Pe S001
Pe S001
Pe S001
1. Introduction
In 2021, the Philippines’ total primary energy mix by fuel was dominated by fossil fuels at 66.5%. This
percentage consists mostly of coal with a 31.9% share, followed by total oil supply at 29.8%, and natural gas at
4.8%. The remaining 33.5% is fulfilled by aggregate renewable energy. Of this data, 51.1% is indigenous
(Department of Energy, 2021). These energy sources raise the issue of energy security in the country; defined as
the uninterrupted availability of energy sources at an affordable price (IEA, n.d.). This continues to be a pressing
issue in the Philippines due to electricity demand, fluctuating prices, import issues on fossil fuels and coal
brought by cost and socio-political conflicts, and loss of non-renewable resources because of climate change
(Romero, 2023 and Energy Transition Partnership, 2023). Energy security has two main aspects — long-term
energy security studies energy supply according to projected economic development and environmental needs,
while short-term tackles the system’s adaptability to sudden changes in the supply-demand balance of energy
(Yap, et al., 2021). Achieving both aspects require thorough research and development, entailing the need for
specialized R&D facilities. The country aims to attain this goal through the establishment of the Philippine
Energy Research and Policy Institute (PERPI), a think-tank agency for studying recent and future developments
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in energy including its sustainable and cost-efficient use (UP Media and Public Relations Office, 2022). The
Institute requires specialized needs and concerns that architecture can address; starting with the need for a
central complex for energy.
2. Methodology
The study would primarily employ four research methods namely interview,
case study, observation, and comparative analysis. These methods are chosen
based on their suitability in gathering information about the existing R&D
facilities in the country, drawing comparisons with international laboratory design
guidelines, examining and analyzing the factors that affect the performance
(energy and workflow) of such facilities.
Interviews were conducted with the directors and specialists of the three
government agencies – DOE’s Energy Research Testing and Laboratory Services
(DOE-ERTLS), DOST’s Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging
Technology Research and Development (DOST-PCIEERD), and DOST’s Industrial
Technology Development Institute, Chemicals and Energy Division (DOST-ITDI -
CED) – all of which are currently concerned with the Philippines’ energy research
and development. The researchers were given the opportunity to confer with
Director Amelia M. De Guzman, CESO IV of DOE-ERTLS, Engr. Agerico Bautista
and Engr. Julius Mayorga of DOST-PCIEERD, and Engr. Apollo Bawagan and Engr.
Joseph Herrera of DOST-ITDI - CED. Observations were also made in the
laboratories of mentioned agencies namely the Fuel Cell R&D and Testing Center
and National Petroleum Testing Laboratory. The study "Laboratory Facilities -
Prudent Practices in the Laboratory" served as a basis for establishing key
observation categories, including layout, equipment, workstations, lighting,
ventilation, accessibility, flexibility, chemical storage, and fire safety (National
Research Council, 2011).
The presented data from the previous chapter is analyzed for application to
the design proposal of this thesis. Underlying themes from interviews,
observations of facilities, survey results, and gathered secondary data are
interpreted to explain the need for a high performing R&D complex.
3.1. Interviews
Answers of energy R&D agencies on challenges experienced in energy development and its
facilities revolve around equipment and Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems.
Equipment is both costly to purchase and maintain. Specialized rooms called critical rooms that
operate for 24 hours retain the temperature and relative humidity needed for certain equipment.
Valuable equipment should be taken care of in the operation phase to avoid incurring more costs. In
turn, HVAC that runs for long office hours tends to be as, if not more, expensive as well.
Laboratories should accommodate these requirements but approached with high performing
attributes, especially since energy efficiency indexes should be met by structures. Local guidelines,
such as the Department of Energy’s Energy Conservation Guidelines, although not specified for
laboratories, also push for more conscious design choices during the construction phases of buildings.
3.2. Observation
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1. Layout
● Support area rooms (fume hoods, tissue culture ☑ Space Adjacency ☑ Space
rooms, Adjacency
equipment rooms, glassware of maximizing the space. Staff across the staff offices,
rooms) are adjacent to open offices utilize an open plan with allowing for easy monitoring.
laboratories. Principal personal tables. The conference Staff offices are open in plan,
Investigators’ offices must room is sectioned away through a partitioned into cubicles,
be close to labs, and offices sliding door. including the conference room.
are preferably grouped in
clusters. (USDVA, 2022). Since laboratories are more of a Similar to the fuel cell
Laboratory rooms are found a floor closed-type than open, they R&D, laboratories are
below staff offices, which does not typically house the functions that more of a closed-type
allow for easy monitoring. support rooms would have. than open, they
However, this zoning was a result Laboratory rooms are found typically house the functions
that support rooms would have.
2. Equipment
to get to an eyewash should The eyewash is found with the The eyewash is found with the
not be allowed. shower. Since the shower is located shower. Since the shower is in
● Laboratories using strong in one room only, the users from the hallway, users of the 6
acids or bases should have the 2 laboratory rooms would have laboratory rooms have to go
an eyewash within 3 to 5 to go through doors to get to the through doors to get to the
meters of the hazard area. eyewash. eyewash.
4. Workstations
● Aisles between benches, work surfaces should ☑ Aisle Width ☒ Aisle Width
be 1.5
to 1.83 m, enough for a
person pushing a lab cart to
pass safely behind and
between working people.
Aisle widths between modules
measure 1.5 m. There is ample
space for users to move around
without the risk of accidents.
Aisle widths between
modules in laboratory
rooms measure 1.2 m.
Users would have to take
caution when moving
through the space, so as not
to knock over chemicals.
International Research and Innovation 2024
problems with egress Work surfaces measure 0.70 m across. Piped utility chases for
requirements – common across. There are no piped utility ventilation are overhead,
lengths vary from 6 to chases. Lengths of tables do not therefore not requiring 0.76 m.
10.67 m. exceed 10.67 m – measurements Lengths of tables do not exceed
● Work surfaces with piped typically fit the width of the rooms 10.67 m – measurements
utility chases measure they are in, which is less than 10 typically fit the width of the
0.76 m, those without at meters. rooms they are in, which is less
0.61 m. Work surfaces measure 0.60 m than 10 meters.
5. Lighting
6. Ventilation
● Variable air-volume ☑ Exhaust Fans and Blowers ☑ Exhaust Fans and Blowers
exhaust fans are necessary
since it maintains space- There is at least one variable There is at least one variable
pressure relations when air-volume exhaust fan in the air-volume exhaust fan in the
fume hoods are off. laboratory rooms. laboratory rooms.
8. Flexibility
fastened to wood blocking wheels or casters to support Tables positioned against walls
that is bolted into the floor. the cabinet units on the floor. and center tables have fixed
● Mobile Systems - Cabinets Tables positioned against walls are systems. They are immobile,
and tables that are equipped mobile systems which feature but provide stable support for
with wheels or casters wheels or casters. Center tables with some of the heavy equipment in
enable users to move them shelves employ movable systems the laboratory. The flexible
easily. with leveling glides for easier component lies in wheeled
● Movable Systems - Movable repositioning within the open plan. laboratory carts.
furniture systems are similar The current setup can accommodate The current setup cannot easily
to mobile systems, but use future changes in workflow or accommodate future changes
leveling glides instead of addition in equipment. in workflow or addition in
9. Chemical Storage
● Standard wet pipe water sprinklers are considered the normal protection for most laboratories.
● Two exits should be situated as far apart as feasible.
☑ Suppression System, Extinguishers, Alarms and Fire Exits
Sprinkler systems are installed in the building. The exit and the designated fire exit are situated far
Doors should swing in the apart from each other. The fire exit exit is a glass, out-swing double
direction of egress is a stainless steel, out-swing door. Fire extinguishers,
(out-swing). double door. Fire extinguishers are coupled with alarms, are
● There should be one or more mounted throughout multiple mounted in the hallway with
extinguishers depending on rooms, coupled with alarms. some free standing
the layout of the lab. apart from each other. The fire extinguishers in the rooms.
● Vinyl Sheet - Sheet goods made of pure vinyl ☑ Floor Finishes ☑ Floor
perform Finishes
well in many laboratory from the mastic used to slippers upon entry.
types where there is low risk attach the tiles. Flooring was recently changed
for spills of aggressive, Flooring consists of white, vinyl from tiles to gray, non-slip
staining chemicals. composition tiles in varying sizes. polyvinyl chloride (PVC) with
● Vinyl Composition Tiles - This type allows easy maintenance embossed circles for chemical
utilitarian and relatively and installation, but joints and resistance and easy
inexpensive to install and edges can potentially break off maintenance. Users are not
maintain. Joints collect dirt overtime. However, it is a viable required to switch to laboratory
and tiles weaken at joints, cost-effective option. Users are slippers upon entry.
breaking off or loosening required to switch to laboratory
Observation of existing laboratories against 15 parameters (seen on Table 1) was conducted to identify
best practices, potential challenges, and areas for improvement. The observation revealed that the newer
Fuel Cell R&D Center, established in 2020, scored higher (13 out of 15) compared to the older
Petroleum Testing Laboratory, established in 1998, (11 out of 15). This difference in scores suggests
that the Fuel Cell R&D Center has incorporated more advanced and up-to-date design principles,
contributing to a more functional laboratory environment. It has the advantage of being designed and
constructed with the latest trends, 21st-century guidelines on energy efficiency, and advancements in
building technology in mind. However, renovations were made to the Petroleum Laboratory to adapt to
the guidelines for optimal working conditions. This suggests that the older laboratory may have
outdated features that needed to be addressed to meet current standards. In conclusion, the observation
of two laboratories provide valuable insights into the importance of designing and adapting to evolving
standards to maintain high-functioning and efficient laboratory environments.
3.3. Survey
The indoor environment quality has 6 areas of concern namely - thermal comfort , lighting, acoustics, safety,
relative humidity and air quality. A survey was conducted among the 8 researchers of DOE’s National
Petroleum Testing Laboratory and the questionnaire was made to assess their building experience in
terms of 5 criteria - acoustics, lighting, safety, thermal comfort, and workplace adequacy. On average, all
these criteria are rated as good except for thermal comfort, with a different rating scale, marked as cool
overall. Workplace adequacy achieved a good rating through provision of sufficient storage and standard
working tables. Meanwhile, the acoustics achieved such a rating as most occupants observed that
although no outdoor noise can be heard, noises from the adjacent rooms were able to penetrate the wall
partitions within the workplace.Observations made in the said laboratory further strengthen the claims on
safety, and workplace adequacy while refuting the claims on lighting. The good lighting rating is
characterized by adequate
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room and natural lights that lead to soft shadows; however,the observations made contradicts this claim.
Although the building employs a hybrid lighting system, LED lights with louver type luminaires still
serve as their primary illumination. Strong shadows were observed in this setup which could hinder the
vision of occupants especially those working in laboratory tables. Moreover, natural daylight fails to
reach the depths of interiors as it is limited by the window sizing and presence of blinds.
Figure 1. 4 Point Likert Scales were used in rating 4 out of 5 indoor environment qualities,
with corresponding values stated in the full manuscript.
Energy efficiency has always been one of the pressing issues faced by the laboratories. Leading
research and development institutions such as the National Bioenergy Research and Innovation Center
(NBERIC) and National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Science and Technology Facility have tried to
address this issue through incorporation of in-situ renewable energy sources. However, as
demonstrated by other structures included in the study, energy efficiency and security can also be
achieved through passive pre-design and active building design. In the case of IBR and ACPT, they
have utilized their building form and spatial planning to reduce the solar heat gain of the building (one
of the main causes of excessive energy consumption). Overhangs and vegetations were strategically
placed throughout the building, especially on the west-facing façade to shield the interior from direct
sunlight and reduce heat gain. Insulation materials and aluminum exterior finish were applied to the
cast concrete to keep the façade easy to clean and to increase thermal integrity (Feng, Diamond, & Ye,
In terms of active building design solutions, the Al-Bahr Towers in Abu Dhabi, United Arab
Emirates, is a prime example as it features an operable facade that responds to the climate of Dubai. It
has listed energy savings for the building, reduced carbon emissions, overall plant size and operable
cost. However, in an interview with DOST-PCIEERD, facades of this nature are only available in
small scales in the Philippines. Locally, the closest resemblance to a dynamic facade is the Damosa
Diamond Tower in Davao del Sur. It features low-emissivity coating on its glass and curvilinear
architectural fins cut at specific angles, making the building appear like it is moving. The same
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features can be taken into consideration for the building envelope of the proposed PERPI R&D complex.
Safety, worker efficiency, and indoor environment quality have always been
the focus in laboratory designs. The processes in energy R&D facilities deal with
a wide range of services that includes testing of various energy sources, oil
samples, petroleum products, formulation of compounds, and development of
energy technologies to name a few. This nature of work entails the use of highly
specialized equipment to carry out testing and development, long hours of
computer work, handling of organic samples and the use of chemicals like VOCs
which pose health hazards for researchers. To keep personnel safe and
equipment at recommended working conditions, laboratories primarily rely on
HVAC to regulate temperature, relative humidity, and exhaust harmful stale air.
Subsequently, this reliance on mechanical systems has led to an increase in
energy demands.
Researchers conclude that the mentioned issues necessitate the adaptation
of high performing buildings in creating energy R&D facilities - buildings that are
developed to achieve environmental and economic sustainability, resource
efficiency, and occupant well-being through design. The researchers
acknowledge that the approaches of the DOE-ERTLS and DOST-ITDI to create the
laboratory setting are appropriate. However, there are still opportunities to
further increase the functionality and energy efficiency of these methods through
exploration of the iterations on building design, envelopes, systems and space
configurations. With the need for a comprehensive design approach, dynamic
architecture can significantly contribute to an adaptive and energy-efficient
complex for the Philippine Energy Research and Policy Institute.