International Business Management

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Course Outline

Programme PGDM-IB (Batch 17)

Batch 2023-25
Core/ Elective Core
Course Code 0217C510
Course Title International Business Management
Course Credits 1.5
Term 3
Academic Year 2023-24
Course Pre-requisite(s) None
Course Instructor Prof Sudeep S.
Course Instructor Email [email protected]
Course Instructor Phone (Office) 41242443
Student Consultation Hours Friday, 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm (Prior intimation
through e-mail is advised)
Office location B-214

1. Course Overview
Globalization has led to increased cross-border activity as corporations, and countries get
integrated into the world economy. It has forced managers to adapt and integrate into the
fast-changing realities of doing business within the same geographical regions and across
different parts of the world. There is a need for an in-depth and clear understanding of how
the business environment has changed globally and the environmental factors that must be
analyzed. In this global era, India has had an increased presence in the international market
with the gradual integration of the Indian economy with the global economy. Indian economy
is witnessing increased FDI activity, booming foreign exchange reserves and government
policies encouraging domestic companies to expand internationally.

The course will introduce the concepts of developing a strategy to engage in international
business. The course content will help students introspect on the complexities of
international business operations and equip them with the knowledge to deal with these
complexities in the present global context. This course seeks to enable the students as future
managers and entrepreneurs to work in an open, highly competitive and dynamic business
environment both at a national and global level.

2. Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

By the end of this course, students will be able to:

CLO1: Examine how globalization is creating opportunities and challenges for management
CLO2: Analyze the strategy and structure of international business

CLO3: Analyze the operations of various international business functions

3. Mapping of Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) with Programme Objectives (POs)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11


4. Pedagogy
The course teaching comprises a mix of research articles, case studies, lectures,
presentations, assignments, and class discussions. Students are required to participate
actively and come prepared for every session having gone through the set of readings
suggested for stipulated sessions of the course.

5. Evaluation Components

Component Description Weight CLO

Assignment Students will be given assignments based on 15% CLO2
the course themes.
Quizzes There will be two quizzes conducted during 20%
the course consisting of MCQ (s).
Group Project The group project will be a presentation on the 15% CLO3
international business operations of a
End-term The end-term question paper would consist of 50% CLO1,CLO2
Examination conceptual questions and application based and CLO3
questions to assess the application and
analytical ability of the students.

6. Text Book / Reference Book(s)/ Resources

Text Book:
Charles W. L. Hill and Thomas M. Hult, International Business Management, 12th
Edition(2019), McGraw Hill Education (India), New Delhi, 2019.

7. Session Plan
Sessio Topic Readings/Cases Learning Outcomes
n No.
Chapter 1 Examine what is meant by the
Introduction to the
term globalization and identify
Course. Globalization and
1-2 the main drivers of
the changing environment
of International Business. globalization. [CLO1]

Chapter 4 & 5 Examine different global
Strategy and Structure of strategies for competing in the
International Business global marketplace. [CLO2]

Chapter 6 Analyze different modes firms

Strategy for International use to enter foreign markets.
Business Entry [CLO2]

Chapter 8 Examine the functions of

International Business logistics and purchasing
Functions: Global
(sourcing) within global supply
5 Production and Supply
Chain Management; Quiz chains. [CLO3]

Chapter 9 Examine how international

International Business
marketing operations can be
6 Functions: Global
Marketing and R&D planned and executed. [CLO3]

Chapter 10 Examine the strategic role of

International Business
human resource management in
7 Functions: Global Human
Resource Management international business. [CLO3]

Chapter 11 Examine the important aspects

International Business regarding the accounting and
Functions: Accounting finance management practice in
and Finance in the an international business
International Business scenario. [CLO3]

Group Presentations; Quiz


Important Instructions:
Class Participation: Students are expected to participate in class discussion and case analysis.
Actively question, debate and engage in classroom discussion that includes coming
prepared with required readings. Zero tolerance towards students coming late to the class and
truancy will be exercised.
Assignments: Each student is responsible for submitting the assignments/projects on time. Late
submissions will not be accepted without the express permission of the Faculty.
Mobile Use: Use of mobile phones/devices is not permitted without permission of the Faculty.


Plagiarism is looked at as the presentation of the expressed thought or work of another person
as though it is one's own without properly acknowledging that person.

Cases of plagiarism will be dealt with according to the Plagiarism Policy of the institute. It is
advisable that students should read the Plagiarism clause mentioned in the Student
Handbook for detailed guidelines. It is also advisable that students must not allow other
students to copy their work and must take care to safeguard against this happening. In cases of
copying, normally all students involved will be penalized equally; an exception may be, if the
students can establish the work is of their own and they have taken reasonable care to safeguard
their work against copying.

For official use:
As Benchmarked with course content in previous year, the contents of this course: (Please
mark the right option below)
(a) Is totally new
(b) Has not changed at all
(c) Has undergone less than/equal to 20% change Yes

(d) Has undergone more than 20% change


Course Faculty Area Chair

AACSB Accreditation Committee:

Sr. Manager (Academics-I)

Dean (Academics)

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