VME-HSE-P-41 - Emergency Preparedness and Response

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VME Process


Document No.: VME-HSE-P-41

Date Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by

Chee Loong
02 Revised 14/10/2022 Saverius. S Dionisius. P S. Suresh

Revised and
01 Issued for 16/12/2019 Saverius. S Dionisius. P S. Suresh Erick Phang


This document is the property of PT. VME No part of it is to be disclosed to any third party,
reproduced as part or in whole or use in any manner whatsoever without the written approval of PT.
VME Management


Doc. No. VME-HSE-P-41

HSE Management System Rev. Date 14/10/2022

Emergency Preparedness and Response
Page No. 2 of 5

List of
Rev. No Issue Date Purpose updated/modified
sections if any
02 14/10/2022 Revised All pages

01 16/12/2019 Revised and Issued for Implementation All pages

00 01/09/2013 Issued for implementation


Recipient Company E-Mail Address Qty

This document is the property of PT. VME No part of it is to be disclosed to any third party, reproduced as part or in whole or use in any manner
whatsoever without the written approval of PT. VME Management
Doc. No. VME-HSE-P-41

HSE Management System Rev. Date 14/10/2022

Emergency Preparedness and Response
Page No. 3 of 5

1. Purpose
The purpose of Emergency Response and Preparedness (ERP) is to preserve life, protect
assets/business and environment (order shows priority). The instruction on the proper handling
and response to any emergency condition. The plan is to ensure PT. VME Process’s
preparedness to mitigate the consequences

2. Scope
ERP is made to respond to emergency condition: fire, earthquake, medical, bomb threats that will
result in hazard to harm people, major property damage, significant business interruption, and
environmental damage in PT. VME Process workplace. If Client has the ERP then PT. VME
Process shall be complied and implemented the Client’s ERP

3. Description of Procedure

3.1. Emergency communication

a. PT. VME Process has in place 24-hour emergency contact arrangements which are as
stated in List of Emergency Phone Number.
b. Employees are urged to call emergency number (see the List of Emergency Phone
Number) to report emergencies such as fires, medical emergencies, bomb threat,
earthquake or any other emergency situation.
c. When calling, you should be prepared to provide the following information:
 Your name and extension.
 The nature of the emergency.
 The exact location of the emergency and/or victim.
3.2. Emergency plan drills

a. The emergency evacuation of offices and Firefighting demonstrations are conducted on an

annual basis. PT. VME Process will follow the workplace & building management
evacuation and firefighting drill schedule.

3.3. Evaluation and Corrective Action

a. MR will evaluate and analysis each ERP drills or emergency situation that happened and
make a report to Project Supervisor.

b. Management has responsibility for build the environment or condition after emergency
situation to normal condition as before.

3.4. Evacuation Procedure

a. The building evacuation command will be announced through the PA (Public Address)
b. Turn off computer and bring valuable belongs.
c. Information System Staff shall bring the backup tape.
d. Leave the building immediately following evacuation plan and instruction from Evacuation
Officers via the nearest Emergency Exit. Do not return for any reason until formally
instructed by Evacuation Officers.
e. If you have a visitor with you, it is your responsibility to ensure that she/he complies with
this procedure.
f. Gather at the Muster Station which is the appointed area.
g. All employees must wait for further instruction at the Muster station
This document is the property of PT. VME No part of it is to be disclosed to any third party, reproduced as part or in whole or use in any manner
whatsoever without the written approval of PT. VME Management
Doc. No. VME-HSE-P-41

HSE Management System Rev. Date 14/10/2022

Emergency Preparedness and Response
Page No. 4 of 5

h. Evacuation Officer is responsible for the head counts of their group and consult
Management Representative for any further action requirement.
i. MR will announce clear from emergency station.

3.5. Fire
a. If the fire is small enough:
 Try to fight it out by using the nearest fire extinguisher.
 Alert any personnel in the immediate area to leave the area.
b. If the fire cannot be handled:
 Call Fire Brigade Emergency Number (see List of Emergency Phone Number), or

MR will announce evacuation may take place, follow the Evacuation Procedure.
c. If caught in heavy smoke, take short breaths, cover your mouth and nose with a
handkerchief or cloth and stoop or crawl to escape.
d. Do not panic and do not run.

3.6. Earth Quake

a. Get beneath a table or other piece of substantial furniture which will both protection and an
air space.
b. Stay away from windows, bookshelves, ceiling lamps, filing cabinets and other heavy
objects that could fall and injure you.
c. Don’t Use a furniture not strong enough as a shell.
d. Don’t Lose calm/be panic.

3.7. Bomb Threats

a. Modes of bomb threat could be a bomb threat call (message), a suspicious package, or a
letter/package bomb.

b. Be calm and do not panic.

c. Call emergency number (see List of Emergency Phone Number).
d. MR would make an announcement to all employees on the threat and contact police. The
employees are requested to follow further instructions from MR.
e. Conduct a quick inspection of your immediate work area observing any suspicious object.
Do not touch or try to move the object.
f. On receipt of a bomb threat call:
 Employee shall explore information as much as possible and use the "Bomb Threat
Checklist" Form as guidance.
 When the call is finished, contact MR (see List of Emergency Phone Number)
 Be prepared to evacuate the building in accordance with the Evacuation Procedures.

g. On discovering a suspicious letter/ package:

 Call MR immediately
 Do not touch or try to move the object.
 Obtain the following information: Who is the package sender? Who is the package
 Through visual check, identify the package. Note something specific. Through visual
estimation, measures dimension or weight of the package/letter.

This document is the property of PT. VME No part of it is to be disclosed to any third party, reproduced as part or in whole or use in any manner
whatsoever without the written approval of PT. VME Management
Doc. No. VME-HSE-P-41

HSE Management System Rev. Date 14/10/2022

Emergency Preparedness and Response
Page No. 5 of 5

4. Related Document:
1. HSE Manual : Doc. No. VME-HSE-M-01
2. Hazard Identification and assessment
of Risk and Opportunity : Doc. No. VME-HSE-P-03
3. Environment Identification of Aspect and Impact : Doc. No. VME-HSE-P-04

5. Appendix (s):
1. List of Emergency Phone Number : VME-HSE-P-41-Appendix 001
2. Emergency Response Chart : VME-HSE-P-41-Appendix 002

This document is the property of PT. VME No part of it is to be disclosed to any third party, reproduced as part or in whole or use in any manner
whatsoever without the written approval of PT. VME Management

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