―Safety Guidelines during Disasters, Emergency and
other High-Risk Situations‖
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Topic: Safety Guidelines During Disasters, Emergency and Other High-Risk Situations – Grade 4
Reference: https://www.alberta.ca/what-to-do-before-during-and-after-an-emergency.aspx
https://ors.od.nih.gov/ser/dem/emergencyPrep/Pages/Disaster-Preparedness- Tips.aspx
How are you feeling today? Are you all ready for another Good day, Teacher Cel!
learning episode today?
Yes, teacher. We are happy to see you
It`s nice to be heard, children. today, Teacher Cel.
-Checking of Attendance
That`s pretty loud and clear. (Students will clap three times)
How about the row 2? Say hooray if you are all present.
Very good! Who can tell me, what is the lesson that we
have discussed last time?
Yes, teacher.
C. Discussion
Today, we will discuss the ‗Safety Guidelines
During Disasters, Emergency and other High-Risk
The Philippines Atmospheric Geophysical
Astromical Services Administration or PAGASA
issued a signal to determine the strength or gust of
wind caused by the typhoon.
Volcanic Eruption
A volcano is an opening in the earth‘s surface that
allows magma (hot liquid and semi-liquid rock), volcanic
ash and gases to escape. They are generally found where
tectonic plates come together or separate, but they can also
occur in the middle of plates due to volcanic hotspots.
A volcanic eruption is when gas and/or lava are released
from a volcano—sometimes explosively. Volcanoes
provide a number of environmental benefits, for example:
fertile soils, hydrothermal energy, and precious minerals.
But they also pose several hazards: volcanic ash, gases,
lahars (mud flows), landslides, lava flows, and pyroclastic
flows (fast-moving currents of hot gas). Volcanic eruptions
can be deadly and often cause population displacement and
food shortages.
D. Generalization
Now, to determine if you are listening in our
discussion earlier. I have few questions and you Yes, teacher.
have to do is, if you know the answer just raise
your hand to be recognized. Do you understand,
Draw STAR if the statement is correct and Triangle is if the statement is wrong.
2. Maria listened to the radio to find out if there was no class due to the storm.
3. Mang Alfred ignored the fallen broken trees and line in their place.
5. Mom posted the phone number to call at the time of the disaster.
10. It is important to be ready in any situation for us to ensure our safety and live.
Now, you are going to have an assignment that shall be passed next meeting. Your task is to list all the
items that should be included in your emergency kit bag. Include pictures or drawings and be guided of
the following criteria.
Content – 10 points
Creativity – 10 points
Total: 20 points