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Printed: January 21, 2016 Chapter 1. Biomes

1 Biomes

Lesson Objectives

• Identify and describe terrestrial biomes.

• Give an overview of aquatic biomes.


• aphotic zone
• aquatic biome
• climate
• dormancy
• estuary
• freshwater biome
• growing season
• intertidal zone
• marine biome
• photic zone
• phytoplankton
• terrestrial biome
• wetland
• zooplankton


If you look at the two pictures in Figure 1.1, you will see very few similarities. The picture on the left shows a
desert in Africa. The picture on the right shows a rainforest in Australia. The desert doesn’t have any visible plants,
whereas the rainforest is densely packed with trees. What explains these differences?

Sahara Desert in northern Africa (left).
Rainforest in northeastern Australia
(right). Two very different biomes are
pictured here. Both are found at roughly
the same distance from the equator.

The two pictures in Figure 1.1 represent two different biomes. A biome is a group of similar ecosystems with the
same general abiotic factors and primary producers. Biomes may be terrestrial or aquatic.


Terrestrial Biomes

Terrestrial biomes include all the land areas on Earth where organisms live. The distinguishing features of terrestrial
biomes are determined mainly by climate. Terrestrial biomes include tundras, temperate forests and grasslands,
chaparral, temperate and tropical deserts, and tropical forests and grasslands.

Terrestrial Biomes and Climate

Climate is the average weather in an area over a long period of time. Weather refers to the conditions of the
atmosphere from day to day. Climate is generally described in terms of temperature and moisture.
Temperature falls from the equator to the poles. Therefore, major temperature zones are based on latitude. They
include tropical, temperate, and arctic zones (see Figure 1.2). However, other factors besides latitude may also
influence temperature. For example, land near the ocean may have cooler summers and warmer winters than land
farther inland. This is because water gains and loses heat more slowly than does land, and the water temperature
influences the temperature on the coast. Temperature also falls from lower to higher altitudes. That’s why tropical
zone mountain tops may be capped with snow.

Temperature Zones. Temperature zones
are based on latitude. What temperature
zone do you live in?

In terms of moisture, climates can be classified as arid (dry), semi-arid, humid (wet), or semi-humid. The amount of
moisture depends on both precipitation and evaporation.

Climate and Plant Growth

Plants are the major producers in terrestrial biomes. They have five basic needs: air, warmth, sunlight, water, and
nutrients. How well these needs are met in a given location depends on the growing season and soil quality, both of
which are determined mainly by climate.

2 Chapter 1. Biomes

• The growing season is the period of time each year when it is warm and wet enough for plants to grow. The
growing season may last all year in a hot, wet climate but just a few months in a cooler or drier climate.
• Plants grow best in soil that contains plenty of nutrients and organic matter. Both are added to soil when plant
litter and dead organisms decompose. Decomposition occurs too slowly in cold climates and too quickly in
hot, wet climates for nutrients and organic matter to accumulate. Temperate climates usually have the best
soil for plant growth.

Climate and Biodiversity

Because climate determines plant growth, it also influences the number and variety of other organisms in a terrestrial
biome. Biodiversity generally increases from the poles to the equator. It is also usually greater in more humid
climates. This is apparent from the desert and rainforest biomes pictured in Figure 1.1.

Climate and Adaptations

Organisms evolve adaptations that help them survive in the climate of the biome where they live. For example, in
biomes with arid climates, plants may have special tissues for storing water (see Figure 1.3). The desert animals
pictured in Figure 1.4 also have adaptations for a dry climate.

Aloe Plant and Barrel Cactus. The aloe
plant on the left stores water in its large,
hollow leaves. The cactus plant on the
right stores water in its stout, barrel-
shaped stems.

Gila Monster and Kangaroo Rat. The Gila
monster’s fat tail is an adaptation to its
dry climate. It serves as a storage depot
for water. The kangaroo rat has very effi-
cient kidneys. They produce concentrated
urine, thus reducing the amount of water
lost from the body.

In biomes with cold climates, plants may adapt by becoming dormant during the coldest part of the year. Dormancy
is a state in which a plant slows down cellular activities and may shed its leaves. Animals also adapt to cold


temperatures. One way is with insulation in the form of fur and fat. This is how the polar bears in Figure 1.5 stay

Polar Bears. Thick fur and a layer of blub-
ber keep polar bears warm in their Arctic
ecosystem. Why do you think their fur is
white? Why might it be an adaptation in
an Arctic biome?

Survey of Terrestrial Biomes

Terrestrial biomes are classified by climatic factors and types of primary producers. The world map in Figure 1.6
shows where 13 major terrestrial biomes are found.
The following figures summarize the basic features of major terrestrial biomes. Think about how its biodiversity and
types of plants and animals relate to its climate. For example, why do you think there are no amphibians or reptiles
in tundra biomes? (Hint: Amphibians and reptiles cannot maintain a constant body temperature. Instead, they have
about the same temperature as their surroundings.)

4 Chapter 1. Biomes

Worldwide Distribution of Terrestrial Biomes. This map shows the locations of Earth’s major terrestrial biomes.


6 Chapter 1. Biomes

Aquatic Biomes

Terrestrial organisms are generally limited by temperature and moisture. Therefore, terrestrial biomes are defined in
terms of these abiotic factors. Most aquatic organisms do not have to deal with extremes of temperature or moisture.
Instead, their main limiting factors are the availability of sunlight and the concentration of dissolved oxygen and
nutrients in the water. These factors vary from place to place in a body of water and are used to define aquatic

Aquatic Biomes and Sunlight

In large bodies of standing water, including the ocean and lakes, the water can be divided into zones based on the
amount of sunlight it receives:

1. The photic zone extends to a maximum depth of 200 meters (656 feet) below the surface of the water. This is
where enough sunlight penetrates for photosynthesis to occur. Algae and other photosynthetic organisms can
make food and support food webs.
2. The aphotic zone is water deeper than 200 meters. This is where too little sunlight penetrates for photo-
synthesis to occur. As a result, food must be made by chemosynthesis or else drift down from the water

These and other aquatic zones in the ocean are identified in Figure 1.7.

Aquatic Biomes and Dissolved Substances

Water in lakes and the ocean also varies in the amount of dissolved oxygen and nutrients it contains:


The ocean is divided into many different zones, depending on distance from shore and depth of water.

1. Water near the surface of lakes and the ocean usually has more dissolved oxygen than does deeper water. This
is because surface water absorbs oxygen from the air above it.
2. Water near shore generally has more dissolved nutrients than water farther from shore. This is because most
nutrients enter the water from land. They are carried by runoff, streams, and rivers that empty into a body of
3. Water near the bottom of lakes and the ocean may contain more nutrients than water closer to the surface.
When aquatic organisms die, they sink to the bottom. Decomposers near the bottom of the water break down
the dead organisms and release their nutrients back into the water.

Aquatic Organisms

Aquatic organisms generally fall into three broad groups: plankton, nekton, and benthos. They vary in how they
move and where they live.

1. Plankton are tiny aquatic organisms that cannot move on their own. They live in the photic zone. They
include phytoplankton and zooplankton. Phytoplankton are bacteria and algae that use sunlight to make
food. Zooplankton are tiny animals that feed on phytoplankton.
2. Nekton are aquatic animals that can move on their own by “swimming” through the water. They may live

8 Chapter 1. Biomes

in the photic or aphotic zone. They feed on plankton or other nekton. Examples of nekton include fish and
3. Benthos are aquatic organisms that crawl in sediments at the bottom of a body of water. Many are decom-
posers. Benthos include sponges, clams, and anglerfish like the one in Figure 1.8. How has this fish adapted
to a life in the dark?

Anglerfish. This anglerfish lives between 1000 and 4000 meters below
sea level. No sunlight penetrates to this depth. The rod-like structure on
its face has a glow-in-the-dark tip. It is covered with microorganisms that
give off their own light. The fish wiggles the structure like a worm to attract
prey. In the darkness, only the rod-like worm is visible.

Marine Biomes

Anglerfish live in the ocean. Aquatic biomes in the ocean are called marine biomes. Organisms that live in marine
biomes must be adapted to the salt in the water. For example, many have organs for excreting excess salt. Two ocean
zones are particularly challenging to marine organisms: the intertidal zone and the deep ocean.
The intertidal zone is the narrow strip along the coastline that is covered by water at high tide and exposed to air
at low tide (see Figure 1.9). There are plenty of nutrients and sunlight in the intertidal zone. However, the water
is constantly moving in and out, and the temperature keeps changing. These conditions require adaptations in the
organisms that live there, such as the barnacles in Figure 1.10.

These pictures show the intertidal zone of
the Bay of Fundy, on the Atlantic coast
in Maine. Can you identify the intertidal
zone from the pictures?

Organisms that live deep in the ocean must be able to withstand extreme water pressure, very cold water, and
complete darkness. However, even here, thriving communities of living things can be found. Organisms cluster
around hydrothermal vents in the ocean floor. The vents release hot water containing chemicals that would be toxic
to most other living things. The producers among them are single-celled chemoautotrophs. They make food using
energy stored in the chemicals. The tube worms in this chapter’s opening photo depend on these chemoautotrophs
for food.


Barnacles. Barnacles secrete a cement-
like substance that anchors them to rocks
in the intertidal zone.

Monitoring Marine Protected Areas

Is overfishing an important issue? What would happen if fish populations dwindled? Marine Protected Areas are
no-fishing zones that have recently been established up and down the California coast, in the hope of allowing fish to
breed, grow large, and replenish state waters. Scientists monitor these areas to determine if this process is working.

Click image to the left or use the URL below.

Freshwater Biomes

Freshwater biomes have water that contains little or no salt. They include standing and running freshwater biomes.
Standing freshwater biomes include ponds and lakes. Lakes are generally bigger and deeper than ponds. Some of
the water in lakes is in the aphotic zone where there is too little sunlight for photosynthesis. Plankton and plants
(such as the duckweed in Figure 1.11) are the primary producers in standing freshwater biomes.
Running freshwater biomes include streams and rivers. Rivers are usually larger than streams. Streams may start
with runoff or water seeping out of a spring. The water runs downhill and joins other running water to become a
stream. A stream may flow into a river that empties into a lake or the ocean. Running water is better able to dissolve
oxygen and nutrients than standing water. However, the moving water is a challenge to many living things. Algae
and plants (such as the cattails in Figure 1.11) are the primary producers in running water biomes.


A wetland is an area that is saturated with water or covered by water for at least one season of the year. The water
may be freshwater or salt water. Wetlands are extremely important biomes for several reasons:

• They store excess water from floods.

10 Chapter 1. Biomes

The pond on the left has a thick mat of
duckweed plants. They cover the surface
of the water and use sunlight for photo-
synthesis. The cattails on the right grow
along a stream bed. They have tough,
slender leaves that can withstand moving

• They slow down runoff and help prevent erosion.

• They remove excess nutrients from runoff before it empties into rivers or lakes.
• They provide a unique habitat that certain communities of plants need to survive.
• They provide a safe, lush habitat for many species of animals, so they have high biodiversity.

Lesson Summary

• Terrestrial biomes are determined mainly by climate. Climate influences plant growth, biodiversity, and
adaptations of land organisms. Terrestrial biomes include tundras, temperate forests and grasslands, chaparral,
temperate and tropical deserts, and tropical forests and grasslands.
• Aquatic biomes are determined mainly by sunlight and concentrations of dissolved oxygen and nutrients in
the water. Aquatic organisms are either plankton, nekton, or benthos. Marine biomes are found in the salt
water of the ocean. Freshwater biomes include standing and running water biomes. Wetlands are extremely
important biomes. They may have freshwater or salt water.

Lesson Review Questions


1. What is climate? How does it differ from weather?

2. What is a rain shadow?
3. How does climate influence plant growth?
4. Identify two types of tundra and where they are found.
5. In which biome are you most likely to find grasses, zebras, and lions?
6. What is the photic zone of the ocean?


Apply Concepts

7. Compare the data for Seattle and Denver in Table 1.1. Seattle is farther north than Denver. Why is Seattle

TABLE 1.1: Seattle versus Denver

City, State Latitude (◦ N) Altitude (ft above Location (relative to Average Low Tem-
sea level) ocean) perature in January
(◦ F)
Seattle, Washington 48 429 Coastal 33
Denver, Colorado 41 5183 Interior 15

8. If you were to design a well-adapted desert animal, what adaptations would you give it to help it survive in its
desert biome?

Think Critically

9. Explain the relationship between biodiversity and climate in terrestrial biomes.

10. Compare and contrast plankton, nekton, and benthos.
11. A developer wants to extend a golf course into a wetland. Outline environmental arguments you could make
against this plan.

Points to Consider

You read in this lesson that wetlands have high biodiversity.

• In general, what abiotic factors do you think contribute to high biodiversity?

• Do you think Earth’s biodiversity is increasing or decreasing? Why?


1. Desert: Flickr:wonker; Rainforest: User:Tim35/Wikipedia. Desert:

4300437105/; Rainforest:
ns,_North_East_Queensland.jpg . Desert: CC BY 2.0; Rainforest: Public Domain
2. Laura Guerin, using globe graphic courtesy of the Defense Institute of Security Assistance Management. CK-
12 Foundation (globe graphic: . CC BY-NC
3.0 (globe graphic available in the public domain)
3. Aloe: Rae Allen; Cactus: Amante Darmanin. Aloe:; Cac
tus: . CC BY 2.0
4. Gila monster: David Mark; Kangaroo rat: Courtesy of US Fish and Wildlife. Gila monster: http://pixabay
.com/en/reticulate-gila-monster-animal-86618/; Kangaroo rat:
aroo-rat.jpg . Public Domain
5. Courtesy of US Fish and Wildlife Service. . Public Domain
6. CK-12 Foundation. CK-12 Foundation .
7. Jodi So. CK-12 Foundation . CC BY-NC 3.0

12 Chapter 1. Biomes

8. A Brauer. . Public Domain

9. Dylan Kereluk. Left:; Right: http:// . CC BY 2.0
10. Mo Riza. . CC BY 2.0
11. Duckweed: Jonathan Jordan, Cattails: User:JoJan/Wikimedia Commons. Duckweed:
com/photos/jjordan64816/7251615240/, Cattails:
. Duckweed: CC BY 2.0, Cattails: CC BY 3.0


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