B.SC Nursing 1st Year Syllabus

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Table 1. First year Basic B.Sc.


Subjects Theory Hours Practical / Hours

Clinical Hours
1. English 60
2. Anatomy 60
3. Physiology 60
4. Nutrition 60
5. Biochemistry 30
6. Nursing Foundations 265 + 200 450
7. Psychology 60
8. Microbiology 60
9. Introduction to Computers 45
10 Kannada 30
11 Library work / Self Study 50
12 Co-curricular activities 50
TOTAL 930 450 100
Table2. Second Year Basic B.Sc. Nursing

Subjects Theory Hours Practical / Hours

Clinical Hours
1. Sociology 60
2. Pharmacology 45
3. Pathology 30
4. Genetics 15
5. Medical Surgical Nursing (Adult 210 720
including geriatrics)
6. Community Health Nursing 90 135
7. Communication and Educational 60 + 30
8. Library work / Self Study 50
9. Co-curricular activities 35
TOTAL 540 855 85
9. Scheme of Examination
First year
Table 6 (A): Distribution of Subjects and Marks for Internal Assessment and University

Subject Internal University Total

Assessment Examination
1. Anatomy & Physiology 40 100 140
2. Nutrition and Biochemistry 40 100 140
3. Nursing Foundation 40 100 140
4. Psychology 40 100 140
5. Microbiology 40 100 140
6. English 40 100 140
7. Introduction to Computer* 40 100* 140
Practical and Viva Voce
1. Nursing Foundations 100 100 200

* Respective colleges will conduct examination for Introduction to Computer and

English as college examination. Marks to be sent to the university.

All practical examinations must be held in the respective clinical areas.

One internal and one external examiner should jointly conduct practical /clinical
examination for each student.

Second Year

Table 7. Distribution of Subjects and Marks for Internal Assessment and

University Examination
Subject Internal University Total
Assessment Examination
8. Sociology 40 100 140
9. Medical Surgical Nursing- I 40 100 140
10. Pharmacology, Pathology, 40 100 140
11. Community Health Nursing – I 40 100 140
12. Communication and Educational 40 100 140
Practical and Viva Voce Internal University Total
Assessment Examination
2. Medical – Surgical Nursing - I 100 100 200


Placement – First Year
Time: Theory – 60 hours

Course Description: The Course is designed to enable students to enhance ability to

comprehend spoken and written English (and use English) required for effective
communication in their professional work. Students will practice their skills in verbal
and written English during clinical and classroom experience.

Time Learning Teaching Learning Assessment

Unit Content
(Hrs) Objectives Activities Methods
I 10 * Speak and * Review of Grammar * Demonstrate * Essay type
write * Remedial study of use of * Objective
grammatically Grammar dictionary type
correct English * Building Vocabulary * Class room * Fill in the
* Phonetics conversion blanks
* Public Speaking * Exercise on * Para
use of grammar phrasing
* Practice in
II 30 * Develop ability * Read and comprehend * Exercise on : * Essay type
to read, prescribed course books  Reading * Short
understand and  Summarizing Answers
express  Comprehensio * Essay
meaningfully the n Types
prescribed text
III 10 * Develop * Various forms * Exercises on writing * Essay type
writing skills of Composition  Letter writing * Assessment of
 Letter writing  Nurses Notes the skills based
 Note taking  Precise on the check
 Precise writing  Diary list.
 Nurses notes  Anecdote
 Anecdotal records  Health
 Diary writing problems
 Reports on health problems  Story writing
etc.  Resume/CV
 Resume/CV * Essay Writing
 Discussion on
written reports/
IV 6 *Develop skill in * Spoken English * Exercise on: *Assessment of
spoken  Oral report  Debating the skills based
English  Discussion  Participating in on the check
 Debate Seminar, panel, list.
 Telephonic symposium
Conversation  Telephonic
V 4 *Develop skill in * Learning Comprehension * Exercise on: * Assessment of
listening  Media, audio, video,  Listening to the skills based
comprehension speeches etc audio, video tapes on the check
and identify the list.
key points

Scheme of University Examination

There shall be one theory paper of three hours duration carrying 100 marks.
Distribution of Type of Questions and Marks for English shall be as given under. There shall be no
practical examination.

Type of Questions No. of Questions Marks Sub-total

Long Essay (LE) 2 10 20
Short Essay (SE) 10 5 50
Short Answer (SA) 10 3 30
Total Marks 100
Placement – First year
Time: Theory – 60 hours
Course Description: The course is designed to enable students to acquire knowledge of
the normal structure of various human body systems and understand the alterations in
anatomical structures in disease and practice of nursing.

Time Learning
Unit Content and Teaching Learning Activities
(Hrs) Objectives
I 5 * Describe the Introduction to Anatomical terms organization of the
anatomical human body
terms, * Human Cell structure
organization * Tissues – Definition, Types, characteristics, classification,
of human location, functions & formation.
body and * Membranes and glands – classification and structure
structure of Alterations in disease
cell, tissues, Applications and implications in nursing
and glands. Teaching Learning Activities
* Lecture discussion
* Explain using charts, microscopic slides, Skeleton & torso
* Demonstrate cells, types of tissues membranes and glands
* Record book
II 6 * Describe the The Skeletal System
structure & * Bones – types, structure, Axial & Appendicular Skeleton,
function of * Bone formation and growth
bones and * Description of bones
joints * Joints classification and structure
Alterations in disease
Applications and implications in nursing

Teaching Learning Activities

* Lecture discussion
* Explain using charts, skeleton, loose bones and joins
* Record book
III 7 * Describe the The Muscular System
structure and * Types and structure of muscles
function of * Muscle groups
muscles Alterations in disease
Applications and implications in nursing
Teaching Learning Activities
* Lecture discussion
* Explain using chart, models and films
* Demonstrate muscular movements
* Record book
Time Learning
Unit Content and Teaching Learning Activities
(Hrs) Objectives
IV 6 * Describe the The nervous System
structure & * Structure of neurologia & neurons
function of * Somatic Nervous system
nervous  Structure of brain, spinal chord, cranial nerves, spinal
system nerves, peripheral nerves
* Autonomic Nervous System –
Sympathetic, parasympathetic
 Structure, location
Alterations in disease
Applications and implications in nursing
Teaching Learning Activities
* Lecture discussion
* Explain using models, charts, slides, specimens
* Record book
V 6 Explain the The Sensory Organs
structure & * Structure of skin, eye, ear, nose tongue, (Auditory and
functions of olfactory apparatus)
sensory Alterations in disease
organs Applications and implications in nursing
Teaching Learning Activities
* Lecture discussion
* Explain using models, charts, slides, specimens
* Record book
VI 7 Describe the Circulatory and lymphatic system
structure & * The Circulatory System
function of  Blood – Microsoft structure
circulatory  Structure of Heart
and lymphatic  Structure of blood vessels- Arterial & Venous System
system  Circulation: Systemic, pulmonary, coronary
* Lymphatic System
 Lymphatic vessels &
 Lymphatic tissues
- Thymus gland
- Lymph nodes
- Spleen
- Lymphatic tissues
Alterations in disease
Applications and implications in nursing.
Teaching Learning Activities
* Lecture discussion
* Explain using models, charts, slides, specimens
 Record book
Time Learning
Unit Content and Teaching Learning Activities
(Hrs) Objectives
VII 5 * Describe the The Respiratory System
structure & * Structure of the organs of respiration
functions of * Muscles of respiration: Intercostals and Diaphragm
respiratory Alterations in disease
system. Applications and implications in nursing.

Teaching Learning Activities

* Lecture discussion
* Explain using models, torso, charts slides, specimens
* Record book
VIII 6 * Describe the The Digestive System
structure & * Structure of Alimentary tract and accessory organs of
functions of digestion
digestive Alterations in disease
system. Applications and implications in nursing
Teaching Learning Activities
* Lecture discussion
* Explain using models, torso, charts slides, specimens
* Record book
IX 4 * Describe the The Excretory system (Urinary)
structure & * Structure of organs of urinary
functions of * System: Kidney, Ureters, urinary, bladder, urethra, structure
excretory of skin
system Alterations in disease
Applications and implications in nursing.

Teaching Learning Activities

* Lecture discussion
* Explain using models, torso, charts slides, specimens
* Record book
X 4 * Describe the The Endocrine system
structure & * Structure of Pituitary, Pancreas, thyroid, Parathyroid, thymus
functions of and adrenal glands
endocrine Alterations in disease
system Applications and implications in nursing

Teaching Learning Activities

* Lecture discussion
* Explain using models, torso, charts slides, specimens
* Record book
Time Learning
Unit Content and Teaching Learning Activities
(Hrs) Objectives
XI 4 * Describe the The Reproductive system including breast
structure & * Structure of female reproductive organs
functions of * Structure of male reproductive organs
reproductive * Structure of breast
system Alterations in disease
Applications and implications in nursing

Teaching Learning Activities

* Lecture discussion
* Explain using models, torso, charts slides, specimens
* Record book
Placement – First Year
Time: Theory – 60 Hours

Course Description: The Course is designed to assist the students to acquire knowledge
if the normal physiology of various human body systems and understand the alterations
in physiology in diseases and practice of nursing.

Time Learning
Unit Content and Teaching Learning Activities
(Hrs) Objectives
I 4 * Describe the Cell Physiology
physiology of * Tissue formation, repair
cell, tissues, * Membranes & glands – functions
membranes and Alterations in disease
glands Applications and implications in nursing

Teaching Learning Activities

* Lecture discussion
II 4 * Describe the Skeletal System
bone formation * Bone formation & growth
and growth and * Bones – Functions and movements of bones of axial and
movements of appendicular skeleton, bone healing
skeleton system * Joints and joint movement
Alterations in disease
Applications and implications in nursing

Teaching Learning Activities

* Lecture discussion
* Explain using charts, models and films
* Demonstration of joint movements
III 4 * Describe the Muscular System
muscle * Muscle movements, Muscle tone, Physiology of muscle
movements and contraction, levels and maintenance of posture Alterations in
tone and disease
demonstrate Applications and implications in nursing
contraction and Teaching Learning Activities
tone * Lecture discussion
* Explain using Charts, models, slides, specimen and films
 Demonstration of muscle movements, tone and
Content and Teaching Learning Activities
Time Learning
Unit Content and Teaching Learning Activities
(Hrs) Objectives
IV 7 * Describe the Nervous System
physiology of * Functions of Neurolgia & neurons
nerve stimulus, * Stimulus & nerve-impulse- definitions and mechanism
reflexes, brain, * Functions of brain, spinal cord, cranial and spinal nerves
cranial and * Cerebrospinal fluid-composition, circulation and function
spinal nerves * Reflex arc, Reflex action and reflexes
*Demonstrate * Automatic functions –
reflex action  Pain: somatic, visceral and referred
and stimulus  Automatic learning and biofeedback
Alterations in disease
Applications and implications in nursing

Teaching Learning Activities

* Lecture discussion
* Explain using, Charts, models and films
* Demonstrate nerve stimulus, reflex action, reflexes
V 8 * Describe the Circulatory System
physiology of * Blood formation, composition, blood groups, blood
blood and coagulation
functions of * Hemoglobin: Structure, Synthesis and breakdown,
Heart Variation of molecules, estimation
*Demonstrate * Functions of Heart, Conduction, Cardiac cycle, circulation-
blood cell Principles, Control, factors influencing BP and Pulse
count, Alterations in disease
coagulation, Applications and implications in nursing
Hb: BP and Teaching Learning Activities
Pulse * Lecture discussion
monitoring * Explain using charts, films
* Demonstration of Blood cell count, coagulation, grouping,
Haemoglobin estimation, Heart conduction system.
* Measurement of pulse, BP
VI 6 * Describe the The Respiratory System
physiology and * Functions of respiratory organs
mechanisms of * Physiology of respiration
respiration * Pulmonary ventilation, Volume
*Demonstrates * Mechanics of respiration
spirometry * Gaseous exchange in lungs
* Carriage of oxygen & carbon-dioxide
*Exchange of gases in tissues
* Regulation of respiration,
Alterations in disease
Applications and implications in nursing.
Teaching Learning Activities
* Lecture discussion
* Explain using Charts, films
* Demonstration of spirometry
Time Learning
Unit Content and Teaching Learning Activities
(Hrs) Objectives
VII 6 *Describe the The Digestive System
Physiology of * Functions of organs of digestive tract. Movements of
digestive alimentary tract, Digestion in mouth, stomach, small
system intestines, Large intestines, Absorption of food. Functions of
*Demonstrates liver, gall bladder and pancreas
BMR * Metabolism of carbohydrates, protein and fat

Teaching Learning Activities

* Lecture discussion
* Explain using Charts, films

VIII 5 *Describe the The Excretory System

Physiology of * Functions of kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder & urethra
excretory * Composition of urine
system * Mechanism of urine formation
* Functions of skin
* Regulation of body temperature
* Fluid and electrolyte balance
Alterations in disease
Applications and implications in nursing.

Teaching Learning Activities

* Lecture discussion
* Explain using
Charts, films

IX 4 *Describe the The Sensory Organs

physiology of * Functions of skin, eye, ear, nose, tongue,
sensory organs Alterations in disease
Applications and implications in nursing.

Teaching Learning Activities

* Lecture discussion
* Explain using
Charts, films

X 5 *Describe the The Endocrine Glands

physiology of * Functions of Pituitary, pineal body, thymus, Thyroid,
endocrine parathyroid, pancreas, Suprarenal, Placenta and ovaries &
glands Testes
Alterations in disease
Applications and implications in nursing.
Teaching Learning Activities
* Lecture discussion
* Explain using
Charts, films
* Demonstration of BMR
Time Learning
Unit Content and Teaching Learning Activities
(Hrs) Objectives
XI 5 *Describe the The Reproductive System
physiology of * Reproduction of cells – DNA, Mitosis, Meiosis,
male and spermatogenesis, oogenesis.
female * Functions of female reproductive organs; Functions breast,
reproductive Female sexual cycle.
system * Introduction to embryology
* Functions of male reproductive organs, Male function in
reproduction, Male fertility system
Alterations in disease
Applications and implications in nursing.

Teaching Learning Activities

* Lecture discussion
* Explain using
Charts, films
models, specimens

XII 2 *Describe the Lymphatic & Immunological System

Physiology of * Circulation of lymph
Lymphatic and * Immunity
Immunological  Formation of T-cells and B cells
System  Types of Immune response
 Antigens
 Cytokines
 Antibodies

Teaching Learning Activities

* Lecture discussion
* Explain using
Charts, films

Scheme of Examination: Anatomy and Physiology

There shall be one paper of three hours duration for Anatomy and Physiology, carrying
100 marks. Section A- shall be Anatomy carrying 50 marks and Section B- Physiology
carrying 50 marks. The distribution of type of questions and marks shall be as under.
There shall be no practical examination.
Distribution of Type of Questions and Marks for Anatomy and Physiology
(50 marks for each subject)

Type of Questions No. of Questions Marks Sub-total

Long Essay (LE) 1 10 10
Short Essay (SE) 5 5 25
Short Answer (SA) 5 3 15
Total Marks 50
Placement: First Year
Time: Theory 60 hours

Course of Description: The course is designed to assist the students to acquire

knowledge of nutrition for maintenance of optimum health at different stages of life and
its application for practice of nursing

Time Learning
Unit Content and Teaching Learning Activities
(Hrs) Objectives
Th Pr
I 4 * Describe the Introduction
relationship * Nutrition:
between  History
nutrition &  Concepts
Health * Role of nutrition in maintaining health
* Nutritional problems in India
* National nutritional policy
* Factors affecting food and nutrition: socio-economic,
cultural, tradition, production, system of distribution, life
style and food habits etc.
* Role of food and its medicinal value
* Classification of foods
* Food standards
* Elements of nutrition: macro and micro
* Calorie, BMR
Teaching Learning Activities
* Lecture
* Explaining using
* Panel discussion
II 2 * Describe the Carbohydrates
classification, * Classification
functions, * Calorie Value
sources and * Recommended daily allowances
recommended * Dietary sources
daily * Functions
allowances * Digestion, absorption and storage, metabolism of
(RDA) of carbohydrates
carbohydrates * Malnutrition: Deficiencies and Over consumption
Teaching Learning Activities
* Lecture discussion
* Explaining using charts
Time Learning
Unit Content and Teaching Learning Activities
(Hrs) Objectives
Th Pr
III 2 * Describe the Fats
classification, * Classification
functions, * Caloric value
sources and * Recommended daily allowances
recommended * Dietary sources
daily * Functions
allowances * Digestion, absorption and storage, metabolism
(RDA) of Fats * Malnutrition: Deficiencies and over consumption

Teaching Learning Activities

* Lecture discussion
* Explaining using charts
IV 2 * Describe the Proteins
classification, * Classification
functions, * Caloric value
sources and * Recommended daily allowances
recommended * Dietary sources
daily * Functions
allowances * Digestion, absorption, metabolism and storage
(RDA) of * Malnutrition: Deficiencies and Over consumption
Teaching Learning Activities
* Lecture discussion
* Explaining using charts
V 3 * Describe the Energy
daily calorie * Unit of Energy – Kcal
requirement for * Energy requirements of different categories of people
different * Measurements of energy
categories of * Body Mass Index (BMI) and basic metabolism
people * Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) - determination and factors

Teaching Learning Activities

* Lecture discussion
* Explaining using charts
* Exercise
* Demonstration
Time Learning
Unit Content and Teaching Learning Activities
(Hrs) Objectives
Th Pr
VI 4 * Describe the Vitamins
classification, * Classification
functions, * Recommended daily allowances
sources and * Dietary sources
recommended * Functions
daily * Absorption, synthesis, metabolism storage and excretion
allowances * Deficiencies
(RDA) of * Hypervitaminosis
Teaching Learning Activities
* Lecture discussion
* Explaining using charts
VII 4 * Describe the Minerals
classification, * Classification
functions, * Recommended daily allowances
sources and * Dietary sources
recommended * Functions
daily * Absorption, synthesis, metabolism storage and excretion
allowances * Deficiencies
(RDA) of * Over consumption and toxicity
Teaching Learning Activities
* Lecture discussion
* Explaining using charts
VIII 3 * Describe the Water & electrolytes
sources, * Water: Daily requirement, regulation of water
functions and metabolism, distribution of body water,
requirements of * Electrolytes: Types, sources, composition of body fluids
Water & * Maintenance of fluid & electrolyte balance
electrolytes * Over hydration, dehydration and water intoxication
* electrolyte imbalances

Teaching Learning Activities

* Lecture discussion
* Explaining using charts
Time Learning
Unit Content and Teaching Learning Activities
(Hrs) Objectives
Th Pr
IX 5 15 * Describe the Cookery rules and preservation of nutrients
Cookery rules * Principles, methods of cooking and serving
and  Preservation of nutrients
preservation of * Safe Food handling-toxicity
nutrients * Storage of food
* Prepare and * Food preservation, food additives and its principles
serve simple * prevention of food adulteration Act (PFA)
beverages and * Food standards
different types * Preparation of simple
of foods beverages and different types of food
Teaching Learning Activities
* Lecture discussion
* Demonstration
* Practice session
X 7 5 * Describe and Balanced diet
plan balanced * Elements
diet for * Food groups
different * Recommended Daily allowance
categories of * Nutritive value of foods
people * Calculation of balanced diet for different categories of
* Planning menu
* Budgeting of food
* Introduction to therapeutic diets: Naturopathy - diet
XI 4 * Describe Role of nurse in nutritional programmes
various national * National programmes related to nutrition
programmes  Vitamin A deficiency programme
related to  National iodine deficiency disorders (IDD)
nutrition programme
* Describe the  Mid-day meal programme
role of nurse in  Integrated child development scheme (ICDS)
assessment of * National and International agencies working towards
nutritional food/nutrition
status and  NIPCCD, CARE, FAO, NIN, CFTRI (Central food
nutrition technology and research institute) etc.
education * Assessment of nutritional status
* Nutrition education and role of nurse

Teaching Learning Activities

* Lecture Discussion
* Explaining with
* Slide / Film shows
* Demonstration of Assessment of nutritional status
Placement – First Year
Time: Theory –30 Hours

Course Description: The Course is designed to assist the students to acquire knowledge
of the normal biochemical composition and functioning of human body and understand
the alterations in biochemistry in diseases for practice of nursing.

Time Learning
Unit Content and Teaching Learning Activities
(Hrs) Objectives
I 3 *Describe the Introduction
structure * Definition and significance in nursing
Composition * Review of structure, Composition and functions of cell
and functions of * Prokaryote and Eukaryote cell organization
cell * Microscopy
between Teaching Learning Activities
Prokaryote & * Lecture discussion using charts, slides
Eukaryote cell * Demonstrate use of microscope
* Identify
techniques of
II 6 * Describe the Structure and functions of Cell membrane
structure and * Fluid mosaic model tight junction, Cytoskeleton
functions of cell * Transport mechanism: diffusion osmosis, filtration,
membrane active channel, sodium pump
* Acid base balance-maintenance & diagnostic tests
 PH buffers

Teaching Learning Activities

* Lecture discussion
Time Learning
Unit Content and Teaching Learning Activities
(Hrs) Objectives
III 6 * Explain the Composition and metabolism of Carbohydrates
metabolism of * Types, structure, composition and uses
carbohydrates  Monosaccharides,
* Metabolism
 Pathways of glucose:
 Glycolysis
 Gluconeogenesis: Cori’s cycle, Tricarboxylic acid
(TCA) cycle
 Glycogenolysis
 Pentose phosphate
Pathways (Hexose mono phosphate)
 Regulation of blood glucose level
Investigations and their interpretations
Teaching Learning Activities
* Lecture discussion
using charts
* Demonstration of
laboratory tests
IV 4 * Explain the Composition and metabolism of Lipids
metabolism of * Types, Structure, composition and uses of fatty acids
Lipids  Nomenclature, Roles and Prostaglandins
* Metabolism of fatty acid
 Breakdown
 Synthesis
* Metabolism of triacylglycerols
* Cholesterol metabolism
 Biosynthesis and its Regulation
 Bile salts and bilirubin
 Vitamin D
 Steroid hormones
* Lipoproteins and their functions
 VLDLs- IDLs, LDLs and HDLs
 Transport of lipids
 Atherosclerosis,
Investigations and their interpretations
Teaching Learning Activities
* Lecture discussion
using charts
* Demonstration of
laboratory tests
Time Learning
Unit Content and Teaching Learning Activities
(Hrs) Objectives
V 6 * Explain the Composition and metabolism of Amino acids and
metabolism of Proteins
Amino acids * Types, structure, composition and uses of Amino acids
and Proteins and Proteins
* Metabolism of Amino acids and Proteins
 Protein synthesis, targeting and Glycosylation
 Chromatography
 Electrophoresis
 Sequencing
* Metabolism of Nitrogen
 Fixation and Assimilation
 Urea Cycle
 Hemes and chlorophylls
* Enzymes and co-enzymes
 Classification
 Properties
 Kinetics and inhibition
 Control
Investigations and their interpretations

Teaching Learning Activities

* Lecture discussion
using charts
* Demonstration of
laboratory tests
VI 2 * Describe Composition of Vitamins and minerals
types, * Vitamins and minerals:
composition  Structure, Classification, Properties, Absorption
and utilization  Storage & transportation
of Vitamins &  Normal concentration
minerals *Investigations and their interpretation

Teaching Learning Activities

* Lecture discussion using charts
* Demonstration of laboratory tests
Time Learning
Unit Content and Teaching Learning Activities
(Hrs) Objectives
VII 3 * Describe Immunochemistry
Immuno- * Immune response,
chemistry * Structure and classification of immunoglobins
* Mechanism of antibody production
* Antigens: HLA typing
* Free radical and Antioxidants
* Specialized Protein: Collagen, Elastin, Keratin,
Myosin, Lens Protein.
* Electrophoretic and Quantitative determination of
immunoglobins – ELISA etc.
Investigations and their interpretations

Teaching Learning Activities

* Lecture discussion using charts
* Demonstration of laboratory tests

Scheme of Examination: Nutrition and Biochemistry

 There shall be one paper of three hours duration carrying 100 marks. Section A
Nutrition of 60 marks and Section B of Biochemistry of 40 marks. There shall be
no practical examination.

Distribution of Type of Questions and Marks for Nutrition (60 marks)

Type of Questions No. of Questions Marks Sub-total

Long Essay (LE) 2 10 20
Short Essay (SE) 5 5 25
Short Answer (SA) 5 3 15
Total Marks 60

Distribution of Type of Questions and Marks for Biochemistry (40 marks)

Type of Questions No. of Questions Marks Sub-total

Long Essay (LE) 1 10 10
Short Essay (SE) 3 5 15
Short Answer (SA) 5 3 15
Total Marks 40
Nursing Foundations
Placement: First Year
Time: Theory - 265 hours
Practical - 650 hours
(200 lab and 450 clinical)

Course Description: This course is designed to help the students to develop an

understanding of the philosophy, objectives, theories and process of nursing in various
Supervised Clinical settings. It is aimed at helping the students to acquire knowledge,
understanding and skills in techniques of nursing and practice them in Supervised
Clinical settings.

Time Learning
Unit Content and Teaching Learning Activities
(Hrs) Objectives
I 10 * Describe the Introduction
concept of health, * Concept of Health: Health – illness continuum
illness and health * Factors influencing health
care agencies * Causes and risk factors for developing illness
* Body defences: Immunity and immunization
* Illness and illness Behavior:
* Impact of illness on patient and family
* Health Care Services: Health Promotion and
Prevention, Primary Care, Diagnosis, Treatment,
Rehabilitation and Continuing Care
* Health care teams
* Types of health care agencies
* Hospitals: Types, Organisation and Functions
* Health Promotion and Levels of Disease
*Primary Health care and its delivery: Role of

Teaching Learning Activities

* Lecture discussion
* Visit to health care agencies
Time Learning
Unit Content and Teaching Learning Activities
(Hrs) Objectives
II 16 * Explain concept Nursing as a profession
and scope of * Definition and Characteristics of a profession
nursing * Nursing:
* Describe  Definition, Concepts, philosophy, objectives
values, code of  Characteristics, nature and scope of nursing
ethics and practice
professional  Functions of nurse
conduct for  Qualities of a nurse
nurses of India  Categories of nursing personnel
 Nursing as a profession
 History of Nursing in India.
* Values: Definition, Types, Values Classification
and values in professional Nursing: Caring &
* Ethics:
 Definition and Ethical Principles
 Code of ethics and professional conduct for
Teaching Learning Activities
* Lecture discussion
* Case discussion
* Role plays
III 4 * Explain the Hospital admission and discharge
admission and * Admission to the hospital
discharge  Unit and its preparation-admission bed
procedure  Admission procedure
* Performs  Special considerations
admission and  Medico-legal issues
discharge  Roles and Responsibilities of the nurse
procedure * Discharge from the hospital
 Types: Planned discharge, LAMA and
abscond, Referrals and transfers
 Discharge Planning
 Discharge procedure
 Special consideration
 Medico-legal issues
 Roles and Responsibilities of the nurse
 Care of the unit after discharge
Teaching Learning Activities
* Lecture discussion
* Demonstration
* Lab Practice
* Supervised Clinical practice
Time Learning
Unit Content and Teaching Learning Activities
(Hrs) Objectives
IV 10 *Communicate Communication and Nurse patient relationship
effectively with * Communication: Levels, Elements, Types,
patient, families Modes, Process, Factors influencing
and team Communication
members and  Methods of Effective Communication,
maintain effective  Attending skills
human relations  Rapport building skills
(projecting  Empathy skills
professional  Barriers to effective communication,
image) * Helping Relationship (NPR): Dimensions of
* Appreciate the Helping Relationships, Phase of a helping
importance of relationship
patient teaching * Communicating effectively with patient, families
in nursing and team members and maintain effective human
relations with special reference to communicating
with vulnerable group(children, women, physically
and mentally challenged and elderly)
* Patient Teaching: Importance, Purposes, Process,
role of nurse and Integrating teaching in Nursing

Teaching Learning Activities

* Lecture discussion
* Role play and video film on the nurses interacting
with the patient
* Practice session on patient teaching
* Supervised Clinical Practice
Time Learning
Unit Content and Teaching Learning Activities
(Hrs) Objectives
V 15 * Explain the The Nursing Process
concept, uses, * Critical Thinking and Nursing Judgment
format and steps  Critical Thinking: Thinking and Learning
of nursing process  Competencies, Attitudes for Critical
* Documents Thinking, Levels of critical thinking in
nursing process as Nursing
per the format * Nursing Process Overview:
Application in Practice
 Nursing process format: INC, current
 Assessment
- Collection of Data : Types, Sources, Methods
- Formulating Nursing Judgment: Data
 Nursing Diagnosis
- Identification of client problems
- Nursing diagnosis statement
- Difference between medical and nursing
 Planning
- Establishing Priorities
- Establishing Goals and Expected Outcomes
- Selection of interventions : Protocols and
standing Orders
- Writing the Nursing Care Plan
 Implementation
- Implementing the plan of care
 Evaluation
- Outcome of care
- Review and Modify
 Documentation and Reporting

Teaching Learning Activities

* Lecture discussion
* Demonstration
* Exercise
* Supervised Clinical Practice
Time Learning
Unit Content and Teaching Learning Activities
(Hrs) Objectives
VI 4 * Describe the Documentation and Reporting
purposes, types * Documentation : Purposes of Recording and
and techniques of reporting
recording and * Communication within the Health Care Team
reporting * Types of records; ward records, medical/nursing
* Common Record-keeping forms, Computerized
* Guidelines for Reporting: Factual Basis,
Accuracy, Completeness, currentness,
Organization, confidentiality
* Methods of Recording
* Reporting: Change of shift reports: Transfer
reports, incident reports
 Minimizing legal Liability through effective
record keeping

Teaching Learning Activities

* Lecture discussion
* Demonstration
* Practice Session
* Supervised Clinical Practice
VII 15 * Describe Vital signs
principles and * Guidelines for taking vital signs :
techniques of * Body temperature:
monitoring and  Physiology, Regulation, Factors affecting
maintaining vital body temperature,
signs  Assessment of body temperature: sites,
* Monitor and equipments and technique, special
maintain vital considerations
signs  Temperature alterations:
Hyperthermia, Heatstroke,
 Hot and cold applications
* Pulse:
 Physiology & Regulation,
Characteristics of the pulse, Factors
affecting pulse
 Assessment of the pulse: sites, location,
equipments and technique, special
 Alterations in pulse:
* Respiration
 Physiology and Regulation, Mechanics of
Characteristics of the respiration, Factors
affecting respiration
 Assessment of respirations:
Technique, special considerations
 Alterations in respiration
* Blood pressure :
 Physiology and Regulation, Characteristics
of the blood pressure, Factors affecting
blood pressure
 Assessment of blood pressure: sites,
equipments and technique, special
 Alterations in blood pressure
Recording of vital signs

Teaching Learning Activities

* Lecture discussion
* Demonstration
* Practice
* Supervised Clinical Practice
VIII 30 * Describe Health assessment
purpose and * Purposes
process of health * Process of Health assessment
assessment  Health History
* Describe the  Physical examination :
health assessment - Methods-Inspection, Palpation, Percussion,
of each body Auscultation, Olfaction
system - Preparation for examination: patient and unit
* Perform health - General assessment
assessment of - Assessment of each body system
each body system - Recording of health assessment

Teaching Learning Activities

* Lecture discussion
* Demonstration
* Practice on
* Supervised Clinical Practice
IX 5 * Identify the Machinery, Equipment and linen
various * Types: Disposables and reusable- Linen, rubber
machinery, goods, glass ware, metal, plastics, furniture,
equipment and machinery
linen and their * Introduction
care  Indent
 Maintenance
 Inventory

Teaching Learning Activities

* Lecture discussion
* Demonstration
Time Learning
Unit Content and Teaching Learning Activities
(Hrs) Objectives
X 60 * Describe the Meeting needs of patient
basic, * Basic needs (Activities of daily living)
psychological  Providing safe and clean environment:
needs of patient  Physical-environment: Temperature,
* Describe the Humidity, Noise, Ventilation, light, Odour,
principles and pests control
techniques for  Reduction of physical hazards: fire,
meeting basic, accidents
Physiological and  Safety devices: Restraints, side rails,
psychosocial airways, trapeze etc.
needs of patient  Role of nurse in providing safe and clean
* Perform nursing environment.
assessment, plan  Hygiene:-
implement and  Factors Influencing Hygienic Practice
evaluate the care  Hygienic care: Care of the Skin-Bath and
for meeting basic, pressure points, feet and nail, Oral cavity,
physiological and Hair Care, Eyes, Ears and Nose
psychosocial o Assessment, Principles, Types, Equipments,
needs of patient Procedure, Special Considerations
- Patient environment: Room Equipment and
linen, making patient beds
o Types of beds and bed making
 Comfort:-
- Factors influencing
- Comfort devices
* Physiological needs:-
 Sleep and Rest :
- Physiology of sleep
- Factors affecting sleep
- Promoting Rest and sleep
- Sleep Disorders
 Nutrition :-
- Importance
- Factors affecting nutritional needs
- Assessment of nutritional needs
- Meeting Nutritional needs:
Principles, equipments, procedure and special
o Oral
o Enteral : Naso/ Orogastric, gastrostomy
o Parenteral :
 Urinary Examination
- Review of Physiology of Urine Elimination,
Composition and characteristics of urine.
- Factors influencing Urination
- Alteration in Urinary
- Types and Collection of urine specimen:
Observation, urine testing
- Facilitating urine elimination: assessment,
types, equipments, procedures and special
o Providing urinal/bed pan
o Condom drainage
o Perineal care
o Catheterization
o Care of urinary
o Care of urinary diversions
o Bladder irrigation
 Bowel Elimination
- Review of Physiology of Bowel Elimination,
Composition and characteristics of faeces
- Factors affecting Bowel elimination
- Alteration in Bowel Elimination
- Types and Collection of specimen of faeces:
- Facilitating bowel elimination: assessment,
equipments, procedures and special
o Passing of Flatus tube
o Enemas
o Suppository
o Sitz bath
o Bowel was
o Care of Ostomies
 Mobility and Immobility
- Principles of Body
- Maintenance of normal
Alignment and mobility
- Factors affecting body
Alignment and mobility
- Hazards associated with
- Alteration In body
Alignment and mobility
- Nursing interventions for impaired Body
Alignment and Mobility: assessment, types,
devices used, method and special
considerations, rehabilitation aspects
o Range of motion exercises
o Maintaining body alignment: Positions
o Moving
o Lifting
o Transferring
o Walking
o Restraints
 Oxygenation
- Review of Cardiovascular and respiratory
- Factors Affecting Oxygenation
- Alterations in oxygenation
- Nursing interventions in oxygenation :
assessment, types, equipment used, procedure
and special considerations
o Maintenance of patent airway
o Oxygen administration
o Suction
o Inhalations: dry and moist
o Chest physiotherapy and postural drainage
o Pulse oximetry
o CPR-Basic life support
 Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid – Base
- Review of Physiological regulation of Fluid,
Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Balances
- Factors Affecting Fluid, Electrolyte, and
Acid-Base Balances
- Alterations in Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-
Base Balances
- Nursing interventions in Fluid, Electrolyte
and Acid
- Base Imbalances :
assessment, types, equipment, procedure and
special considerations
o Measurement fluid intake and output
o Correcting Fluid
Electrolyte Imbalance:
 Replacement of fluids:
Oral and Parenteral -Venipuncture, regulating
IV flow rates, changing IV solutions and
tubing, changing IV dressing,
 Administering Blood transfusion
 Restriction of fluids
 Psychosocial Needs
o Concepts of Cultural Diversity, Stress and
Adaptation, Self-concept, Sexuality,
Spiritual Health, coping with loss, death and
o Assessment of psychosocial needs
o Nursing intervention for psychosocial needs
- Assist with coping and adaptation
- Creating therapeutic environment
o Recreational and diversional therapies

Teaching Learning Activities

* Lecture discussion
* Demonstration
* Practice sessions
* Supervised Clinical Practice
XI 20 * Describe Infection control in Clinical settings
principles and * Infection control
techniques for  Nature of infection
infection control  Chain of infection transmission
and biomedical  Defenses against infection:
waste Natural and acquired
management in  Hospital acquired infection
Supervised (Nosocomial infection)
Clinical settings * Concept of asepsis: medical asepsis, and surgical
* Isolation precautions (Barrier nursing):
 Hand washing: simple, hand antisepsis and
surgical antisepsis (scrub)
 Isolation: source and protective
 Personal protecting equipments: types, uses
and technique of wearing and removing
 Decontamination of equipment and unit
 Transportation of infected patients
 Standard safety precautions (Universal
 Transmission based precautions
* Biomedical waste management :
 Importance
 Types of hospital waste
 Hazards associated with hospital waste
 Decontamination of hospital waste
 Segregation and Transportation and disposal
Teaching Learning Activities
* Lecture discussion
* Practice session
* Supervised Clinical practice
XII 40 * Explain the Administration of Medications
principles, routes, * General
effects of Principles/Considerations
administration of  Purposes of Medication
medications  Principles: 5 rights, Special Considerations,
* Calculate Prescriptions, Safety in Administering
conversions of Medications and Medication Error
drugs and dosages  Drugs forms
within and  Routes of administration
between systems  Storage and maintenance of drugs and
of measurements Nurses responsibility
* Administer  Broad classification of drugs
drugs by the  Therapeutic Effect, Side Effects, Toxic
following routes- Effects, Idiosyncratic Reactions, Allergic
oral, Intradermal, Reactions, Drug Tolerance, Drug
Subcutaneous, Interactions,
Intramuscular,  Factors influencing drug Actions,
Intra Venous  Systems of Drug Measurement: Metric
topical, inhalation System, Apothecary System, Household
Measurements, Solutions.
 Converting Measurements units:
Conversions within one system, Conversion
between systems, Dosage Calculation,
 Terminologies and abbreviations used in
prescriptions of medications
* Oral Drugs Administration: Oral, Sublingual and
Buccal : Equipment, procedure
* Parenteral
 General principles:
Decontamination and disposal of syringes and
 Types of parentaral therapies
 Types of syringes, needles, canula, and
infusion sets
 Protection from Needlestick Injuries:
Giving Medications with a safety syringes
 Routes of parentaral therapies
- Intradermal: purpose, site, equipment,
procedure, special considerations.
- Subcutaneous: purpose, site, equipment,
procedure, special considerations
- Intramuscular: purpose, site, equipment,
procedure, special considerations
- Intra Venous: purpose, site, equipment,
procedure, special considerations
- Advanced techniques: epidural, intrathecal,
intraosseous, intraperitonial, intraplural,
intra arterial - Role of nurse
* Topical Administration :
purposes, site, equipment, procedure, special
considerations for
 Application to Skin
 Application to mucous membrane
- Direct application of liquids-Gargle and
swabbing the throat
- Insertion of Drug into body cavity:
Suppository/ medicated packing in
- Institutions: Ear, Eye, Nasal, Bladder, and
- Irrigations: Eye, Ear, Bladder, Vaginal and
- Spraying: Nose and throat
* Inhalation: Nasal, oral, endotracheal/tracheal
(steam, oxygen and medications) -
purposes, types, equipment, procedure, special
 Recording and reporting of medications

Teaching Learning Activities

* Lecture discussion
* Practice session
* Supervised Clinical practice
XIII 10 * Describe the pre Meeting needs of Perioperative patients
and post operative * Definition and concept of Perioperative Nursing
care of patients * Preoperative Phase
* Explain the  Preparation of patient for surgery
process of wound * Intraoperative
healing  Operation theatre Set up and environment
* Explain the  Role of nurse
principles and * Postoperative Phase
techniques of  Recovery unit
wound care  Post operative unit
* Perform care of  Post operative care,
wounds * Wounds: types, Classifications, wound Healing
Process, Factors affecting Wound, Complications
of Wound Healing
* Surgical asepsis
* Care of the wound: types, equipments, procedure
and special consideration
 Dressings, Suture Care,
 Care of Drainage
 Application of Bandages, Binders, Splints
& Slings
 Heat and Cold Therapy

Teaching Learning Activities

* Lecture discussion
* Demonstration
* Practice session
* Supervised
Clinical practice
XIV 15 * Explain care of Meeting special needs of the patient
patients having * Care of patients having alteration in
alterations in o Temperature (hyper and hypothermia);
body functioning Types, Assessment, Management
o Sensorium
Assessment, Management
o Urinary Elimination (retention and
Assessment, Management
o Functioning of sensory organs: (Visual &
hearing impairment)
o Assessment of Self-Care ability
o Communication methods and special
o Mobility (physically challenged, cast)
assessment of Self-Care ability:
Communication Methods and special
o Mental state (mentally challenged),
assessment of Self-Care ability;
o Communication Methods and special
o Respiration (distress); Types, Assessment,
o Comfort – (Pain) – Nature, Types, Factors
influencing Pain, Coping, Assessment,
o Treatment related to gastrointestinal system
: naso-gastric suction, gastric irrigation,
gastric analysis.

Teaching Learning Activities

* Lecture discussion
* Case Discussions
* Supervised
Clinical practice
XV 5 * Explain care of Care of Terminally ill patient
terminally ill o Concepts of Loss, Grief, grieving Process
patient o Signs of clinical death
o Care of dying patient: special considerations
 Advance directives:
Euthanasia, will, dying declaration, organ
donation etc.
o Medico-legal issues
o Care of dead body: equipment, procedure
and care of unit
o Autopsy
o Embalming

Teaching Learning Activities

* Lecture discussion
* Demonstration
* Case
* Practice session
* Supervised
Clinical practice
Time Learning
Unit Content and Teaching Learning Activities
(Hrs) Objectives
XVI 6 * Explain the Professional Nursing concepts and practices
basic concepts of * Conceptual and theoretical models of nursing
conceptual and practice: Introduction of models-holistic model,
theoretical health belief model, health promotion model etc.
models of nursing * Introduction to Theories in Nursing; Peplau’s,
Henderson’s, Orem’s, Neuman’s, Roger’s and
* Linking theories with nursing process

Teaching Learning Activities

* Lecture discussion
Nursing Foundations – Practical
Placement: First Year Time : Practical – 650 hours
(200 lab and 450 clinicals)

Course Description: This Course is designed to help the students to develop an

understanding of the philosophy, objectives, theories, and process of nursing in various
clinical settings. It is aimed at helping the students to acquire knowledge, understanding and
skills in techniques of nursing and practice them in clinical settings.

Time Assessment
Areas Objectives Skills Assignments
(Hrs) Methods
Demonstr 200 * Performs Hospital admission and discharge * Practice in * Evaluate
ation Lab 450 admission and (III) Unit/hospital with checklist
General Minimum discharge * Admission * Assessment
Medical practice procedure * Prepare Unit for new patient of clinical
and time in * Prepare admission bed performance
Surgery clinical * Performs admission procedure with rating
ward area: 100 o New patient scale
o Transfer in * Competition
* Prepare patient records of practical
Discharge / Transfer out
* Gives discharge counseling
* Perform discharge procedure
(Planned discharge, LAMA and
abscond, Referrals and transfers)
* Prepare records of discharge/transfer
* Dismantle, and disinfect unit and
equipment after discharge / transfer.

* Prepares Perform assessment: * Write nursing *Assessment

nursing care * History taking, Nursing diagnosis, process records of nursing
plans as per problem list, Prioritization, Goals & of patient process
the nursing Expected Outcomes, selection of * Simulated-1 records with
process interventions * Actual - 1 checklist
format * Write Nursing Care Plan * Assessment
* Gives care as per the plan of actual care
given with
rating scale

*Communicat Communication * Role-plays in * Assess role

e effectively * Use verbal and non verbal simulated plays with the
with patient, communication techniques situations on check list on
families and communication communicatio
tea members techniques-1 n techniques
and * Health
talk-1 * Assess
* Maintain Prepare a plan for patient teaching health talk
effective session with the
human checklist
relations *Assessment
* Develops of
plan for communicatio
patient n techniques
teaching by rating scale

with rating

* Prepare Write patient report * Write nurses of each skill
patient reports * Change-of shift reports, notes and with checklist
* Presents Transfer reports, Incident reports etc. present the *Completion
reports * Presents patient report patient report of of activity
2-3 assigned record

* Monitor Vital Signs * Lab practice

vital signs * Measure, Records and interpret * Measure Vital
alterations in body temperature, pulse signs of
respiration and blood pressure assigned patient

* Perform Health assessment of each skill
heath * Health history taking with rating
assessment of * Perform assessment: scale
each body o General *Completion
system o Body system of activity
* Use various methods of physical record
* Inspection, Palpation, Percussion,
Auscultation, Olfaction
* Identification of system wise
* Assess
* Provide Prepare Patient’s unit: * Practice in lab observation
basic nursing * Prepare beds: & hospital study in
care to o Open, closed, occupied, checklist
patients operation, amputation, * Simulated
o Cardiac, facture, burn, exercise on
Divided, & Fowlers bed CPR manikin
* Pain assessment and provision for
* Observation
Use comfort devices Hygienic care study - 2
* Oral hygiene:
* Baths and care of pressure points
* Hair wash, Pediculosis treatment * Department of
Feeding: control &
* Oral, Enteral, CSSD
Naso/Orogastric, gastrostomy and
Parenteral feeding
* Naso-gastric insertion, suction, and * Visits CSSD
irrigation write
Assisting patient in urinary report 1
* Provides urinal/bed pan * Collection of
* Condom drainage samples for
* Perineal care culture
* Catheterization * Do clinical
* Care of urinary drainage postings in
Bladder irrigation control
Assisting bowel Elimination: department and
* Insertion of Flatus tube write report
* Enemas * Practice in
* Insertion of Suppository lab/ward
Bowel wash Body Alignment and
o Range of motion exercises
o Positioning: Recumbent,
Lateral (rt/lt), Flowers, Sims,
Lithotomy, Prone,
Trendelenburg position
o Assist patient in Moving
lifting, transferring, walking,
o Restraints

Oxygen administration

Suctioning: Oropharyngeal,

Chest physiotherapy and postural


Care of Chest drainage

CPR-Basic life support

Intravenous therapy

Blood and blood component therapy

Collect/assist for collection of

specimens for investigations Urine,
sputum, faeces, vomitus, blood and
other body fluids

Perform lab tests:

* Urine: sugar, albumin, acetone
* Blood: sugar(with strip/ gluco-

Hot and cold applications:

Local and general Sitz bath

Communicating and assisting with

self-care of visually & hearing
impaired patients

Communicating and assisting with

self-care of mentally
challenged/disturbed patients
Recreational and diversional

Caring of patient with alteration in


Infection control
* Perform following procedures :
o Hand washing techniques
o (Simple, hand antisepsis and
surgical antisepsis (scrub)
o Prepare isolation unit in * Evaluate all
lab/ward procedures
o Practice technique of wearing with checklist
and removing Personal
protective equipment (PPE)
o Practice Standard safety
precautions (Universal

* Perform Decontamination of equipment and

infection unit:-
control * Surgical asepsis:
procedures o Sterilization
o Handling sterilized equipment
o Calculate strengths of lotions,
o Prepare lotions
 Care of articles

* Provide care Pre and post operative care:

to pre and * Skin preparations for surgery : Local
post operative * Preparation of Post operative unit
patients * Pre & Post operative teaching and
* Perform counseling
procedures for * Pre & Post operative monitoring
care of * Care of the wound
wounds * Dressings, Suture Care, care of
Drainage, Application of Bandages,
Binders, splints & Slings
* Bandaging of various body parts

* Administer Administration of medications

drugs * Administer medications in different
forms and routes
* Oral, Sublingual and Buccal
* Parenteral : Intradermal,
subcutaneous, Intramuscular etc.
* Assist with Intra venous mediations
* Drug measurements and dose
* Preparation of lotions and solutions
* Administers topical applications
* Insertion of drug into body cavity:
Suppository & medicated packing etc.
* Instillation of medicines and spray
into Ear, Eye, Nose and throat
* Irrigations: Eye, Ear, Bladder,
Vagina and Rectum
* Inhalations: dry and moist

* Provide care Care of dying patient

to dying and * Caring and packing of dead body
dead * Counseling and supporting grieving
* Counsel and relatives
support * Terminal care of the unit

Scheme of University Examination for Nursing Foundations


There shall be one theory paper of three hours duration carrying 100 marks.
Distribution of type of questions and marks for Nursing Foundations shall be as given

Type of Questions No. of Questions Marks Sub-total

Long Essay (LE) 2 10 20
Short Essay (SE) 10 5 50
Short Answer (SA) 10 3 30
Total Marks 100

Practical and Viva-voce

There shall be practical and viva-voce examination carrying 100 marks. The practical
examinations must be held in the respective clinical areas. One internal and one external
examiner should jointly conduct practical /clinical examination for each student. Assessment
methods are given in column 6 under course description.
Placement: First Year
Time: Theory 60 Hours

Course Description: This course is designed to assist the students to acquire knowledge of
fundaments of Psychology and develop an insight into behaviour of self and others. Further
it is aimed at helping them to practice the principles of mental hygiene for promoting mental
health in Nursing practice.

Time Learning
Unit Content and
(Hrs) Objectives
I 2 * Describe the Introduction:
history, scope and * History and origin of Science of Psychology
methods of * Definitions and scope of Psychology
Psychology * Relevance to Nursing
* Methods of Psychology

Teaching Learning Activity

* Lecture Discussion
II 4 * Explain the Biology of Behaviour
Biology of Human * Body mind relationship – modulation process in
behaviour health and illness.
* Genetics and behaviour :
Heredity and Environment
* Brain and behaviour:
Nervous system, Neurons and synapse
* Association cortex, Rt and Lt Hemispheres
* Psychology of sensations
* Muscular and glandular controls of behaviour
* Nature of behaviour of an organism/integrated

Teaching Learning Activity

* Lecture Discussion
III 20 * Describe various Cognitive processes
cognitive processes * Attention: Types, determinants, duration and
and their degree, alterations
applications * Perception: Meaning, Principles, factors affecting,
* Learning: Nature, Types, learner and learning,
Factors influencing, laws and theories, process,
transfer, study habits.
* Memory: Meaning, types, nature factors
influencing, development theories and methods of
memorizing and forgetting
* Thinking: Types and levels, stages of development,
relationship with language and communication
* Intelligence: Meaning, classification, uses, theories
* Aptitude: Concepts, types, individual differences
and variability.
* Psychometric assessments of cognitive processes
* Alterations in cognitive processes
* Applications

Teaching Learning Activity

* Lecture Discussion
IV 8 * Describe Motivation and Emotional processes:
motivation, * Motivation: Meaning, concepts, types, theories,
emotions, stress, motives and behaviour, conflicts and frustration,
attitudes and their conflict resolution
influence on * Emotions and stress
behaviour o Emotions: Definition, components, changes in
emotions, theories, emotional adjustments,
emotions in health and illness.
o Stress: stressors, cycle, effect, adaptation and
* Attitude: Meaning, nature, development, factors
o Behaviour and attitudes
o Attitudinal change
* Psychometric assessments of emotions and
* Alterations in emotions
* Applications

Teaching Learning Activity

* Lecture Discussion
V 7 * Explain the Personality
concepts of * Definitions, topography, types, Theories
personality and its * Psychometric assessments of personality
influence on * Alterations in personality
behaviour * Applications

Teaching Learning Activity

* Lecture Discussion
VI 7 * Describe Developmental Psychology
Psychology of * Psychology of people at different ages from infancy
people during the to old age
life cycle * Psychology of vulnerable individuals-challenged,
women, sick, etc.
* Psychology of groups
Teaching Learning Activity
* Lecture Discussion
VII 8 * Describe the Mental hygiene and mental Health
characteristics of * Concepts of mental hygiene and mental health
* Mentally health * Characteristics of mentally healthy person
person * Warning signs of poor mental health
* Promotive and Preventive mental health-strategies
* Explain ego and services
defence * Ego Defence mechanisms and implications
mechanisms * Personal and social adjustments
* Guidance and counseling
* Role of nurse

Teaching Learning Activity

* Lecture Discussion
* Case Discussion
* Role Play
* Demonstra- tion
VIII 4 * Explain the Psychological assessment & tests
Psychological * Types, development, Characteristics, Principles,
assessments and Uses, Interpretations and Role of nurse in
role of nurse psychological assessment

Teaching Learning Activity

* Lecture Discussion
* Demonstration
* Practice sessions
Placement: First Year
Time: Theory-60 Hours (Theory 45+15 lab)

Course Description: This course is designed to enable students to acquire understanding

of fundamentals of Microbiology and identification of various microorganisms. It also
provides opportunities for practicing infection control measures in hospital and community

Time Learning
Unit Content and Teaching Learning Activity
(Hrs) Objectives
Th Pr
I 5 * Explain Introduction:
concepts * Importance and relevance to nursing
and * Historical perspective
principles of * Concepts and terminology
microbiolog * Principles of microbiology
y and their
importance Teaching Learning Activity
in nursing * Lecture Discussion
II 10 5 * Describe General characteristics of Microbes
structure, * Structure and classification of Microbes
classificatio * Morphological types
n * Size and form of bacteria
morphology * Motility
and growth * Colonization
of bacteria * Growth and nutrition of microbes
* Identify o Temperature
Micro- o Moisture
organisms o Blood and body fluids
* Laboratory methods for Identification of Micro-organisms
* Staining techniques, Gram staining, Acid fast staining, Hanging
drop preparation
* Culture; various medias

Teaching Learning Activity

* Lecture Discussion
* Demonstration
III 10 2 * Describe Infection Control
the methods * Infection: Sources, portals of entry and exit, transmission
of infection * Asepsis
control * Disinfection: Types and methods
* Identify * Sterilization: Types and methods
the role of * Chemotherapy and antibiotics
nurse in * Standard safety measures
hospital * Biomedical waste management
infection * Role of Nurse
control * Hospital acquired infection
programme * Hospital infection control programme
o Protocols, collection of samples, preparation of report and
status of rate of infection in the unit/ hospital, nurse’s
continuing education etc.

Teaching Learning Activity

* Lecture Discussion
* Demonstration
* Visits to CSSD
* Clinical practice
IV 12 4 * Describe Pathogenic organisms
the different * Micro-organisms
disease o Cocci – gram positive and gram negative
producing o bacilli – gram positive and gram negative
organisms o Spirochaete
o Mycoplasma
o Rickettsiae
o Chlamydiae
* Viruses
* Fungi-Superficial and Deep mycoses
* Parasites
* Rodents & vectors Characteristics, Source, portal of entry,
transmission of infection Identification of disease producing
micro-organisms collection, handling and transportation of various
Teaching Learning Activity
* Lecture Discussion
* Demonstration
* Clinical practice
V 8 4 Explain the Immunity
concept of * Immunity – Types, classification, * Antigen & antibody reaction
immunity, *Hypersensitivity – skin test, * Serological tests
hyper * Immunoprophylaxis
sensitivity o Vaccines & sera – Types & classification, storage and
and handling, cold chain
immunizatio o Immunization for various diseases
n o Immunization schedule
Teaching Learning Activity
* Lecture Discussion
* Demonstration
* Clinical practice
Introduction to Computers
Placement: First Year
Time: Theory – 45 Hours

Course Description: This course is designed for students to develop basic understanding of
uses of computer and its application in Nursing.

Time Learning Content and Teaching Learning Assessment

(Hrs) Objectives Activities Methods
Pr For Internal
1 3 * Identify & define Introduction: * Short
various concepts * Concepts of Computers answers
used in computer * Hardware and software; trends * Objective
* Identify and technology type
application of * Application of computers in
computer in nursing nursing.

Teaching Learning Activities

* Lecture Discussion
* Demonstration
II 6 20 * Describe and Use * Introduction to disk – operating * Short
the Disk Operating system answers
System o DOS * Objective
* Demonstrate skill o Windows (all version) type
in the use of MS * Introduction * Practical
Office o MS-Word Exam
o MS-Excel with pictorial
o MS-Access
o MS-Power point

Teaching Learning Activities

* Lecture Discussion
* Demonstration
*Practice session

III 2 3 * Demonstrate skill * Multimedia; types & uses * Short

in using multi- * Computer aided teaching & answers
media testing * Objective
* Identify features type
of computer aided Teaching Learning Activities * Practical
teaching and testing * Lecture Discussion Exam and
* Demonstration Viva Voce
IV 1 3 * Demonstrate use * Use of Internet and: e-mail * Short
of internet and answers
Email Teaching Learning Activities * Objective
* Lecture Discussion type
* Demonstration * Practical
* Practice session Exam and
Viva Voce
V 2 2 * Describe and use * Statistical packages: types and * Short
the statistical their features answers
packages * Objective
Teaching Learning Activities type
* Lecture Discussion * Practical
* Demonstration Exam and
* Practice session Viva Voce
VI 1 2 * Describe the use * Hospital Management System: * Short
of Hospital Types and uses answers
Management * Objective
System Teaching Learning Activities type
* Lecture Discussion * Practical
* Demonstration Exam and
Viva Voce

Scheme of Examination
 Theory
Nursing Foundations, Psychology, Microbiology, English and Introduction to

There shall be one paper of three hours duration carrying 100 marks for each of the
subjects mentioned above.

Table 6(E): Distribution of Type of Questions and Marks for Nursing Foundations, Psychology,
Microbiology, English and Introduction to Computer* (100 marks for each subject)

Type of Questions No. of Questions Marks Sub-total

Long Essay (LE) 2 10 20
Short Essay (SE) 10 5 50
Short Answer (SA) 10 3 30
Total Marks 100
*Examination for Introduction to Computer to be conducted as college
examination and marks to be sent to the University for inclusion in the marks
 Practical and Viva-voce Examination.
Practical and Viva-voce examination shall be held for Nursing Foundations subject only.
Marks for university examination shall be 100 marks. Assessment methods shall be as
given in the text of Nursing Foundations Practical.

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