Nutrition Research Poster 2020

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Nutrition Research Poster

With your group, you will research information on your selected topic. You will be
creating a poster board that will include the following:

*Main Idea - what is it? Should be bold and simple

*History - Where has it come from? Where is it now?
*Facts/Myths/Risks - which associates with your Main Idea
*Pictures/Graphs/Charts - Must have at least 1 graph or chart, with 3 pictures
*Resources - at least 3 valid resources listed

We will choose at random from the following topics: (but not limited to these)

*Food Portions and Serving Sizes - how have they changed?

*Fast Food Through the years (how has it changed? Good and Bad)
*Sugary Drinks In America- Who is drinking what and how much? What drinks
contain the most sugar? What can sugary drinks cause?
*School Lunches (how has it changed and what may it look like compared to other
*School Nutrtrion and Meal Cost Study
*Obesity in America - Why are Americans obese? What are the contributors? Who is
affected more than others?
*Fad Diets/Dieting - What are Fad Diets? What are current and past Fad diets?
*Best of times and the worst of times – Processed Food/ Mass quantity
*Study the nutrition of a particular culture or country compared to the U.S
*How Diet relates to a mental health condition, such as depression
*The rate of food allergies through the ages or for a particular group
*Food Deserts - What are they? -Access to healthy eating/affordable food – and why
it matters
*Decoding Food Labels - How can we interpret the information on food packages?
*Our Wasted Food - How much food do we waste and why does it matter?
*Exploring our Food System- What is it and how is it connected to our health,
society and the environment?
* Factors that influence body image and how they have changed throughout history.
* Eating disorders Anorexia, bulimia & binge eating

You will have some time in class to work on this. Use your time wisely! You
will need to show me what you did in class at the end of each day!

1. Students will create an original poster themed around a specific nutritional
2. Poster should be designed suitable for display to inform the public about the
main idea chosen
3. Information should be specific and detailed and include at least 4 supporting
4. Students must be able to explain all information contained on the poster
a. Do not include information you do not understand – research and learn
about topic
5. Students should ensure they are using valid websites and resources and
submit a works cited page.

1. All information should be:
a. Neatly and creatively displayed
b. Pay attention to spelling
c. Pay attention to the size and style of print (make sure it is large enough
and easy to read)
d. Pay attention to pictures used (make sure they clearly convey the
message you want)

2. Front Side:
a. Main Idea displayed
b. Must include the 4 supporting details
c. Must be organized and easily understood
d. Information is not too wordy AND conveys the information well
e. Pictures used to help support written information

3. Citation Page: Put on the back

a. A separate citation page must be included for all information obtained
from outside sources
b. Information that came from classroom handouts does not need to be

Group Members:
Total points /50 Points

10 8 6 4
Content All Content is Most of the Some of the Significant
Accuracy accurate with content is content is content errors
no Errors accurate , few accurate with
to no errors some errors
Content Contains all Most of the A few of the Significant
Requirements content content content requirements
requirements requirements requirements are missing
are met are missing
Content Shows an Shows a good Shows a basic Show very
Knowledge expert/full understanding understanding little
understanding of the topic. of the topic. understanding
of the topic. Includes Includes basic of the topic.
Covers the essential knowledge Included little
topic in-depth knowledge with few to no details or
with with several details and examples
significant details & examples
details & examples
Organization Information is Information is Information is Information is
very well organized. organized but disorganized
organized with not well- or poorly
care for the constructed. constructed.
Originality/ Product shows Product shows Product shows Product shows
Visual Clarity a large amount some original little evidence no evidence of
and Appeal of original thought. of original original
thought. Message is thought. thought and is
Message is clear and Message is less not eye
clear, creative attractive. clear or eye catching.
and catching. Message is
exceptionally unclear.
eye catching.
Your final grade will be taken from your score/percentage that you get on your peer
group evaluation along with your group project score. For example: Peer Evaluation
is worth 35pts. If you score 26.25/35 (75%) from your peer evaluation and get
45/50 pts for your project, your individual overall grade will be 33.75/50. (75% of
45 pts.)

Peer Assessment for Nutrition Project

Student making the assessment: _______________________
For each aspect, rate the student on a scale from 1-5 using the following guide:
5: did this very well 4: did this adequately 3: did this less than adequately
2: did this poorly 1:no contribution at all
General Aspect Specific Aspect Comment Rating
S1. S 2. S3.
Group Process Used class work time to
complete assignments and
worked diligently

Generally was cooperative

in group work

Task Made a genuine attempt to

complete all jobs agreed on
by group

Did (at least) their fair share

of the work

Contributed to the
completion of the task

Did this person contribute

positively to the task

Overall Based on your rating and

comments above, this
student’s contribution
overall in this group task

Total Points:

Student 1. Grade Yourself

Student 2.
Student 3.

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