CSS Chronicles-February 2023 Edition

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Monthly Press Pack

CSS Past Papers MCQs Compilation

Paper Attempting Strategies
Quick Facts
Essay of the Month & Much More!

Volume 03
February Edition
CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 8

Reasons To Choose

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CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 8

1 Monthly Round Up 04

2 National 08

a. Trying Youth In Pakistan’s Criminal Justice System – Predicaments 09

And Way Forward
b. Revisiting The Education Of Pakistan 12
c. Battling The Revenue Shortfall: The Dilemma Of 18th Amendment 14

3 International 24

a. Abysmal State Of Women Rights In Afghanistan 25

b. World Economy Explained: World Bank And The Imf 29
c. Climate Crisis: No Way Out? 32

4 Monthly Press Review 39

5 Essay Special 58

6 Screening Test Alert 64

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CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 8

Dates Events

1 The US budget for 2023 has two small but significant provisions for
Pakistan, $15 million for improving security along the Afghan border
and an unspecified amount of funds to promote gender equality in
the country.

2 The National Security Committee (NSC) categorically asked Afghan-

istan`s Taliban rulers, without directly naming them, to deny safe
haven to Pakistani terrorist groups on its soil and end their patron-
age, while reiterating its intent to crush terrorist groups operating
inside the country with full force.

3 In order to stabilise the economy, the federal cabinet decided to

implement `bold` decisions that include the closure of markets at
8:30pm and wedding halls at 10pm, the use of efficient electronic
appliances, and a 40per cent reduction in power consumption in
government offices.

4 In light of an uptick in the number of militant attacks across the

country, the government buoyed by international support has decid-
ed to adopt `pre-emptive` measures alongside a conciliatory
approach to eliminate terrorism.

5 Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif assured his Chinese counterpart Li

Keqiang of timely completion of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor
(CPEC) project and safe environment for investors.

6 The Ministry of Industries and Production has devised a scheme to

initially produce 100,000 e-bikes in 18 months to diversify fuel con-
sumption as well as help reduce carbon emissions.

7 Noting that the outlawed Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) was

becoming a major irritant in Islamabad`s relations with the Taliban
government in Kabul, a leading think tank has called for reorienting
Afghan policy, civilianising National Action Plan (NAP) and counter
terrorism regime.

8 In a significant move towards commencement of the first ever digital

population and housing census, the National Database and Regis-
tration Authority (Nadra) handed over the last batch of 17,600
Android tablet computers to the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics(PBS).

9 Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif asked the International Monetary Fund

(IMF) for a pause in its demands for economic reforms before releas-
ing more financial aid, as the country tries to rebuild after cata-
strophic floods.

10 Warning of another global recession, the World Bank forecast Pakistan`s

economic growth to slow further to two per cent during the current year
down by two percentage points from its June 2022 estimate because of
the devastating floods and slowdown in global growth rate.

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 8

Dates Events

11 Pakistan secured a lifeline of about $4 billion from the United Arab

Emirates and Saudi Arabia to sail through the immediate challenge
of a sovereign default amid rapidly shrinking foreign exchange
reserves, massive flood damages and an overall economic slow-

12 Just hours after regaining the confidence of a majority of lawmakers

in the Punjab Assembly, Chief Minister Chaudhry Parvez Elahi formally
advised the governor to dissolve the provincial legislature.

13 Pakistan has always said that it would welcome the international

community, including the United States, to play their role in promot-
ing peace in the region, including facilitating dialogue and resolution
of the Kashmir dispute.

14 A senior police officer along with two constables embraced martyr-

dom in a midnight militant attack, which officials believe is the first of
its kind where modern gadgets were used to target police, on Sar-
band police station on the outskirts of Peshawar.

15 Pakistan`s average productivity growth remained just 1.5 per cent

from 2010 to 2020, significantly low to achieve the required GDP
growth rate of around 7-8pc on a sustainable basis, a new study

16 The results of local bodies polls in Karachi and Hyderabad that came
out after a delay of almost 29 hours, surprised many as Pakistan Peo-
ples Party (PPP) emerged victorious from both cities.

17 Ahead of a UN Security Council meeting on the Palestine issue, a

group of around 90 countries including Pakistan called on Israel to lift
the sanctions it imposed on the Palestinian Authority earlier this
month over its push to get the UN top court to issue an advisory opin-
ion on the Israeli occupation.

18 The Punjab government prohibited doing private usury business and

implemented and published the `Punjab Prohibition of Interest Loans
Act 2022` in the gazette.

19 As the government scrambles to save every penny and introduce

cost-cutting measures, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif added another
special assistant to his cabinet.

20 Pakistan and Russia decided to address all technical issues insur-

ance, transportation and payment mechanism to sign an agree-
ment by late March this year for the supply of Russian oil and other
petroleum products at discounted rates.

21 The caretaker chief minister of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Azam Khan, was

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 8

Dates Events

administered oath by Governor Ghulam Ali in a solemn ceremony

held at Governor House in Peshawar.

22 Millions of citizens were left without power after a massive break-

down hit the fragile national grid in the morning and kept almost the
entire country without electricity until late in the night.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has decided to send Leopard 2 battle

23 tanks to Ukraine and allow other countries such as Poland to do so
while the United States may supply Abrams tanks, two sources famil-
iar with the matter said.

24 Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif indicated that the government was

finally ready to swallow the bitter pill of the International Monetary
Fund`s (IMF) `stringent` conditions to revive the loan programme.

25 The United States has reiterated that Pakistan can purchase oil from
Russia at a discounted price even though it has not signed a Wash-
ington-backed price cap on Russian petroleum products.

26 A day after Pakistan removed the exchange rate cap giving way to
over nine per cent depreciation of the rupee, the International Mone-
tary Fund (IMF) announced fielding its staff mission to Pakistan on
Jan 31 for talks on the 9th quarterly review of a funding programme
pending for almost four months.

27 Former director general of Intelligence Bureau (IB) Masood Sharif

Khan Khattak passed away in Karak district due to cardiac arrest. He
was 72.

28 Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari arrived in Moscow on a

two-day official visit.

29 As the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Working Group of the United

Nations Human Rights Council takes up Pakistan`s human rights
record at its meeting in Geneva, a few countries, including the United
States, have raised specific questions in respect of human rights
issues in the country.

30 Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari expressed the hope that the

United States would not interfere in growing bilateral relations
between Pakistan and Russia.

31 A day after a deadly suicide bombing in Peshawar claimed over 100

lives, a police station in Mianwali came under a gun attack by a
group of heavily armed militants belonging to banned Teh-
reek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP).



Malik Huzaifa Saleem

Juvenile delinquents, chil- encompasses a range of child's court. It must act in

dren involved in criminal behaviours, from minor his best interest." - Judge
enterprises or illegal activi- offenses such as truancy Julian Mack.
ties, are to be dealt sepa- and vandalism to more seri-
rately and are not exposed ous crimes like theft and Developed countries have
to the mainstream criminal violence. The causes of formulated robust juvenile
legislations owing to the juvenile delinquency are justice systems focusing on
legal presumption – Doli complex and can include protection of children, by
Incapax. This Latin phrase individual, family, and socie- enacting tailor fit legisla-
refers to the presumption in tal factors. Juvenile justice tions and establishing sepa-
law that a child is incapable systems aim to address this rate trial courts. In the United
of forming the criminal issue by addressing the Kingdom, for instance, the
intent to commit an offence. needs of young offenders legal system treats juvenile
Juvenile delinquency refers and promoting their reha- offenders differently from
to criminal acts committed bilitation, while also ensur- adult offenders. The Chil-
by minors, usually defined ing public safety. dren and Young Persons Act
as individuals under the age 1933 and the Crime and Dis-
of 18. Juvenile delinquency "The juvenile court is the order Act 1998 set out the

CSS Chronicles

legal framework for the treatment of

juvenile offenders in England and Wales.
Juvenile offenders in the UK are dealt
with by the Youth Justice Board and the
youth court system, rather than the
criminal courts for adults. The focus of
the juvenile justice system is on rehabili-
tation and reintegration, rather than
punishment or imprisonment. This can
include measures such as community
service, reparation, and supervision by a
youth offending team. Young offenders
may also receive support with educa-
tion and employment, as well as
addressing any underlying social or
psychological issues. The ultimate goal
of the UK's juvenile justice system is to
reduce reoffending and protect the
public, while ensuring that young people
receive the help and support, they need
to turn their lives around.

The juvenile justice system in Pakistan

has faced significant challenges in pro-
viding adequate care and protection to
minors in conflict with the law. The chal-
lenges include but are not limited to lack
of specialized juvenile courts in every
district, insufficient funding for juvenile
institutions, incapacity of police in terms
of resources and training, lack of sepa-
rate police vehicles for juveniles, inapt
custodial mechanisms of jails and pris-
ons, and the widespread prevalence of
child labor and other forms of exploita-
tion. A 2015 report by the Human Rights
Commission of Pakistan found that
many minors in Pakistani prisons were
held in conditions that were in violation
of international standards, including
being held in overcrowded cells, denied
access to education and healthcare,
and subjected to physical and psycho-
logical abuse. Despite some recent
efforts to improve the system, including
the passage of the Juvenile Justice
System Act in 2018, much work remains

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 8

the juvenile justice system in

Pakistan and offer sugges-
tions for improvement. The
article provides an overview
of the current state of the
juvenile justice system in
Pakistan, and proposes a
series of reforms aimed at
improving the system's abil-
ity to protect and support
minors who come into con-
tact with the criminal justice

The concept of juvenile pro-

bation is based on the idea
that minors who have com-
mitted a criminal offense
to be done to ensure that ment, with little hope for a are in need of rehabilitation
children in Pakistan receive better future. In a survey and guidance, rather than
the protection and legal conducted by the Sahil punishment. In Pakistan, the
support they need. The organization in 2019, it was Juvenile Justice System Act
Juvenile Justice System in found that children as of 2018 provides a frame-
Pakistan has faced signifi- young as seven years old work for the treatment of
cant challenges in providing are being held in prisons in minors in the criminal justice
adequate care and protec- Pakistan, despite the fact system, including the use of
tion to minors in conflict with that the minimum age for probation as a form of alter-
the law. Despite efforts to criminal responsibility under native sentencing. Juvenile
improve the treatment of Pakistani law is 18 years for a probation involves the
juveniles, many are still sub- juvenile. The lack of resourc- supervision of minors by a
jected to harsh and inhu- es and a proper infrastruc- probation officer, who pro-
mane conditions in deten- ture also exacerbates the vides support, guidance,
tion centers. According to a situation. As a result, it is and assistance to help the
2019 report by the Aurat imperative for the govern- youth stay on track and
Foundation, approximately ment to take concrete steps avoid further criminal
9,000 minors are incarcer- to reform the Juvenile Jus- behavior.
ated in prisons across Paki- tice System in Pakistan to
stan. ensure that juveniles are However, despite the best
protected and receive a fair intentions of the system, the
Moreover, the system lacks chance at rehabilitation and reality of juvenile probation
proper legal representation reintegration into society. in Pakistan is far from ideal.
for minors and a strong "Reforming the Juvenile Jus- One of the biggest chal-
rehabilitation program to tice System in Pakistan" by lenges faced by the juvenile
reintegrate them into soci- Farzana Bari, published in probation system is a lack of
ety. This often results in juve- the Lahore Journal of Policy resources and funding,
niles being trapped in a Studies (LJPS) in 2018 pro- which limits its ability to pro-
cycle of crime and punish- vides valuable insights into vide effective support and

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 8

supervision to minors. The the public and policymakers Justice System, and deten-
system is also faced with a about the importance of tion centers should have
shortage of trained and rehabilitation and support programs in place to help
qualified probation officers, for these young people. minors reintegrate into soci-
which can lead to a lack of Improving Pakistan's Juve- ety. This can include educa-
expertise and consistency in nile Justice System requires tion and vocational training,
the supervision of minors. a multi-faceted approach as well as mental health and
Additionally, the system can that addresses the various counseling services.
be hampered by cultural challenges faced by minors
attitudes and beliefs that in conflict with the law. The 4. Improved training for
view minors who have com- following are some of the police personnel: Police and
mitted crimes as beyond key steps that can be taken personnel working in juve-
redemption, rather than as to improve the system: nile detention centers
individuals in need of sup- should receive adequate
port and guidance. A 2018 1. Adequate funding and training in child psychology,
report by the Independent infrastructure: The govern- human rights, and the
Monitoring Board found that ment should allocate suffi- needs of minors to ensure
over 50% of juveniles in Paki- cient funds to improve the that they provide proper
stani prisons were held on conditions in juvenile deten- care and protection. This
charges of theft or robbery, tion centers and provide will help prevent abusive
while others were held on proper infrastructure to behavior and neglect and
charges of murder, terror- meet the needs of minors. create a positive environ-
ism, and other serious This includes providing ment for minors.
offenses. access to basic necessities
like food, water, and medical 5. Adopting arrest alterna-
To address these challenges care, as well as creating tives: Instead of detention,
and improve the juvenile separate facilities for juve- alternative forms of punish-
probation system in Paki- niles to ensure their safety ment such as community
stan, there are several steps and well-being. service or fines should be
that can be taken. First, it is considered for minor offens-
essential to increase funding 2. Legal representation: All es, as this can help prevent
and resources for the minors in conflict with the minors from becoming
system, to ensure that pro- law should have access to trapped in a cycle of crime
bation officers have the legal representation to and punishment.
resources they need to pro- ensure that their rights are
vide effective supervision protected and that they 6. Awareness campaigns:
and support to minors. receive fair trials. The gov- The government should
Second, efforts should be ernment should also provide launch awareness cam-
made to train and qualify training to lawyers who spe- paigns to educate the
more probation officers, to cialize in juvenile justice to public about the Juvenile
ensure that the system has ensure that they are Justice System and the
the expertise and knowledge equipped to handle these rights of minors. This can
it needs to be effective. Final- cases effectively. help reduce discrimination
ly, cultural attitudes towards against juveniles and create
minors who have committed 3. Rehabilitation programs: a more supportive environ-
crimes must be challenged, Rehabilitation is an essential ment for them.
and efforts made to educate component of the Juvenile

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 8

7. Monitoring and accountability: The

government should establish a
mechanism for monitoring and eval-
uating the Juvenile Justice System to
ensure that reforms are being imple-
mented effectively and that minors
receive proper treatment. This can
include regular inspections of deten-
tion centers and the creation of inde-
pendent bodies to investigate and
address any abuses.

By implementing these reforms, the

Juvenile Justice System in Pakistan
can be transformed into a more
effective and equitable system that
provides proper care and protection
to minors in conflict with the law. In
conclusion, the juvenile justice system
in Pakistan faces numerous challeng-
es that need to be addressed. The
current system is in dire need of
reform to ensure that it is fair, just, and
effective in addressing the needs of
young offenders. It is crucial that the
government and society at large
prioritize the well-being and rehabili-
tation of these individuals, so they
have the opportunity to lead success-
ful and productive lives. The future of
Pakistan depends on the successful
rehabilitation of its youth, and it is our
responsibility to work towards creat-
ing a better system.

Alas! in this system,

the law is stacked
And the chances for
justice oftentimes lack

But still, there's a glimmer

of hope in the night
That justice will shine
and make things right

Abdul Samad

The core purpose of the system vividly designs its easily be relied on for
basic demand for education purposes which might be making a nation noteworthy
is to instill, unveil, resurface, educating the people or in every field.
or enhance the ability to students in a way to pave
strike a clear difference the way for their contribu- A quality-based education
between right and wrong tion to a healthy and pros- system provides a prosper-
and good and bad among perous society and even a ing bed for the development
others. It demands to chal- nation or country. Imparting of the nation in a multidi-
lenge the problematic qualitative education pays mensional way. From the
status quo—problematic in back a responsible society. development of information
the sense that it prevents The real classroom makes a technology and the econo-
the whole education pro- nation in the real sense. Stu- my to socio-politico con-
cess from getting its sole dents and even graduates struction, education plays
purpose and being put on must have the capacity to an undeniable role. The
the road to cater to the boost the progress of their prosperous nature of the
interests of some specific nation. They should have the Scandinavian model of
horde. civic sense to stand for the democracy is the blessing of
provision and protection of a well-educated system
A well-versed and result- their fundamental rights. A where the literacy rate has
ed-in-oriented education well-educated horde can almost crossed the 90 digits.

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 8

While having a mature dren are comprised of girls. The economic survey of Pakistan
model of democracy, the 2021-22, stages nearly 61% of female literacy rate against 71%
country has a well-versed of men. The same survey unveils that nearly half of the pop-
and result-oriented educa- ulation of Pakistan consists of women. One of the main indi-
tion system. cators of WEF’s Global Gender Gap report gauges the status
of women based on their educational empowerment and
The term quality education Pakistan ranks 145 out of 146 in its recent report. Pakistan has
is usually defined as the the second largest number of out-of-school children( nearly
process to get to the deter- 22.8m) after Nigeria according to the UN.
mined purpose. If the edu-
cation system of Pakistan The educational triangle in Pakistan impedes the education
doesn’t reach its desired system from reaching its desired goals. Each of the three
goals, it is just because, inter sectors( public, private, and madrasahs) has its syllabus,
alia, of the lacunae of curriculum pattern, way of teaching, and core purpose. The
research-based education. government sector needs to update its outdated curriculum
This in turn languishes the status. The minimum education expenditure, poor physical
ability to challenge the pre-
vailing flawed ideas which
need to be addressed.

While keeping such a pur-

poseful nature of the edu-
cation system in mind, Paki-
stan has been moving on
with a contrary model. It
largely fails in determining
the goals of its education
system. It has missed out
deliberately many import-
ant areas regarding the
purposeful function of its
education system.

Pakistan has a model of the

troika in its education
regime: government setup,
private sector, and madra-
sah education. Each of the
above has its realm. The
government sector is usual-
ly reported to be problemat-
ic where there is a lack of
imparting quality education.
Similarly, it has yet to
address the gendered issue
as more than half of the cur-
rently out-of-school chil-

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 8

infrastructure, lack of quality among others. The remain- can easily be observed at
education and educators, ing few percent sums are the graduation stage where
and the absence of a allocated for the develop- it is boosted by the notes
well-versed evaluation ment, construction, and culture which in turn paves
mechanism have handi- maintenance of various edu- the way for copy-pasting
capped our education cational institutions. Even out menace. This results in the
system badly. of this meager budget intellectual paralysis of
reserved to be spent on the learners which handicaps
The madrasah education physical infrastructure of them from utilizing their
has largely embarked on education, a huge chunk reason and intellect.
traditional and outdated goes into the pockets of han- Moreover, our education
courses. It should also take dlers. All this shows the bare system also lacks quality
the responsibility for incul- picture of the pathetic por- and talented, and
cating the intolerance saga trait of the physical status of well-trained instructors. The
and stiffing the attitude and our education system. instructors are mostly
behavior of its students. Ma- seniors and feel deficient in
drasah education usually Pakistan lacks a quali- most of the contemporary
keeps itself away from em- ty-based education system. teaching techniques. There-
bracing modern scientific Quality in the sense that it fore, they need proper train-
education. Despite this fact, provides a very minimum ing which in turn needs the
the role of madrasahs’ stu- number of researchers and provision of a comprehen-
dents in the growth and researched activities. The sive infrastructure, e.g.,
development of our country QS World University ranking budget, time management,
can hardly be ignored as and other outfits drawing and evaluation process. At
they are the homes to many the rankings of the different the university level, hardly
students—a large chunk of universities on the basis of any university has had more
people sends their children their research production than five PhDs. The universi-
to madrasahs just by virtue give hardly one or two seats ties are struggling with
of their religious kowtow and among the top five-hun- external or political interfer-
the economical nature of dred universities in the world ence in their management,
madrasah’s education. to Pakistani universities. A recruitment on nepotism,
Likewise, the education realm bare minimum number of bribery, and refer-
of Pakistan is struggling with Pakistani universities make ence-based, poor financial
a poor financial account. their way to prestigious sources, and pathetic physi-
Pakistan reserves the record positions among the top cal infrastructure among
lowest money for the educa- Asian universities. others.
tion department. The educa-
tion budget of Pakistan is Such a dirge of quality edu- Similarly, Pakistan has yet to
lower than most of the devel- cation has been triggered ensure a well-functioned
oping world even less than by a plethora of reasons. technical and vocational
many of its south Asian Pakistan has a long-stand- education. As per an esti-
neighbors and counterparts. ing dilemma of rote memo- mate, Pakistan throws
It mostly allocates its educa- rization which has been in nearly three million educat-
tion budget between 1.5 and place since the first stage of ed people into the employ-
2% among which more than KG. It goes through all the ment market annually and
90% is spent on salaries, pen- different stages of one’s approximately 0.3m to 0.5m
sions, and allowances educational journey. Even it among them are worth

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 8

enough to be recruited by
the market. The remaining
almost 25 million are jobless
who in turn become an
atomic bomb for the coun- can find out an ambiguity in
try: such a huge number of While keeping the drawing out the clear goals
unemployed people easily above-drawn portrait of the of the education system of
falls into the hands of education system of Paki- Pakistan. Though Pakistan
anti-state elements who in stan in view, one can reach has taken some steps both
turn drive them towards the point to deduce the con- at the federal and provincial
anti-state activities. The clusion. Multiple questions level to pursue the opaque
question here arises is: why arise here: can such a prob- goals of its education
cannot the market provide lematic education system system like bringing back
jobs to such a huge number succeed in meeting its the out-of-school children,
of the educated horde? This goals? Has the education and squeezing the inequali-
might be answered by system of Pakistan deter- ty gap regarding the provi-
dragging the reason for not mined its goals? Will it bring sion of quality-based edu-
imparting the required edu- forth ones who can chal- cation via a single national
cation and training. The lenge the flawed status quo curriculum, it has yet to
graduates lack skills and and the prevailing deleteri- bring back to school the
talent which they might ous ideas? hundreds of thousands of
have had but had not flour- out of school children. It has
ished over the course of While answering the above yet fully ensure the provision
their educational careers. like many questions, one of accessible and free edu-

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 8

cation to children aged 5 to corrupt and selfish. People and terminating the elitist
16 in accordance with Article lack authentic knowledge dilemma in education are
25(A) of the constitution of and information. They are some of the suggested
Pakistan. This was made misguided through the reforms. The inclusion of
compulsory in the Eigh- sponsored media outfits. society and even the com-
teenth Amendment in 2010 munity and public-private
and has yet to be ensured. In a nutshell, the education partnerships are also rec-
system of Pakistan unequiv- ommended to cater to the
The deplorable financial ocally lacks in defining clear financial and aware-
allocation to the education objectives, achieving the ness-spreading problems.
department unveils the designed targets, and But it must be made sure
priority of the state. The making the system a that the education system is
same budget allocates cost-benefit one. It needs to under the influence of the
nearly 72% for defense, in revamp the poor physical local influencers. Last but
return for foreign debts and infrastructure of the educa- not the least, the gender
salaries and pensions. The tion system. A sufficient gap in education must be
development budget usual- amount of education addressed as progress
ly bears the burden of aus- budget is needed. Getting without women's participa-
terity conditions put up by back all the out-of-school tion is a daydream. Pakistan
the IMF. children, bringing a single has to decide whether it
but consensus-based cur- wants to improve its path or
In the area of imparting riculum, provision of quality chooses the same way with
impartial quality-based and research-based edu- zero positive results
education, Pakistan sets a cation while eradicating the
multifaceted realm where rote memorization culture,
the students of public and
madrasahs sectors have
successfully been outpaced
by those of the private edu-
cational institutions which
comprise the one percent
republic dilemma. This elit-
ism of our education system
craves a society of inequali-
ty where the sum is ruled by
few. This in turn hampers
national integrity.

The net result of this is that

Pakistan has a balk of blind
followers and rote memoriz-
ers. The learned ones are
easily befooled and brain-
washed. The lack of
well-versed education pre-
pares one to shout and raise
slogans after those who are


Apply Before
14 th March, 2023

Dawood Saleemi - Published in Dunya News Blogs

The recent remarks of the enlarge revenue envelope functioning taxation regime
Honorable Premier Imran after the 18th amendment. both at the federal and pro-
Khan about some points of vincial levels.
the 18th amendment requir- The main argument of the
ing review deserve some side that wants the amend- First, despite the fact that all
attention. While the remarks ment reviewed is that the provinces have dedicated
were related to the lack of transfer of a large percent- institutions to mobilize reve-
devolution of power from age of federal revenues to nues, the existence of a
provinces to the local gov- the provinces after the 18th plethora of parallel taxation
ernments, they sparked a amendment leaves limited authorities has resulted in a
general debate once again fiscal space for the federal coordination gap and scat-
about our constitutional government to invest in tered data of taxpayers. In
scheme and federalism in human capital and eco- Punjab, for instance, three
Pakistan – the issue of reve- nomic development. There separate revenue authori-
nue generation being the is, however, a need to realize ties i.e. Board of Revenue,
most pertinent one. This that the locus of this prob- Punjab Revenue Authority,
piece will focus, in the con- lem lies not as much with and Excise & Taxation
text of center-province rela- the 18th amendment itself Department operate with
tions, on the failure to as it does with a poorly different jurisdictions and

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 8

they have no formal admin- ICT are operating with example, the evasion of
istrative connection and different regulations and income tax on account of
information-sharing mech- policies. The resulting cum- agricultural income by
anism. The Cantonment bersome complications landlords is a recurring phe-
Areas have their separate create an incentive for busi- nomenon because FBR does
tax collection mechanisms, nesses to evade taxes. This not have access to the data
administered by MLCG offi- arrangement causes of agricultural income tax-
cers working under the Min- disagreements over the payers that lies with prov-
istry of Defense. definitions of goods & ser- inces.
vices and places a high
Second, these institutions compliance burden on busi- Finally, the federal govern-
also lack the necessary col- nesses by requiring them to ment loses a big chunk of its
lection expertise, adminis- file GST returns with all five revenue due to inefficiencies
trative capacity, and skilled jurisdictions every month in the federal revenue col-
human capital to meet their based on five different sets lection machinery. Accord-
objectives and are often of rules. The absence of a ing to the World Bank, the
dependent on the federal Unified Tax Portal with a potential of total tax collec-
officers to run their affairs. In standardized format for tion at the federal level is
the absence of necessary paying and filing taxes is a 26% of the GDP while the
human capital and a har- big hurdle in streamlining actual Tax-to-GDP ratio has
monized working frame- the taxation regime. remained fairly low in recent
work, the collective efficien- years even before the
cy of these institutions is Fourth, the absence of a Covid-19 pandemic. The
undermined significantly. robust coordination mecha- existing structural organiza-
Third, after the devolution of nism between federal and tion of FBR, absence of ade-
GST on services to provinc- provincial tax bodies results quate performance-based
es, five economic jurisdic- in the evasion of tax at mul- incentive structures for tax
tions i.e. four provinces and tiple points. To give one collectors, lack of security of

Board of Revenue
Legal Revenue Punjab Revenue
Agriculture Income Tax Authority
Stamp Duties General Sales
Tax on Services

Board of Revenue
Urban Immoveable Board of Revenue
Property Tax All local taxes are collected
Tax on Professions by Military Lands &
Motor Vehicle Tax Contonment Group
(Ministry of Defense)

Provincial Tax Machinery of Punjab

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 8

tenure for the top leadership while the long term over- Fourth, there is a need to
and lack of autonomy in sight can be established enhance the administrative
internal matters on the through the National Eco- capacity and technical
model of State Bank of Paki- nomic Council under Article acumen of the provincial tax
stan are some of the issues 156. Our democratic proce- authorities by investing in
that need to be addressed dures want different points the human resource capital
in this regard to enhance of view to engage with each to decrease their reliance on
the functional capacity of other through these consti- the federal government.
FBR. tutional forums and they
must be put to effective use. Finally, no coordination
The proposal for the estab- Even if there are some legal mechanism can work effec-
lishment of the Pakistan complications afterward, tively without the modern-
Revenue Authority (PRA) by Article 144 can be utilized ization of the tax collection
the current government, which allows a provincial regime through extensive
notwithstanding the hap- assembly to delete its legis- use of information technolo-
hazard manner in which it lative authority to Parlia- gy for the detection of
was presented, did have ment on a subject not enu- under-reporting and under-
some merits from a func- merated in the Federal Leg- standing the patterns of tax
tional point of view. The con- islative List. evasion in different seg-
solidation of all fragmented ments.
revenue authorities at the Second, the rules and regu-
provincial level in a single lations related to GST within Whatever the reform
authority and establishment all economic jurisdictions agenda is, the senior lead-
of an effective coordination must be harmonized on the ership of FBR must be taken
mechanism between the model of other federations into confidence on all mat-
provincial authorities and such as the USA by main- ters. The process should be
FBR organized along func- taining a balance between multi-staged, inclusive, and
tional lines are commend- the federal-provincial juris- give due weightage to the
able ideas. In this regard, dictions. Some mechanisms concerns of all involved
however, a few steps must can also be devised to give stakeholders.
be taken to ensure that the the right to levy agricultural
reform process is imple- income tax to center and No one can deny the exis-
mented smoothly. the center can hand over tence of post-18th amend-
sales tax on goods to the ment fiscal challenges. How-
First, the concerns of the provinces. Third, each prov- ever, addressing those chal-
political leadership of prov- ince must establish an lenges would require a
inces regarding the federal effective Grievance Redres- forward-thinking mindset, a
encroachment upon the sal Mechanism (GRM) relat- spirit of cooperation, and a
provincial domain must be ed to tax machinery to belief in the idea that a strong
addressed. In principle, increase the trust of the federal framework is in fact
there is no issue in the public in the process. One the right way ahead for our
establishment of PRA since way to do this is by mandat- country in the long term. The
the constitution allows for ing an autonomous office of issue is not the 18th amend-
such arrangements. All the Provincial Tax Ombudsman ment. The issue is the poorly
details can be discussed in strengthened with penal functioning and flawed taxa-
the Council of Common and oversight powers. tion regime and that is where
Interest under Article 153, the focus should be.






The Taliban took over power able control of press free- was killed in darkness, but
in Afghanistan in 2021, after dom, has led to the closure the Taliban build their
twenty years of their ouster of more than two hundred system of gender apartheid
by U.S. troops. The Taliban – news organizations. The in full daylight!” tweeted
de facto rulers of Afghani- de-facto Taliban govern- Hannah Neumann, a
stan – have imposed harsh ment has violently cracked member of the European
regulation, notwithstanding, down on demonstrations, parliament, in response to
pledges to respect the rights protesters and social activ- the killing of a former law-
of women, religious, ethnic ists are either being moni- maker, Mursal Nabizada in
and minority communities tored or have forcibly disap- Kabul (January 2023).
of Afghanistan. Since peared. Under their punitive Women have seen their
regaining control, the Tali- rule, they have cracked rights gradually extirpating
ban have taken actions down on women’s rights – as during previous Taliban’s
evocative of their brutal rule inviting global condemna- reign. The recent move of
in the late 1990s. The UN mis- tion – and neglected basic Taliban government to not
sion in Afghanistan has human rights of people in to allow female students to
documented various Afghanistan. sit university entrance
human rights violations. The exams next month, under-
Taliban have bulldozed jour- “I am sad and angry and scoring its policy to restrict
nalists and their unreason- want the world to know, she women from tertiary educa-

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 8

tion and another motion to they have in place restric- away the free will of women
restrict women from travel- tions on women’s dress, to choose their own fate,
ling long distances without making it mandatory for disempowering and exclud-
male escort is an illustration women to cover their heads ing them systematically
of how the Taliban’s regime in public. Girls and women from all aspects of public
is limiting their basic rights. are also not permitted to and political life takes the
In December 2022, the Tali- participate in sports. country backward, jeopar-
ban rulers prohibited dizing efforts for any mean-
women from working at The Global Women, Peace ingful peace or stability in
local and international and Security Index, 2021/22 the country.”
non-governmental organi- ranked Afghanistan 170th,
zations (NGOs). According last in the list of 170 coun- All the Afghan women work-
to the estimates of UN tries. In another move, UN ing for the government,
Development Program legal experts described the except those doing jobs in
(UNDP) restricting women’s “collapse of the rule of law the education and health
employment could cost up and judicial independence” sectors, were told to stay
to five percent (5%) of in Afghanistan as “a human home and not report back to
Afghanistan’s gross domes- rights catastrophe”. UN-ap- work. The Taliban have also
tic product (GDP). pointed independent dissolved the Ministry of
human rights experts, who Women’s Affairs and the
An extremist Taliban regime met in Geneva, referring to Afghanistan Independent
is pushing the life of Afghan the Taliban attempt to Human Rights Commission.
people to the brink. The situ- effectively ban all women These steps have left female
ation of women in Afghani- participating in legal system victims of domestic abuse
stan is that of the can- as “an act of brazen and violence with no legal
on-fodders in a chauvinistic discrimination”. The state- remedy or backing at a time
society. Living under Taliban ment further vindicated that when there are various
rulers is the most adverse over 250 women judges, reports of surge in forced
women’s right catastrophe hundreds of female lawyers marriages, including child
in the history of earth. Since and prosecutors, have marriages. When a reporter
coming to power, Taliban already been removed with inquired Abdul Salam
led de-facto rulers imposed many Afghan women Hanafi, the Taliban’s Deputy
harsh restrictions on the judges having left the coun- Prime Minister for Adminis-
basic rights of people of try or gone into hiding. In trative Affairs of Afghani-
Afghanistan however, the December 2022, Afghani- stan, about the lack of wom-
harshest of the restrictions stan’s Taliban rulers issued en’s participation, he replied
were reserved for women. another sweeping embargo that women would be par-
They initiated with imposing on women in public life, pro- ticipating, in a way, because
a ban on girls’ secondary hibiting female Afghan em- their sons would be attend-
education, which is in place ployees from working at ing. This type of rhetoric,
contemporarily as well irre- domestic and international along with the newfangled
spective of the national and non-governmental organi- directions, endorses a
international demands to lift zations. The United Nations demeaning narrative about
the ban. Taliban rulers also has condemned the NGO women and their position in
imposed restriction on order seeking clarity from society and invalidates two
women’s movement without Taliban. A U.N statement decades’ worth of positive
a male escort. Furthermore, maintained that, “Taking changes in behavior of

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 8

people about the social and and bilateral talks. Resul- the region to increase their
political roles that should be tantly, the Afghan women at engagement beyond the
available to women. the forefront of the nonag- Western world. The women’s
gressive resistance to the rights movement should
UN Secretary-General Anto- Taliban are mostly on their also devote in long-term
nio Guterres denounced the own. social and cultural changes
“unprecedented, systemic in Afghan society via pro-
attacks on women’s and This absence requires ducing and disseminating
girls’ rights”, which he said women rights organizations content and material about
“are creating gender-based in Afghanistan to question women’s rights in local lan-
apartheid”. In a clear mes- the will and influence of guages, strategic collabo-
sage to Kabul’s de facto international community to ration with the Afghan
rulers, a high-level UN dele- help Afghan women. Under- media, and finding resourc-
gation – met Taliban in Jan- standing that foreign part- es for educational and cul-
uary 2023 led by UN deputy ners are not going to show tural exchange programs
Secretary General Amina up requires changing the
Mohammad – has warned approach of these organi-
that isolating women will zations working on the
also isolate Afghanistan. ground. The focus for the
Furthermore, the delegation Afghan women rights
cautioned the de-facto movement should be to
rulers that the country faces strengthen its unity and pre-
a terrible humanitarian vent any disagreement
crisis, it cannot afford to be between the diaspora and
isolated. Much has to be social activists inside the
said than done. UN dedicat- country. Additionally, the
ing world education day to Afghan women’s rights
girls (January, 24) isn’t movement also needs to
enough since the women encourage and foster new
are deprived of their basic allies inside the country and
rights. The response of inter- also in the region including
national community, as but not limited to Afghan
above-mentioned, over all writers, cultural activists,
these episodes of events is and moderate religious
that of mere condemnation. thinkers. These organiza-
The UN Human Rights Coun- tions also need to strength-
cil is yet to establish a en their collaboration with
robust, well-equipped other women rights organi-
accountability mechanism zations in Pakistan, Iran,
for Afghanistan in spite of Qatar, and other countries in
repeated calls from the
human rights community.
Diplomats, including those
representing the United
States, continue to interact
with Taliban leaders at
international conferences

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 8

for Afghan youth especially and alleged experts on rights of women. The strate-
girls. Even though the wom- Afghanistan. Even though gic goal, in the longer run, of
en’s movement needs to Western leaders have reiter- the movement must be
look up to engagement with ated for the last two broader cultural and social
Western countries and decades about supporting transformation in support of
international human rights Afghan women, at perilous women’s rights among
bodies, nonetheless, expec- junctures, where women’s Afghans, and not just exert-
tations from the internation- rights and lives are con- ing external pressure on the
al community should be cerned, Western countries Taliban. The systematic sub-
based on a clear-sight of its have provided limited sup- jugation of women will have
near to nonexistent port for them or their cause, devastating consequences
response over the past in the form of condemna- for generations to come. To
years since Taliban became tion, exposing a deep change the situation in
de-facto rulers of Afghani- hypocrisy. Afghanistan, social activists
stan. must go beyond exploring
It is pertinent to mention that the same avenues for help
Henceforth, besides stand- not much can be achieved and hearing only the same
ing up against the Taliban without increasing regional halfhearted statements of
and battling patriarchy and domestic pressure on backing. Meanwhile, if the
inside Afghanistan, women the Taliban rulers. Addition- international community
rights activists have also ally, Afghan women in the continues its superficial
had to contend with chau- diaspora can play their role approach to women’s rights
vinism, gaslighting, and by supporting the civil soci- in Afghanistan, it will lose its
exclusion at the hands of ety organizations in Afghani- credibility on the subject
Western representatives stan in an effort to save the matter across the globe.

Qaiser Rizwan Abbasi

In an increasingly connect- recipient of aid, assistance, $1.90 a day to no more than

ed global village, it is grants, financial packages 3%. (II) Promoting shared
important to comprehend and loans and much more progress and prosperity with
the world economy and how which is needed to improve the help of ensuring income
it works under the major the economic prospects of growth of the bottom 40%
International Financial Insti- the country in the best pos- for all and sundry.
tutions (IFI): World Bank sible manner.
(WB) and the International In addition to this, WB seeks
Monetary Fund (IMF). These A: The World Bank to provide financial and
IFIs play the significant role Let’s start with the signifi- technical assistance to
in the economic growth and cance and functions of the developing countries across
economic development WB and how it impacts the the globe. It seeks to build a
around the globe by pro- world economy. It is signifi- much-needed partnership
moting those economic pol- cant to highlight that WB to eliminate poverty and
icies that are feasible in has prioritized two goals encourage development. It
enhancing productivity, job that it seeks to achieve by was established in 1944, it’s
creation and monetary the end of 2030: (I) Eliminate headquartered in Washing-
cooperation. Poor and poverty and destitution by ton, D.C. WB provides finan-
underdeveloped countries decreasing the percentage cial products and services in
like Pakistan has been the of people living on less than the shape of low-interest

loans, zero to low-interest It provides support to devel-
credits, and most impor- oping countries by providing
tantly, grants to developing research and analysis,
countries. policy advice, and above all,
technical assistance. One of
WB provides critical support the core objectives of the
in a wide range of the WB is to make sure that the
investments such as social countries can easily secure
sector development includ- excellent global expertise
ing education, public and help produce the best
administration, health, knowledge. This is aimed at
financial and private sector promoting global competi-
development, health, agri- tiveness and capacity
culture, and natural building of the developing
resource management. and poor nations in a highly
Besides, WB also offers inno- effective manner.
vative knowledge sharing.

CSS Chronicles

B: International Monetary pile up their international tainable development and

Fund (IMF) reserves, stabilizing the cur- growth for the betterment of
International Monetary Fund rencies, along with restoring the general public. The
(IMF) is yet another interna- the conditions for the robust trainings and research work
tional financial institution economic growth. help the countries to deal
that aims to achieve the On the other hand, IMF with the various challenges
sustainable growth and ensures the provision of the in the form of the gender
progress for all the member technical assistance and equality, income inequality
countries i.e. 190 countries. training to the governments and climate change and the
One of the principal ways to that may consist of the rev- corruption.
achieve this is by promoting enue administrations, the
those economic and social central banks and the
policies with the help of finance ministries and
which financial stability and others. The coordination
monetary cooperation can with these wide range of the
be ensured. These policies governmental bodies is
are important to enhance important to make sure that
productivity, promote the countries are seeking
well-being of the general those policies that would in
public and most significant- turn help them achieve sus-
ly, make sure job creation to
the greatest possible extent.

The resources that IMF have

comes from the financial
resources that the countries
need to pay in the form of
the capital subscription
(quotas) once they turn out
to become the members.
This pool of the financial and
economic resources is then
given to the countries that
are confronting the financial
hardships or the economic
IMF offers loans to the
member countries which
are facing the wide range of
the economic crisis that
may include the balance of
payment crisis or the similar
to that. In these difficult
times, IMF comes for the
rescue to the debt-ridden
countries by helping them to

Bakhtawar Narejo

We are living on this planet harshly if we fail to uphold Is it too late to prevent
as if we have another one our obligatory moral and climate change?
to go to. The Global historical responsibilities. It's been long established
Climate change crisis has Climate Change crises are that climate change is a
been the greatest collec- real, it doesn’t need any reality that we must face.
tive threat faced by the theory or research to be Climate change is an
human family. Every time carried out or verified to increase in global tempera-
we tune into news chan- prove their existence. If tures due to increased
nels we're either hearing your tap has running water carbon emissions in the
about cloud bursts, raging it does not mean that there atmosphere. The results of
wildfires, or deadly floods. isn't a water scarcity prob- climate change have been
In the words of Ban lem or If you ate today that far-reaching, leading to
Ki-Moon, Secretary General won’t vanish the world increases in natural disas-
United Nations, ‘‘We’re the hunger problems. Similarly, ters, floods, and droughts,
first generation that can The extensive and deadly along with rapid habitat and
end the poverty and the threat of climate change is species loss. Climate
last generation that can upon our heads; We need change is a global issue that
take steps to avoid the to bring in action for eradi- we are facing today, and the
worst impacts of climate cating it today rather than situation seems to be get-
change.’’ The future gener- waiting for an apocalypse ting worse and worse. With
ations will hold us maybe. global temperatures rising,
accountable and judge extreme weather conditions

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 8

are becoming increasingly

frequent and widespread,
causing harm to people and
ecosystems across the

There is no doubt that we

must take action to reduce
emissions and slow down
climate change. Govern-
ments have set targets for
renewable energy and
green infrastructure, and
initiatives have been taken
to improve energy efficien-
cy. However, all these efforts
alone may not be enough to
stop the rising tempera-

The scientific consensus is

clear: The only way to
reverse climate change is to
significantly reduce our use
of fossil fuels and adopt
more renewable sources of
energy. This can only be
achieved by implementing 60 PERCENT OF PRIMATES ARE ON THEIR WAY
strong policies to move TO EXTINCTION DUE TO FOREST FIRES
away from the current car- WWF
bon-intensive model of
development, as well as
large-scale shifts in how
people live, work, and pro- Educating Masses to Play lot of ways that we can help
duce. their Part slow down climate change
Fortunately, we are now and move toward a more
The challenge of climate more aware of how we can sustainable future.
change is daunting and its help slow down and miti-
solutions are complex. We gate the effects of climate One thing that often gets
cannot deny the facts any change. From simple overlooked, however, is the
longer; if we want to save lifestyle changes such as role of education in
our planet, we must make switching to more ener- addressing climate change.
changes now. There is no gy-efficient appliances and Many studies have shown
way out - we must come avoiding plastic to that people who are well-in-
together and make the hard large-scale shifts such as formed about the science
choices required for a safe supporting renewable and realities of climate
future. energy sources, there are a change are more likely to

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 8

act on their beliefs and take

steps to reduce their carbon
footprint. Educating our-
selves, and especially our
youth, about climate
change and the importance
of sustainability will play a
crucial role in ensuring that
our society takes meaning-
ful action on this global
We all have a role to play in
the fight against climate
change. Educating our-
selves and our communities
about this global problem
will be essential if we want to
see meaningful and sus-
tainable change. So, make
sure you spread the word
about the importance of
sustainability and climate
change - every little bit

Now or Never
According to Jim Skea, 20,000 POLAR BEARS LEFT IN WORLD
co-chair of IPCC Working WWF
Group III, which produced
the most recent report, "it's
now or never if we want to
limit global warming to 1.5°C sions in the early 2050s; for Concluding Remarks
(2.7°F); without quick and 2C (3.6°F), it's in the early As we all know, climate
deep emissions reductions 2070s. change is one of the great-
across all sectors, it will be est threats to our planet and
unachievable." This analysis demonstrates our way of life. For years
that, in order to keep global now, scientists have warned
When carbon dioxide emis- warming to 2C (3.6F), us about the consequences
sions are net zero, the plan- greenhouse gas emissions of burning fossil fuels and
et's temperatures will stabi- must peak before 2025 at how it has accelerated
lize. According to the IPCC the latest and be cut in half climate change, yet here we
assessment, 1.5C (2.7F), by 2030. are – still struggling to find
means achieving net zero effective solutions that can
global carbon dioxide emis- help to mitigate its effects.

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 8

It is true that governments

and businesses are invest-
ing in renewable energy and
green technology, but more
must be done to address
the root causes of climate
change. One key strategy is
reducing our reliance on
fossil fuels. We must switch
to clean and renewable
energy sources such as
wind and solar power, while
also investing in research
and development to further
reduce the costs of transi-
tioning away from dirty
energy sources.

At the same time, it is essen-

tial that we prioritize pro-
tecting the natural environ-
ment. We need to ensure
that habitats, like rainforests
and coral reefs, are pre-
served and restored so they
can serve as carbon sinks
and provide the essential 52 PERCENT OF OF SEA TURTLES AROUND THE
services they offer to both WORLD HAVE EATEN PLASTIC WASTE
human and wildlife popula- WWF

Furthermore, we must
reduce our individual emis- a more sustainable future. Let’s all work together to
sions and make more sus- We need to push for strong fight the greatest challenge
tainable lifestyle choices, laws that hold polluters of our times. Together, we
such as eating plant-based accountable and set targets can protect our planet and
foods and using public for reducing greenhouse its inhabitants for future
transportation. Every small gas emissions. At the same generations.
action can have an impact time, governments must
and help us to turn the tide increase funding for
on climate change. research into new renew-
able energy technologies
Finally, we must support pol- and allocate financial
icies and investments that resources for building a
are aimed at transitioning to clean energy economy.


Apply Before
14 th March, 2023



CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 8

Joe Biden’s effort to America can reindustrialise Act, which promotes making
remake the economy itself, bolster national secu- semiconductors in America,
rity, revive left-behind contains $280bn of spend-
is ambitious, places, cheer up blue-collar ing. The Inflation Reduction
risky—and selfish workers and dramatically Act contains $400bn in sub-
reduce its carbon emissions sidies for green tech over
Published in The Economist all at the same time. It is the ten years; some analysts
country’s most ambitious suggest the true figure will
Get behind the wheel of an and dirigiste industrial be $800bn. The money is
electric vehicle made in policy for many decades. In only part of the picture. With
Detroit and drive south. The a series of articles beginning it comes a plethora of rules,
outline of a city that was this week, The Economist will from requirements that bat-
once a byword for industrial be assessing President Joe teries be made in North
decline fades in the Biden’s giant bet on trans- America, to restrictions on
rear-view mirror. Head into forming America. tech imports and exports on
Ohio, where the battery grounds of national security.
under your feet was made. Mr Biden is taking an
The semiconductors that epoch-making political A giant plan that has so
regulate its charging speed gamble. He is acting on so many disparate objectives
were made there too, in a many fronts because he does not simply succeed or
vast new factory that counts had no choice. The only way fail. Its full consequences
the Pentagon among its to build a majority in Con- may not become clear for
biggest customers. gress was to bolt a Demo- many years. However, you
Recharge with electricity cratic desire to act on do not have to be Ayn Rand
transmitted from one of climate change on to hawk- to question whether the
West Virginia’s new nuclear ish worries about the threat government is up to man-
plants, then start the long from China and the need to aging such an ambitious set
journey into the heartlands. deal with left-behind places of projects. For example,
After the endless wind farms in the American heartland. because American environ-
of Kansas, you drive through On its own, each of these mentalism has put preser-
Oklahoma’s vast solar fields, concerns is valid. But in vation first, it takes more
then loop back to the gulf terms of policy, the necessi- than a decade to obtain the
coast. The trip ends by the ty to bind them together has necessary permits to con-
water, the bright sun glinting led America into a sec- nect a renewable project in
off a spanking-new ond-best world. The goals Wyoming to California’s
green-hydrogen plant. will sometimes conflict, the grid. Likewise, if industries
protectionism will infuriate are encouraged to focus on
This is America in 2033, if the allies and the subsidies will lobbying rather than inno-
Biden administration has its create inefficiencies. vating and competing, then
way. In the past two years costs will rise.
Congress has passed three To grasp the scale of what is
bills, on infrastructure, semi- under way, follow the And some of the aims are
conductor chips and green- money. The Infrastructure contradictory. Requiring
ery, that will make $2trn Act makes $1.2trn available jobs to be in America would
available to reshape the over ten years for roads, be good for some workers,
economy. The idea is that, bridges and cables for a no doubt. But if green prod-
with government action, new green grid. The chips ucts such as wind turbines

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 8

become more expensive, vast landscapes for solar law that supersedes state
then the green transition will and wind farms, pipelines and local concerns.
become more expensive, for transporting hydrogen
too. And if other Western and reservoirs in which to Half-full
countries lose vital indus- store carbon. Its universities For better or worse, Mr
tries to America as they and venture capital make it Biden’s blueprint for remak-
chase subsidies or duck a hub for green innovation. ing the economy will
import restrictions, then the The country is already suck- change America profoundly.
alliances that underpin ing in foreign investment to It may succeed in helping
America’s security will suffer work alongside the subsi- deal with an authoritarian
as a result. dies. And the policy enjoys a China, keeping voters at
degree of political consen- home from embracing a
Indeed, the entire enterprise sus. Although Republicans more radical and destruc-
may be hard to pull off for are less keen on the green tive politics, and defying the
lack of affordable workers. bits, they are even more gloomier predictions about
The plan would never create hawkish on China and even the effects of climate
lots of solid working-class more protectionist. change. But be under no
jobs: in today’s manufactur- illusions, it is audacious to
ing, robots staff the assem- To help the plan realise its believe that the way to cope
bly lines. But America may good intentions, three things with three problems which
also struggle to find enough need to happen. First, the are too hard to tackle sepa-
of the short-term construc- effort going into boosting rately is to deal with them all
tion workers needed to build domestic industry needs to at once.
out green infrastructure. be matched by a sustained
Unemployment is at 3.5%, a programme of trade diplo-
50-year low. More immigra- macy. One way to build a Hindu Nationalism on
tion could help fill vacancies, bloc in favour of a cheaper Display in India’s G20
but it is restricted. Policies green transition would be to
intended to help women give foreign-made goods
rejoin the labour market, access to American subsi-
such as early education, dies (so long as they are not Published in The Diplomat
were stripped out of Mr Chinese, Iranian or Russian).
Biden’s plans. Green subsi- Second, subsidies should tilt From December 2022 to
dies therefore risk being towards technologies that November 2023, India holds
diverted into higher wages. are not yet commercially the presidency of the G-20,
viable, such as new types of an intergovernmental forum
The administration has an nuclear reactor and carbon comprising the world’s 20
answer for its critics. It says capture and storage. Public largest economies — 19
that, if America can develop money spent reshoring the countries and the European
new technologies, build manufacturing of solar Union. Domestically, the
supply chains that are less panels that could be pro- G-20 is presented as an
dependent on China and duced more cheaply else- opportunity for India to set
drive down the cost of clean where will be wasted. Third, the agenda and promote
sources of energy, everyone to build new subsidised itself on the global stage.
will be better off. And Ameri- infrastructure, America
ca has significant advan- needs reform of its permit However, amid the great
tages: a rich internal market, laws, perhaps with a federal marketing opportunity that

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 8

the G-20 appears to consti- “unity in diversity.” Yet, refer- ing to prohibit Muslims from
tute for India, there is a real ence to cultural heritage entering the Gyanvapi
concern that India will from Sunni Islam — India’s Mosque is ongoing.
market a version of itself second largest religion —
that is exclusionary, by cau- does not exist on the web- The desire to erase the pres-
tiously erasing parts of its site. While monuments such ence of Islam even resulted
society that do not align as the Qutb Minar in Delhi in removal of a bus stand in
with the current Indian gov- and the Taj Mahal in Agra November 2022, as a BJP
ernment’s vision of India. are UNESCO World Heritage politician alleged that
This is already visible in the sites, and have typically domes on its top resembled
choice of emblems and featured in India’s “Incredi- a mosque. More recently, in
venues that will be spot- ble India” tourism branding, January 2023, authorities in
lighted throughout G-20 here they are simply absent. the state of Uttar Pradesh
meetings, which selectively Similarly, the website touts demolished yet another
display a singular religious Modi’s outreach to the Jain, mosque, reportedly as part
identity despite India’s reli- Sikh, Buddhist, Christian, and of a road-widening project.
gious and identity pluralism. Tribal communities in India,
but India’s Sunni Muslims As Nilanjan Mukhopadhyay
The current Indian govern- are not mentioned. writes, the meetings India
ment under Prime Minister has organized since the
Narendra Modi has been This is a warning sign: As start of its presidency may
characterized as Hindu part of its Hindu nationalist have already helped India
nationalist, and it is no sur- project, the government secure international legiti-
prise that this ideology arguably constructs Mus- macy and widespread rec-
shines through in several lims as permanent outsid- ognition for Hindu national-
places in regard to the G-20. ers. While the culture work ism. This is because India is
stream of G-20 claims to deliberately wielding its
Take, for instance, the want to support diversity, G-20 presidency as a form
choice of outing during an cultural industries that do of soft power, through stra-
early diplomatic briefing, not subscribe to Hindu tegic communication to
when India invited diplo- nationalism’s worldview are shape discourse about
mats to visit the prison cell simply erased. India. India’s cultural diplo-
of Savarkar, a Hindu nation- macy, which has for a
alist leader imprisoned This erasure is dangerously long-time focused on its
during the British colonial reminiscent of past instanc- capacity to absorb peoples
era. Savarkar was a leading es of violence, such as the and their cultures into a land
advocate for exclusionary demolition of a the 16th cen- of possibilities, is now in
Hindu nationalism and tury Babri Mosque in Ayod- stark contrast with Hindu
remains an icon for the ide- hya, and recent threats to nationalist cultural diplo-
ology to date. destroy the Gyanvapi macy.
Mosque in nearby Varanasi,
Consider also India’s which Hindu nationalist fac- As Ravinder Kaur argues in
discourse on its “culture” tions claim to be standing her book “Brand New
work group. India writes that on the ruins of a Hindu Nation,” India is branding
this component involves temple demolished by itself internationally to
“conserving India’s cultural Muslim invaders. A petition investors as an attractive
heritage” and showcasing in the Supreme Court seek- investment destination for

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 8

global capital, and domesti- munities. One thing is clear: ularly well in the post-Brexit
cally to its citizens by prom- What must be avoided with era.
ising the restoration of lost utmost care is giving legiti-
ethnonational glory. There is macy to an exclusionary Indeed, even those who
a real worry that India’s nation-branding project in support Brexit have now
strategic brand communi- which minorities are ban- been feeling “Bregret” – as
cation at the G-20 will only ished to the sidelines. it's been called in the British
further legitimize Hindu newspapers. A recent
nationalism. After all, Hindu Brexit to Bregret: Why YouGov poll showed most
nationalism may have been Brits feel it was wrong to
Britain might make a
born in Indian towns, but leave the EU, while one in five
that is not where it gained its
U-turn on EU ties who voted Brexit now regrets
strength. Rather, as Kaur their decision.
concludes, “it was achieved Published in TRT World
in the cosmopolitan sur- Moreover, 65 percent of Brits
roundings of Davos and in IAs the worst economic said they would support
the posh studios of brand crisis in decades squeezes holding another referendum
managers eager to ‘serve the kingdom, Brits are forced on rejoining the bloc. While a
their nation.’” to count the cost of leaving smaller number said they
the European Union. would support holding one
India has declared the immediately, it indicates
theme “Vasudhaiva Kutum- Despite Brexit once domi- that discussions over Brit-
bakam” — or “One World, nating UK political discourse, ain's future within the EU
One Family” — to guide its leading British politicians could resurface. And should
presidency. The G-20 can are now reluctant even to Brexit continue failing to
take this theme in two ways: discuss it. Meanwhile, an deliver, widespread support
They can either conceptual- increasing number of Brits for it could eventually go
ize the family as a homoge- are rethinking the costs of extinct.
nous entity, thereby legiti- Brexit, including those who
mizing exclusion. Or they voted to leave or didn't vote. Worsening domestic
can recognize the inherent situation
diversity of the world, and As I write this, we are in While an eminent Vote
use the theme as a true between two key Brexit mile- Leave pledge was to spend
opportunity to honor nation- stones: the day the UK's flag the £350 million ($400 mil-
al and international diversi- was removed from the Euro- lion) per week sent to the EU
ty. pean Union (EU) on January on the healthcare system,
31, 2020, and the end of the nothing has materialised.
India must promote and transition period for Brexit on Not only is this due to the
support its diverse cultural December 31, 2020. Conservative Party's neglect
heritage, and counter the of public services – espe-
erasing of minority culture. For many people being cially the healthcare system
Others must do their part, denied hospital treatment – there is also an acute
too: G-20 states must insist amid crippling nationwide shortage of caregivers since
that the discussions center strikes in recent months, Brexit.
on promoting diversity and worsened by a cost-of-liv-
inclusion, by encouraging ing squeeze, it may seem According to research by
interaction between com- Britain has not fared partic- the London School of Eco-

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 8

nomics, increased bureau- ed to have the worst eco- tious, it has arguably yet to
cracy and formalities over nomic contraction in the G7 be practical in the real
UK-EU trade from Brexit in 2023. world. So far, the UK has
added £210 to each family signed a grand total of three
household's food bill. Wors- While some have suggested new trade deals – with Aus-
ening living standards are the UK's rapid Covid-19 vac- tralia, New Zealand and Sin-
also a knock-on effect of the cine rollout was a positive gapore. While minister
stagnating GDP, which is outcome of leaving the EU, Michael Gove wrongly
estimated to be 5.5 percent it's important to note that claimed that the UK had
smaller by the second quar- while the European bloc signed 70 new agreements
ter of 2022 than if Brexit had tried to encourage member worth £800 billion ($968
not occured, with a loss of states to follow its own vac- billion), these were, in fact,
£33 billion ($40 billion). cine programme, this was continued or re-confirmed
not legally binding. Indeed, contracts from when the UK
It's not just the costs that are Britain still had many free- was in the EU and therefore
bothering people. The British doms within the bloc, such do not add extra value to the
Chambers of Commerce as being outside the Schen- UK economy.
said Brexit is "not delivering" gen Zone and keeping the
after its researchers found Pound Sterling. The Conservative govern-
77 percent of businesses ment has often overesti-
surveyed saying that the EU So, what was all this for? mated London's pulling
exit hasn't helped their busi- While there were many rea- power, and the stalling trade
ness growth, while a small sons for Brexit – such as talks with India – despite a
majority are struggling to fears about immigration deadline set for October
adapt to new trade regula- and opposition to globalism 2022, showcase this. While
tions. – the brazen psyche about the country is an attractive
sovereignty which the target, as it has recently
Even farmers, who were now-resigned Boris John- eclipsed the UK as the fifth
touted as one of the biggest son's government promot- largest economy in the
winners of Brexit, have been ed, is also a key factor. world, ministers in New Delhi
unhappy with new trade may be thinking: “What
deals, namely with Australia, One of the benefits of Brexit, would we get out of these
as they fear the price of the British public was told, trade talks?”
lamb and beef will be would be that a sovereign
undercut by that of Austra- Britain would be free to con- Indeed, Britain may realise
lian produce. trol its trade deals. And that that trade with India on its
we could easily replace EU own terms and that of other
It's true that people across trade with solid economies countries is not a guarantee.
the world are facing similar in the Commonwealth and Britain is also pursuing other
issues and worsening living other fast-growing econo- trade deals such as with
standards due to the Covid mies. Other ideas were Canada, the Gulf and the US
pandemic and the impact toyed with, such as promot- - which would not provide
of the war in Ukraine on ing the Anglosphere to rival anything substantially new
energy and food staples. the EU. or replace EU trade.
Yet, UK's case has been
further exacerbated by Pitfalls of “Global Britain” Amid what some commen-
Brexit, mainly as it's predict- While all this sounds ambi- tators in the UK have

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 8

described as “imperial nos- seemingly become more suggestions that the UK may
talgia”, many ministers have favourable towards remain- emulate other European
seemed oblivious that Brit- ing in the EU, according to models even if it did not
ain is, in fact, neither a recent polls. While issues like rejoin the bloc such as
superpower nor no longer the Ukraine war may also Norway or Switzerland.
an empire. play a role in uniting Europe-
ans, witnessing the woes of Given that the British public
There are other symbolic Brexit has prompted people is increasingly showing
moves that are symptomat- to want to stay in the bloc. signs of Bregret, this shift will
ic of Britain’s global ambi- Even traditionally Euroscep- almost certainly continue
tions. Along with Johnson's tic parties like Italy's recent- should Brexit continue failing
gambit to play an outsized ly-elected government to deliver. In this case, British
role in providing military and have focused the debate on politicians may seek honest
humanitarian aid to Ukraine reforming the EU rather than discussions about reassess-
amid its war with Russia - quitting it. ing Britain’s ties with the
while simultaneously hiking bloc.
its defence budget – goals While current Prime Minister
like Britain becoming a “sci- Rishi Sunak has displayed Kashmir is bleeding.
ence and green energy more pragmatism towards
So is its economy
superpower” have been some EU countries, such as
promoted. France, cross-party MPs
Published in Al Jazeera
also oppose the govern-
However, along with other ment's plans to scrap On January 1, 2023, as the
visions like empowering the remaining EU laws in Britain. world celebrated the start of
Commonwealth, all these
a new year, several families
plans need money. And And as the Tory party crum-
were mourning in the Rajouri
should Britain's economy bled in the last year, Labour's
district of Indian-adminis-
continue to stagnate and Keir Starmer has called for
tered Jammu and Kashmir.
domestic pressure for eco- closer trade ties with the EU,
Armed men stormed a
nomic reforms grow louder, amid speculation that he
village and killed four civil-
London may have to rethink may even consider a bid to
ians, injuring six others. Two
its ambitious outlook. reassess London's ties to
more civilians were killed the
Brussels in the probable
following day.
Indeed, the 2021 Integrated event his party comes to
Review, which championed power. Just a few weeks earlier, on
the mantra of “Global Brit-
December 13, India’s Minister
ain” and highlighted the These new economic and
of State for Home Affairs
Indo-Pacific as a critical security uncertainties that
Nityanand Rai had present-
target for trade, does not did not align with Britain's
ed investment data for
account for last year's eco- initial post-Brexit ambitions
Jammu and Kashmir. The
nomic shocks from the war may further prompt the UK
numbers spoke for them-
in Ukraine. to look more towards Europe
selves: investments have
and scale back its gambit in
fallen by 55 percent over the
Going forward the Indo-Pacific - as it argu-
past four years.
As Britain endures these ably should.
post-Brexit challenges, even
Together, the killings and the
citizens across Europe have Indeed, there have been
declining investments con-

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 8

tradict two central argu- Follow the money leaders have been impris-
ments that have been at the The abrogation of Article 370 oned, armed groups appear
heart of the Indian govern- allowed non-residents to to have changed their tac-
ment’s rationale for the 2019 buy and own land in Jammu tics.
abrogation of the semi-au- and Kashmir for the first
tonomous status that the time. Critics of the region’s Attacks on civilians have
region previously enjoyed: previous special status increased in the last few
that the move would help frequently cited restrictions years and are increasingly
improve security and spur on land ownership as a being directed at non-resi-
economic development. major reason why private
dent Hindus and the minori-
sector industries were reluc-
ty Kashmiri Pandit commu-
In the past, federal govern- tant to set up businesses
nity. A S Dulat, the former
ments in New Delhi have there.
often blamed Jammu and chief of the Research and
Kashmir’s woes on local However, data published by Analysis Wing, India’s exter-
governments in power in the the Indian government’s nal intelligence agency,
region. That’s no longer an Ministry of Home Affairs — recently highlighted the
excuse that works. and made public by Rai — sophistication of these
calls a bluff on those claims. attacks. The targeted
When the Hindu nationalist Total investment in 2021-22 killings, he said, demon-
government of Prime Minis- in Jammu and Kashmir strated that the armed
ter Narendra Modi eliminat- stood at $46m, down from groups have a strong intelli-
ed Article 370 of the Indian $50.5m the previous year, gence network and possibly
constitution — which gave and dramatically less than have members within the
Kashmir “special status” — it the $102.8m spent in 2017-18.
also carved out the territory
of Ladakh from the region. While the COVID-19 pan-
At least 18 Kashmiri Pandits
Kashmir’s statehood was demic no doubt affected
withdrawn, and it was made Kashmir’s economy, the sta- and non-resident Hindus
a union territory, directly tistics suggest that wasn’t have been killed in Kashmir
controlled by New Delhi. the biggest factor in invest- since the abrogation of Arti-
ments drying up. After all, cle 370.
Jammu and Kashmir the steepest fall in invest-
doesn’t even have the ments came the year that As with the economy, the
disempowered legislature the Indian government Indian government’s own
that other union territories ended Kashmir’s semi-au- data does not support
have — the region hasn’t tonomous status, before the claims that armed groups
had elections in seven years. pandemic, halving from have been contained. The
Yet it should now increas- $72.3m in 2018-19 to $36.3m number of attacks by such
ingly be clear, if it wasn’t in 2019-20.
groups was 229 in 2021, not
previously, that sidelining
significantly different from
democratic processes and Track the bullets
many previous years: There
principles, and steamrolling Things aren’t much better
constitutional provisions, on the security front. were 279 incidents in 2017,
aren’t working in improving Although political protests 322 in 2016, 208 in 2015, 222 in
the region’s security or eco- have subsided because 2014 and 170 in 2013, the year
nomic allure. most pro-independence before Modi came to power.

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 8

What’s really at play Meanwhile, armed groups Recent events in Jenin, Jeru-
The Indian government had may continue to adopt salem and other parts of the
claimed that Article 370 attacks on non-local civil- occupied West Bank, which
restricted people’s partici- ians as the mainstay of their claimed the lives of scores
pation in the political pro- strategy to signal their of Palestinians and Israelis,
cess and led to a few fami- opposition to demographic have left both peoples star-
changes attempted by New ing into the abyss of another
lies dominating the politics
Delhi. prolonged period of blood-
of the region. However, since
shed, destruction and
2019, Modi’s Bharatiya
While Kashmiris and non-lo- trauma, but this time with-
Janata Party has taken cals alike suffer, there is no out either the hope of a
steps to further disempower reason to expect that Modi political solution or any firm,
local Kashmiris. and his government will proactive international
change their policy towards involvement to prevent even
First, constituency boundar- the region. The BJP’s hard- deadlier escalation.
ies for the region’s legisla- line approach towards
ture were redrawn in a way Kashmir helps it bolster its The recent visit by US Secre-
that gives Hindu-majority image in the rest of India as tary of State Antony Blinken
Jammu a greater say in a party that is tough on “ter- did little to reassure that
elections than its popula- rorism” and “separatism”. Washington is ready to put
tion, relative to Muslim-ma- its full weight behind efforts
The truth, of course, is more to prevent such an eventu-
jority Kashmir’s, merits. In
complicated. The BJP’s poli- ality.
effect, that strengthens the
cies have led to increased
chances of the BJP coming
insecurity for people living in It would be completely futile
to power in Jammu and the region — whether they’re to consider, out of context,
Kashmir. Hindu or Muslim. And there the deadly attack that killed
has been no economic seven Israelis in Jerusalem
Then a revision of the voter payoff, either. on a Friday night a week
list was carried out, giving ago, or the shooting of two
voting rights to outsiders. Death and Israelis the following day, as
Jammu and Kashmir is mere revenge for an Israeli
destruction return to
home to hundreds of thou- raid on Jenin two days earli-
the streets of Israel er in which nine Palestinians
sands of migrant workers
and army personnel — if
and Palestine were killed.
allowed to vote, their elec-
Published in Arab News That would be to over-sim-
toral influence is going to be
plify a complex situation
Once again, Israelis and Pal- that has left both sides blind
estinians are on the brink of to any peaceful solution.
Some Kashmiri leaders have a full-blown confrontation, Most Jewish Israelis believe
invoked the region’s 1987 and maybe one that will be that the continuation of the
elections which were alleged- worse than any before. occupation, oppression and
ly rigged and were consid- Despair and the perception blockading of Palestinians is
ered a tipping point when of there being no alternative the only method of guaran-
the armed separatist move- have taken hold of both pro- teeing Israeli security.
ment in Kashmir took off. tagonists. Meanwhile, an increasing

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 8

number of Palestinians con- lone shooter to commit this unarmed and the victims
sider resorting to armed atrocity, beyond deep-root- included children.
struggle as the only way left ed hatred, went with him to
to them if they are to see the grave when he was killed Hamas and Islamic Jihad do
their aspirations for self-de- by Israeli police officers as not cover themselves in
termination and living with he tried to escape. He prob- glory by hailing the killing of
dignity materialize. ably knew that his chances civilians. But depriving these
of fleeing the scene alive organizations of support will
Jenin might have become a were slim, as has been only be achieved by chang-
hub of Palestinian militancy, demonstrated by previous ing the circumstances that
and Israeli raids inside refu- similar incidents. empower them in the first
gee camps there are meant place — first and foremost
to prevent attacks on secu- The following day it was a being the occupation and
rity forces and civilians on 13-year-old Palestinian who blockade, which must be
both sides of the Green Line. shot and wounded two ended.
But for decades, Israel has Israelis, before being shot
resorted to the very same himself, injured and arrest- The factors that suggest we
methods of applying the ed. The Israeli government’s might be headed for an
disproportionate use of promise of a response, in escalation in violence that is
force, carelessly harming which it used the phrase more severe than any we
civilians in the process, while “strong, swift and precise,” have seen for a very long
failing to achieve its objec- suggested it would be time include a combination
tive of living without fear for inflicting further bloodshed of: The coming to power of
its security. and other forms of suffering, the most far-right govern-
mainly on innocent Palestin- ment in Israel’s history,
For too long the Israeli secu- ian civilians, with no hint of which is dead set on igniting
rity forces have been treat- reflection on how to trans- tensions with the Palestin-
ing attacks on civilians and form this vicious cycle of ians; the unpopular and
their property, and other violence into peaceful dia- dysfunctional administra-
violations of their human logue. tion of Palestinian President
rights, as no more than col- Mahmoud Abbas, which is
entering its twilight period,
lateral damage in a process The wall-to-wall interna-
as is the Palestinian Authori-
of containing militancy. All tional condemnations of the
ty; and the rivalry between
that this achieves, however, killing of Israeli civilians is
Fatah and Hamas, with
is the radicalization of the understandable and justi-
growing support among
local population, especially fied. However, it cannot and
Palestinians for a return to
the younger generation, and should not be taken out of
armed struggle. Meanwhile,
increasing calls for senior context. Last year was,
the international communi-
Israeli Defense Forces offi- according to Israeli human
ty remains a mere bystand-
cers to be investigated by rights organization B’Tselem,
er, refusing to take a stand
the International Criminal the deadliest since 2004, in
either politically or morally.
Court for war crimes. which 144 Palestinians were
killed by Israel’s security
These adverse conditions
Nothing can justify the forces in the West Bank (ex-
deepen the political impasse
random shooting of wor- cluding East Jerusalem).
and exacerbate the condi-
shippers leaving a syna- Most of them, according to tions that provoke further
gogue, and whatever led a this and other reports, were escalation.

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 8

The recent incidents mark of the occupation while under attack and relations
the first time that such breeding ever-greater with the Palestinians head
violence has taken place on hatred and radicalization. toward confrontation and
the watch of the new Net- bloodshed.
anyahu government, in The death penalty for terror-
which the extreme reli- ists is a populist measure But it should not be sur-
gious-nationalists Itamar the security forces have prised, as this arena has for
Ben-Gvir and Bezalel Smo- always opposed. In most too long been left to domi-
trich serve as senior minis- cases the perpetrators are nation by those who believe
ters and are very much in killed during their attacks in conflict until victory, while
charge of security, both and should anyone be those who believe in peace
inside Israel and in the caught and sentenced to and coexistence have been
occupied territories. death it would turn them marginalized and are now in
into instant martyrs, only danger of being silenced.
This is uncharted territory for serving to encourage others
them and a situation for to emulate them. The world economy’s
which they cannot blame
inflation problem is
others, as they have done Similarly, handing out more
for many years. Instead, it is weapons to untrained civil-
now up to them to provide ians, in many cases extreme
solutions when security right-wingers, can only lead Published in The Economist
crises emerge. Their answer, to unnecessary killings and
however, so far seems to be the evolution of militias After three chaotic years,
mainly in the form of more answerable to Ben-Gvir and investors have several rea-
collective punishment, pro- his ilk, who do not believe in sons to be cheerful about
motion of legislation for the the democratic process. the world economy. In
death penalty for terrorists America inflation is tum-
(as long as they are Pales- After all, this is an Israeli bling, raising hopes of a “soft
tinians), and handing out government controlled by landing”, in which price
more weapons to the Jewish elements who are one-trick, growth comes under control
population. collective-punishment without a recession. Fortune
ponies, who disregard Pal- has smiled on Europe, where
The seizing and demolition estinian lives and rights, and a mostly warm winter has
of houses was tried, tested demand the expansion of caused energy prices to
and failed in the past, and so Jewish settlements in the plummet. And China’s
this continuing tactic is no occupied West Bank and, economy, freed from Xi
more than a twisted act of ultimately, the annexation of Jinping’s destructive “ze-
revenge against innocent that land to Israel, which ro-covid” policy, is poised to
people, merely because would leave millions of Pal- rebound. Markets are
they are related to a killer — estinians stateless and joyous. The s&p 500 index of
or simply for being Palestin- without rights. American stocks has risen
ian. by 5% since the start of the
The international communi- year. Share prices in Europe
What good can come out of ty is watching what is hap- and emerging markets are
this? It is immoral, it violates pening to Israel with dread, up by even more.
international law and it as the very democratic
reveals the even uglier face system of the country is Alas, it is too soon to declare

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 8

an end to the world econo- profits surged in 2021, can rally in emerging markets.
my’s problems. In America absorb rapid wage growth
consumer prices fell in without prices having to rise The end of zero-covid in
December, and annual further. Yet by last autumn, China has lowered the
inflation may dip below 2% higher profit margins chance that supply chains
this year thanks to cheaper accounted for only an will gum up. However, its
energy and goods. Yet as eighth of pandemic-era rebound is not an unalloyed
price growth is plunging, so inflation. Given that Wall good for the rest of the
too is gdp growth. Retail Street is expecting disap- world, which has an inflation
sales and industrial produc- pointing earnings for the problem, not a shortage of
tion fell in December and fourth quarter of 2022, this spending. China’s extra
leading indicators of output suggests that firms will raise imports will add more fuel to
are down sharply—which prices in line with their overheated economies.
usually indicates that a labour costs. Europe’s gas storage is so
recession is nigh. The full in part because China’s
healthiest part of the econ- Markets expect the Fed to demand for liquefied natu-
omy is the labour market. start cutting interest rates ral gas in 2022 was 20%
But the red-hot demand for within a year as growth below its usual level.
workers is not entirely good slows. But if the Fed is seri- Demand is now likely to
news: the Federal Reserve ous about reducing inflation bounce back, which could
will find it harder to be sure to 2% and keeping it there, it cause prices to surge once
that inflation has been will need to keep rates high again next winter. Only when
tamed. until wage growth the twin foes of overheated
cools—even if that brings labour markets and the
Despite headline-grabbing about a recession. energy crisis have been
lay-offs by the big technolo- vanquished will the world
gy firms, America’s unem- Should America face a economy be out of the
ployment rate remains just downturn, it is likely to take woods.
3.5% and new claims for Europe with it. Despite falling
unemployment benefits are energy prices, the euro zone Shifting sands
at their lowest in three and a also has an underlying infla-
half months. Annual wage tion problem, as is apparent Published in Dawn
growth has fallen according in rising wage growth. Chris-
to some measures, but tine Lagarde, the head of the TRAVELLING abroad often
remains around 5%; on Jan- European Central Bank, has offers an opportunity to
uary 24th Walmart said it warned that interest rates interact with influencers of
would raise starting wages will have to rise significantly, public opinion in India, many
from $12 an hour to $14. contrary to the more of whom tend to believe that
Because workers’ productiv- doveish expectations of India’s attention has gener-
ity is growing by only about investors. A stronger dol- ally shifted away from Paki-
1% a year, fast wage growth lar—which is likely if the Fed stan and towards its larger
portends price rises that far keeps raising rates and concerns viz Indo-Pacific
exceed the Fed’s 2% inflation investors take fright at the strategy, relations with
target. consequences—would raise China, and the goal of
imported inflation and make making India a $5 trillion
Some policymakers hope the ecb’s job harder still, economy. Pakistan, they say,
that companies, whose while also paring back the is not on the radar of Indian

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 8

public consciousness as it help overcome mutual mis- this country. Nevertheless,

once was. trust but also make South this is one issue on which
Asia a bastion of peace and both countries should
Given its growing global and development. engage, as terrorism is a
regional profile and eco- common enemy.
nomic weight, it appears Meanwhile, the Pakistan-In-
that India’s appetite for dia- dia relationship is com- On Jammu & Kashmir, the
logue with Pakistan has pletely at a standstill; the positions of both sides seem
reduced. The impression in two countries are not to have hardened. Paki-
Pakistan, on the other hand, engaging at any level. Even stanis are convinced of the
is that the pursuit of Hindut- the recent peace initiatives political, moral and legal
va-driven objectives of the that Pakistan took elicited righteousness of their
BJP government are shrink- little reciprocity from India: stance that the people of
ing space not just for Indian the Kartarpur Corridor; J&K ought to be given their
minorities, especially Mus- responsible conduct after right to self-determination.
lims, but also for ties with the Indian strike on Balakot; Indians insist that J&K is an
Pakistan. the voluntary release of the integral part of India. The
captured Indian pilot as a situation on the ground is
Many do agree in principle, peace gesture; and a that the freedom movement
however, that a prolonged restrained response to the continues, and India is
communication gap with landing of India’s BrahMos obliged to keep a large
Pakistan will not be missile in Pakistan. The only number of security forces in
cost-free for India, and that initiative where the Indian the held Valley.
for the latter’s long-term side was keen to engage
prosperity, there is a need to with Pakistan was in the The events of August 2019
engage with its western context of maintaining a have complicated matters.
neighbour. Ideally, India ceasefire along the Line of Pakistan believes that
would not want its growing Control. Some reports indi- making J&K Union territories
profile to be undermined by cate backchannel contacts was a breach of the relevant
a turbulent neighbourhood, but no tangible outcome UN Security Council resolu-
and should, therefore, nor- has emerged. tions which do not permit
malise ties with all its neigh- changing the status of the
bours. Pakistan, too, would The two core issues domi- disputed territories. India,
benefit from a peaceful nating the discourse however, maintains that
neighbourhood as that between India and Pakistan these were internal admin-
would give it space to put its are the Kashmir dispute and istrative measures and that
economic house in order. In terrorism. On fighting terror- Pakistan has also made
the evolving global geopoli- ism, much of India’s con- administrative changes in
tics, South Asia must not cerns have already been the territories under its con-
become a ground for camp addressed as Pakistan has trol. The larger concern for
politics. Instead, India and achieved notable success in Pakistan is that efforts are
Pakistan would be better off apprehending militants and afoot to change the
focusing on the region itself. terrorists. In fact, the shoe is demography of occupied
By working on peace con- now on the other foot, as Kashmir through new domi-
stituencies such as connec- Pakistan is discovering cile rules and opening of
tivity, trade and peo- fingerprints from across the voter lists to non-Kashmiri
ple-to-people contacts, the border on many of the residents.
two countries would not only recent terrorist incidents in

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 8

Clearly, some out-of-the- ing world, going to IMF is bad while witnessing foreign
box thinking is required to news, just like going to a currency disappear from
break the logjam and find a doctor who gives you bitter the market. A balanced
solution acceptable to both pills, asks you to discipline handling would have been
countries. One possibility your eating habits and to do to check the rates manipu-
that could have traction on some exercise to remove lations while allowing
both sides is to revisit the unwanted fats. But the market adjustments as per
four-point formula that was question is: why do you end demand.
successfully negotiated in up in the emergency ward
2007 but could not be every now and then, after a Similar divergence in views
agreed on formally. That brief and fragile recovery? It was held by the former
formula envisaged self- means that you don’t give Finance Minister Dr Hafeez
governance for the two units up bad habits and your Shaikh who was ready to
comprising areas controlled doctor has no permanent sign on the dotted line on
by India and Pakistan, grad- cure for your disease. the very first day of his arriv-
ual demilitarisation, joint al from Dubai. Shaukat
mechanism on matters of Whenever we are faced with Tareen thought that rene-
interdependence, and a situation when we need to gotiating the IMF deal was
review of the arrangements go to IMF, we are faced with possible even though the
subsequently. The formula two extreme views, both former Governor State Bank
has potential for further equally unreasonable. One did not share his views.
negotiation and improve- totally against going to IMF
ment. However, revisiting it and the other looking It is very clear now from the
can only be done when both towards it as a messiah for global experience that IMF
countries engage in dia- all our economic ills. A bal- programs by themselves
logue or take it up in the anced view has always are no solution to any econ-
backchannel. This could been missing. omy’s ills. With a 3-year
happen after elections in timeline, an IMF program is
Pakistan this year and India We find such extremism in mostly an exercise in win-
next year — provided the our economic managers as dow-dressing through
newly elected governments well, for example in handling induction of more debts,
muster enough political will of our Foreign Exchange some monetary adjust-
to move in that direction. rates. Our former Finance ments, short-lived fiscal
Minister, Dr Miftah Ismail, discipline and leaving with
Talking to IMF: believed that leaving the charts looking good for the
exchange rates to “market” time being. Without struc-
where’s the plan?
(actually a cartel) was the tural improvements, econo-
Published in The Express most efficient way. Investi- mies go back to the same or
Tribune gations by the State Bank even worse conditions in a
found manipulations by couple of years after the
We are once again at the market players. On the other program or even during the
table with the IMF team hand, the present Finance program. The recent eco-
looking at our report card Minister Ishaq Dar continued nomic catastrophes in
like a naughty student to believe for several Argentina and Egypt should
made to re-learn the months that he could bring inform us enough about the
lessons that he failed to down the dollar rate to less viability of IMF programs.
remember. In the develop- than two hundred rupees

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 8

But then it is asking too some conspiracy against framework.

much from a lender who our economy.
comes to rescue a sinking We should hope that our
boat, fixes some visible We need to improvise an political leadership devel-
holes, and leaves. Expecting economic plan customised ops such a vision of a bright
it to rebuild a new boat for to our conditions and not on future that takes us into the
us would be unrealistic. In assumptions that are not league of those economies
order to fix a difficult econo- applicable here. In simple having successfully turned
my as ours, we need to have words, such an economic around. Our establishment,
a consensus economic plan plan is to be based on public sector institutions
with clear objectives and making the best use of our and businesses will have to
economic targets for 20-30 resource bank — human sacrifice their institutional
years, which covers our resource, mineral resources and business interests for
long-term fiscal and mone- and agricultural land — by such a future.
tary policies, energy plan making them more efficient,
and policies, trade policy, more productive, with better Indus Water Treaty:
agricultural policy, and use of science and technol- The past, present
industrial and investments ogy, and access to finance.
policies. Do we make our It should be time bound to
and future
budgets with targets eliminate wasteful expens-
Published in The Nation
towards achieving es, losses and subsidies
long-term economic, from the public exchequer,
energy and food securities? Since 1947, Pakistan and
making our defence setup
and public sector leaner India have faced multiple
We have one set of econo- and smarter. Policy frame- obstacles in establishing
mists who believe that the work should be freed from amicable ties with one
western economic model the capture of rent-seeking another. Such obstacles
can be applied as it is to our elite, be supportive of honest started, inter alia, with
economic conditions. The entrepreneurship and pro- disagreements over the
mindless pursuit of “Wash- vide financial and policy territorial jurisdiction of each
ington Consensus” based inclusion for SMEs. nation at the time of sepa-
reforms led us into the pres- ration, which then transi-
ent economic challenges At present we don’t have tioned into (what Pakistanis
such as trade deficit, current any such consensus eco- believe to be) an unfair divi-
account deficit, circular nomic plan owned by us as sion of assets between the
debts and premature dein- a nation, like the Constitu- two neighbours. The most
dustrialisation — all having tion of Pakistan, which could major issue to grab the
their nemesis in our give our economic manag- headlines, even presently, is
“reforms” initiatives of 1990s ers a basis to negotiate the the dispute surrounding
and early 2000s. While it future course with our eco- Kashmir. Pakistan has
would be unfair to conclude nomic partners and lenders. labelled Kashmir as its ‘jug-
that we were led into the In the present situation of a ular vein’, and both coun-
present economic black rudderless economy, there tries have always main-
hole solely by our “imported is no other option but to take tained the harshest possible
reforms prescriptions,” we IMFs bitter pills while trying stance on the matter.
have always treated them to make such a consensus Another major issue, which
either as sacrosanct or as economic plan and policy seemingly dissipated from

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 8

the forefront over the past Pakistan holds a central role differences in the interpre-
50 years, was related to in the Indus Waters Treaty as tation of certain provisions
water and the hydropower the lower riparian state, and the changing water
related thereto. located downstream from needs of both countries.
India, and therefore heavily However, the treaty has, for
This issue is related to the reliant on the Indus River the better part of 50 years,
water resources of both and its five main tributar- withstood the test of time
Pakistan and India. By virtue ies–Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi, and proven to be flexible
of the fact that Pakistan and Beas, and Sutlej. These wa- enough to accommodate
India share the river Indus terways play a vital role in such changes, and the
and its tributaries, there the economic and social Commission has success-
arose multiple issues with development of Pakistan, fully resolved most disputes
regards to water manage- supplying water for irriga- through negotiations. In
ment. As both countries are tion, hydropower, as well as recent times, one of the
agro-based economies, the for domestic and industrial most major disputes relat-
Indus River supplies water to purposes. The Indus Water ing to the Indus Water
multiple agricultural farms Treaty establishes a com- Treaty, has been the con-
located within its vicinity, prehensive framework for struction of large dams and
which contribute towards the sharing of the Indus hydropower projects on the
the economies of their waters between the two eastern rivers by India,
respective nations. There- countries, with India retain- which has been vehemently
fore, this became a major ing control over the eastern opposed by Pakistan. Paki-
bone of contention between rivers (Ravi, Beas, and Sutlej) stan is of the opinion that
the two nations and was for the purposes of, inter alia, India violates the treaty pro-
used on multiple occasions hydropower generation and visions and reduces the flow
to stifle the other’s agricul- storage, while Pakistan of water to its territories.
tural output as well as their retains exclusive rights over However, India has main-
economy. This led to the the western rivers (Jhelum tained that these projects
and Chenab). In the finer are within the limits of the
signing of the Indus Water
points of the treaty, there is treaty and are necessary for
Treaty. The Indus Waters
a dispute resolution mecha- its own economic develop-
Treaty is a bilateral agree-
nism, which entails that all ment.
ment between India and
technical disputes shall be
Pakistan signed in 1960,
resolved through the Despite these challenges,
which governs the distribu-
appointment of a neutral the Indus Waters Treaty has
tion and management of
expert, along with a Com- continued to play a critical
the Indus River and its tribu-
mission, hosting represen- role in promoting coopera-
taries. This treaty, brokered
tatives from both countries, tion and stability between
by the World Bank, remained
to ensure effective imple- India and Pakistan. It has
one of the most effective
mentation of the treaty and provided a platform for dia-
and robust water agree-
resolution of any other logue and cooperation on
ments in the world and has
disputes. water-related issues and
remained, for the most part,
has helped to mitigate the
largely unaffected by the
Since its inception, the Indus risk of water conflicts
constant political tensions
Waters Treaty has faced between the two countries.
(or border skirmishes) several challenges and The treaty has also had a
between the two countries. disputes, primarily due to positive impact on the eco-

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 8

nomic development of both dispute waiting to see where

countries, particularly Paki- On the other hand, Pakistan the dust settles in this histor-
stan, by providing a reliable believes that such matters ic dispute between Pakistan
source of water for irrigation should be placed before the and India, with only one
and hydropower generation. Court of Arbitration and hope; to avoid what will be a
As a result, the Indus Waters resolved accordingly (with cataclysmic blow to Paki-
Treaty has been one of the the representation of both stan’s brittle economy.
most successful and endur- nations), in order to ensure
ing water agreements in the transparency and justice for
world and has played a crit- all those concerned. There is
ical role in promoting coop- a fear that without the inter-
eration and stability vention of an unbiased third
between India and Pakistan. party for dispute resolution,
Pakistan risks being bull-
Usman Wazeer successfully dozed in negotiations. It is
defends WBO Youth World worthy to note, Pakistan’s
title reliance on this treaty
stretches far beyond the
However, most recently, supply of water in their
disputes relating to the rivers, as it is directly linked
Indus Water Treaty are to our economic standing,
threatening to reach an which is in dire straits as it
unprecedented high. Paki- stands. The World Bank has
stan holds the opinion that allowed for two separate
with the power projects in proceedings to resolve this
the works for India, the flows long-standing dispute in
of the shall be severely order to prevent an impasse
impacted, leading to cata- between the two nations,
strophic eventualities for its which shall be detrimental
irrigated agriculture. In this to the Treaty itself.
regard, Pakistan has
approached the Court of To this end, the questions
Arbitration to settle this which arise are: Will the
dispute, while the same has Indus Water Treaty be rene-
been boycotted by their gotiated? Can the Court of
Indian counterparts. Con- Arbitration enforce its law on
currently, India has request- India despite their decision
ed Pakistan (through notic- to boycott? Can the Indus
es exchanged over diplo- Water Treaty remain effec-
matic channels) to agree to tive in the coming times?
amend the Indus Water Without running streams of
Treaty. India proposes to bar water, how will Pakistan (an
any third-party from inter- agro-based economy)
vening in disputes relating meet its agricultural
to the Treaty and any demands to support its
disputes resulting there- economy? As of now, we are
from. all mere spectators in this





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14 th March, 2023



CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 8


The essay paper is an important aspect of the civil services exams. It
can make or break your outcome. Your general studies preparation
is not enough to cover possible topics, you have to study separate
content for the essay paper. You do have to remember certain
aspects of writing a good essay. A lot of CSS aspirants make the mis-
take of not focusing on the essay paper because of its general
nature. While analyzing the 2023 essay paper one thing that aspi-
rants need to remember is that a crammer cannot pass this paper
you have to study more books and start writing on different topics.
The essay paper is an area where you can let loose your creativity
while displaying your knowledge about the topics.

How to select the essay topic.

Go through all the given topics well.

Choose a topic you know most and have significant knowledge


Try to avoid provocative issues where personal opinions can be


Select the topic only if you are sure of the meaning. For example,
know what IT refers to in a given case – information technology or
income tax.

Don’t necessarily pick a topic because it excites you. You should

have content and a balanced approach while writing about it.

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 8

Features of a good essay Things to avoid in the essay question paper

It should resonate with the topic given. Don’t Avoid writing in the first person.
stray from the topic merely to fill up the word
count. Avoid being too aggressive in your writing.
You want to portray an image of a
It should engross the reader. A good essay composed person with balanced views.
should ignite the reader’s curiosity about the Aggressiveness can also show inflexibility.
topic. It should not be boring. The reader
should feel like going on reading it. Avoid being pessimistic in your writing. FPSC
wants aspirants with a cheerful and positive
It should be multi-dimensional. Don’t have a disposition.
single viewpoint. Analyze the topic from
different perspectives. You can provide new Avoid writing in points. Remember you are
insights into the topic and impress the writing an essay.
You don’t have to agree with the stand taken
It should be simple but effective and by the question. Sometimes, a question can
coherent. You need not write the Queen’s be a statement giving a particular view. You
English but let the language drive home can write both negative and positive
whatever point you are trying to make. aspects of it.

It should be grammatically perfect. Not only Don’t stray away from the topic.
does it enhances your essay’s clarity it also
avoids a negative impression. Don’t get too personal and name politicians
or political parties unnecessarily. You are
It should be neat. This is why it is important to going to be a bureaucrat, not a politician or
think about what you want to write before journalist!
starting. This avoids scratching.
Avoid giving quotes that you are not sure of.
There should be continuity in your essay. Don’t attribute quotes to the wrong people.
Don’t jump from one point to another. Make And, definitely do not create your own
your shifts seamless and smooth. Let there quotes. You can’t fool the examiner. Doing so
be a natural flow of points. This indicates will certainly get you penalized.
clarity of thoughts.
You can write good essays if you develop
It should contain quotes, headings, the habit of reading on a regular basis.
sub-headings, and diagrams if required. Incorporate reading more books as a part of
your essay preparation. Also, do note that
It should be structured appropriately. referring to CSS’s previous year’s essay
papers will help immensely. Remember,
practice makes perfect!

CSS Chronicles

The following tips will help improve your writing skills for the CSS Exam

1. Increase your reading count

You can improve your writing by reading books, research

papers, newspapers, magazines, and CSS chronicle.
Sure, you have to read a lot for your CSS preparation, but
the next time when you read a newspaper or magazine,
do focus on the written content style also. Reading more
familiarises you with good writing practices
subconsciously and this will be reflected in your writing
as well. So, reading more is the first step in knowing how
to improve answer writing in the CSS exam.

2. Keep your outline consistent 3. Do not use unnecessary

jargon or technical terms.
The outline refers to the basic structure of
Also, avoid clichés
your written piece, in your case, answers.
You should have an introduction, body, While writing essay paper
and conclusion to your piece. And they restrict the use of unneces-
must be consistent as much as possible. sarily technical words and
clichés. Don’t write just to fill
up the word count. Remem-
ber that quality is better
4. Avoid generalizations appreciated than quantity.

In any writing, generalizations are

best avoided. Always give material
that you can substantiate with basic
facts and information.

CSS Chronicles

5. Do not overdo the embellishments

You must definitely give quotes in your answer. They certainly
show your erudition. But avoid giving too many quotes. Also,
you can give a few metaphors and similes in your answers. But
only very rarely and when you think they are absolutely
essential to the point being told. Otherwise, save the
embellishments for the English literature optional paper!

6. Be original
7. Practice makes perfect
This point is self-explanato- Nothing can be perfected or at least
ry. Don’t just reproduce what improved without practice. Practice answer
you read as it is onto the writing for the Civil Services exam as it can
answer paper. Write in your make the difference between winning and
own words. Don’t invent stuff losing in this high-competition exam.
up. But don’t curtail your
creativity in writing.

8. Make your writing error-free as much as possible

Inculcate all the above-mentioned tips in your writing practice daily and
you will see yourself becoming more adept at this art. Mere knowledge is
not enough to pass the CSS essay exam. You need to convince the
examiner correcting your answer booklet that you have good knowledge
and ideas to become a first-class civil servant. This is possible by writing
simple yet effective answers that not only give the required information
but also are a pleasure to read as well.





CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 8

Current Affairs
1. Who won the 2023 Men’s FIH Hockey 6. As of 28 September 2022, the current
World Cup? policy rate by the state bank of Pakistan is
(A) Germany (A) 11%
(B) Belgium (B) 13%
(C) Netherlands (C) 15%
(D) New Zealand (D) 17%

2. State Bank of Pakistan on 23 January 7. The next general elections in Pakistan

2023 has raised the policy rate to are sched uled to be held in
(A) 11% (A) 2022
(B) 13% (B) 2023
(C) 15% (C) 2024
(D) 17% (D) 2025

3. The Men’s Hockey World Cup 2023 was 8. IMF finally revived the stalled financing
played from 13 to 29 January 2023 in package for Pakistan on
(A) India (A) 25 August 2022
(B) Holland (B) 27 August 2022
(C) Germany (C) 29 August 2022
(D) Australia (D) 31 August 2022

4. Pakistan has won the Hockey World for 9. Currently in August 2022, who is the
a record ________ times. Minister of State for Foreign Affairs of
(A) two Pakistan?
(B) three (A) Ahsan Iqbal
(C) four (B) Khawaja Asif
(D) five (C) Bilawal Bhutto
(D) Hina Rabbani Khar
5. Who is the current federal minister of
finance in Pakistan? 10. Currently in 2022, the estimated
(A) Miftah Ismael population of Pakistan is about
(B) Ishaq Dar (A) 214.8 million
(C) Ahsan Iqbal (B) 224.8 million
(D) Khawaja Asif (C) 234.8 million
(D) 244.8 million

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 8

Pakistan Affairs
1. The Stock Exchange of Pakistan is 6. Pakistan has a 1046 kilometer coastline
regulated by in Sindh and Baluchistan. The coastline is
(A) state bank located along the
(B) finance ministry (A) Arabian Sea
(C) SECP (B) Gwadar Coast
(D) ECO (C) Iranian Sea
(D) Gulf Sea
2. The “Indus Waters Treaty” between
Pakistan and India was signed on 19 7. Which from the following countries is
September not bordered with Pakistan?
(A) 1960 (A) India
(B) 1966 (B) Afghanistan
(C) 1972 (C) China
(D) 1976 (D) Bangladesh

3. According to the population, Pakistan is 8. The only country with which Pakistan
________ largest country in the world. shares a maritime border (and not the
(A) fourth land border) is
(B) fifth (A) Iran
(C) sixth (B) Oman
(D) seventh (C) UAE
(D) Saudi Arabia
4. How many federating units Pakistan
has? 9. K2 the second highest mountain in the
(A) 3 world is located along the border of
(B) 4 Pakistan and
(C) 5 (A) India
(D) 6 (B) Afghanistan
(C) China
5. Pakistan is located in the (D) Iran
(A) East Asia
(B) West Asia 10. According to the constitution of
(C) South Asia Pakistan, the chief executive and the most
(D) Central Asia powerful person in Pakistan is
(A) President
(B) Prime Minister
(C) Army Chief
(D) Chief Justice

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 8

Islamic Studies

1. Prophet Yousuf A.S and Prophet Yaqoob 6. For how many times “Paradise” is
A.S met each other after _______ years. mentioned in the holy Quran?
(A) 35 (A) 130
(B) 40 (B) 140
(C) 45 (C) 150
(D) 50 (D) 160

2. Which Prophet’s nation committed 7. How many idols were worshiped by the
embezzlement in trusts? nation of Prophet Noah A.S?
(A) Prophet Haroon A.S (A) 3
(B) Prophet Musa A.S (B) 4
(C) Prophet Shoaib A.S (C) 5
(D) Prophet Essa A.S (D) 6

3. Which Prophet got the title of “Najeeb 8. Prophet Ibrahim A.S remained in the fire
Ullah”? for ________ days.
(A) Prophet Ibrahim A.S (A) 35
(B) Prophet Nooh A.S (B) 40
(C) Prophet Musa A.S (C) 45
(D) Prophet Dawood A.S (D) 50

4. When did the ablution was made 9. In Surah Kahf, which animal is mentioned
obligatory? along with the Ashaab-e-Kahf?
(A) 4th A.H (A) Dog
(B) 5th A.H (B) Cat
(C) 6th A.H (C) Horse
(D) 7th A.H (D) Woodpecker

5. When did the interest was prohibited in 10. Al-Hudaibiyah treaty was scribed by
Islam? (A) Abu Bakr Siddique (R.A)
(A) 5th A.H (B) Umar Farooq (R.A)
(B) 6th A.H (C) Usman Ghani (R.A)
(C) 7th A.H (D) Ali Al-Murtaza (R.A)
(D) 8th A.H

Current Pakistan Islamic
Affairs Affairs Studies

1 A C B
2 D A C
3 A B D
4 C B B
5 B C D
6 C A C
7 B D C
8 C B B
9 D C A

10 B B D




Apply Before
14 th March, 2023


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