Marin AL-1
Marin AL-1
Marin AL-1
Series II: Forestry • Wood Industry • Agricultural Food Engineering • Vol. 4 (53) No. 2 - 2011
Dept. of Food and Tourism Engineering, Transilvania University of Braşov.
112 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov • Series II • Vol. 4 (53) No. 2 - 2011
others and some have yellow, white, green • Satsuma plum (Firm red flesh with a
or red flesh, with equally varying skin color. red skin).
Plum cultivars in use today include: • 'Victoria' (Yellow flesh with a red or
• Damson, or Damask Plum. mottled skin).
• Greengage (Firm, green flesh and skin • Yellow gage, or Golden plum (Similar
even when ripe). to Greengage, but yellow).
• Mirabelle (Dark yellow, predominantly The top ten plum producers in 2009 were
grown in northeast France). the countries presented in Table 1:
Table 1
For the production of prunes only brownie placed on trays in varying numbers of layers.
plums are used (Prunus domestica L. ssp A layer can be thicker than 12 cm. Prunes
domestica) as well as their derivatives: are dried and smoked using hot air and
Stanley, Amers, Węgierka, Dąbrowicka, smoke from hardwood which are supplied by
empresa, Oneida, Jojo, Top, Valjevka, an oven placed under the tray. The mixture
President and Damacha. Fruits of these of hot air and smoke is passing among the
varieties have the characteristics necessary trays and the fruit placed on them. For this
for drying including a high sugar content and purpose gravity circulation of air and smoke
relatively low water content. The fruit must is used. Temperature in drying units is 45°C-
be healthy with no signs of rot, mechanical 90°C. Temperature is highest at the bottom
damage or visible damage by insects, mites of the drying unit and the lowest in the
or other pests. For example, for the middle of it because of the gravitational
production of smoked prunes only drying circulation of air. The whole process of
units are used, where plums can be dried and drying and smoking lasts for 48 hours, but
smoked with smoke and hot air. Drying Unit duration may vary depending on fruit size,
can not be higher than 3 meters. Fruits are temperature and drying facilities maintained
placed on trays by hand. They must be by the external atmospheric factors,
arranged in such manner that the air and particularly temperature and humidity. Dried
smoke easily reach every part of them. fruits and smoked uniformly are gathered
Depending on the size of the fruit, they are from the trays and sorted [6].
Marin, A.L., et al.: Conservation by Drying of Plums with Solar Energy 113
3. Water Evaporation
into modules or panels and are used to power supply etc. for domestic and industrial
charge the batteries in various applications systems, as can be seen in Figure 5 [7].
in telecommunications, rural electrification,