Purpe Y6 Rubric

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Teacher Name – U Chan Myae Aung

Grade Level & Subject – Science (Lower Secondary)

Email – [email protected]

Dear Parent or Guardian:

I am writing to tell you about an exciting project we are about to do in our class.

As you might know, in our school we use the teaching method of Project Based Learning, or PBL,
to help students learn better. A project motivates students to gain knowledge, and they
remember it longer. Projects give students the chance to apply the skills they learn in school to
personally relevant and real-world situations. Your child also learns skills in PBL such as how to
think critically, solve problems, work in teams, and make presentations. These skills will help
students succeed in the future, both in school and in today’s work world. More importantly, we
are using PBL as an assessment tool for this 2nd semester as the final exam.

Our project is called “How do Year 6 students make a mini invention of energy changes to
support the advancement of community?” and it was started on 15th march until 22th March.
Students will use the knowledge they have gained from the textbook and link it with real life .
Students will be involved in (doing their own Practical Science Experiment, researching on the
Internet, interviewing community members, preparing a presentation, creating a video, using
technology, etc.). Your child will work in a team, guided by me. We will be working with schools,
organizations, experts, etc.

At the end of the project students will share their work publicly with audience. This event will take
place in Conference Hall, EDUSN. We hope you will be able to attend.

Students will be assessed individually in the project, based on the knowledge they gain and the
skills they demonstrate. I have attached the rubrics we will use to guide the creation of
[product] and assess students’ work. You may find these helpful in understanding what we are
asking students to do and supporting your child during the project. As parents or guardians, you
can discuss the project at home, encouraging your child to think hard and ask questions about the
topic. You can also support the project by [helping in the classroom, providing expertise and
resources, etc.].

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about the project!

I have read and understood expectations of EDUSN Project Based Learning.

Student Name:

Academic Year: Year 9

Student Signature: Date: 10th March, 2024

Parent/Guardian Name:___ _________________

Parent/Guardian Signature: Date: 10th March, 2024

Year 9 Sapphire Science Rubric for PBL 2022-2023

DRIVING QUESTION : “How discoveries in science and technology have been a key factor for the
advancement of the civilization of mankind?”

Grade: Project 80%

GPA 4 ( Grade A ) GPA 3 ( Grade GPA 2 ( Grade C GPA 1 ( Grade D )

B) )
Exceeds Standard Meets Standard Near Standard Below Standard

Meet the The PBL meets the The PBL The PBL does not The PBL does not
essential and driving question and somewhat meets deliver and meets covers the driving
driving the essential the driving the driving question and the
question question question and the question and the essential question at
essential question essential question all.

3 Points 1 Points 0 Points

2 Points
Objective of The objective of the The objective of The objective of The objective of the
project Project part of PBL the Project part of the Project part of Project part of PBL is
is clearly stated PBL is somewhat PBL is not sated not clear.
clear. clear enough.

3 Points 2 Points 1 Point No Point

Complexity of The Hands On or The Hands On or The Hands On or The Hands On or
the Project Practical experiment Practical Practical Practical experiment
Procedure is complex and experiment is experiment is is done with only a
conducted in detail somewhat simple and easy little effort.
with great effort. complex and show-casing not
conducted in much effort.
30 Points detail. 8 Points
15 Points
22 Points
Standard of Formulates a well- Formulates a Focuses their Attempts to formulate
the Collected constructed and research question research around a a research question
data focused research which is relevant title which has with some relevance
question which is to the issue some relevance to to the issue chosen
relevant to the issue chosen but not the issue chosen
chosen focused enough but is not
to be fully formulated as a
answered in the research question. 3 Points
10 Points 5 Points
7 Points
Team spirit The Group member The Group The Group The Group member
display great team member display member doesn’t lack team spirit, very
spirit, positive moderate team display team weak interpersonal
interpersonal spirit, positive spirit, weak communication, a lot
communication, interpersonal interpersonal of conflicts and not
active participation communication, communication, supportive.
and support. some conflicts some conflicts and Team members’
Good Team and not very not supportive attendance is very
members’ supportive Team members’ low.
attendance. Team members’ attendance is low.
attendance is low.
1 Points
2|Page 6. Points
2 Points
4 Points
How relevant Collected data are Relevant Information Information collected
Presentation 20%
GPA 4 (Grade A) GPA 3 (Grade B) GPA 2 (Grade GPA 1 (Grade D)
Assessment Exceeds Standard Meets Standard Near Standard Below Standard

Content of the Content is accurate Content is Content is Content is
Presentation and all required accurate but some questionable. inaccurate.
information is required Information is Information is not
presented in a information is not presented in presented in a
logical order. missing and/or a logical order, logical order,
not presented in a making it difficult making it difficult
logical order, but to follow. to follow.
is still generally
easy to follow. 8 Points

20 Points
16 Points 12 Points

Science Booth / Presentation flows Presentation flows Presentation is Presentation has

Flip well and logically. well. Tools are unorganized. No no flow. No
Chart / Poster Presentation used and experiment/prac experiment/practi
reflects extensive experiment/practi tical is included. cal is included.
use of tools and an cal is included.
experiment/practica Overall
l is included. presentation is 4 Points
10 Points 6 Points
8 Points

Presentation Express great Express moderate Presentation skill Poor presentation

Style presentation skill presentation skill is not attractive. skill.
(Charisma, (confidence, eye (confidence, eye Some spelling Many spelling and
Language skill,
contact , audience contact , audience errors. Some grammatical
attention) attention) attention) grammatical mistakes. Text is
No spelling errors. Few spelling mistakes. Most copied.
No grammatical errors. Few of text is in
mistakes. grammatical authors’ own
Text is in authors’ mistakes. Text is words. 4 Points
own words. in authors’ own
10 Points

8 Points 6 Points
Creativity and Well-rehearsed and Presentation Presentation Presentation
Confidence no mistakes. method and style method and style method and style
Presentation is somewhat is average. is below average.
method and style is creative and
Low level of No rehearsal
creative and knowledgable
rehearsal and indicated and
knowledgeable with with moderate
other mistakes. other mistakes.
a touch of confidence.
confidence. General level of 4 Points
rehearsal and
other mistakes.

10 Points 6 Points

8 Points
Question & Answers are Answers are Answers are Answers are not
Answer completely clear, somewhat clear, confused and it accessible and it
and it gives a and it covers covers only a few can’t cover the
satisfaction to the some of the part of the audience’s
audience. points on audience’s questions
audience’s questions
0 Points

10 Points
4 Points
6 Points


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