§Kf© H$) ‘ZaoJm
iv) gdm©V ‘moR>çm H$m‘mMr h‘r S>) 1992
v) nmUr ’$mC§S>oeZ B) ‘hmË‘m Jm§Yr
’$) Obg§YmaU
¶) ^maV

à. 2) {Q>nm {bhm. (H$moU˶mhr XmoZ) [10]

A) J«m‘rU {dH$mgmMm d¡¶{º$H$ Ñï>rH$moZ

~) n§{S>V {XZX¶mb Cnmܶm¶ ¶m§Mo VËdkmZ
H$) n§Mm¶V amOÀ¶m ‘¶m©Xm
S>) Zm‘ ’$mC§S>oeZMo H$m¶©

à. 3) A) J«m‘{dH$mgmMo ‘hÎd gm§Jm. [8]

~) d¡H§w$R>bmb ‘ohVm ¶m§Mo J«m‘ {dH$mgmVrb H$m¶© ñnï> H$am. [7]

à. 4) A) n§Mm¶V amO H$m¶XçmVrb ‘hÎdmÀ¶m VaVwXr gm§Jm. [8]

~) OmJ{VH$sH$aUmMm J«m‘rU {dH$mgmda hmoUmam n[aUm‘ gm§Jm. [7]


[5952]-309 4
Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No. :
PA-1791 [Total No. of Pages : 3
S.Y. B.Com.
(2019 Pattern) (Semester - III)

Time : 2½ Hours] [Max. Marks : 50

Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3) Use of calculator is allowed.

Q1) A) Fill in the blanks by choosing the proper alternative given in the bracket
(any five): [5]

a) The main function of cost accounting is reporting to _______.

(Government, Management, Trade Unions)

b) Prime cost + factory overheads = _______.

(Works Cost, Cost of Production, Total Cost)

c) ______ is responsible for the proper storage of material and

maintenance of its records.

(Production Manager, Purchase Manager, Storekeeper)

d) ______ level lies below the minimum stock level.

(Reorder, Danger, Average)

e) ______ is the unit of quantity of product, service or time in relation

to which costs may be ascertained or expressed

(Cost center, Cost unit, Inventory control)

f) _______ is not a non-cost item.

(Dividend, Advertising, Income tax)

B) Match the following pairs: [5]
Group A Group B
a) Prime cost i) EOQ
b) Ordering cost ii) Testing department
c) Purchase order iii) Cost sheet
d) Inspection Report iv) Number of Vehicles
e) Automobile Industry v) Quotation

Q2) Write short notes on any two of the following. [10]

a) Cost unit and cost center.
b) ABC Analysis.
c) Periodic Inventory Control.
d) Classification of cost on the basis of elements.

Q3) a) Following is the data of supreme industries, Nashik for the year ended
31st March, 2021. [8]
Sales 5,25,000
Purchases 2,40,000
Carriage outward 25,000
Direct Wages 1,00,000
Salesman’s Salary 60,000
Repairs to office building 40,000
Gas, Fuel and Water 25,000
Repairs to Machinery 8,000
Opening stock of raw material 1,25,000
Closing stock of raw material 25,000
Bad debts 10,000
[5952]-310 2
You are required to prepare a cost sheet for the same computing the following.
i) Cost of Material consumed
ii) Prime Cost
iii) Works/ Factory Cost
iv) Cost of Production
v) Total Cost
vi) Profit / Loss
b) The Annual Consumption of a product is 1600 units, Ordering Cost is
Rs.50 and Carrying cost is Rs.4. Calculate the economic ordering quantity
and also compute the number of orders in a year. [7]

Q4) a) Minimum Consumption : 75 units [8]

Maximum Consumption : 225 units
Normal Consumption : 150 units
Reorder Quantity : 900 units
Reorder Period :4 to 6 days
Normal Reorder Period : 5 days
Calculate the following:
i) Maximum Stock Level
ii) Minimum Stock Level
iii) Reorder Level
iv) Average Stock Level
b) Explain the general purchase procedure of the business organisation. [7]


[5952]-310 3
Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No. :
PA-1793 [Total No. of Pages : 4
S.Y. B.Com.
(2019 Pattern) (Semester - III) (Special Paper - I)

Time : 2½ Hours] [Max. Marks : 50

Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q1) A) Fill in the blanks. (any 5). [5]

i) Entrepreneurs contribute to the growth of _____ development.
a) Economic
b) Political
c) Legal
ii) Under _____ entrepreneurship, entrepreneur uses internet
a) Environmental
b) Internet
c) Artistic
iii) _____ is the first step for innovation.
a) Traditional
b) Segmentation
c) Creativity
iv) Dr.Anand Deshpande is the CEO of _______
a) Tata
b) Aaple Ghar
c) Deasra foundation
v) ______ means responsibility of the business towards the society
beyond the basic economic responsibility of profitability.
a) Social Responsibility
b) Business Ethics
c) Corporate Governance
vi) _____ is the process by which one individual influence the behavior
and thoughts of others.
a) Management by Objective
b) Leadership by Example
c) Social Responsibility

B) Match the following: [5]
Group A Group B
i) Kakinada Experiment a) Moral Values
ii) Business Ethics b) Andhra Pradesh
iii) Peter Drucker c) Internet Entrepreneur
iv) Snapdeal d) Responsibility towards society
v) Social Responsibility e) Principles of Innovation

Q2) Write short notes (any 2). [10]

a) Entrepreneurial Qualities.
b) Motivated Entrepreneurs.
c) Techniques and Tools of Creativity.
d) Business Ethics

Q3) a) What is ‘unemployment’? Explain various problems of unemployment. [8]

b) What do you mean by ‘Environmental Entrepreneur’? Explain importance
of Environmental Entrepreneur. [7]

Q4) a) What is innovation? Explain various principles of innovation given by

Peter Drucker. [8]
b) What is social responsibility of business? Explain social responsibilities
of business towards employees and government. [7]


[5952]-312 2
Total No. of Questions : 4]

PA-1793 [5952]-312
S.Y. B.Com.
(2019 Pattern) (Semester - III) (Special Paper - I)
(‘amR>r ê$nm§Va)
doi : 2½ Vmg] [ EHy$U JwU : 50
gyMZm …- 1) gd© àíZ Amdí¶H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ àíZm§Mo nwU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
3) g§X^m©gmR>r ‘wi B§J«Or àíZn{ÌH$m nhmdr.

à. 1) A) [aH$må¶m OmJm ^am. (H$moU˶mhr nmM) [5]

i) CX²¶moOH$ .............. {dH$mgmÀ¶m dmT>rg ¶moJXmZ XoVmV.
A) Am{W©H$
~) amOH$s¶
H$) H$m¶Xoera
ii) ............. CXçmoOH$Vm A§VJ©V, CÚmoOH$ B§Q>aZoQ> V§ÌkmZ dmnaVmV.
A) n¶m©daUr¶
~) B§Q>aZoQ>
H$) H$bmˑH$
iii) .............. Zd{Z{‘©VrMr n{hbr nm¶ar Amho.
A) nma§nm[aH$
~) {d^mOZ
H$) gO©ZerbVm
iv) S>m°. AmZ§X Xoenm§S>o ho .............. Mo grB©Amo AmhoV.
A) Q>mQ>m
~) Amnbo Ka
H$) Xo Amgam ’$mC§S>oeZ
v) ................ åhUOo ì¶dgm¶mÀ¶m ‘yb^yV Am{W©H$ Ñ{ï>H$moZmVyZ Z’$m H$‘dUo ¶m
O~m~XmarÀ¶m nbrH$S>rb g‘mOmàVr Agbobr O~m~Xmar hmo¶.
A) gm‘m{OH$ O~m~Xmar
~) ì¶mdgm{¶H$ Zr{V‘yë¶
H$) H$m°nm}aoQ> àemgZ
[5952]-312 3
vi) ................ Aer à{H«$¶m Amho {H$, Á¶mX²dmao EH$ 춺$s BVam§À¶m dV©Zmda Am{U
{dMmam§da à^md nmS>VmV.
A) CX²{Xï>mZwgma ì¶dñWmnZ
~) CXmhaUmX²dmao ZoV¥Ëd
H$) gm‘m{OH$ O~m~Xmar

~) OmoS²>¶m Owidm. [5]

A JQ> ~ JQ>
i) H$mH$sZmS>m à¶moJ A) Z¡{VH$ ‘yë¶o
ii) ì¶mdgm{¶H$ Z¡{VH$Vm ~) Am§Y« àXoe
iii) nrQ>a S´>H$a H$) B§Q>aZoQ> CX²¶moOH$
iv) ñZ°nS>rb S>) g‘mOmàVrMr O~m~Xmar
v) gm‘m{OH$ O~m~Xmar B) Zd{Z{‘©Vr VÎdo

à. 2) {Q>nm {bhm. (H$moU˶mhr XmoZ) [10]

A) CX²¶moOH$s¶ JwU (Entrepreneurial Qualities)
~) ào[aV CX²¶moOH$ (Motivated Entrepreneurs)
H$) gO©ZerbVoMo V§Ì Am{U gmYZo (Techniques and Tools of Creativity)
S>) ì¶mdgm¶ Z¡{VH$Vm (Business Ethics)

à. 3) A) ~oamoOJmar (unemployment) åhUOo H$m¶? ~oamoOJmarÀ¶m {d{dY g‘ñ¶m ñnï> H$am. [8]
~) n¶m©daUr¶ CX²¶moOH$ åhUOo H$m¶? n¶m©daUr¶ CX²¶moOH$mMo ‘hÎd ñnï> H$am. [7]

à. 4) A) Zd{Z{‘©Vr åhUOo H$m¶? nrQ>a S´>H$a ¶m§Zr {Xboë¶m Zd{Z{‘©VrMo {d{dY VËdo ñnï> H$am. [8]
~) ì¶dgm¶mMr gm‘m{OH$ O~m~Xmar åhUOo H$m¶? H$‘©Mmar Am{U emgZ ¶m§À¶m~m~VÀ¶m ì¶dgm¶mÀ¶m
gm‘m{OH$ O~m~Xmè¶m ñnï> H$am. [7]


[5952]-312 4
Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No. :
PA-1794 [Total No. of Pages : 4
S.Y. B.Com.
(2019 Pattern) (Semester - III)

Time : 2½ Hours] [Max. Marks : 50

Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q1) A) Fill in the blanks (attempt any 5). [5]

i) _____ involves the formation of a marketing strategy.
a) Marketing objectives & strategies
b) Estimation of expected results
c) Creating an alternative plan
d) All of the above
ii) Marketing management not only delivers goods to the market but
also markets ________
a) Products b) Services
c) Quality d) All of the above
iii) ______ is a complex task of ‘marketing management’.
a) Organising b) Planning
c) Pricing d) All of the above
iv) A marketing plan is a collection of _______
a) Products b) Markets
c) Actions d) Staff
v) ______ is a division of a plan for profitability and growth.
a) Corporate plan b) Departmental plan
c) Product line plan d) Product plan
vi) _____ is information that has already been published and stored.
a) Primary data b) Secondary data
c) Quantitative data d) Qualitative data
B) Match the following: [5]
Group A Group B
i) Marketing a) Representation of the popualtion
ii) Data collection b) Marketing objectives & it’s
iii) Stages before purchasing c) Survey method
products or services
iv) Marketing planning d) Consumer attitude
v) Sample e) Exchange value of goods
f) Consumer behaviour

Q2) Write short notes (any two). [10]

a) Functions of marketing management.
b) Scope of consumer behaviour.
c) Structure of marketing plan.
d) Research design.

Q3) a) Explain the nature and scope of marketing management. [8]

b) Explain the bases for formulating marketing strategy. [7]

Q4) a) Explain the nature and scope of marketing planning. [8]

b) Explain the difference between marketing information and marketing
research. [7]


[5952]-313 2
Total No. of Questions : 4]

PA-1794 [5952]-313
S.Y. B.Com.
(2019 Pattern) (Semester - III)
(‘amR>r ê$nm§Va)
doi : 2½ Vmg] [ EHy$U JwU : 50
gyMZm …- 1) gd© àíZ Amdí¶H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ àíZm§Mo nwU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
3) g§X^m©gmR>r ‘wi B§J«Or àíZn{ÌH$m nhmdr.

à. 1) A) [aH$må¶m OmJm ^am. (H$moUVohr nmM) [5]

i) {dnUZ ì¶yhaMZoÀ¶m {Z‘uVr‘ܶo .............. Mm g‘mdoe AgVmo.
A) {dnUZ C{X²Xï>o Am{U ì¶yhaMZm
~) Ano{jV n[aUm‘m§Mo A§XmO
H$) n¶m©¶r AmamIS>çmMr {Z‘uVr H$aUo
S>) darbn¡H$s gd©
ii) {dnUZ ì¶dñWmnZmÛmao Ho$di dñVw ~mOmamn¶©V nmohMdë¶m OmV ZmhrV Va ............. Mo
{dnUZ XoIrb Ho$bo OmVo.
A) CËnmXZo ~) godm
H$) JwUdÎmm S>) darbn¡H$s gd©
iii) {dnUZ ì¶dñWmnZmMo ............. ho J§wVmJ§wVrMo H$m¶© Amho.
A) àdV©Z ~) {Z¶moOZ
H$) qH$‘V {ZpíMVr S>) darbn¡H$s gd©
iv) {dnUZ AmamIS>m åhUOo .............. Jmoï>rMo Ho$bobo g§H$bZ hmo¶.
A) CËnmXZo ~) ~mOmanoR>
H$) H¥$Vr S>) H$‘©Mmar
v) ................ åhUOo Z’$mj‘Vm Am{U d¥Õr ¶mgmR>r Ho$bo OmUmao AmamIS>çmMo {d^mOZ hmo¶.
A) H$m°nm}aoQ> AmamIS>m ~) {d^mJr¶ AmamIS>m
H$) CËnmXZ aoIm AmamIS>m S>) CËnmXZ AmamIS>m
[5952]-313 3
vi) ............... åhUOo Aer ‘m{hVr H$s Or AmYrM àH$m{eV Pmbobr AgVo Am{U {VMo
g§J«hU Ho$bobo AgVo.
A) àmW{‘H$ ‘m{hVr ~) Xþ涑 ‘m{hVr
H$) n[a‘mUmË‘H$ ‘m{hVr S>) JwUmË‘H$ ‘m{hVr

~) OmoS>çm Owidm. [5]

JQ A > JQ> ~
i) {dnUZ A) g§emoYZ bmoH$g§»¶oMo à{V{Z{YËd
ii) ‘m{hVr g§H$bZ ~) {dnUZ C{Ôï>o Am{U ˶m§Mr àmár
iii) CËnmXZo qH$dm godm IaoXr H$aʶmnwduMo Q>ßno H$) gd}jU nÕV
iv) {dnUZ {Z¶moOZ S>) J«mhH$ àd¥Îmr
v) Z‘wZm B) dñVw§Mo {d{Z‘¶ ‘yë¶
’$) J«mhH$ dV©Z
à. 2) {Q>nm {bhm. (H$moU˶mhr XmoZ) [10]

A) {dnUZ ì¶dñWmnZmMr H$m¶}

~) J«mhH$ dV©ZmMr ì¶már
H$) {dnUZ ¶moOZoMr g§aMZm
S>) g§emoYZ AmamIS>m

à. 3) A) {dnUZ ì¶dñWmnZmMo ñdê$n Am{U ì¶már ñnï> H$am. [8]

~) {dnUZ ì¶yhaMZoÀ¶m {Z‘uVoMo AmYma ñnï> H$am. [7]

à. 4) A) {dnUZ {Z¶moOZmMo ñdê$n Am{U ì¶már ñnï> H$am. [8]

~) {dnUZ ‘m{hVr Am{U {dnUZ g§emoYZ ¶mVrb ’$aH$ {deX H$am. [7]


[5952]-313 4
Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No. :
PA-1795 [Total No. of Pages : 4
S.Y. B.Com.
(2019 Pattern) (Semester - III)

Time : 2½ Hours] [Max. Marks : 50

Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q1) A) Fill in the blanks (Attempt any 5 out of 6): [5]

i) Agriculture is a _______.
a) Greek word b) Latin word
c) German word d) Spanish
ii) Disguised unemployment is common in _______.
a) Agricultural sector b) Industrial sector
c) Service sector d) All sectors
iii) ______ is the father of green revolution in India.
a) Norman Barlang b) Swaminathan
c) Garry backer d) Dr. P.M. Jha
iv) Prime minister crop insurance scheme came into existence in _____
a) 2016 b) 2010
c) 1995 d) 1985
v) Indian railway is ____ form of organisation.
a) Public corporation b) Department organisation
c) Government company d) FPO
vi) The portfolio investment by foreign institutional investors is called
a) FDI b) FII
c) Balance of payment d) SDR

B) Match the following: [5]
Group A Group B
i) Land holding between a) Small farmer
1 to 2 hectares
ii) Land holding between b) sugarcane
zero to one hedars
iii) Mejor objectives of c) marginal farmer
first five year plan
iv) Florence d) Agricultural development
v) Cash crop e) Theory of Industrial location

Q2) Write a short notes on (any 2 of out of 4): [10]

a) Schultz theory of Agricultural development.
b) Causes of price fluctuation in agriculture.
c) Scope and significance of industrial economics.
d) Industrial imbalance.

Q3) a) Explain in details the importance of Agriculture in Indian economy. [8]

b) Explain the advantages and disadvantages of small size of farm. [7]

Q4) a) Define Industrial economics. Explain the nature and scope of industrial
economics. [8]
b) Explain the factors affecting on the location of Industries. [7]


[5952]-314 2
Total No. of Questions : 4]

PA-1795 [5952]-314
S.Y. B.Com.
(2019 Pattern) (Semester - III)
(‘amR>r ê$nm§Va)
doi : 2½ Vmg] [ EHy$U JwU : 50
gyMZm …- 1) gd© àíZ Amdí¶H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ àíZm§Mo nwU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.

à. 1) A) [aH$må¶m OmJm ^am. (6 n¡H$s H$moU˶mhr 5) [5]

i) EJ«rH$ëMa hm ............. eãX Amho.
A) J«rH$ eãX ~) b°Q>rZ eãX
H$) O‘©Z eãX S>) ñn°{Ze
ii) àÀN>Þ ~oH$mar gmYmaUV… ............. ‘ܶo Amho.
A) H¥$fr joÌ ~) Am¡Úmo{JH$ joÌ
H$) godm joÌ S>) gd©jÌo
iii) ............. ho harV H«$m§VrMo OZH$ AmhoV.
A) Zm°‘©Z ~moabm°J ~) ñdm{‘ZmWZ
H$) J°ar ~°H$a S>) S>m°. nr. E‘. Pm
iv) n§VàYmZ nrH$ {d‘m ¶moOZm ............. ‘ܶo ApñVËdmV Ambr.
A) 2016 ~) 2010
H$) 1995 S>) 1985
v) ^maVr¶ aoëdo .............. àH$maMr g§»¶m Amho.
A) gmd©O{ZH$ ~) {d^m{J¶ g§»¶m
H$) gaH$mar H§$nZr S>) E’$.nr.Amo.
vi) naH$s¶ g§»¶mË‘H$ Jw§VdUwH$Xmam§Zr Ho$bobr nmoQ>©’$mo{bAmo Jw§VdUwH$ ................ åhUyZ
AmoiIbr OmVo.
A) E’$.S>r. Am¶. ~) E’$.Am¶.Am¶.
H$) ì¶dhmaVmob S>) Eg.S>r.Ama
[5952]-314 3
~) ¶mo½¶ OmoS²>¶m Owidm : [5]
A JQ> ~ JQ>
i) 1 Vo 2 ho³Q>a O‘rZ YmaUm A) bhmZ eoVH$ar
ii) ewݶ Vo 1 ho³Q>a O‘rZ YmaUm ~) D$g
iii) nhrë¶m n§Mdm{f©H$ ¶moOZoMr CÔrîQ>ço H$) gr‘m§V eoVH$ar
iv) âbmoaoÝg S>) H¥$fr {dH$mg
v) ZJXr {nH$ B) Am¡Úmo{JH$ ñWmZ {ZpíMVrMm {gÕm§V

à. 2) Q>rnm {bhm. (4 n¡H$s H$moU˶mhr 2) [10]

A) ewëPMm H¥$fr {dH$mgmMm {gÕm§V

~) H¥$fr qH$‘VrVrb MT>CVmamMr H$maUo
H$) Am¡Úmo{JH$ AW©emómMr ì¶már Am{U ‘hËd
S>) Am¡Úmo{JH$ Ag‘Vmob

à. 3) A) ^maVr¶ AW©ì¶dñWoV eoVrMo ‘hËd g{dñVa ñnï> H$am. [8]

~) bhmZ YmaU joÌmMr ’$m¶Xo VmoQ>o ñnï> H$am. [7]

à. 4) A) Am¡Úmo{JH$ AW©emómMr ì¶m»¶m H$am. Am¡Úmo{JH$ AW©emómMr ñdê$n Am{U ì¶már ñnï> H$am.
~) Am¡Úmo{JH$ ñWmZ {ZpíMVrda n[aUm‘ H$aUmao KQ>H$ ñnï> H$am. [7]


[5952]-314 4
Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No. :
PA-1796 [Total No. of Pages : 2
S.Y. B.Com.
(2019 Pattern) (Semester - III)

Time : 2½ Hours] [Max. Marks : 70

Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q1) Attempt any five of the following. [5×2=10]

a) Define security
b) Define internal security
c) State the role of paramilitary force
d) State the role of private sector in defence
e) Define weapons design
f) What is international security

Q2) Attempt any four short note of the following. [4×5=20]

a) Second line of the defence
b) Defence Economics
c) Defence budget
d) Defence planning
e) Ministry of defence
Q3) Attempt any four of the following. [4×5=20]
a) Write the objectives of the defence budget.
b) Write organisational structure of ministry of defence.
c) Explain debate on defence expenditure.
d) Write the role of DPSU’s in defence.
e) Write the role of DRDO.
Q4) Attempt any two of the following. [2×10=20]
a) Explain in detail types of budget.
b) Explain in detail defence management.
c) Explain in detail application of management in Indian armed forces.


Total No. of Questions : 4]

S.Y. B.Com.
(2019 Pattern) (Semester - III)
(‘amR>r ê$nm§Va)
doi : 2½ Vmg] [ EHy$U JwU : 70
gyMZm …- 1) gd© àíZ Amdí¶H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ àíZm§Mo nwU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
3) g§X^m©gmR>r ‘wi B§J«Or àíZn{ÌH$m nhmdr.

à. 1) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVohr nmM àíZ gmoS>dm. [5×2=10]

A) gwajoMr ì¶m»¶m Úm.
~) A§VJ©V gwajoMr ì¶m»¶m Úm.
H$) nmb©‘|Q>ar ’$mog©Mr ^y{‘H$m gm§Jm.
S>) g§ajUmVrb ImOJr joÌmMr ^y{‘H$m gm§Jm.
B) eómóo {S>Pm¶qZJMr ì¶m»¶m Úm.
’$) Am§Vaamï´>r¶ gwajm åhUOo H$m¶.
à. 2) {Q>nm {bhm. (H$moUVohr Mma) [4×5=20]
A) g§ajUmVrb Xþ涑 goZmXbo
~) g§ajU AW©emó
H$) g§ajU AW©g§H$ën
S>) g§ajU {Z¶moOZ
B) g§ajU ‘§Ìmb¶
à. 3) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVohr Mma àíZ gmoS>dm. [4×5=20]
A) g§ajU AW©g§H$ënmMr C{Ôï>o {bhm.
~) g§ajU ‘§Ìmb¶mMr g§KQ>ZmË‘H$ aMZm {bhm.
H$) g§ajU IMm©darb bmoH$g^oVrb MMm© ñnï> H$am.
S>) g§ajUmVrb S>r nr. Eg.¶y Mr ^y{‘H$m {bhm.
B) S>r Ama S>r Amo. Mr ^w{‘H$m {bhm.
à. 4) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVohr XmoZ àíZ gmoS>dm. [2×10=20]
A) AW©g§H$ënmMo àH$ma g{dñVa {bhm.
~) g§ajU ì¶dñWmnZ g{dñVa {bhm.
H$) ^maVr¶ goZmXbmVrb ì¶dñWmnZmMm Cn¶moJ g{dñVa {bhm.

[5952]-315 2
Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No. :
PA-1797 [Total No. of Pages : 4
S.Y. B.Com.
(2019 Pattern) (Semester - III) (Regular)

Time : 2½ Hours] [Max. Marks : 50

Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q1) A) Fill in the blanks. (any 5). [5]

i) Compared to the premium for a whole life plan, the premium for an
endowment plan will be ____ for the same age.
a) more
b) less
c) the same
ii) Which of the following does not fall into the category of general
a) business interruption
b) crime insurance
c) health insurance
iii) Which types of insurance usually requires lawer premium?
a) Group insurance
b) Health insurance
c) Term insurance
iv) _____ is the oldest form of insurance
a) Marine
b) Fire
c) Life
v) As per the motor vechicle act, victims of fatal injured are paid
compensation on the basis of ______.
a) age and gender
b) age & number of dependents
c) age and income
vi) IRDA was setup in _______
a) 1999
b) 1991
c) 2000

B) Match the following: [5]
Group A Group B
i) Main purpose of insurance a) Reduce the financial
consequences of adverse
ii) Insurance helps to b) Transfering rights of insured to
another one
iii) Formation of LIC c) 1957
iv) Assignment d) 1956
v) Formation of GIC e) Insurable interest
f) 2000
g) Provide security

Q2) Write short notes (any 02) [10]

a) Unit linked insurance plan (ULIP)
b) Renewal of receipt
c) Crap insurance
d) Features of insurance act 1938

Q3) a) Distinguish between traditional and non - traditional plan of life insurance.[8]
b) Explain the procedure of settlement of claim on Maturity of policy. [7]

Q4) a) Explain the growth of General Insurance in India [8]

b) Explain the powers & duties of IRDA. [7]


[5952]-316 2
Total No. of Questions : 4]

PA-1797 [5952]-316
S.Y. B.Com.
(2019 Pattern) (Semester - III) (Regular)
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doi : 2½ Vmg] [ EHy$U JwU : 50
gyMZm …- 1) gd© àíZ Amdí¶H$ AmhoV.
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3) g§X^m©gmR>r ‘wi B§J«Or àíZn{ÌH$m nhmdr.

à. 1) A) [aH$må¶m OmJm ^am. (H$moUVohr nmM) [5]

i) AmOrdZ {då¶mÀ¶m VwbZoV h¶mVrVrb {d‘m ¶moOZogmR>r hám g‘mZ d¶mgmR>r ............ Agob.
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[5952]-316 3
vi) Am¶AmaS>rE (IRDA) Mr ñWmnZm ............... ‘ܶo Pmbr.
A) 1999
~) 1991
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~) OmoS>çm Owidm. [5]
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iii) ^maVr¶ OrdZ {d‘m ‘hm‘§S>imMr ñWmnZm H$) 1957
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¶) gwajm àXmZ H$aUo

à. 2) Q>rnm {bhm. (H$moU˶mhr XmoZ) [10]

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S>) {d‘m H$m¶Xm 1938 Mr d¡{eîQ>ço

à. 3) A) nma§nm[aH$ Am{U Anma§nm[aH$ OrdZ {d‘m ¶moOZoVrb ’$aH$ ñnï> H$am. [7]
~) {då¶mMr ‘wXV g§në¶mZ§Va H$amd¶mÀ¶m Xmì¶mMr nyV©Vm H$aʶmMr à{H«$¶m ñnï> H$am. [8]

à. 4) A) ^maVmVrb gm‘mݶ {då¶mMm {dH$mg ñnï> H$am. [7]

~) Am¶AmaS>rE (IRDA) Mo A{YH$ma Am{U H$V©ì¶o ñnï> H$am. [8]


[5952]-316 4
Total No. of Questions : 6] SEAT No. :
PA-1798 [Total No. of Pages : 4

S.Y. B.Com.
Web Base Application in Commerce
(CBCS 2019 Pattern) (Semester - III) (Special Elective - VI)

Time : 2½ Hours ] [Max. Marks : 70

Instructions to the candidates:
1) Q. No. 1 and Q. No. 6 are compulsory.
2) Solve any 3 (Three) questions from the remaining Q.No. 2, 3, 4 and 5.
3) Figures to the right indicates full marks.

Q1) A) Fill in the blanks. (Any Five) [5]

a) _______ protocol uses a set of rules to send and receive messages
at the internet address level.
i) TCP ii) SMTP
iii) POP iv) IP

b) ______ is the component at marketing that uses the internet and

online based digital teachnologies.
i) Digital marketing ii) Marketing
iii) Social media iv) None

c) _________ is to exploring the proper, ethical behaviour related to

online environment and digital media platform
i) Cyber ethics ii) Cyber law
iii) Cyber safety iv) Cyber security

d) _______ helps the user to build modern Web applications to interact

directly without reloading page every time.
i) HTML ii) Javascript
iii) ASP. Net iv) VB. Net
e) _______ is free web frame work for building Web application.
i) CSS ii) HTML
iii) Javascript iv) ASP.NET

f) _______ is the creation of application programs that resides on

remote servers and delivered on user’s device through internet.
i) Web application Development
ii) Web pages
iii) HTML
iv) CSS

B) Match the pairs [5]

Group I Group II

a) <Input Type = “ ” > i) Hyperlink

b) <UL> ii) CSS Syntax

c) <A href = “ ” > iii) Input controls

d) Selector (property : value) iv) Variable boolean declaration

e) Var a = True v) Unordered list

Q2) Answer the following questions. [15]

a) Write on social media applications.
b) Explain online educational sites.
c) Explain <Table> tag with example.

Q3) Answer the following questions. [15]

a) What are the advantages and disadvantages of social media applications.
b) What is online shopping and Bill payments Gate way.
c) What are the benifits of online shopping.

[5952]-317 2
Q4) Answer the following questions. [15]
a) What is CSS?
b) Explain <Bgsound> and <embed> tag with example.
c) Write an form and controls of HTML.

Q5) Answer the following questions. [15]

a) Write difference between crlient and server side scripting.
b) What is HTML server controls?
c) What is DOM?

Q6) Write short note an (Any 3) [15]

a) Wehakapapa
b) E. Governance
c) <Frame> Tag
d) CSS

 

[5952]-317 3
Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No. :
PA-1799 [Total No. of Pages : 2
S.Y. B.Com. (Vocational)
(CBCS 2019 Pattern) (Semester - III)
Time : 2½ Hours] [Max. Marks : 50
Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q1) A) Fill in the blanks. [5]

a) ______ is a sequence of records stored in binary format.
i) Data ii) File
iii) Byte iv) Record
b) ______ provides abstract view of data that hides the details.
iii) File System iv) DBA
c) Entities can be described by means of properties called
i) relations ii) attributes
iii) models iv) databases
d) ______ command modify database table.
e) A _______ key is a group of single or multiple keys which identifies
rows in a table.
i) Primary Key ii) Foreign Key
iii) Super Key iv) Candidate Key

[5952]-318 1 P.T.O.
B) Match the following [5]
a) Like i) Displays records in ascending order
b) Order by ii) Used to specify condition in SQL
c) Between iii) Displays unique values from the table
d) Where iv) Used to find ranging value
e) Distinct v) Performs pattern matching

Q2) Write Short Notes on(Any 2). [10]

a) Components of DBMS
b) Data Dictionary
c) E-R Modelling

Q3) Answer the following (Any 4). [20]

a) Explain Network model with neat diagram.
b) Explain ORDER BY command with syntax and example.
c) Define and Explain:
i) Primary Key
ii) Foreign Key
d) Explain any two aggregate functions with example.
e) Explain first two steps of database development.

Q4) Answer the following (Any 1). [10]

a) What is RDBMS? Explain the advantages and disadvantages of RDBMS?
b) Explain 1NF, 2NF and 3NF in detail.

[5952]-318 2
Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No. :
PA-1800 [Total No. of Pages : 2
S.Y. B.Com. (Vocational)
(2019 CBCS Pattern) (Semester - III) (Paper - III)
Time : 2½ Hours] [Max. Marks : 50
Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q1) A) Fill in the blanks. [5]

a) Which of the following is NOT an element of the marketing mix?
i) Place ii) Target market
iii) Product iv) Price
b) The main objective of sales promotion is ________
i) To increase immediate sale
ii) Advertising
iii) To build image of product
iv) All the above
c) A ‘Target Group’ means ______
i) A group of sellers
ii) A group of buyers
iii) A group of products
iv) A group of persons to whom sales should be focused
d) Objective of all advertisement is _________
i) Objectivity ii) Timeliness
iii) Persuation iv) Infotainment
e) Memory test, recall test, persuation test are the methods of ______
i) Pre-test ii) Concurrent test
iii) Post - test iv) None of the above
[5952]-319 1 P.T.O.
B) Match the following [5]
a) Memory test, recall test, i) Positioning
Persuation test
b) Free sample distribution ii) Pre-testing
c) Creating image of product iii) Post-testing methods
in minds of target group
d) Account in advertising iv) Technique of sales promotion
e) Laboratory test, Eye camera v) Client

Q2) Short Notes (Any 2). [10]

a) Functions of ad-agency
b) Advertising Planning
c) Componants of media plan
d) Advertising Effectiveness

Q3) Answer the following (Any 4). [20]

a) Explain your view on “Future of advertising in India”.
b) Write working of ad-agency in detail
c) Write a note on Target Market.
d) Which factors are considered while selecting advertising media?
e) What do you mean by media planning?
f) Write difficulties in measuring advertising effectiveness.

Q4) Answer the following (Any 1). [10]

a) Write in detail pre-testing methods of measuring advertising effectiveness.
b) Write in detail Post-testing methods of measuring advertising effectiveness.

[5952]-319 
Total No. of Questions : 5] SEAT No. :

PA-4202 [Total No. of Pages : 3

S.Y. B.Com (Semester - III)
235 VOC : Income Tax (Paper - III)
(2019 Pattern) (CBCS)
Time : 2½ Hours] [Max. Marks : 50
Instructions to the candidates:
1) Q1 and Q2 is compulsory.
2) Solve any two questions from question Q3, Q4 and Q5.
3) Use of Calculator is allowed
4) Figures to the right indicate full marks

Q1) a) State true or false (any 5) [5]

i) General deduction are given under section 37 (1)
ii) Transfer of asset only includes sale. exchange and relinquishment
of asset
iii) Maximum deduction under section 80C is Rs, 2,00.000
iv) Remuneration received by college professor for checking the answer
sheets of students of university is taxable under the head income
from other sources
v) Maximum deduction on interest on saving account to normal
individual is Rs. 20,000.
vi) Deduction for medical insurance premium is deductible under
section 80D.

b) Fill in the blanks (any 5) [5]

i) Tax audit is applicable in case of profession if gross receipts exceeds
(Rs.50.00,000, Rs.40,00.000. Rs.1,00,00,000. Rs.20,00,000)
ii) Basis of charge of business income is ___________
(Section 29, Section 30, Section 28, Section 32)
iii) Capital asset is defined under following section ___________
(Section 2(10), Section 2(11), Section 2(14), Section 2(15)

iv) Super senior citizen who is_________Year
(60 and above, 70 and above, 80 and above, 50 and above)
v) Deduction for repayment of education loan is permissible under
(Section 80G, Section 80E, Section 80GG, Section 80CCA)
vi) Basic exemption limit for individual is _________
(Rs.1,50,000, Rs,2,50,000. Rs. 1,00,000, Rs.2,00,000)

Q2) Write Short Notes on : (Any Two) [10]

a) Depreciation U/S 32
b) Types of Capital Asset
c) Income from other sources
d) Deduction U/S. 80TTA

Q3) The following is the Profit and Loss account of Mr. X, Pune for the Financial
Year ending 3 1-3-2022. [15]
Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
To Salary 11,60,000 By Gross Profit 30,30,000
To Rent and taxes 1,60,000 By Commission 1,42,000
To Commission 1,16,000 By Sundry receipts 14,200
To Advertisement 1,15,000 By Interest on 1,35,000
To Reserve for future losses 18,000 By Gift from friend 12,900
To Depreciation 1,20,000
To Legal expenses 12,000
To Conveyance 18,400
To Stationery (paid in cash) 1,15,200
To Bonus 1,16,000
To contribution to RPF 1,12,500
To Interest on capital 1,13,000
To Net profit 11,58,000
Total 33,34,100 Total 33,34,100

[5952]-320 2
Additional Information :
a) Depreciation allowable under Income Tax Rule is amounted to
b) Rent and taxes includes Rs.18,000 as property tax on residential house
of Mr. X.
c) Advertisement includes Rs.1,12,000 as the cost of permanent Signboard
fixed on the premises.
d) Sundry receipts Rs.14,000 are in respect of recovery of personal loan
given to a friend of Mr. X.
e) Contribution by the employer to RPF due on 31-3-2022 Rs.14,000 was
deposited on 25-6-2022.
You are required to compute taxable income from business for the A.Y.

Q4) During the previous year 2021-22, Mr Ganesh sells the following capital assets:
Asset Sale proceeds Cost of Year of Fair value as on
Acquisition Acquisition 1-4-2001
Land Rs. 4,00,00,000 Rs.28,50,000 1987 Rs.1,19,00,000
Gold Rs.24,86,000 Rs.2,70,000 1985 Rs.10,26,000
Listed Rs. 2,57,000 Rs.1,75,000 1990 Rs.1,70,000
Compute the Taxable capital gain of Mr. Ganesh for the Assessment year
2022-23 CII for 2001-02-100, CII for 2021-22-317.

Q5) Explain in detail with example any 5 deductions under chapter VIA of Income
tax Act. [15]


[5952]-320 3
Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No. :
PA-1801 [Total No. of Pages : 2
S.Y. B.Com. (Voctional)
(2019 CBCS Pattern) (Semester-III) (Paper-IV)

Time : 2½ Hours] [Max. Marks : 50

Instruction to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to right indicate full marks.

Q1) A) Fill in the blanks. [5]

a) Which is the most important feature of spiral model?
i) Performance Management
ii) Risk Management
iii) Quality Management
iv) Efficiency Management
b) The interconnection and interaction between the subsystem is known
as _______
i) Connection ii) Interface
iii) Channel iv) Bridge
c) The first phase of SDLC is
i) Feasibility study ii) System Design
iii) Problem Identification iv) System Implementation
d) Which of the following shows the detail request in which number of
branches and level are used?
i) Decision Line ii) Decision Tree
iii) Data Flow Tree iv) Data Chart
e) Which of the following is not a fact gathering technique?
i) Interviewing ii) Questionnaire
iii) Data recording iv) Record review

B) Match the following. [5]
a) System Security i) Context Level
b) Goal ii) Logical Protection
c) Economic iii) Tool used for structured design
d) Data Flow Diagram iv) Feasibility Study
e) Structure chart v) Characteristic of System

Q2) Write short note on (any two). [10]

a) E-R Diagram
b) Input Design
c) System Security

Q3) Answer the following (Any FOUR) [20]

a) Explain Interviewing Technique.
b) Explain the role of system analyst.
c) Explain Feasibility Study in SDLC.
d) Explain System Implementation follow up and Maintenance.
e) Explain Elements of system.

Q4) Answer the following (Any One) [10]

a) Explain Waterfall Analysis model in software engineering with suitable
b) Draw various Flowcharting symbols and explain each symbol.


[5952]-321 2
Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No. :
PA-1802 [Total No. of Pages : 2
S.Y. B.Com. (Vocational)
236(B) VOC : Personal Selling & Salesmanship
(CBCS 2019 Pattern) (Semester-III) (Paper-IV)

Time : 2½ Hours] [Max. Marks : 50

Instruction to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to right indicate full marks.

Q1) A) Fill in the blanks [5]

a) In this price element of product is taken into consideration.
i) Product life cycle
ii) Price Marketing Mix
iii) Propaganda
iv) Branding
b) Loyalty is _______ quality of salesman.
i) Easy ii) Character
iii) Mental iv) Physical
c) He informs customer about various features of the product or
i) Sales person ii) Advertising
iii) Marketing iv) Communicator
d) When customers are divided as per their geographical area it is _____
i) Geographic ii) Selling motives
iii) Demographic iv) Simple
e) When customers are divided as per Income of customer it is called
as _____
i) Benefit ii) Volume
iii) demographic iv) geographic

B) Match the Pair. [5]
a) Values and beliefs i) Tea Brand
b) Imagination ii) Market segmentation
c) Indoor iii) Quality of salesman
d) Getting feedback about product iv) Type of salesperson
e) Wagh Bakari v) Duty of salesperson

Q2) Write short note on (any 2). [10]

a) Promotion Mix
b) Disadvantages of personal selling
c) Meaning and concept of Market segmentation
d) Product Mix

Q3) Answer the following (any 4) [20]

a) Place Mix
b) Objectives of personal selling
c) Basis of market segmentation
d) Product classification
e) Branding
f) Advantages of personal selling

Q4) Answer the following (any 1) [10]

a) State and explain qualities of successful salesman.
b) State and explain various types of sales persons.


[5952]-322 2
Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No. :

PA-2701 [Total No. of Pages : 2

S.Y. B.Com. (Vocational)
Goods & Services Tax and Profession Tax - II
(2019 Pattern) (Semester-III)
Time : 2½ Hours] [Max. Marks : 50
Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right side indicate full marks.

Q1) A) Choose appropriate answer (Any Five) [5×1=5]

i) A registered employer fails to pay the profession tax in time. shall
be liable to pay simple interest @ ________ of the tax payable for
each month.
a) 1.25% b) 2.25%
c) 2.5% d) 12.5%
ii) Every registered employer shall furnish a return in ________ under
Profession Tax.
a) Form I-B b) Form II-B
c) Form III-B d) Form III-C
iii) The value of supply of goods and services shall be the ________.
a) MRP b) Transaction value
c) Market Value d) Cost of supplies
iv) GST was introduced in India with effect from________.
a) 1st June 2017 b) 1st June 2018
c) 1st July 2017 d) 1st April 2017
v) Every enrolled person shall pay the profession tax within the period
of ________ from the date of enrolment in the first year.
a) One Month b) Two Months
c) Three Months d) Six Months
vi) In case of composite supply, the tax rate is applicable on________
a) Principal supply
b) Respective supply
c) Ancillary supply
d) Respective + Ancillary Supplies

B) State whether the following statement is TRUE or FALSE. [5]
i) Date of redemption of voucher is the time of supply of vouchers
when the supply with respect to the voucher is not identifiable.
ii) Persons having completed age of 65 years are liable to pay profession
iii) UTGST is applicable to all union territories including Delhi.
iv) Mathadi Kamgar are not liable to pay profession tax.
v) Supplies made with or without consideration covered under the
scope of supply.

Q2) Write Short Notes (Any Two) [10]

a) HSN & SAC identification under GST
b) Levy of profession tax
c) Time of supply of services in case of import of services
d) Exempted Goods under GST

Q3) Answer the following questions (Any Four) [20]

a) What will be the time of supply of goods. in case of forward charge?
b) What are the provisions of Registration under profession tax and tax on
c) Whose called Pure Agent?
d) What is the threshold limit for opting composition scheme?
e) Explain the provisions regarding Returns under profession tax?
f) What are the provisions of Payment of tax under profession tax?

Q4) Answer any One of the following questions. [10]

a) What will be the value of supply of person dealing in second-hand goods?
b) What are the parameters to determine time of supply of goods/services?


[5952]-323 2

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