Laboratories For The 21st Century: Case Studies: N R e L, S T F, G, C
Laboratories For The 21st Century: Case Studies: N R e L, S T F, G, C
Laboratories For The 21st Century: Case Studies: N R e L, S T F, G, C
Case Studies
Patrick Corkery/PIX14916
Case Study Index
Laboratory Type
✔ Wet lab
✔ Dry lab
❑ Clean room
Construction Type
✔ New
❑ Retrofit
Type of Operation
✔ Research/development
❑ Manufacturing
❑ Teaching
✔ Chemistry
❑ Biology
❑ Electronics
Service Option
❑ Suspended ceiling
✔ Utility service corridor
❑ N ational R enewable E nergy L aboratory,
S cience and Technology Facility,
❑ Interstitial space
Featured Technologies
✔ Fume hoods
G olden , C olorado
✔ Controls
✔ Mechanical systems
✔ Electrical loads
✔ Water conservation
✔ Renewables
✔ Sustainable design/
❑ The U.S. Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) has added
planning a light-filled, energy-efficient new research facility to its campus in Golden, Colorado. Completed
❑ On-site generation in August 2006, NREL’s 71,347-ft2 Science and Technology Facility (S&TF) houses nine laboratories
✔ Daylighting
✔ Building commissioning for advanced materials synthesis, analysis, characterization, and support, as well as a 10,170-ft2
process development and integration laboratory (PDIL).
Other Topics
❑ Diversity factor As a Laboratories for the 21st Century (Labs21) partner, NREL set aggressive goals for energy
❑ Carbon trading savings, daylighting, and achieving a LEED Gold rating (through the U.S. Green Building Council’s
❑ Selling concepts to Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design program). The S&TF received a LEED Platinum
stakeholders rating, the first federal building to achieve Platinum and one of the first laboratory buildings in the
✔ Design process
world to achieve Platinum. Through the Labs21 program, staff worked with the design team to
LEED Rating
✔ Platinum
❑ Gold
❑ Silver United States U.S. Department of Energy
❑ Certified Environmental Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
Protection Agency Federal Energy Management Program
2 L A B S F O R T H E 2 1 S T C E N T U RY
First Floor
Service Corridor
(connects via bridge to another lab building
on the second floor)
Second Floor
A request for proposals (RFP) was then issued to • Demonstrated experience in designing to project
select the architectural and engineering (A/E) firm. The technical requirements
RFP included six selection criteria; the first two were • Demonstrated capability to design to the project budget
weighted the highest and the last four were weighted
equally: • Total price of design services for this procurement
• Past experience in integrating safety into a building • Demonstrated ability to incorporate “green building
design technologies” as defined in the LEED rating system, into
design solutions
L A B S F O R T H E 2 1 S T C E N T U RY 5
• Demonstrated ability to develop an architectural image to have two-speed blower motor control. When the sash
consistent with the project site and the owner’s identity. is closed and no product is being tested, this signals the
blower motor to operate at low speed and the VAV system
After a nationwide search, the selection team chose
to operate at a low set point volume, reducing airflow by
the SmithGroup team. The final design was completed in
40%. The ASHRAE 110 test verified the hoods’ contain-
2003, and construction began in early 2005.
ment performance.
Te c h n o l o g i e s U s e d Exhaust fans. The building’s six exhaust stacks are on
S i te the southeast side. Each is connected to a dedicated direct-
drive 20,000-cfm exhaust fan. Fans are staged on and off
The S&TF is oriented along an east-west axis so that
to maintain an exhaust plenum negative static pressure set
windows on the north and south facades can provide
point of approximately 1.5 in. water column. The fans are
natural lighting. A butterfly roof over the office module
started in sequence until they exceed the set point; then,
collects stormwater and directs it to detention ponds
the bypass damper in the exhaust plenum modulates open
with xeriscape landscaping. The construction contractor
to maintain the set point pressure as the system reacts to
recycled more than 80% of the construction waste by
varying lab conditions. When the bypass damper modu-
weight. In addition, a portion of the excavation soils were
lates to 80% fully open, an exhaust fan shuts down and
retained and used to restore a previously disturbed por-
the bypass damper modulates toward closed to maintain
tion of the site.
the negative set point pressure. This saves considerable
Per the Labs21 Environmental Performance energy in comparison to running a full-capacity fan and
Criteria (the basis for the LEED Application Guide for large bypass damper in part-load conditions.
Laboratories), NREL contracted for an exhaust effluent
Fan coils. Fan coil units provide heating and cooling
study using wind tunnel modeling to define the impact of
directly to laboratory spaces, nearly eliminating the need
emissions from exhaust sources at the building intake and
for inefficient reheating systems. Fan coils allow the venti-
other sensitive locations. The study suggested minimum
lation system to supply only the tempered air required
acceptable design parameters in terms of exhaust stack
for minimum ventilation (1 cfm/ft2) and makeup air for
height, exit velocity, volume flow and exhaust, and loca-
exhaust devices. Fan coils provide cooling for areas with
tion of intake air. The recommendations were used in
high internal heat gain.
designing the air intake location and exhaust system.
Energy recovery. A runaround-coil system with an
E nerg y Efficiency
estimated 63% sensible effectiveness reduces the heating
The energy efficiency features of the S&TF were and cooling requirements associated with conditioning
designed to provide a 41% percent reduction in energy ventilation air in labs. The system recovers energy from
cost in comparison to a standard laboratory building. exhaust air to precondition supply air and uses waste heat
These features include a variable-air-volume (VAV) supply from the process water loop to preheat ventilation air. This
and exhaust system, variable-frequency motor drives, also provides “free” cooling for process cooling water
efficient fume hoods and fans, energy recovery, efficient when the outside temperature is below 60°F, for savings
heating and cooling equipment, and underfloor air in both chiller energy and cooling tower water.
Efficient heating and cooling. The S&TF uses a high-
VAV Supply and exhaust system requirements. The efficiency condensing boiler and variable-speed chiller,
minimum occupied air flow is 1 cubic foot per minute indirect evaporative cooling, and a heat exchanger that
(1 cfm)/ft2 as required by IBC H5 occupancy. The VAV allows cooling water to bypass chillers and be cooled
system allows more supply air as needed for fume hoods directly by the cooling tower. Direct evaporative cooling
and other exhaust devices. cools offices and provides cooling and humidity control
The facility’s chemical fume hoods feature an auto- in labs. A modulating indirect gas-fired heating section in
matic sash closer to ensure that the sash is open no more makeup air units heats makeup air for labs and reduces
than 18 in. when operating. An ASHRAE 110 test verified hot water piping needs. The condensing boiler provides
that the hood is performing to the recommended level by heat for offices and fan coil units in labs.
ANSI Z9.5-2003. Underfloor air distribution. The offices are condi-
In laminar-flow hoods, HEPA-filtered air is intro- tioned by a VAV underfloor air distribution system. It
duced to protect the product and air is drawn in through provides fan energy savings and increases the number
the sash to protect the user. Laminar-flow hoods are a big of hours when the economizer and evaporative cooling
energy user at NREL, so the S&TF hoods were designed
6 L A B S F O R T H E 2 1 S T C E N T U RY
Figure 3. S&TF PV system looking west with the NREL SERF laboratory building in the background.
0.5% of the total construction budget, or about $1.60/gross ventilation air. Calculations are based on nameplate values
ft2 of building area. and assumed full loads. They follow Labs21 benchmark
procedures and are included for comparison to other
Bu i l d i n g M e t r i c s Labs21 data sets. The simulation model predicts loads
A comparison between S&TF’s energy use based on based on a schedule and the typical 1 cfm/ft2 of lab venti-
design calculations and an hourly computer simulation lation rather than design capacities and is assumed to be
model is shown in Table 3. The biggest difference between more accurate.
the two methods for calculating energy use is the value for
Table 3 . B u i l d i n g M e t r i c s f o r t h e S &TF
System Key Design Parameters Annual Energy Usage Annual Energy (based on simulation) (1) Measured Measured
(based on design data (Apr 07 to (Apr 08 to
calculations) Mar 08) Mar 09)
Ventilation (sum Supply= 1.44 W/cfm 25.6 kWh/gross ft2 (4) 9.6 kWh/gross ft2 10.1 kWh/ft2 10.5 kWh/ft2
of wattage of Exhaust = 0.75 W/cfm
all the supply Total =1.09 W/cfm(2)
and the exhaust 1.4 cfm/gross ft2; 2.2 cfm/net ft2,
fans) and 3.15 cfm/gross ft2 of labs (3)
Cooling plant 400 tons 7.3 kWh/gross ft2 (5) 4.8 kWh/gross ft2 13.0 kWh/ft2 11.9 kWh/ft2
0.449 kW/ton
Lighting Varies from 1.45 W/gross ft2 in 2.3 kWh/gross ft2 (6) 2.3 kWh/gross ft2
labs to 0.86 W/ft2 in open offices 15.7 kWh/ft2 (10) 17.6 kWh/ft2 (10)
Process/Plug 4.70 average W/gross ft2; range 19.8 kWh/gross ft2 (7) 21.3 kWh/gross ft2
varies from 0-10 W/gross ft2
Heating plant 95% efficient at 140°F supply 91.9 kBtu/gross ft2 (as per 91.9 kBtu/gross ft2 (as per simulation) 136.7 kBtu/ft2 132.7 kBtu/ft2
temperature simulation)
Total electricity only (8) 55.0 kWh/gross ft2/yr 38.1 kWh/gross ft2/yr 38.3 kWh/ft2 40 kWh/ft2
electricity only (8) 187.6 kBtu/gross ft2 131.5 kBtu/gross ft2 132.4 kBtu/ft2 136.4 kBtu/ft2
279.5 kBtu/gross ft2/yr for 223.4 kBtu/gross ft2 for electricity and gas 269.0 kBtu/ft2 269.0 kBtu/ft2
electricity and gas
$3.33/gross ft2 estimated cost for
electricity and gas (9)
1. Simulation study done by Architectural Energy Corporation, Energy Modeling Analysis and Baseline Performance Comparison for NREL Science and Technology
Facility, June 10, 2006.
2. 180 hp (supply) plus 100 hp (exhaust) x 746 W/hp/93,000 cfm (supply) + 100,000 cfm (exhaust) = 1.09 W/cfm.
3. 100,000 cfm (total cfm based on exhaust)/44,800 net ft2 = 2.2 cfm/net ft2; 100,000 cfm/71,347 gross ft2 = 1.4 cfm/gross ft2; 100,000 cfm/31,700 net ft2 of labs =
3.15 cfm/net ft2 of labs.
4. 0.75 W/cfm x 100,000 cfm/gross ft2 (exhaust) + 93,000 cfm/gross ft2 x 1.44 W/cfm (supply)/71,347 ft2 x 8760 hours/1000 = 25.6 kWh/gross ft2 (40.6 kWh/net ft2.)
5. 0.449 kW/ton x 400 tons x 2890 hours/71,347 gross ft2 = 7.27 kWh/gross ft2 (assumes cooling runs 33% of the hours in a year).
6. 1.11 W/gross ft2 (weighted average) x 2080 hours/1000 = 2.3 kWh/gross ft2. (In other case studies, it was assumed that lights are on 87.2 hours/week. In this case,
because of the aggressive daylighting strategy, the assumption is that lights are on 40 hours per week.)
7. 4.70 W/gross ft2 (weighted average) x 0.80 x 5256 hours/1000 = 19.78 kWh/gross ft2. (The lab power density ranges from 0-10 W/ft2 and the average office power
density is 1.0 W/ft2. (Assumes that 80% of all equipment is operating 60% of the hours in a year.)
8. Estimated data are presented in site Btu (1 kWh = 3412 Btu). To convert to source Btu, multiply site Btu for electricity by 3. Note: Golden, CO, has approx. 6020 Base
65°F heating degree-days and 679 Base 65°F cooling degree-days (based on Boulder, CO, weather data).
9. 2005 utility rate information: natural gas at $0.75/therm plus a $75.00 monthly charge; electricity at 0.029 per kWh plus $13.76/kW (summer) and $12.52/kW
(winter) plus $130.00/month service charge. Cost estimate based on simulation.
10. Lighting and Process/Plug energy are measured together.
L A B S F O R T H E 2 1 S T C E N T U RY 9
Revised June 2010