G1 Math Bow 2022-2023-1
G1 Math Bow 2022-2023-1
G1 Math Bow 2022-2023-1
Learning Resource/s
Week Learning Materials (LMs)
LC Code Unpacked Learning Competency/MELCs
Lesson Page
Psychosocial support activities/sessions
1 Numeracy Skill Assessment
Profiling of learners- learning styles and needs
Visualizes and represents number from 0 to 100 using a
2 M1NS – Ia – 1.1 G1_Math_Q1WK1DLP 1-8 2 - 29
variety of materials.
Identifies the number that is one more or one less from a
3 M1NS-Ib-3.1 G1_Math_Q1WK1DLP 10 - 11 32 - 38
given number
Regroups sets of ones into sets of tens and sets of tens into
4 M1NS-Id-5 G1_Math_Q1WK2DLP 19 65 - 68
hundreds using objects
Visualizes, represents, and compares two sets using the
M1NS-Id-6 G1_Math_Q1WK2DLP 12 - 13 39 - 46
expression “more than “, “less than” and “as many as”.
Visualizes, represents, and orders sets from least to greatest
M1NS-Ie-7 G1_Math_Q1WK2DLP 14 47 - 50
and vice versa
Reads and writes numbers up to 100 in symbols and in
6 M1NS-If-9.1 G1_Math_Q1WK3DLP 1-8 2 - 29
Visualizes and gives the place value of a digit in one and two
M1NS-Ig-10.1 G1_Math_Q1WK4DLP 20 69 - 70
7 digit numbers
M1NS-Ig-11 Renames number into tens and ones G1_Math_Q1WK4DLP 21 71 – 72
Visualizes, represents, and compares numbers up to 100
M1NS-Ih-12.1 G1_Math_Q1WK5DLP 22 73 - 76
using relation symbols
Visualizes, represents, and orders numbers up to 100 in
M1NS-Ih-13.1 G1_Math_Q1WK5DLP 23 77 - 81
increasing or decreasing order
Identifies the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, up to 10th object in a given set from
M1NS-Ii-16.1 G1_Math_Q1WK6DLP 24 82 - 85
9 a given point of reference
M1NS-Ii-17.1 Reads and writes ordinal numbers 1st, 2nd, 3rd up to 10th G1_Math_Q1WK6DLP 25 86 - 88
Recognizes and compares coins and bills up to Php100 and
10 M1NS-Ij-19.1 G1_Math_Q1WK7DLP 26 - 27 89 - 94
their notation
Prepared by:
Education Program Supervisor