Zora 219744
Zora 219744
Zora 219744
University of Zurich
University Library
Strickhofstrasse 39
CH-8057 Zurich
Year: 2022
Rovati, Emanuele
Abstract: An Arabic translation of al-Ṭūsī’s Persian commentary on the Thamara (C.3.1250), with the
Arabic base text transcribed directly from al-Ṭūsī’s source text. Although anonymous in the manuscripts,
the translation is most likely the one authored by Rukn al-Dīn Muḥammad b. ʿAlī b. Muḥammad al-
Jurjānī (fl. c. 697-728/1297-1327), which is known through a reference in a further Ṭūsī translation of
his (ed. Mudarrisī, p. 24 lines 6-9; cf. Murawwaj, Lameer) and has hitherto been considered lost. Only
the late manuscript Tehran, Millī Library, 7450 may transmit a translation different from Rukn al-Dīn’s,
or alternatively a draft or a reworking thereof, as can be seen from its less elegant wording and some
differences in the content: as opposed to the other Arabic witnesses, the ceremonious opening section
starting with yaqūlu mawlānā is omitted while the commentator’s introduction is not.
Work C.3.1327
� ���� ���ن ���� د����� ������ و����� ������ �� ���ن �� �ّ� �� ا� ��� وا����دة و ���ن ����
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ن ا������ ا��� �� �����ّ ت ����دّة إذا ا�����ا ��ث
وا�����اج ا������ّ ��� (86r-87r) [C.] .أ ّ
�� ا����� �� ��� ا������ ���� �������ت أو��ع ا����ا�� ا���اج
����� ���� ّ� ���ل ��� ا���اج ا��� ّ
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�� ���� ����� ��� �����⟨⟨ … ] ���� (96r) [V 53ا���� �� ا����� �� ا���ء
ا��ارع أن ��رع أر ً
ا����� �� ا���� �� ���� ا����� و���� ا���� �� ���� ا����� �� ا���ء ا����� �� ا����دة[C.] .
)�� (96r-96vا ا����� ا��ي ذ��ه ������س �� ��ه ا����� أ�� ���ّ� ���ذار ���� و���ذار ����
ا����� … ] (97v-98r) [V 62ا����ر �� ا������ ������ء �� ا��و��ت ا��� ���� ���� ا����ل ��ل
ا����� إ�ّ� إ�� ��� و��� إ�� �� ّ �� ز��ن �� �� و�� ������ ا���� �� زوا�� �� � ّ� ���� �� ا���� ا�������
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ا��� ّ� ��� ��� ً� … ]�� (98r-98v) [C.ه ا����� ������ ��� ���ّ ا����ر أ� ّ�م ا����ان �� ا����اض
ن أ� ّ�م ا����ر �� ��� ا�����ّ ء �� ا��ا�� وا����� وا����� وا���دي ��� وا��ا�� ���
ا���دّة �� ���� ا��� ّ�م �� ّ
وا����� ��� وا����ون وا���دي وا����ون وا��� ّ�م ا������ ��� أ� ّ�م ا����ان و�� �� ّ�ه ������ان ا�����
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) (104rا����زك وذوات ا��وا�� �� ��ا��ّ ا����م و��� ������ [C.] .ا�� ا����م �� ا����ر ا���� � ّ�
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��� ا���� ��ه ا����� و�� ����� ���� وا��ة وا��� ّٰ� أ��� (104r-104v) [V 102] .ا����زك �� ّ
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ن ا��د��� وا�����ة
ا������د ��� ���� ا������ع ��� … ] �� [C.ذ��وا �� ��� ا����ر ا���� � ّ� أ ّ
ا������� �� ا��رض إذا ��وزت ا����� ا����� �� � ّ� ��ن ا����� �� ا���اء ا���رّ ���� ّ� �� ا������� ا����
و�ن ���� ا����� ��رت ���زك وذوات ا��وا�� … ]��� [Cه ���م ����ت ���ب ا����ة
Bibl. Muḥammad Mudarrisī, Khwāja-yi Naṣīr al-Dīn-i Ṭūsī. Awṣāf al-ashrāf ,