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International Journal of Energy Research

Volume 2024, Article ID 1050785, 29 pages

Review Article
Latest Advancements in Solar Photovoltaic-Thermoelectric
Conversion Technologies: Thermal Energy Storage Using Phase
Change Materials, Machine Learning, and 4E Analyses

Hisham Alghamdi,1 Chika Maduabuchi ,2,3 Kingsley Okoli ,4 Mohammad Alobaid ,5

Mohammed Alghassab ,6 Ahmed S. Alsafran,7 Emad Makki ,8
and Mohammad Alkhedher 9
Electrical Engineering Department, College of Engineering, Najran University, Najran 55461, Saudi Arabia
Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, University of Nigeria Nsukka, Nsukka, 410001 Enugu, Nigeria
Department of Computer Science and Knowledge Discovery, Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University LETI,
Saint Petersburg 197022, Russia
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, College of Engineering, Majmaah University,
Al-Majmaah 11952, Saudi Arabia
Electrical Engineering Department, College of Engineering, Shaqra University, Riyadh 11911, Saudi Arabia
Department of Electrical Engineering, College of Engineering, King Faisal University, Alahsa 31982, Saudi Arabia
Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering and Architecture, Umm Al-Qura University,
Makkah 24382, Saudi Arabia
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Abu Dhabi University, Abu Dhabi 59911, UAE

Correspondence should be addressed to Chika Maduabuchi; chika.maduabuchi.191341@unn.edu.ng,

Kingsley Okoli; kokoli@stud.etu.ru, Mohammad Alobaid; m.alobaid@mu.edu.sa,
and Mohammed Alghassab; malghassab@su.edu.sa

Received 16 July 2023; Revised 10 October 2023; Accepted 4 January 2024; Published 23 January 2024

Academic Editor: Mahmoud Ahmed

Copyright © 2024 Hisham Alghamdi et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

In recent times, the significance of renewable energy generation has increased and photovoltaic-thermoelectric (PV-TE)
technologies have emerged as a promising solution. However, the incorporation of these technologies still faces difficulties in
energy storage and optimization. This review paper addresses these challenges by providing a comprehensive overview of the
latest advancements in PV-TE technologies. The paper emphasizes the integration of phase change materials (PCMs) for
thermal energy storage, also buttressing the use of encapsulated PCM for thermal storage and efficiency, and the use of hybrid
PCM to enhance overall performance. Furthermore, reviews on the use of machine learning techniques for efficient
optimization and the integration of thermoelectric modules into tandem perovskite silicon solar cells have been
comprehensively analyzed. The advancements in photovoltaic-thermoelectric systems, as reviewed in this article, signify
significant progress in attaining sustainable and effective energy production and storage. This review comprehensively
addresses the 4Es, underlining their importance. It not only consolidates recent developments but also charts a path for future
research in the field of PV-TE technologies, offering precise insights to guide upcoming studies and innovations.
2 International Journal of Energy Research

1. Introduction Hence, this review also investigates how machine learning

techniques can be utilized as an effective optimization method
Many countries throughout the world are looking for alterna- to enhance the competitive advantage of PV-TE technologies.
tive energy sources including wind, solar, biomass, and hydro- Figure 1 illustrates the ML architecture employed to derive an
power to either supplement energy security or replace the optimization function for this purpose. In research by
current conventional methods of generating electricity due to Alghamdi et al. [7], they discovered that the utilization of opti-
the depletion of fossil fuel reserves and price changes. The abil- mization techniques like the finite element method (FEM) and
ity to do more and significantly reduce costs is a key promise of experimental approaches is often laborious, costly, and fre-
solar photovoltaic coupled with its advantage of no pollution quently inadequate in accurately forecasting the performance
and silent equipment performance [1–3]. Solar photovoltaics of photovoltaic-thermoelectric (PV-TE) systems. They also
refers to the process of transforming solar radiation into electri- concluded that ANSYS and COMSOL multiphysics necessitate
cal energy through the utilization of semiconductor devices extremely high computational speeds to carry out complete
called solar cells [4]. Photovoltaic cells are technologies that three-dimensional simulations, highlighting the need to develop
use the photovoltaic effect to directly turn sunlight into electric- additional optimization techniques to address these limitations.
ity. They are employed in a wide range of products, from tiny One of the primary challenges in PV-TE systems is the
electronic devices to massive power plants, and have emerged effective management of heat generated by the PV cells.
as a significant source of renewable energy, decreasing depen- The deployment of phase change materials (PCMs) for ther-
dence on nonrenewable energy sources and promoting a more mal energy storage (TES) purposes media has shown prom-
sustainable future [1, 3, 5]. Photovoltaic cells are constructed ise [11], but there are still issues that require attention,
from semiconducting substances, typically silicon, which take including but not limited to thermal stability, thermal con-
in photons from sunlight and release electrons to produce an ductivity, and cost, which necessitate further consideration
electrical current [6]. Renewable energy is often produced using and resolution. Coupled with the fact that there is a need
PV cells, which are used in solar panels. Over time, their effi- for advanced optimization techniques with the aim of
ciency has gradually increased, with the most recent technology enhancing the efficiency of photovoltaic-thermoelectric
achieving conversion efficiencies of over 20%; however, because (PV-TE) systems as visualized in Figure 2, there is also the
of their sensitivity to temperature, shading, dirt, dust accumula- need for integration of thermoelectric (TE) modules into tan-
tion, and aging of the materials, approximately 80% of the inci- dem perovskite silicon solar cells [12]. These challenges pose a
dent solar energy is dissipated as heat in silicon solar cells [3, 7, threat to recent advancements in PV-TE technologies which
8]. Therefore, finding effective methods to decrease the exces- leads to the necessity to review articles in this sphere. Note-
sive heat accumulation in silicon solar cells has become a subject worthy progress has been made in the field of PV-TE technol-
of significant interest. An effective solution to address the issue ogies, which have enabled enhanced and economically viable
of photovoltaic overheating is to integrate them in tandem with utilization with improved efficiency of solar energy. While
thermoelectric generators (TEGs) [7, 9]. PV cells have long been recognized as a promising source of
Thermoelectric materials (TEMs) have the ability to be renewable energy, the technology faces several challenges that
incorporated into current setups as micropower generators limit its competitiveness compared to nonrenewable energy
or microcoolers for cooling applications as they can convert sources [13]. These include issues such as overheating, low
heat into electrical energy or vice versa using the Seebeck conversion efficiency, and cost-effectiveness.
and Peltier effects [4, 7]. This review explores how thermo- TE modules can convert thermal energy into electrical
electric modules are being integrated in tandem perovskite energy and vice versa by leveraging the Seebeck and Peltier
silicon solar cells to improve the overall efficiency of the effects. However, integrating TE modules into PV cells is a
photovoltaic system. Perovskite solar cells have the potential challenging task that requires careful design and engineering.
to attain elevated levels of conversion efficiency [10], but One area of innovation in this regard is the use of machine
they also have a higher tendency to overheat compared to learning techniques to optimize the design and parameters
traditional silicon solar cells. By integrating thermoelectric of TE modules for efficient integration into PV cells [7].
modules, waste heat generated by the perovskite cells can Another area of innovation in PV-TE technologies is the
be converted into additional electrical power, effectively application of phase change materials (PCMs) for the purpose
increasing the overall energy output of the system. Addition- of storing thermal energy (TES) [11]. PCMs are substances
ally, by using machine learning (ML) techniques for characterized by their ability to undergo a phase transition,
optimization and integration, the performance of the ther- wherein they can absorb or release significant quantities of
moelectric modules can be further enhanced, making it a thermal energy. This unique property allows PCMs to store
promising solution for improving the efficiency and sustain- and release substantial amounts of heat during the phase
ability of photovoltaic technologies as studied by Alghamdi change process which can help to reduce the overheating of
et al. [7]. Additional in-depth optimization research is PV cells. However, there are still several challenges that need
required to enhance the competitive market position of to be addressed to make PCMs a viable solution for TES in
PV-TE systems; since their efficiency levels have not yet PV-TE systems [14]. These include issues such as thermal sta-
reached parity with nonrenewable energy sources, such as bility, thermal conductivity, and cost-effectiveness. The recent
coal-fired power plants utilizing steam, there is still room progress within the realm of hybrid photovoltaic/thermal
for improvement in terms of enhancing the conversion effi- (PV/T) systems, particularly the incorporation of nanofluids
ciencies of renewable energy technologies. to boost performance, has garnered significant attention. A
International Journal of Energy Research 3

Input layer

Thermal parameters
hc Hidden layer

v Output layer

Ta P

� �



Figure 1: ML architecture employed to derive an optimum ANN model [7].



Thermal gradient PV
p TE
Thermoelectric n
module Heat sink

p n

Figure 2: PV-TE hybrid system [4].

recent review study by Hossain et al. [15] explores these devel- mal energy storage and employing advanced numerical
opments, highlighting improved energy efficiency, heat trans- methods. This review critically examines the role of
fer, and other enhancements achieved through nanofluid PCMs, including their thermal properties, heat transfer
integration in PV/T collectors. characteristics, and phase change behaviors, in enhanc-
It is clear that prior research has not extensively ing the performance of PV-TE systems compared to
addressed several key aspects related to photovoltaic- standalone PV systems. Furthermore, it explores the
thermoelectric systems. To contribute significantly to bridg- utilization of numerical simulations, computational
ing these research gaps and further advance the field, this fluid dynamics (CFD), and other modeling techniques
comprehensive review paper is aimed at providing valuable to analyze and optimize the thermal behavior of PV-
insights and addressing the following critical aspects: TE systems, considering factors such as heat transfer,
fluid dynamics, and temperature distribution
(1) Optimization with Phase Change Materials. Prior
research often overlooks the optimization of PV-TE (2) Economic and Environmental Assessment. The eco-
systems by integrating phase change materials for ther- nomic and environmental impacts of PV-TE systems
4 International Journal of Energy Research


Solar radiation
Tct Tsp
Photovoltaic panel Tcr,h A
Heat Electricity Th Tic,h T
Thermoelectric module F
Tic,c L
Tcr,c O
Heat sink W

(a) (b)

Figure 3: Schematic of (a) a combined system that integrates both PV and TEG technologies and (b) PV-TEG layers [15].

have been underemphasized in existing studies. This cient, sustainable, and economically viable PV-TE systems,
review seeks to fill this research gap by evaluating the addressing the pressing energy and environmental chal-
economic viability and environmental sustainability lenges of our time.
of PV-TE systems. It includes an analysis of the In Section 1, we discussed solar photovoltaic technology
cost-effectiveness of PV-TE systems. Additionally, and the underlying problem of energy efficiency as a standa-
it explores the potential for reducing greenhouse lone device which has been detailed alongside integrating
gas emissions and the environmental footprint asso- thermoelectric materials to achieve an optimized PV-TE sys-
ciated with PV-TE technology deployment tem. Section 2 explains photovoltaic thermoelectric genera-
tors. Section 3 details PCM for thermal energy storage and
(3) Machine Learning Techniques and Thermoelectric the latest advancements in using PCM to store and release
Integration. The integration of machine learning thermal energy in PV-TE systems. Next, Section 4 presents
techniques for optimizing PV-TE systems remains ML techniques for efficient optimization and its challenges
an underexplored area. This paper delves into the furthermore analyzing works by scholars in this niche. Sec-
various machine learning algorithms and data- tion 5 discusses the integration of thermoelectric modules
driven approaches applied to PV-TE systems, in tandem perovskite silicon solar cells. Section 6 explains
including supervised learning, unsupervised learn- the 4E analysis. Section 7 puts forth an exclusive summary
ing, and deep learning. It assesses their effectiveness while Section 8 ends the review with a conclusion highlight-
in predicting and improving system performance ing avenues for further research and challenges encountered
and energy management. Furthermore, it explores in PV-TEG research.
the integration of thermoelectric modules into tan-
dem perovskite silicon solar cells, examining the 2. Photovoltaic Thermoelectric Generators (PV-
materials, design considerations, and performance
enhancements achieved through this integration TEG)
(4) Advancements in PV-TE Technologies. The continu- Several works have noted that the integration of TEGs and
ous evolution of PV-TE technologies holds promise PV systems solar cells in a hybrid format such as in
for sustainable energy production. This review pro- Figure 3 has resulted in improved efficiency in such systems
vides an in-depth analysis of recent advancements [3, 4, 6–8, 12, 16–19]. Therefore, PV-TE systems are a great
in PV-TE technologies, including innovations in col- option to enhance the efficiency of solar energy-based sys-
lector designs, materials, and manufacturing pro- tems in general. This is because they operate in opposite
cesses. It assesses their capabilities in addressing the wavelength ranges and are able to complement each other
4Es (exergy, energy, economics, and environment), in terms of utilizing spectral energy. Photovoltaic cells excel
considering factors such as energy conversion effi- in capturing short-wavelength light, such as ultraviolet and
ciency, exergy analysis, economic feasibility, and visible, efficiently converting it into electricity. In contrast,
environmental impact thermoelectric generators are effective at harnessing longer
wavelengths, mainly in the infrared spectrum, where PV cell
By meticulously focusing on these key areas and provid- efficiency diminishes. When combined within a PV-TE sys-
ing detailed insights, this review paper is aimed at offering a tem, these technologies create a symbiotic relationship, max-
comprehensive overview of the state of PV-TE systems. It imizing spectral energy utilization. This integration
identifies research gaps, challenges, and opportunities, laying enhances overall energy conversion efficiency, making PV-
the foundation for future research directions. Through our TE systems a compelling choice for improving solar
thorough analysis, we aim to significantly contribute to the energy-based systems and advancing renewable energy
knowledge base and promote the development of more effi- utilization.
International Journal of Energy Research 5

Sun +

PV cell
INA219 current sensor

UV-VIS Voltage sensor

Solar irradiation

Thermal loss
PV module IR
LM35 temperature
TE element P N −
Power TEG

generation Monitor &
Voltage sensor logger
Enclosure Heat sink INA219 sensor Load

(a) (b)

Figure 4: PV-TEG hybrid systems for (a) integrated PV-TEG systems into a single hybrid system and (b) spectrum split system [4].

Combining a PV module and thermoelectric generators The integrated form of the PV-TEG system (Figure 4(a))
allows for a broad spectrum of photons to reach the TEG configuration offers the advantages of better integration (in
module, resulting in the production of electricity through the terms of space usage) and reduced cost, especially for build-
thermoelectric effect. Therefore, this results in an improved ing applications, despite the fact that both procedures are
conversion efficiency and a decrease in the quantity of thermal sound technologies [4]. Some researchers have thus vali-
energy released by the PV module [20]. Theoretically, there dated the fact that the integration mechanism gives better
are three methods to achieve PV-TEG hybridization [6]. The efficiency [34, 35]. However, Bjørk and Nielsen [21] went
first method involves splitting the spectrum into two systems further to investigate the theoretical maximum output of
(Figure 4(b)), where one directs a certain wavelength of radia- dispersed solar photovoltaic and thermoelectric generator
tion into the PV cells and the other sends the remaining radi- systems (PV-TEG). The maximum efficiency limit for pho-
ation into the TEG system. In this approach, the solar tovoltaic systems according to the Shockley-Queisser model
spectrum is physically split into two distinct systems. One sys- and the figure of merit parameter zT for thermoelectric gen-
tem is designed to selectively direct a certain wavelength range erators served as the foundation for an analytical model that
of solar radiation into the PV cells, optimized for photovoltaic was presented. The researchers discovered that the use of
conversion. Simultaneously, the other system is configured to nonconcentrated sunlight, assuming maximum efficiency
direct the remaining portion of the solar spectrum into the for the thermoelectric generator (TEG) based on the Car-
TEG system, which excels at harnessing thermal energy in not efficiency and no temperature impact on the photo-
the form of longer-wavelength radiation. This spectrum- voltaic (PV) system, can only increase the efficiency by
splitting method ensures that each component of the hybrid a maximum increase of 4.5 percentage points in the
system receives the type of radiation it is most efficient at con- combined configuration and 1.8 percentage points in the
verting into electricity or thermal energy. The second method tandem configuration (Figure 5) when compared to a
integrates both the PV and TEG systems into a single hybrid standalone PV system [21].
system [21–33] which involves utilizing thermal paste to To assess the performance and viability of photovoltaic-
establish a link between the segments. By doing so, it allows thermoelectric technologies comprehensively, it is crucial to
for the simultaneous operation of both PV and TEG compo- evaluate a range of performance metrics. These metrics pro-
nents within a single unit. This integration method is aimed vide valuable insights into the efficiency, sustainability, and
at maximizing the overall energy conversion efficiency of the overall capabilities of PV-TE systems. In Table 1, we present
combined system. The study suggests a third system to con- a summary of key performance indicators and metrics asso-
nect PV and TEG, which involves making the reverse side of ciated with integrated PV-TE technologies. These metrics
the PV from metal to enable fast heat transfer to the TEG. This encompass various aspects, including PV-TE efficiency, TE
allows for a series or parallel electrical connection between the type, and PV type. By examining these metrics collectively,
two systems. By adding this metal layer, the PV module can we gain a holistic understanding of the advancements and
efficiently dissipate excess heat generated during its operation. challenges within the PV-TE integration landscape. Table 1
This enhanced heat transfer capability is crucial for ensuring serves as a valuable resource to navigate the complexities
that the TEG components receive sufficient thermal energy of PV-TE technologies and make informed decisions regard-
for effective thermoelectric conversion. ing the performance of integrated PV-TE systems.
6 International Journal of Energy Research

Tandem system


Combined system

Dichroc prism/
beam splitter
�>�SQ �>�SQ

ll (PV
) Therm or (TEG)
ic ce at
volta ator (
TEG) l (PV
) gener
Photo tric g
olta ic cel
moele P

Figure 5: Two systems that were analyzed. In the tandem configuration, the incident solar radiation, Qsolar , is divided between the PV and
TEG at a specific wavelength of λSQ [21].

Table 1: Performance metrics of different integrated PV-TE systems [17].

Ref. TE system type PV system type PV-TE efficiency (%)

Rezania et al. [36] Bi2Te3 Silicon (Si) solar cell ~16.6
Zhang and Xuan [37] Bi2Te3 (TEC1-03103) GaAs 19.10
Soltani et al. [38] TEC-1206 c-Si ~15.5
Soltani et al. [32] TEC1-12706 c-Si ~8.25

3. PCM for Thermal Energy Storage mance. They also found out that the material properties of
thermoelectric materials play a pivotal role in the system’s
In photovoltaic-thermoelectric generator systems, PCMs are performance, with higher Seebeck coefficient and lower elec-
used to regulate the temperature of the system by storing trical resistivity leading to higher output power. Overall, the
energy, which can improve its overall efficiency [11, 19, study provided valuable insights regarding the design and
39–41]. PCMs are often used in conjunction with thermo- optimization of STEG-PCM systems for efficient solar
electric materials to convert waste heat from the PV cells energy conversion, and the numerical model developed in
into electricity. In research by Maduabuchi and Mgbemene this study can be used as a tool for further research and
[42], they performed a numerical study of a solar thermo- development in this field. Also, Xiong et al. performed a
electric generator (STEG) integrated with a phase change numerical analysis on the performance of a system with
material (PCM) that exhibits the ability to store and release counter-flow type heat exchangers [43]. A two-step thermo-
thermal energy through phase transition. Their objective was electric energy collection system powered by the residual
to investigate the performance of the STEG-PCM system heat from water in blast furnace slag was designed by them.
under different operating conditions and configurations. The performance features of a thermoelectric generator,
The researchers formulated a mathematical model for the which used phase change materials as a heat sink to main-
purpose of the STEG-PCM system, which takes into account tain a constant cool side temperature, were assessed through
the heat transfer mechanisms, thermoelectric conversion, experimentation by Jaworski et al. [44]. They employed an
and electrical circuit. They used this model to simulate the infrared lamp to generate heat and a receptacle containing
system’s performance under different parameters such as PCM to absorb heat from a cooler region, thereby maintain-
solar irradiance, PCM melting temperature, and thermoelec- ing its temperature in their approach. The outcomes of their
tric material properties. The results of the simulations show study validated the feasibility of utilizing phase change mate-
that the STEG-PCM system can significantly improve the rials as a medium for cooling or heating in thermoelectric
efficiency of solar energy conversion by storing and releasing generators. Wang et al. [45] conducted a theoretical exami-
thermal energy. They discovered that the melting tempera- nation on the potential utilization of phase change materials
ture of the PCM is a critical parameter that affects the sys- for enhancing the heat transfer characteristic of the hot side
tem’s performance, with higher melting temperatures of the TEG. The researchers employed vehicle exhaust gas as
resulting in higher energy storage capacity and better perfor- a heat source, and their findings indicate that the
International Journal of Energy Research 7

implementation of suitable phase-change materials can

notably enhance the TEG’s output power and efficiency.
Using phase change materials is an appropriate approach
for thermal energy storage (TES). The storage capacity of Chemical nature Inorganic
the latest heat storage system (LHSS) can be determined
(equation (1)) when a PCM is utilized as the storage medium Eutectic
as calculated by Sharma et al. [46].
Tm Tf
Q=m C ps dT + Bl + Cpi dT , 1
Ti Tm
Phase transition

where T i is the PCM initial temperature, T m is the melting Solid-gas

temperature, Cps is the specific heat capacity in solid state,
C pi is the specific heat capacity in liquid state, B is the melt Liquid-gas

fraction, l is the specific latent heat, and T f is the final
temperature. Micro

3.1. Latent Heat. PCMs exhibit high latent heat, enabling Shape stabilization
them to retain significant quantities of thermal energy when
transitioning from a solid to a liquid state [42]. Out of the Macro
various thermal heat storage methods mentioned, latent heat
thermal energy storage stands out as a compelling option
because of its capacity to offer a high-energy storage density
and its unique ability to store heat at a constant temperature
that corresponds to the phase-transition temperature of the Medium-low
phase change material. Additionally, they can transition in Temperature
the following form: solid-solid, solid-gas, liquid-gas, and vice Medium
versa. Furthermore, to create a thermal energy storage sys-
tem that uses latent heat, it is crucial to comprehend three High
key areas: phase change materials, materials for containers,
and heat exchangers [47]. As noted by Pillai and Brinkworth
Figure 6: PCM classification [49].
[48], the use of solid-solid phase change materials provides
the benefits of requiring fewer rigid containers and offering
increased flexibility in design. Figure 6 shows a detailed clas- than materials such as water, masonry, or rock that store heat
sification of PCM categorizing the solid-solid phase, solid- based on their temperature [46]. Several researches have
liquid, solid-gas, and liquid-gas phase. shown that a hybrid storage-harvesting energy system that
To advance the understanding and application of phase combines phase change materials and thermoelectric genera-
change materials (PCMs) in conjunction with thermoelectric tors is an encouraging option.
generators (TEGs), it is necessary to carefully consider the
advantages and drawbacks of the different categories of 3.2. Recent Advancement in Using PCM to Store and Release
PCMs as outlined in Table 2. Thermal Energy in PV-TE Systems. Phase change materials
Studies by Jurinak and Abdel-Khalik [50] and Morrison have shown promising results in storing and releasing ther-
and Abdel-Khalik [51] assessed the effectiveness of air- mal energy in PV-TE systems. Recent advancements in this
powered solar heating systems that utilize units for storing area include the development of new PCMs with higher
energy through a phase change. Their aim was to study how thermal conductivity, melting temperature, and thermal sta-
the thermal performance of an air-based solar heating system bility [52–56]. One of the key challenges in using PCM is
is impacted by the melting temperature and latent heat charac- their low thermal conductivity, which limits the rate of heat
teristics of the phase change energy storage unit and also cre- transfer [57, 58]. To address this, researchers have explored
ate an empirical model for a significant unit of phase change incorporating high thermal conductivity materials, such as
energy storage (PCES). The key finding was that the selection graphene or carbon nanotubes, into the PCM to enhance
of PCM should be based on its melting point rather than latent their heat transfer properties [59–66]. Another area of devel-
heat. Additionally, it was discovered that an air-based system opment is the use of hybrid PCM, which combines two or
that utilizes sodium sulfate decahydrate as a storage medium more PCMs to improve their overall performance [67, 68].
necessitates only a quarter of the storage volume of a pebble For example, a recent study demonstrated that a hybrid
bed and half the storage volume of a water tank. PCMs possess PCM consisting of dextran sulfate sodium (DSS) salt as a
the capability to absorb and emit thermal energy while main- polyelectrolyte additive and a salt hydrate component had
taining a relatively constant temperature. They possess a heat a higher energy storage capacity which substantially miti-
storage capacity that is 5 to 14 times greater per unit volume gated the phase separation of the salt hydrate [69]. Studies
8 International Journal of Energy Research

Table 2: Merits and drawbacks of different PCMs.

Merits Drawbacks
Organic PCMs
High energy density: organic PCMs have high energy density, Limited temperature range: organic PCMs typically have a
allowing for more energy to be stored in a smaller space limited temperature range, making them unsuitable for
compared to traditional thermal storage materials like water. applications that require higher or lower temperatures.
Wide availability: organic PCMs are widely available and Flammability: organic PCMs can be flammable,
can be sourced from renewable resources. making them a potential safety hazard.
Good thermal stability: organic phase change materials
(PCMs) exhibit favorable thermal stability, enabling them to Cost: some organic PCMs can be expensive compared to
endure multiple cycles of melting and solidification without traditional thermal storage materials like water.
undergoing degradation.
Inorganic PCMs
Limited energy density: inorganic PCMs have a lower
High melting temperature: inorganic PCMs have a
energy density compared to organic PCMs, meaning
high melting temperature, making them suitable for
more space is required to store the same amount of
high-temperature applications.
thermal energy.
Limited availability: inorganic PCMs can be less
Good thermal conductivity: inorganic PCMs have
widely available and more difficult to source
good thermal conductivity, allowing for faster heat transfer.
compared to organic PCMs.
High heat capacity: inorganic PCMs have a high Phase separation: some inorganic PCMs can
heat capacity, meaning they can store a large amount of separate into different phases, which can lead to reduced
thermal energy. performance and durability issues over time.
Eutectic PCMs
Wide temperature range: eutectic PCMs have a wide Limited availability: eutectic PCMs can be less widely
temperature range, rendering them suitable for a available and more difficult to source compared to
myriad of applications. organic PCMs.
High energy density: eutectic PCMs have a high
Limited thermal stability: eutectic PCMs can have
energy density, allowing for more energy to be stored in a
limited thermal stability, meaning they may degrade over
smaller space compared to traditional thermal storage
time with repeated cycles of melting and solidification.
materials like water.
Good thermal conductivity: eutectic PCMs have good Cost: eutectic PCMs can be expensive compared to
thermal conductivity, allowing for faster heat transfer. traditional thermal storage materials like water.

showing the different types of inorganic salt hydrates applied (mPCM). Hence, by increasing the PCM’s surface-to-volume
in PCM for thermal regulation [70] have been outlined in ratio and covering the liquid PCM surface, it is possible to
Table 3. Although some review articles such as Sikiru et al. overcome the drawbacks of the standard PCM, including its
[71] reviewed certain recent progressions and the influence diminished thermal conductivity and challenges related to
of phase change materials on solar energy, there is a need leakage [87–91]. A study by Royo et al. [85] constructed their
to buttress on future prospect for PV optimization using proposed BIPV-TEG-PCM system (Figure 7), which employs
PCM as covered in this present review. phase change material encapsulated at the microscale
Researchers are also exploring the use of encapsulated (mPCM) to capture lost solar and thermal energy from the
PCM, where the PCM is encapsulated within a shell or cap- building envelope, the best design for manufacturing was
sule to prevent leakage and improve stability. Encapsulation determined using numerical analysis. To determine an opti-
can also allow for the use of higher melting temperature mal thermal structure, they investigated various heat fin spac-
PCMs, which have the potential to store more energy. The ings (Figure 8), the PCM melting temperature, and the TEG
normal PCM is a liquid-state PCM with tiny particles. As a layout using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) heat trans-
result, it results in leakage issues and external environment fer analyses. Table 4 outlines various microencapsulation
reactivity [86, 87]. When packaging is disregarded, leakage methods of PCM and their pros and cons [91].
happens after prolonged usage, and if a casing flaw exists,
leakage can happen extremely quickly. Several studies were 4. Machine Learning Techniques for Efficient
proposed in order to address these issues with the traditional Optimization of PV-TE Technologies
PCM. A possible approach for addressing the drawbacks of
the microencapsulation technique is employed in this ther- 4.1. Machine Learning Optimization. Machine learning is a
mal storage system. The organic or inorganic materials can powerful technique used to train computer systems to learn
enclose PCM droplets smaller than 1000 μm due to the and improve from experience without being explicitly pro-
design of the microencapsulation phase change material grammed. It finds diverse applications, encompassing
International Journal of Energy Research 9

Table 3: Inorganic salt hydrates in PCM for thermal regulation [70].

Reference Application System Salt hydrate

Weinläder et al. [72] PCM-façade-panel S27
Hadjieva et al. [73] Composite PCM Na2S2O3·5H2O
Fu et al. [74] and Ye et al. [75] concrete system CaCl2·6H2O
Hasan et al. [76], Hasan et al. [77],
Hasan et al. [78, 79], and CaCl2·6H2O
Nagano et al. [80] Phase change material for
thermal regulation Photovoltaic-phase
Irsyad et al. [81], Karthick et al. [82], and
change material Na2SO4·10H2O
Oró et al. [83]
(PV-PCM) system
Pichandi et al. [84] Na2CO3·10H2O
Pichandi et al. [84] MgSO4·7H2O
Royo et al. [85] Na2HPO4·12H2O

Microcapsulated PCM (mPCM)

BIPV panel

Thermoelectric generator (TEG)

Metal casing

Figure 7: BIPV-TEG-PCM design [87].

optimization purposes, which involves finding the best solu- 4.1.1. Supervised Learning. Supervised learning can be used
tion to a problem from a set of possible options. Machine in solar energy studies to predict energy output and optimize
learning for optimization involves using algorithms to auto- system performance [108]. In the context of PV-TEG sys-
matically find the best solution to a problem, based on data tems, supervised learning can be applied to train models that
and feedback. This allows the computer system to learn from can accurately forecast the power generation of the hybrid
previous solutions and improve its performance over time. system, which combines the benefits of both photovoltaic
Some popular machine learning algorithms used for optimiza- and thermoelectric technologies. This can help optimize
tion include gradient descent, genetic algorithms, and rein- the design and operation of the PV-TEG system to achieve
forcement learning. By leveraging the power of machine maximum energy efficiency. Supervised learning (SL) deals
learning for optimization, several novel researches have been with tasks where both the input and output are known dur-
conducted and findings published to aid the scientific commu- ing the initial stage. Some studies have utilized supervised
nity [7, 100–105]. There are three primary stages involved in learning for their energy study and optimization
an ML system (Figure 9). The initial step involves gathering [109–122]. In supervised learning, classification and regres-
in-domain data, which is referred to as the training data. sion tasks correspond to predicting discrete and continuous
The second stage involves the utilization of specialized meth- outputs, respectively. Polynomial regression, linear
odologies to extract the features, followed by the selection of regression, exponential regression, and Gaussian process
a learning algorithm in the third step based on mathematical regression (GPR) are examples of regression techniques
models, which is the model [106, 107]. An analysis is being [123, 124]. Support vector machines (SVM) are a popular
conducted on the machine learning techniques that are most algorithm that is also used in supervised learning for classi-
commonly used. fication and regression tasks. SVM operate by identifying
10 International Journal of Energy Research

110 3

Temperature difference of TEG (C)

90 2.5
PV surface temperature (C)

20 0.5
0 0
0 1 2 3 4
Time (h)
PCM: 35°C
No fin TEG dT with no fin
Fin gap 5 TEG dT with fin gap 5
Fin gap 10 TEG dT with fin gap 10
Fin gap 20 TEG dT with fin gap 20
Fin gap 30 TEG dT with fin gap 30
110 3

90 2.5

Temperature difference of TEG (C)

PV surface temperature (C)




20 0.5

0 0
0 1 2 3 4
Time (h)
PCM: 45°C
No fin TEG dT with no fin
Fin gap 5 TEG dT with fin gap 5
Fin gap 10 TEG dT with fin gap 10
Fin gap 20 TEG dT with fin gap 20
Fin gap 30 TEG dT with fin gap 30

Figure 8: (a) Surface temperature of PV and the TEG distribution’s temperature differential at 35°C fin interval [87]. (b) Surface
temperature of PV and the TEG distribution’s temperature differential at 45°C fin interval [87].

the optimal hyperplane that effectively segregates data points kernel tricks, making it a versatile algorithm for a variety of
into distinct classes, thereby maximizing the margin between supervised learning tasks in energy research [125–128]. The
the classes. They handle both linear and nonlinear data using SVM sorts datasets by using two parallel margins [129].
Table 4: Diverse microencapsulation methods of PCMs [91].
International Journal of Energy Research

Technique Method Pros Cons Shelf life Reliability
A polymer with a large Extracting the polymer from the
Emulsion polymerization [92] Good Long Good
molecular size surfactant to obtain a pure product
Effective regulation of the reaction’s Only a small number of monomers
Chemical Suspension polymerization [93] Good Long Good
temperature can dissolve in water
Multifunctional, ability to decompose,
Interfacial polymerization [94] Inadequate mechanical characteristics Poor Short Poor
and mechanical durability
Clumping together of particles that
Physical Spray drying [95, 96] Low cost and easy to scale up Poor Short Poor
are still uncovered
An inorganic casing that has a high
Sol-gel [97] Still being investigated Good Medium Good
capacity for conducting heat
Solvent evaporation [98] Low cost Combining small-scale production Poor Medium Poor
Simple coacervation [97] Versatile and flexible operation Agglomeration Poor Short Poor
Effective management of the It is challenging to increase the
Complex coacervation [99] Poor Short Poor
size of the particles scale of particle agglomeration
12 International Journal of Energy Research

Machine learning systems


�· ...,10

Data Representation Model

Figure 9: Stages of machine learning systems [107].

function Kernel
Input layer function
� (xt−1)
xt−1 K (i−1, x)

� (xt−2) results
K (i−2, x)

xt−p K (xi−p, x)
� (xt−p)

Figure 10: Support vector machine structure [130].

W T + b = 0, 2 consist of individual units called neurons, each of which

takes in multiple inputs, denoted as x1 , x2 , …, xm . These
inputs are multiplied by corresponding weights, represented
1 N T
Y x = 〠 w k xi , x j + b, 3 as w1 , w2 , …, wm , and added to a bias term, b, to produce a
N n=i weighted sum of the inputs. To generate the output y
(Figure 11), nonlinear activation functions are utilized.
W T x + b = 0, 4

K xi , x j = xi T
xj 5 4.1.3. Unsupervised Learning. Unsupervised learning (USL)
is a method of machine learning in which data is analyzed
In this context, the weight and deviation vector are without preexisting labels. The USL approach is commonly
denoted as w and b, respectively. Additionally, the sample used in clustering problems, which can be addressed by var-
number and regularization factors are represented by n and ious techniques, such as the K-means algorithm, Gaussian
λ, respectively. The mapping function is indicated by the sym- mixture model, and mean-shift algorithm. Specifically, the
bol φ. Figure 10 shows the structure of SVM. K-means algorithm partitions a given dataset into K clusters,
ensuring that data points within each cluster are homoge-
4.1.2. Deep Learning. Deep learning (DL) belongs to the nous. In recent times, numerous researchers have utilized
domain of machine learning (ML) and relies on the applica- the K-means algorithm to achieve optimal performance in
tion of artificial neural networks (ANNs) [131–134]. ANNs their studies [135, 136].
International Journal of Energy Research 13


independent ×1 w1
variable 1

Input w2 Output
independent ×2 Neuron y dependent
variable 2 variable

Input w3
independent ×3
variable 3

Figure 11: Functionality of a neuron in deep learning.

4.2. Optimization of PV-TE Techniques Using Machine study, the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm implemented in
Learning. The optimization of PV-TE techniques using the deep neural network had a profound impact. The most
machine learning involves the use of ML algorithms to notable advantage of the proposed method was that it could
enhance the efficiency and performance of PV-TE devices. rapidly and precisely predict device performance within a
Machine learning techniques such as artificial neural net- mere 10 seconds. This was an improvement of 2880 times
works, genetic algorithms, and support vector machines compared to the conventional numerical optimization
are used to model the behavior of PV-TE devices and predict method. Furthermore, the optimized device achieved a max-
their performance under different conditions. This approach imum efficiency of 18%, a significant increase of 78% in con-
can lead to the development of more efficient and cost- trast to the unoptimized device. The aim of the research was
effective PV-TE devices, which can be used to generate clean to develop a prediction model for the performance of PV-TE
energy from solar radiation and waste heat. Alghamdi et al. systems using different semiconductor materials through the
[137] used machine learning to predict the performance of utilization of optimal surrogate machine learning techniques
a solar photovoltaic-thermoelectric system comprising vari- and to determine the most effective machine learning
ous categories of crystalline silicon cells. Their study pro- approach for forecasting the performance [7]. To accom-
posed the use of a deep neural network to accurately plish this, the study employed multiple surrogate machine
predict the performance of a photovoltaic-thermoelectric learning models and trained them using high-priced finite
system, which is designed with three distinct crystalline solar element generated data. The findings demonstrated that an
cells, instead of the ineffective numerical methods typically optimal ML model for this analysis is an ANN structure
used for analyzing such hybrid systems. The data produced consisting of two hidden layers, with five neurons in each
by the numerical solver was then utilized to train an opti- layer. The study highlights the potential of recurrent neural
mized deep neural network with three layers and 20 neurons networks and time delay neural networks for modeling time
per layer, resulting in a more efficient method of predicting series data of PV-TE systems in future research. However,
the hybrid system’s performance. The research utilized the the research lacks a comprehensive discussion on the limita-
Bayesian regularization method and resulted in the deep tions and potential sources of error in using machine learn-
neural network (DNN) efficiently acquiring knowledge that ing models to predict PV-TE performance. A study by
would typically take a conventional numerical solver 1,600 Maduabuchi [105] describes how a next-generation thermo-
minutes to generate, completing the task in just 12 minutes electric generator combined with a solar optical concentrat-
and 27 seconds. As a result, the proposed network was found ing system was optimized through the use of finite elements
to be 128.51 times faster than the traditional numerical and Bayesian regularized neural networks. The results indi-
method. Furthermore, on deep neural networks for the opti- cated that the optimized device produced considerably more
mization of PV systems, Maduabuchi et al. [104] utilized power and had higher efficiency compared to the traditional
DNN for the purpose of enhancing the thermomechanical device. Moreover, the Bayesian-regularized neural network
performance of segmented TEGs through device geometry (Figure 12) was capable of predicting the device’s perfor-
optimization. The conventional approach of using numerical mance 1,050 times faster than the numerical method with
methods to enhance the efficacy of segmented thermoelec- only ten neurons in the hidden layer. However, the article
tric generators has proven to require a significant amount did not address the cost-effectiveness and commercial viabil-
of computing time and energy. To ensure the accuracy of ity of the proposed device.
the results, they adopted a methodology in which they con- In a multiobjective optimization research by Alghamdi
structed a numerical model using ANSYS software and et al. [138], they explored the advantages of employing a
incorporated the impact of temperature dependence in the hybrid concentrated photovoltaic-thermoelectric (CPV-TE)
four thermoelectric materials utilized in their study. In their system rather than a standalone CPV. However, finding
14 International Journal of Energy Research

Geometry parameters Operating conditions

%SKT L A CG Hconv w Ta Input layer

Hidden layer

�en P Output layer

Figure 12: Network architecture of the Bayesian-regularized ANN deployed [105].

the optimal thermoelectric (TE) material can be difficult due third challenge is multiobjective optimization. In many
to conflicting material properties. To overcome this challenge, cases, optimizing the performance of PV-TE devices
the article proposed using a multiobjective optimization requires balancing multiple objectives, such as maximizing
genetic algorithm (MOGA) to identify the best TE material power output while minimizing material and manufacturing
for maximum CPV-TE performance. The technique for order costs. Conventional numerical tools are often not well-suited
performance by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS) decision for multiobjective optimization problems, which can lead to
algorithm is then utilized to choose the best performing condi- suboptimal solutions [138]. And lastly, another challenge is
tions. The optimization workflow is executed using machine high-dimensional parameter space. The performance of
learning algorithms. The outcomes demonstrate that the pro- PV-TE devices is influenced by a multitude of parameters,
posed optimization technique attained an output power of such as material properties [90], device geometry [104,
44.6 W, exergy efficiency of 18.3%, and CO2 reduction of 141], and operating conditions. Optimizing these parame-
0.17 g/day. Among the machine learning algorithms exam- ters using conventional numerical tools can be computation-
ined, Gaussian process regression exhibited the highest accu- ally expensive and time-consuming, especially when dealing
racy in learning the performance dataset of CPV-TE with a high-dimensional parameter space. Machine learning
(concentrated photovoltaic-thermoelectric) systems. has helped tremendously in solving issues such as intricate
modeling, lengthy computational processes, high energy
4.3. Challenges of Conventional Optimization Tools. There demands, and even ease of implementation [138, 142–144].
are various difficulties in optimizing PV-TE techniques A study by Khan et al. [145] explores the use of a hybrid
through conventional numerical methods other than using system that utilizes a revolutionary neural network-based con-
machine learning. These difficulties stem from the nonlinear trol technique for maximum power point tracking (MPPT)
behavior of PV-TE devices, which is influenced by various PV-TEG system. The system efficiently utilizes solar energy
nonlinear factors such as illumination intensity and temper- and improves PV efficiency by mitigating the surface temper-
ature. As conventional numerical tools are meant for linear ature of PV modules. The proposed snake optimizer-based
systems, it can be challenging to model and optimize PV- MPPT controller, combined with a multilayer perceptron neu-
TE devices due to these nonlinearities [139]. ral network (MLPNN) and a PID controller, yields consistent,
The first challenge is the issue of limited accuracy. Con- precise, and rapid MPPT even in fluctuating environmental
ventional numerical tools, such as finite element analysis conditions. The research verifies the efficacy of the suggested
and computational fluid dynamics, rely on mathematical controller by comparing it to alternative techniques and con-
models that may not accurately capture all aspects of PV- cludes that the MPPT controller based on the snake optimizer
TE devices. This can lead to inaccurate predictions and sub- based neural network (SOANN-based) demonstrates superior
optimal designs [140]. The second challenge is the lack of performance (Figure 13) and provides superior performance
scalability. As the complexity of PV-TE devices increases, it regarding efficiency, tracking duration, stability, and fault
becomes increasingly difficult to model and optimize them detection capacity. However, future work can be addressed
using conventional numerical tools. This limits the size on the economic feasibility of implementing the proposed sys-
and scope of optimization studies that can be performed, tem or any potential practical limitations that may arise during
which may result in suboptimal designs. Furthermore, the real-world implementation.
International Journal of Energy Research 15

PV array
Input power
+ DC−DC boost converter Output power
+ I


Cin Cout

VT Load
+ circuit
sensor Fault
sensor detection

Tpv Ref Block
TEG array Tc model
Th IMPP Th = Hot side temperature Tpv = Temperature
Tc = Cold side temperature G = Irradiance

Figure 13: MPPT controller based on snake optimizer based neural network for hybrid photovoltaic-thermoelectric (PV-TEG) system [145].

5. Integration of Thermoelectric Modules into The investigation of diverse heat transfer media, com-
Tandem Perovskite Silicon Solar Cells prising air, water, and heat pipes, has been undertaken for
PV-TE systems. The selection of an optimal heat transfer
Combining thermoelectric modules with tandem perovskite medium for a specific system design and operational
silicon solar cells presents a promising approach to enhance requirements is influenced by multiple factors [152]. For
the efficiency of solar energy conversion systems, known as instance, although air is a commonly used medium in PV-
PV-TE (photovoltaic-thermoelectric) applications [12, 146, TE systems due to its low cost and ease of handling, it pos-
147]. Such systems harness both the photovoltaic effect and sesses a low heat transfer coefficient, potentially causing
thermoelectric effect to generate electricity from solar greater thermal resistance that may compromise the sys-
radiation. The photovoltaic effect directly converts light into tem’s efficiency [153, 154]. Conversely, water is another
electricity, whereas the thermoelectric effect converts temper- good choice, as it has a higher heat transfer coefficient, but
ature differences into electrical energy. In a PV-TE system, the necessitates the use of supplementary components such as
thermoelectric module is integrated with the tandem perov- pumps and heat exchangers. Table 5 has been included in
skite silicon solar cell to collect the waste heat generated dur- this review to present a compilation of existing research on
ing solar energy conversion. The thermoelectric module then PV-TEG systems, specifically focusing on the employed heat
converts this waste heat into additional electrical power, which transfer medium. This information may serve as a valuable
increases the overall efficiency of the system. One potential resource for researchers as they navigate potential avenues
challenge in the integration of thermoelectric modules into for future investigation on heat transfer medium.
tandem perovskite silicon solar cells for PV-TE is the need Heat pipes have exhibited promise, with passive abilities
to optimize the thermal management of the system. The ther- to transfer heat with minimal thermal resistance over
moelectric module should be designed to efficiently collect the extended distances, while accommodating various orienta-
waste heat from the solar cell without overheating the system tions and high heat fluxes. Ultimately, a comprehensive eval-
[148–150]. Selecting appropriate materials for the thermoelec- uation is indispensable for identifying the most suitable heat
tric module that can function effectively under the tempera- transfer medium for a given PV-TE system.
tures and temperature gradients present in the system is The figure of merit for a material to generate thermo-
another obstacle. Although, bismuth telluride and lead tellu- electric power is expressed as zT, which is a dimensionless
ride have traditionally been used for thermoelectric modules, quantity [150].
new materials and approaches are being explored [151].
Despite the existing difficulties, integrating thermoelectric
σα2 T
modules into tandem perovskite silicon solar cells for PV-TE zT = 6
has the potential to significantly enhance the efficiency of solar k
energy conversion systems, making them more sustainable
and cost-effective [12]. Research in this field is ongoing, with Other than the Seebeck coefficient α, the thermal con-
a focus on developing optimized designs and materials for ductivity k, electrical conductivity σ, and temperature T,
PV-TE systems to achieve maximum efficiency. are all factors that impact it.

Table 5: PV-TEG systems with their heat transfer medium [155].

Ref Basic system model Type of PV panel TEG module Auxiliary heat dissipator Type of study
Multijunction solar cell Triple junction cell
Mahmoudinezhad et al. [156] Bismuth telluride Water Numerical and experiment
thermoelectric generator (GaInP/GaInAs/Ge)
Riahi et al. [157] CPV-TEG Monocrystalline TEC1-12706 Water Mathematical model/simulation/experiment
Willars-Rodríguez et al. [158] CPV-TEG Crystalline silicon Bismuth telluride Water Simulation and experiment
Gopinath and Marimuthu [155] PV-TEG Polycrystalline TEC1-12706 Graphite Numerical and experiment
Gopinath and Marimuthu [155] PV-TEG Polycrystalline TEC1-12706 Heat sink Numerical and experiment
Abdo et al. [159] CPV-TEG Polycrystalline silicon Bismuth telluride Microchannel heat sink Numerical simulation
CPVT combined with the
Mahmoudinezhad et al. [160] Mono-SI TEC1-12706 Water Experiment
thermoelectric generator
Cui et al. [161] CPV-TEG with PCM Crystalline Si/CIGS/GaAs Bismuth telluride Heat sink Theoretical model and simulation
Yin et al. [34] CPV-TEG 3-junction gallium Bismuth telluride Water Experimental optimization
Microchannel heat
Haiping et al. [162] LCPVT/TEG system Double-gazing PV panel TEG1-242-1.0-1.2-250 Experiment
pipe array/water
Hybrid PV-TEG for
Teffah and Zhang [163] GaInP2/GaAs/Ge CP-12706/TEG131-2 Heat sink Simulation and experiment
high concentration
International Journal of Energy Research
International Journal of Energy Research 17


Heat sink

(a) (b)

Figure 14: (a) Schematic diagram showing the PSC-TE hybrid system created in their study. (b) The simulated variations in heat along the
vertical axis of the hybrid PSC-TE system [12].

However, the definition of thermoelectric module or sys- enhanced and the simulated variations in the heat along the
tem efficiency for generating electricity can be expressed as vertical axis of the hybrid PSC-TE system [164]. In addition,
follows: recent studies have indicated that the introduction of a blend
of bromide and iodide into the halide makeup of lead
P methylammonium perovskites enables the bandgap to be
η= 7
Qh continuously adjusted, making it a desirable characteristic
for solar cells with multiple junctions [165]. The two main
The efficiency η of a thermoelectric device relies on the configurations of tandem devices for solar cells include
quantity of electrical energy delivered to a load P and the perovskite-perovskite and perovskite-silicon tandem solar
heat intake on the hot side Q. There is a maximum limit to cells [166]. In a study by Kim et al. [167], they developed a
this efficiency, which is denoted as ηmax and expressed by bifacial 4-terminal tandem solar cell by combining perov-
skite and silicon heterojunctions, which achieved an effi-
ciency of 30%. The efficiency of this hybrid bifacial solar
Th − Tc 1 + ZŦ − 1
ηmax = 8 cell surpassed the Shockley-Queisser limit of 29.43% for
Th 1 + ZŦ + T c /T h crystalline silicon solar cells. Also, He et al. [165] in their
research, attained a tandem heterojunction perovskite/Si
T h represents the temperature on the hotter side, while solar cell achieved an efficiency of 29.5%, wherein the top
T c represents the temperature on the colder side. It is worth and bottom cells of the device generated an open circuit
mentioning that the initial segment of equation (8) repre- voltage of 1.74 eV. Integrating thermoelectric modules into
sents the Carnot efficiency. This is because thermoelectric tandem perovskite silicon solar cells has brought about effi-
devices function as heat engines, extracting heat from a ciency in the hybrid system [168]. The standalone PSC,
high-temperature source and transferring it to a low- TEG, and the hybrid PSC-TEG system achieved efficiencies
temperature source while generating work. The second com- of 20.4%, 5.16%, and 20.8%, respectively. Through the opti-
ponent of the equation establishes the distance between ηmax mization of operating parameters, the hybrid device reached
and the Carnot limit. a maximum efficiency of 22.9% with an optimal layer thick-
A study by Zhou et al. [12] proposed a four-terminal ness of 449.7 nm. The researchers concluded that incorpo-
configuration hybrid system that combines a perovskite rating the TEG into the PSC helped decrease waste heat
solar cell (PSC) and thermoelectric module to achieve effi- emissions and enhance the power and conversion efficiency
cient solar energy conversion. The study used simulations of the PSC. Additionally, the work by Eke et al. [169] focuses
and experiments to optimize the bandgap of the PSC and on modeling and analyzing TE devices with a spectrum-
achieved an unprecedented efficiency surpassing 23%; the splitting tandem perovskite/silicon solar cell to attain
system demonstrated a notable performance of 18.3% attrib- improved performance. The research employs a dichroic
uted to the perovskite solar cell (PSC), while the remaining beam splitter as a solar concentrator to effectively harness
efficiency was achieved through heat conversion utilizing the complete solar spectrum. Additionally, a thermoelectric
the TE module. The research finding (Figure 14) was that cooler (TEC) is positioned behind the backplate of the tan-
the utilization of TE modules presents a promising approach dem solar cell to mitigate overheating and enhance power
to enhance the utilization of solar radiation through the generation. The impact of altering the halide composition
effective utilization of the low-grade heat generated by of the perovskite on the performance of the system is also
perovskite solar cells (PSCs). studied, and novel equations are developed for the analysis.
The demand for high-efficiency solar cells has been satis- The research finds that increasing the bromine composition
fied to a considerable extent by perovskite solar cells (PSCs). only improves the system’s performance for a specific halide
The efficiency of PSCs based on lead halide has been rapidly composition and perovskite thickness range. At a split
18 International Journal of Energy Research

wavelength of 800 nm, the system reached an impressive effi- analysis in PV-TE systems is seen in the study by Chen
ciency of 42%, surpassing the 23.6% efficiency achieved by et al. [172]. The study illustrates the importance of analyzing
standalone perovskite/Si solar cells. This study offers valu- temperature distribution and system efficiency to identify
able insights into the functioning of spectrum-splitting tan- opportunities for improvement and optimization, which is
dem perovskite/silicon solar cells when combined with TE a significant application of exergy analysis. Additionally,
devices. the study presents empirical data on the impact of various
factors, including inlet flow, concentration ratios, and cool-
6. 4E Analysis (Exergy, Energy, Economics, ing water temperature, on the efficiency and exergy output
and Environment) of the system. The results of their research revealed that
the system had an efficient operation with an inlet flow of
Due to the rising demand for sustainable energy sources and 0.02-0.06 kg/s, providing significant heat output and cell
increasing energy needs, photovoltaic-thermoelectric (PV- protection. The exergy output increased with an increasing
TE) technologies have gained substantial attention for their concentration ratio, but the efficiencies decreased. Increasing
potential to simultaneously generate electrical and thermal the cooling water temperature improved the thermal and
energy, resulting in improved energy conversion efficiency overall exergetic efficiencies, and even at an inlet tempera-
and reduced environmental impact. As such, PV-TE systems ture of 60°C, the electrical efficiency was over 20%. These
have become a promising area of research and development findings provide valuable insights for evaluating and opti-
for meeting the 4Es: energy, environment, exergy, and econom- mizing the performance of PV-TE systems through the lens
ics as only a few reviews exist on this. The 4Es significantly con- of exergy analysis.
tribute to the overall success of a technology. Energy refers to The potential of nanofluids as a cooling medium for PV/
the amount of energy generated and its efficiency, while envi- T systems and how they can contribute to improving the
ronment pertains to the environmental impact and sustainabil- exergy efficiency of the system has been studied by Aberou-
ity of the technology. Exergy analysis identifies areas for mand et al. [173]. The study investigates the effect of using
optimization by focusing on the potential for energy efficiency Ag/water nanofluid on the performance of a PV/T system.
improvement. Meanwhile, economics is concerned with the The findings indicate that the utilization of nanofluids for
cost-effectiveness and commercial viability of the technology. cooling purposes has a substantial positive effect on both
In recent years, significant advancements have been made in energy and exergy efficiencies. This effect becomes more
PV-TE technologies to enhance the 4Es and address the chal- prominent as the concentration of nanofluid and flow rate
lenges associated with their implementation. increase. By employing a 4 wt% nanofluid with turbulent
flow, the power output of the panel witnessed an approximate
6.1. Exergy Analysis of PV-TE System. Incorporating TEGs 35% and 10% increase compared to scenarios without cooling
into a PV system with the use of PCM/Co3O4 as a working and with water cooling, respectively. Furthermore, the exergy
nanofluid resulted in an improvement of 12.28% and 11.6% efficiency exhibited a 50% and 30% improvement in compar-
in electrical and exergy efficiencies, respectively, according to ison to scenarios without cooling and with water cooling,
Rajaee et al. [170]. In the context of PV-TE systems, exergy respectively. It can be noted that the research provides a useful
analysis is a crucial approach to evaluate thermodynamic case study to support the importance of exergy analysis in
performance and determine potential energy efficiency assessing the operational effectiveness of PV/T systems and
improvement. Exergy, also known as available energy, quan- identifying specific areas for optimization. Table 6 provides a
tifies the maximum useful work a system can produce when summary of recent research on exergy analysis of solar heating
it reaches thermodynamic equilibrium with the environment devices. These investigations illustrate various types of solar
[171]. Exergy analysis can help identify exergy losses and thermal collectors, highlighting exergy efficiency as a crucial
efficiency, indicating areas for optimization. In PV-TE sys- performance metric. The findings demonstrate that exergy
tems, exergy analysis can evaluate the efficiency of energy analysis can facilitate the optimization of the design and oper-
conversion from both PV and thermoelectric generator ation which entails fine-tuning various parameters and vari-
modules, optimizing the system design for maximum energy ables to achieve the highest level of performance and
conversion efficiency. Exergy analysis can also identify efficiency of solar heating devices, resulting in enhanced
exergy losses in system components, including PV panels, energy efficiency and decreased environmental consequences.
TEG modules, heat transfer media, and heat dissipation sys-
tems. Quantifying exergy losses can help identify areas of 6.2. Energy Analysis. In traditional PV systems, only solar
energy loss and develop strategies to minimize them, thereby radiation a portion of the input energy is transformed into
improving overall system efficiency and performance. Addi- electrical energy, while the remaining energy is discharged
tionally, exergy analysis can evaluate the effectiveness of as heat waste. Conversely, thermoelectric (TE) systems gen-
advanced materials and technologies used in PV-TE sys- erate electrical energy by exploiting the temperature gradient
tems, such as high-zT thermoelectric materials and nano- in a material. By integrating PV and TE materials, PV-TE
fluids as heat transfer media, improving thermoelectric systems can harvest both electrical and thermal energy
conversion efficiency and reducing exergy losses. Exergy [180]. As a result, PV-TE systems can extract more energy
analysis is, therefore, an invaluable tool for promoting the from the same amount of solar radiation, leading to higher
development of more sustainable and efficient PV-TE tech- energy conversion efficiencies compared to either PV or
nologies. A relevant example of the application of exergy TE systems alone. For instance, a PV-TE system can attain
International Journal of Energy Research 19

Table 6: Studies on the exergy analysis of solar heating devices [174].

Ref Heating device Exergy efficiency Key findings

Exergetic efficiency rises as the air mass
Akpinar and Koçyiğit [175] Flat plate solar heaters 44%
flow rate and time are increased.
The inclusion of fins in solar air
Alta et al. [176] Flat plate solar air heaters 39% heaters was observed to be beneficial and
more efficient than those without fins.
Dikici and Akbulut [177] Solar-assisted heat pump 30.80% Solar collector’s exergy losses were 1.92 kW.
Max exergy losses were predominantly
Kara et al. [178] Solar-assisted heat pump 23.81% observed in the compressor,
followed by the condenser and solar collector.
Solar water The solar collector was responsible for the
Gunerhan and Hepbasli [179] 16.17%
heating system greatest exergy destruction

an overall energy conversion efficiency of up to 30%, which et al. [1] conducted a study on the economic viability of a
is notably superior to traditional PV systems [181]. More- hybrid PV/diesel/biomass gasifier system to power a remote
over, PV-TE systems can enhance the overall energy yield system in Nigeria using HOMER Pro software and found
and efficiency of hybrid renewable energy systems by work- that the system had a payback period of 1 year and yearly
ing together with wind turbines or energy storage systems to excess electricity of 411,771 kWh/yr, making it economically
optimize energy utilization and minimize waste. Further- and technically feasible for similar remote applications with
more, PV-TE systems can facilitate energy generation decen- similar load and weather conditions. The study by Narducci
tralization and increase energy access in underserved and Lorenzi [183] discusses the economic analysis of hybrid
communities. This is particularly pertinent in rural areas thermoelectric-photovoltaic (HTEPV) solar harvesters and
or developing nations where access to dependable electricity their competitiveness with existing PV technologies. An eco-
is scarce. In summary, the energy aspect of PV-TE technol- nomic feasibility indicator is utilized to evaluate the eco-
ogies presents considerable potential for increasing energy nomic viability of hybridization, revealing that while
conversion efficiency, maximizing energy utilization, and HTEPV frequently achieves improved solar power conver-
extending energy access. Table 7 presents a comparison of sion, the expenses associated with power generation may
the energy conversion efficiency of photovoltaic, thermo- not always warrant their implementation at the current tech-
electric, and PV-TE systems. PV-TE systems are capable of nological stage. Montero et al. [184] in their research show
harnessing both electrical and thermal energy, resulting in that hybrid PV-TEG systems are not yet economically com-
higher energy conversion efficiencies than traditional PV petitive with PV systems in the Atacama Desert; however,
or TE systems. The table highlights the potential advantages the computed levelized cost of energy (LCOE) for the
of PV-TE technology for energy generation and utilization. HPV-TEG system is relatively comparable to the current
LCOEs observed for PV systems in the Chilean energy mar-
6.3. Economic Analysis. PV-TE technologies must be consid- ket, indicating that HPV-TEG systems may become compet-
ered from an economic perspective for their successful itive in the future. Li et al. proposed a new design for a PV-
deployment and adoption. Despite the initial costs of PV- TE system that utilized a microchannel heat pipe to reduce
TE systems being higher than those of traditional solar or the number of required TEG modules, resulting in signifi-
thermal systems, their potential long-term economic bene- cant cost savings. Their analysis showed that the additional
fits make them an attractive option for households and busi- investment in TE could be recovered in six years. The newly
nesses. The primary economic benefit of PV-TE systems is developed PV-TE system demonstrates enhanced cost-
their ability to generate both electrical and thermal energy effectiveness compared to the conventional PV system start-
simultaneously, resulting in higher energy conversion effi- ing from the sixth year [185]. Thus, from the various litera-
ciency and reduced energy costs [182]. Furthermore, by gen- tures analyzed, it suggests that while PV-TE systems have
erating energy on-site, PV-TE systems can provide a reliable the potential to increase solar harvester efficiency, their eco-
and consistent source of energy, reducing the risks associ- nomic feasibility is highly dependent on factors such as
ated with fluctuations in energy markets and increasing material costs, system efficiency, and local energy prices.
energy security. In addition to technological advancements Further research is needed to optimize the design of PV-
and increased demand leading to cost reductions, govern- TE systems and reduce costs to make them more economi-
ment incentives and subsidies in many countries have made cally competitive with traditional PV systems. However,
PV-TE systems more affordable for homeowners and busi- some studies have shown promising results and suggest that
nesses. However, the feasibility of PV-TE systems depends PV-TE systems could be a viable option in certain locations
on various factors such as location, system size, and available and circumstances.
incentives. The economic benefits of PV-TE systems, such as
cost savings and increased energy security, make them a 6.4. Environmental Analysis. The environment is a crucial
promising option for individuals and businesses looking to aspect to consider in the development and implementation
reduce their energy costs in the long run. Achirgbenda of energy technologies, including PV-TE systems. PV-TE
20 International Journal of Energy Research

Table 7: Assessment of energy conversion efficiency of PV, TE, and PV-TE systems.

Energy conversion
PV-TE system type Advantages Limitations
Harnesses both electrical and
Higher cost compared to
Standalone PV-TE system Up to 30% thermal energy and has higher
traditional PV systems
efficiency than traditional PV systems
Maximizes energy utilization and More complex system design and
Hybrid renewable energy Increased overall energy
can contribute to the decentralization of may require additional
system with PV-TE yield and efficiency
energy generation components and maintenance
Can be especially relevant in developing May require significant upfront
PV-TE for rural or
Increased energy access countries or rural areas where access to investment and ongoing
underserved communities
reliable electricity is limited maintenance costs

systems offer numerous environmental advantages com- providing a thorough analysis of the economic viability and
pared to conventional energy systems. One of the most nota- feasibility of these systems as well as the potential obstacles
ble benefits of PV-TE systems is their ability to mitigate that could impede their widespread adoption, thereby leaving
greenhouse gas emissions. By generating both electricity room for further research and inquiry in these areas.
and thermal energy simultaneously, PV-TE systems can sub-
stantially decrease reliance on conventional fossil fuel-based 7. Summary and Outlook
energy sources. This can lead to decreased emissions of
harmful pollutants such as carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, The review work presented here sheds light on the remarkable
and nitrogen oxides, which contribute to climate change promise of photovoltaic-thermoelectric systems in the realm
and air pollution. Furthermore, PV-TE systems have the of renewable energy generation. However, as with any innova-
potential to conserve natural resources and reduce environ- tive technology, PV-TE systems are not devoid of challenges,
mental impacts associated with nonrenewable energy source and addressing these hurdles is crucial for their successful inte-
extraction and use. PV-TE systems generate energy from gration into the renewable energy landscape.
renewable sources, such as the sun, without requiring any One of the paramount challenges pertains to the availabil-
fuel or water, thereby lessening the environmental impact ity of data for machine learning models. The integration of
of resource extraction and consumption. Furthermore, PV- machine learning techniques to optimize PV-TE systems relies
TE systems can aid in sustainable building and urban design. heavily on robust, high-quality data. These models require
For instance, PV-TE systems can be integrated into the extensive datasets for training and validation to make accurate
facades and roofs of buildings, reducing the need for tradi- predictions and decisions. However, acquiring such datasets
tional building materials and lowering energy consumption. for PV-TE systems can be an intricate task. Unlike mature
Additionally, PV-TE systems can provide decentralized and technologies with established datasets, PV-TE systems are rel-
off-grid energy access to remote and underserved communi- atively nascent, and comprehensive data might be limited.
ties, reducing the environmental impact of energy transpor- This scarcity poses a hurdle for researchers aiming to employ
tation and distribution. The environmental benefits of PV- data-driven optimization techniques effectively. To overcome
TE systems are significant and provide a strong impetus this challenge, future research endeavors in the PV-TE field
for further research and development. Investigating the lat- must prioritize the development of effective data collection
est advancements in PV-TE technologies with respect to strategies. This includes establishing standardized protocols
the environment can identify opportunities to maximize for data acquisition and sharing, potentially through collabo-
the environmental benefits of these systems while minimiz- rative efforts among research institutions and industry stake-
ing any potential negative impacts. A review by Kostić and holders. Additionally, efforts should be directed towards
Aleksić [186] summarizes the progress and potential of creating simulation datasets [188] that can supplement the
PV/T water systems over the last decade, emphasizing their lack of real-world data, enabling researchers to explore and
ability to convert solar radiation into thermal and electrical refine machine learning models.
energy simultaneously, making them a suitable alternative Another significant challenge is the complexity of exper-
for a range of applications, and stressing the need for imentation and modeling. Achieving an optimal balance
improving their efficiency, reducing costs, and promoting between extensive experimentation and detailed modeling
clean and environmentally friendly energy. Also, Jia et al. is an ongoing struggle. Experimental validation is resource-
[187] reviewed various research works on photovoltaic- intensive and time-consuming, particularly when dealing
thermal (PV/T) systems, including their development and with complex PV-TE systems. Conversely, relying solely on
applications under different environmental conditions, high- modeling can lead to overly simplified representations that
lighting the need for accurate modeling, exploration of new do not capture the intricacies of real-world operation. In
materials, enhancement of system stability, and the design response to this challenge, researchers must embrace a holistic
of energy storage systems to develop novel PV/T systems for approach. Future investigations should aim to strike a harmo-
improved energy efficiency. Notwithstanding its comprehen- nious equilibrium between experimentation and modeling.
sive coverage of PV/T systems, this review article fell short in This involves designing experiments that are purposefully
International Journal of Energy Research 21

aligned with the objectives of the modeling efforts. By doing ranging from the use of various algorithms such as ANN,
so, researchers can maximize the utility of their experiments DNN, and Snake Optimizer. The integration of thermoelec-
while harnessing the predictive power of modeling to explore tric modules into tandem perovskite silicon solar cells also
system behavior under various conditions. presents an opportunity for improving system efficiency.
Furthermore, the sustainability of PV-TE systems hinges The review paper suggests various potential directions
not only on their technical prowess but also on economic via- for future research to advance the field of photovoltaic-
bility. An important concern lies in the cost and energy effi- thermoelectric (PV-TE) technologies. One possible gap is
ciency of thermoelectric systems, especially when combined the development of new phase change materials (PCMs)
with already expensive PV systems. The added expense and with improved thermal properties that are better suited for
potential compromises in energy efficiency could raise ques- use in PV-TE systems. Another area for exploration is the
tions about the long-term sustainability of PV-TE technology further optimization of machine learning techniques to effi-
in real-world applications. In this context, the review work val- ciently optimize PV-TE systems using more diverse algo-
idates the need for rigorous economic and environmental rithms as only a few have been explored. Additionally, the
assessments of PV-TE systems. While the review discusses integration of thermoelectric modules into other types of
the potential advantages of PV-TE, it also calls attention to solar cells may enhance their efficiency and is worth investi-
the importance of evaluating their economic and environmen- gating. Finally, conducting more experimental studies to val-
tal impacts comprehensively [189]. This includes considering idate simulation results obtained from software tools such as
factors such as the initial investment, maintenance costs, and COMSOL and ANSYS could improve our understanding of
energy efficiency gains while also assessing the potential for these complex systems. Pursuing these future directions has
reducing greenhouse gas emissions. the potential to advance the field of PV-TE technologies and
However, this review mentions other techniques like PV/ make them more applicable to real-world applications.
T systems and PV cooling, which have been extensively In summary, the advancements in PV-TE technologies
researched and shown satisfactory outcomes in enhancing have taken a crucial step towards achieving sustainable and
overall PV system efficiency. These alternative approaches efficient energy generation. Ongoing research and develop-
may offer economically viable and energy-efficient solutions, ment in this area are highly recommended to further suggest
potentially competing with PV-TE systems in certain appli- more numerical and experimental optimization processes
cations. In the pursuit of sustainable energy solutions, it is for PV-TE systems.
imperative to not only focus on technological advancements
but also to critically evaluate the cost-effectiveness and Nomenclature
energy efficiency of these innovations. The review work pro-
vides a foundation for this assessment, highlighting the need T i: PCM initial temperature
for a balanced consideration of economic, environmental, T m: Melting temperature
and technical factors to determine the suitability and sus- C ps : Specific heat capacity in solid state
tainability of PV-TE systems in the broader context of C pl : Specific heat capacity in liquid state
renewable energy utilization. B: Melt fraction
l: Specific latent heat
8. Conclusion and Future Work Tf: Final temperature
n: Sample number
The integration of PV-TE technologies has the capability to λ: Regularization factor
transform renewable energy generation by addressing the φ: Mapping function
challenges of energy storage and efficiency. This review α: Seebeck coefficient
paper has provided a detailed overview of the latest advance- σ: Electrical conductivity
ments in PV-TE technologies, including the use of PCM for k: Thermal conductivity
thermal energy storage, the use of encapsulated PCM for zT: Thermoelectric figure of merit
thermal storage and efficiency, and the use of hybrid PCM η: Efficiency
to enhance overall performance, machine learning tech- P: Load
niques for efficient optimization, and the integration of ther- Heat absorbed at the hot side
moelectric modules into tandem perovskite silicon solar
T: Temperature
cells. The implementation of PCM has shown potential to
T h: Temperature on the hotter side
enhance the efficiency of PV-TE systems by storing surplus
T c: The temperature on the cooler side
energy produced during peak hours and releasing it during
w: Weight
low-demand hours. Encapsulation of PCM has also demon-
b: Bias.
strated the ability to enhance thermal conductivity and
decrease PCM leakage, thus improving overall system effi- Abbreviations
ciency. The use of hybrid PCM has the potential to enhance
system performance by balancing energy storage capacity PV: Photovoltaics
and thermal conductivity. Furthermore, machine learning TEM: Thermoelectric module
techniques have been successfully employed to optimize TEGs: Thermoelectric generators
PV-TE system performance with encouraging outcomes FEM: Finite element method
22 International Journal of Energy Research

ANSYS: Analysis of systems software Acknowledgments

COMSOL: Computational sciences and multiphysics
modeling software The authors are thankful to the Deanship of Postgraduate
CFD: Computational fluid dynamics Studies and Scientific Research under the supervision of
ML: Machine learning the Scientific and Engineering Research Centre at Najran
PV-TE: Photovoltaic thermoelectric University for funding this work under the Research Centres
TES: Thermal energy storage funding program grant code NU/RCP/SERC/12/14; the
PCM: Phase change material Deanship of Scientific Research at King Faisal University
STEG: Solar thermoelectric generator for funding this work under the Research Collaboration
LHSS: Latent heat storage system Funding program grant number 5482; the Deanship of
Q: Heat flow (W) Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research at Majmaah
PCES: Phase change energy storage University for funding this research work through the pro-
SL: Supervised learning ject number (R-2024-929); and the Deanship of Scientific
SVM: Support vector machines Research at Shaqra University for supporting this work.
USL: Unsupervised learning The ADU author acknowledges the financial support from
BIPV: Building integrated photovoltaic Abu Dhabi University’s Office of Research and Sponsored
mPCM: Microencapsulated phase change material Programs (Grant number: 19300791).
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CPV: Concentrated photovoltaic References
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