2020 Learning Competencies Checklist (Ap)
2020 Learning Competencies Checklist (Ap)
2020 Learning Competencies Checklist (Ap)
Region VII, Central Visayas
# Code Learning Competencies
M1NS-Ia-1.1 1. visualizes and represents numbers from 0
to 100 using a variety of materials.
M1NS-Ib-2.1 2. counts the number of objects in a given set by
ones and tens.
M1NS-Ib-3 3. identifies the number that is one more or one
less from a given number.
M1NS-Ic-4 4. composes and decomposes a given number.
e.g. 5 is 5 and 0, 4 and 1, 3 and 2, 2 and 3, 1 and 4,
0 and 5.
M1NS- Id-5 5. regroups sets of ones into sets of tens and sets
of tens into hundreds using objects.
M1NS-Id- 6 6. visualizes, represents, and compares two sets
using the expressions “less than,” “more than,”
and “as many as.”
M1NS-Ie-7 7. visualizes, represents, and orders sets from least
to greatest and vice versa.
M1NS-Ie-8.1 8. visualizes and counts by 2s, 5s and 10s through 100.
M1NS-If-9.1 9. reads and writes numbers up to 100 in symbols
and in words.
M1NS-Ig-10.1 10. visualizes and gives the place value and value of
a digit in one- and two-digit numbers.
M1NS-Ig-11 11. renames numbers into tens and ones.
M1NS-Ih-12.1 12. visualizes, represents, and compares numbers up
to 100 using relation symbols.
M1NS-Ih-13.1 13. visualizes, represents, and orders numbers up to
100 in increasing or decreasing order.
M1NS-Ii-16.1 14. identifies the 1st , 2nd, 3rd, up to 10th object in a
given set from a given point of reference.
M1NS-Ii-17.1 15. reads and writes ordinal numbers: 1st, 2nd, 3rd
up to 10th.
M1NS-Ij-19.1 16. recognizes and compares coins and bills up to
PhP100 and their notations.
# Code Learning Competencies
M1NS-IIa-23 17. illustrates addition as “putting together or
combining or joining sets”
M1NS-IIa-26.1 18. visualizes and adds two one-digit numbers with
sums up to 18 using the order and zero properties
of addition.
M1NS-IIa-28.1a 19. adds two one-digit numbers using appropriate
mental techniques e.g. adding doubles and/or
M1NS-IIb-26.2 20. visualizes and adds three one-digit numbers
using the grouping property of addition.
M1NS-IIb-27.1 21. visualizes and adds two to three one-digit
numbers horizontally and vertically.
M1NS-IIc-27.2 22. uses expanded form to explain the meaning of
addition with regrouping.
M1NS-IIc-27.3 23. visualizes and adds numbers with sums through
99 without or with regrouping.
M1NS-IId-28.1b 24. adds mentally two to three one- digit numbers
with sums up to 18 using appropriate strategies.
M1NS-IId-28.2 25. adds mentally two-digit numbers and one-digit
numbers with regrouping using appropriate
M1NS-IIe-29.1 26. visualizes and solves one-step routine and
non-routine problems involving addition of
whole numbers including money with sums up to
99 using appropriate problem solving strategies.
M1NS-IIe-30.1 27. creates situations involving addition of whole
numbers including money .
M1NS-IIf-24 28. illustrates subtraction as “taking away” or
“comparing” elements of sets.
M1NS-IIf-25 29. illustrates that addition and subtraction are
inverse operations.
M1NS-IIg-32.1 30. visualizes, represents, and subtracts one-digit
numbers with minuends through 18 (basic facts)
M1NS-IIg-32.2 31. visualizes, represents, and subtracts one- to
two-digit numbers with minuends up to 99
without regrouping.
M1NS-IIh-32.3 32. uses the expanded form to explain subtraction
with regrouping.
M1NS-IIh-32.4 33. visualizes, represents, and subtracts one- to
two-digit numbers with minuends up to 99 with
M1NS-IIi-33.1 34. subtracts mentally one-digit numbers from
two-digit minuends without regrouping using
appropriate strategies.
M1NS-IIi-34.1 35. visualizes, represents, and solves routine and
non-routine problems involving subtraction of
whole numbers including money with minuends
up to 99 with and without regrouping using
appropriate problem solving strategies and tools.
M1NS-IIj-35.1 36. creates situations involving subtraction of
whole number including money.
# Code Learning Competencies
M1NS-IIIa-37 37. counts groups of equal quantity using concrete
objects up to 50 and writes an equivalent
expression. e.g. 2 groups of 5
M1NS-IIIa-48 38. visualizes, represents, and separates objects into
groups of equal quantity using concrete objects
up to 50. e.g. 10 grouped by 5s
M1NS-IIIb-72.1 39. visualizes and identifies ½ and ¼ of a whole object.
M1NS-IIIc-73 40. visualizes, represents, and divides a whole
into halves and fourths.
M1NS-IIIc-74.1 41. visualizes, and divides the elements of sets into
two groups of equal quantities to show halves.
M1NS-IIId-74.2 42. visualizes, represents, and divides the elements of
sets into four groups of equal quantities
to show fourths
M1NS-IIId-75 43. visualizes and draws the whole region
or set given its ½ and/or ¼
M1GE-IIIe-1 44. identifies, names, and describes the four basic
shapes (square, rectangle, triangle and circle) in
2-dimensional (flat/plane) and 3-dimensional
(solid) objects.
M1GE-IIIe-2 45. compares and classifies 2-dimensional (flat/plane)
and 3-dimensional (solid) figures according to
common attributes.
M1GE-IIIf-3 46. draws the four basic shapes.
M1GE-IIIf-4 47. constructs three dimensional objects (solid)
using manipulative materials.
M1AL-IIIg-1 48. determines the missing term/s in a given
continuous pattern using one attribute (letters/
numbers/events).e.g. A,B,C,D,__ 2,3,__5,6,7
__,Wed, Thur, Fri Aa, Bb, Cb, __,___
# Code Learning Competencies
M2NS-Ia-1.2 1. visualizes and represents numbers from 0-1000 with
emphasis on numbers 101 – 1 000 using a variety of
M2NS-Ib-2.2 2. groups objects in ones, tens, and hundreds.
M2NS-Ib-10.2 3. gives the place value and finds the value of a digit in
three-digit numbers.
M2NS-Ib-8.2 4. visualizes and counts numbers by 10s, 50s, and 100s.
M2NS-Ic-9.2 5. reads and writes numbers up to 1 000 in symbols and
in words.
M2NS-Ic-14 6. visualizes and writes three-digit numbers in
expanded form.
M2NS-Id-12.2 7. visualizes and compares numbers up to 1 000 using
relation symbols.
M2NS-Id-13.2 8. visualizes and orders numbers up to 1 000 in
increasing or decreasing order.
M2NS-Ie-16.2 9. identifies the 1st through the 20th with the emphasis
on 11th to 20th object in a given set from a given
point of reference.
M2NS-Ie-17.2 10. reads and writes ordinal numbers from 1st through
the 20th.
M2NS-Ie-18 11. identifies and uses the pattern of naming ordinal
numbers from 1st to the 20th.
M2NS-If-20.1 12. reads and writes money in symbols and in words
through PhP100.
M2NS-If-21 13. counts the value of a set of bills or a set of coins
through PhP100 (peso-coins only; centavo-coins
only; peso-bills only and combined peso-coins
and peso-bills).
M2NS-If-22.1 14. compares values of different denominations of
coins and paper bills through PhP100 using
relation symbols.
M2NS-Ig-26.3 15. illustrates the properties of addition (commutative,
associative, identity) and applies each in
appropriate and relevant situations.
M2NS-Ig-27.4 16. visualizes, represents, and adds 2-digit by 3-digit
numbers with sums up to 1000 without and with
regrouping .
M2NS-Ih-27.5 17. visualizes, represents, and adds 3-digit by 3-digit
numbers with sums up to 1000 without and with
M2NS-Ih-28.3 18. adds mentally 1- to 2-digit numbers with sums up
to 50 using appropriate strategies.
M2NS-Ii-28.4 19. adds mentally 3-digit numbers and 1-digit numbers
using appropriate strategies.
M2NS-Ii-28.5 20. adds mentally three -digit numbers and tens
(multiples of 10 up to 90) using appropriate
M2NS-Ii-28.6 21. adds mentally 3-digit numbers and hundreds
(multiples of 100 up to 900) using appropriate
M2NS-Ij-29.2 22. solves routine and non-routine problems involving
addition of whole numbers including money with
sums up to 1000 using appropriate problem solving
strategies and tools.
M2NS-Ij-30.2 23. creates problems involving addition of whole
numbers including money.
M2NS-IIa-32.5 24. visualizes, represents, and subtracts 2- to 3-digit
numbers with minuends up to 999 without and
with regrouping.
M2NS-IIb-33.2 25. subtracts mentally 1-digit numbers from 1- to 3-digit
numbers without regrouping using appropriate
M2NS-IIb-33.3 26. subtracts mentally 3-digit numbers by tens and by
hundreds without regrouping using appropriate
M2NS-IIc-34.2 27. solves routine and non-routine problems involving
subtraction of whole numbers including money with
minuends up to 1000 using appropriate problem
solving strategies and tools.
M2NS-IId-35.2 28. creates problems involving subtraction of whole
numbers including money.
M2NS-IId-34.3 29. performs orders of operations involving addition
and subtractions of small numbers.
M2NS-IIe-34.4 30. solves multi-step routine and non-routine problems
involving addition and subtraction of 2- to 3-digit
numbers including money using appropriate
problem solving strategies and tools.
M2NS-IIe-35.3 31. creates word problems involving addition and
subtraction of whole numbers including money.
32. illustrates multiplication as repeated addition using
32.1 groups of equal quantities
32.2 arrays
32.3 counting by multiples
M2NS-IIf-38 32.4 equal jumps on the number line
M2NS-IIf-39 33. writes a related equation for each type of
multiplication: repeated addition, array, counting
by multiples, and equal jumps on the number line.
M2NS-IIg-40.1 34. illustrates the property of multiplication that any
number multiplied by one (1) is the same number.
M2NS-IIg-40.2 35. illustrates the property of multiplication that zero
multiplied by any number is zero.
M2NS-IIg-40.3 36. illustrates the commutative property of multiplication.
M2NS-IIh-41.1 37. visualizes multiplication of numbers 1 to 10
by 2,3,4,5 and10.
M2NS-IIi-42.1 38. multiplies mentally 2,3,4,5 and 10 using appropriate
M2NS-IIi-45.1 39. solves routine and non-routine problems involving
multiplication of whole numbers including money
using appropriate problem solving strategies
and tools.
M2NS-IIj-45.2 40. solves routine and non-routine problems involving
multiplication and addition or subtraction of whole
numbers including money using appropriate
problem solving strategies and tools.
M2NS-IIj-46.1 41. creates problems involving multiplication only
and multiplication with addition or subtraction of
whole numbers including money with reasonable
M2NS-IIIa-49 42. visualizes and represents division as equal sharing,
repeated subtraction, equal jumps on the number
line and using formation of equal groups of objects
M2NS-IIIa-50 43. creates and writes a related equation for each type
of situation: equal sharing, repeated subtraction,
equal jumps on the number line, and formation of
equal groups of objects.
M2NS-IIIb-51.1 44. visualizes division of numbers up to 100 by 2,3,4,5,
and 10 (multiplication table of 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10).
M2NS-IIIb-52.1 45. divides mentally numbers by 2,3,4,5 and 10 using
appropriate strategies (multiplication table
of 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10).
M2NS-IIIc-53 46. illustrates that multiplication and division are
inverse operations.
M2NS-IIIc-56.1 47. solves routine and non-routine problems involving
division of numbers by 2,3,4,5 and 10 and with any
of the other operations of whole numbers including
money using appropriate problem solving strategies
and tools.
M2NS-IIIc-57.1 48. creates word problems involving division of whole
numbers including money.
M2NS-IIId-72.2 49. visualizes, represents and identifies unit fractions
with denominators of 10 and below.
M2NS-IIId-76.1 50. reads and writes unit fractions.
M2NS-IIIe-77.1 51. compares unit fractions using relation symbols.
M2NS-IIIe-78.1 52. arranges unit fractions in increasing or
decreasing order.
M2NS-IIIe-79.1 53. identifies other fractions less than one with
denominators 10 and below.
M2NS-IIIf-72.3 54. visualizes similar fractions (using group of objects
and number line).
M2NS-IIIf-76.2 55. reads and writes similar fractions.
M2NS-IIIf-77.2 56. compares similar fractions using relation symbols.
M2NS-IIIf-78.2 57. arranges similar fractions in increasing or
decreasing order.
M2GE-IIIg-5 58. visualizes, identifies, classifies and describes
half circles and quarter circles.
M2GE-IIIg-6 59. constructs squares, rectangles, triangles, circles,
half-circles, and quarter circles using cut-outs and
square grids.
M2GE-IIIh-7.1 60. identifies shapes/figures that show
symmetry in a line.
M2GE-IIIh-7.4a 61. identifies and draws the line of symmetry in a
given symmetrical figure.
M2GE-IIIh-7.2 62. creates figures that show symmetry in a line.
M2GE-IIIh-8.1 63. recognizes shapes that can tessellate.
M2GE-IIIi-8.2 64. tessellates a surface using triangles and squares.
M2GE-IIIi-9 65. identifies straight lines and curves, flat and curved
surfaces in a 3-dimensional object. This is not
reflected in the performance standards.
M2GE-IIIi-10 66. explains the differences between straight lines and
curved lines, flat surfaces and curved surfaces.
This is not reflected in the performance standards.
M2AL-IIIj-3 67. determines the missing term/s in a given
continuous pattern using two attributes
(any two of the following: figures, numbers, colors,
sizes, and orientations, etc.) e.g. 1, A, 2,B,3,C,__,__
1 , 2 , 3 , 4 __
M2AL-IIIj-11 68. visualizes and finds the missing value in a number
sentence involving multiplication or division of
whole numbers using 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 only.
e.g. 5 x __ = 30 30 ÷ __ = 6
M3NS-Ia-1.3 1. visualizes numbers up to 10 000 with emphasis on
numbers 1001 - 10000.
M3NS-Ia-10.3 2. gives the place value and value of a digit in
4- to 5-digit numbers.
M3NS-Ia-9.3 3. reads and writes numbers up to 10 000 in symbols
and in words.
M3NS-Ib-15.1 4. rounds numbers to the nearest ten, hundred
and thousand..
M3NS-Ib-12.3 5. compares numbers up to
10 000 using relation symbols.
M3NS-Ib-13.3 6. orders 4- to 5-digit numbers in increasing or
decreasing order.
M3NS-Ic-16.3 7. identifies ordinal numbers from 1st to 100th with
emphasis on the 21st to 100th object in a given set
from a given point of reference.
M3NS-Ic-19.2 8. recognizes coins and bills up to PhP1 000.
M3NS-Ic-20.2 9. reads and writes money in symbols and in words
through PhP1 000 in pesos and centavos.
M3NS-Id-22.2 10. compares values of the different denominations of
coins and bills through PhP1 000 using relation
M3NS-Id-27.6 11. adds 3- to 4-digit numbers up to three addends with
sums up to 10 000 without and with regrouping.
M3NS-Ie-31 12. estimates the sum of 3- to 4-digit addends with
reasonable results.
M3NS-Ie-28.7 13. adds mentally 2-digit and 1-digit numbers without
or with regrouping using appropriate strategies.
M3NS-Ie-28.8 14. adds mentally 2- to 3-digit numbers with multiples
of hundreds using appropriate strategies.
M3NS-If-29.3 15. solves routine and non-routine problems involving
addition of whole numbers with sums up to 10 000
including money using appropriate problem solving
strategies and tools.
M3NS-If-30.3 16. creates problems involving addition of whole
numbers including money.
M3NS-Ig-32.6 17. subtracts 3-to 4-digit numbers from 3- to 4-digit
numbers without and with regrouping.
M3NS-Ih-36 18. estimates the difference of two numbers
with three to four digits with reasonable results.
M3NS-Ih-33.5 19. subtracts mentally 1- to 2 – digits numbers without
and with regrouping using appropriate strategies.
M3NS-Ii-33.6 20. subtracts mentally 2- to 3 – digits numbers with
multiples of hundreds without and with regrouping
using appropriate strategies.
M3NS-Ii-34.5 21. solves routine and non-routine problems involving
subtraction without or with addition of whole
numbers including money using appropriate
problem solving strategies and tools.
M3NS-Ij-35.4 22. creates problems involving addition and/or
subtraction of whole numbers including money.
M3NS-IIa-41.2 23. visualizes multiplication of numbers 1 to 10
by 6,7,8 and 9.
M3NS-IIa-41.3 24. visualizes and states basic multiplication facts
for numbers up to 10.
M3NS-IIb-40.4 25. applies the commutative property of multiplication.
M3NS-IIb-40.5 26. multiplies 2-digit by 1-digit numbers using the
distributive property of multiplication.
M3NS-IIb-40.6 27. multiplies three 1-digit numbers using the
associative property of multiplication.
M3NS-IIc-43.1 28. multiplies 2- to 3-digit numbers by 1-digit
numbers without or with regrouping.
M3NS-IIc-43.2 29. multiplies 2-digit numbers by 2-digit
numbers without regrouping.
M3NS-IIc-43.3 30. multiplies 2-digit number by 2-digit numbers
with regrouping.
M3NS-IId-43.4 31. multiplies 2- to 3-digit numbers by
multiples of 10 and 100.
M3NS-IId-43.5 32. multiplies 1- to 2-digit numbers by
1 000.
M3NS-IIe-42.2 34. multiplies mentally 2-digit by 1-digit numbers
without regrouping with products of up to 100.
M3NS-IIe-45.3 35. solves routine and non-routine problems involving
multiplication without or with addition and
subtraction of whole numbers including money
using appropriate problem solving strategies and tools.
M3NS-IIf-46.2 36. creates problems involving multiplication or with
addition or subtraction of whole numbers
including money.
M3NS-IIf-47 37. visualizes and states the multiples of
1- to 2-digit numbers.
M3NS-IIg-51.2 38. visualizes division of numbers up to 100
by 6,7,8,and 9 (multiplication table
of 6, 7, 8, and 9).
M3NS-IIg-51.3 39. visualizes and states basic division facts of
M3NS-IIh-54.1 40. divides 2- to 3-digit numbers by 1- to 2- digit
numbers without and with remainder.
M3NS-IIh-54.2 41. divides 2-3 digit numbers by 10 and 100 without
or with remainder.
M3NS-IIi-55.1 42. estimates the quotient of 2- to 3- digit numbers by
1- to 2- digit numbers.
M3NS-IIi-52.2 43. divides mentally 2-digit numbers by 1-digit
numbers without remainder using appropriate
M3NS-IIj-56.2 44. solves routine and non-routine problems involving
division of 2- to 4-digit numbers by 1- to 2-digit
numbers without or with any of the other
operations of whole numbers including money
using appropriate problem solving strategies
and tools.
M3NS-IIj-57.2 45. creates problems involving division or with any
of the other operations of whole numbers including
M3NS-IIIa-63 46. identifies odd and even numbers.
M3NS-IIIa-72.4 47. visualizes and represents fractions that are equal
to one and greater than one.
M3NS-IIIb-76.3 48. reads and writes fractions that are equal to one
and greater than one in symbols and in words.
M3NS-IIIb-72.5 49. represents fractions using regions, sets,
and the number line.
M3NS-IIIc-72.6 50. visualizes and represents dissimilar fractions.
M3NS-IIId-77.3 51. visualizes, represents, and compares
dissimilar fractions.
M3NS-IIId-78.3 52. visualizes, represents, and arranges dissimilar
fractions in increasing or decreasing order.
M3NS-IIIe-72.7 53. visualizes and generates equivalent fractions.
M3GE-IIIe-11 54. recognizes and draws a point, line, line segment
and ray.
M3GE-IIIf-12.1 55. recognizes and draws parallel, intersecting and
perpendicular lines.
M3GE-IIIf-13 56. visualizes, identifies and draws congruent line
M3GE-IIIg-7.3 57. identifies and visualizes symmetry in the
environment and in design.
M3GE-IIIg-7.4 58. identifies and draws the line of symmetry in a
given symmetrical figure.
M3GE-IIIh-7.5 59. completes a symmetric figure with respect to
a given line of symmetry.
M3GE-IIIh-8.3 60. tessellates the plane using triangles, squares and
other shapes that can tessellate.
M3AL-IIIi-4 61. determines the missing term/s in a given
combination of continuous and repeating pattern.
e.g. 4A,5B, 6A,7B,__ 1 2 3 4 ___
M3ME-IVa-8 63. visualizes, and represents, and converts time
measure from seconds to minutes, minutes to
hours, and hours to a day and vice versa.
M3ME-IVa-9 64. visualizes, and represents, and converts time
64.1 days to week, month and year and vice versa
64.2 weeks to months and year and vice versa
64.3 months to year and vice versa.
M3ME-IVb-10 65. visualizes, and represents, and solves problems
involving conversion of time measure.
M3ME-IVb-39 66. visualizes, and represents, and converts common
units of measure from larger to smaller unit and
vice versa: meter and centimeter, kilogram and
gram, liter and milliliter.
M3ME-IVc-40 67. visualizes, and represents, and solves routine and
non-routine problems involving conversions of
common units of measure.
M3ME-IVc-41 68. visualizes, and represents, and finds the capacity of
a container using milliliter and liter.
M3ME-IVd-42 69. visualizes, and represents, and solves routine and
non-routine problems involving capacity measure.
M3ME-IVd-43 70. visualizes, and represents, and measures area using
appropriate unit.
M3ME-IVe-44 71. derives the formula for the area of a rectangle
and a square.
M3ME-IVe-45 72. visualizes, and represents, and finds the area of
a rectangle and square in sq.cm and sq. m.
M3ME-IVf-46 73. solves routine and non-routine problems involving
areas of squares and rectangles.
M3ME-IVf-47 74. creates problems involving area of rectangle
and square.
M3SP-IVg-1.3 75. collects data on one variable using existing records.
M3SP-IVg-2.3 76. sorts, classifies, and organizes data in tabular form
and presents this into a vertical or horizontal
bar graph.
M3SP-IVh-3.3 77. infers and interprets data presented in different
kinds of bar graphs (vertical/ horizontal).
M3SP-IVh-4.3 78. solves routine and non-routine problems using data
presented in a single-bar graph.
M3SP-IVi-7.3 79. tells whether an event is sure, likely, equally likely,
unlikely, and impossible to happen.
M3SP-IVj-8.3 80. describes events in real-life situations using the
phrases “sure to happen,“ likely to happen”,
“equally likely to happen”, “unlikely to happen”,
and “impossible to happen”.
M4NS-Ia-1.4 1. visualizes numbers up to 100 000 with emphasis
on numbers 10 001 – 100 000.
M4NS-Ia-10.4 2. gives the place value and value of a digit in numbers
up to 100 000.
M4NS-Ia-9.4 3. reads and writes numbers up to hundred thousand
in symbols and in words.
M4NS-Ib-5.2 4. rounds numbers to the nearest thousand and
ten thousand.
M4NS-Ib-12.4 5. compares numbers up to 100 000 using relation
M4NS-Ib-13.4 6. orders numbers up to 100 000 in increasing or
decreasing order.
M4NS-Ic-43.7 7. multiplies numbers up to 3-digit numbers by up to
2-digit numbers without or with regrouping.
M4NS-Ic-44.2 8. estimates the products of 3- to 4-digit numbers
by 2- to 3- digit numbers with reasonable results.
M4NS-Id-42.3 9. multiplies mentally 2-digit by 1-to 2-digit numbers
with products up to 200 and explains the strategies
M4NS-Id-45.4 10. solves routine and non-routine problems involving
multiplication of whole numbers including money
using appropriate problem solving strategies
and tools.
M4NS-Ie-45.5 11. solves multi-step routine and non-routine
problems involving multiplication and addition or
subtraction using appropriate problem solving
strategies and tools.
M4NS-Ie-46.3 12. creates problems(with reasonable answers)
involving multiplication or with addition or
subtraction of whole numbers including money.
M4NS-If-54.3 13. divides 3- to 4-digit numbers by 1-to 2-digit
numbers without and with remainder.
M4NS-If-54.4 14. divides 3- to 4-digit numbers by tens or hundreds or
by 1 000 without and with remainder.
M4NS-Ig-55.2 15. estimates the quotient of 3- to 4-digit dividends by
1- to 2-digit divisors with reasonable results.
M4NS-Ig-52.3 16. divides mentally 2- to 3-digit numbers by 1-digit
numbers without remainder using appropriate
M4NS-Ih-56.3 17. solves routine and non-routine problems involving
division of 3- to 4-digit numbers by 1- to 2-digit
numbers including money using appropriate
problem solving strategies and tools.
M4NS-Ih-56.4 18. solves multi-step routine and non-routine
problems involving division and any of the other
operations of whole numbers including money
using appropriate problem solving strategies
and tools.
M4NS-Ii-57.3 19. creates problems involving division without or
with any other operations of whole numbers
including money, with reasonable answers
M4NS-Ii-61.1 20. represents and explains Multiplication, Division,
Addition, Subtraction (MDAS) correctly.
M4NS-Ij-62.1 21. performs a series of two or more operations.
M4NS-IIa-64 22. identifies factors of a given number up to 100.
M4NS-IIa-65 23. identifies the multiples of a given number up to 100.
M4NS-IIb-66 24. differentiates prime from composite numbers.
M4NS-IIb-67 25. writes a given number as a product of its
prime factors.
M4NS-IIc-68.1 26. finds the common factors and the greatest common
factor (GCF) of two numbers using the following
methods: listing, prime factorization,
and continuous division.
M4NS-IIc-69.1 27. finds the common multiples and least common
multiple (LCM) of two numbers using the following
methods: listing, prime factorization,
and continuous division.
M4NS-IId-70.1 28. solves real-life problems involving GCF and LCM
of 2 given numbers .
M4NS-IId-71.1 29. creates problems with reasonable answers
involving GCF and LCM of 2 given numbers.
M4NS-IIe-79.2 30. identifies proper fractions, improper fractions,
and mixed numbers.
M4NS-IIe-80 31. changes improper fraction to mixed numbers
and vice versa.
M4NS-IIe-81 32. changes fractions to lowest forms.
M4NS-IIf-82.1 33. visualizes addition and subtraction of
similar fractions.
M4NS-IIf-82.2 34. visualizes subtraction of a fraction from a
whole number.
M4NS-IIg-82.3 35. visualizes addition and subtraction of
dissimilar fractions.
M4NS-IIg-83 36. performs addition and subtraction of similar and
dissimilar fractions.
M4NS-IIh-87.1 37. solves routine and non-routine problems involving
addition and/or subtraction of fractions using
appropriate problem solving strategies and tools.
M4NS-IIh-88.1 38. creates problems(with reasonable answers)
involving addition and/or subtraction of fractions.
M4NS-IIi-99 39. visualizes decimal numbers using models like
blocks, grids, number lines and money to show the
relationship to fractions.
M4NS-IIi-100 40. renames decimal numbers to fractions, and
fractions whose denominators are factors of 10 and
100 to decimals.
M4NS-IIi-101.1 41. gives the place value and the value of a digit of a
given decimal number through hundredths.
M4NS-IIj-102.1 42. reads and writes decimal numbers through
M4NS-IIj-103.1 43. rounds decimal numbers to the nearest whole
number and tenth.
M4NS-IIj-104.1 44. compares and arranges decimal numbers.
M4GE-IIIa-12.2 45. describes and illustrates parallel, intersecting,
and perpendicular lines.
M4GE-IIIa-12.3 46. draws perpendicular and parallel lines using a ruler
and a set square.
M4GE-IIIb-14 47. describes and illustrates different angles
(right, acute, and obtuse) using models.
M4GE-IIIb-15 48. describes the attributes/properties of triangles
and quadrilaterals using concrete objects or models.
M4GE-IIIc-16 49. identifies and describes triangles according to sides
and angles.
M4GE-IIIc-17 50. identifies and describes the different kinds of
quadrilaterals: square, rectangle, parallelogram,
trapezoid, and rhombus.
M4GE-IIId-18.1 51. relates triangles to quadrilaterals
M4GE-IIId-18.2 52. relates one quadrilateral to another quadrilateral
(e.g. square to rhombus).
M4AL-IIIe-5 53. determines the missing term/s in a sequence of
numbers (e.g. odd numbers, even numbers,
multiples of a number, factors of a number, etc.)
e.g. 3,6,9,__ 4,8,12,16,__ (e.g. odd numbers, even
numbers, multiples of a number, factors of a
number, etc.) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ____
M4AL-IIIe-13 54. finds the missing number in an equation involving
properties of operations. (e.g. (4+__ ) + 8 = 4 + ( 5 + __)
M4ME-IIIf-11 55. finds the elapsed time in minutes and seconds.
M4ME-IIIf-12 56. estimates the duration of time in minutes.
M4ME-IIIg-13 57. solves problems involving elapsed time.
M4ME-IIIg-48 58. visualizes the perimeter of any given plane figure
in different situations.
M4ME-IIIh-49 59. measures the perimeter of any given figure using
appropriate tools.
M4ME-IIIh-50 60. derives the formula for perimeter of any given
M4ME-IIIi-51 61. finds the perimeter of triangles, squares,
rectangles, parallelograms, and trapezoids.
M4ME-IIIi-52 62. solves routine and non-routine problems in
real-life situations involving perimeter of squares
and rectangles, triangles, parallelograms,
and trapezoids.
M4ME-IIIj-53 63. differentiates perimeter from area.
M4ME-IIIj-54 64. converts sq. cm to sq. m and vice versa.
M4ME-IVa-55 65. finds the area of irregular figures made up of squares
and rectangles using sq. cm and sq. m.
M4ME-IVa-56 66. estimates the area of irregular plane figures made
up of squares and rectangles.
M4ME-IVb-57 67. derives the formulas for the area of triangles,
parallelograms, and trapezoids.
M4ME-IVb-58 68. finds the area of triangles, parallelograms and
trapezoids using sq. cm and sq. m.
M4ME-IVc-59 69. estimates the area of triangles, parallelograms,
and trapezoids
M4ME-IVc-60 70. solves routine and non-routine problems involving
squares, rectangles, triangles, parallelograms,
and trapezoids.
M4ME-IVd-61 71. creates problems(with reasonable answers)
involving perimeter and area involving squares,
rectangles, triangles, parallelograms, and trapezoids.
M4ME-IVd-62 72. visualizes the volume of solid figures in different
situations using non-standard (e.g. marbles, etc.)
and standard units.
M4ME-IVe-63 73. derives the formula for the volume of rectangular
M4ME-IVe-64 74. finds the volume of a rectangular prism using
cu. cm and cu. m.
M4ME-IVf-65 75. solves routine and non-routine problems involving
the volume of a rectangular prism.
M4ME-IVf-66 76. creates problems(with reasonable answers)
involving volume of rectangular prism.
M4SP-IVg-1.4 77. collects data on two variables using any source.
M4SP-IVg-2.4 78. organizes data in tabular form and presents them in
a single/double horizontal or vertical bar graph.
M4SP-IVg-3.4 79. interprets data presented in different kinds of bar
graphs (vertical/horizontal, single/double bars).
M4SP-IVh-4.4 80. solves routine and non-routine problems using data
presented in a single or double-bar graph.
M4SP-IVh-5.4 81. draws inferences based on data presented in a
double-bar graph.
M4SP-IVi-9 82. records favorable outcomes in a simple experiment
(e.g. tossing a coin, spinning a wheel, etc.)
M4SP-IVi-10 83. expresses the outcome in a simple experiment in
words, symbols, tables, or graphs.
M4SP-IVi-11 84. explains the outcomes in an experiment.
M4SP-IVj-12 85. solves routine and non-routine problems involving
a simple experiment.
M4SP-IVj-13 86. creates problems involving a simple experiment.
M5NS-Ia-1.5 1. visualizes numbers up to 10 000 000 with emphasis
on numbers 100 001 – 10 000 000.
M5NS-Ia-9.5 2. reads and writes numbers up to
10 000 000 in symbols and in words.
M5NS-Ia-15.3 3. rounds numbers to the nearest hundred thousand
and million.
M5NS-Ib-58.1 4. uses divisibility rules for 2, 5, and 10 to find the
common factors of numbers.
M5NS-Ib-58.2 5. uses divisibility rules for 3, 6, and 9 to find common
M5NS-Ib-58.3 6. uses divisibility rules for 4, 8, 12, and 11 to find
common factors.
M5NS-Ic-59 7. solves routine and non-routine problems involving
factors, multiples, and divisibility rules for
2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,11, and 12.
M5NS-Ic-60 8. creates problems(with reasonable answers)
involving factors, multiples and divisibility rules.
M5NS-Ic-61.2 9. states, explains, and interprets Parenthesis,
Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction
(PMDAS) or Grouping, Multiplication, Division,
Addition, Subtraction (GMDAS) rule.
M5NS-Id-62.2 10. simplifies a series of operations on whole numbers
involving more than two operations using the
PMDAS or GMDAS rule.
M5NS-Id-68.2 11. finds the common factors and the GCF of 2–4
numbers using continuous division.
M5NS-Id-69.2 12. finds the common multiples and LCM of 2–4
numbers using continuous division.
M5NS-Ie-70.2 13. solves real-life problems involving GCF and LCM of
2-3 given numbers.
M5NS-Ie-71.2 14. creates problems(with reasonable answers)
involving GCF and LCM of 2-3 given numbers.
M5NS-Ie-84 15. adds fractions and mixed fractions without and
with regrouping.
M5NS-If-85 16. subtracts fractions and mixed fractions without and
with regrouping.
M5NS-If-87.2 17. solves routine and non-routine problems involving
addition and/or subtraction of fractions using
appropriate problem solving strategies and tools.
M5NS-If-88.2 18. creates problems (with reasonable answers)
involving addition and/or subtraction of fractions
using appropriate problem solving strategies.
M5NS-Ig-89 19. visualizes multiplication of fractions using models.
M5NS-Ig-90.1 20. multiplies a fraction and a whole number and
another fraction.
M5NS-Ig-91 21. multiplies mentally proper fractions with
denominators up to 10.
M5NS-Ih-92.1 22. solves routine or non-routine problems
involving multiplication without or with addition
or subtraction of fractions and whole numbers
using appropriate problem solving strategies
and tools.
M5NS-Ih-93.1 23. creates problems (with reasonable answers)
involving multiplication of fractions.
M5NS-Ih-94 24. shows that multiplying a fraction by its reciprocal
is equal to 1.
M5NS-Ii-95 25. visualizes division of fractions.
M5NS-Ii-96.1 26. divides simple fractions, whole numbers by
a fraction and vice versa
M5NS-Ij-9 27. solves routine or non-routine problems involving
division without or with any of the other operations
of fractions and whole numbers using appropriate
problem solving strategies and tools .
M5NS-Ij-98.1 28. creates problems (with reasonable answers)
involving division or with any of the other
operations of fractions and whole numbers.
M5NS-IIa-101.2 29. gives the place value and the value of a digit of a
given decimal number through ten thousandths.
M5NS-IIa-102.2 30. reads and writes decimal numbers through
ten thousandths.
M5NS-IIa-103.2 31. rounds decimal numbers to the nearest hundredth
and thousandth.
M5NS-IIb-104.2 32. compares and arranges decimal numbers.
M5NS-IIb-105 33. visualizes addition and subtraction of decimals.
M5NS-IIb-106.1 34. adds and subtracts decimal numbers through
thousandths without and with regrouping.
M5NS-IIc-107 35. estimates the sum or difference of decimal
numbers with reasonable results.
M5NS-IIc-108.1 36. solves routine or non-routine problems involving
addition and subtraction of decimal numbers
including money using appropriate problem
solving strategies and tools.
M5NS-IIc-109.1 37. creates problems (with reasonable answers)
involving addition and/or subtraction of decimal
numbers including money.
M5NS-IId-110 38. visualizes multiplication of decimal numbers
using pictorial models.
M5NS-IId-111.1 39. multiplies decimals up to 2 decimal places by
1- to 2-digit whole numbers.
M5NS-IId-111.2 40. multiplies decimals with factors up to 2 decimal
M5NS-IIe-112 41. estimates the products of decimal numbers with
reasonable results.
M5NS-IIe-113.1 42. solves routine and non-routine problems involving
multiplication without or with addition or
subtraction of decimals and whole numbers
including money using appropriate problem solving
strategies and tools.
M5NS-IIf-115 43. visualizes division of decimal numbers using
pictorial models.
M5NS-IIf-116.1 44. divides decimals with up to 2 decimal places.
M5NS-IIf-116.2 45. divides whole numbers with quotients in
decimal form.
M5NS-IIg-117 46. estimates the quotients of decimal numbers with
reasonable results.
M5NS-IIg-120.1 47. solves routine and non-routine problems involving
division without or with any of the other
operations of decimals and whole numbers
including money using appropriate problem solving
strategies and tools.
M5NS-IIg-121.1 48. creates problems (with reasonable answers)
involving multiplication and/or division or with any
of the other operations of decimals and whole
numbers including money.
M5NS-IIh-122 49. visualizes the ratio of 2 given numbers.
M5NS-IIh-123 50. expresses ratio using either the colon (:) or fraction.
M5NS-IIi-124 51. identifies and writes equivalent ratios.
M5NS-IIi-125 52. expresses ratios in their simplest forms.
M5NS-IIi-126 53. finds the missing term in a pair of equivalent ratios.
M5NS-IIj-127 54. defines and describes a proportion.
M5NS-IIj-128 55. recognizes when two quantities are in direct
M5NS-IIIa-136 56. visualizes percent and its relationship to fractions,
ratios, and decimal numbers using models.
M5NS-IIIa-137 57. defines percentage, rate or percent, and base.
M5NS-IIIa-138 58. identifies the base, percentage, and rate in a problem.
M5NS-IIIb-139 59. finds the percentage in a given problem.
M5NS-IIIb-140 60. solves routine and non-routine problems
involving percentage using appropriate strategies
and tools.
M5NS-IIIb-141 61. creates problems involving percentage, with
reasonable answers.
M5GE-IIIc-19 62. visualizes, names, and describes polygons with
5 or more sides.
M5GE-IIIc-20 63. describes and compares properties of polygons
(regular and irregular polygons).
M5GE-IIIc-21 64. draws polygons with 5 or more sides.
M5GE-IIId-22 65. visualizes congruent polygons.
M5GE-IIId-23.1 66. visualizes and describes a circle.
M5GE-IIId-23.2 67. identifies the terms related to a circle.
M5GE-IIIe-24 68. draws circles with different radii using a compass.
M5GE-IIIe-25 69. visualizes and describes solid figures.
M5GE-IIIe-26 70. makes models of different solid figures:
cube, prism, pyramid, cylinder, cone, and sphere
using plane figures.
M5AL-IIIf-6 71. formulates the rule in finding the next term in a
e.g. 1, 3, 7,15, (15 x 2+1)
Possible answers: (x 2 + 1); (+2, +4, +8, +16)
M5AL-IIIf-14 72. uses different strategies (looking for a pattern,
working backwards, etc.) to solve for the unknown
in simple equations involving one or more
operations on whole numbers and fractions.
e.g. 3 x _ + 1 = 10
(the unknown is solved by working backwards)
M5ME-IIIg-14 73. measures time using a 12-hour and a 24-hour clock.
M5ME-IIIg-15 74. calculates time in the different world time zones in
relation to the Philippines.
M5ME-IIIg-16 75. solves problems involving time.
M5ME-IIIh-67 76. visualizes circumference of a circle.
M5ME-IIIh-68 77. measures circumference of a circle using
appropriate tools.
M5ME-IIIi-69 78. derives a formula in finding the circumference
of a circle.
M5ME-IIIi-70 79. finds the circumference of a circle.
M5ME-IIIj-71 80. solves routine and non-routine problems
involving circumference of a circle.
M5ME-IVa-72 81. visualizes area of a circle.
M5ME-IVa-73 82. derives a formula in finding the area of a circle .
M5ME-IVa-74 83. finds the area of a given circle.
M5ME-IVb-75 84. solves routine and non-routine problems
involving the area of a circle.
M5ME-IVb-76 85. creates problems involving a circle, with
reasonable answers.
M5ME-IVc-77 86. visualizes the volume of a cube and rectangular
M5ME-IVc-78 87. names the appropriate unit of measure used for
measuring the volume of a cube and a rectangle
M5ME-IVc-79 88. derives the formula in finding the volume of a cube
and a rectangular prism using cubic cm and cubic m.
M5ME-IVd-80 89. converts cu. cm to cu. m and vice versa; cu.cm to L
and vice versa.
M5ME-IVd-81 90. finds the volume of a given cube and rectangular
prism using cu. cm and cu. m.
M5ME-IVd-82 91. estimates and uses appropriate units of measure
for volume.
M5ME-IVe-83 92. solves routine and non-routine problems involving
volume of a cube and rectangular prism in real-life
situations using appropriate strategies and tools.
M5ME-IVe-84 93. creates problems (with reasonable answers)
involving volume of a cube
M5ME-IVf-85 94. reads and measures temperature using
thermometer (alcohol and/or digital)
in degree Celsius.
M5ME-IVf-86 95. estimates the temperature
(e.g. inside the classroom).
M5ME-IVf-87 96. solves routine and non-routine problems involving
temperature in real-life situations.
M5ME-IVg-88 97. creates problems involving temperature,
with reasonable answers.
M5SP-IVg-1.5 98. collects data on one to two variables using any
M5SP-IVg-2.5 99. organizes data in tabular form and presents them
in a line graph.
M5SP-IVh-3.5 100. interprets data presented in different kinds of
line graphs (single to double-line graph).
M5SP-IVh-4.5 101. solves routine and non-routine problems using
data presented in a line graph.
M5SP-IVh-5.5 102. draws inferences based on data presented in a
line graph.
M5SP-IVi-14 103. describes experimental probability.
M5SP-IVi-15 104. performs an experimental probability and records
result by listing.
M5SP-IVi-16 105. analyzes data obtained from chance using
experiments involving letter cards (A to Z) and
number cards (0 to 20).
M5SP-IVj-17 106. solves routine and non-routine problems involving
experimental probability.
M5SP-IVj-18 107. creates routine and non-routine problems
involving experimental probability.
M6NS-Ia-86 1. adds and subtracts simple fractions and mixed
numbers without or with regrouping.
M6NS-Ia-87.3 2. solves routine and non-routine problems involving
addition and/or subtraction of fractions using
appropriate problem solving strategies and tools.
M6NS-Ia-88.3 3. creates problems (with reasonable answers)
involving addition and/or subtraction of fractions.
M6NS-Ib-90.2 4. multiplies simple fractions and mixed fractions.
M6NS-Ib-92.2 5. solves routine or non-routine problems involving
multiplication without or with addition or
subtraction of fractions and mixed fractions using
appropriate problem solving strategies and tools.
M6NS-Ib-93.2 6. creates problems (with reasonable answers)
involving multiplication without or with addition or
subtraction of fractions and mixed fractions.
M6NS-Ic-96.2 7. divides simple fractions and mixed fractions.
M6NS-Ic-97.2 8. solves routine or non-routine problems involving
division without or with any of the other operations
of fractions and mixed fractions using appropriate
problem solving strategies and tools.
M6NS-Ic-98.2 9. creates problems (with reasonable answers)
involving division without or with any of the other
operations of fractions and mixed fractions.
M6NS-Id-106.2 10. adds and subtracts decimals and mixed decimals
through ten thousandths without or with
M6NS-Id-108.2 11. solves 1 or more steps routine and non-routine
problems involving addition and/or subtraction of
decimals and mixed decimals using appropriate
problem solving strategies and tools.
M6NS-Id-109.2 12. creates problems (with reasonable answers)
involving addition and/or subtraction of decimals
and mixed decimals.
M6NS-Ie-111.3 13. multiplies decimals and mixed decimals with
factors up to 2 decimal places.
M6NS-Ie-111.4 14. multiplies mentally decimals up to 2 decimals
places by 0.1, 0.01,10, and 100.
M6NS-Ie-113.2 15. solves routine and non-routine problems involving
multiplication of decimals and mixed decimals
including money using appropriate problem
solving strategies.
M6NS-If-113.3 16. solves multi-step problems involving multiplication
and addition or subtraction of decimals, mixed
decimals and whole numbers including money
using appropriate problem solving strategies
and tools.
M6NS-If-114 17. creates problems (with reasonable answers)
involving multiplication without or with addition or
subtraction of decimals, mixed decimals and whole
numbers including money.
M6NS-Ig-116.3 18. divides whole numbers by decimals up to
2 decimal places and vice versa.
M6NS-Ig-116.4 19. divides decimals/mixed decimals
up to 2 decimal places.
M6NS-Ih-116.5 20. divides decimals up to 4 decimal places by 0.1, 0.01,
and 0.001.
M6NS-Ih-118 21. divides decimals up to 2 decimal places by 10, 100,
and 1 000 mentally.
M6NS-Ii-119 22. differentiates terminating from repeating,
non-terminating decimal quotients.
M6NS-Ii-120.2 23. solves routine and non-routine problems involving
division of decimals, mixed decimals, and whole
numbers including money using appropriate
problem solving strategies and tools.
M6NS-Ij-120.3 24. solves multi-step routine and non-routine problems
involving division and any of the other operations of
decimals, mixed decimals, and whole numbers
including money using appropriate problem
solving strategies and tools.
M6NS-Ij-121.2 25. creates problems (with reasonable answers)
involving division without or with any of the other
operations of decimals, mixed decimals and whole
numbers including money.
M6NS-IIa-129 26. expresses one value as a fraction of another given
their ratio and vice versa.
M6NS-IIa-130 27. finds how many times one value is as large as
another given their ratio and vice versa.
M6NS-IIb-131 28. defines and illustrates the meaning of ratio and
proportion using concrete or pictorial models.
M6NS-IIb-132 29. sets up proportions for groups of objects or
numbers and for given situations.
M6NS-IIb-133 30. finds a missing term in a proportion
(direct, inverse, and partitive).
M6NS-IIc-134 31. solves problems involving direct proportion,
partitive proportion, and inverse proportion in
different contexts such as distance, rate, and time
using appropriate strategies and tools.
M6NS-IIc-135 32. creates problems involving ratio and proportion,
with reasonable answers.
M6NS-IId-142 33. finds the percentage or rate or percent in a
given problem.
M6NS-IId-143 34. solves routine and non-routine problems involving
finding the percentage, rate and base using
appropriate strategies and tools.
M6NS-IIe-144 35. solves percent problems such as percent of
increase/decrease (discounts, original price, rate
of discount, sale price, marked-up price),
commission, sales tax, and simple interest.
M6NS-IIe-145 36. creates problems involving percent, with
reasonable answers.
M6NS-IIf-146 37. describes the exponent and the base in a number
expressed in exponential notation.
M6NS-IIf-147 38. gives the value of numbers expressed in
exponential notation.
M6NS-IIf-148 39. interprets and explains the Grouping, Exponent,
Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction
(GEMDAS) rule.
M6NS-IIf-149 40. performs two or more different operations on
whole numbers with or without exponents and
grouping symbols.
M6NS-IIg-150 41. identifies real-life situations that make use
of integers.
M6NS-IIg-151 42. describes the set of integers.
M6NS-IIg-152 43. compares integers with other numbers such as
whole numbers, fractions, and decimals.
M6NS-IIh-153 44. represents integers on the number line.
M6NS-IIh-154 45. compares and arranges integers.
M6NS-IIh-155 46. describes and interprets the basic operations on
integers using materials such as algebra tiles,
counters, chips, and cards.
M6NS-IIi-156 47. performs the basic operations on integers.
M6NS-IIj-157 48. solves routine and non-routine problems involving
basic operations of integers using appropriate
strategies and tools.
M6GE-IIIa-27 49. visualizes and describes the different solid figures:
cube, prism, pyramid, cylinder, cone, and sphere.
M6GE-IIIa-28 50. differentiates solid figures from plane figures.
M6GE-IIIb-29 51. illustrates the different solid figures using various
concrete and pictorial models.
M6GE-IIIb-30 52. identifies the faces of a solid figure.
M6GE-IIIc-31 53. visualizes and describes the different solid figures:
cube, prism, pyramid, cylinder, cone, and sphere.
M6GE-IIIc-32 54. identifies the nets of the following space figures:
cube, prism, pyramid, cylinder, cone, and sphere
using plane figures.
M6AL-IIId-7 55. formulates the rule in finding the nth term using
different strategies (looking for a pattern, guessing
and checking, working backwards) e.g. 4,7,13,16,…n
(the nth term is 3n+1)
M6AL-IIId-15 56. differentiates expression from equation.
M6AL-IIIe-16 57. gives the translation of real-life verbal expressions
and equations into letters or symbols and vice versa.
M6AL-IIIe-17 58. defines a variable in an algebraic expression and
M6AL-IIIe-18 59. represents quantities in real-life situations using
algebraic expressions and equations.
M6AL-IIIf-19 60. solves routine and non-routine problems involving
different types of numerical expressions and
equations such as 7+ 9 =___ + 6.
M6AL-IIIf-20 61. creates routine and non-routine problems involving
numerical expressions and equations.
M6ME-IIIg-17 62. calculates speed, distance, and time.
M6ME-IIIg-18 63. solves problems involving average rate and speed.
M6ME-IIIh-89 64. finds the area of composite figures formed by any
two or more of the following: triangle, square,
rectangle, circle, and semi-circle.
M6ME-IIIh-90 65. solves routine and non-routine problems involving
area of composite figures formed by any two or
more of the following: triangle, square, rectangle,
circle, and semi-circle.
M6ME-IIIi-91 66. visualizes and describes surface area and names the
unit of measure used for measuring the surface
area of solid/space figures.
M6ME-IIIi-92 67. derives a formula for finding the surface area of
cubes, prisms, pyramids, cylinders, cones,
and spheres.
M6ME-IIIi-93 68. finds the surface area of cubes, prisms, pyramids,
M6ME-IIIj-94 69. solves word problems involving measurement
of surface area.
M6ME-IVa-95 70. determines the relationship of the volume between
70.1 a rectangular prism and a pyramid;
70.2 a cylinder and a cone;
70.3 and a cylinder and sphere.
M6ME-IVa-96 71. derives the formula for finding the volume of
cylinders, pyramids, cones, and spheres.
M6ME-IVb-97 72. finds the volume of cylinders, pyramids, cones,
and spheres.
M6ME-IVc-98 73. solves routine and non-routine problems involving
volumes of solids.
M6ME-IVc-99 74. creates problems involving surface area and
volume of solid/space figures, with
reasonable answers.
M6ME-IVd-100 75. reads and interprets electric and water
meter readings.
M6ME-IVd-101 76. solves routine and non-routine problems involving
electric and water consumption.
M6ME-IVd-102 77. creates problems involving electric and water
consumption, with reasonable answers.
M6SP-IVe-1.6 78. collects data on one or two variables using
any source.
M6SP-IVe-2.6 79. constructs a pie graph based on a given set of data.
M6SP-IVf-3.6 80. interprets data presented in a pie graph.
M6SP-IVf-4.6 81. solves routine and non-routine problems using
data presented in a pie graph.
M6SP-IVg-6 82. creates problems that can be answered using
information presented in a pie graph.
M6SP-IVg-19 83. describes the meaning of probability such as 50%
chance of rain and one in a million chance
of winning.
M6SP-IVh-20 84. quantifies the phrases “most likely to happen”
and “unlikely to happen”.
M6SP-IVh-21 85. performs experiments and records outcomes.
M6SP-IVi-22 86. makes listings and diagrams of outcomes and tells
the number of favorable outcomes and chances
using these listings and diagrams.
M6SP-IVi-23 87. makes simple predictions of events based on the
results of experiments.
M6SP-IVj-24 88. solves routine and non-routine problems involving
experimental and theoretical probability.
M6SP-IVj-25 89. creates problems involving experimental and
theoretical probability.
# Code Learning Competencies
AP8DKT-IIa-1 1. Nasusuri ang kabihasnang Minoan at Mycenean
AP8DKT-IIa-b-2 2. Nasusuri ang kabihasnang klasiko ng Greece.
AP8DKT-IIc-3 3. Naipapaliwanag ang mahahalagang pangyayari
sa kabihasnang klasiko ng Rome (mula sa
sinaunang Rome hanggang sa tugatog at
pagbagsak ng Imperyong Romano)
AP8DKT-IId-4 4. Nasusuri ang pag-usbong at pag-unlad ng mga
Klasiko na Lipunan sa Africa, America, at mga
Pulo sa Pacific
AP8DKT-IId-5 5. Naipapaliwanag ang mga kaganapan sa mga
klasikong kabihasnan sa Africa
(Mali at Songhai).
AP8DKT-IIe-6 6. Nasusuri ang mga kaganapan sa kabihasnang
klasiko ng America.
AP8DKT-IIe-7 7. Nasusuri ang kabihasnang klasiko ng pulo
sa Pacific.
AP8DKT-IIf-8 8. Naipapahayag ang pagpapahalaga sa mga
kontribusyon ng kabihasnang klasiko sa
pag-unlad ng pandaigdigang kamalayan
AP8DKT-IIf-9 9. Nasusuri ang mga pangyayaring nagbigay-
daan sa Pag-usbong ng Europa sa
Gitnang Panahon
AP8DKT-IIg-10 10. Nasusuri ang mga dahilan at bunga ng
paglakas ng Simbahang Katoliko bilang isang
institusyon sa Gitnang Panahon
AP8DKT-IIg-11 11. Nasusuri ang mga kaganapang nagbigay-daan
sa pagkakabuo ng “Holy Roman Empire”
AP8DKT-IIh-12 12. Naipapaliwanag ang mga dahilan at bunga ng
mga Krusada sa Gitnang Panahon
AP8PMD-IIIa-b-11. Nasusuri ang pag-usbong ng bourgeoisie,
merkantilismo, National monarchy,
Renaissance, Simbahang Katoliko at
AP8PMD-IIIc-d-32. Napahahalagahan ang mga kontribusyon ng
bourgeoisie, merkantilismo, National
monarchy, Renaissance, Simbahang Katoliko
at Repormasyon sa daigdig.
AP8PMD-IIIe-4 3. Nasusuri ang unang yugto ng imperyalismo at
kolonisasyon sa Europa.
AP8PMD-IIIf-5 4. Natataya ang mga dahilan at epekto ng unang
yugto ng imperyalismo at kolonisasyon
sa Europa.
AP8PMD-IIIg-6 5. Nasusuri ang kaganapan at epekto ng
Enlightenment pati ng Rebolusyong
Siyentipiko at Industriyal.
AP8PMD-IIIh-7 6. Naipaliliwanag ang Ikalawang Yugto ng
Kolonyalismo at Imperyalismo
AP8PMD-IIIh-8 7. Nasusuri ang mga dahilan at epekto ng
ikalawang Yugto ng Imperyalismo
at Kolonisasyon.
AP8PMD-IIIi-9 8. Naipapaliwanag ang kaugnayan ng
Rebolusyong Pangkaisipan sa Rebolusyong
Pranses at Amerikano.
AP8PMD-IIIi-10 9. Naipapahayag ang pagpapahalaga sa
pag-usbong ng Nasyonalismo sa Europa at
iba’t ibang bahagi ng daigdig.
AP8AKD-IVa-1 1. Nasusuri ang mga dahilang nagbigay-daan sa
Unang Dimaan Pandaidig
AP8AKD-IVb-2 2. Nasusuri ang mahahalagang pangyayaring
naganap sa Unang Digmaang Pandaigdig
AP8AKD-IVc-3 3. Natataya ang mga epekto ng Unang
Dimaang Pandadig
AP8AKD-IVd-4 4. Nasusuri ang pagsisikap ng mga bansa na
makamit ang kapayapaang pandaigdig at
AP8AKD-IVe-5 5. Nasusuri ang mga dahilan na nagbigay-daan
sa Ikalawang Digmaang Pandaidig.
AP8AKD-IVf-6 6. Nasusuri ang mahahalagang pangyayaring
naganap sa Ikalawang Digmaang Pandaigdig.
AP8AKD-IVg-7 7. Natataya ang mga epekto ng Ikalawang
Digmaang Pandaigdig.
AP8AKD-IVh-8 8. Natataya ang pagsisikap ng mga bansa na
makamit ang kapayapaang pandaigdig at
AP GRDE 9 - Q3
AP9MAK-IIIa-1 1. Nailalalarawan ang paikot na daloy
ng ekonomiya
AP9MAK-IIIa-2 2. Natataya ang bahaging ginagampanan ng mga
bumubuo sa paikot na daloy ng ekonomiya
AP9MAK-IIIa-3 3. Nasusuri ang ugnayan sa isa’t isa ng mga
bahaging bumubuo sa paikot na daloy
ng ekonomiya
AP9MAK-IIIb-4 4. Nasusuri ang pambansang produkto
(Gross National Product-Gross Domestic
Product) bilang panukat ng kakayahan ng
isang ekonomiya
AP9MAK-IIIb-5 5. Nakikilala ang mga pamamaraan sa pagsukat
ng pambansang produkto
AP9MAK-IIIc-6 6. Nasusuri ang kahalagahan ng pagsukat ng
pambansang kita sa ekonomiya
AP9MAK-IIIc-6 7. Naipapahayag ang kaugnayan ng kita sa
pagkonsumo at pag-iimpok
AP9MSP-IVa-1 1. Nakapagbibigay ng sariling pakahulugan sa
pambansang kaunlaran
AP9MSP-IVa-2 2. Nasisiyasat ang mga palatandaan ng
pambansang kaunlaran
AP9MSP-IVb-3 3. Natutukoy ang iba’t ibang gampanin ng
mamamayang Pilipino upang makatulong
sa pambansang kaunlaran
AP9MSP-IVb-4 4. Napahahalagahan ang sama-samang pagkilos
ng mamamayang Pilipino para sa pambansang
AP9MSP-IVc-5 5. Nakapagsasagawa ng isang pagpaplano kung
paano makapag-ambag bilang mamamayan
sa pag-unlad ng bansa
AP9MSP-IVc-6 6. Nasusuri ang bahaging ginagampanan ng
agrikultura, pangingisda, at paggugubat sa
ekonomiya at sa bansa
AP GRADE 10 - Q2
AP10IPP-IIa-1 1. Natutukoy ang mga dahilan ng migrasyon sa
loob at labas ng bansa
AP10IPP-Iib--2 2. Naipaliliwanag ang epekto ng migrasyon sa
aspektong panlipunan, pampulitika, at
AP10IPP-IIb-3 3. Natatalakay ang mga dahilan ng mga suliraning
teritoryal at hangganan (territorial and
border conflicts)
AP10IPP-IIc-4 4. Nasusuri ang epekto mga suliraning teritoryal
at hangganan (territorial and border conflicts)
sa aspektong panlipunan, pampulitika,
pangkabuhayan, at pangkapayapaan ng
mga mamayan
AP10IPP-IIc-5 5. Naipaliliwanag ang konsepto ng political
AP10IPP-IId-6 6. Nasusuri ang sanhi at epekto ng political
dynasties sa pagpapanatili ng malinis at
matatag na pamahalaan
AP10IPP-Iid-7 7. Naipaliliwanag ang konsepto, uri at
pamamaraan ng graft and corruption
AP10IPP-IIe-8 8. Natataya ang epekto ng graft and corruption
sa pagtitiwala at partisipasyon ng mga
mamayan sa mga programa ng pamahalaan
AP10IPP-IIe-9 9. Nasusuri ang kaugnayan ng graft and
corruption sa aspektong pangkabuhayan at
AP10IPP-Iif-10 10. Nakapagmumungkahi ng mga paraan upang
maiwasan ang graft and corruption
sa lipunan
AP GRADE 10 - Q3
AP10IKP-IIIa 1. Nakapagpaplano ng symposium na
tumatalakay sa kaugnayan ng karapatang
pantao at pagtugon sa responsibilidad bilang
mamamayan tungo sa pagpapanatili ng isang
pamayanan at bansa na kumikilala sa
karapatang pantao
AP GRADE 10 - Q4
AP10ICC-IVa-1 1. Nasusuri ang sistema ng edukasyon sa bansa
AP10ICC-IVa-1 2. Nasusuri ang mga programa ng pamahalaan
na nagsusulong ng pagkakapantay-pantay sa
AP10ICC-IVa-2 3. Nasusuri ang mga programa ng pamahalaan na
nagsusulong ng pagkakapantay-pantay sa
AP10ICC-IVb-3 4. Nasusuri ang kalidad ng edukasyon sa bansa
AP10ICC-IVc-4 5. Natatalakay ang mga suliraning kinakaharap
ng sektor ng edukasyon sa bansa
AP10ICC-IVd 6. Nakapagmumungkahi ng mga pamamaraan na
makakatulong sa pagpapataas ng kalidad ng
edukasyon sa pamayanan at bansa
# Code Learning Competencies
AP8DKT-IIa-1 1. Nasusuri ang kabihasnang Minoan at Mycenean
AP8DKT-IIa-b-2 2. Nasusuri ang kabihasnang klasiko ng Greece.
AP8DKT-IIc-3 3. Naipapaliwanag ang mahahalagang pangyayari
sa kabihasnang klasiko ng Rome (mula sa
sinaunang Rome hanggang sa tugatog at
pagbagsak ng Imperyong Romano)
AP8DKT-IId-4 4. Nasusuri ang pag-usbong at pag-unlad ng mga
Klasiko na Lipunan sa Africa, America, at mga
Pulo sa Pacific
AP8DKT-IId-5 5. Naipapaliwanag ang mga kaganapan sa mga
klasikong kabihasnan sa Africa
(Mali at Songhai).
AP8DKT-IIe-6 6. Nasusuri ang mga kaganapan sa kabihasnang
klasiko ng America.
AP8DKT-IIe-7 7. Nasusuri ang kabihasnang klasiko ng pulo
sa Pacific.
AP8DKT-IIf-8 8. Naipapahayag ang pagpapahalaga sa mga
kontribusyon ng kabihasnang klasiko sa
pag-unlad ng pandaigdigang kamalayan
AP8DKT-IIf-9 9. Nasusuri ang mga pangyayaring nagbigay-
daan sa Pag-usbong ng Europa sa
Gitnang Panahon
AP8DKT-IIg-10 10. Nasusuri ang mga dahilan at bunga ng
paglakas ng Simbahang Katoliko bilang isang
institusyon sa Gitnang Panahon
AP8DKT-IIg-11 11. Nasusuri ang mga kaganapang nagbigay-daan
sa pagkakabuo ng “Holy Roman Empire”
AP8DKT-IIh-12 12. Naipapaliwanag ang mga dahilan at bunga ng
mga Krusada sa Gitnang Panahon
AP8PMD-IIIa-b-11. Nasusuri ang pag-usbong ng bourgeoisie,
merkantilismo, National monarchy,
Renaissance, Simbahang Katoliko at
AP8PMD-IIIc-d-32. Napahahalagahan ang mga kontribusyon ng
bourgeoisie, merkantilismo, National
monarchy, Renaissance, Simbahang Katoliko
at Repormasyon sa daigdig.
AP8PMD-IIIe-4 3. Nasusuri ang unang yugto ng imperyalismo at
kolonisasyon sa Europa.
AP8PMD-IIIf-5 4. Natataya ang mga dahilan at epekto ng unang
yugto ng imperyalismo at kolonisasyon
sa Europa.
AP8PMD-IIIg-6 5. Nasusuri ang kaganapan at epekto ng
Enlightenment pati ng Rebolusyong
Siyentipiko at Industriyal.
AP8PMD-IIIh-7 6. Naipaliliwanag ang Ikalawang Yugto ng
Kolonyalismo at Imperyalismo
AP8PMD-IIIh-8 7. Nasusuri ang mga dahilan at epekto ng
ikalawang Yugto ng Imperyalismo
at Kolonisasyon.
AP8PMD-IIIi-9 8. Naipapaliwanag ang kaugnayan ng
Rebolusyong Pangkaisipan sa Rebolusyong
Pranses at Amerikano.
AP8PMD-IIIi-10 9. Naipapahayag ang pagpapahalaga sa
pag-usbong ng Nasyonalismo sa Europa at
iba’t ibang bahagi ng daigdig.
AP8AKD-IVa-1 1. Nasusuri ang mga dahilang nagbigay-daan sa
Unang Dimaan Pandaidig
AP8AKD-IVb-2 2. Nasusuri ang mahahalagang pangyayaring
naganap sa Unang Digmaang Pandaigdig
AP8AKD-IVc-3 3. Natataya ang mga epekto ng Unang
Dimaang Pandadig
AP8AKD-IVd-4 4. Nasusuri ang pagsisikap ng mga bansa na
makamit ang kapayapaang pandaigdig at
AP8AKD-IVe-5 5. Nasusuri ang mga dahilan na nagbigay-daan
sa Ikalawang Digmaang Pandaidig.
AP8AKD-IVf-6 6. Nasusuri ang mahahalagang pangyayaring
naganap sa Ikalawang Digmaang Pandaigdig.
AP8AKD-IVg-7 7. Natataya ang mga epekto ng Ikalawang
Digmaang Pandaigdig.
AP8AKD-IVh-8 8. Natataya ang pagsisikap ng mga bansa na
makamit ang kapayapaang pandaigdig at
AP GRDE 9 - Q3
AP9MAK-IIIa-1 1. Nailalalarawan ang paikot na daloy
ng ekonomiya
AP9MAK-IIIa-2 2. Natataya ang bahaging ginagampanan ng mga
bumubuo sa paikot na daloy ng ekonomiya
AP9MAK-IIIa-3 3. Nasusuri ang ugnayan sa isa’t isa ng mga
bahaging bumubuo sa paikot na daloy
ng ekonomiya
AP9MAK-IIIb-4 4. Nasusuri ang pambansang produkto
(Gross National Product-Gross Domestic
Product) bilang panukat ng kakayahan ng
isang ekonomiya
AP9MAK-IIIb-5 5. Nakikilala ang mga pamamaraan sa pagsukat
ng pambansang produkto
AP9MAK-IIIc-6 6. Nasusuri ang kahalagahan ng pagsukat ng
pambansang kita sa ekonomiya
AP9MAK-IIIc-6 7. Naipapahayag ang kaugnayan ng kita sa
pagkonsumo at pag-iimpok
AP9MSP-IVa-1 1. Nakapagbibigay ng sariling pakahulugan sa
pambansang kaunlaran
AP9MSP-IVa-2 2. Nasisiyasat ang mga palatandaan ng
pambansang kaunlaran
AP9MSP-IVb-3 3. Natutukoy ang iba’t ibang gampanin ng
mamamayang Pilipino upang makatulong
sa pambansang kaunlaran
AP9MSP-IVb-4 4. Napahahalagahan ang sama-samang pagkilos
ng mamamayang Pilipino para sa pambansang
AP9MSP-IVc-5 5. Nakapagsasagawa ng isang pagpaplano kung
paano makapag-ambag bilang mamamayan
sa pag-unlad ng bansa
AP9MSP-IVc-6 6. Nasusuri ang bahaging ginagampanan ng
agrikultura, pangingisda, at paggugubat sa
ekonomiya at sa bansa
AP GRADE 10 - Q2
AP10IPP-IIa-1 1. Natutukoy ang mga dahilan ng migrasyon sa
loob at labas ng bansa
AP10IPP-Iib--2 2. Naipaliliwanag ang epekto ng migrasyon sa
aspektong panlipunan, pampulitika, at
AP10IPP-IIb-3 3. Natatalakay ang mga dahilan ng mga suliraning
teritoryal at hangganan (territorial and
border conflicts)
AP10IPP-IIc-4 4. Nasusuri ang epekto mga suliraning teritoryal
at hangganan (territorial and border conflicts)
sa aspektong panlipunan, pampulitika,
pangkabuhayan, at pangkapayapaan ng
mga mamayan
AP10IPP-IIc-5 5. Naipaliliwanag ang konsepto ng political
AP10IPP-IId-6 6. Nasusuri ang sanhi at epekto ng political
dynasties sa pagpapanatili ng malinis at
matatag na pamahalaan
AP10IPP-Iid-7 7. Naipaliliwanag ang konsepto, uri at
pamamaraan ng graft and corruption
AP10IPP-IIe-8 8. Natataya ang epekto ng graft and corruption
sa pagtitiwala at partisipasyon ng mga
mamayan sa mga programa ng pamahalaan
AP10IPP-IIe-9 9. Nasusuri ang kaugnayan ng graft and
corruption sa aspektong pangkabuhayan at
AP10IPP-Iif-10 10. Nakapagmumungkahi ng mga paraan upang
maiwasan ang graft and corruption
sa lipunan
AP GRADE 10 - Q3
AP10IKP-IIIa 1. Nakapagpaplano ng symposium na
tumatalakay sa kaugnayan ng karapatang
pantao at pagtugon sa responsibilidad bilang
mamamayan tungo sa pagpapanatili ng isang
pamayanan at bansa na kumikilala sa
karapatang pantao
AP GRADE 10 - Q4
AP10ICC-IVa-1 1. Nasusuri ang sistema ng edukasyon sa bansa
AP10ICC-IVa-1 2. Nasusuri ang mga programa ng pamahalaan
na nagsusulong ng pagkakapantay-pantay sa
AP10ICC-IVa-2 3. Nasusuri ang mga programa ng pamahalaan na
nagsusulong ng pagkakapantay-pantay sa
AP10ICC-IVb-3 4. Nasusuri ang kalidad ng edukasyon sa bansa
AP10ICC-IVc-4 5. Natatalakay ang mga suliraning kinakaharap
ng sektor ng edukasyon sa bansa
AP10ICC-IVd 6. Nakapagmumungkahi ng mga pamamaraan na
makakatulong sa pagpapataas ng kalidad ng
edukasyon sa pamayanan at bansa
D. Pagpapahalaga sa Pamilya
AP1PAM-IIf-19. Naipakikita ang pagpapahalaga sa pagtupad sa mga
alituntunin ng sariling pamilya at pamilya ng mga
C. Pagpapahalaga sa Paaralan
AP1PAA-IIIg-12 12. Nahihinuha ang kahalagahan ng alituntunin sa
paaralan at sa buhay ng mga mag-aaral
AP1PAA-IIIh-13 13. Naiisa-isa ang mga gawain at pagkilos na
nagpapamalas ng pagpapahalaga sa sariling paaralan
(eg. Brigada Eskwela)
C. Pagpapahalaga sa Kapaligiran
AP1KAP-IVi-113. Naipakikita ang iba’t ibang pamamaraan ng
pangangalaga ng kapaligirang ginagalawan
13.1 sa tahanan
13.2 sa paaralan
13.3 sa komunidad