EVBN Report Education Final Report
EVBN Report Education Final Report
EVBN Report Education Final Report
Edition 2018
This project is co-funded
by the European Union
The Landmark, 15th floor, 5B Ton Duc Thang St., District 1, This publication was produced with the assistance of the European Union.
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of EVBN and
Tel. +84 (0)28 3823 9515 Fax +84 (0)28 3823 9514 can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.
Early childhood education, for infants from the age of three months
up to three years
Early childhood education, for infants from the age of three years up
to six years
Early childhood education, incorporating the functions of both
Pre-primary school nursery and kindergarten, for infants from the age of three months up
to six years
Primary school General education, for students from age six to eleven, including
/ Elementary school grade 1 to 5
Lower secondary school General education, for students from age twelve to fifteen, including
/ Junior high school grade 6 to 9
General education, comprising both primary school and lower
Basic education
secondary school
Upper secondary school General education, for students from age sixteen to eighteen,
/ Senior high school including grade 10 to 12
General education, comprising both lower and upper secondary
Secondary school
College Higher education, narrowly focused in curriculum, duration 3 years
Higher education, multidisciplinary, with research capacity, duration 4
to 6 years based on field of study
Higher education, narrowly focused in study area, highly specialised
Research institute
research capacity
Public institution Educational establishment, owned and invested by the government
Education establishment, set up by the government, jointly invested
Semi-public institution
by the government and members of the public
People-founded Education establishment, owned and invested by social or economic
institution organisations
Education establishment, owned and invested by individuals or
Private institution
groups of individuals
EUR/US$ 0.81
EUR/VND 27,998.64
First, Vietnamese people prefer the private education sector over the public school system because of
its superior teaching method and outcome for students. This preference translates into a strong market
for ‘non-public’, ‘supplementary’, and ‘overseas’ services. Second, Vietnamese people increasingly value
supplementary attributes, such as language proficiency and soft skills, to enhance their employability.
Third, there is a growing demand for world-class education through abroad study.
This report seeks to shed light on the education market in Vietnam. First, it provides an overview of
Vietnam’s education landscape by introducing its education system, on-going trends, as well as the
underlying drivers, barriers, and opportunities and challenges for foreign investors. This section will
provide readers with more details on the public, private, and supplementary sectors, as well as overseas
studies of Vietnamese students.
In the second part, the report lays out the competitive landscape for the public, private and
supplementary sectors. Three cases studies are provided featuring Vinschool, a local private institution,
the Vietnamese-German University, a foreign-invested institution, and British Council Vietnam, a
language-training provider. The case studies are followed by a brief profile of end consumer. Interested
investors can find more about related laws and regulations in the final part of this report.
Vietnam’s Economy
Nha Trang
Can Tho
Image from www.vietnamtourism.gov.vn
250 8
6.7 6.8 6.7
6.2 7
200 6.0
5.4 6
150 5
(€ bn)
228.6 4
100 182.0 193.9
172.5 3
128.4 140.0
0 0
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018e 2019f 2020f
Real gross domestic product (GDP) growth is expected to accelerate at 6.7% in 2018, reaching €208.1
billion in value. With this growth rate, Vietnam remains one of the fastest-growing economies in Asia. The
solid increase pace is foreseen to continue until 2020, to reach €248.8 billion. The outlook is underpinned
by ongoing Government policies regarding the privatisation of state-owned enterprises (SOEs), the
maintenance of price stability, the lowering of trade barriers and reduced tax rates.
In 2017, Vietnam’s nominal GDP
per capita reached €2,029, an
2500 2,346 increase of 5.4% compared to
2,029 2016. Nonetheless, the country has
2000 1,924
1,843 been recognised for its effort to
1,512 increase the GDP per capita, and
1500 1,403
expects to reach a GDP per capita
1000 of €2,529 in 2020. A solid increase
in GDP per capita suggests that an
average Vietnamese will have more
disposable income to spend on
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018e 2019f 2020f more goods than just basic needs.
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam’s commercial centre, continued to receive the most FDI in 2017 with a total
registered capital of nearly EUR 2.7 billion. Provinces such as Binh Duong and Bac Ninh, where LG and
Samsung established their manufacturing centres, also received large amounts of FDI at EUR 2.0 and EUR 2.6
billion, respectively. Thanh Hoa and Khanh Hoa are two provinces receiving the highest number of newly
registered capital, respectively, due to mega Build – Operate – Transfer Japan’s thermal power projects.
Other 12,054.1
With this GDP growth and increase in disposable income, consumption expenditure is expected to grow
at a rate of 9% during 2016-22f. The increase in the standard of living will likely also raise the price and the
quality of goods purchased by Vietnamese consumers.
EUR per year per household
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Other 624 669 715 754 815 883 967 1,060 1,163 1,278
Leisure & education 212 228 244 258 279 303 332 365 401 441
Transport & communications 515 551 588 618 667 721 787 862 944 1,035
Health spending 69 74 79 84 91 98 108 118 130 143
Furnishing and home 149 160 171 180 195 211 231 253 277 305
Housing and utilities 396 422 450 472 508 548 598 653 714 782
Clothing & footwear 74 80 85 90 97 105 114 125 137 151
Food, beverages & tobacco 588 629 671 706 761 823 899 984 1,078 1,183
Market trends
Market drivers
Market barriers
Literacy Rate
PISA is a global study by the Organisation for ranks higher than the OECD average, which
Economic Co-operation and Development includes the US and European countries.
(OECD). It evaluates educational systems by However, sceptics noted that PISA rankings
measuring 15-and-over students’ scholastic normally correlate to the country’s GDP and
performance in mathematics, science, and prosperity, which would make Vietnam an
reading. Vietnam ranked among top performers outlier. One plausible explanation is the fact
in the developing East Asia and Pacific region that the Vietnamese education system is exam-
in 2018 according to the World Bank. Vietnam oriented and theoretical.
493 490 495 493 487
Figure 13: PISA score of Vietnamese students and International Average in 2018
Source: World Bank
Doctor of
24 Philosophy Master Equivalent levels Advancing levels
4-6 years 2 years
22 Education
(Non-format Education)
Continuing Education
18 Professional Secondary
Upper Secondary School
School 3 years 3-4 years Vocational Training
Lower Secondary School
Education 4 years 1-5 years
Primary School 5 years
6 Early
3 months
Figure 14: National education system of Vietnam, 2014
Source: Ministry of Education and Training
For children aged 3 - 6. This level of education For children aged 6 - 11. The five years
is not compulsory and mostly popular in of primary school constitute the only
major cities such as Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi, compulsory education in Vietnam. It used to
Hai Phong, Can Tho, Da Nang, Vung Tau, etc. culminate in a final exit examination, which
In the later years children learn the alphabet was abolished in the 2000s.
and basic arithmetic.
For children aged 11 - 15. Before 2006, students had to pass the Intermediate Graduation Examination
(IGE) (administered by the local Department of Education and Training) to graduate, which is no longer
required. The Vietnamese government plans to universalise lower secondary education by making
education compulsory for nine years (from grade 1 to 9) by 2020.
Second language
Young Vietnamese are more and more proficient crucial for Vietnam to improve its English learning
in English, the predominant foreign language in system. In that effect, the Vietnamese government
Vietnam. Vietnam ranked 34th on the Education has ordered that public universities implement
First English Proficiency Index in 2017, and 7th English as a second language. Vietnam also plans
among Asian countries. With the launch of the to make English compulsory from grade 3 onward
ASEAN Economic Community and the country’s by 2018. As of the time of this report, English is
desire to compete in a global marketplace, it is mandatory only in upper secondary education.
15 Philippines 60.59
13 Malaysia 61.07
5 Singapore 66.03
Vietnamese schools are divided into two types semi-public (ban cong), people-founded (dan
– public (cong lap) and non-public (ngoai cong lap) and private (tu thuc). The various educational
lap). Amongst non-public institutions, schools establishments are defined in Article 44 of
are further classified into three types, namely Vietnam’s Law on Education as follows:
Notwithstanding the distinctions above, all schools use the same curriculum and must operate
according to Vietnamese laws (see more in the section Regulatory and Legal Framework).
The network of education institutions throughout the country has expanded, thereby offering learning
opportunities for everyone and contributing to the achievement of a learning society.
Secondary 420
Primary 15,052
Remark: Basic Education includes Primary and Lower Secondary. Secondary includes Lower Secondary and Higher Secondary.
In recent years, the net enrolment rate increased significantly. The high number of students in every
stage of education reached a y-o-y growth of hundreds of thousands of students per year, in part
caused by the implementation of universal secondary education in certain regions.
Number of schools
However, over the past few years, Kindergarten 2,529 2,403 2,315 2,184
public pre-primary schools, Pre-primary 9,585 9,962 10,151 10,397
including nursery, kindergarten, Primary 15,232 15,171 15,145 14,939
and public primary schools have Basic Education 576 570 580 749
declined as the demand was
Lower Secondary 10,268 10,268 10,281 10,124
shifting to private schools.
Secondary 224 235 241 266
Figure 18: Number of schools Upper Secondary 2,062 2,092 2,107 2,110
in public education
Source: Ministry of Education and Training
Higher Education 156 159 163 170
Number of students
In the public school system, more students mean larger classrooms. An average public school class has
30 students. As a consequence, students do not always receive sufficient attention.
Unit: Student
-2011 30.2
Another downside of the public education 50 years, accounting for 77.1% of total classrooms
system is the state of its facilities. Classrooms, (breaking down to primary 68.7%, lower secondary
teaching facilities as well as libraries of many 85.7%, upper secondary 93.9%). Many schools
public schools are sub-par. Currently, Vietnam in Northeast, Northwest, Central Highlands
has 419,903 classrooms, 323,551 of which are and Southwest, still do not have well-fortified
considered well-fortified and durable for at least classrooms and sufficient teaching equipment.
Tuition fees
According to Decree No. 86/2015/ND-CP, People’s Councils of provinces prescribes the specific annual
tuition fees suitable for their province. The Vietnamese public school system offers a reasonable tuition
fee, as can be seen below:
Enrolment requirements
Lower and upper secondary schools are either where the school is located (though not in higher
classified as normal or for gifted children. The education). Second, to attend a lower secondary
latter welcome students who have greater school for the gifted, students must achieve high
potentials in social sciences, natural sciences or scores in Mathematics and Vietnamese and take
foreign languages and offer intensive training in an English entrance test. As for enrolling in upper
those particular areas. secondary schools for the gifted, students must
score high on the secondary graduation exam
Public schools have a number of enrolment and write a competitive entrance exam.
requirements. First, students must reside in the area
All public schools in Vietnam, at every level of curriculum for gifted students. The MOET is
education, follow the standard programme planning to introduce English to first and second
prescribed by the MOET. Some top upper grade students. With the current programme,
secondary schools offer additional specialised English only starts in third grade.
Business, finance, banking, education, and recently, information technology and foreign languages, are
the favourite majors of Vietnamese students.
Because the Vietnamese government offers tuition-free education to students majoring in Education,
Group 1 is significant. Group 3, 5, and 7 are the largest groups since the majority of students major in
Business Administration, Health, Law, English, Information Technology, Automotive Engineering or Pre-
primary Education.
In recent years, transnational education programmes, advanced programmes and high quality programmes
have flourished.
Post-graduate education
The number of public institutions offering post- programmes in 2010 to eight today. In Ho Chi
graduate programmes has increased over the Minh City and Hanoi, most institutions offer post-
years. According to the MOET, Vietnam had 180 graduate education. A number of universities
institutions offering post-graduate education has started to offer transnational education
in 2017. In the Mekong River Delta, for instance, programme for post-graduate education, such
there used to be only one institution offering a as the Ho Chi Minh City International University,
post-graduate programme. Now, almost every the University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City, the
university in the region offers this possibility. Foreign Trade University, the Academy of Finance,
Similarly, the Southeast region (excluding Ho the University of Finance – Marketing, etc.
Chi Minh City) has gone from two post-graduate
Private schools are generally more modern and better equipped than public schools. The private school
system has grown rapidly with the demand, both in quality and quantity. These private schools provide
a variety of learning options for students in major cities.
Vietnam’s education system also includes a supplementary sector, which complements students’ formal
education by providing extra-curricular activities to develop skills that the formal education system
fails to cover adequately. This sector can be divided into three sub-sectors: language training, private
tutoring, and short courses.
Language training
Private tutoring
Vietnam has an industry of private tutoring that complements formal education programmes. Based on a
survey by Thanh Nien News of 800 parents in 6 selected cities/provinces (Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi, Da Nang,
Quang Nam, Can Tho, Binh Dinh), it is reported that nearly 75% of surveyed parents send their children to
tutorial classes after school hours or during weekends.
22.3% 21.7% Pressure from teachers
Of these parents, more than 50% attributed the curriculum. Other notable reasons include not
demand for tutorial classes to the belief that wanting their kids to fall behind their peers,
normal school hours are not sufficient; 31.2% of and not having time to take care of them in the
parents want their kids to receive more practise evening. 4.3% of parents reported having to
on the knowledge taught at school; and 25.7% send their kids to tutorial classes under teachers’
want their kids to learn beyond the school pressure.
Figure 30:
Supplementary schools/centers Venues for extra-classes, 2014
Others Source: Thanh Nien News
School Home
To regulate extra classes and private tutoring, the government issued Circular No. 17/2012/TT-BGDDT.
Some points worth noting are:
Extra classes shall not be provided for elementary students, except for extra-curricular activities, such
as arts, sports, or life skills..”
Extra classes shall not be provided for students who have attended curricular classes for 2 sessions per day.”
A teacher receiving salaries from wage-fund of public service agencies is banned from:
Holding external extra classes unless he/she conducts external extra classes;
Conducting external extra classes for students who are in his/her curricular classes without the
permit of the Head of his/her superior agency.”
Short courses
Apart from language training and private tutoring, Vietnamese people also take short courses that go
beyond the curricula established by the MOET, such as soft skills, work-related skills, arts, sports, and life
Life skills, arts and sports courses are usually organised during the summer and with the main purpose of
increasing physical fitness and capabilities. Additionally, a number of parents who cannot take care of their
children during the summer send their kids to summer courses that provide boarding options.
Vietnamese people are increasingly aware of the value of soft skills. This is due to employers’ perception
that university graduates lack tacit knowledge and hands-on experience. Communication skills, teamwork,
computer literacy and responsibility are not adequately taught in universities. Navigos Search, a headhunting
company in Vietnam, commented that the lack of soft skills is the primary reason of unemployment for
recent graduates.
While the workplace becomes more complex and demanding, companies look for candidates with soft
skills in addition to their educational background. The demand for skills training creates many opportunities
for new investors in the field.
Figure 31:
Number of overseas Vietnamese students,
Source: Ministry of Education and Training
16,082 16,579
Remark: The figures above consist of all expenses related to studying abroad, including tuition fees, housing fees, living fees,
travelling costs and other additional costs
More and more Vietnamese parents send their children to private primary and lower-secondary schools
because they find the public school curriculum heavy, inflexible and antiquated. Furthermore, public
school children are often forced to attend “extra classes” in order to keep up with their peers, somewhat
offsetting the affordability of those schools. Therefore, parents with rising income prefer private schools,
where the curriculum is lighter and students have free time to develop soft skills and have fun.
While the demand for primary and lower secondary education is rising, there has been a steady decline in
non-public upper secondary education, both in the number of students and the number of schools. This
can be attributed to several factors, such as:
The quality of certain non-public upper secondary
schools does not match their high tuition fees. This
raises much concern, especially since high school’s
quality can decide whether a student would get 175,416 174,158
into a good university in the future.
In the past, non-public universities were regarded as“expensive”and suitable only for people who could not get
into public universities. That perception has changed, and now more students choose to attend non-public
universities. These universities usually provide an international degree, either directly or through twinning
programmes, which satisfy the growing demand for a foreign, high quality education. The curriculum is
more flexible and generally taught in English, which better prepares students to the job marketplace.
232,367 243,975
60 60 65
Vietnam had 130,000 overseas students in 2016, with a CAGR 13-16 of 7.55%. Vietnamese students ranked
16th in the US, 3rd in Japan, 2nd in Korea, 9th in France and 30th in Germany in terms of number in 2017.
The growing number of study abroad consulting firms also evidences this trend. According to Department
of Training and Education, Ho Chi Minh City had approximately 1,000 studying abroad consulting firms in
2015. In Hanoi, there were 300 registered firms at the end of 2015, double the 2014 figure.
In preparation for Vietnam’s next major education Many supplementary schools and non-private
reform, increasing attention is paid to Science, institutions have added STEM programmes to
Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) their curriculum. In 2015, DTT Eduspec launched
education, defined as follows: an after-school programme named “Hoc vien
STEM” (STEM Institution) to help students with a
passion in STEM subjects. FPT Primary schools have
“STEM education is an interdisciplinary
also incorporated STEM into their compulsory
approach to learning where rigorous
curriculum, starting in 2017. The Prime Minister
academic concepts are coupled with real-
has mandated the MOET to incorporate STEM
world lessons as students apply science,
education into the next revision of the national
technology, engineering, and mathematics
curriculum. Currently, 16 primary and lower
in contexts that make connections between
secondary schools are experimenting STEM
school, community, work, and the global
education under the joint supervision of the MOET
enterprise enabling the development of
and the British Council. Many education reformers
STEM literacy and with it the ability to
hope that the STEM model will shift Vietnam’s
compete in the new economy”
national curriculum from theory to practice and
Tsupros, 2009 make Vietnamese’s workforce more competitive
in the future.
As mentioned earlier, Vietnam’s curriculum doesn’t provide graduates with essential soft skills such as
communication and presentation skills. In the 3rd quarter of 2017, approximately 237,000 recent graduates
were unemployed nationwide, which, many speculate, was caused by their lack of soft skills. Therefore, soft
skills classes and workshops have become popular amongst students who hope to avoid unemployment.
Education takes 20% of the government’s annual expenditure. Vietnam’s spending on education
constituted 6.3% of its GDP in 2017, the highest among ASEAN nations and higher than that of more
economically developed nations. The country is also working on a major education reform that is
expected to come into effect in 2020.
Rooted in Confucianism, the Vietnamese culture has always valued education. Education is seen as the
ultimate path to success and as a way to fulfil one’s filial duty and make the family proud. Teachers are
highly regarded in Vietnam and parents are willing to go to great lengths to ensure that their children
receive a good education. As the Minister of Education Phung Xuan Nha put it:
“Vietnamese parents can sacrifice everything, sell their houses and land just to give their children an education.”
5 years old
and varies among different ethnic
groups. The Kinh ethnic group – Primary age (6-10)
the major ethnic group in Vietnam Lower secondary age (11-14)
that includes 80% of the population
– the Tay, the Thai and the Muong
minority groups have low out-of-
school children rates, whereas other
ethnicities have higher rates because
children should work to earn money.
Figure 38: Percentage of
out-of-school children among
Despite being highly respected, teachers are not well paid, especially recent graduates. According to the
MOET, teachers with less than 60 months of experience make EUR116.6 to 141.24 per month, which is
lower than the minimum wage of EUR142.14 per month (for labour in sector I - urban areas according to
Decree 141/2017). This drives many well-qualified teachers away from the education sector, and caused the
emergence of “extra classes” as a supplementary source of income for teachers.
Vietnam’s theoretical curriculum may help students fare well in academic competitions and might even
explain why Vietnam achieves high PISA rankings, but it does not make students competitive compared to
their global counterparts. Furthermore, the focus on memorisation is stressful for students and leaves them
with little capacity to develop themselves otherwise. Finally, the scope of knowledge in universities is severely
Favourable demographic
In addition to growing incomes and confidence in the future, Vietnam’s demographics also stand to
have a positive impact on the education market. As of 2017, around 60% of the Vietnam’s population, or
more than 90 million individuals, were under 35 years of age. The enrolment rate of school-aged children
has grown. Moreover, the recent growth in disposable income has allowed parents to better support
their children to acquire the skills and knowledge they need to be competitive in the workplace.
Despite adding 1 million labourers per year on the job marketplace, Vietnam cannot meet the demand
for high-skilled workers. According to Vietnam Briefing, Vietnam’s labourers rank lower than those of
Thailand, Singapore and Malaysia, and fall behind in language, cognitive, behavioural, and technical skills.
The country faces a major skills gap, and domestic credentials are often not recognised. International
qualifications are regarded as a competitive advantage, and even viewed as essential in some fields.
Vietnam’s liberalisation of the education sector for foreign investment is limited to selected fields. As of
2017, foreign investment in education was opened to programmes in engineering, natural sciences,
technology, business administration and business science, economics, accounting and international
law, and to language training. Most of these fields are suited for higher education studies.
Opportunities for foreign investments exist but are limited to general education related to early
childcare schools, primary schools and secondary schools.
Enrolment limitations
The number of Vietnamese children who can enrol in foreign- The restrictions placed by this
owned institutions is limited by Decree 73/2012ND-CP (“Decree decree are in contradiction with the
73”), passed on 15th November 2012, as follows: increased demand for international
• 0% for international pre-school; education, making investments in
this field less attractive.
• 10% for primary and secondary international school; and
• 20% or less for international high school.
Obtaining licenses is another challenge in Vietnam. In order to Although the process to obtain
operate in the education sector, foreign schools must obtain these licenses is similar, they
three types of licenses: must be obtained separately
• Investment registration certificates and sequentially. And of course,
investors would have to navigate
• A decision permitting the establishment of educational
the Vietnamese bureaucracy.
• A license for educational activities
Teaching Staff
With regard to staffing requirements, Decree 73 stipulates that foreign teachers must have at least 5
years of experience to teach twinning programmes at Vietnamese or foreign-invested schools, colleges
and universities. At higher education institutions, 60% of courses must be delivered by permanent
teachers, and 80% of teaching staff must hold postgraduate degrees. The percentage of lecturers
with a doctoral degree in foreign colleges and universities must be at least 25% and 35% respectively.
These requirements are difficult to satisfy even for state-owned institutions.
Private sector
Supplementary sector
Case studies
Remark: List is based on Community Ratings in terms of Curriculum, Quality of Teachers, Campus Facilities, Value for Money on
the Internet.
(288 - 384 credits) based university RMIT - Australia’s biggest tertiary Hanoi and
1 2000 institution. RMIT University Vietnam offers programs Ho Chi
Postgraduate degree in business, technology, communication, design Minh
programs: EUR18,900 – 21,359 and fashion, and boasts an impressive range of
USD (144 - 192 credits) extra-curricular activities that encourage students
to break new ground in their areas of interest.
British University Vietnam
provides teaching for
University of London and
British University Vietnam
- Staffordshire University
Programme (3 years): is committed to providing a world class education
2 2012 Hanoi
EUR23,500 and learning experience for our students. Our 100%
international faculty brings together academics
- University of London with extensive teaching experience as well as
Programme (3 years): practitioner and research capabilities.
- MBA Programme (2 years):
3 Programme (15 months): 2003 PSB College Vietnam provides twinning options
EUR6,400 for bachelor programs, in collaboration with our
partners in Singapore, Australia and the UK.
American University
Tokyo Human Health
5 EUR1,930 per year 2016 well-being to everyone”, will bring a lot of human Hung Yen
resources to Vietnam and train professionals who
will be able to provide the best quality.
Undergraduate degree university in the Saigon Hi-Tech Park in Ho Chi Minh Ho Chi
6 2016
program (1 year): EUR14,822 City, Vietnam. It is one of Vietnam’s first private, non- Minh
profit institutions of higher education.
Figure 40: List of top private universities in Vietnam Source: expatarrivals, edarabia, and Ipsos Business Consulting analysis
Remark: List is based on Community Ratings in terms of Curriculum, Quality of Teachers, Campus Facilities, Value for Money on the Internet.
The most popular English language training centres are ILA, ACET, VUS, KTDC and British Council, with
the highest number Facebook likes, according to Q&Me. Meanwhile, the providers with the largest
coverage in terms of number of branches are Apax (with 50 branches), Than Dong (32), ILA (31), Apollo
(28), and VUS (23).
Facebook likes
139,746 47,187 190,836 7,496 198,175
(as of 5 May)
Number of
4 37 13 2 5
Hanoi Hanoi
Location Nationwide Nationwide Ho Chi Minh
and Ho Chi Minh and Ho Chi Minh
Academic English
Academic English Academic English
IELTS Communication Communication
Course Corporate IELTS
Academic English English English
Corporate Corporate
Summer abroad
training training
Figure 41: Top popular English centres based on Facebook likes, 2015
Source: Q&Me, Ipsos Business Consulting analysis
Remark: Tuition fee is based on most basic IELTS course. Upon completion, learners are expected to achieve the score band 4.5 – 5.5.
Number of students:
1,500 Number of students:
EUR14.4 million
No revenue EUR8.2 million EUR18.4 million EUR25.6 million
in the first 6 months
Figure 47: Vinschool's development over the 2013-2017 period
Source: Vinschool, Ipsos Business Consulting analysis
First imagined in 2005, the Vietnamese-German University (VGU) launched in 2008 in Binh
Duong, a province adjacent to Ho Chi Minh City. VGU was a collaboration between Herr
Udo Corts, Hessen State Minister of Higher Education, Research and the Arts (HMWK), and
Dr. Nguyen Thien Nhan, MOET. This initiative soon became a German-wide cooperation
and broadened its stakeholder network to include the Federal Ministry of Education
and Research (BMBF), the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and the Arts in Baden-
Wuerttemberg (MWK), as well as the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the
World University Service (WUS) and the VGU-Consortium. VGU is now recognised as the
world’s fourth largest bi-national university with German participation.
Figure 48:
Vietnamese-German University's
logo and website
Source: Vietnamese-German University
Below are the programmes offered by VGU and its German partner institutions:
VGU’s seeks to provide world-class and well- scholarship-funded study visits to its German
recognised qualifications to its students. partner universities.
Teaching is conducted by visiting guest lecturers
from Germany and high-ranking Vietnamese VGU’s programmes and curricula are delivered
lecturers with international experience. With its in cooperation with German partner universities,
close relationship with the German industry, VGU following German degree programmes. Upon
is able to establish research collaborations and completion, students receive German degrees,
knowledge exchanges between Vietnam and which are recognised worldwide. Besides English,
Germany. In 2010, VGU’s first research centre was the main language of instruction, students
founded, in conjunction with TU Darmstadt and are required to complete at least 4 courses of
the University of Transport and Communications. German language, equivalent to a B1 level on
VGU’s wide network also allows students to take the CEFR framework.
British Council (BC) Vietnam promotes UK’s culture, language and education in
Vietnam. With a presence in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City (3 teaching centres in
Hanoi and 2 in Ho Chi Minh), BC Vietnam covers a vast array of services in language
training, UK education promotion, cultural exchange, and capacity building.
Figure 50:
British Council Vietnam's
logo and website
Source: British Council Vietnam
BC Vietnam was founded in 1993 as the cultural the coordinator of two prestigious British
section of the British Embassy in Hanoi. It scholarships, the Chevening Scholaship and
has many achievements and has made great the Technical Cooperation Training (TCT). It
contributions to the UK – Vietnam relations expanded to Ho Chi Minh City in 1997. In 1999,
since its foundation. In 1995, BC Vietnam was BC Vietnam started promoting UK education and
Education accounts for the major part of Vietnamese household’s expenditures. In the urban areas such
as Ho Chi Minh City, it was recorded in 2016 that nearly 500,000 out of almost 600,000 primary students
were taking foreign language supplementary classes, mainly in English (accounting for 50%). Another
10,000 students were learning other foreign languages such as French, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, and
Chinese. The reasons for this include genuine learning demand from students, insufficient curriculum
coverage, teachers making a living due to low salary and high expectations from parents.
Datasection Vietnam conducted a data mining research of online forums and found that most people
take English classes for work purposes, that is, job interviews, communication with customers, and
travel. This is great news for centres focusing on teaching Communication English.
Other 8.9%
Enhance 6.9%
Methodology: Online data mining and analysis of online discussion threads on related topics.
Location 12.5%
Program 16.8%
Fees 17.2%
Methodology: Online data mining and analysis of online discussion threads on related topics.
The most important regulation for foreign and kindergartens, twinning programmes, and
investors is Decree No.73/2012/ND-CP, which representative offices of foreign education
specifies requirements for foreign-invested institutions. The decree is being reviewed to
education institutions about chartered capital, include quality assurance mechanisms for
facility, curriculum and teaching staff. This decree tertiary education. The proposed changes are
applies to education and vocational training, outlined in Figure 55 on the next page.
foreign-invested tertiary institutions, schools
Minimum required
300 billion VND 1,000 billion VND
investment capital
Each school will determine the proportions of
Children under 5: Not admitted
Limits on number of international and domestic students. Foreign-
Primary & middle school: Not
enrolled Vietnamese invested institutions are required to include a
exceeding 10%
students basic Vietnamese curriculum such as Vietnamese
High school: Not exceeding 20%
language, history, geography and culture.
Institutions with registered plan
to operate for more than 20 years Foreign investors are allowed to use existing
need to establish their own facility education facilities.
prior to recruiting students.
80% of instructors must hold a All instructors are required to hold a master’s
Qualifications of master’s degree or higher.
degree or higher.
instructors in HEIs 35% of instructors must hold a
doctorate. 50% of instructors must hold a doctorate.
Types of legal Foreign-invested institutions are Foreign-invested institutions are affiliates of the
entities Vietnamese legal entities. investment entities.
The Law on Investment 2014 considers education and vocational training a priority and offers the
following incentives for foreign investments:
Meanwhile, the Law on Enterprises 2014 defines different entity structures for foreign education
• 100% foreign-owned institutions: An entity that receives 100% capital from the foreign investor(s).
• Joint venture: An entity jointly established by one foreign and one Vietnamese investor.
• Business cooperation contract: Most frequent form of foreign investment in education in Vietnam, in
which foreign investors cooperate with Vietnamese investors without the need to create a new entity.
• Representative office: A cooperation form that allows foreign institutions to build local relationships and
investigate the market prior to its official entry into the market.
Foreign investors should also note that the MOET Government’s Decree No. 75/2006/ND-CP of
has the authority to regulate the programmes, August 2, 2006, Detailing and Guiding a number
curricula and textbooks used in general education, of articles of the Education Law. At the higher
according to Decree 31/2011/ND-CP on Amending education level, MOET mandates compulsory units
and supplementing a number of articles of the without clearly specifying which ones.
It should be noted, nonetheless, that Vietnam’s education field is not fully open to foreign investors. The
higher education space is restricted to a number of selected disciplines, i.e., engineering, natural sciences,
technology, business administration, business science, economics, accounting, international law, and
language training. Other fields such as medicine, civil law, policy, etc., are not yet open to foreign investors.
In the general education space (from pre-school to high school), the government places restrictions on the
number of Vietnamese students that foreign-owned institutions can recruit, as per Decree No.73/2012/ND-CP.
To see the complete tariff schedule under the EVFTA, please follow this link:
Overall, Vietnam is a promising destination for education investments. Interested investors will benefit
from the government’s support, Vietnamese’s favourable attitude towards education, and rising
spending on education throughout the country. As of 2017, the government’s spending on education
reached 6.3% of the total GDP and accounted for 20% of public expenditure. A major education reform
is expected in 2020. Meanwhile, Vietnam’s demographics is favourable to foreign education investors:
people place great value on education, and parents are willing to go to great lengths to get adequate
education for their children. The population is young and enjoys higher disposable income, which can
be spent on education services.
At the same time, foreign investors should be aware of a few caveats. Vietnam has only opened a few
selected fields of education to foreign investments. The government does not allow children under 5 to
attend foreign-invested pre-schools. It also restricts the recruitment of Vietnamese students in primary
and secondary schools. Applying for the required licenses is a lengthy and bureaucratic process. Finally,
instructors in foreign-invested higher education institutions must have 5 years of teaching experience
and 80% of the teaching staff must have postgraduate degrees.
A few laws and regulations should be kept in mind when investing in education in Vietnam. The Law on
Education 2005, Law on Vocational Training 2006, and Law on Higher Education 2012 set out the legal
foundations for Vietnam’s education system. The MOET is the centralised authority for education policy
and planning in the country. Any programme structure, curriculum and textbook is regulated by the
MOET, and the government mandates compulsory units in higher education. Investors should also be
mindful of Decree 73/2012/ND-CP on the foreign cooperation and investment education and its new
draft, which is expected to be adopted soon. Finally, investors should refer to the Law on Investment
2014 and the Law on Enterprises 2014 for investment incentive and market entry forms.
HN: Pullman
Hanoi Hotel
Hanoi and FPP EDU Media
International Higher Education Annually in
Spring Ho Chi Minh City com
Study UK Exhibition
UK Education
Big cities
including Hanoi,
Annually British Council
Hai Phong, Da
Nang and HCMC
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The leading emerging market Vietnam Yearbook 2016 – Education Technology Market in ASEAN
UNESCO’s Reports on Higher Asian Development Bank’s Reports HSBC’s Reports on ASEAN
Education in Asia: Expanding Out, on Viet Nam: Preparing the Higher Connected
Expanding Up Education Sector Development Project
Australian Government’s Overview Hogan Lovells’ Report on The Consulate General of Canada
on the Legal Framework affecting Vietnamese Higher Education: in Ho Chi Minh City’s Report on
the Provision of Foreign Education Opportunities and Challenges for International Education Market in
in Vietnam foreign institutions Vietnam
ADB. (2010). Viet Nam: Preparing the Higher Education Sector Development Project (HESDP).
Education First. (2017). EF English Proficiency Index.
European Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam. (2018). Whitebook 2018.
General Statistics Office Vietnam. (2016). Vietnam Education Yearbook.
Hogan Lovells. (2018). Vietnamese higher education: Opportunities and challenges for foreign
institutions 22 January .
Ministry of Education and Training. (n.d.). Education and Training Leaflet.
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Ministry of Education and Training. (2014). Thong tu Ban hanh Quy dinh quan ly hoat dong giao duc ky
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Ministry of Education and Training. (2012). Thong tu Ban hanh Quy dinh ve day them, hoc.
Ministry of Education and Traning. (2015). Vietnam National Education For All 2015 Review.
PwC. (2017). Spotlight on Vietnam: The leading emerging market.
Q&Me. (2015). Thoi quen va dong luc hoc ngoai ngu cua nguoi Viet.
Technavio. (2016). K-12 Education technology market in ASEAN.
The Consulate General of Canada in Ho Chi Minh City. (2012). International Education Market in Vietnam.
The Government of Vietnam & World Bank. (2017). Vietnam Public Expenditure Review: Fiscal Policies
towards Sustainability, Efficiency, and Equity.
The Government of Vietnam. (2000). Nghi dinh cua Chinh phu Quy dinh chi tiet va huong dan thi hanh
mot so dieu cua Luat Giao duc.
The Landmark, 15th floor, 5B Ton Duc Thang St., District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union.
Tel. +84 (0)28 3823 9515 Fax +84 (0)28 3823 9514 The content of this publication are the sole responsibility of EVBN and can in no way be taken to
www.evbn.org reflect the views of the European Union